
  • I went to a dine in Pizza Hut in 2023 – Nathan Barnatt

    Nathan Barnatt has to be in my top ten most hated people. And now he has a thick moustache to REALLY drive home the message that he’s gay. Hey…WE KNOW! You don’t need to advertise so aggressively.

    So he’s going to a Pizza Hut in Eugene, Oregon where you can dine in. Is this not how Pizza Huts are? I only went to a Pizza Hut once. There weren’t any nearby in any place in the US that I’ve lived. They’re sit down restaurants in the UK, though. You can also order for delivery but it’s not from the restaurant, it’s from some weird black site. It could just be somebody’s house. I don’t know. But it’s definitely not from the restaurants. I think that they even say this on the website.

    Anyway, I’ve been to Pizza Huts in the UK several times. It’s just a normal fast food type pizza place. You sit down, there’s a salad bar, there’s a drinks machine, and they bring you your pizza. Who cares?

    He ordered a vegetarian pizza. Because he’s fucking gay.

    2:15 – “I’m only eating one piece. My training starts in two hours.”

    We get it, Nathan. You’re a gay man. You don’t have to keep reminding us.

    2:30 – “I think there’s only a handful of the dine-in locations left.”

    So what is the business model then? They only deliver? Well, I guess. That is how a lot of restaurants operate. Seems odd to me that Pizza Hut would do that, though.

    4:30 – “I don’t ever use salt or pepper or whatever that is…red pepper?”

    You like penises. Cool. Move on.

    That’s the video. He just said that he wished that he was in the 1980s again. Get your life together and then you won’t be so obsessed with old multi-national corporations.

    Then he leaves a comment, “I was under the assumption that these are rare. I never see them anymore. But apparently there are more on the east coast?”

    So are they rare or not?


    According to the scholarly source Quora, of which 90% of the users are from India, there aren’t any corporate-owned dine-in Pizza Huts any more. The only dine-in Pizza Huts now are owned by individual franchisees.

    Somebody says, “There are several in Georgia. The nearest to me is about three miles away. They didn’t even do delivery until a couple years ago; dine-in or takeout only.”

    That’s how I remember it. That’s why I was surprised when I came to the UK and saw that Pizza Hut delivered.


    It seems like they started closing in 2019 or so. And then covid surely provided a great excuse to accelerate the closings.

    My first job was delivering pizza. It was alright. I did it for a local mom and pop place. They’re still in business.

    I never had any interest in these multi-national corporations. The *nostalgia* for this shit totally baffles me.

    If we’re talking strictly pizza, and in the US, there’s surely a local place that makes better pizza than Domino’s or Pizza Hut or Papa John’s. I don’t care how small a town it is, there’s got to be a place that sells better pizza and probably for less money.

    The place I worked at is still in business and still looks exactly the same. Google reviews are all excellent, so the quality is still good. The website looks like it’s from 1998. Great. I’m glad to see that things are still going well for them.

    Isn’t this more meaningful than an attachment to a global corporation? I did my part to help this local restaurant out and serve the community. It wasn’t about lining the pockets of corporate shareholders.

    Oh, I found an amusing comment. “His eyes are soo pretty and his hands look so big omfg, r any other girls like obsessed with him??”

    I’ve got some bad news for you, Deathmaxine.

    This is a fake profile anyway. Look at this:


    Her banner is a picture of somebody (possibly her) in a thong.

    She says that she’s 19 and Australian.

    Her Instagram is here:


    Loads of pictures of her in underwear and she constantly advertises her OnlyFans.

    She’s also on Reddit.


    Ummm…some weird stuff on there. Check it out if you’re so inclined. But Nathan Barnatt is NOT so inclined.

    Anyway, she only posted that comment to advertise her shitty OnlyFans.

  • Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection – Cannot be Tamed

    0:15 – Pam says that the power in her building went out for the sixth time this month. Uh huh. I’ve never experienced this. Maybe pay your bills, Pam.

    Actually, saying that, I do remember power outages being somewhat common in the US. Not six times a month, certainly, but every so often the power would be out for everyone in the neighbourhood.

    I think that I might have experienced this once in the UK. Once in twenty years. I wonder why the discrepancy. Better power grid, I guess.

    1:00 – Pam says that she has about 300 to 350 games. Umm…yeah, that’s not much of a collection. I probably have…I don’t know…200? And that’s just stuff I’ve bought for personal use. PC and console games. Almost everything purchased before the age of 20. I never “collected” games.

    2:30 – Now a word from our sponsor…really? You’re putting an ad in THIS fucking pointless video? In a vlog?

    It’s a fucking “meal delivery service.” What? These retards don’t need more meals delivered to them.

    4:45 – She says “adult” like “add-ult”. Emphasis on the first sylable. Like they do in the UK, but don’t do in the US. It’s interesting. Presumably, this is the Canadian pronunciation. I can’t even think of any words where there’s a distinctly different Canadian pronunciation, though. Maybe this is the only one.

    5:00 – She wants to get a Mister.

    Oh, by the way, the reason she wants to sell the games is because she wants to use the money on something more interesting like a shitty vacation. And she doesn’t plan to ever play the games that she has.

    She’s probably adjusted her dress about 50 times so far. Maybe wear a dress that fits then, Pam. No, she wants to get those horntard pennies by showing some cleavage.

    9:30 – She doesn’t want to sell the games on Ebay because it’s too time-consuming. And she doesn’t want to sell them to a store as a lot because they won’t pay enough. So her plan is to go to a local nerd convention, get a table, and sell them there.

    What? Doesn’t it cost money to get a table? Plus the giant hassle of moving all of your shit, setting up your table, and removing all of your shit at the end of the nerd convention. Plus the time involved in sitting there all day. Plus having to interract with the nerds who go to these things. Plus, you have to have some degree of salesmanship. Pam has no salesmanship. Zero.

    People are going to recognise immediately that contempt that she has for these nerds and they’re not going to want to buy from her.

    I’ll tell you what she should be selling: her used underwear. Why is nobody doing this? Talk about leaving money on the table, this is it. She’s sitting on a goldmine with those filthy, skid-marked panties. Autograph them. Include a picture of her with the panties. Either wearing them or just holding them, whatever she’s comfortable with. Easily fifty bucks each.

    She can go to the store and get a cheap package of panties. Like a package of six for ten bucks or whatever. Wear them once, just for authenticity sake. Take the picture, autograph them, and sell them to a horntard. Fifty bucks. Is that not worth it? A $1 pair of panties sold for $50.

    She can sell used bras as well, of course.

    You see these scumbags starting shitty OnlyFans. Even if the pictures are softcore (which nobody wants, by the way) it’s still degrading. This used underwear thing is much less degrading and I would think more lucrative.

    I’m looking through the comments and somebody gave her $2.00 for NOTHING. He didn’t even leave a comment. He just gave her $2.00.

    Are you telling me that he wouldn’t spend $50 for an autographed pair of Pam’s underpants?

    Wasn’t Horseface doing something like this? Not used underpants but she was giving Valentine’s Day cards to the horntards. I don’t know if they paid or not. Presumably, they paid. Why else would she do that?

    I bet that even male Youtubers could do this, to some degree. You’re telling me that there’s no market to get a pair of Tony from Hack the Movie’s giant underpants? Even if only as a joke, somebody is surely going to buy at least one pair.

    Although, saying all of this, I don’t think that “merch” is at all popular. Nobody is buying Erin’s t-shirts, for example. But if it was something that she actually wore, and autographed, and especially if she included a picture of herself with them, and doubly especially if she was wearing the panties in the picture, I’m thinking that it would sell. The horntards want to feel a special connection with their favourite shitty Youtubers. This used underwear thing would be perfect.

    I don’t know. Somebody should at least try it. If Newt ever opens his long-promised store up, he should stick some used underpants on there and let me know if they sell.

  • Feminism, punishment and indoctrination (Episode 58) – Diskydisk with Ircha and Tinyhats

    I’m four minutes in and I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it’s good but it’s not bad. They’re both reasonably intelligent. They’re witty. I laughed twice just in this first four minutes. At things that were actually intended to be jokes. This is promising.

    I’m twenty minutes in. They talked about whatever. Previous comments on their videos. Pet insurance. They’re reviewing a sugary beverage now. It’s…fine. I’m not saying that I’m going to start listening to this because…I don’t know. I don’t find their mundane topics terribly interesting. But as personalities, as entertainers, as people, I like them.

    26:00 – So now they’re talking about feminism.

