
  • Overwatch 2 – Neighbor Nerds – Cinemassacre

    24 minutes. Can they make this at all watchable? Let’s see how many minutes I can get through.

    I’ve never played Overwatch, by the way, but I know that it’s like Team Fotress 2, a game that I played extensively for many years.

    0:00 – James says he never played this before. You don’t say. This is like watching an Erin Plays video.

    0:45 – But first a word from our sponsor. Really awkwardly entered into the video. John was in the middle of explaining the game to Rainman. Whoever is editing this is doing a really poor job. Probably that faggot who banned me from the Cinemassacre sub-reddit. Eric or Josh or whatever his name is.

    Well, they’re not advertising that VPN for a change. It’s some game called Turbo Kid. I’m looking it up and it doesn’t seem to have any connection with Screenwave. It was released today (yesterday) when I post this. It already has 16 reviews on Steam, all positive. That seems a little questionable. I don’t know.

    1:45 – Now we’re back to the video. John says that he used to play a lot of first person shooter games. James has NO IDEA what he’s talking about. He just keeps saying “mm hmm”. James doesn’t even know what a “first shooter game” is. And then John gives the example of the “SOCOM” games. Or something. And James just “mm hmms”. I don’t even know what the fuck he’s talking about. But James is just pretending that he understands.

    Again, this is exactly what Erin does. She has NO IDEA what anybody is talking about when the subject is video games (or really anything other than Britney Spears and colours) so just pretends to understand. Badly.

    3:00 – They’re playing this on an X-Box of some description. Of course. Because James is too big of a retard to understand how PC games function.

    Again, just like our friend Erin Plays who once commented that she never played a game “with mouse and keyboard” before.

    4:00 – John asks what first person shooters Jimmy has played. Jimmy says, “I used to play Doom a lot.”

    How contemporary. You mean that game that came out 30 years ago? God, it’s fucking embarrassing. He’s a total fraud. Just like Erin.

    What other similarities are there? They both seem to be mentally challenged. They’re both personality blackholes. They’re both puppetted by Mike Matei. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re both getting fucked in the ass by Mike.

    And James is responding to these questions like he got a fucking lobotomy.

    4:30 – “Dumb question but are we playing against people?”

    Oh my god. “Dumb” doesn’t even begin to describe how idiotic that question was. He doesn’t have a fucking clue what’s going on. He couldn’t even bother to do two minutes of research on the game before he started the video. He doesn’t even understand the concept of multiplayer first person shooter games. He’s never played one before.

    What’s your favourite colour, Jimmy? Can you regale us with any stories about the time you saw Britney Spears on Mtv?

    4:45 – “Is this like a headset kind of game?”

    Oh my god. What is he even talking about? Do people even do that any more? It was never a big thing, as far as I’m aware.

    6:00 – John keeps talking about how amazing the game is because all of the characters have the same skill. Like…in some games, if you play the game for a while, you unlock more abilities. Apparently. I’ve never seen this but according to John, this is a thing. I think that gave Call of Duty as an example.

    I’ve never played Call of Duty but I’ve played a fair number of multiplayer shooter games for the PC and none of them give you more abilities the more you play the game. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s talking about but this thing where you don’t get new abilities is not at all unusual, in my experience.

    7:00 – James is playing now. It’s the worst Overwatch gameplay ever recorded.

    8:00 – “This is bringing me back to, like, Goldeneye.”

    Another timely reference, Jimmy. That game was released 25 years ago.

    8:15 – John is complaining about kids who call him a “try hard” in the game.

    It’s true. It’s basically the reason why I quit Team Fortress 2. It got too stupid. You would constantly get assholes being “friendly”. Refusing to play the game, effectively. It’s just “trolling”. And bad, lazy trolling.

    I trolled too but my way of trolling was to kick everybody’s ass. I always played the soldier class and a map called 2fort, which is a map that “noobs” enjoy. I’d camp out on that respawn that leads directly on to the sniper deck and just kill people as they come out. I got really good at it. I was almost always first place on the server. I’d kill a few guys, when my health got low, I’d run to the sewers, get the health, and then rocket jump out of the water and back on to the sniper deck. Rinse and repeat for every single game for like 15 years.

    And I bound a key to a taunt. It was some stupid term that the nerdy kids used to use. And every time I got a kill, I’d press that key and the taunt would show up in the chat. People got so fucking pissed off. It was hilarious.

    It was a good use of my time. And I got really good at doing this one thing on this one map using this one class.

    People would inevitably start “camping” at that respawn place. They’d put a sentry there. And if you know the map, you know that there’s absolutely no reason to put a sentry in that spot or to camp there other than to kill me, because I always went there. So then I’d taunt them by saying, “I’ve effectively taken you out of the game”. And I’d change tactics by “camping” the other respawn by rocket jumping up from that grate area near the entrace.

    Delightful nerd rage memories.

    8:45 – James says, “I don’t usually do online games at all.”

    It’s fucking…why even release this video? It’s like Screenwave is trying to intentionally sabatage James. There are numerous examples of this over the years.

    I’m turning this off now. I made it to 11 minutes. It’s just boring and I think that somebody stole James’ brain.

    Oh, there’s allegedly a funny bonus at the end. Let’s check it out…

    17:00 – Jimmy is complaining about how you have to put different passwords in to play different games. Ummm…you do? I have Steam, Jimmy. That’s all I use. I’m an adult in 2024. I have no idea what my Steam password is. I have it written down somewhere but it just saves. Steam loads automatically when I start my computer. You can save the password. It’s been like this for decades at least.

    So anyway, the “bonus” content at the end of this video is just James was bored with this actual game so he gave John some stupid Flash-type game about passwords. Fuck off.

    19:45 – Now they’re playing Wordle for some reason. James says that he’s only done it once. I would have loved to have seen that. Watch this fucking retard’s brain implode.

    Anyway, total waste of time. Jimmy just got bored of the game so decided to shoehorn this completely unrelated bullshit into it. This wasn’t “fun”. It was stupid. James Rolfe is a stupid man.

  • Fucking Crystal Quin Went to Fucking WrestleMania, Fuck Yeah, Fuckers!

    God, is she fucking unbearable. And what an equine face.

    Professional Wrestling in 2024. Horseface is all about it. As a woman knocking on 40.

    Women in the nerd-o-sphere of the internet pretend to be interested in this sort of shit to pull in horntards. That’s it. That’s the only reason. The same women pretend to be interested in video games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, whatever. Actually, I’ve yet to find any women feigning interest in Battlestar Galactica. Too niche, I suppose.

    But when did wrestling become something that nerds were interested in? I’m thinking maybe in the 2000s. Probably around the time that women’s wrestling started to be treated as something other than softcore porn. The indies were getting popular. With the advent of the internet, Japanese stuff was becoming popular. So you would get a nerd fanbase who would say, “I only like the obscure stuff.” When asked who their favourite wrestler is, they’d say Ray Gunkel. “But there’s very little footage of him.” Doesn’t matter. He’s the best.

    And when the nerds came, the women on the internet who prey on nerds followed. “Hey, I’m just like you. I like the same nerd shit that you like. Subscribe to my OnlyFans.”

    You don’t have to be a genius to figure this shit out. It’s exactly what’s happening.

    So we’ve got Horseface screaming profanities like an idiot so that she can show her horny nerd followers that she’s just like them. Kris Glavin is changing his underpants.

    There are some pictures. I commend Horseface for wearing an entire top for a change.

    Here she’s trying to sing along to some wrestler’s entrance music but she doesn’t know the words. Not sure why she uploaded this one. I suppose that nobody cares.

    Here’s Horseface just being obnoxious.

    “I’m just here to make sound effects like wooooah oooooh ahhhh nooooo yeaaaaaa”

    That seems to be about what she’s doing, yes. It’s annoying. People are paying to be there. They don’t want to hear your stupid shit.

