
  • NEWTrition: Super Saiyan ramune drink – Newt Wallen

    0:00 – Newt is with some FLAMING homosexual black man in a dollar store.

    Now, I recently commented about how I want to see black WOMEN on the Schlock & Awe channel. Because Newt is always talking about how awful white people are so I suggested, well, let’s see some homies. And there are more black people in Philadelphia than there are white people, or any other race. So there’s no excuse. Other than, Newt is a fraud and a hypocrite.

    But I was saying that I want to see black WOMEN. I specifically requested big chocolate tits and a phat ass. This homo has neither.

    I was talking to my black girlfriend about homosexuality. It’s not a topic that comes up frequently and I don’t say “faggot” or use any derogratory language because I’m not a cretin but she knows that I’m not big on the poo pushers. But she is. She’s all about homosexuality and being inclusive and embracing all kinds of degenerate behaviour.

    So I said, “You know, it’s kind of surprising because black people tend not to be so accepting of homosexuality.” And she said, “Well, there you go. There’s another example of your small-minded views. I’m not like that and I know many black people who aren’t.”

    But of course it’s true that black people are the least accepting of homosexuality. It’s part of the culture. It’s one of the more admirable aspects of the culture. They should focus more on that part of the culture and less on the criminality and absentee father parts of the culture.

    So anyway, we’ve got Nick here. He’s balding but chooses to have a large afro. He’s covered in tattoos. That’s another thing. Black people aren’t terribly into tattoos. Given the skin tone, it doesn’t have the same appeal as lighter skinned people.

    Newt says that they’re at FYE. What the fuck is that?

    Entertainment retail stores. Whatever that means. Oh. CDs, DVDs, games. Like Best Buy minus the computers. And who’s buying any of this shit today?

    I’m looking at their website. I suppose it’s like Game Stop or something. They sell Funco Pops and shit like this. Nerd shit.

    So anyway, I think that Nick works there. So it’s not even Newt’s friend. This is like that Seinfeld episode where George is trying to show his boss or a co-worker or something how progressive he is but he doesn’t have any black friends. So he asks an exterminator who the company hired to pose as his friend.

    Nick, Newt’s new best friend, is showing the anime beverage that he’s trying to sell to Newt. $2.00 for a tiny bottle. What a steal.

    This is an imported item, I guess? That would explain the price. And Newt asked to be shown how to open it so…it must have been something unusual.

    1:30 – There’s a ball in the drink. Newt doesn’t know what this is. It’s for carbonation. Cans of Guiness have the same thing.

    Anyway, Newt didn’t care for the beverage.

    That was awful. Why was he doing this video with this homosexual employee? Just to get some diversity on the channel? I’m not counting this. Newt needs to PAY for a sexy black WOMAN to appear on the show. Just like he pays that old whore Fallon or that crack addict red-haired woman or possibly PVC Bondage Guy. God, if anybody should be getting paid, it’s PVC Bondage Guy. She’s in every fucking video. I think that she was filming this one.

    What other videos does the Ideas Man have? A couple of “behind the scenes” videos of his latest shit “movie” with prostitutes that nobody will see. Great. Maybe I’ll check that out later. He also has a Ghostbusters review where he talks about the red-haired woman and the Italian and Reddit and maybe I get a shout out. I’ll have to check that one out too.

    Why does he even mention Reddit? I don’t think that people talk about him on Reddit that much. It’s been years. So I’ll give those homos on TheCinemassacreTruth credit for this one. They will repeat the same shit day after day, year after year, but they seem to have dropped Newt from their rotation. Good for them. And good for Newt.

    Oh, Newt blocked me on Reddit. What a fucking coward. Like I was even interacting with him or reading his messages. I only found out about it now when I went to check on his sub-reddit that nobody goes to. He probably blocked me years ago.

    Anyway, he hasn’t posted in three months.

  • 7 great games to play on Xbox Game Pass right now – Cannot be Tamed

    I swear that I look at these channels every day. Every day I check Erin’s channel, CannotBeTamed, Bobdunga and Pelvic Gamer. I probably check Newt’s channel every other day. Destiny Fomo I’ll check every week or so because she hasn’t uploaded in months. I’ll check John Riggs and Tony from Hack the Movies when I’m desperate for stuff to talk about. Same with what’s her name, that fat Puerto Rican woman. I’m subscribed to Cinemassacre and Lyngendary so I don’t have to check their channels.

    But the point is that I swear that I check these core women who I talk about every fucking day. And yet here’s this video from six days ago that somehow passed me by.

    Anyway, Pam looks different. I wasn’t sure what it was but top horntard comment is about her hair. That must be it. Smokeshow, Pam. I’m really jerking off over here.

    7 Great Games on Game Pass. She hasn’t done these cookie cutter videos in a while. I don’t even know what Game Pass is.

    Oh, she starts the video by telling you what it is. Great stuff, Pam. You really anticipated my needs. It’s a subscription service for Xbox (I guess) where you can play a bunch of games but the games are rotated out. So if you like a game, it might be removed. Well, that sucks dick. I don’t want that.

    Oh, and you can play on PC too. Let me check this out. Not that I’m going to subscribe.

    $17 a month. Yeah, I don’t think so. It would be way more than what I pay now for games. What was the last game that I even bought? Let me check my emails for Steam…

    September of last year. I bought three games last year. Well, actually just one. The other two purchases were DLC.

    And yet, I play games all day. I play the fucking games that I have. I don’t need to get a new game every day. I only play the top tier shit that really speaks to me. If I find a game that I’m interested in, I’m going to play that shit for years. I can’t understand these people who view games as disposable. No attention spans.

    6:15 – “Have you ever wanted to be a shark?”

    I don’t even think that she’s joking. No, Pam. I’ve never wanted to be a shark.

    So anyway, she just talks about seven games. I didn’t listen to any of this for more than five seconds. I just skipped to the various time stamps. Fortunately, she time stamps her videos.

    Some horntard in the comments rails against Game Pass. Pam replies with, “Paying $20 a month for the games I want to check out rather than $200 seems pretty good to me.”

    How would you spend $200 a month? Who would spend $200 a month on games? It’s like a new game every week. Go do something else with your life if you’re playing games this much.

    And of course you can just pirate everything. She’s talking about single player games in this video, I think.

    A lot of the horntards talk about her hair.

    Oh, here’s an interesting one. Somebody says “Thanks grandma”. Pam suggests that they take a butterscotch on their way out. And then…then some horntard said this:

    this got me. I always notice your trend of comment responses. As an attractive woman talking about video games, I imagine you get it from all sides. I feel bad, because I always want to communicate how beautiful of a person I think you are, but you run the risk of looking like an internet creep who is just watching for the fact that a girl is reviewing games. I actually think you’re one of the best reviewers on the platform. I just also have a massive crush on you. As does my wife.

