
  • My Horse Prince – Angry Video Game Nerd – Cinemassacre

    0:15 – But first a word from our sponsor: that same fucking VPN.

    1:30 – That’s some hair, Jimmy.

    When I was a kid, I had a band teacher. This was the late 1980s. And he had a really obvious combover. He had absolutely nothing on top but he would grow the side long and just comb it over.

    Even in the 1980s, this was something to be ridiculed. It was unusual. People weren’t really shaving their heads at that time but if you were bald, you were just bald. You’d keep your hair short.

    I don’t think that people really do combovers anymore. Except for James Rolfe. Toupes are another thing that you don’t see any more.

    If James wants to tackle balding in a retro fashion, why not bring toupes back? I think that’s a better option than the combover. Or put a clown wig on. I don’t give a shit. But what he’s doing here is really, really bad. And he’s been doing this for years.

    1:45 – James is pretending to not know what a smart phone is.

    So he’s going to play this…mobile game.

    3:00 – What am I looking at? Why is this happening? It’s like footage that James is taking of himself on his phone and he’s pretending to be “angry”. Badly. He’s a terrible actor.

    3:45 – And now more of this uncomfortable, extreme closeup of Jimmy on his phone camera. And they’re reviewing a game that’s obviously a joke. James, or whoever wrote this, knows that the game is a joke, right? They’re making fun of things that are obviously intended to be funny. It doesn’t work.

    It’s like reviewing a Three Stooges short and saying, “Can you believe how stupid Curly is? He got hit in the head with that piece of lumber three times. What an idiot!”.

    No. That’s the joke. All you’re doing is pointing out the joke.

    4:30 – There’s a lame, unfunny call back to that video from many years ago where Mike dressed up as Bugs Bunny. But of course Mike doesn’t appear. That would have required some effort. It’s all text. Unfunny text. And we get an extreme closeup of bald fucking James Rolfe throughout as he gets increasingly “angry”.

    6:00 – I don’t even know what’s happening any more. James is crying for some reason. In extreme closeup form. I think that my mind has shut down as a defence mechanism.

    I have to turn this off. I’m sorry. All this is is James reciting lines from some complete imbecile who doesn’t seem to understand that the game is a joke. And it’s all done with these extreme closeups. I don’t want to see this. I don’t want to listen to it. I don’t want to smell it. I don’t want to taste it. What’s the other one…oh, I don’t want to touch it. This is just total trash.

    So I wrote all of that a couple of days ago. Shortly after the video came out. But I thought, “I’ll try to watch the rest of it tomorrow.” So…let’s try to do that.

    7:15 – You can get more…something…in this game if you watch an ad. Then there’s just an awkward phone camera closeup of bald James that lingers for a long time and then he says, “Good time to take a shit.” It barely even qualifies as a joke. Why did they…let’s move on.

    9:00 – Then there’s just more…awkward non-jokes from bald James. He says, “okay”, for example. Just…a closeup of bald James and he says “okay.”

    10:00 – “The horse is shoving the green onions down my fucking throat.” And bald James pretends to find this hysterical.

    Did the person who wrote this script understand that all of this dialogue is SUPPOSED to be funny? All he’s doing is laughing at the jokes. And it’s fake laughing. And the jokes in this game AREN’T funny.

    I have to stop. This is 20 minutes and I’m only halfway done. This is fucking atrocious. It’s just extreme closeups of bald James pretending to laugh at this game that’s INTENTIONALLY funny. “Ha! Look at how stupid this line of dialogue is!” IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE STUPID, YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

    Even the highly-scrubbed Youtube comments are full of vitriol. And I don’t think that they’re the fags from Reddit.

    I’m reminded of that James & Mike video where they played Goat Simulator. James found absolutely everything about the game to be hysterical and Mike played along, humouring James. But Ryan, this was back when Ryan was a man, sat there stone-faced. Ryan represented the viewer. There was absolutely nothing funny about this game but it was INTENDED to be funny. So laughing at it is just…I mean, I find it hard to believe that a grown man would find a goat jumping on a trampoline to be funny but James was in stitches. That doesn’t make me, the viewer, laugh. That makes me think, “What’s wrong with this guy? Is he retarded? Oh…”

    But even if you find the intentionally funny stuff in the game to be funny, and it is funny…I mean…who cares? Where’s the substance? This is just like filming the audience in a comedy club. Okay. They’re laughing at the jokes. Who cares? That’s not noteworthy.

    There’s nothing remotely interesting in watching people laugh at something that’s intended to be funny. That’s what this video was. And it was all fake. James wasn’t actually finding any of this funny. He didn’t even know what he was looking at. He was just filming random scenes with his terrible acting, not even knowing what the game footage would look like that was being spliced in. And the game footage was all done by some intern.

    Who actually got credit for this? Directed and written by James Rolfe. Uh huh. Sure it was. Edited by Sean O’Rourke. That faggot from Reddit who banned me. Gameplay by James. Yeah. No chance.

    At least Mike isn’t credited in any of this. Even if Mike was involved in this, which I suspect he wasn’t because this isn’t a game that he streamed recently, surely Mike is savy enough to say, “Don’t put my name in the credits for this one.”

    This was fucking awful. Has to be the worst AVGN episode ever.

    I don’t even have a problem with him reviewing mobile games, like a lot of the nerds in the comments seem to have. He can review whatever the fuck he wants. Make any kind of video you want to make. Just make sure that it’s GOOD. What’s so hard about that? You can review toupes or penis pumps or whatever you want. I don’t care. Just make the videos fucking watchable. Is that asking too much?

  • Ghostbusters 1980’s Breakfast Cereal – IRATE THE 80’S – Irate Gamer

    0:00 – Hey guys! Remember Ghostbusters?

    Yeah. I guess. I never saw the movie until I was probably in my 20s or 30s. I watched the Saturday morning cartoon. I had the action figures. I didn’t particularly like either of those things but…I watched and I had the figures.

    So let’s check it out. I never had the cereal. I never had any of these shit cereals. They’re by Ralston or something. It’s a dogfood company. I’m not eating dogfood cereal.

    I suppose that there is a pretty obvious crossover. Dry dog food is similar to a lot of these cereals. Take out the sugar from the cereal and it’s probably almost identical to the dog food.

    I had a few Milk Bones as a kid. Those were actually pretty good. I could go for some. Do they still make them?

    They do but Smuckers owns them now. I don’t want the company who sells jam to also sell dog food.