    Here’s a video of Horseface saying “fuck” a bunch of times. She’s really invested in this Cody Rhodes storyline. This 40 year old woman is invested in a professional wrestling storyline.

    I watched this shit as a kid. As an adult? Fuck no.

    Not many women were watching this shit in the 1980s and 1990s. Nobody who I knew, certainly. Some friends’ fathers might have watched this shit but never the mothers. Most of the boys in my 6th grade class watched this shit but not a single girl.

    Here’s Horseface saying “fuck” five times in a 17 second video. She’s really pumped about this play fighting that most people outgrow around the time that they find out that Santa Claus isn’t real. She also refers to herself as a “Philly girl”. Maybe she meant “Filly girl”.

    Fuck you. Fuck your bad acting. Fuck your horse face.

    Here’s Horseface screaming “Fuck you” twice in four seconds. She’s just so angry at this wrestler that she doesn’t like.

    Nobody can hear her other than the unfortunate people sitting around her. And they know that it’s 100% fake. She’s always filming herself when she does this and the acting is TERRIBLE. She doesn’t even know any of these wrestlers. She’s not watching this shit. Why would she?

    And aren’t there children at this thing? She’s screaming “fuck” constantly.

    Here she is with one of the horntards who apparently held up some stupid sign with her name at a previous wrestling show. That’s what this is all about. She wants to get pennies from horny retards.

    She just outed her own mother as a retard. Hey, Mrs Horseface, it’s a work. This is all make believe.

    “Be nice to everyone. You never know what they are going through.”

    And the very next day she say screaming “fuck you” at half the roster at WrestleMania. Not that Logan Paul cares or heard her. But the people around her must have wanted to cave her fucking skull in. How much did they pay for tickets and they have to deal with this dumb bitch making fake “reaction” videos for horny retards on Twitter.

    “Oh, be nice to me. I’m a nice person. You don’t know what I’m going through.”

    You’re a dumb, horrible, sub-human bitch. That’s the reality. You only care about yourself. Go fuck yourself.

    When I first started writing about Horseface, she left some comments about how people made fun of her in school and she’s really a cool person if you get to know her and shit like this.

    Once she saw that I wasn’t buying any of that shit and I continued to challenge her narcissistic behaviour, she stopped posting.

    She thought that just by coming here, I was going to fall in love and say, “Oh, I’m so sorry, Horseface. What was I thinking with all of that vitriol? You must be pretty cool if you like the blog!”

    It’s like on Reddit, those fucking faggots hurled abuse at the fat guy whose name I can’t remember FOR YEARS. Oh, Justin Silverman. But then as soon as Justin posts there, they start kissing his 500 pound ass. It was disgusting.

    If you feel the need to apologise or change your behaviour when the object of your ridicule calls you out, you shouldn’t have been saying those things in the first place. Saying, “Fatty, fat, fat, fat” for years and when the guy shows up and says, “Come on, that’s not cool” and you apologise like a bitch, it’s because you realise that you were wrong to make those stupid, childish, homosexual insults.

    But that’s not the case with me. What I say about is Horseface is all true. She’s a horrible person. I’ll say that whether she reads it or not. I’ll say it straight to her horse face.

    Childish insults? No. That’s why I never got into “slobs” and talking about how fat the Screenwave guys are. Okay. They’re fat. So what? I’m not gay. What do I care if they’re fat? Let’s talk about stuff that matters. The quality of their work is low.

    No. The fags on Reddit just want to talk about their weight. That’s why they apologised when Justin went there. They knew that their comments were petty, needlessly insulting, and had no substance.

    My comments all have substance. That’s why Newt and probably everyone who I write about don’t like the blog. Reality can be hurtful. I’m holding a mirror up to their ugly personalities. That’s more important than talking about appearance.

    Sure, I call her Horseface. And that’s petty and childish, of course. But if she was a good person, I wouldn’t mention it. And her resemblance to a horse is the least important thing that I talk about.

    Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Professional wrestling and homosexuality.

  • PVC Bondage Guy’s Wrestling Diet

    2:23:00 – A two liter bottle of Coca-Cola, pasta that comes in a small-sized pizza box. and some giant deep fried chicken something the size of her fucking head.

    You can see this mystery product at 2:58:30. So she’s been eating for 35 minutes now. And she’s not done. Not by a long shot.

    This is from Dominos.

    She finishes at about 3:11:00. She she’s been eating for about an hour.

    Then she starts eating a pizza at about 4:30:00.

    This is like 4000 calories that she’s consumed in one sitting. This is somebody who wants to make a living from her appearance?

    I ate better than this when I was simply working out for my own enjoyment. How many different ways can you prepare chicken breast? It was boring as fuck but all it takes is a little self-discipline. How about trying some of that BDSM shit that you’re so into on your own perverse appetite? Who the fuck gorges like this? I’ve never eaten this much in my life.

    Let me remind you that she’s training to be a WRESTLER. You know, those people who play fight in skimpy little outfits. She’s not concerned about her appearance?

    She also does porn. It just boggles the mind. If you’re going to be naked for every horny loser on earth to see, don’t you want to look your best?

    4:31:00 – She talks about how when she’s in a “relationship” with somebody, she always tells them that she’s going to fuck other dudes because that’s what she does.

    With this body? If I was out there fucking everybody, I’d be in the gym every fucking day. I don’t want to embarrass myself. But PVC Bondage Guy goes to Taco Bell, gets the left side of the menu, and then has an orgy immediately after.

    It’s completely insane. She’s not going to make a dime with this wrestling shit. She has absolutely no discipline. She’s not taking this remotely seriously. And let’s not forget that she only started watching wrestling NINE MONTHS AGO.

    What about professional eating? Maybe she could do something with that. When she was eating that chicken thing the size of her head, I said, “No way is she going to finish that.” She not only finished it, she washed it down with a liter of Coke and then ate an entire pizza.

    Maybe she’s in the bulking stage of her weight training.

    5:27:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says that Luna Vachon and Sheri Martel are her “wives” and she “loves them so much.” These two women who wrestled BEFORE PVC BONDAGE GUY WAS BORN. And once again, she only started watching wrestling NINE MONTHS AGO.

    But Luna Vachon and Sheri Martel WERE ATHLETES. They were interested in maintaining their physiques. They didn’t have 4000 calorie meals.

    It’s so fucking stupid. She is completely wasting her life with this utter nonsense that’s doomed to fail. Just like the Ideas Man over here. Newt is another one who really should hit the gym before he shows his penis to any more homosexual Youtubers like Joe from Game Sack.

    I’m reminded of 300 pound Johanna doing porn. Come on. It’s insulting to pornography. These people are bringing pornography into disrepute.

    And then you have Horseface and that pimped out orphan whose name I can’t remember. None of these people have any business doing porn. LOOK AT THEM. What are they possibly thinking? They think that this looks good? What does the average person in Pennsylvania look like that THESE women think that they’re hot enough to do porn?

    You have to put the work in, ladies. Watch what you eat. Start doing some situps. I mean, come on. Do I need to tell you this? You should be embarrassed.

    I was watching some interview with a MILF porn star and she was talking about she’s always going to the gym and eating right and whatever. Yeah. Of course. Who wouldn’t? If you’re going out there and showing your body off, don’t you want to look presentable? Forget about the fact that you’re competing with all of these other women and there’s not much of a market for fat porn stars. Just for your own sense of dignity and self-worth, don’t you want to look your best? If you’re going to debase yourself with this shitty porn for pennies, at least look good doing it.

  • Balatro, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, Home Safety Hotline and more March updates – Cannot be Tamed

    She’s wearing a Star Wars t-shirt. She’s a big Star Wars fan, guys. She’s relating to all of the nerds out there. She’s just like you sexless losers. Isn’t that hot? You want to have sex with this sexless loser Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining? You can talk about Wookies and…whatever…droids.

    It’s pathetic. And this is all calculated. Pam doesn’t give a fuck about Star Wars. Even if she did, why would she wear the t-shirt? She’s an adult.