    Icha is saying that she doesn’t know what feminism is because there’s such a diverse range of opinions. I guess as an example you have “feminists” who talk about how porn is degrading and other “feminists” who say that it’s empowering. They’re both claiming to be feminists but have opposite views. You can do this with anything, really.

    It’s like people who use the bible to justify whatever they want to justify. You can have directly contradictory opinions both using the bible as their source.

    Or people who use patriotism to justify whatever. Again, you can have completely opposite opinions being espoused and it’s all packaged as patriotism.

    It means nothing. An argument is valid or it isn’t. When Horseface says that pornography is empowering, that’s just Horseface demonstrating her equine intellect. Just because she frames it in a “feminist” lens doesn’t mean that she’s any less incorrect.

    People say that the blog is sexist. No. I’m commenting on shitty people who happen to be women. I’m not claiming that people are shitty because they’re women.

    But weak-minded people use labels like this as a way to badger people as opposed to contending with the arguments. If you call somebody sexist or racist or homophobic or whatever, it’s just a way to deflect from the argument. Ad hominem logical fallacy. It’s much easier to say, “You’re sexist” than it is to justify Erin Plays’ scumbag behaviour, for example.

    29:00 – Tiny Hats (who is the non-Ircha person) gives the dictionary definition of “feminism” as meaning “equality” which doesn’t get us anywhere. Then she starts talking about how equality is important.

    Sure, but what does this have to do with feminism? If you’re interested in equality, join your local communist party. Men and women were very equal in the Soviet Union. Women were expected to do the same things as men and they had the same rights. This is the obvious agenda you should be pushing for if you’re interested in equality. But I don’t see feminists as particularly interested in communism. I’m sure that some are but as a group, I don’t think that there are many feminists who identify as communists.

    That tells me right there that this “feminism is equality” argument is total bullshit.

    And I’m not presenting this as a ridiculous argument. I’m genuniely supportive of equality and the sooner we topple the dictatorship of the capitalists and install a dictatorship of the proletariat, the better. But “feminists”, largely, are not supportive of this. They’re not interested in equality. They’re interested in perpetuating the inequality of society.

    29:30 – Ircha says that feminism isn’t relevant in Norway because men and women are already equal there. Norway is a very socialist country. This goes to what I’m saying.

    Tiny Hats: But it goes beyond work. Like with sexual assaults, women will say “I was raped” and then the courts are like, “You shouldn’t have worn a short skirt.”

    Ircha: Does the court say that?

    Tiny Hats: Yeah, that happens.

    Ircha: Really?

    Tiny Hats: Yeah. So people don’t get convicted of sexual assault becase, you know, “She was asking for it.”

    Ircha: Citation?

    Tiny Hats: No. This is a thing.

    Ircha: Mmm.

    Ircha isn’t buying this nonsense. Give the citations if it’s a thing.

    Then they talk some more about…I don’t know…other shit. Beating your children, the Barbie movie, Final Fantasy, whatever.

    It was fine. They prepared. They had stuff to say. They were intelligent and engaging. But I don’t know. It’s just a podcast where they talk about whatever they want to talk about. They have some loyal horntards watching it. I don’t really have any suggestions. If I listened to podcasts where people just talk about whatever, this would be the one that I would listen to. But I don’t listen to such podcasts.

    I wouldn’t recommend that they talk about video games, though, because that’s boring as fuck.

    I’ll tell you what this can be compared to: Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining and Pele’s podcast. It’s the same basic format. They talk about whatever, there’s a drink review, and they talk about video games and movies.

    But while Pam and Pele’s podcast is UNWATCHABLE and Pam is an extremely off-putting and just boring personality, Ircha and TinyHats are likeable and have personality. And they have opinions and aren’t afraid to voice them.

    Pam and Pele never say shit. They talk about hot actors and actresses but I’m talking about giving opinions on issues that matter. Even if their opinions are complete bullshit, give us something. Not just this surface level, “Here’s a game that I like, and I want to have sex with this actress.”

    I wouldn’t mind Pam going off with her “woke” nonsense. That might actually make the podcast worth listening to. Maybe Pele has a different opinion and they can have a discussion about it.

    This is something that you get with whatever this is Diskydisk. Two people having a discussion. And it doesn’t insult my intelligence.

    This is something noticeably absent from all of the podcasts that I talk about here: Hack the Movies, The Cinemassacre Podcast, Newt’s livestreams with PVC Bondage Guy, Zap Cristal’s podcast, Pam and Pele’s podcast. Just have a discussion like two normal, semi-intelligent adults. They can’t do it.

    I don’t know why it is. Cultural differences? Are Americans less intelligent than Europeans? Less able to have a worthwhile conversation? Or is it because I just picked duds?

    I mean, Tony, James Rolfe, Newt, PVC Bondage Guy, Zap Cristal, Mr Wright Way II, Pam, none of these people are particularly intelligent. Some of them are clearly below average in intelligence, I won’t name names but you know who you are. So it perhaps explains why they’re having such braindead conversations.

    Anyway, Diskydisk, keep up the good work. You’re a beacon of hope in a sea of mediocrity.

  • Just Take A Chance – Zap Cristal

    So we’ve got Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal with Mr Wright Way II. It’s episode 3 of their podcast. I skipped the second one because it looked boring as fuck. But this one promises to be about taking chances in life. She’s going to share her own life-changing experiences. Okay, great. Let’s hear what amazing changes you’ve made in your life. Inspire us.

    Oh, somebody in the comments asks Zap if she got divorced from Mr Wright Way. Zap says yes and she got re-married. God, she moves incredibly fast. I thought that she was just dating Mr Wright Way II. No. Within the span of about six months, she divorced Mr Wright Way and married Mr Wright Way II. How? They must have known each other while Zap was still married. You can’t have that much of a whirlwind relationship. The second she gets divorced, she immediately meets Mr Wright Way II and they begin courting?

    And…let me look this up. I want to make sure the dates are right.

    She seems to have deleted a lot of videos that had Mr Wright Way in them. Including this one that I reviewed in August 2021:

    So they were together at least from August 2021.

    John Riggs promoted Zap Cristal in January 2022 and in the video, Mr Wright Way is in it as well.

    Then there’s this video from Zap Cristal’s channel:

    That’s from 23 August 2022. And she’s at a nerd convention with Mr Wright Way. So she was with him at least as recently as 11 months ago.

    This seems to be the most recent video I can find of them together but I haven’t done extensive reasearch on this.

    You’re telling me that in 11 months Zap Cristal separated from Mr Wright Way, got a divorce, met Mr Wright Way II, and married Mr Wright Way II? All within 11 months? Don’t divorces take some considerable time? Don’t you have to be separated for a certain period of time before you can get divorced? Maybe you don’t. I don’t know. But doesn’t the legal process at least take some considerable time?

    Then she met Mr Wright Way II. They had a romance. And got married. Doesn’t a marriage take some time to plan and whatever? I’m not saying that they necessarily had a big church wedding and invited everyone’s friends and family but…she did all of this within 11 months?

    Let’s say that she knew Mr Wright Way II while she was still married to Mr Wright Way. Because that almost certainly has to be the case. I strongly suspect, given the dates, that she was cheating on Mr Wright Way with Mr Wright Way II. It’s STILL a ridiculously short amount of time to get separated, divorced, and then re-married.

    What a fucking piece of shit scumbag she is.

    Maybe she’ll explain some of this in the video.

    There’s annoying background music through all of this. Let’s hope it ends soon.

    They’re talking about video games. I’m going to fast forward through this.

    3:30 – Mr Wright Way II says that he owns (or something) a music studio that makes “music for gamers”. Eugh. And his next album is called All About You. It’s going to be about how he met Zap Cristal.

    Are you fucking kidding me? This thing won’t sell ten copies. And he’s going to make a whole ALBUM on this?

    “This album is going to be about how I met Zap Cristal, how I fell in love with Zap Cristal, and how that story ends.”

    What? How it ends? It’s going to end in about six months when she meets Mr Wright Way III.

    How the fuck can this guy get an ENTIRE ALBUM worth of songs out of this material? Out of this relationship that, assuming Zap Cristal stayed true to her marital vows, can’t have lasted even a year.

    Now I’m actually intrigued. Maybe I will buy the album. I’m not interested in the obvious love story here, I just have to know time-wise how this all fits together.

    4:30 – He’s also working on an album from Zap Cristal. He claims it’s going to be a part 2 to his project.