    I wouldn’t try any of the meat-based dog snacks, of course. But maybe I’m missing out. Who knows?

    0:00 – “Irate Gamer is now on PATREON!”

    Uh huh. Not interested, Chris BORES.

    0:15 – He’s playing with his Ghostbusters toys. This reminds me that this is what he actually does as one of his “jobs”. He’s a “ghost hunter.” He goes to all of the Akron, Ohio news outlets every Halloween to show them how it’s done. He has a bunch of stupid gadgets that he got. I remember one video where a piece of paper fell and he cited that as proof that a ghost was there. Well, a ghost or gravity.

    Couldn’t he shave for this video? Not just his face but I mean everything. I want to see a completely hairless Chris Bores, nude, talking about a children’s cereal from 40 years ago.

    1:15 – “I can’t wait to bust into this, pun intended.”

    Umm…was the gross sexual pun also intended?

    I want to see naked, hairless Chris BORES nutting into this old box of cereal.

    1:45 – Chris BORES refuses to eat any of it. Well, what’s the point then? Even if he did eat it, what’s the point?

    3:00 – Then he “busts” into a box of Ghostbusters II cereal. Who cares? This is pointless. It’s going to look like old, shitty cereal. We get it.

    3:30 – He pretends that he didn’t know that there was a record in this box. He obviously planted it there. It was something that came with the cereal. A prize. So he goes to see if it plays. It’s a little flimsy thing.

    4:00 – Then there’s a callback to the AWFUL Cameo era of Irate Gamer where he would pay for Cameo’s of Z list celebrities, give them something to read, and then (poorly) integrate it into the video.

    So the record is for some sweepstakes. They ask three questions. Then you’re supposed to put the answers on a postcard and mail it in.

    Chris BORES is disappointed and confused that the answers aren’t on the record. WHAT WOULD THE POINT OF THAT BE? It’s a contest, you fucking retard.

    5:30 – He’s going to taste one of these cereal pieces. Oh great.

    The he pretends to die. Then a ghost Chris BORES comes out of his chest.

    That’s the video. Completely and utterly pointless.

    Speaking of busting, whatever happened to bukkake porn? Do they still make it?

    I saw one where a bunch of dudes came into a frying pan and a woman made pancakes with them. She must have added some pancake batter. But then this woman fed this cum pancake to a really reluctant woman.

    I saw another one where Teri Weigel, who was some hot chick who was in Playboy and there was a mini scandal when she started doing hardcore porn, did a bukkake with some fucking crack addict. But you didn’t get to nut on Teri Weigel. Teri Weigel was just there to hold this crack addict’s head and do a little dirty talk to encourage the guys to shoot their loads.

    But how degrading is this? I know that it’s a bukkake, the idea is to be degrading. But to be so unattractive that they have to hire a hot chick to just stand behind you so that these guys can cum. It’s no way to make a living.

  • Two AWESOME Arcades in Tokyo! – Mad Panic Gaming aka Kid Shoryuken

    1:30 – He talks about the massage parlours in this…mall, or whatever this is. He shows footage of prostitutes somewhat aggressively approaching him in the mall. He makes a joke that if you come to this arcade you might have to, “Turn down the massages, or accept the massages, that’s totally up to you.”

    You know this guy went for a massage. He’s not exactly subtle about the fact that he consorts with prostitutes. Not just Destiny Fomo but generally.

    I left a comment during covid something about if the brothels are still open. And he responded jokingly saying that he wouldn’t know anything about that because he’s a good boy. But he was obviously being sarcastic.

    This is what he does. He goes to prostitutes. It’s obvious.

    Then there was that creepy as fuck video where he was with some like 21 year old Japanese guy who looked very feminine and didn’t seem to speak English. And “Kid” Shoryuken was extremely chummy with this guy. This really feminine Japanese guy.

    Then there’s footage of this giant loser in an arcade playing old games. Why is this even a business? You can play all of this shit for free at home. And these are old games.

    5:15 – He talks about mahjong games where you strip the clothes off of a woman after you win. It’s always perversion with this guy.

    And he shows footage of some other no doubt perverted American guy who he presumably goes whore mongering with.

    I don’t expect him to hang out with Japanese people. Because that’s not really what happens. Not in my experience, anyway. You don’t really hang out with the locals when you move abroad. You tend to hang out with other immigrants. Your mileage may vary but this is my experience in the UK and there’s not even a language barrier.

    Nevertheless, I never hung out with any Americans. Well, I met a couple, I guess, but it wasn’t a usual thing. If an American enclave exists in London, I was kept out of it. Same in Scotland.

    But “Kid” Shoryuken seems to be hanging out with Americans, when he’s not hanging out with prostitutes. Oh, but he also hangs out with American prostitutes like Madam Fomo.

    I think that it’s normal to find a group of Americans when you’re living abroad. You hear about this sort of thing. But I don’t know. I just never sought them out in the UK. And there’s no real need to because there’s no language barrier. I don’t need somebody to help me find a low-paying cleaning job or translate a lease or anything like this. So there’s no need to rely on the immigrant community.

    This isn’t exclusive to Americans of course. Polish people will find other Polish immigrants. Chinese people will find other Chinese immigrants. Jamaican immigrants will find other Jamaican immigrants. But I don’t know. I eschewed the American immigrant community, if indeed it even exists in the UK.

    5:45 – Now he’s at a different arcade and expresing his disappointment that there weren’t massage parlors here. He says that typically in the basement, you would expect to see massage parlors. He’s really speaking from experience.

    He should do videos on whore mongering. Why not? He seems like a real expert and I know that there would be a huge market for this. Tell us where the good brothels are, massage parlours, soap…whatever it is. People want to know this shit. Even if they’re not going to Japan, you could still make interesting videos about it.

    8:15 – “Lot’s of cigarrette smoke, lots of massage women.”

    He can’t get over this. This is all that he does. He spends every penny that he earns in these shitty teaching jobs on whores.

    • “Is prostitution legal or tolerated in Japan?”

    Mad Panic Gaming responds. Of course he does. This is his area of expertise. “To a certain extent. As I understand it, the services offered at these massage parlors is legal if somewhat frowned upon, but sex in exchange for money is illegal.”

    • “Another great one!!! Was really surprised at the massage parlors, those girls almost dragged you in by the neck I was under the impression that those “services” were only offered to Japanese men”

    Mad Panic Gaming replies, “Pretty sure they’re offered to whoever looks like they’ve got a few bucks in their pocket loi”

    So that’s you? You look like a fucking hobo in this video. They’re approaching you because you look like the kind of fat, lonely loser who goes to prostitutes. And they’re right.