    0:45 – Point and Drink. I haven’t listened to this one in a while. I can’t. It’s aggressively boring. Pam and her lesbian long-distance girlfriend drinking and talking about video games and movies and hot chicks. Come on . There’s a limit to how much tedium I can endure.

    1:00 – Pam says that Pele is going to visit her this weekend. So last weekend. I’m late on this. I’m trying to visualise the dynamics. Does one of them don a strap on and go to town or what? Which one is the man in the relationship? You’d assume Pam but I don’t know. Because Pele isn’t overly feminine and Pam, although a giant bitch, isn’t overly masculine. Maybe they take turns.

    1:15 – She was also on the Drunk Friend podcast. Well, she is a drunk. I can understand her doing all of these alcohol-based podcasts. But she’s not an interesting drunk so I won’t be watching them.

    2:00 – She’s rubbing her dog just off-screen. I don’t even want to know where she’s rubbing it.

    3:00 – Footage of…something that she was on where people do…something. NO IDEA.

    4:00 – Then she puts an ad in the video. An ad on this boring as fuck PICKUPS video.

    5:15 – The Shoot Oot. But I gave up on this shit years ago. Pam used to only shoot oot women who make videos. Now it’s just whatever.

    7:15 – Quest for Glory III. She’s been playing this on Twitch. She says that it’s underrated. Yeah, because it sucks dick. It’s by far the worst. At least among the first four. I never played the fifth one, which is supposed to be not good.

    She claims that Quest for Glory is less well-known than the other Sierra Quest games like Police Quest, King’s Quest, and Space Quest.

    No, Pam. Are you out of your mind? Police Quest? Space Quest? Nobody gives a shit about those games. But people know about Quest for Glory. Well, giants nerds do. More giant nerds are interested in Quest for Glory than Police Quest and Space Quest combined.

    8:45 – Balatro. I was watching some nerd play this recently. So it must be really popular if it reached my radar.

    She explains why she doesn’t like it. Well, that actually convinced me not to get the game. I was considering it. A public service from Pam.

    21:45 – Pam’s legs are spread REALLY wide and she’s begging her dog to sit next to her. Umm…

    Somebody wrote a comment years ago about how my references to Pam fucking her dog are disgusting. Well, I can agree with that. But am I wrong? Look at the way she interracts with this dog.

    The comments are all losers jerking off to Pam’s hair.

  • RIP Reset n’ Zap Podcast


    I’m declaring it dead. It’s been nearly six weeks since the last episode. And she seems to have gone back to her old format of making short videos about video games. With her fat tits out. She also seems to try to incorporate Mr Wright Way II in the videos.

    But the long-form podcasts are done. And we were only a few episodes into “season 2”. What happened? Did the network pull the plug? Are they going to burn the rest of the episodes off during the summer rerun period?

    What a kick in the teeth for all of us loyal Reset n’ (sic) Zap Podcast fans. It was me and…that creepy Mexican guy and…a couple of horny black guys who live with their mothers. I was just getting used to the new set. There was a rotary phone. What more do you want?

    138 views on what is apparently the series finale. The world just wasn’t ready for it. Maybe one day when people are looking for two complete personality black holes talking about nothing while loud music plays, the podcast will see a resurgence.

    Maybe it will be like Star Trek. The masses didn’t appreciate it during its original run but the diehard fans kept it alive. And now there’s a whole Star Trek industry.

    It might take 30 years but hopefully I’m alive to see the resurgence of the Zap & Mr Wright Way II podcast. Perhaps by then it will be Zap & Mr Wright Way XVI.

    In all seriousness, absolutely rock bottom, abysmal podcast. And the numbers back me up. She’s weird. He’s a loser. And neither of them have anything to say.

    That last podcast where she asked, “What are the challenges you face within your niche?” was so unbelievably bad that it defies explanation.

    She’s there with her husband. This guy that she barely knows but she got married to him. Okay. He’s a black man. So he passes the Zap test. Fine.

    Couldn’t she come up with something more interesting to ask him? IT’S YOUR HUSBAND. “What are the challenges you face within your niche”?!?! Really?

    She’s not interested in getting to know more about him on an intimate level? What are his hopes and dreams and fears and worries? What was his family like? Does he have any views on spirituality?

    Maybe it’s just how people are. They don’t give a fuck about anyone.

    I went out with a woman who was 47 years old when I was like 30. And she said, “So how was your day?” And it blew me away. Nobody’s ever asked that. But this woman knew how to have a conversation. She knew how to take an interest in somebody.

    Maybe it’s a generational thing. And this woman was half-black or…I don’t know. Maybe a quarter black. She considered herself Jamaican but if it weren’t for the curly hair, you would just assume that she’s Italian or something. She was a real smokeshow, as Kris Glavin would say. I’d look her up but she must be in her 60s now.

    She was really complimentary. Really took an interest in my work and what I wanted to do. She made an effort. She made an effort to get to know me and make me feel good about myself.

    Sure, she was just a horny old broad. But whatever the motivation, this is what relationships should be about. If you’re asking your husband, “What are the challenges you face within your niche?”, you don’t understand what relationships are about.

    I’ll tell you another terrible podcast. Every Friday with Dan and Olivia.

    The podcast ended years ago. It had that annoying woman who played Karen on The Wonder Years and some guy. Some real asslicking guy.

    It used to be on that woman’s website but it’s long gone. It was awful. She wasn’t even there for half of the episodes. What was she doing? Probably getting fucked in the ass. But this guy Dan would still release a podcast anyway.

    Then they started to realise how ridiculous this is to release a podcast where the main draw of the podcast isn’t there and it’s just this guy talking to himself. So “Every Friday” became every other Friday. And then one Friday a month. And then they just stopped doing it entirely.

    They never talked about anything remotely interesting. It was just the minutia of this woman’s privileged life.

    Another terrible podcast was The Genius Cast with Lanny Poffo. Lanny Poffo, as the genius, was possibly my favourite wrestler of all time. But his co-host was unbelievably bad. This guy was regularly apologising to the listener, he was so bad. He kept imploring you to give him a chance because he was new to podcasting.

    Dude, you’re with Lanny Poffo. Get it together. Or why didn’t Lanny find somebody competent? Probably because this guy was a lot cheaper and Lanny is a Jew who doesn’t like to spend money. So the podcast suffered greatly as a result. Then it ended quickly.

    A real waste. He died a couple of years ago.

    Mike Tyson also had a horrendous podcast before he started doing Hot Boxing or whatever it is. Even Hot Boxing really fell off of a cliff after that drug addict football player co-host was fired. It was unwatchable after he left.

    But before all of this, Mike Tyson had some other podcast. It had the word “ear” in it, I think. He some Jew co-host who must have regularly mentioned being Jewish because how else would I know that he was Jewish? It was audio-only.

    Anyway, there’s a long history of terrible podcasts but I think that Reset n’ Zap has a special place. If there’s ever a Hall of Fame for terrible podcasts, I’d like to see them inducted.

  • NWWL Naked Revolution – Wrestling

    Sorry for the tits and gore but I was just thinking about Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Guy’s wrestling aspirations and it reminded me of this. I consider myself somewhat of an authority on this particular event, having spent years trying to learn as much as I can about this short-lived promotion.

    It’s the Naked Women’s Wrestling League. According to Wikipedia, they existed from 2004 to 2009.

    There was apparently a pay per view in 2004 called Vegas Stripped. I’ve never seen that. The main pay per view, and the one you’ll see all over the internet is Naked Revolution from 2006.

    Over the years, I’ve seen other clips, individual matches, but a lot of them, surprisingly given the name of the company, don’t feature nudity. If memory serves, they might be in a bikini or something. They might just be wearing the skimpy costumes that women wrestlers tend to wear anyway. Some of the matches are topless. But the only fully nude matches are from this Naked Revolution show.