    So…what? They’re able to get TWO ALBUMS out of this relationship that lasted less than a year? Come on. Let’s say 12 tracks on an album. That’s 24 songs. They’re going to have a song based on every date that they went on? There will be a song about the time they went bowling and got some pizza together with Zap’s son, for example?

    Oh, and the songs are all video-game related too. So…god, this is the world’s worst idea. I’ve heard some terrible ideas. I’m looking at you, Newt Wallen. But I think that we have a new champion here.

    I found a preview of these albums:

    “Just like a Tetris block, girl, you put it down.”

    I don’t know what it means but tell me who the fucking market is for this. Middle aged hip hop retro gamers who are big Zap Cristal fans? Is there even ONE such person?

    I don’t even know if it’s him “singing” this. It’s definitely not Zap Cristal singing on “her” album.

    You can follow this fool’s…whatever this is…here:


    One thousand followers.

    7:00 – “It’s exciting that we get to still be creative and experiment and just fuse both of our…I like to call it masterminds.”

    Indeed. We’re clearly watching a couple of intellectual juggernauts here.

    I was watching a recent eight hour Mario stream from Mike Matei. He doesn’t like the puzzle levels. They frustrate him. He ends up feeling stupid. So he’s playing one and can’t figure out what to do right away so he turns it off and says, “What do they think I am? Albert Einstein?” I was just reminded of this. Mike thinking that you have to be a genius to play a Mario puzzle level.

    7:15 – Now it’s Zap Cristal’s favourite part of the podcast. On episode three. RE-set.

    “Sometimes you just have to take a chance. You have to go for it.”

    Okay. This is what I was waiting for. Those albums though…I’m glad I heard about that preposterous shit.

    8:45 – Mr Wright Way II says that he’s not from Texas. He’s from Virginia. Umm…okay. Continue.

    “This story goes back about two years.”

    He started his music channel on Youtube two years ago. 518 subscribers, by the way.

    “Through that journey, I met somebody special.”

    So…at what point during this two years? While she was still married to Mr Wright Way? It had to have been.

    9:45 – “At the time, we both had our own situations going on.”

    So this confirms it. They were both married at the time. He refers to marriage as “situations”.

    She helped him with his Youtube channel.

    He wrote a song called 3DS a year ago as a way to woo Zap Cristal. Forget about how pathetic is. She was married at the time. So was he, presumably.

    Then this piece of shit says that both of them were in “unhealthy” “situations”. Yeah. Because of you scumbags. You were the “unhealthy” ones in these “situations”. Even without knowing this guy’s wife, I can say with certainty that 100% of the “unhealthiness” comes from Mr Wright Way II.

    Then he says that he fell in love with Zap Cristal, even before meeting her, and decided to move in with her.

    Nobody is embarassed by this? It screams desperation on Zap Cristal’s part. And it screams predatory behaviour by Mr Wright Way II. Moving in with a woman he doesn’t even know?

    So one day, Zap Cristal told this guy that he could move in with her, so he says that the next day, he moved all of his stuff and did just that. Didn’t he have a job? And he had so little that he could just move everything in one day?

    He’s a fucking loser. He’s a loser who preys on desperate women. He just wants a place to live. He wants a woman to pay his bills. He refuses to get a job.

    By the way, music plays through this entire podcast. It’s AWFUL.

    14:00 – Mr Wright Way II starts talking about how much Zap’s channel has “blown up”. She has 6,000 subscribers.

    He just keeps blowing smoke up her ass. This is what he’s been doing the whole video. Really lame pick up artist shit. And Zap is braindead enough to buy this shit. She fell for this guy’s con. All that he wants is a place to live and for a woman to pay his bills. And she agreed to this just because he constantly tells her how hot and amazing she is. It’s ridiculously transparent. This guy is a parasite. This guy embodies among the worst stereotypes of black men. And Zap Cristal is the stereotypical target of these black men: fat, non-black chicks with low self-esteem.

    16:15 – Zap says that in 2018 she was living in Puerto Rico? Really? That’s surprising. She said that she was from New Jersey. Why was she in Puerto Rico? Nothing is explained.

    18:00 – She went to Texas in 2018 after some hurricane in Puerto Rico.

    So…let’s think about this. She must have met Mr Wright Way in 2018 at the earliest. And she divorced him in 2022. She must have married him shortly after meeting him too. She makes remarkably poor decisions. She marries any black guy who pays attention to her.

    She also says that she got out of a “toxic” relationship. This was with a different guy. Before Mr Wright Way.

    But then she talks about how Mr Wright Way was also a piece of shit. Why is everybody who she meets a piece of shit? The common denominator seems to be her. She’s picking these guys. Why does she pick such “toxic” men? She needs to accept the responsibility for her choices.

    19:45 – Then she decided to start all over again, “Not only in my personal life but as a content creator.”

    It’s never explained what Mr Wright Way did that was so “toxic”. But she’s constantly talking about having to “start over” every few years.

    Here’s an idea, Zap: stop getting married to black men. Well, let’s not make this a race thing. Stop getting married at all. Do something else with your time. Focus on you and your son. Don’t marry every guy who says you’re hot.

    She says that 2018 to 2022 have been the worst time of her life because she was in this “toxic” relationship with Mr Wright Way and…her Youtube videos weren’t what they wanted them to be. Not even making that up. But 2023 is the year of Zap Cristal because she’s with Mr Wright Way II now and she’s making the kind of Youtube videos that she wants to make.

    But…still nobody is watching them. So this whole thing is insane.

    What about jobs, Zap? Do you have any career aspirations?

    21:30 –

    Zap: The support has been incredible. At some point, I think I might have underestimated how much people truly love me.

    Mr Wright Way II: I think we both did.

    I’m not quite sure what Mr Wright Way II meant by that comment but yeah. Zap was just overwhelmed with how much love she gets from her community.

    This video got seven comments.

    I have to turn this off. I made it to 23:45. All she’s doing is repeating herself and this music is driving me insane. Who the fuck thought that putting music throughout a podcast would be a good idea?

    But this was her big philosophical revelation about “taking chances”. She started a podcast (which gets no views) and married this predatory hobo Mr Wright Way II. That’s it. Whoopdeedoo. No mention of a job. No mention of her son. Just her shitty Youtube channel and Mr Wright Way II.

    She was talking about living in Puerto Rico and having to collect water from a river to wash her clothes and whatnot after the hurricane. This was in 2017.

    She should have stayed in Puerto Rico. Because you see the awful decisions that she made since arriving in Texas. She immediately got into one “toxic” relationship, presumably with a black guy. Then she got into a relationship with Mr Wright Way, another “toxic” black guy, according to her. And now she’s with Mr Wright Way II, yet another toxic black guy.

    I mean, she was undoubtedly making horrible decisions on Puerto Rico too. But at least it wasn’t with black guys. Her son appears to have the same skin tone as she has. So she was making poor decisions with Puerto Rican guys, presumably.

    It’s pathetic. And nobody is watching these videos. And she’s gained 70 pounds since leaving Mr Wright Way. That’s not going to help her views.

    You can’t just bounce from one black man to another. That’s not what life is about. She’s immediately marrying these men as well. Why? Why not just be in a relationship? Is she deeply religious? Isn’t divorce frowned upon in Christianity? Catholicism at least. I don’t know about those hillbilly churches.

    Mr Wright Way II will be out of the picture within 12 months. I’m calling it here. Then she’ll be on to Mr Wright Way III. Who will that be? Maybe Super Geoff, the legitimate mentally retarded black guy who’s a superfan of Erin and Destiny Fomo.


    Or what about…there was some obese black guy who commented a bunch on Horseface’s Twitter. I think it’s this guy:


    Oh, Radical Reggie. He’d be a good choice. There was something about him sleeping on an air matress or something because he spent all of his money on video games. I don’t know the veracity of this story. But Zap Cristal has a bed. I’m sure she’d be happy to share it with Radical Reggie and he gets a bed out of it. It’s win/win.

    So we’ve got some real contenders to be Mr Wright Way III. Maybe she’ll throw us a curveball and it will be John Riggs in a deep tan.

  • The Original Willy Wonka Needs No Prequel! Guest: Josie from Fishtank – Tony from Hack the Movies

    I’ve actually seen the movie so maybe I can get through some of this.

    But what the fuck is this? Why is he doing this by Skype or whatever now? And why is this the co-host? This Chinese woman? What does she know about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

    According to the description, she’s never seen the movie. And if you go to the links for her social media, she’s 21. Why the fuck is this the guest? Somebody who’s never seen the movie?