    Many years ago, I was waiting outside of an underground train station for my girlfriend. There were a bunch of brothers out there. I reluctantly stood by one of them. I had to wait because my girlfriend, a black woman, was perpetually late, as black people tend to be. But woe betide if you mention to her that her chronic lateness might be an example of a racial stereotype that’s true. “My mother was never late in her life.” I should be dating your mother then.

    So anyway, this urban gentleman approaches me and says, “Do you party?” I was looking at my phone and didn’t even hear what he said so I just “yeah” and waved him off. He says, “You do?” So I look up and see that there’s a bunch of fucking drug dealers around me and I walk away.

    Like five police officers were just standing and watching these guys about 30 feet away. Doing nothing. The police knew what these guys were doing. Nobody cares.

    So I’m wandering the streets, I can’t wait at this train station to meet my girlfriend because there’s no fucking place to stand that isn’t crawling with drug dealers. I call my girlfriend and I give her the business about her being fucking chronically late and that this train station is full of drug dealers and that I’m going to fucking leave if she doesn’t get here in two minutes.

    Just then, another guy approaches me and asks if I want to buy drugs. A white guy this time. I decline.

    She finally arrives and I’m going on about how she needs to fucking show up on time and I’m sick of this shit, it’s insulting, you’re wasting my time, and on this occasion, I had to deal with all of these fucking drug dealers as a result. She gave her usual excuse, promised to be more prompt next time, and never followed through.

    Then she says, “Nobody has ever approached me and offered to sell me drugs.” I said, “Yeah, because you look like a fucking square.” She thought about it for a second and then said, “I take that as a compliment. It means that I don’t look like a druggie.” Yeah, whatever. “Druggie”.

  • Is Parenthood Challenging? – Zap Cristal

    The triumphant return of the…what’s this called? Oh, Reset n’ (sic) Zap Podcast!

    That was a scary six weeks. I thought that it was gone forever.

    She’s going to talk about parenthood. Mother of the Year over here who makes her 12 year old son take “sexy” videos of her for Youtube. The woman who marries every black woman who pays her the tiniest bit of attention. That kid wakes up every day and says, “Who’s my black father today, Mom?”

    They’re mixing it up. New format. They have a guest. It’s VG Mobster. You might remember him from this CREEPY AS FUCK video:

    They also changed the lighting and the camera angle. Gone are the painful shots of Zap’s fat cunt. And they have blue lighting to further dull the pain of looking at Zap.

    Oh wait. This woman is “too hot to be an influencer”. I must be mistaken to think that she’s anything other than a smokeshow (shoutout to Kris Glavin).

    0:45 – VGMobster literally tips his fedora.

    1:30 – Zap says, “We’re all from the East Coast.”

    Umm…Puerto Rico is part of “the East Coast”? What is she talking about? I thought that Erin was stretching the definition of “The East Coast” by claiming that Pennsylvania is on the “The East Coast”. She used to say it constantly. But Puerto Rico? No chance. I’m firmly rejecting the inclusion of Puerto Rico as part of “The East Coast.”

    Mr Wright Way II suggests that New York and New Jersey are “representing.” So Zap must claim to be from one of those states.

    2:15 – VGMobster tips his fedora for literally at least the third time. We get it. You’re a fat fucking nerd. You don’t have to keep doing this.

    I went to a “trendy” vegan restaurant with a girlfriend. Believe me, this was not my idea. She’s a vegetarian. And there was some faggot with some woman twice his age and he was wearing a fedora. In the restaurant. While eating. It was an Asian restaurant and I’m pretty sure that he was using chopsticks.

    Why go through life like this? What are you getting out of it? Some old MILF pussy? You can get the MILF pussy and NOT be a giant awkward nerd. Surely, you’d get MORE MILF pussy if you weren’t a giant fucking nerd. I don’t get it.

    2:45 – She’s laying down her plans for today’s podcast. They’re going to talk about parenting and then they’re going to talk about which fictional world they would want to live in.

    Gee, there’s a topic that hasn’t been done a billion times before.

    3:45 – Zap says that they’re all parents. Is that right? Does Mr Wright Way II have children of his own or is she talking about her own child that Mr Wright Way II is “raising” at the moment? Does he have children that we don’t know about and he isn’t involved with, perhaps back in…where ever he’s from. Maryland or something.

    If they’re talking about Zap’s unfortuante son, I don’t think that Mr Wright Way II should start waxing idiotic about the joys of fatherhood. The kid barely knows Mr Wright Way II. He’s been around for like a year.

    Here’s what I’d do if I was Mr Wright Way II. I’d go to Zap Jr and and say, “Look, I know it’s weird that I moved in right after Mr Wright Way left. You don’t have to call me ‘Dad’ or anything stupid like that. You can just call me Mr Wright Way II. I’ll be courteous to you and I just ask that you be courteous to me.”

    Done. It’s the same philosophy that I have for, whatever, people who work at the train station or the grocery store or whatever. I certainly wouldn’t walk in and say, “Hey, here’s my 15 point plan on how we’re going to raise you.. No, just let him do his thing. That poor kid has been through enough without Dad #5 trying to lay the law down.

    4:00 – “How does it feel to be a parent in 2024?”

    That’s Zap’s first question. She comes up with the absolute WORST, LAMEST, MOST BORING questions on earth.

    “What are the challenges you face when it comes to parenthood.”

    That’s remarkably close to her question in the Q&A video, “What are the challenges you face within your niche?”

    Why is she so interested in challenges?

    4:15 – It just dawned on me. Can you believe that this fat fedora guy has children? You see stuff like this and you think, “What excuse does anyone else have?”

    People talk about how hard it is to get a girlfriend. It’s not. These people are talking about hot chicks. It’s tough to get a hot chick as a girlfriend, I’ll concede that. But how many fat, single mothers are out there? Loads. If you drop your standards, you’ll find somebody.

    Fedora Fag says that his children make him a better person and “force me to grow.” Why don’t they force you to take that fucking hat off? You’re bald. I get it. But…can you at least wear a baseball cap? You’re not fooling anyone with the fucking fedora. This isn’t a fashion statement. It’s a “Don’t look at my bald scalp” statement.

    The loud music still plays over all of this. It’s annoying as fuck. “WAA WAA WAA! WAA WAA WAA”. This isn’t what I want to hear.