    If this guys’ goal, as was stated, was to NOT look like a creep, he failed spectacularly.

    Let’s check out old Jasayla (underscore’s) Twitter.

    Absolutely nothing. All she’s doing is advertising her Youtube videos and Twitch streams.

    These people need to understand how to build a channel. It’s not about mindless promotion. It’s about creating interest. Creating interest in you as a person. If you’re just putting out these soulless ads all the time, that’s not interesting. All that that tells me is that you’re a boring as fuck person who’s only interested in self-promotion.

    Write some fucking tweets talking about your life. About your thoughts. About your aspirations.

    The guy who wrote the Irate Gamer Sucks blog, as far as I can recall, never wrote a single thing about himself. Certainly, I don’t know anything about him. He would just write detailed posts talking about Chris BORES’ boring as fuck videos.

    I read the blog. It could be amusing. But I think that it would benefit if we knew something about the guy writing this shit. Personalise it.

    I’m not offering my blog as an example of great marketing. But I think that there’s wisdom in the idea that knowing something about a Youtuber or a blogger helps create interest in the material. If every day I was just writing robotic messages about how shitty Erin’s videos are, I think that the blog would suffer. Knowing about my contempt for my parents and school stories and political views helps to build a view of the person creating the shit. I don’t even think that it has to be a necessarily positive view of the person in order for it to have a positive benefit.

    Take Newt Wallen, for example. He is one of the worst people I have ever known in my life. Nevertheless, he’s more interesting now than he was back when I didn’t know anything about him. When he was just some stooge on Hack the Movies with a horse-faced woman, it was, you know, whatever. But once I learned that he’s completely objectionable in every facet of his life, suddenly I’m interested. Suddenly I want to watch these videos where he’s reviewing carbonated beverages.

    Mike Matei. He talks about Star Trek, he talks about dragging Erin to an arcade, he talks about his fondness for old Donald Duck comics. It’s nothing deep. He’s not sharing anything important about his life. But it still makes his ten times more interesting than, say, Retro Ali who we know NOTHING about.

    So you don’t have to share everything. But share SOMETHING. Give us something to make us want to watch your fucking videos.

    When you don’t share anything about yourself, it gives the impression that there’s nothing to know. You’re just a boring person. And it’s probably true in the case of Retro Ali but come on. Make some kind of a fucking effort.

  • Hunting For The Priciest Games At Game On Expo ’24 – John Riggs

    He’s at one of the 200 nerd conventions that he goes to every year while his long-suffering wife stays with their deeply troubled children.

    If he doesn’t eat in this video, I’ll be very disappointed. Lately, he’s not been including what he eats at these nerd conventions. That’s the only reason that I watch them.

    0:00 – He’s in Arizona. He has a booth or something. He’s going to be there for all three days of the convention.

    He’s looking for the most expensive item. In the previous video that I watched, the gimmick was that he looking for the strangest item. Or something. We don’t need the gimmicks, John Riggs. We just want to see you stuffing your fat face. At least that’s what I want.

    3:15 – Some giant nerd with a video recording setup…or something…that he has attached to himself. Ever hear of a smart phone?

    I was watching a documentary year ago with my roommate about some guy who collected vintage pornography. And he’s showing like some stereoscopic pornography reels. And my roommate said, “Has he never heard of DVDs?”

    5:00 – He’s watching some nerd novelty band. God, it’s so embarassing. Who goes to these things?

    5:45 – Footage of Patricia Summerset’s birthday. You guys all know Patricia Summerset, right?

    Canadian actress known for voicing Princess Zelda. Oh, of course. How silly of me.

    Wait a minute. Wikipedia says that she’s Canadian but she was born in Michigan. It says that she grew up in Michigan. Surely, she’s an American.

    I was looking at a map of countries that give citizenship based on birth. They’re almost all in North and South America. Like if you’re born in the US, you’re entitled to American citizenship but if you’re born in France, you’re not entitled to French citizenship.

    It all goes back to colonial days when the new countries needed new citizens and didn’t want people born there to be citizens of, whatever, Portugal, for example.

    Anyway, then John Riggs sings Happy Birthday to this ZZZ-list celebrity along with the other nerds and it’s embarassing.

    14:00 – Some nerd is cosplaying as a gay biker.

    14:15 – Nice perm from the nerd behind the counter.

    Then John Riggs says some weird shit to like a 13 year old girl who I guess is the daughter of this gay biker.

    So that’s the video. John Riggs didn’t eat a single thing. It’s really disappointing.

    People in the comments are all talking about how this shit was overpriced. They question why anybody would buy games anyway due to emulation.

    I mean, that’s been the case for like 25 years. People are obviously still buying them. And I don’t think that they’re buying them to play. Why would they? You can download every game. But it’s, I don’t know, just decorative at this point. You can impress nerds and repel women with your shelves of video games.

    I suppose it’s similar to collecting commemorative plates or something. You don’t use the plate to eat off of, it’s purely decorative. Although, I’m pretty sure that commemorative plates aren’t worth anything. So it’s a poor investment if you were sending all of your money to the Franklin Mint. I suspect that video game collecting will see a similar fate.

    The price of commemorative plates dropped off because the people who bought that shit all died. Who today is interested in commemorative plates?

    It will be the same with video game shit. Who under 30 is remotely interested in paying $500 for some fucking Nintendo game?

  • Newt Broke his Leg

    Or something. I don’t know. Who cares? “MCL”. Fuck you. I’m not going to medical school just to read your gay ass tweets.

    Speaking of gay asses, top comment is from Joe from Game Sack. You know, the guy who Newt showed his penis to.

    Joe: Twist your ankle? That’s never fun. Takes a few weeks to feel somewhat normal again, depending on the twist.

    Newt: Shoe slipped and knee twisted. Mcl is hyper extended. My ears were ringing. Could not stand but still finished the shot. Just from the floor. Cause I’m a filmmaking professional ha

    Joe: Oh twisted knee fuck man

    Newt: See What trying to look cool in front of FallonVendetta gets you

    Fallon is the prostitute who’s appearing in this “film” that Newt has some involvement in. You know, his “friend” who he pays to hang out with him.

    There’s some Lao-Tzu quote about a man who only saves another man for money would also drown a man for money. I don’t remember what it was exactly. But I’m reminded of that.