    At first, I thought that he was doing this by Skype because he lined up some expert on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory who didn’t live nearby so they had to this by Skype. Okay, fine. But no. It’s this 21 year old woman who knows nothing about the movie.

    Tony quit his job to make these videos. This is not going to be a success. He’s not going to make money off of this. He makes horrible decisions and the videos are unwatchable.

    And with respect to this woman, she’s not even a hot chick. Here’s her Youtube channel, which, oddly, is not linked to in the description:


    She makes some kind of “comedy” videos but, no discourtesy intended, the videos are as funny as cancer. I know that she’s trying but come on. This is some of that awful female “comedy” that nobody enjoys.

    She only has a few videos but apparently she’s trying to get back into it. She’s livestreaming a lot, for example. Trying to get those horntard pennies. Are horntards interested in goth Chinese women?

    I’ll tell you who Tony needs as a guest if he’s trying to pull in the Asian-loving horntards: that fucking woman who was in that AVGN episode where they did the Gordon Ramsay parody. Apparently, she works or worked at Screenwave. She also modeled their t-shirts. I wrote about her a few times. Every time I saw her. Let me see if I can find a reference.

    Get that fucking chubby Asian woman to do the podcast.

    Maybe I should start a podcast with that chubby Asian woman. But what could the topic be? She presumably doesn’t know much or care about the Youtubers who I cover. And the only thing that I know about her is that she’s a chubby Asian woman. Food? We can do a podcast about food? I don’t know. We can work out the details later.

    0:30 – So she introduces herself. Zero charisma. ZERO.

    I don’t want to be too harsh on her. She’s 21, she’s trying to milk horntards for money, and Tony asked her to do this. So it’s not really her that I’m criticising. I’m criticising Tony. He’s the fucking retard who thought that it was a good idea to bring this charisma black hole onto the show. And to what end? Is she going to increase views? This fucking plain looking Asian woman? There are a billion better looking Asian women, not to be racist or anything, but we can all look up the statistics. There are a lot of Chinese people out there. Almost all of them look better than this woman.

    Not that she’s unattractive but…really? THIS? This goth Chinese woman. This is what’s going to make the channel a hit?

    Tony says that “fans” of this woman will understand why he wanted her to do this episode. WHAT FANS? She only started making videos again within the past month. And they do get a surprising amount of views. Maybe 20,000 on average. But I can’t figure out from what. She has an art Instagram that I can’t open.

    1:15 – Tony mentions that the movie is based off of the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but doesn’t mention the important trivia as to why they changed the name for the movie. It’s because the movie was released in the 1970s, during the Vietnam War, and “Charlie” was a popular racial slur for the Vietnamese. A reference to Charlie Chan. This would have been a good reference to include in this episode. We could get some feedback from this woman if she finds the term “Charlie” to be insulting. Because as far as racial slurs go, it’s pretty lame. Who cares? Charlie Chan was a popular character for many years. In fact, many contemporary Asian people liked the character.

    I’m three minutes in and losing the will to live. Tony is loud and this woman has nothing to say and knows nothing about the movie.

    Okay, I’m turning this off now. I made it to the eight minute mark. I tried to make it to ten minutes but I just couldn’t. UNWATCHABLE, TONY.

    He couldn’t get fucking Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory right. From somebody who, like me, enjoys the movie.

    I don’t want to be too harsh but this woman…holy shit. She’s like Jess the Intern if Jess the Intern was really nervous. Absolutely horrendous. She might be a pleasant person, I’m not making any comment on her character, and maybe one day, if she works on her podcasting skills, she can become halfway decent at this. But she’s a long way from halfway decent at the moment.

    So Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I have a lot to say about it. And I wanted to intersperse my ancedotes with the fucking review. But I couldn’t. UNWATCHABLE, TONY! So I’ll just have to put them all out there now.

    I saw the movie at least once, possibly twice in school. Actually, have I told this story before? I have not. But I briefly mentioned the film twice before:

    I saw the movie in maybe the fourth grade. It was in the school auditorium. Once a year, we’d see a movie in there. It was always some piece of shit. The Shaggy Dog. The Shaggy DA. The Red Balloon. What a pretentious piece of shit The Red Balloon is.

    One year, we watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. I enjoyed it. It was the only good movie we saw in school. Fuck The Shaggy Dog and all of its shitty sequels.

    The tunnel scene was scary, of course. But otherwise, it was a magical movie full of wonderment and adventure.

    I’ve probably seen it ten times subsequently and it still holds up.

    Wait, maybe I don’t have a lot to say about it. I only wanted to talk about Charlie’s hair looking like a wig and that the film was intentionally made to look like it had an ambiguous setting but I’ve already covered those two topics in the previous posts that I’ve linked to.

    How am I going to pad this out then? Oh, maybe I should check the comments. Maybe people are roasting that woman.

    • “OMG Mint Salad has turned Asian. Cancel Tony”
    • “I never imagined Tony would have a guest on that would make me miss Crystal.”
    • “Lame guest. Do better Tony”
    • “Being from UK I have no idea who this Josie is or what Fishtank is. TBH it looks awful.”
    • “that was an odd guest…who doesn’t know how many grandparents someone would possibly have?”
    • “Josie legit had nothing interesting to say. Maybe you should’ve got somebody who actually grew up w the movie”
    • “Im getting short bus vibes from your awful choice of cohost this week”
    • “Mintsalad is too busy posting spicy pics, so Tony had to find a new Mintsalad.”
    • “I cant do it. Im tapping out… Youre on a looooooooong ass rant about some other wierd show that has the tiniest connection to the movie…. This shoulda been a private zoom call where you just asked her what you wanted to know. Bad co-host choice makes a bad show”
    • “Ive got nothing nice to say about this cohost… But the list of bad things deeper than a river of chocolate. Give her a fizzy pop and send her on her way.”
    • “Tony you picked the absolute worse person to riff a movie. She’s clearly an autist who’s not into pop culture and doesn’t know most of the references you bring up. You carried the show cz she’s lame AF!”
    • “I don’t know if I can make it to the end… She’s so boring.”

    So yeah, everybody agrees that she’s awful.

    But from what I can figure out, she was on a tv show called Fish Tank. Or Fishtank. Or maybe it was just an internet show? I don’t know. It’s not noteworthy enough for Wikipedia, as far as I can determine.

    And it was a show where they livestreamed from people’s…bedrooms? I guess? Like Big Brother. Or Voyeur Dorm.


    Here’s the Youtube channel. They have less than 10,000 subscribers.

    Anyway, I’m glad that I stopped when I did. Never again. You can’t have fucking shit guests like this on the show and expect people to continue to watch. People have limits to how much shit they put up with. They’re not going to devote 60 to 90 minutes of their life to watch a fucking Youtube show every week when you’re insulting them with these fucking god awful guests. Don’t waste my time with this shit. Have respect for the audience.

    Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They ruined Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If it was one of their usual shitty horror movies that they “review” that would be one thing. But they ruined one of the greatest movies of all time. And it has mass appeal. And he obviously chose this movie to try to get clicks from the upcoming prequel or whatever. And he has this fucking zombie on as the guest.

    Maybe it’s time to let bygones be bygones and let Newt back on the show. Sure, he plagiarised a few dozen scripts for Monster Madness and he called you a fat loser or whatever it is that he said but we all make mistakes. Let’s see a merger of Schlock & Awe and Hack the Movies. You two can put your “creative talents” together and start making something good. Or least watchable. Because these Hack the Movie things…come on. TERRIBLE.

    And I don’t want fucking Horseface involved. I suppose that that could be a difficulty. Because if Newt and Tony ever forgive each other and start making videos again, you just know that Horseface is going to be involved. And she’s AWFUL at the best of times but she was particularly bad when Newt was on the show. She brought out all of the worst qualities of Newt. She was so awful that she made him awful.

    Tony and Newt. That’s the show. Don’t bring anybody else on. No third host.

    Or continue your terrible show as you’ve been doing it and continue to alienate viewers with these horrendous guests.

  • MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Dead Reckoning (Part 1) Review – Newt Wallen

    I’m only watching this because somebody in the comments suggets that Newt talks about Horseface not accepting his apology.

    10:30 – They were talking about this movie for the past ten minutes and then:

    Newt: Because that’s where Cerebro basically is. Oh, that would be cool if there was an all-back X-Men and it was called Cerebro.