    They went all out for this Naked Revolution. They hired Carmen Electra to host the show (and then apparently didn’t pay her). And the women are completely naked. It is surprisingly scandalous. Maybe I’m just easily scandalised. But they seem to be in a pretty sizeable venue and there are women in the audience. I don’t know if they were plants or what but these women seem to not be particularly into the show, which tends to suggest that they weren’t plants. These are genuine disgusted attitudes.

    They have genuine professional wrestlers on this thing but also just local strippers. The strippers not only can’t wrestle, but a lot of them are hard to look at. This was filmed in Canada so it doesn’t bode well for the hot chicks of Canada. I mean, if these are the strippers, what does the average woman on the street look like?

    Also, I believe that this was filmed in Canada because Canada has more lax laws on…whatever this is, public nudity than the US does. I think that’s why Naked News is also filmed in Canada.

    Jimmy Hart is also in this thing. He’s clearly the biggest name.

    You can watch this on SpankBang. I won’t link to it but it’s easily found. I downloaded I guess the DVD rip or something many years ago.

    0:00 – Carmen Electra starts the show. She’s awful. And spoiler: she never gets naked. She deserved not to get paid.

    1:00 – There’s some skank who’s acting as the attorney in this thing. If memory serves, she gets naked later and it’s pretty good but it’s just brief nudity, unfortunately. I don’t know who this is. Just a local stripper, I guess. I don’t think that she’s a practicing attorney.

    They also advertise that Mandy Weaver is in this. I don’t know who this is but I’m looking it up and she was on some Gilligan’s Island reality tv show. I don’t know if she wrestles or what. We’ll have to find out.

    Jimmy Hart is also in the ring.

    2:30 – He introduces April Hunter. He’s “managing” her. She’s one of the “big” names on this thing. But apparently she was in WCW, TNA, and did independent wrestling. She was in Playboy as well. She’s one of the few women in this thing that might give you an erection.

    Is it too crude to talk about erections? Well, it is porn.

    Then Jimmy gets into an argument with the two skanks in the ring. I don’t know why. This isn’t scripted very well. They’re angry about something.

    4:15 – They introduce the referee for all of the matches, Miss Bunny. She has heart-shaped areola. It’s pretty gross. There’s a reason why this hasn’t taken off. It looks diseased. But she’s topless and wears like some little referee skirt. It’s possible that this woman did or does porn. I don’t know. But terrible implants and revolting areola.

    5:00 – Annie Social is the first wrestler introduced. She was a legitimate wrestler on the indy scene. She’s from Pennsylvania, not sure if rural or urban.

    I saw an interview of her where she expressed regret over appearing on this show. No need to worry, baby. You looked fantastic.

    5:45 – She does the splits a few times while some black woman takes her clothes off. This black woman will appear later as a wrestler called Cleopatra. I think that she’s just a local stripper but she’s one of the few local strippers in this thing who’s actually attractive.

    So now Annie Social is totally buck ass naked in the ring. I don’t know. There’s just something shocking about it. Even though I’ve watched this 100 times, it’s still shocking.

    And think about how desperate she must have been to take this job. She thought this was going to be her big break. If I just do some naked wrestling, I’ll get in the WWE. It doesn’t seem to have happened but at least we have the video to enjoy.

    7:00 – Her opponent is Trish the Dish. Just a local stripper. If you’re jerking off to this woman, you have some real problems. Is this the best they could have found? Do strippers in Canada not have breasts? And I guess her gimmick is that she’s a school girl. You know, because she doesn’t have breasts. I’m not into it.

    And I think that she has a nipple ring. That’s just irresponsible to wear that in a naked wrestling match.

    The ring is tiny, by the way. And the ropes seems really high up. Maybe everybody is just really short.

    They do a lot of moves that spread the opponent’s legs or somehow show their pussy. The standard porno wrestling moves.

    There aren’t going to be any five star matches in this thing, by the way.

    14:45 – Annie Social gets the pin and pins her by doing the splits on her.

    I suppose that it wasn’t terrible given that one of the women presumably had no wrestling experience at all. They must have gone through it. Practiced. Chroeographed it.

    But this would have been so much better with just a hotter opponent. Annie Social has some big tits. You’re telling me there’s no strip club in the area that has women with breasts?

    Saying all of that, I haven’t watched this in years, but I remember being really outraged at Trish the Dish’s inclusion in this. But she’s not that bad looking, I guess. She’s a slim woman. She watches what she eats. She’s doing what she can. She can’t help that she doesn’t have breasts.

    16:00 – Some other skit with that lawyer and some Asian woman, I think. They’re the commisioners or something. I don’t know. I never figured it out.

    17:30 – Next match. Ninja Chops. I think it’s just a local stripper. Some Asian woman. Not a looker. But I notice that she’s billed at 5’10” so maybe that explains it. That’s unusually tall, of course.

    Gross tattoos around her pubic area. Tits are fine, I guess but I’m not jerking off to this.

    And Carmen Electra is awful. Her commentary is horrendous.

    Carmen Electra says that Ninja Chop’s opponent measures in at 36-24-22. That has to be a mistake. Did she misread it? Should it have been 32 as the last measurement? I’m not sure because then Carmen goes on to say that Carmen’s ass is bigger than that. Well, I think everybody’s is. Maybe she was just trying to cover up for her mistake.

    19:30 – It’s Kylie Electra. The idea here is that it’s the alleged sister of Carmen Electra. I think it’s just another local stripper, although she’s billed as being from Ohio.

    Big tits and she comes out already naked. Everyone else has come out in a costume of some sort and then undressed. It’s something different, I guess.

    Ninja Chops has a naked valet called Lady Serpentine but she didn’t come out with her. She was just already at ringside.

    No way does this woman have 22 inch hips, by the way.

    I would have preferred to see Kylie Electra with Annie Social. Get a hot chick with her. I don’t get it. But here you have another match with a reasonably attractive woman and…well, I don’t know. I remember being really disappointed with Ninja Chops when I saw this years ago but looking at her now, maybe my standards have gone down. Yes, the tattoos are awful and she doesn’t have a porn star body but she’s in shape. I’d give her some loving. I mean, I’d give any of these women some loving. But I don’t know.

    20:30 – The announcer mentions Kylie Electra’s stats that Carmen Electra read out and says, “Add those up and you pretty much have my belt size”. So yeah, I’m thinking it was a fuck up.

    24:30 – Some sort of knuckle to the knee move. I’ve never seen that before.

    For two local skanks who have never wrestled before, it’s not horrendous. What they’re doing resembles professional wrestling.

    25:00 – Absolutely terrible chops from Ninja Chops. And this is apparently her special move, hence the name. It may be that Ninja Chops has appeared in other NWWL matches, by the way. I seem to recall seeing her before and the announcer is certainly promoting her as an NWWL veteran. Also, she may well be 5’10”. She’s taller than her opponent and the referee, certainly.

    26:00 – Ninja Chops is selling her leg as being injured from that weird knuckle move, I think. So there’s some psychology to this.

    26:30 – Ninja Chops ends the match by doing some move that exposes Kylie’s pussy to various parts of the audience and then does a “Dragon Roll” which shows Kylie’s pussy to all sides of the audience. It’s kind of like that rolling move that Terry Funk or Dory Funk would use. I don’t know the name.

    The local strippers are really used as jobbers in this thing, which makes sense.

    28:30 – Carmen Electra suggests that she should get into the ring. No. You’re awful. You’re awful at all of this. There’s a reason why Carmen Electra never got a job doing anything that required speaking.

    What is she doing now anyway? Oh. OnlyFans. That’s what I want. 51 year old Carmen Electra nude.

    I have one of her Playboys from 25 years ago. Even that didn’t do anything for me.

    28:45 – Oh, here’s a skit with that Mandy Weaver from the Gilligan’s Island reality tv show. I never even noticed this. I have no idea who it is but I wonder if she wrestles.

    Jimmy Hart hugs her and suggests that he got an erection. I can’t see how. This is one powerfully unattractive woman.