    11:45 – Zap says that she had her son when she was 18. Oh, she has more than one son, apparently. He’s 15. Wait a minute. 18 plus 15…33…no chance. This woman looks this rough at 33?

    And how many times has she been married already? Like five husbands at 33.

    16:30 – Mr Wright Way II says that he’s been a step father to “a lot of children.”

    Maybe get your shit together and stop going from one relationship to another, fucking up people’s lives as you go.

    17:00 – Mr Wright Way II says that his father is Nigerian and wasn’t around when he was a kid. You don’t say. An absent black father? Give me a moment to compose myself.

    And then you have Mr Wright Way II continuing this by going from woman to woman to woman. And dumbass Zap Cristal is thinking, “But he’s going to stay with me!”

    18:30 – What a bombshell. Mr Wright Way II says that Zap Cristal is pregnant. Fucking unbelievable. SHE BARELY KNOWS THIS GUY! It’s just a random black dude who paid her a bit of attention. He’ll be gone before the child is born.

    19:00 – Zap calls her unborn child her “rainbow kid.” What? It has something to do with her having a miscarriage previously. What…how…where does the “rainbow” come from?

    I thought that she was making some racist comment about the child being mixed race.


    A rainbow baby is a term for a child born to a family that has previously lost one or more children due to stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, termination for medical reasons, or death during infancy.[1] These subsequent pregnancies can bring “strong feelings of anxiety, guilt, and even fear” but also “immense joy, reflection, healing, and mixed emotions”. The term “rainbow” is symbolic of the hope brought by the child after the emotional storm of the previous loss.

    Oh. Please let’s nobody ever use that term.

    21:00 – “What is our current challenge?”

    GETTING A JOB! I don’t think that either of them work.

    I’m turning this off. I can’t take this “WAA WAA WAA! WAA WAA WAA” any more.

    Erin Moran apparently made comments that Scott Baio has a small penis. And I was reading comments on Youtube about this and somebody said something like, “If I was Scott Baio, I’d say, ‘At least I’m alive.’” Erin Moran died a few years ago. But I found it hillarious. Not her death, but this bizarre comment.

  • Kari: The Female JOHN RIGGS

    I got recommended a new gamer girl by the Youtube algorithm. They’re dead on with this one. It’s a 21 year old Australian woman who was shown one of John Riggs’ videos and said, “Well, hell, I can do that.”

    I tried to watch the above video. It’s only eight minutes but I literally fell asleep. One minute she’s talking about going through a bunch of Sega games to try to find the right shaped motherboard (or something) and then next minute, I’m out like a light.

    She plays the games on a pink Disney princess tv from 2005. So before she was born. I’m pretty sure that Erin said that she wants this tv. Erin wants a lot of things that she never ends up getting. What she should want is a job.

    How come you never see any guys who are really into the colour blue, like so many women are really into pink? “Oh, look at how girly I am. I really like pink.” You never see a guy saying, “Oh, look how masculine I am. I really like blue.” Why not? Guys like colours. Hues aren’t strictly the domain of women.

    Anyway, the comments are FULL of horny dudes. And in her icon for her channel, I think that she’s wearing a Hooters tank top.


    Is she a hot chick? No. She’s the usual 5/10 that we see so often with these retro gaming channels. But a 5/10 is automatically a hot chick in this community that’s full of desperate, horny retards.

    And she’s a 5/10 as a 21 year old. It’s only going down from here.

    She has really weird pronunciations for everything. I know that she’s Australian but this can’t be normal.

    She’s only been doing this for a month and she already gets…I don’t know…she has one video that has 250,000 views but the rest are an average of about 40,000 views. That’s about what Erin gets on a typical video and Erin has been cranking this dull as fuck “content” out for…I don’t even know…has it been eight years? Seven years.

    Why would this 21 year old woman be so interested in stuff from the 1980s? Four of her five videos are about 1980s console and PC shit.

    It would be like me, who’s in my 40s, being interested in…I don’t know…Dansette record players. Or banana seat bikes. “Let me show you how to get this old Schwinn up and running again.” Then at the end of the video, I’m tooling around on this bicycle, streamers on the handlebars, a baseball card in the spokes, and Bike by Pink Floyd is playing.

    And everyone watching my videos would be people in their 60s and 70s. “Hey, this young man really has his pulse on what people are into. Keep up the good work, you groovy cat.”

    People would think I’m insane. Why is this guy interested in children’s toys from 20 years before he was born?

    Is there somebody putting this woman up to this? Or is this just her idiotic idea? She heard that you could milk horny retards in their 40s by pretending to be interested in shit from the 1980s without even taking your clothes off. You just have to pretend to be interested in ancient video games and show a little cleavage.

    I don’t think that it’s lucrative. Show me the people making money from this. People complain about fake women gamers stealing attention (and thereby money) from men who are actually interested in video games. Where are they? Where are these women who are getting wealthy from this shit?

    Horny retards tend not to have money. And the market is completely saturated. This is a segment of the population completely overexposed to desperate, average-looking women, trying to titilate them. These women are getting pennies for this shit. It’s not worth doing.

    How could this woman just appear overnight like this? She has a website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram. And looking at some of these pictures, I was being kind with my 5/10 assessment. But she has loads of horny retards responding to every banal self-promotional thing that she posts.

    “Hey guys! Remember dot matrix printers?”

    Yeah. Do you? No. So what are you doing? Am I supposed to be jacking off to a dot matrix printer just because a 3/10 Australian woman is sitting next to it?

    Why is she on Youtube anyway? If this was geniune, she’d be on TikTok. She only has one video on TikTok. Are the young people going to Youtube? But she knows that this is where the old, horny retards are.

    Anyway, she’s ripping off John Riggs’ “can I fix it” idea. Doesn’t he even call it “Can I Fix It”? No, Open Cart Surgery. Well, maybe she’ll start “reviewing” bicycles that she gets for free in return for a video. She gets two to three times as many views as John Riggs does.

    Maybe she can start going to nerd conventions and creeping on all the dudes. And eating stuff. I want to see her eating a lot. I think it could work.

    Just have her go to a nerd convention and aggressively creep on the dudes there. You’d see their awkward reactions. But maybe some of them would take her up on her offer. Put those videos on OnlyFans.

  • Why you need to buy a Playstation 2 before its too late – Lydgendary

    0:00 – “Pretty much, everyone who’s probably watching this video had a Playstation 2.”

    I did, Lydia. It’s like you’ve known me all my life.