    PVC: Oh. Okay.

    I have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about or if I got the spelling right but some more of that delightful racism from The Ideas Man.

    There’s good lighting in this video, though. This isn’t something that I’ve ever mentioned, I’m not some lighting-obsessed nerd, but I don’t know. I like the lighting here. They’re in a theatre where Newt works. PVC Bondage Guy is here too, by the way. She’s wearing a mesh top.

    23:15 – PVC Bondage Guy decides that we need to see a close up of her armpit so she grabs a Dr Pepper from behind the camera. She was doing some other weird stuff during this video too. Oh, I remember. She was pulling at her eyelashes and trying to crack her neck. Does she know that this is being recorded?

    Anyway, I haven’t had a Dr Pepper in years. I think that I was in my 20s when I first had one. I always avoided it because the name is terrible. I don’t want a sugary beverage that has pepper in it. But then when I had one, I thought, “Why was I drinking Coke and Pepsi for all of these years? Dr Pepper is clearly the superior beverage.”

    26:30 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “I’m just here to hang out with Newt. I don’t care about Mission Impossible.”

    It reminds me when I’d ask my girlfriend to go to the cinema with me and she always shot down my movie suggestion. “I don’t want to see that. Let me look for something else.” And then she never found anything else. She always went with my original idea.

    This would happen every single time. So first she was rude by saying that she doesn’t want to see the movie that I chose and then she was lazy as fuck by refusing to find anything that she’d prefer seeing.

    So I would tell her, look, it’s not about the movie. I don’t care what we see. It’s about spending time together.

    She never got it. PVC Bondage Guy gets it, though.

    30:15 – Newt says that in 2001 he, “Made all the staff get dressed on Halloween.”

    What an asshole. As if working in a cinema for minimum wage isn’t degrading enough, he also makes them wear stupid costumes.

    32:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “I’ve been a little off for a few days.” Newt says, “I know.”

    She’s mentally ill and having some episode and creepy Newt over here is perfectly fine with continuing to creep on her.

    So I’ve watched the whole video and not a single mention of people not accepting apologies. What the fuck JoshuaWeirdo talking about when he said this:

    • If they won’t accept your apology, then it’s their loss. Your a great guy who’s funny and super creative. And I hope you know your worth. Keep on being awesome my friend.”

    And then Newt responded with, “They refused my many apology attempts so now its just a joke”

    I was basing the whole fucking article on this promise of discussion about apologies.

    Puppet Plan 9 From Outer Space being filmed in 2024. Allegedly.

    He also tweeted about reaching the 11,300 subscriber milestone on Youtube. Fuck off.

    Let’s see how the blog is doing.

    Ummm…marginal improvement, I guess? Three months ago, when I re-started the blog, I was getting about 50 viewers a day. That’s individual users, not hits. Now I’m getting about 70 a day.

    Oh, Twitter has a new logo. Erin will be panicking over that. “If Twitter ever goes down, remember that I’m also on Lines” or whatever the fuck she’s talking about now. Erin, relax. You’re never going to make money off of this. It’s fine. Go get a job.

    I’m thinking of starting a Google Plus account. Oh, it was shut down in 2019.

    What about classmates dot com? It seems to still be around but now it’s mostly a place to view bootleg yearbooks.

    I remember I had a password to classmates dot com that I just found from some guy giving his password out to anyone who wants to use it. So with the account, you were able to message other people who had accounts. This was before MySpace or Facebook or any of that shit so it was a novel thing to be able to message people who you went to school with. I didn’t actually message anyone, though. There was some other benefit to having that password but I don’t remember what it was. Maybe people were able to write a short bio for themselves and you were able to read it if you had an account.

    Or what about those sites where you could rate people’s pictures? And then they had porn ones like ratemyboobs or ratemyimplants. The latter was sort of a support group for women who got breast implants or were thinking of getting them. They’d talk about the various surgery options and how big they should go and whatnot. And it was also a place to go to jerk off to tits. So something for everyone.

    There was also that site…boobscan dot com or something. This was way before smart phones and even digital cameras were in their infancy. But people had scanners. Today, the only reason anyone gets a scanner is to scan documents, if this is something that you need for whatever reason, but back in the day, the main reason to get a scanner was to scan photos so that you can put them online. Like photos that you took with your film camera that required going to the drug store to get developed.

    But you could also just smash your tits into the scanner and hit “scan” and that worked too. So people would do that and then you could rate the pictures. Most of them were gross but eventually people realised that if you would just lightly rest your tits on the scanner, you could get some decent stroke-worthy pictures from that.

  • LIFE UPDATE – I don’t know what to do in this situation – Ircha Gaming

    0:00 – She promises a philosophical discussion about life. Alright, let’s hear it.

    So far she’s just talking about how her house is a mess (it isn’t) and she’s playing Diablo 4. Come on. When does the philosophy start?

    1:00 – She’s driving to the store to purchase a microphone. I’m starting to despair.

    Oh, she has a podcast called DiskyDisk with her lesbian friend. Wait, I shouldn’t say that. I think that this woman mentioned having a boyfriend before. Well, her friend with the crew cut.

    1:45 – Now she’s at her neighbour’s home…for some reason…and he says that he has to pee. If you’re not understanding what’s going on, it’s not because I’m leaving out any important details. This is the video. Just random shit happening with no explanation.

    He’s drinking alcohol and playing Zelda.

    2:30 – “New day, new possibilities. I’m going to try to get a new microphone arm.”

    God, this is lame as fuck. This is the LAMEST PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSION I’VE EVER HEARD. Nobody cares about the philosophical implications of purchasing a microphone stand. Just go on fucking Amazon if you can’t find one in a store.

    “Today is the hottest day in Harstad(?) ever. There’s no way you can wear pants today.”

    Oh baby. Take the pants off Ircha. In that sweltering Harstad(?) weather. I don’t even know if she’s saying Harstad. It was something like “Harshtar”.

    So now she’s talking about her sick cat. Spoiler: the cat dies. She mentions this in the comments.

    4:00 – Footage of her cat. He’s dragging himself around. Back legs don’t work. Some spinal infection.

    The cat makes a mess while defecating so requires a lot of cleaning. So this is basically why she had him euthanised. That’s a typical reason why pets get put down. You don’t want to clean shit every day. But it’s not really a debilitating thing. It’s not like the pet is in pain. So it’s a grey area. Are you going to kill a cat just because you don’t want to clean him every day?

    When I was a kid, I had a dog who had epilepsy and he would shit himself when he was having bad days and he wasn’t properly cared for, he wasn’t cleaned enough, and he spent the last few years of his life alone in the centipede-infested basement because my mother didn’t want to care for him. I was already moved out by then.

    So it’s because of that experience that I’ll never get a pet. That poor dog. And it’s just because my scumbag mother didn’t want to take care of him. She didn’t take care of her own children, why would she take care of a dog? Euthanising that dog would have been the preferable option to living like he did, with the gross neglect.

    6:30 – She says that you should subscribe to her podcast channel DiskyDisk. The latest video is about feminism. I definitely have to put this on my to do list. They’re up to 58 episodes and that latest video got 700 views.

    That’s the video. The only “philosophy” mentioned was around whether or not to euthanise her cat. I suppose there are philosophical elements to that.

  • Trying Not To Listen to My Trash Brain – PushingUpRoses

    If you don’t know who Pushing Up Roses is, she’s a mentally ill fat woman with no job who used to make videos about video games, then made videos about Goosebumps and Murder She Wrote, but for the past few years mostly makes pretentious and self-obsessed videos about herself, her shitty “art”, and her seemingly endless struggles with mental health.

    We’re getting treated to a mental health video this time. She’s absolutely insufferable, by the way.

    She doesn’t appear in the video. She’s just showing her art. If you want to see more of her art, consider “supporting” her on Patreon. She promotes her Patreon CONSTANTLY. How about you just get a job and support yourself?

    0:15 – “In February, I got covid.”

    Wait, what? Is this a recent video? Yeah, 26 May. 2023. People are still getting covid? You should have got your booster, PushingUpRoses.

    What happened to the boosters, by the way? Apparently, covid still exists. Why aren’t the vaccines being produced?

    You get new flu vaccines every year. Because there are many different strains of the flu. The flu mutates. As viruses tend to do. Covid is no different, right? In fact, covid is the deadliest virus ever. The whole fucking world got shut down over this. FOR YEARS. So where are the booster shots? I want to be protected from this awful plague.