    30:00 – Next match. Cleopatra. Black chick. I think she’s a local stripper. I found her to be pretty good jerk off material but your mileage may vary.

    She’s just an attractive woman with a pretty face and a nice body. That’s something that’s kind of lacking on this show. There’s no gimmick like giant tits or a huge ass. She’s a slim woman who’s well proportioned.

    31:45 – Josieanne the Pussycat. It’s a local stripper. Doesn’t even have a gimmick. They say that she’s local. They also said that Trish the Dish was local. They’re in Toronto, by the way. But I believe that…I don’t know. Maybe Cleopatra isn’t a local stripper. She looks much too attractive. I’m thinking she’s a model or something.

    But this Joseianne is AWFUL. Come on. This woman has no business being in the audience. I don’t want to see this. I think that she’s from Eastern Europe or something. She has an accent.

    She’s wearing some PVC bondage outfit.

    They do a lot of arm drags. In all of the matches there were a lot of arm drags.

    I don’t think that Joseianne even bothered shaving. Terrible name, by the way. It’s a play on Josie and the Pussycats. I get it. The word “pussy” is in there. But it’s a GROUP. Why would a single person use the name of a GROUP? It just doesn’t make sense in terms of the English language.

    39:45 – Josie, inexpicably, gets the win. The least attractive woman on the show beats the most attractive woman on the show. And Cleopatra didn’t even get much offense in. It’s a complete outrage.

    41:30 – Mary Carey is in the ring. She was a popular figure for about a week and a half. She did porn and she ran for governor of California in 2003 or so. She’s just giving a bad promo. She doesn’t wrestle. Doesn’t even get naked.

    The idea with this promo is that NWWL doesn’t want Mary Carey to wrestle for them because she’s a porn star. The NWWL, a naked wrestling league, is too prudish to allow porn stars to compete. Half the roster is local strippers but porn stars aren’t allowed. It doesn’t make any fucking sense. A retard wrote these promos.

    43:00 – Oh, she does get naked. Well, this wasn’t a total waste then.

    43:30 – She says that she wants a “hot ass naked bitch to kick my ass”. And then it cuts to footage of, I think, Trish the Dish (who isn’t hot) and…I don’t even know. Looks like some human sex doll.

    Oh, this is Candass Canuck. Does she wrestle? I don’t think so but there’s still another 45 minutes to go. Must be another local stripper.

    44:45 – This was just promotion for the NWWL website. She wants you to vote in some poll.

    45:15 – Then Trish the Dish and Candass Canuck strip and enter the ring but Mary Carey runs out.

    46:15 – Another dumb promo. Jimmy Hart with April Hunter.

    48:30 – This lawyer is like…I suspect that she does a lot of community theatre. Because her acting is competent but distractingly so. She’s clearly acting. The rest of these people just stumble through their lines. Even Mary Carey. She was awful. April Hunter is bad too.

    50:45 – Melissa Coates is going to be April Hunter’s opponent. She’s some roided up body builder. I think she was married to Sabu. Let me look this up.

    I don’t know if they were married but they were at least “dating.” And she died in 2021. She died from covid. Had to get her leg amputated from covid as well. That’s terrible.

    But she also apparently wrestled and acted as Sabu’s valet.

    This is a loser leaves town match, by the way. Kind of. Either Jimmy Hart leaves or this commision who I still don’t know anything about will leave.

    51:30 – Then this lawyer strips to show how dedicated she is to wrestling. I probably came about ten times to just this short little section. I don’t know. There’s something about this community theatre enthusiast that does it for me. She doesn’t wrestle, though.

    54:00 – Dumb promo with Mandy Weaver and this lawyer. They’re in the bathroom. So I guess that Mandy Weaver does wrestle. I totally forgot about. It’s probably a totally forgettable match.

    55:30 – She’ll be taking on Candy Smith, who’s apparently the NWWL champion. Who is this? I don’t remember any of this. I’m not seeing anything online. Did I get the name right? She has large, muscular arms. I assume she’s a wrestler.

    She’s a terrible actress. TERRIBLE.


    Oh, it’s Kandi Smyth. But her Fandom page just says that she’s best known for being in NWWL. So she hasn’t done anything.

    She’s being “managed” by Jimmy Hart, by the way. I think that he only appeared on this one pay per view which is why I’m disputing all of his “managing”. And the story here is that Jimmy wants Kandi to hurt Mandy Weaver but Kandi doesn’t want to because she’d get disqualified. Seriously, that’s the story. The retard who watched this must have just got done watching Karate Kid.

    1:00:00 – Mandy Weaver comes out. I think that Kandi was supposed to say something but Carmen Electra interrupted her. She’s so unprofessional.

    Terrible promo by Kandi. I’m doing everything I can not to fast forward.

    No breasts on Mandi, by the way. None. She makes Trish the Dish look like Kitten Natividad.

    And Kandi isn’t anything amazing either.

    I’m not saying that women with small breasts don’t have any value. Of course not. But in porn? Come on.

    Are there many guys with small penises making porn? There’s a certain look that’s required. You need the big sex organs. It’s just the way it is. Or should be, anyway.

    1:04:00 – Mandy Weaver says, “Get ready to kiss that title and your white ass goodbye.” Mandy is a white woman. What is this? She’s a white woman from the South. She seems to have the same affliction that Newt has. Thinks that she isn’t white.

    Maybe this would be more impactful if I knew who the fuck Mandy Weaver was. Was that Gilligan’s Island reality tv show popular? I think that I was out of the country by the time it was on.

    She’s not noteworthy enough for Wikipedia. On Imdb, all she has is that Gilligan’s Island thing and this NWWL thing. And a tiny role in some 2006 film (so from around the same time) as “Jennifer’s Friend #1”.

    So she’s done nothing. But she thought that this naked wrestling was her ticket to stardom.

    I mean, it’s kind of hot to see people debase themselves like this in a desperate and misguided bid for fame. You can imagine Annie Social backstage trying to psyche herself up. “I just have to get out there and wrestle naked. It’s not that much different from what I normally wear anyway and this is going to be huge. It’s going to skyrocket me to the WWE. I’ll make millions.”

    And then for the rest of her career, she’s accomplished nothing but she still has this video out there where she’s showing her pussy to some confused Canadians while play fighting with a stripper.

    Mandy Weaver seems to have NO IDEA how to wrestle. They locked up three times so far and then just pushed each other off. She also keeps skipping around. Literally.

    Fourth pointless lockup.

    Fifth pointless lockup.

    Can somebody do a move?

    Sixth pointless lockup.

    1:06:15 – Oh, finally an arm drag. Awful, of course, but at least it’s a wrestling move.

    1:07:00 – It goes outside of the ring and you see the awkward people in attendance.

    I was blaming Mandy Weaver for the awful wrestling. She’s awful, of course. But holy shit is Kandi Smyth terrible. This is the champion?

    I understand that it’s a naked wrestling promotion and it’s tough to get legitimate wrestlers. But this is shockingly bad. She’s the worst. This is the worst match of the show. By far. And that’s saying a lot. Any one of those local strippers is a better wrestler than Kandi Smyth.

    1:08:30 – Mandy Weaver attempted an arm bar, fucked it up bad, so then just starts pulling on Kandi’s arm and Kandi sells it. Instead of just getting back into the arm bar. Maybe she doesn’t want to put this woman’s arm on her pussy but…that’s the whole point of doing the move. I mean, in this context. I’m not saying that that was the motivation for Royce Gracie.

    I can’t believe how bad this. I don’t want to watch this any more. They made naked wrestling unwatchable.

    1:10:15 – Mandy Weaver wins. There was allegedly some shot from behind with the belt but I guess I missed that. Well…as horrible as Mandy Weaver was, I suppose that she was the better wrestler. I guess. I don’t even think that Kandi did anything.