    In fact, did I have two? No, I’m thinking of Dreamcast. I had an American Dreamcast and then when I moved to the UK, I got a UK Dreamcast. I just wanted to play Fire Pro Wrestling D. But then I got a Playstation 2 to play Fire Pro Wrestling Returns.

    It’s in pieces somewhere. I had to take it apart to get the boot cd to work. What a pain in the ass. You have to lift the cover off to swap the boot cd (which is required to play imports) with the game CD. There was apparently a flip cover case that you could have bought to make this more elegant but I didn’t want to pay for that. There was also some kind of sliding tool that you insert into the part where you insert the CD but it apparently risks damaging the console. So I just screwed the cover.

    That thing also came with a bunch of games. I still have them but I don’t think that I’ve played them even once. It came with like 10 games. By the time I bought it, the PS2 was passe. I’m pretty sure that they were already on the PS3 at least. But it couldn’t have been that obsolete because I was playing Fire Pro Wrestling Returns on it. This obviously pre-dates Fire Pro Wrestling World for the PC.

    Anyway, tell me more, Lydia. Why should I purchase a PS2? Another one, in my case.

    She says that the games are cheap. That’s why you should buy them.

    Well, they’re probably all free on the internet. I haven’t looked.

    From what I can tell from a quick search on 1337, the games are like three gigs each. And I’m only seeing the most popular ones. And there aren’t many seeds.

    Surely, somebody has compiled a complete collection and is torrenting it. I know it would be massive but people do this, right? There’s a full set for all of the old school consoles, certainly. MAME has full romset torrents. Yeah, it’s only 37 gigs for every MAME rom. Obviously, the PS2 full rom set would be many times more than that.

    For a long time, I wanted to get a PSP because I heard you could put a bunch of emulators and shit on it. I never did it, though. Probably for the best. I don’t think that I would have played it. I can play all of this shit on my computer and I don’t do it. I’m going to embarrass myself by playing this old fucking handheld on the train? “Hey, ladies. You like middle aged men who play video games? Form an orderly queue.”

    6:30 – She’s showing games that she likes. Just thought I’d give an update. She also went over slim versus normal versions of the console. I had the normal version. I still have it somewhere, I guess.

    Aw. I’m looking up Fire Pro games on Ebay. I have loads of them. They’re not worth anything. In fact, they’re worth LESS than what I paid for them years ago. Twenty years ago, Fire Pro Wrestling D was like fifty bucks straight from Japan. Now it’s $10. There goes my retirement plan.

    Even obscure stuff like Six Man Scramble is $15. Who the fuck is buying Saturn games? Well, maybe that’s why it’s so cheap.

    14:45 – She’s talking about Destroy All Humans. Or something. And she says that you play as an alien and you can probe people. I’m really getting some ideas here.

    The video ends with two and a half minutes of a black screen. Editing mistake, I guess.

    But anyway, she wants to buy a PS2 because there are some good games on it. Well, okay. Whatever.

    It reminds me of a video I saw recently with the bizarre title of “How the PS3 Can Save Gaming”. Or something like that. So I’m watching the video and it’s just this Australian guy saying, “Well, the game are still pretty good, right?”

    What? That’s it? I thought that there was going to be some deep answer to this like the controller is something special or you can emulate a bunch of shit on it or something. No. Just he thinks that the games are pretty good. Bullshit clickbait title. People don’t like to get duped. They’re not going to subscribe to the channel after you wasted their fucking time with these misleading titles.

    A proper title would have been “Hey, I think that the PS3 has some games that are still pretty good.” Okay, cool. You do you. I don’t give a shit.

    For the life of me, I can’t understand what adult is buying a console any more. I know that there are still a small number of games that are console-exclusive. Every Nintendo property, for example. But who gives a shit? I don’t need to play the latest Mario game.

    It never made sense to me. The sheer volume of games available for the PC has always greatly outnumbered the games on any console. I can play any PC game ever released on my computer right now going back, whatever, 50 years. You might have to play through some shit like MoSlo or a virtual computer but it’s not that complicated. You’re not playing an NES game on whatever the fuck the current Nintendo console is. Not for free, certainly. And you’re certainly not playing games from other systems.

    And the games are so much deeper on PC. There’s so much more you can do with a mouse and keyboard as opposed to a fucking controller. The entire strategy game genre is effectively PC-exclusive. Whatever they have on consoles is watered down bullshit for mental defectives.

    I was playing some Romance of the Three Kingdoms game. It was for Playstation or Playstation 2. And I’m thinking, “This game would have some potential if it was on PC.” But on console, it’s dogshit.

    All of those Koei games for the NES. They’re cool but they would be so much better on PC. They could expand so much on it.

    There are loads of genres that were and to a large extent still are PC-exclusive. Proper RPGs (like Ultima or Wizardry), 3-d adventure games like King’s Quest or Monkey Island, stat-based games like Football Manager or there’s a bunch of wrestling games like that. And it’s all easily available, for free, on the internet and you can play it on the native platform that it was designed for.

    I don’t even like “football” or “soccer” if you prefer but I played loads of Football Manager. It’s a thinking man’s game. Well, an autist man’s game. It’s just a bunch of numbers.

    Never in a million years would I play any console football game. You know, where there’s little guys in their little shorts chasing after the little ball.

    I fucking hate “football”. I know that it’s part of American culture to hate “football” and think that it’s gay and whatnot. But it is. It’s gay and whatnot. I call out a lot of American misconceptions and try to take a more worldly view but they’re dead on with this one. Gayest fucking sport ever conceived. How is this boring as fuck sport possibly the most popular game in the world? How do people get so invested in it? How do riots start as a result of this? What’s the bone of contention. “My team has shorter shorts than your team has?”

    And before every game, the players come out holding hands with a little boy or girl. I’m not making this up. What the fuck is this? Imagine you’re watching the Super Bowl and these big roided-up players take to the field each holding hands with a little boy or girl. There would be a Congressional investigation. Whose idea was this?

    I’m not saying that anyone is getting molested but it’s just completely bizarre. Why are the players even agreeing to do it? Aren’t they embarrassed?

    And I remember in like the third grade, there was a picture in my…I don’t know what class it could have been but there was something about soccer in one of my textbooks. This was during one of the many periods in American history where people were saying, “Soccer is going to be the next big thing in America” and then it fails miserably when Americans actually watch that fucking piece of shit game. But the picture was a bunch of dudes standing in front of a soccer net with both of their hands on their genitals. They were like protecting themselves. Or…something else. This is apparently something that goes on. Dudes playing with themselves on the field.