    So yeah, Joe from Game Sack is replying to Newt’s tweet. He must be openly gay. Because think about what happened. Let me recap.

    Newt says that he showed his penis on webcam to Joe from Game Sack and 8 Bit Eric. At the same time. And both Joe and Eric commented on how big Newt’s penis is.

    What you boys do in the privacy of your own bedrooms is your own business. Maybe they were just playing “Gay Chicken”, a game that I recently became aware of through some other video, unfortunately. Maybe they were just being “bros”.

    But for Newt to then announce this on Twitter…that would be the end of any relationship that I would have with Newt, if I was in that position. “Newt, I looked at your penis. We were just having a laugh. I swear that I’m not gay. Okay, great. But for you to then announce it to the world? Fuck off. I didn’t give you permission to say that. Now what is everyone going to think? I looked at your cock. It clearly sounds gay.”

    Joe from Game Sack didn’t take that view. He still talks to Newt. He has no problem with the fact that Newt, effectively, outed Joe as a homosexual. All this time, I thought that Joe from Game Sack was interested in Erin. No. He’s interested in Newt.

    And Newt is openly gay. He’s spending a lot of time with PVC Bondage Guy, a known man. He has sex with him for pennies and he puts the video on his OnlyFans which I’d be astonished if it has even five subscribers (all ladyboys). So Joe is looking at the penis of an openly gay man? And then has no problem when this openly gay man reveals this shocking information?

    He’s gay. Joe from Game Sack is clearly gay. You want to know how many times a heterosexual man asks to see a man’s penis in his life? Zero. And when offered, a heterosexual man will say, “No thank you. I have no interest in seeing your genitals.”

    Not Joe from Game Sack. “Sure, Newt. Show me your cock. It sounds hot. It’s big, right? You have a big, throbbing cock? Let’s see it.” And fucking 8 Bit Eric is there jerking off in anticipation.

    What else? There was something else that I saw on Newt’s Twitter. Oh right.

    Newt re-tweeted this. It’s a letter that Ron Howard wrote 25 years ago saying that some journalist shouldn’t criticise Jake Lloyd’s performance in Star Wars because he’s nine.

    Yeah, but he sucked. Right? We can’t say that? At what age is it okay to say that an actor is terrible?

    Other people share the blame. Writers, directors, whoever casted him, whatever. But his performance was poor.

    Anyway, the only reason Newt posted this is because he identifies with people who are criticised. It’s all about Newt. He doesn’t give a fuck about Jake Lloyd. He’s saying, “Hey, let’s not criticise people for turning out shit. Let’s praise shit.”

    No. Shit is shit and should be called out as such, whether we’re talking about Jake Lloyd in Star Wars or every single “creative” thing that Newt Wallen has ever done.

    I never actually saw the Star Wars prequels but I’m just assuming that he’s terrible. Oh, but I did see some Youtube compilation of Jake Lloyd’s parts in the movie. Yeah. Shit. He has mental health problems? I’m sorry to hear it. But his performance in Star Wars was awful. His performance doesn’t become good just because he’s nine or because he has mental health problems.

    Oh, I just thought of somebody else for that Top Ten 1980s Stars Who Fell Into Drug-Fueled Ignominy video idea I had. The kid who played the little boy in Family Ties. Let me look this up. He had face tattoos and shit.

    Brian Bonsall. Yeah. Well, according to Wikipedia, he hasn’t had any legal trouble in 15 years. Good for him. Oh yeah. And he was also Worf’s son in a few episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

    I’m looking at pictures. These are really old pictures from the last time I looked this up, which was maybe 10 years ago. And maybe it’s “just” neck tattoos. No face tattoos.

    But I read some crazy shit on the IMDB forum back in the day about a guy who got these same neck tattoos, which are huge, and was using them to have sex with women. He was posing as Brian Bonsall. And the actual Brian Bonsall was understandably outraged by this and warning people that it’s not him.

    Who poses as Brian Bonsall to pick up chicks? And to go to the effort to get these huge neck tattoos. Maybe it actually was Brian Bonsall and he was just trying to cover his tracks. “There’s some guy who LOOKS like me, doing the old pump and dump all across the country, but I swear that it’s not me.”

  • Is The Nightmare on Elm Street Remake Really That Bad? – Tony from Hack The Movies

    I haven’t talked about this horse-faced woman in a while. What a treat. And I believe that she’s there with Lucy Tightbox. You guys all know Lucy Tightbox, don’t you? Failed Youtuber extraordinaire.

    Wait. This isn’t Lucy Tightbox. This Cayley. Who the fuck is this? I’m sure that I talked about her before because I remember this three pack a day voice. Let’s check the archives.

    Oh, no. It is Lucy Tightbox. Is she not using that name any more? It was memorable. She’s the only one of these skanks whose name I remember.

    I’m not seeing the name Lucy Tightbox anywhere on any of her social media. She seems to have changed it all to Once Over with Cayley. What happened to her tight box? Well, maybe I don’t want to know. Maybe her box lost its tautness. Now she’s just Lucy. Or Loosey.

    2:45 – Tony is talking “comically” about how the horntards comment on these two ladies because they’re so hot. Yeah. This is it. These are the hot chicks. Let’s move on. We don’t need a ten minute skit on this shit.

    3:00 – Horseface says, “They’re so pretty” in reference to 300 pound Johanna, Mint “I Drink Piss for Money” Salad, and that Italian woman. It’s always about hot chicks with this dumb bitch. Or, as in this case, “hot” chicks. And the only reason she says this stuff is because she wants compliments in return. It’s all about her.

    3:15 – Horseface says that she’s happy to be with Tightbox. It’s just constant. She couldn’t even go 15 seconds without talking about hot chicks and how she wants to have sex with them and she’s such a lesbian. Horseface, you are a total fucking bore.

    God. I’m six minutes in and Horseface is distractingly unattractive. How does THIS woman think that she’s a hot chick? It’s remarkable.

    And delusion is one thing. I think generally, people think that they’re more attractive than they actually are. But how do OTHER PEOPLE think that Horseface is a hot chick? How is Newt obsessed with this women YEARS later?

    Well, I made it to the ten minute mark. Nothing is happening but I’m glad that I made it 10 minutes. That’s more than I can usually do with Tony’s abysmal videos.

    15:30 – Weirdly-placed upper arm tattoo for old Tightbox over here. It’s hilarious that she changed her name. “I’m getting too old to call myself Tightbox. People are going to start making cruel comments about my lady parts.”

    I made it to the 20 minute. I’m really chugging along here. Horseface is talking about acting. She’s a real thespian. She appeared in over 100 unreleased Newt Wallen “movies”.