    Awful. Absolutely horrible. Negative five stars. Even by the rock bottom standard of the other matches on the card, this was horrendous. And this is the championship match.

    So we have a new NWWL champion: Mandy Weaver. I don’t remember any of this. This is the one match I don’t remember. Now I see why. My mind blocked this match as a defence mechanism against extreme trauma.

    1:11:45 – Another bad skit. Some woman we’ve never seen and will never see again starts yelling at the referee.

    So then Sharona Hart and the referee start fighting. But they’re only topless because presumably this referee doesn’t want to take her skirt off. I don’t remember this either.

    The play by play guy says that he doesn’t understand why any of this has happened. Yeah. Nobody does. This is completely nonsensical.

    1:14:00 – Finally, we get to the main event. Get your ding-a-lings ready for this one. Massive tits on April Hunter. This is what we want to see. This should have been every match.

    Well, how many women have giant implants like this and are willing to wrestle naked? But still, we should have got something better than we got. More women of the caliber of Annie Social, Kylie Electra, and Cleopatra and less of the Trish the Dish, Ninja Chops, and Mandy Weaver.

    1:14:30 – Some skank in the audience shows her tits for the camera. Maybe these are plants. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just rowdy, drunk college students.

    1:15:15 – Then shitty ass Carmen Electra interrupts just as April was about to take g-string off. God. Carmen Electra is fucking awful in this. No wonder they refused to pay her. She actually sued them over this? Whatever Jew started the NWWL should have sued Carmen Electra for ruining the fucking show.

    1:15:30 – I think that Carmen Electra calls Melissa Coates “Melissa Goat.”

    Anyway, she has giant fake tits but I’m not digging it.

    This is definitely the right main event, though. Get the women with the biggest tits. This isn’t rocket science here.

    1:17:30 – They exchange some chest bumps. Classic.

    April Hunter bends over gratuitously to give the crowd a look. Nothing wrong there.

    1:19:45 – They go to the outside to give the audience a better look.

    1:20:00 – They pass the women in the audience who showed their breasts earlier and then a different woman offers to squeeze April’s breasts but April declines.

    1:21:00 – April takes Steroid McGee and shoves her tits in the terrified face of some woman at ringside.

    1:22:00 – For reasons that aren’t explained, the story is that they just start cooperating. They’re not actually having a competitive match. It’s some next level 4-d chess “double cross” that nobody understands.

    Then Melissa Coates falls, without being hit, and April pins her with one finger ala Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan. I think that’s what they’re going for here but…I don’t get it. I don’t remember seeing the finish either. Probably because I always came within two minutes of watching the match. But are they going to explain any of this in the last five minutes of the show?

    Oh right. Because this was a loser leaves town (kind of) match. So since April won, the commission, who I still don’t know anything about, have to leave the NWWL and Jimmy takes over.

    1:23:45 – April starts spanking her ass.

    Then it ends with a music video featuring that human sex doll who never wrestled. She doesn’t even get naked.

    Anyway, this was awful. It was a bad final match. That championship match was abysmal. The storyline didn’t make sense. A lot of the women I didn’t even want to see fully clothed, never mind naked. The wrestling varied from horrendous to merely really, really bad.

    I don’t even know who that Asian commissioner was. Was she even Asian? She was wearing sunglasses the whole time so I don’t know.

    Maybe they could have explained some of this in a future pay per view but this was the last one. It was possibly the last show that they did of any kind.

    Somebody in the comments says that he watched it because Mutiny was in this. And he indicates that Mutiny is Josieanne. Mutiny must be the name of a porn star. So this woman who was the least attractive woman on the show, is a porn star. I guess.

    I don’t know. As a wrestling show, this was a failure. As pornography…I mean…I suppose the results speak for themselves. I probably watched this at least 20 times to full completion. But I think that’s just my particular interests. I don’t think that this video works as pornography for your average masturbator on the street.

    I used to watch a lot of this wrestling porn. There’s a great Japanese series called Adult Video Wrestling or something like that. I remember one particular video called like Fuck Down or something. It’s wrestling, it takes place in an actual venue with an audience. It’s a respectable crowd (in terms of size, anyway). They put on a wrestling match, which is actually pretty decent (not like this NWWL shit). And then the loser gets fucked. And it happens right there with a crowd of perverts watching.

    It’s pretty creative. There were a few videos in the series.

    I also enjoyed Danube Wrestling…something. This was semi-legit if not totally legit naked wrestling. It took place in Hungary or something. And they did different shit. Oil wrestling and boxing and whatnot. It wasn’t the usual fake bullshit, the matches looked legitimate. Naked wrestling must be a time-honored tradition in Hungary.

  • Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire – Double Review – Cinemassacre

    A double review. Double the green screen. Double your boredom.

    0:00 – He starts with weird, fake enthusiasm. I prefer James’ genuine autistic disinterest to everything that isn’t poop as opposed to this weird and creepy fake enthusiasm.

    0:30 – Jimmy likes how both films have the word “Empire” in them. He loves that autistic wordplay.

    0:45 – “So I’m thinking, ‘Oh boy, everybody is going to ask me about Ghostbusters and everybody is going to ask me about Godzilla.”

    James, let me bring you down to reality. Speaking for myself, somebody who has been watching your videos since 2007 or 2008, I don’t give the slightest of fucks what you think about these movies. I didn’t even know that they were coming out. I didn’t know anything about either movie. I have no interest in this. It’s completely off my radar.

    And do you think I give a fuck what some 40+ year old autistic man thinks about these movies? I don’t give a shit. Alright? Is that okay with you? Sorry to damage your fragile ego, but nobody gives a fuck what you think. You’re a total has been.

    0:45 – He starts going on about the minutia of purchasing tickets. James…are you fucking kidding me? NOBODY CARES! Figure it out. We don’t need to know about the different show times and venues.

    2:00 – He’s talking about a Garfield trailer that played before the movie. This better be relevant.

    No. It wasn’t. He just made an autistic reference to Bill Murray voicing Garfield.

    3:45 – Winston is scolding Ray saying, “We’re getting too old for this.”

    Well…yeah. Just looking at these screenshots, how fucking old are these guys? 80? This is insane. Let me look this up.

    Bill Murray is 73. God. That’s a rough 73. Dan Akyroyd is 71. Ernie Hudson is 78.

    What’s the retirement age in the US? 66.

    I wonder if I’m entitled to any social security in the US. I only worked there a couple of years. I think that I’m entitled to something. Is it based on how many years you worked or anything? Because I think that’s how it works in the UK.

    Aw, you basically have to have worked for 10 years in the US. That sucks. I think it’s 20 years in the UK to get the full amount. If you have less than that, you get a reduced amount. What? It’s 30 years. That’s fucking bullshit.

    I never did anything with investments or pensions. Fuck it. They’re not going to let me starve. In the US? Probably.

    Anyway, I don’t want to see elderly ghost busters. It’s ridiculous.

    God. I’m really struggling to watch this video. I’d rather go back and talk about retirement plans than listen to this boring as fuck video.

    5:45 – I’m losing the will to live but James talks about how Ghostbusters was a comedy. Was it? I mean, I guess but I can’t remember anything funny. I saw the movie, I think, probably more than once, but I’m not interested in it. I don’t get the appeal. More stupid 80s *nostalgia* from people who watched this dreck as children.

    9:00 – James liked the movie. Great.

    9:30 – Godzilla. I’m guessing that he likes this one too. Great.

    10:45 – Jimmy says that can’t go to the cinema to see a movie unless the whole family wants to see it. What is wrong with this guy? Ever hear of a babysitter? Take that beast of a wife out on a date, you autistic piece of shit. It’s called romance.

    This guy is in prison. He can’t do ANYTHING because he has children. I understand that there are responsibilities. There are certain things you can’t or shouldn’t do. You don’t want to move house. You don’t want to change your job. You don’t want to take as many risks. Whatever. I get it.