    It’s fucking bullshit. The whole world gets shut down for two years and then it’s just, “Oops, it seems like people are getting fed up of this. Let’s just drop the whole thing.”

    No. I want to know. This was a deadly disease that required the world to get shut down for years. Why does nobody talk about it any more? Nobody but PushingUpRoses, anyway. The disease must still exist. Fucking PushingUpRoses says that she got it. Why is nobody panicking over this? They panicked a few years ago. Elected officials said, “Hey, we have to shut the world down over this.” Over this fucking cold.

    PushingUpRoses says that her bout of covid was really bad. She also says that she got it on Valentine’s Day. Well, what difference does that make? You had to cancel your date with your cat and a jar of peanut butter?

    0:30 – “Even though I’m vaxxed and I got the boosters, it was a pretty bad case and I was out of it for weeks.”

    That’s another thing. How shit must these vaccines have been that you can still get the disease? I mean, I know that she must have got these vaccines and boosters YEARS ago by this point and even if they worked, they wouldn’t still work now, but then that just brings us back to why aren’t there still boosters being given? Maybe there are. I don’t know. But you certainly don’t hear about it on the news. There’s nobody scare mongering you into getting any booster.

    The media and the politicians just stopped talking about covid. Like we should just forget about the whole world being shut down for years. What happened to all of those companies who required vaccines if you wanted to work for them? What happened to all of the travel restrictions where countries wouldn’t let you in if you werent’ vaccinated? What happened to having to scan one of those codes every time you go to work or go to a restaurant or whatever so your movement can be tracked? All of that shit just disappeared like it never happened. “Oops, sorry about that, everyone. What a ridiculous idea all of that was.”

    No. I want an explanation. Why was the world shut down for years over a cold? Or if I’m grossly mistaken and it was in fact a deadly disease that killed millions, why aren’t we still concerned about it? Something isn’t adding up here.

    For what it’s worth, I never got vaccinated and I never got covid. Or maybe I did but I just mistook it for a cold. But I’m still here. There was no need to shut the world down over this. Somebody made a lot of money from this.

    0:45 – She says that she got sick in April too. Not covid, just some mystery disease. And this resulted in her getting a lower lung capacity.

    No, you fucking moron. You’re clinically obsese and middle-aged. That’s why you’re finding yourself short of breath.

    She says that she has a doctor’s appointment because she’s afraid that she’s going to die. She doesn’t expressly say that but it’s strongly implied. What a nut. Wasting doctors’ time with this shit.

    “I know all of you people are shaking your fists at the computer saying, ‘Roses…did you go to the doctor?’”

    Boy, did she misread me. I’m saying DON’T go to the doctor with your hypochondriac bullshit.

    1:15 – She says that before February, she was able to get though her “pizza and coffee” treks through Chicago. This is apparently what she does with her life. She has no job and she’s 300 pounds so she just eats fast food all day.

    And she mentions that she’s from Chicago CONSTANTLY. It’s really off-putting.

    1:45 – She recommends that you watch her videos on Body Dysmorphic DIsorder. Which one? She mentions her “BDD” in every fucking video. Even the videos where she’s reviewing 40 year old Murder She Wrote episodes.

    Her “art” on screen is a crying woman with pills or something being implanted into her brain. Uh huh. This is what I want on my wall. And it’s high school level art. And not even art from one of the better artists in your class. This is mediocre high school art.

    Then she says if you don’t want to hear her talking about her eating disorder YET AGAIN, you can just click off. She says that she understands. She won’t hold it against you.

    Well, how caring of this fat bitch to give us all a trigger warning. I would have preferred a bored warning before this video.

    So she just posts a tweet that she wrote about her eating disorder and her “BDD”. And she says that her eating disorder and “BDD” was brought about by a former boyfriend who said that she was “big as a house”.

    She’s told this story…god…if I’ve heard this dozens of times, and I don’t even watch her videos, she must have told this story THOUSANDS of times. Maybe tens of thousands. I’m not even exaggerating. She had this boyfriend YEARS ago. At least 10 years. Probably closer to 20. And she’s still talking about it.

    And the guy was right. SHE’S FAT! I’m not saying that you have to be a dick about it but it’s reality that she’s overweight. MASSIVELY so.

    “BDD” is when you think that you’re fat, for example, but you’re not fat. But that doesn’t apply here. PushingUpRoses is genuinely fat. When she thought that she was fat, and she was fat, that was just her accepting reality. It’s her current situation that’s abnormal. Now she thinks that she’s not fat but…she IS fat.

    I’m not suggesting that she should develop an eating disorder but she needs to accept the reality that she’s fat and if she has a problem with that, she should start eating right and exercising. It’s as simple as that. You don’t need a psychiatrist for this. I just solved all of her fucking weight problems.

    Now let’s talk about her financial problems. Go get a job. I just solved all of her financial problems too.

    This is how a normal person operates. There are challenges in life, you look at the problems, and you take steps to solve them. You don’t fucking drone on about your boyfriend from 20 years ago and blame all of your problems on that. It’s fucking ridiculous.

    Oh my god. I forgot how long this all happened. She’s talking about a boyfriend that she had when she was 15. So this was THIRTY years ago.

    What a fucking nutjob. Blaming all of her problems on a relationship that she had in high school. Some guy said some mean things to her and that completely destroyed her life. It’s because of that guy that now she’s 300 pounds, insane, and can’t get a job.

    Not buying one word of that. It’s disgusting that she places blame for her problems on that guy. Take some accountability for your life.

    Then she developed an eating disorder. Then she gained weight during covid (no mention of the 30 years between this high school boyfriend and covid) then she gained weight during covid, then she lost it, then she got a new boyfriend so gained weight again.

    What the fuck? Who cares? I bet that high school boyfriend is to blame for covid too. Fucking son of a bitch was in China experimenting on those monkeys or whatever. Way to go, asshole. Because of you, the whole world got shut down. FOR YEARS! Oh, and PushingUpRoses’ weight fluctuated.

    Then she says that her “trash BDD brain” refuses to accept her weight, no matter what size she is. She says that she fails to lose weight but doesn’t want to feel bad about that. She just wants to accept herself for how she is.

    None of this is “BDD”. What’s the opposite of “BDD”? Body Reality Disorder. BRD. PushingUpRoses’s BRD brain is telling her that she’s a big fat chick (because she IS a big fat chick) but PushingUpRoses doesn’t like that. What she wants is to develop BDD so that she thinks that she’s a slim woman instead of the fat chick that she really is.

    By the way, she’s reading like a 10 page Twitter message.

    Now she’s talking about “BDD” in case you didn’t hear her first 500 Ted talks on the subject. She knows what it is. She’s saying that it’s when you don’t perceive yourself as you really are. But…she DOES perceive herself as she really is. SHE’S FAT! It’s completely mental.

    If she wants to be fat, I don’t give a fuck. But none of this makes sense. She’s ENORMOUS. And if she thinks that she’s fat, as she does, that’s just reality.

    Now she’s reading from some article about BDD, just describing what it is. BUT WE KNOW WHAT IT IS. She knows what it is. But she does not have BDD. She has BRD. She’s upset at having BRD. She desperately WANTS to have BDD. She wants to THINK that she’s slim when in fact she’s fat. That’s her goal. It’s insane.

    6:00 – “I see my face and body differently from how you see it.”

    You really don’t. If she just understood this, all of her problems would be solved. When I look at PushingUpRoses, I see a big fat chick. When she looks at herself, she sees a big fat chick. When ANYBODY looks at her, they see a big fat chick. It’s called reality, madam.

    6:45 – She’s talking about her “trauma” again of her 20 year old boyfriend when she was 15. She’s always mentioning this guy’s age. You picked him, fatass. Do you want to accept any responsibility for your actions? And it’s all because of this guy RIGHTLY saying that she’s fat, that she developed what she describes as “BDD” but is in fact “BRD”.

    7:15 – She’s talking about how supportive she is of “body autonomy” and how people have the right to get tattoos (of which she has many) and decide on your medical treatments. So like not getting the vaccine? Because she was HUGE into promoting the vacccine. Shaming everyone for not getting it. And then she apparently got covid YEARS after covid stopped existing (I guess) in spite of the fact that she got every vaccine and every booster ever conceived.

    8:00 – Now she’s talking about doctors who “made her feel worse about herself.”

    These were doctors who presumably told her that she DOESN’T have “BDD”, and she really is fat. And if she wants to not be fat, she needs to diet and exercise. This made her sad. She wants to continue eating pizza every day. Chicago-style deep dish.