    Let me see if I can find this picture. Or something similar. This must happen. Why would I have such a vivid memory of this picture? Why would it be in a children’s textbook?

    Yeah. “Free kick wall” is your search term. You’re telling me that that’s not gay? I mean, all sports are obviously homoerotic. It’s a bunch of young muscular men in little outfits trying to dominate each other physically.

    But “football” really takes the homosexual bullshit to the next level. Anyone who wants to watch that…I mean….I’m a modern guy. I’m not here to judge. But just come out of the closet and admit what this is and what you are.

  • Erin Plays and Mike Matei stream Lords of Exile! A Castlevania-inspired game

    0:00 – “Here I am with…Mmmmmike?”

    She wasn’t as confused by Mike as she usually is but she still seems to never remember this guy’s name. Or like she’s choking on bile just thinking about saying his name. This is the love of your life, Erin. Come on. You moved across the country to be with him. Chasing that sweet Youtube dream. How’s that working out for you?

    1:00 – After talking about what a big Castlevania fan she is, she doesn’t know which Castlevania begins with the horse carriage running. I mean, she got it right but by pure chance. Mike thinks that she got it wrong and she just went along with him because she doesn’t have a fucking clue. She doesn’t play these games. She played them once, on stream for money, and then never again.

    3:15 – Erin says that she has her stream set to 18+ “Because I curse a lot and I don’t want to offend anybody.”

    I find the term “curse” for “profanity” annoying. “Cuss” is no good either. Seems like a hillbilly term. I just say “use profanity” but maybe that’s pretentious.

    4:45 – Mike is talking about a game that he’s been playing off-stream. He says, “I do play games off-stream too.” Erin is totally silent because she doesn’t.

    “That looks like butter. Like sticks of butter.”

    Oh, that’s fucking hysterical, Erin. Give us some more “X looks like Y” “comedy”. Because to me, it looked like gold. But Erin is saying butter. Isn’t that a scream?

    5:15 – You have to climb fences like in Super Mario World. Mike points out that it’s like Super Mario World. Erin immediately agrees and says that every time she sees a “gate” like this she thinks of Super Mario World because it’s the first game she ever played. She then refers to this fence as a “gate” about five more times and Mike says nothing because he knows that she’s a complete and total fraud.

    5:45 – Erin gets annoyed because Mike, off-stream, questioned her gameplay abilities. And Erin, I think totally seriously, says, “Who do you think I am? I’m Erin Plays.” Then she immediately died.

    She must know that she’s terrible at video games and has no experience with them. How can she not? Is she so delusional that even she believes her lies now?

    She’s continually sliding in this game for reasons that only she knows.

    8:45 – Erin says, “I’m stuck in my retro bubble.”

    Uh huh. You’re a real gamer, Erin. We’re all jerking off over here.

    9:45 – Erin is talking about the Care Bears glasses that you got from Pizza Hut. You know, from before she was born. She’s a big fan of media that pre-dates her birth.

    These were released in 1984. Erin aka Cykill1986 was allegedly born in 1987.

    I had a little Care Bear figuring as a kid. I got it as a Christmas gift. I was insulted. But it was kind of cool. It found its way into the rotation. He became an honourary GI Joe. Similar scale.

    10:30 – Erin keeps dying on LEVEL 1 because she sucks cock. So Mike takes the controller from her.

    12:30 – Then there’s a huge edit for reasons that I can’t explain. Let’s look this up. What are they hiding?

    A horntard complains that one of the ads he saw on Erin’s stream was for diapers. Erin makes a joke about people watching the stream being too lazy to use the bathroom. Well, she might be on to something. I’d wager that a fair number of these mentally-challenged viewers wear diapers.

    Then Mike gives the controller to Erin. This is all cut out, by the way. I don’t know why. He’s at some boss.

    Erin jokes about a character looking like he’s defecating. Okay. Why was any of this cut out? These are recognisable jokes coming from Erin for a change. They’re not funny and they’re all about stool but at least it’s not “X looks like Y”. Why is she cutting out the parts where she seems to be almost human?

    Oh wait, no. All of that was in there. The only part that was removed was Mike making a joke that due to the thunderstorm outside, they might lose power and the stream would end. Why would that be removed? I guess for the benefit of the retards who think that this is being streamed live on Youtube.

    22:30 – After Erin barely beats the level 1 boss, Mike says, “I think that’s a crazy boss to have as boss 1”.

    No. Erin just sucks dick. You can say it.

    And Erin didn’t even understand why he said that.

    23:00 – A horntard asks, “What’s your favourite old dead theme park?” Erin’s answer: Epcot Center.

    Well, Wikipedia does describe it as a “theme park”, I guess. But I think that they were looking for an independent theme park. Not something within fucking Disney World.

    23:45 – Erin immediately moves on but Mike is still thinking about the question, trying to give a proper answer. He says, “I can think of a million lost attractions, extinct attractions that are in Disney but I’m trying to think of just full theme parks.”

    Well, that was the question. You want to field this one, Erin? Or was Epcot Center your final idiotic answer? And no elaboration, of course.

    28:00 – Mike is complaining about the “…” that appears in video game dialogue. Erin says, “I know, I hate that too.”

    Of course you do, Erin. You don’t have an original idea in that empty head of yours.

    29:00 – Erin took a break because she has “allergies.” I think I’m done too.

  • No More GarbageStabber!

    I could swear that I wrote something for today. I had problems with the website yesterday. Maybe I didn’t write anything. Because I can’t think what it could have been.

    So I’ll do a last minute GarbageStabber recap.

    He left some death threats on my CinemassacreTruth subreddit yesterday using yet another new alt. They were deleted by automod. I reported them to Reddit and they banned the alt.

    He tried to enter the site a bunch of times yesterday using a web-based proxy site and was blocked every time.

    I wonder how difficult it actually is to get around the filters that I have. I don’t want to give anyone ideas but I’ve been banned from loads of places over the years and I I was able to get around it within minutes. These proxy sites are certainly one method that could be used. One of the easier methods.

    Whatever I’m doing must be effective because he’s been unable to get on to the site in years now. I blocked his IP and I blocked VPNs and proxies. It must work.