    But you can’t see a movie? I’m pretty sure that you can, Jimmy. Put an ad on the local delicatessan’s notice board stating that you’re looking for a babysitter and are willing to pay ten bucks an hour. You’ll get offers.

    What a life this guy leads.

    12:00 – I’m stopping the video here. This is stupid. I don’t give the slightest of fucks about “Hollow Earth”. I don’t know what it is. I don’t care what it is. Fuck this extreme nerd bullshit.

    Let’s see what the boys on Reddit had to say. Something gay, no doubt.

    Well, it’s largely Photoshopped pictures of James Rolfe with his mouth agape. “Gaping maw beckoning for a cock”. Hm. Yeah. We all have fantasies but we don’t all post them on Reddit.

    The rest of the responses are “memes”. 5.40. No time. You know the homosexual drill. This was totally worth my time to check that complete trash out.

    The people who post there aren’t just gay, they’re stupid. They’re stupid gay men. I guess that stupid gay men need a place to congregate but why around Cinemassacre? What about James Rolfe attracts stupid gay men? And why are there are so many stupid gay men anyway? I mean, it’s like retard levels over there. They’re repeating the same unfunny, homoerotic shit every fucking day.

  • Low-key vlog: A trip to Hong Kong – Day 1, Hong Kong Disneyland – Super Retro Gal

    Oh my god. Super Awkward Gal is back. It’s been at least six months. I was worried that somebody came back and got their revenge for her killing of “Pops”.

    That’s got to be the biggest scandal I’ve ever covered on this site. Bigger than Destiny Fomo being a prostitute. Bigger than Erin Plays moving in with a man she didn’t know to exchange butt sex for Youtube promotion. Bigger than Bobdunga aka Ray Mona’s harassment campaign against a gay man, accusing him falsely of rape. Bigger than SupaNintendoGirl’s deep psychosis. Bigger than Tony from Hack the Movies actively participating in giving 21 year old orphans golden showers for money in collusion with said orphan’s fat, hillbilly pimp. Even bigger than Newt Wallen’s laundry list of offenses from plagiariasm to boasting about fucking a dead chick up the ass to consorting to prostitutes to exploiting a mentally ill woman and putting their sex videos on OnlyFans for money.

    What could be bigger than murder? That’s number one. And this woman, Super Video Game Gal aka Super Retro Gal aka Super Awkward Gay straight up murdered her husband’s grandfather. There are videos. I covered it. Constant elder abuse. She HATED that man. She resented having to take care of him. She had a video where she was giving him a fucking bath and he didn’t even know where he was never mind that he was being filmed. No consideration given to this man’s dignity.

    She had the motivation. She wanted the fucking house. She and her husband lived in this man’s house. They wanted him out of the picture.

    He had a fall. She no longer looked after him. She went to work and left this decrepit man who needed 24 hour care alone. She came back and he was fucked up. He had multiple strokes. Multiple falls. Shouldn’t have been left alone but she was sick of him. She was sick of looking after him. She expressed this multiple times in the videos. This guy was ruining her life.

    She’s a total scumbag .

    So anyway, she’s going to Hong Kong. Oh, great. Get some culture. Take in the sights. See how people live.

    No. They’re going to Disneyland. How fucking pathetic is this? Who the fuck goes to Hong Kong to go to DISNEYLAND?

    It reminds me of JOHN RIGGS going to the UK and then trying out the local Pepsi. “Hmm…it’s sweeter than ours.”

    I mean, he’s right. It’s sweeter because they don’t use that fucking frankenstein cancer-causing high fructose corn syrup ANYWHERE outside of the US. Once you leave the US, you’ll find that countries, no matter how poor or backwards the country may be, have laws that dictate that you can’t put dangerous chemicals in the food. Not so in the US. “Red #40? Yes, please. That’s freedom.”

    But yeah, fuck Disney. Although, saying that, the people from the UK who travel to the US basically only go to one of two places: fabulous New York City and Disney World. It’s pathetic but that’s the reality.

    I suppose that getting around is an issue. You need to rent a car if you go anywhere other than New York or Disney World. But surely most people who are traveling have licences.

    Whatever. Let’s look at this fucking bullshit video.

    0:00 – It starts with her going to the airport. She lives in fabulous Los Angeles or…around there.

    Music plays.

    0:30 – She and her husband are wearing masks. When was this taken?

    1:00 – Now she’s in the airport in Hong Kong.

    1:15 – They take a taxi to Disneyland.

    1:30 – They’re at the hotel in Disneyland.

    God, this is so shit. Who would spend money to do this? Why go all the way to Hong Kong to go to DISNEYLAND? She WORKS in Disneyland. It’s the same fucking corporate shit.

    1:45 – She complains about the pool being closed.

    2:15 – She’s there with her husband/murder accomplice. God, there is no fucking way that that guy is not gay. I’m sorry. Earlobe stretchers: gay. 100% of the time. Show me the exception. What heterosexual guy says, “Grr, I’m just so masculine that I’m going to make my ears look pretty”?

    And he has a fucking gay as fuck haircut. I think that he’s wearing makeup too. This is…come on.

    3:00 – She talks about her trip to Japan. You’ll never guess what they did. Disneyland.

    3:30 – Sufjan Stevens music plays for some reason. Speaking of gay men.

    I don’t even know what they’re showing. The lobby, I guess. I heard the word “lobby”. But the lobby of what? The hotel? Who gives a shit? This footage has been going on for like three minutes. I’m five minutes in.

    5:30 – Now they’re showing the menu of one of the restaurants in the property. You can such Hong Kong delicacies as pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse.

    “Also, it’s very cute and very wonderful.”

    Hmm. Riveting stuff, Super Awkard Gal. That’s what I base my vacation plans on. Where can I find cute stuff?

    6:00 – “Real spoons and biodegradeable spoons. That’s what we’re all about. Everything is biodegradeable for real here.”

    What’s her carbon footprint for going to fucking Hong Kong just to see Disneyland? Show some consideration to the rest of us, Super Awkard Gal. We’d like to be able to breathe. Fuck your methane gases whether it be from totally unnecessary trips abroad or from your own anus, you self-loving, smug fucking bitch.

    7:00 – Footage of Chinese people running to purchase merchandise. God. Fuck Chinese people and their complete lack of manners. Fortunately, there aren’t too many where I’m at now but when you do see one, they have a very different concept of personal space than you do. And they don’t believe in waiting their turn for anything.

    9:45 – Now she’s back at the same fucking restaurant that she went to for breakfast. So she can’t even be bothered to explore the other restaurants in the property.

    Then the video ends. Do you want to know what happened? NOTHING! You want to know what they saw and did? NOTHING!

    They traveled to fucking Hong Kong FOR THIS? To eat a pancake in the shape of Mickey Mouse and go on a boring as fucking Frozen ride?

  • Newt’s Job Interview Attire

    He’s got a red sort of dress shirt and a brown tie.

    I mean, if I didn’t have a suit, which I do have, it might be the kind of thing that I’d wear to a job interview. And I only have suits because I wear them for my job.

    What did I wear to job interviews before I had this job? Just like a black button down shirt and Chinos or whatever the fuck I had. God, I hated work attire before I got this job that required a suit. The jobs that I had required…basically what Newt’s wearing minus the tie. And I’m not going to buy a whole fucking wardrobe of that shit.

    With the suits, I go all out. I spent like $800 on my most recent one. And I wear the double cuff shirts that require cufflinks. You don’t see that much. And I have an overcoat that’s like $1500. The shoes were $500 or something. So I’m the best dressed guy in town. I get a fair amount of compliments, but it’s usually from drunk guys.

    You don’t really see people wearing suits any more. At least I don’t. Maybe in London, in the city, you still see it.

    But yeah, I don’t recommend buying a suit just for job interviews. I don’t even know if I’d wear a suit to a job interview. It depends on the job, I guess. The manager jobs that Newt is going for…I mean I guess it wouldn’t hurt. It’s not like he’s going for a job interview as a “team worker” at McDonald’s.