    Yeah. Apparently, a doctor told her to “stop drinking all of those lattes”. It’s true. She said in this very video that she goes around town doing nothing but eating pizza and drinking coffee. That’s why she’s fucking 300 pounds. And a doctor just tried to splash her with the cold hard truth.

    “What I want is to just not care.”

    Fine. Do that. Or if you can’t do that, lose the fucking weight. What is the problem? This boyfriend you had in high school is probably dead now. Get over it.

    8:30 – “I do have a therapist who’s involved with fat liberation.”

    Come on. I’m trying to get through this.

    Then she starts talking about some gibberish about going outside and people saying that sky is purple but you know it’s blue and blah, blah, blah.

    For the billionth fucking time, that is not what’s happening. People are calling you fat because you ARE fat. And obviously people are not calling her fat. We’re not in the third grade. But people know that she’s fat. And she knows that she’s fat. That’s why she’s going to this “fat liberation” “therapist”.

    But…in spite of everyone being on the same page in terms of PushingUpRoses’ obesity…she still thinks that she has “BDD”. And…she blames all of this on a relationship that she had LITERALLY 30 years ago. And all the guy said was that she was fat. And she WAS fat. She’s shown pictures of herself at 15. She was ENORMOUS.

    9:30 – She says that when she looks at herself, she sees an alien. But when her “partner” looks at her, he sees “A pretty girl”.

    I mean…HE’S the one with BDD then. Fucking look at her. Look at that thumbnail. Look at any picture that she posts of herself. She DOES look like an alien. Clearly. That’s the look that she’s going for. She’s all tatted up and she has this weird makeup and she makes weird faces and she’s fucking 300 pounds. That’s CLEARLY the look that she’s going for. She’s TRYING to look like an alien. And she’s succeeded. But she thinks that her thinking that she looks like an alien is “BDD”.

    By the way, this “partner” will be out of the picture within three months. It’s just some recent boyfriend who she managed to get. Probably some purple haired loser. She’ll blame him for something and then never stop talking about him.

    10:00 – Now she’s blaming covid for her recent breakdown or…whatever this is. It’s just beyond parody. She refuses to accept responsibility for anything.

    10:15 – Now she’s talking about her “meds”. Fuck off. I hate how mentally ill people always talk about “meds”. Can you just say “medication”? I’ll even accept “medicine”. No, it’s always “meds”. Because this is one of their main topics of conversation so they have to shave off as many sylables as possible to maximise their “meds” talk.

    10:45 – Then she posts a picture of her and her cat. Her cat is fat too. But actually, in this picture she doesn’t look too fat because she’s mastered the MySpace angles.

    11:00 – Now she’s talking about things that she’s proud of. Because she’s self-obsessed.

    She sold a painting in a gallery. By the way, here’s what her “art” is. She takes a canvas, puts it on a turntable, spins the canvas around, and drips paint onto the canvas. That’s her “art”. This is art for second graders.

    She bought a jump rope because she saw some jump rope videos on TikTok and wants to do some jump rope tricks. She says that it’s unrelated to losing weight. Well…hmm. I’m not sure that a 45 year old obese woman should be doing jump rope tricks but…god what a lunatic. Maybe she’ll lose some weight in spite of herself.

    She also got yet more tattoos. It’s a symptom of her mental illness but she doesn’t say that.

    I mean, she is mentally ill. Clearly. But not in the way that she thinks she is.

    That’s the video. We see the finished product. It’s a woman with “meds” embeded in her brain who’s crying black tears and has a bloody nose and possibly a bloody lip. And it’s amateur as all get out. Outsider art, I guess.

    The comments are all aggressively positive. Huh. Imagine that. Almost like she scrubs her comments clean of any of that terrible reality.

  • NES Games Alphabetically- Letter A – Erin Plays

    Gee, Erin. Where do you get your ideas?

    Mike has done this, of course. And even when Mike did it, it was SHIT. He plays the game for two minutes and then says, “Okay, that was a piece of shit” or “Okay, that was Super Mario Bros” and then moves on. What’s the point of this? And I think that he skipped all of the sports games.

    What is achieved from playing a game for two minutes? Is anybody going to be impressed when you tell them, “Oh, I played every NES game for two minutes”? It’s completely pointless.

    And why would she choose the same fucking system that Mike did? Haven’t we seen enough NES games? Why not choose all of the Sega Master System games instead? Or all of the TurboGrafx games? Erin is such a big fan of the “PC Engine”, after all.

    No. We’re getting this fucking boring bullshit that she’s obviously never going to complete. I mean, let’s hope not. Five hour streams for each letter of the alphabet?

    Speaking of which, what happened to her fake carpal tunnel syndrome? It seems to have magically been cured. She’s back to doing these long streams. Is she still doing wrist stretches during the streams? And wearing her wrist brace? Not that I’ve seen.

    0:00 – “I’m going to say this right from the start, I don’t know if this is something that I’ll stick with. Because at first I thought it was a good idea but then I was like, NES games A through Z is a really big committment and what if I get tired of it and then everybody will be like, ‘But you have to finish it.’”

    Forget about you getting tired of it. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of it already. At the letter “A”.

    Do people want to watch 26 fucking streams of this? I was just ignoring this video hoping that it would be a one-off and she’d come to her senses but she’s now uploaded another five hour stream for “B”. Fuck this shit. Nobody wants to watch this. Come on. Have some respect for the audience.

    1:00 – So she starts with 1942. So…not the letter “A”. She’s starting with the games that start with numbers. There was an edit right before this where presumably the horntards pointed this out to her because the stream started at the letter “A”.

    “You know what? I don’t think that I’ve ever played 1942.”

    Here’s what we’re doing. I’m done. I’m done with all of this shit. Do these 26 five hour streams for your fucking horny retards where you say “I’ve never played this before” or “I forgot how to play” or “This is cute” or any of your other fucking retarded catchphrases but I’m not spending one fucking second on any of this shit. Why would I? Take these boring as fuck videos and shove them straight up your ass.

    Why would I spend my time on this when we’ve got fucking Newt Wallen pumping out great content on the regular about fucking dead chicks up the ass and whatnot. Or Zap Cristal’s awful new podcast with Mr Wright Way II? Or Destiny Fomo whoring around the Orient? Life is too short to spend any time at all on Erin’s aggressively boring bullshit. There are plenty of god awful Youtubers out there who are more deserving of my free publicity.

    Or maybe I’ll crank out a 100 page tits and gore script. Or write the great American novel. Why waste my creative juices on this fucking fraud saying “I’ve never played this before” for 130 fucking hours?

  • Arcade and Retro Games in Tokyo! (Ikebukuro) – Mad Panic Gaming/Kid Shoryuken

    So we’ve got “Kid” Shoryuken, in his 50s, and weighing 300+ pounds, with his favourite prostitute Destiny Fomo. Yet again. Those TEFL jobs in Japan must be paying WAY more than they were when I was looking.

    0:00 – He’s in his studio apartment which does not look anything remotely luxurious. This looks like shitty places that I’ve had. He’s clearly on the top floor, which is a converted attic. You can see this from the angled wall piece behind him. And he has shitty blackout curtains. I have the same curtains. He’s sitting on a shitty little two-seater sofa. It probably pulls out into a bed. I have the same fucking shit. This is sad, lonely man furniture.

    At least I’m not living in a converted attic any more. That was some shit.

    0:45 – “Luckily, I was not alone, I was with a friend today, my good buddy Destiny was with me today. Kind of my little sidekick.”

    And there’s footage of Madam Fomo with a foot of cleavage showing. What a “buddy”.

    Does he think that we just fell off the fucking turnip truck? What possible alternative reason could there be for a woman in her 20s, who dresses as Madam Fomo does, to hang out with a fat man with no charisma and a shitty job who lives in a sleazy bachelor apartment in his 50s? I mean seriously. Concoct an explanation for this that DOESN’T involve prostitution. You can’t.

    I’m skimming the comments and nobody seems to ask how they met. Or how he knows this woman. Wouldn’t these be common sense questions? Even if you don’t know that prostitution exists, wouldn’t you be watching this video and saying, “Gee, that’s a good looking young woman. How did an old fat guy like you pull this off? I’m an old fat guy too. I’d like to hang out with a young woman. Give me some tips.”

    Nothing like that. They just seem to blindly accept that this old fat guy is hanging out with a woman half his age like this is normal. Like they’re all doing this.