    It’s a shame that you have to go to these lengths over one psychopath hillbilly from Alabama but it has to be done. It means that I don’t get messages like this any more:

    • “I’ll show you homoerotic harassment when I force you to suck my cock and take my cock in your ass against your will”
    • “Look I wanna have sex with James Rolfe and I fucking can if I want to because I am fucking gay. If James won’t have sex with me I’ll just rape him. I’m that fucking gay god damn it. And if you have a problem with it I’ll punch you in the nose so hard you’ll be in pain for the rest of your life”
    • “Guess what bitch you wanna stop getting death and rape threats then shut your fucking hate blog and hate sub down it’s that simple”
    • “If I were Erin I’d want to murder skittles. Do t get me wrong I wanna murder him too but then again who doesn’t? You clearly don’t cause you’re a retarded faggot skittles follower.” (That was obviously directed to somebody who left a message)
    • “Lmao if you thought disabling VPNs would prevent me from torturing you on this blog then you were sadly mistaken my friend. I ain’t EVER gonna stop fucking with you until this trash blog and that trash sub are gone.”

    Pretty sure it worked, you hillbilly faggot. And you’re the one who’s been banned. Enjoy your private sub-reddit where you can talk to your alts in peace.

  • Electric Scooter for Big & Tall People… Inmotion S1 – John Riggs

    He’s back on this scam. He said that he was going to start a separate channel for these bicycle and scooter ads. That was at least six months ago. What happened with that?

    These ads get no views. People are wise to this shit. There was a time when he was posting these ads every other day. Every other day, there was a new video about a scooter or bicycle that was given to him in exchange for making a video about it (i.e. an advertisement). People were, rightly, pissed off.

    Then he started this bullshit of saying, “Hey, I’m just really into bicycles and scooters now.” Yeah. When people are sending you this shit for free in exchange for a Youtube video. He could not be geniune if his life depended on it. See, for example, his pandering to his delusional “trans” daughters.

    For the first two minutes and 45 seconds, he puts the thing together.

    2:45 – Then we see John Riggs at some local parking lot.

    3:30 – He mentions his height. He mentions his height in just about every video. “Let me just clean these pins on this NES cart. I’m 6’5″ so it’s a little more challenging.”

    WE GET IT! You’re tall. Who gives a shit?

    Is he picking up chicks with this? Why else would he keep saying it? Who are these chicks that he’s picking up with this shit? I know that women like tall men but is that their only criteria? If it were, the tallest man in the world would be getting all of the bitches. And I’m pretty sure that he’s not. I’m pretty sure that that crippled Indian guy isn’t getting shit.

    Robert Badlow was a bachelor too, wasn’t he? Yeah. I mean, he died at 22 but people got married younger back then. He died in 1940.

    The previous world’s tallest man, John Rogan, also seems to have never married. And he was 38 when he died.


    And yet, the most famous conjoined twins, Chang and Eng Bunker, DID get married. To two sisters. And they had 21 children. How fucking crazy is this? And they were white American women from the South. In 1840.

    If conjoined twins from China could find wives in the US in the Antebellum South, what excuse does anybody else have?

    But it begs the question, if women are into conjoined twins, why not freakishly tall men? Which abnormalities are appealing to women and why? Is the world’s fattest man getting any loving? My instincts say no but I would have thought the same thing about conjoined twins. Let me look this up.


    The world’s fattest man ever was married. Somebody saw that 1,400 pound man and said, “I could go for some of that.”

    But anyway, my point is that tall men aren’t particularly favoured. Not past a certain height, anyway. That’s why the tallest men in the world are all single. What’s the cut off? I’m saying that anything over 6’2″ is a liability. And the further up you go, the more the disadvantage.

    So I think that John Riggs is totally misguided to constantly focus on his height. If anything, he should switch to start talking about how fat he is. Women seem to be more into freakishly fat guys than they are freakishly tall guys.

    Back to conjoined twins, of course they aren’t universally beloved by the ladies. I used to always see conjoined twins on Donahue and the like…who were they? I’m pretty sure that they died a few years ago.

    Ronnie and Donnie Galyon. That’s it. Died in 2020. Wow, at 68. Oldest conjoined twins. But I remember an audience member in the Donahue show asking if they dated and they said, “None of your business.” It was some black woman. Maybe she was coming on to them.

    There are also those twins that are joined at the head. It was two fairly young women but this was years ago. They’re probably in their 30s now. They’d finish each other’s sentences. Really annoying.

    Abby and Brittany Hensel. One of them got married in 2021. It all goes to what I’m saying.

    Anyway, back to the world’s biggest shill: JOHN RIGGS.

    3:45 – Link in the description below. “You actually save cash when you use my link.”

    I won’t be doing that. And I can use anyone’s link.

    6:15 – “I’m a big dude, almost 300 pounds.”

    Yeah, more of this, less of the boasting about your height. You’ve only got 1,100 pounds to go before you can start challenging Jon Brower Minnoch for his title and the accompanying bitches.

    I bet the world’s fattest twins got all kinds of pussy too. You know, the guys on the motorcycles. The McGuire Twins.

    Oh my god was I right.

    Lynda Carter? You just know that they were double teaming her shortly after this picture was taken.

    And yeah, they were also both married.

    Only 700 pounds. John Riggs is halfway there. I refuse to believe that he’s anything less than 350 pounds. He just has to find a twin.

    6:45 – John Riggs comments about how you shouldn’t ride your bicycle or scooter on the grass, but then does so. He says this in every fucking video. And then he says that he donates $5 to the park whenever he goes just because he rides on the grass so often.

    First of all, who cares? If you want to ride on the grass, ride on the grass. The Grass Gestapo aren’t going to swoop down.

    But secondly, it’s so pretentious how he says that he donates money to the park. And then he uses this to try to justify his grass-riding transgressions. The rules are in place for everyone, John Riggs. You can’t buy your way out five bucks at a time. Either stay off the grass and be Mr Good Citizen, or be a rebel who plays by his own rules and fuck the donations. You can’t have it both ways.

    7:45 – Then he finishes the video by thanking the company for sending this thing. Total shill. I’m pretty sure that Youtube requires you to somehow label your videos as ads when they’re ads, as this one is.

    You can save $50 if you use his promo code. The thing costs $800. And when you go to their website, it’s marked down from $800 to $750. I’ll bet anything that if you use John Rigg’s promo code, you will not get an additional $50 off. This is just the normal $50 off that they give. It’s not an actual discount.

    When I try to click off the site, a popup says, “Save $50 on your first order.” This is just their marketing. They claim to “save” you $50. It’s a perpetual “sale.”

    Pinned comment is from JOHN RIGGS. He wants you to buy this scooter because he gets money from it.

    • “Trust me, I know this isn’t video game themed, but I freakin’ love this Electric Scooter.”