    21:15 – Horseface talking about hot chicks. No. I’m done. This is boring. Come on. I’m not even going to pad this out. I’m too bored to pad this out. The blog suffers when I try to watch a Tony from Hack the Movies video. I have to stop writing about him.

  • Youtube removed our video – Newt Wallen

    What a disgusting thumbnail. I think that those are PVC Bondage Guy’s manboobs.

    0:15 – “One of the videos that we shot was a video idea that I had for you called ‘Busting Makes Me Feel Good’.”

    It was an 11 second video that was a closeup of PVC Bondage Guy’s breasts and PVC Bondage Guy says, “See, I told you busting makes you feel good” while she masturbates a ghost and Newt sprays slime at her breasts.

    Gee, I wonder why it got deleted. Newt certainly seems perplexed by the decision.

    0:45 – “It was just supposed to be a funny little 12 second thing.”

    Which part of this was funny? This guy has a very peculiar sense of humour. He seems to think that stupid puns that a fourth grader might come up with are funny. Newt, they are not funny. You are not funny. I have never laughed at anything that Newt has ever said or done. Not once.

    1:30 – Youtube removed the video because of nudity and Newt is outraged by this and says that there isn’t nudity. I believe that the thumbnail is from the video that got deleted. Just a close up shot of PVC Bondage Guy in this bra that barely covers anything. This fucking retard is surprised that the video got deleted.

    1:45 – “Like you can see horrrrrrrrible shit on Youtube.”

    Really? Like what?

    “Misinformation: politically, socially, medically.”

    That’s “horrrrrrrrible” in your mind? People who have different than Newt. That’s what he finds “horrrrrrrrible”. It’s why he doesnt’ talk to his father. And his father no doubt thanks his lucky stars every day that he doesn’t have to talk to this piece of shit.

    You know, I just thought of something. Horseface should come out as a Trump supporter if she wants Newt to leave her alone. Wear half a MAGA hat.

    “Horrible fucking violence on Youtube.”

    Where is he seeing this? This shit gets taken down.

    “And you’re going to remove 12 seconds of sprayed green slime on titties?”

    Ummm…yes, retard. Because that’s clearly sexual content. You don’t know that? It’s a sexual “joke”. It’s a close up a man’s breasts with simulated jizz getting sprayed on it. You don’t see how that’s sexual? And clearly pornographic?

    I mean, would I jerk off to it? Of course not. I don’t jerk off to men. I’m heterosexual. Men like PVC Bondage Guy aren’t what I’m into. But the video is clearly intended, however poorly executed, to titilate. Newt clearly knows this but he still chose to make a 27 minute outrage video over this, thereby insulting my intelligence and the intelligence of all of the ladyboys watching this.

    2:30 – Newt makes a reference to how he can’t be “anti-trans” because he’s with PVC Bondage Guy over here. You know…this woman who clearly looks like a woman but says that she’s a man for some bizarre reason.

    I think that just about everybody can support that type of transexual. You look like a woman, sound like a woman, there’s nothing that you say or do that’s remotely masculine, but you just want to be called a man? Well, whatever. That’s fine, I guess.

    If PVC Bondage Guy got her breasts cut off, stuck a carrot down her crotch, started taking testosterone, and grew a beard, somehow I don’t think Newt would be hanging out with “him” any more.

    3:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “For context, I am trans, he makes a lot of trans jokes, it’s fine.”

    I’ve never even heard Newt make “trans” jokes before. But again, PVC Bondage Guy is only “trans” in the sense that she says, “I want to be called a man.” That’s it. That’s as far as she went with this. It’s an insult to actual “trans” people.

    4:30 – “I am covered. I have a bra on.”

    Uh huh. We see the bra, PVC Bondage Guy. That’s not covered. Why are you sitting there and lying to us? We can all see it for ourselves. You think that’s a normal bra?

    Here’s another thing, if she’s a man, why does she need to wear anything at all? There are plenty of videos on Youtube of shirtless guys. Why isn’t she saying, “Hey, I’m a man. I should be able to be shirtless.”

    5:45 – Newt advertises a livestream where PVC Bondage Guy accidentally shows his breasts. Then he says that he’s going to put some other video where PVC Bondage Guy shows his breasts on their OnlyFans.

    6:30 – When Newt was getting a camera put into his penis, he asked the doctor for the footage so that he can put it on OnlyFans. He’s a complete piece of shit. He thinks that this is all funny. No. You can off like a total scumbag. Don’t you get it? This is why even pieces of shit like Horseface and Tony from Hack the Movies had enough.

    PVC Bondage Guy says that she knows that there are people who would like footage of Newt’s camera up the penis video. She stresses that she isn’t interested, though.

    Subhuman garbage. That’s what Newt and PVC Bondage Guy are.

    7:30 – PVC Bondage Guy says that her doctor let her take her IUD home.

    These people need to go away and never come back. This is pathetic.

    8:15 – “Fuck Youtube. Fuck the puritanical. Taliban-style state that we live in.”

    There’s a place for porn, Newt. Youtube isn’t it. What aren’t you getting?

    9:15 – “But let some asshole use the N-word and spread disinformation about, you know, fucking shit.”

    Good argument. Well made. But you see, that’s all free speech. Porn is expressly not included in free speech. That’s what your video was. It was porn. It was bad porn but still porn.

    It’s completely insane that he compares his pornographic video to people making videos supporting Trump or denouncing the covid vaccine. How are these things at all related?

    9:30 – Then he suggests that people are leaving Youtube in droves to go to…”What’s it called? Bumble? Rumble? Flumble?”

    He doesn’t even know what it’s called and yet he suggests that there’s a mass exodus. PVC Bondage Guy doesn’t know either. She has NO IDEA what he’s talking about. That’s how popular this other website is that everybody is flocking to.

    10:00 – Then Newt suggest that they should be “characters” and start doing video about Raid Shadow Legend. It’s a reference to James Rolfe.

    But here’s the thing, James Rolfe is getting PAID for those videos. You’re not getting paid, Newt. Nobody is going to pay you to promote their shit. Ever. Nobody. Not even those dick pill people that Newt was saying that he would love to advertise for in a video from a few months ago.

    11:45 – “I am staunchly anti-censorship when it’s in the proper context.”

    He supports censoring videos about Trump and anything that he doesn’t like but is against censorship of his unfunny, stupid, pathetic porn videos.

    Doesn’t work that way, Ideas Man. Re-read the collected works of Voltaire.

    Or, The Sage of Baltimore himself: H L Mencken.