    I know that the people in the comments are retarded but come on. They’re not curious AT ALL about this “friendship”? “Gee, why don’t I have any friends who get their big tits out on the street?” Nothing like that gets asked. They seem to lack any of the natural curiosity that humans tend to have. They’re like those Eloi people from The Time Machine. There’s a nerd reference for you. I’ve only seen the 1960 movie so if they’re different in other adaptations, I’m talking about the 1960 version.

    “Whenever she’s in Tokyo, we always like to make time to hang out together, to go for video games, and to do fun stuff like that.”

    “Gee, Kid Shorukyen. All of my friends are big fat nerd guys. How did you score a woman half your age with big tits to play video games with? Does she have a sister? I’d like to hang out with a big titted woman half my age and play video games with her.”

    Nothing like that gets asked. They just accept this totally preposterous story and have no interest in finding out how they can recreate this situation for themselves.

    1:15 – Then there’s footage from some movie where the character says, “You’re excited? Feel these nipples.”

    It’s not even subtle what’s going on here. Why is nobody asking any sexual questions? “Hey, how many times did you fuck her? Because you obviously fucked her. I’m not a fucking retard over here.”

    1:30 – “Oh my god. Look who’s here. It is the Destiny.”

    And Madam Fomo looks uncomfortable AS FUCK with his usual creepy remarks. Like she always does. And she’s dressed like Chung Li and has a foot of cleavage showing. In public.

    Nobody says, “Hey, you’ve got absolutely no charisma and yet you’re hanging out with this woman. How did you do it? I don’t have any charisma either. What’s your secret?”

    Then he says, “Is it hot out here or is it just…me.”

    More creepy shit, made all the creepier because any non-retard knows that he’s paying this woman for sex, but it’s just presented like this is his “buddy.” Like he’s the Skipper and Madam Fomo is Gilligan and they’re just going to have some wacky, wholesome adventures.

    2:45 – He says, “We’ve got our walking shoes on” and pans the camera down to Madam Fomo’s legs. Madam Fomo says, “Mine aren’t really walking shoes.” So the “Kid” says “Well, you’ve got your walking legs on anyway.”

    Another creepy comment. I mean, I guess it’s only creepy if you’re buying this guy’s absurd story that they’re just “buddies”. But knowing that he’s a john and he’s paying for this and Madam Fomo is a prostitute, I guess that just goes with the territory. You can say whatever you want and it’s Madam Fomo’s job to be receptive to that shit. “Oh, you’re so witty. Me love you long time. My pussy so wet for you.”

    4:45 – Madam Fomo is looking at a $4,000 Dreamcast and the “Kid” says, “Do you have a spare four grand on you?”

    She does. This guy paid at least that much to her for this trip. And I suspect that $4,000 isn’t much money for Madam Fomo.

    Although, saying that, maybe it is. Because she gives all of her money to her pimp TuanX, presumably.

    Madam Fomo says, “That would be most of what I brought this time.” So she brought $4,0000 on this trip. That’s a lot to bring on a trip, a normal, non-sexual trip, but not ridiculously so. I don’t know. But again, this guy is clearly paying Madam Fomo for sex. And it has to be at least $4,000 because she’s with this guy regularly, takes regular trips to Japan, and he showed some “gift” that she got for him that was like $2,000 worth of shit. So if she’s giving him $2,000 worth of shit, he must be spending many multiples of that on her.

    6:15 – Madam Fomo wanders off while the “Kid” is talking and he says, “There she goes, just like all the women in my life.”

    More creepy bullshit. But yeah, get it together. You’re in TOKYO and can’t get a girlfriend. As a white man. How far down the white man pecking order do you have to be to not be able to get a Japanese girlfriend? I’m not talking about hot Japanese women or even presentable Japanese women. I’m saying ANY Japanese woman. Somebody your age. Somebody who has a couple of kids. Somebody who has a few pounds on her. Somebody who isn’t much to look at. He can’t get ANY of that, even with the well-known white man advantage in Asia.

    It may be that even the local prostitutes aren’t interested in him. That’s why he has to fly them in from New York.

    12:00 – He’s complaining about the cramped aisles in the store and describes himself as “6’1″, two hundred some odd pounds.”

    That’s charitable. Give us the odd pounds. I could MAYBE believe 299 pounds.

    12:45 – He just straight up starts filming Madam Fomo’s tits.

    17:00 – He’s talking about a trucking game called 18 Wheeler. “I do like me some 18 Wheeler action. You get there, you’re driving your 18 wheeler, and then you go over to the truck stop and you say hi to some ladies. It’s a very realistic game.”

    Nobody questions any of this. Nobody says, “Wait a minute…’buddy’? Are you sure about that? Because you seem to make a lot of comments about your fondness for prostitution in your videos.”

    I’m looking for people’s reactions to Madam Fomo and nobody seems to care that there’s woman walking around in broad daylight with a foot of cleavage showing. They’re too polite to stare, I guess.

    By the way, the “Kid” has this annoying habit of constantly calling Madam Fomo masculine pet names like “Dude” or “Guy” or “Bro”. That just makes the whole thing gay. Because he’s applying male terms to a woman who he’s having sex with. Maybe he’s making her wear a strap on and fuck him up the ass.

    23:30 – Good footage of the “Kid”‘s eight year old boy haircut. It has to be a wig.

    He also constantly calls Madam Fomo “Destiny”. Like every time he talks to her, when he’s not calling her “bro” or something, he’ll say “Destiny”. It’s a used car salesman trick. Keep repeating the customer’s name to build fake rapport. And Madam Fomo always looks uncomfortable as fuck when he does this. She doesn’t want to be there. She wants nothing to do with this fat, old, disgusting, disease-ridden loser. But her pimp TuanX wants the money.

    24:45 – The “Kid” starts talking about kicking ass in video games and then somehow starts talking about getting his ass taken and then he says that Madam Fomo got her ass taken. And Madam Fomo says, “I didn’t get my ass taken”. But this is more creepy bullshit from this guy.

    26:00 – He’s back in his sleazy apartment, alone (or maybe there’s a prostitute tied up somewhere) and showing off his games. No. You should not be spending your money on this. Spend it on better furniture and a better apartment.

    Then he ends the video by saying that whenever Madam Fomo is in Tokyo, they spend a day together looking for video games, eating, and doing “fun stuff like that.” No mention of the intercourse that obviously takes place. We’re not fucking retards. Just admit it.

    Well, I don’t know. I say that but how preposterous would it be if he made a video and said, “Here’s Madam Fomo. I’m going to have sex with her later tonight”?

    So I don’t know. It probably is something best left unsaid. And he certainly drops loads of hints of what he’s doing with her. Still, calling her his “buddy” and the lies about the nature of this relationship don’t sit right with me.

    • “How much money did you guys spend just to go to Japan and get a hotel flight and everything I want to know because I’m planning on going”

    The “Kid” replies, “I actually live here so I couldn’t tell you.”

    So just tell us how much you paid Madam Fomo to get there. Well, I don’t know. Is Madam Whoremo providing an itemised list of expenses or is she just saying, “Give me $5,000 and you can spend the day with me and fuck me in the ass.”

    • Dude, travel with a woman that actually likes you that way. Don’t waste your Life Hoping like I did. If you’re going to make some memories during the best years of your Life, do it with the woman that actually wants to be your Wife.”

    Oh, here’s a guy who actually does seem to recognise what’s going on here. That’s refreshing.

    • “Damn! How did you get such a sexy friend??”

    And here’s somebody asking the obvious question.

    • “Is that a lil boriqua mami in Japan? How did you find a Puerto Rican in Japan?”

    Here’s another guy questing this “friend” story.

    • “New to the channel, what do you do in Tokyo?”

    The “Kid” says, “I’m a teacher and I do various freelance jobs”

    Tell us about these “freelance” jobs. Because no way is this TEFL shit paying enough to afford flying Madam Whoremo in for regular sessions. Is it drugs? Pimping? What is it? Just tell us.

    • “You better be hitting that bro. LOL it’s your destiny!”

    Well, he is but that guy cannot possibly be suggesting that they get into a legitimate relationship. I assume that he’s referencing the obviously prostitution that’s going on.

    • “I love your camera skills lol”

    That was from Madam Whoremo. If they were “friends” and she wasn’t a prostitute, wouldn’t she be offended by all of the shots of her tits? Something isn’t adding up here. I better put a pot of coffee on. I’m going to be up all night trying to figure this mystery out.