    Somebody replies, “I don’t blame you. It’s hard to turn down testing out a new product when a manufacturer sends one to you and asks you to review it. I do appreciate how you try to keep it honest and maintain your integrity without throwing too many flowers.”

    I’m pretty sure that that guy is being sarcastic.

    Total piece of shit conman. I’m still waiting for my big return investment on that pair of dirty old sneakers that I invested in thanks to some scam that John Riggs was shilling for. I invested $10,000 in shares of some guy’s Reebok Pumps. Whatever happened to that money? I should have invested in that pair of LA Gears intead.

  • PVC Bondage Guy is Overweight Plus Bonus Article about Newt’s Health Problems

    I don’t think that I’m going to actually watch this but I am going to mention Newt’s desperate as fuck thumbnail.

    This is supposed to be sexy?

    And holy shit, look at this outfit that PVC Bondage Guy is wearing in the video. She looks like Bruce Vilanch in a garbage bag. How could she possibly think that this is attractive? She’s overweight. Okay? Can I say that? I’m trying to be tactful. I never mentioned it before because I thought it might be partially a result of any medication that she’s taking. But then I saw that video where she ate a five course meal from Domino’s. I think that might be a factor.

    Exactly which wrestler’s physique is she going for here? Mike Shaw?

    In other news, Newt was talking about his health problems. He had a few tweets about it. He made a video about it. I can’t watch that video. I wrote something about the tweets but I deleted the article before posting it because I thought that I went too far with my comments. Let’s see if it’s still saved.

    Oh, it is. Let’s see if there’s anything that can salvage.

    You know what? Fuck it. I’ve written a disclaimer. If you think that I went too far with my criticism of The Ideas Man, you may very well be right. But fuck that piece of shit. So here it is. The title of the article was, “Newt Wallen is Doped Up or Dying or Something”.

    “Back in the E.R. worked 10am to 6pm. Raw dogged it then sped my ass here puking blood. So thats…..fun”

    “Urologist is away. 4 nurses couldn’t get tube in due to a blockage. Bleeding pretty heavy. the nurse handed me a Shasta Soda and a straw. I asked if this was for my urethra. She didn’t find it amusing.”

    “I know im not gonna die and yes they gave me meds. let me say. if I let any of you down. Hurt any of you. I am sorry. I started out wanting to write and be funny and make shit with friends. I fucked so much up. lost so many people I love. Just say I’m sorry”

    Then whoever runs the Shasta Soda Twitter account wished Newt well. They obviously don’t know Newt. And Newt tagged Shasta in his fucking tweet where he’s talking about possibly dying.

    So let’s just go over this. In tweets that I didn’t link to, because I couldn’t understand what order anything went in, Newt says that he met an “ex” for drinks. Said “ex” met up with a “trans girl” in her 20s while in the bar. Not sure what any of this means but knowing scumbag Newt, there’s some weird sexual bullshit involved in all of this.

    Newt’s knee gave out on the way home. His “ex” couldn’t help because she was passed out. So he limped to her home…while apparently leaving her passed out in the street. I don’t know. I couldn’t figure any of it out.

    But somehow, this resulted in Newt going to the hospital.

    Newt makes a totally inappropriate “joke” to a nurse who doesn’t appreciate it AT ALL. Same as the “joke” he made to the doctor which received the same response.

    This asshole doesn’t get it. Nobody wants to hear your stupid fucking sexual half-jokes. You’re in a hospital, you piece of shit. You’re talking to professionals. Not some crazy whore in your kitchen. Do you have any idea how to behave in civilised society?

    Then he gives this bullshit deathbed apology asking forgiveness for anything that he’s done. LIKE WHAT? GIVE EXAMPLES. THERE ARE LOADS OF THEM.

    He doesn’t think that he’s ever done anything wrong. That’s the problem. But he’s the biggest fucking asshole that I’ve ever known in my life. He has no redeemable qualities whatsoever.

    You want to apologise for those deplorable videos where you talked endlessly about how much you enjoyed fucking your “friend” who just died? You want to apologise for exploiting and taking advantage of the mentally ill PVC Bondage Guy? You want to apologise for unleasing Horseface on us? Sucks 2 Suck? Your disgusting, worthless “movies” that never get released and are all just “tits and gore”?

    So Newt replies in the comments, “Just realize that people I love. Or who would be here during this are dead. Or I’m dead to them. I’m 42. And that sobering shit hits hard in times like this. But I didn’t listen to them. Or my body. So all this. I did to myself.”

    He’s still talking about Horseface. And that dead woman who he gleefully talked about how much he enjoyed fucking her ass. He’s disgusting. He’s shit. He’s subhuman. If he died today, I wouldn’t give the slightest of fucks.

    Everything is about him. Fuck everybody else. Fuck the doctors, fuck the nurses, fuck Horseface, fuck PVC Bondage Guy, fuck that cancer-ridden dead chick with the sweet anus. It’s all about Newt. Why don’t people appreciate my zany self-obsessed ways? Why doesn’t everybody love me?

    Because you’re an asshole, Newt. A total and complete asshole.

    And when he gets called out for being an asshole, he just doubles down and becomes a bigger asshole. What can I do to get Horseface’s attention? I know. I’ll do every asshole thing on earth to get her to love me. Stalking her didn’t work. Fucking mentally ill women and putting the videos on the internet didn’t work. Consorting with prostitutes didn’t work. Talking about fucking a dead chick didn’t work. I feel like I’ve tried everything.

    Have you tried not being an asshole?

    He aggressively starts these shit projects because he thinks that he’s going to die soon. Yeah. Maybe you are. That’s precisely why you SHOULDN’T make them. Because they’re trash and you’re wasting your limited time on earth making them.

    Three years ago, I said that he should get a job, he should move, he should forget about all of this bullshit with Horseface and Screenwave and plagiarism. How much better would his life be if he took that advice? How much more fulfilled would he be? If he fulfilled with the shit he’s doing now? There’s only one direction that this can go.

    And look at this self-obssesed comment again. “Just realize that people I love. Or who would be here during this are dead. Or I’m dead to them.”

    WHAT ABOUT PVC BONDAGE GUY? Fuck PVC Bondage Guy. He doesn’t give a shit about her. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone. It’s about him. He doesn’t even give a shit about Horseface. It’s all just about him. What can Horseface do for him? What does he want Horseface to do for him? And he’s only with PVC Bondage Guy to try to get back with Horseface.

    He’s total trash. They should throw that guy out with the medical waste.