    The right to freedom obviously includes the right to be foolish. If what I say must be passed over for its sagacity by censors, however wise and prudent, then I have no free speech. And if what I may believe – about gall-stones, the Constitution or God – is conditioned by law, then I am not a free man.

    11:45 – “What’s the quote by uhh…ummm…Samuel…err…I guess it’s Mark Twain by that point. It’s like saying a man can’t have steak because a child might choke on it.”

    PVC Bondage Guy has NO IDEA what he’s talking about. Nor does Newt. He’s a big Samuel Clemens fan.

    Here are some other interesting Twain quotes for you:

    The idea of making negroes citizens of the United States was startling and disagreeable to me, but I have become reconciled to it; and being reconciled to it, and the ice being broken and the principle established, I am ready now for all comers. The idea of seeing a Chinaman a citizen of the United States would have been almost appalling to me a few years ago, but I suppose I can live through it now.

    The Jew is a money getter; and in getting his money he is a very serious obstruction to less capable neighbors who are on the same quest.

    Caesar in his Commentaries, says, “to the lonely it is company; to the forsaken it is a friend; to the aged and impotent it is a benefactor; they that be penniless are yet rich, in that they still have this majestic diversion. There are times when I prefer it to sodomy. (Talking about onanism).

    12:15 – “If I look on here, I can probably find pornography on Youtube.”

    You can’t. And who would want to? There are porn sites for that. That’s where your piece of shit porn video belongs.

    You can find nudity on Youtube it’s artistic or educational. It’s not squirting slime on a man’s breasts and pretending to be a ghost jizzing on him. You fucking idiot. What aren’t you getting?

    13:15 – Newt is complaining that they didn’t even look at the appeal. Why would they? The video was porn, Newt. What value did it have other than as porn? It sure as fuck wasn’t funny.

    14:45 – Newt seems to think that it shouldn’t have been banned because the jizz wasn’t real. He’s a moron. What else can I say?

    16:00 – Newt says that he’s seen animal abuse on Youtube. Where? Where is he seeing this stuff? I’ve never seen any of this.

    And even if it is on Youtube, which it isn’t, what does it have to do with your STUPID PORNOGRAPHIC VIDEO?

    16:45 – “I was pissed off because I didn’t realise that we were doing anything that was so fucking scandalous.”

    A close up of a man’s breasts as the man pretends to jerk off a ghost, makes a sexual comment, and then the ghost jizzes on the man’s tits. You can’t figure out why the video got removed? Really?

    17:30 – “It really cools me on having fun ideas for shit.”

    Well, at least some good came of it then. These are not good ideas. They’re not fun ideas. They’re stupid ideas and they’re pornographic ideas. These are the only types of ideas that Newt has. Stupid ones and pornographic ones.

    18:00 – Newt mis-genders PVC Bondage Guy, calling him a “broad”. And he (PVC Bondage Guy) just laughs about it.

    What happened to Newt being such a friend of the “trans” community?

    18:45 – PVC Bondage Guy tells a stupid fucking story about how she’s doing sexual stuff at this wrestling school that she goes to. She got hit with a chair and moaned in delight over it. Fuck you, you dumb fucking piece of shit. Go double your fucking anti-psychotic “meds” you dumb fucking bitch.

    26:15 – “I hate that that there’s that fucking sub-reddit and that other psychopath all because you did videos online and people who you know.”

    Yeah. Calling you out, Ideas Man. That’s why you don’t like it.

    And if my criticisms were complete bullshit, you wouldn’t give a shit. But you know that what I say is true and that’s what’s upsetting for you. You know that you’re a piece of shit. Reality can be an ugly thing.

    Let’s see what the ladyboys had to say.

    • “That whole thing sucks… YT should be a paradise for new and experimental videos…”

    We already have plenty of sites for these “experimental” videos. Try Xvideos dot com.

    • YouTube sees Crazy far right Trump loving YouTubers saying hateful shit: “You’re good bro, you make a lot of money for us and we love you for it” YouTube sees green slime: “We don’t want that shit on our site! Are you trying to get us into lawsuit?””

    IT’S NOT A CRIME TO LIKE DONALD TRUMP, YOU FUCKING MORON. Porn is not welcome on the platform. What don’t you get about this?

    I don’t put porn on the blog. Could I? Well, maybe. But the general idea here, and on previous blogging platforms that I was on, was that you can write whatever you want as long as there’s no fucking porn. This is the rule on most of the internet. At least in theory. You can say what you want but you can’t post porn.

    Youtube is the same.

    Even though I probably could post porn here, I don’t. Because why the fuck would I? People aren’t here for porn. If they want porn, there are a billion places to go for porn. Everything doesn’t have to be porn, you fucking imbecile.

    • “The whole SAFE SPACE response I got was so empty”

    That was Newt’s response to somebody. He wants a safe space where nobody talks about Trump or anything that he disagrees with but he doesn’t want a safe space where people can watch videos that aren’t pornographic.

    If Youtube allowed porn, it would be overrun with porn. It would destroy the platform. I certainly wouldn’t want to go. When you want porn, you go to a porn site. When you want to watch normal videos, you go to Youtube.

    • “There is naked yoga, YT lets it pass… There are women trying in see thru underwear, YT lets its thru… But slime on some tits? Think of the children!!!!”

    I’ve never seen any of that on Youtube. All of the “naked yoga” videos I’m seeing are censored. And even if they weren’t censored, one can argue that there’s artistic merit to it.

    There’s no artistic merit to a close up shot of a man’s extremely revealing bra as the main pretends to jerk off a ghost, makes a sexual comment, and then ghost jizzes on him. That’s entirely sexual. Pornographic.

    • “YouTube is definitely weird about what they flag and don’t. I’ve watched full movies that have been uploaded on here that show nudity and hasn’t been taken down.”

    Yeah. Art, you dumbass. Show me the full porn videos on Youtube.


    That’s a breast exam video showing a black woman, topless, looking at her tits. Educational value. If you choose to jerk off, that’s up to you.

    But it reminds me of when I was in the sixth grade and some kid was excitedly telling me about some instructional video that we were allegedly going to see where a woman does a breast exam. Obviously, there was some kind of miscommunication. We never saw anything like that. Maybe he heard about the video that was only shown to the girls about periods and whatnot.

    Although, I did see a local news report about a breast exam. This must have been in about 1994. I think that it was like the 5.00 news so it wasn’t even like the late night news.

    They had a woman on there. I think that she was a doctor. And she said that this is strictly for educational purposes and she’s not enjoying this but in the interests of saving people’s lives, she’s willing to do this.