    Where was I going with this? Job interviews…Ideas Man…movie theatres…smart/casual attire.

    Oh. Fucking wearing jeans on Friday. Fuck that. It’s bad enough that I have to buy all of this shitty smart/casual attire that I’ll never wear outside of work but now I have to buy a whole set of a jeans and casual but not too casual shirts? Fuck you. Pay me more and I’ll consider it. But for £8/hour? Suck a dick.

    I forgot how terrible it all was. With wearing suits to work, it’s actually much better. You wear the same fucking suit every day. You get five shirts. You get few ties. You’re done. Rotate it out. Nobody cares.

    I’ve been using the same shirts for years. They’re falling apart. But I refuse to buy new shirts because I hope to stop doing this job soon. Same with the ties. I’m down to two that still aren’t completely destroyed but I’m not buying new ones because in a month’s time, I hope to be out of here. Whether I find another job or not. Fuck this shit.

    Maybe I should move to Philadelphia and see if I can get a job at Newt’s cinema. There’s going to be an opening soon, after all. Would I make videos with PVC Bondage Guy? Probably not. No, I’d get the fucking black woman with the big tits and phat ass. Pay her fifty bucks a video or something.

  • GO HERE and YOU will SAVE MONEY on Video Games today!! – TheGebs24

    This woman is awful so I’m going to filibuster for as long as I can before watching the video. I am NOT INTERESTED in saving money. That’s not a motivation for me. I’ll gladly pay more not to deal with any bullshit.

    There are a lot of ways that you can save money or make money. There are these people who constantly switch bank accounts in order to get the “new customer” deals. They’ll pay you £100 to open account or there will be a 3% interest rate on your savings or whatever. And there are a bunch of criteria you have to meet before they give you the money. Not worth it. Not worth the hassle. But there are people all over the internet telling you to do this shit. No, thanks. I’ll just work instead.

    You can save money by getting store brand cereal instead of the name brand stuff. No thanks. I’ll pay the extra 50p and get shit that actually tastes half-way decent.

    I was purchasing some expensive software. It was over $3000. And the guy said, “If you fill out this form and send it to me, I’ll give you a $200 discount.” I said, “No thanks.” This was like 15 years ago. And the only way to get this software was through this guy. So he said, “What are you talking about? The software is $3000 without the form but $2800 with the form.” I said, “I don’t need the discount.” He then tells me that it’s required to fill out the form.

    So here’s what I had to do that get that fucking pissant discount. I had to go to the library. Get the form printed. Because I didn’t have a printer. The printing cost, whatever, 10p a sheet. There were maybe two sheets. That’s 20p. But it’s not really about the money, it’s about the hassle of going to the library.

    Then I had to scan it. Then I had to fill out this long fucking form. With a pen. I had to make sure that I didn’t make any mistakes because this is the only copy I had and if I fuck it up, I have to go back to the library.

    Then I had to scan it because the guy didn’t have a postal address, this was all done through email. But he didn’t give me a form that I could fill out on my computer. It was a PDF file, I assume and there’s free software now that you can use to edit PDF files but there wasn’t 15 years ago. Not that I knew of anyway.

    So oops, I don’t have a scanner. So I have to go to the fucking store and get a scanner. I got the cheapest scanner I could find. It was £20.

    I scanned the document and sent it off. Oh, whoopdeedoo, I got $200 off this $3000 software and it only cost me £20.20 and two laborious trips. A paltry 5.9% discount.

    I was right. I’ll just pay the fucking $200. I don’t give a shit. Don’t make me do all of this.

    I still use that scanner like every week so it was a good investment but he didn’t know that. It’s quite possible that I could have used that scanner solely for that document that I had to send.

    Broadband companies. People are always telling you to switch to get the best deals or at least threaten to switch. The broadband companies themselves tend to have cheap introductory rates for six months or whatever and then they jack up the price.

    I’m not fucking interested in that shit. Just give me the price. The actual price. And I don’t want any fucking contract.

    That’s why when my contract runs out, I never renew, even though the price can double if you’re outside of your contract period. I don’t give a shit. It’s not worth the hassle of having to be locked into a new contract. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. Maybe I’ll move. In fact, I’ll almost certainly move.

    So I found a broadband company that gives a straight price, no discount, and there’s no contract. Perfect. The price is fair. I’ve been using them for six months. No problems. Three times faster than my old provider. £10 cheaper a month than the other company’s jacked up out of contract price. Great.

    When I was living in the US, I was trying to cancel my AOL and some scumbag from a phone company kept trying to get me to switch phone companies. “Don’t you want to save money?” No, asshole. Don’t you get it? Not interested in saving money. I remember the exact quote that I gave him, “I have no interest in saving money.” I wasn’t even saying it to be an asshole or to end the call. This was my genuine belief and it remains so.

    People like TheGebs24 don’t seem to get it. Fucking budgeting and whatnot. No. I don’t budget. I spend money freely and still manage to save money every month. I don’t have to count the fucking pennies and get the store brand baked beans.

    I’m not saying that I’m Mr Money Bags but I just don’t need to do it. Alright? And it’s a huge hassle. Fuck saving money.

    But we’ve got TheGebs24 over here bitching about the price of video games. Okay, well here’s how I’d solve that problem: don’t buy the games. Buying retro video games is not a necessity. Have you seen that woman’s house? She should be saving money for something decent. Stop blowing it on video games.

    0:00 – So her first tip is to get your games from Asda. That’s a fucking grocery store. She shows the price at Asda versus Game. The game at Asda is £29 and at Game it’s £32.

    Who gives a shit? The difference is negligible. It’s worth the extra £3 not to have to do your video game purchasing in the bargain bin of a grocery store.

    You know how else you can get cheap games? Rooting through dumpsters and hoping for the best. But is it worth the time? It it worth the embarassment?

    Then she takes another game from Asda. It’s £24. At Game it’s £26. WHO CARES? Is this just an advertisement for Asda?

    And she wanted to check some other site but her signal wasn’t working. Or something. She probably ran out of credit on the cheapest pay as you go sim she could find.

    1:15 – She’s showing her tits. She’s like 45. I mean, come on. I’m about the same age as she is but nobody wants to see my tits either. Have some self-respect. Grow old gracefully.

    1:30 – Some Princess Peach game is £5 cheaper at Asda but some Mario game is 1p cheaper at Game. So…who cares? You’re at the store. These are tiny differences. You have to also factor in the cost of gas. Your time. The effort. Just get whatever is there at whatever store you’re at. You can’t go around checking prices at every store in town.

    Even if this particular Asda has cheaper prices than Game on this particular day, that’s not the case across the country. Prices fluctuate.

    Even as a kid, when £5 was a lot of money, I wouldn’t give a shit about this. “You want me to check every store in town for the best price? Fuck you. I’ll just go to the closest shop.”

    What adult cares about a £5 difference in video games? Just don’t get the games.

    2:15 – I’m about to turn this off. She’s annoying. She says “get in” and “40 squid” instead of “quid”. I’d even find “quid” annoying. It’s like the equivalent of “bucks”. A slang term for “dollars”, or “pounds” in this case.

    And all she’s doing is comparing the prices of the games in Asda with how much they’re going for on the Game website. She’s not even going to an actual Game store. How lazy is this?

    She could have made this video with no effort at all by just staying in her hovel and comparing the prices between Asda’s website and Game’s website. And show her tits at every price reveal.

    Super Mario RPG is £3 more at Game. Well, that’s fantastic.

    I think that I’m done. Pick up some bread that’s expiring tomorrow while you’re at Asda, Gebs. They put that stuff in the discount bin for slightly less money. Get in a fight with a hobo over it.

    Fucking Asda. I wouldn’t set foot in Asda. It’s a grocery store for the completely impoverished. And it’s a false economy. Yeah, the food is cheaper but it tastes like shit. Is that what you want? Pay a little more and get much higher quality food.