    Then she took her top off and holy fucking shit. It’s this middle aged woman with fucking jugs. Real hooters. And she’s there squeezing those milkers like there’s no tomorrow. My jaw was on the floor. Couldn’t they get a more modestly endowed woman for this? This seems intentional.

    I’ve never seen nudity on the news before or since. Did it save lives? I don’t know. But that image of that woman squeezing her giant tit is burned into my memory forever. I would be pay $1,000 for footage of that video. There’s some lost media that Bobdunga should be looking for.

  • Top 10 Most Disturbing Horror Films (Pre-Code Era) – Cinemassacre

    Oh, this hasn’t been done a billion times before. And by James Rolfe. So let’s check it out.

    I’m stopping at the five minute mark. This is nothing. He picks ten “scary” movies from 1930 to 1934 (using his autism criteria) and then mentions a “scary” scene in each movie. That’s it. This is the video.

    No. I’m not watching this shit.

    The homos on Reddit were all about this. “Oh, yeah, James is back on his game. Let’s all jerk off to this.”

    Not me. I’m not interested in this formulaic shit. And I never liked his videos about horror films anyway. I don’t watch that shit.

    James’ videos are stale as fuck. Enough with the poop jokes and bad green screens beating up Mike Matei or dummies who are supposed to be Mike Matei. Give us something new.

    They tried new stuff. Rental Reviews aka Rectal Reviews. The Cinemassacre Podcast. Those were both awful. But they were awful because fucking Rainman can’t have a conversation to save his life.

    Rex Viper is obviously awful.

    It has to be something scripted. We know that. What about parenting videos? Give some parenting advice. It could be like Super Nanny. Give us some insights into your parenting strategies. We know that he has children but that’s as much as we know. Tell us more. Do you enroll your children in a lot of activities? Do you help with homework? Do they have chores around the house? Do you give them an allowance? There’s a whole litany of topics that he could explore and he could reach a new audience with this kind of material.

    Or what about a series where James tries different jobs. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy. He gets a job at the liquor store or Walmart or a casino or whatever and tries the job out. Obviously, he wouldn’t actually be employed there but work something out with the company so that you can work there for a day or two. You can show how incompetent James is at various jobs and it might be funny or endearing or sad or whatever. It might also be a wakeup call for James that if he doesn’t start putting effort into his Youtube channel, he’s going to be doing these shit jobs for real soon.

    Screenwave Fight Club. Is there any chance that a fight between James Rolfe and Justin Silverman wouldn’t get at least 10 million views? You don’t need to do anything fancy. Just rent a boxing ring from a local gym for a few hours and recreate your Rocky dreams. James likes Rocky.

    This would also be an opportunity to introduce new people who work at Screenwave. Because you can do a whole fucking long series. You can have people at Screenwave training James and Justin. You can have sparring matches with other people at Screenwave. Training montages. The possibilities are endless. And then you end the series, after hyping it up for 10 videos or whatever, with the big match with Justin Silverman.

    What about a cooking show? Does he know how to cook? Share some recipes. This might be an excuse to include his wife on the channel. She could make a sausage casserole. The jokes write themselves.

    These may seem like preposterous ideas but why? Why stick to the same old bullshit that isn’t working? Try something different. You can do anything. There’s a world of possibilities out there. You don’t have to restrict yourself to video game content and fucking shitty movies.

    Do videos on politics. James talked about immigration and xenophobia and Trump in his autobiography. It seemed out of place but he’s presumably interested in this sort of stuff. Make some videos where you discuss your political views. Talk about the issues of the day.

    Obviously, there’s a risk that when you radically alter the type of “content” that you’re “creating” the people won’t watch. But what he’s doing now isn’t working anyway. At least with new shit, it gets his creative juices flowing.

    Although, saying all of that, the last time he tried something radically different, we got Rex Viper.

    I think the key here is that the content should be fresh and good. Good is essential. That’s where Rex Viper failed.

    And I don’t want any movies. Fuck that shit. He can’t make movies. We get it. Inanimate objects come to life in front of a green screen. That sucks dick.

    He needs guidance. He needs guidance by competent people who have good ideas and can produce good videos. So perhaps Screenwave isn’t the ideal choice.

    Or you could do the same old bullshit where you talk about the Full House episode where Stephanie gets peer pressured into smoking.

    It’s interesting that just a few years after that episode, Stephanie was smoking meth. This could be a good twist on a tired formula. Top Ten 1980s Actors Who Fell into Drug-Fueled Ignominy. Max Wright has to be on that list. Todd Bridges is an obvious choice.

  • METZ VS MICK FOLEY – Newt Wallen

    This is just a live stream. I think? Oh, maybe not. It’s an hour long video. And I’m not going to listen to this shit. I don’t care about PVC Bondage Guy’s stupid wrestling obsession that she got nine months ago. This is manic bullshit. She’s needs medication to treat this. Her sudden obsession with wrestling isn’t an interest, it’s a symptom of mental illness.

    0:45 – Newt is talking about the comic book store that he worked in.

    I only went to a few comic book stores in my life, despite the fact that I considered myself a comic book fan. I think that I’ve amassed about 700 comics, which isn’t a huge amount, but I only collected from about the ages of 12 to 16 or so.

    I went a comic book shop in town. It was just a small place. They had a few comics. I got some stuff from there once in a while. Less than ten times. I got a signed Rob Liefeld X-Force card from a pack of cards there. I can’t remember how much that this is supposed to be worth now. At least $200, I think. There were only 100 such cards, if I recall correctly.

    The father of a girl from my class owned this place. It used to be a video rental store but after that business dried up, they made it a baseball card/comic book store.

    I went to another place that was in town. It was a bookstore but in the back, he opened up a small comic section. That was a pretty creepy place with a creepy guy running it. I only went once.

    Oh, I also used to go fairly often to some place by a mall. And I drove there, I think, so I must have been buying comics past 16 because I didn’t drive until I was…17 or 18.

    Learning to drive was a terrible experience. My mother kept insisting that I didn’t know how to drive. She, genuinely, couldn’t drive. Never bothered to learn. That would have required effort, something that she didn’t do. I enjoyed reminding her that Hitler also couldn’t drive. That’s why you always see him being driven in pictures when he’s in a car.

    But she was just relentlessly negative. She didn’t want me to get a licence. Constantly told me that I’m a shit driver, despite the fact that I had gone through driving school and had practiced driving for many hours.

    I was a senior in high school. Actually, I fucking should have graduated already. It was the summer after 12th grade. I was going to summer school. And I hated taking that fucking bus. It was a city bus, it took like two hours to get to the school (compared to 30 minutes by car) and was awful.

    I had a car. It used to by my sister’s car. It was a piece of shit. But I didn’t have a licence.

    So one morning, I’m telling my mother that I need to take this test to get my licence so that I don’t have to take this fucking bus any more. And like usual, she’s insisting that I don’t know how to drive. So I just said fuck this. I got in the car and I drove to school. No problems. Didn’t have a licence. But that spurred things into action because at that point she knew that I was just going to continue to drive without a licence until I got one. I got my licence within a week of that incident.

    You know how in movies and tv shows there’s that big moment when somebody turns 16 and they can finally drive and it opens up a whole world of freedom and having fun with the ladies? I didn’t get to experience that. And I’d been learning to drive since I was 15, like everybody else. I had numerous “learning permits”. They would expire and I’d have to get another one. All because my controlling mother didn’t want me to get a licence.

    What a total piece of shit. Parents are really crucial to your life. You get a good one, it gives you a giant advantage in life. You get a shit one, it really fucks you up.

    Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, that comic book store by the mall. I went there maybe 20 times. I don’t know. I don’t actually remember it too much. They had shelves of comics. I don’t know. It was a comic store.

    Oh, there was another one that I went to once or twice that was by some tae kwon do school that I went to. Again, it was just a comic book store. None of these places were anything noteworthy. I bought some Dark Horse…World’s Greatest Comics or something. Oh, Comics Greatest World. They were $1 comics, and by this time most comics were more than that. These comics were thin because of the price. Barbed Wire was one of them. That became a Pamela Anderson movie. Each comic was a contained story but they ended up being somehow linked. I liked them. I bought a lot of them. I tried to get them all.

    There was another I went to once inside of a mall. It was a comic book store. I bought some comic allegedly written by Leonard Nimoy that had a rhino on the cover and was by some weird company that I never heard of. Oh. Primortals was the comic and the publisher was Tekno Comix.

    I got the vast majority of my comics through mail order, though. I got some real crap. But I also managed to get some good stuff, later in my comic book collecting days when I focused more on vintage stuff from the 1970s. All of those comics from the 1990s that I got are worth nothing but the stuff from the 1970s is sometimes worth something. And they were literally giving this shit away. You’d get free comics with every order from Joseph Koch Comics and they would include just obscure shit from the 1970s. I got a Crazy Magazine with Shaft on the cover, for example. And like a hundred water-damaged Casper and Richie Rich Digests.

    Where was I going with this? Newt Wallen? Do I really have to watch this? I’ll give a few more minutes.

    1:15 – “So a couple of months ago, you got super into wrestling.”

    Newt knows full well that this is mental illness. Why the sudden interest? She didn’t know about wrestling before?

    Okay, I’m turning this off. I made it to 2:45. She’s talking about Sabu and ECW and this is all new to her. This wrestling from 30 years ago is all new to her. And it’s extreme mental illness that she’s suddenly into this.

    Is there anything that I can say about wrestling? Well, I’ve known about it since…maybe the third grade. By the fourth grade, people would talk about it on the playground. Pretend that they’re Randy Savage or Jimmy Snuka or whatever.

    I didn’t start watching until probably the sixth grade. Because I remember people being asked who the tag team champions were and if you didn’t know, you were roundly mocked for not watching wrestling. And I didn’t know if it was Demolition or…whoever…the Hart Foundation so I obviously wasn’t watching the product at the time.

    So I started watching. I’d watch the show on Sunday. Superstars of Wrestling, I guess. It was all jobber matches except for the last match where it was two named guys.

    I never watched the pay per views or any of that shit but I went to a couple of pay per views at my friend’s dad’s house. He had a bootleg setup so he’d get all of the channels and he’d watch the pay per views and have a lot of snacks and whatnot.

    God, what a difference that guy was to my own father. My father didn’t do SHIT. I have more father/son bonding moments with my friend’s father than I do with my own. We went fishing. We ate family meals together. We played video games together.

    My father took absolutely no interest in being a father. Never played any sports with me. Never encouraged me to play sports. Never played a video game with me. He never even watched tv with me. He did nothing. If he wasn’t working (he worked a lot, he’d be away for days at a time), he was in the bar, or he was in his room.

    Did nothing in terms of being a father. What kind of a father hides in his room whenever he’s home? Total piece of shit.

    He literally never watched television with me. He was never in the fucking living room. It’s just mindboggling when you think about it.

    Never helped with homework. Never imparted any fatherly advice. He didn’t want to be there. And I get it. I wouldn’t want to be around my mother either. But you have children.

    We’d go on vacation every year. That’s the only time we would spend time together. And he was fine then. He seemed to enjoy spending time with us. But the rest of the year, it was nothing. It’s like he could only hold it together and be a normal father for two weeks out of the year.

    It’s just such a waste. What were these people thinking? Have children and then do absolutely no parenting. What’s the worst that can happen?

    That monkey with the wireframe mother had more loving parents than I did.

  • Why Super Princess Peach Is A Must-Play! – Zap Cristal

    Hello, desperation. She has her fat tits out in this one.

    Is the podcast done? I’m starting to worry. It’s been three weeks. I think that they used to come out every week at least.

    Her non-podcast stuff does a lot better. The podcast gets about 100 views per video. Her non-podcast stuff get about 300 on average. These are low numbers but that’s still three times as much.

    She’s a long way from the 2,000 or so that she used to get before she totally killed her channel with this abysmal podcast with Mr Wright Way II.

    0:00- “Along with Ms Pac-Man, she was one of the many female characters that we, as females, were allowed to have the opportunity and play.”

    I assume that she wrote this out. Did she misread it? It doesn’t make any fucking sense. Just grammatically.

    And what does gender even…I mean, yes, I guess that Princess Peach was one of the few female characters back in the day. But…it’s not just females who had a limited option of female characters to play as, everybody had the same issue.

    At first I thought that she was going to suggest that as a “female” she was limited to the characters that she could play as because there just wasn’t much choice in terms of female characters. That would have at least made sense. So let’s just assume that that’s what she meant because otherwise, her comment makes no sense.

    Obviously, women and girls can play as male characters. And guys can play as female characters. But I think that she’s right that girls and presumably women prefer playing as female characters. Not necessarily because they’re militant feminists but I’ve seen this myself in my own life.

    So great. We have Princess Peach.

    0:15 – “She served as a role model.”

    That’s going too far. Princess Peach as a role model? I didn’t grow up wanting to be Mario. There’s never been a video game character who I looked up to. Who the fuck does that? “Boy, I hope one day I can be Frogger.”

    She CLEARLY says “wordy” instead of “worthy”. Is this an accent thing or a mental retardation thing? Because I don’t particularly even view her as having any kind of Spanish accent. Mental retardation? Quite possibly.

    She has problems pronouncing “solo”. I don’t what she’s saying but it’s not “solo.”

    0:45 – Oh, that was all just the intro. We get a title screen telling us that this is part of a series called Zap’s Video Game Diary.

    There’s annoying music that plays throughout this video, by the way. Mr Wright Way II demands it for all of her videos. I assume it’s his music.

    Speaking of which, why does she even have her tits out in this video? She’s a married woman. Would you want your wife getting her tits out like this? And for no money even.

    1:45 – “She has a super cute umbrella.”

    This is awful. Absolutely awful. Do WOMEN want to listen to this dreck? Are there women out there watching videos and curious about which aspects of the game are cute? I refuse to believe it. In spite of everything I’ve seen in these deplorable videos with these braindead women, I give women more credit than that. I don’t think that the average woman is NEARLY stupid enough to want to hear about cute things in video games. They’re not watching this shit.

    I’m not saying that women don’t watch videos about cute things. Of course they do. They’re the ones watching these cat videos and videos about cute animals. But they’re not watching a video about video games hoping to hear about which characters are cute and what the colours are. I mean, that’s fucking…NOBODY is interested in that.

    And I enjoy the ocassional video featuring a cute animal. The baby panda sneezes. The gibbon chases the dog around. But cute video game shit? No. I’ve never been remotely interested in that.

    “You can call it an umbrella, a para-sell, whatever you want to call it.”

    I’ll call it a “parasol” if it’s all the same to you. NOBODY calls it a “para-sell.”

    5:00 – I just noticed that Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal has a large tattoo by her collarbone. Not attractive.

    8:00 – She ends the video by begging you to share the video.

    Hey. You made your choice, Zap. You let Mr Wright Way II change your channel into a podcast dumping ground.

    Speaking of terrible podcasts, Donkey Lips from Salute Your Shorts started a podcast a couple of months ago and he’s already done with it. Talk about your pieces of crap. He would have these old fucking dumb skanks on the podcast talking about ghosts and conspiracy theories and whatnot. What the fuck? People don’t want this. But he was obviously bringing the skanks on thinking that this was the way to get views. It’s the Tony from Hack the Movies or Newt Wallen school of Youtubing. Has it worked for them?

    Donky Lips is a remarkably unintelligent fellow. I’ve been following him around the internet for probably 25 years. He has a Youtube channel. The videos get about 1,000 views on average. They’re unwatchable.

    And when he had the skanks on, he would constantly come on to them. And the skanks just entertained it. It was gross.

    This is a guy who regularly talks about his health problems. He’s a big fat guy so he has health problems. He talks about his unemployment. He hasn’t worked in probably 30 years. He talks about how he doesn’t have money. His tiny apartment. Conspiracy theories. Shit like this.

    I’m not interested in any of this. He can be moderately engaging at times but I think the problem is that he doesn’t fucking do anything. So he has nothing to talk about. Just get a job.

    Anyway, that’s Donkey Lips. Which podcast is worse: Donkey Lips or Zap Cristal? That’s a tough call. I think that I would marginally prefer listening to Zap and Mr Wright Way II talk about nothing than watch a 500 pound, 50 year old man try to hook up with old, crazy skanks. So at least we can say that Zap doesn’t have the worst podcast in the world.

  • Moving my huge retro video game collection across the UK! – Lyndgendary

    18 minutes? Well…maybe it will fly by.

    1:15 – She has Lego…

    3:15 – She’s giving a tour of her new place.

    4:15 – There’s a pantry. Well, that is interesting. I’ve never seen one. I don’t even really know what it is. A separate room to store food, I guess.

    4:30 – “Nobody is going to care about the bathroom.”

    What are you crazy? I’m already imagining you on the toilet.

    The rooms are all really small but she keeps describing them as big. This is how properties are in the UK.

    These are box rooms. She even describes them as such. So she knows. Box rooms are not big. I’ve never encountered this term in the US so don’t know if it exists there but it’s a room that fits a single-sized bed and that’s it. No bedside table. No double sized bed. Nothing. A single-sized bed.

    6:00 – She shows one of these tiny rooms completely overflowing with her shit.

    8:30 – She shows you her old place and again says that it looks “massive”. It does not. It looks lilliputian.

    9:30 – I’m actually feeling claustrophobic and it’s really hitting me how tiny these place are. It’s shit. Why am I living like this?

    She was also really concerned about cleaning the place. This is another indictment on England. The “estate agents”, which she also references, will take money from your deposit no matter how well you clean it. It’s a scam. And there’s no easy way to dispute it, if memory serves.

    But in Scotland, I disputed it every fucking time with…I don’t know…there’s some organisation that holds your deposit and if a letting agent (“estate agent”) tries any of that bullshit, you can dispute. I’ve won every fucking time.

    I had one guy say that he was going to deduct £50 because there were some crumbs in the kitchen that he himself cleaned up. So I told him that I’m going to dispute it. Then he goes on about how unreasonable I’m being.

    I’M being unreasonable? You’re the asshole who’s trying to claim £50 that you paid TO YOURSELF for cleaning up some crumbs. Fuck you, you piece of shit. So he ended up not pursuing that £50 claim.

    I also only lived there for like a month. How dirty is it getting in a month? And I left because that place was complete fucking dogshit. Jewish owners, of course. Always a bad sign. They used a fake, non-Jewish name when registering the property so I had no way to know.

    That’s another advantage that Scotland has over England. In England, they have six month leases. It used to be the same in Scotland but about ten years ago, they changed the law. No minimum leases. You can leave the day after you move in. That’s basically what I did at that place where the guy wanted to pay £50 to himself for picking up crumbs.

    11:15 – The living room is the “gaming room”. Because there’s no fucking room anywhere.

    13:00 – She say, “Living room/front room, whatever you call it.”

    I had some piece of shit landlord come in during covid, petrified of me, petrified of catching a cold, some old woman who sounded English (so was either English or a rich Scottish person) but her adult children had low-class Scottish accents. And she comes in and says, “Can you go to the sitting room, please?” She was talking about the living room. Fuck you and your sitting room.

    17:15 – “If there’s anything you want to see in the future, let me know down in the comments.”

    Wait a minute. She didn’t show the bedroom. Was that too salacious?

    Anyway, that 18 minutes did fly by. Well, relatively. For any other woman who I talk about 18 minutes would be a completely impossible task.

    Maybe she could turn one of those rooms into a tiny sex dungeon.