
  • Destiny Fomo Claims that she’s a College Graduate

    Madam Fomo: sigh* I really did not want to do this, but since everyone else bought one 🤷🏻‍♀️ what does this make it…? 8 ps5’s in the collection now?

    Guy: Definitely pays to have big boobs.

    Madam Fomo: im a college graduate who held a double major… and oh I happen to own 2 businesses and none of which have to do with “boobs” you meant to say it pays to be successful

    If you have a degree, you wouldn’t use the phrase “held a double major”, which is a phrase that I’ve never heard in my life, by the way. You would just say, “I have a degree in Biology and Chemistry” or whatever.

    But there is no way, NO WAY that Madam Fomo has a degree. She’s barely literate. And from the timeline I’ve been able to piece together, she’s been a prostitute since before the age of 18. When did she find time to go to college?

    She’s a pathological liar. When asked what she does for a living, she used to say “video editor”. Then there was the period where she claimed that she signed a two year contract to make a comic book. This was years ago. No comic book was ever produced. We never got a single panel. No sketches. No story template. Nothing. But for about a year, she promoted this phantom comic book.

    There are all the phone scams that she runs. “Text me” bullshit. “Leave me a voicemail”. It’s some scam that she’s running. Or, more accurately, her pimp TuanX is running.

    So now she’s claiming to run two businesses. What are they? And they’re two business that don’t have anything to do with her breasts, according to her. So it can’t be Twitch or Youtube.

    She’s a prostitute. So there’s one business, I guess. What’s the other one?

    Well, let’s check the comments. Maybe she’s going to be forthright with us for a change. You never know.

    “Some people have to be reminded that an education under all of this”

    Uh huh. Where did she go to college? Can she tell us that? Show us your degree, Madam Fomo. You’re obviously proud of it.

    But no, no mention of her degree or her two businesses. It’s entirely made up. It’s what she does.

  • FIVE of the Most Rented SNES Games at BLOCKBUSTER in 1993 – Erin Plays

    Oh, we’re graced with a new zero effort video by old Erin Plays. Another one in her series of sleep-enducing videos where she reads you what the top ten Blockbuster video game rentals were for a particular year. Let me save you the effort, Erin. I’ll look it up.

    Maybe Wikipedia got rid of this. Because I’m not seeing it here:


    It definitely used to be there because I’ve talked about this in previous years that Erin did.

    It’s no longer noteworthy for Wikipedia. Or maybe it was never there because she did skip that year. Well, let’s find out what they were. I’m dying to know.

    0:00 – “It’s Friday night in 1993 and you just picked up a Big Foot pizza from Pizza Hut.”

    Well, no. I didn’t. I was in high school. And you were five years old so you certainly didn’t.

    Plus, there weren’t any Pizza Huts in my area. This Big Foot pizza was a response to Little Caesar’s pizzas which were sold in pairs and came in a long package. I remember having to walk…15 minutes to pick them up with my mother. How embarassing walking through town with this long package of pizza. She didn’t drive.

    I remember the Meat Lover’s pizza from Little Caesar’s. Now, I think that this is a normal name. Pizza Hut has a Meat Lover’s pizza, for example. But at the time, I guess it was novel.

    So my mother told my sister to order a Meat Lover’s pizza from Little Caesar’s. My sister refused to do it. There was much laughter and my sister awkwardly explained her objection: nobody “loves” meat. I didn’t get it and she didn’t expressly say it but it was a double entendre. She didn’t want to have to call these people and say that she loves meat.

    My mother made her do it, as my mother was wont to do, ignoring people’s personal autonomy. So my sister calls and she’s nervously laughing throughout the call. The woman she’s talking to says, “They’re sold out” and ends the call.

    My sister explains to my mother what happened and my mother can’t understand. “They’re sold out? How can they be sold out?” My sister must have known that it didn’t make sense but she didn’t want to call back. So my mother called and it was no problem. She ordered the pizza.

    The person from Little Caesar’s must have thought that it was a prank call because my sister was laughing throughout.

    0:15 – Rock n Roll Racing. Who cares?

    She’s just reading from this magazine that has the list and also Wikipedia. And there’s no way that it’s Erin playing these games because the gameplay is decent. It’s Mike playing this. All she’s doing is reading.

    1:45 – Extended colour talk. Always riveting.

    2:30 – Footage of news reports about Mortal Kombat. And, oddly, she credits the Youtube channels where she gets this footage. It’s from ABC News. They’re the ones who should get credit.

    Wait a minute. She’s only giving FIVE of the top games? Didn’t she do the full top ten in previous videos? Let me check.

    I’m not sure. She did eight in one video, seven in another, and only five in her last video, which was 1995. Those videos were all from 2021, by the way.

    3:30 – Super Mario All-Stars. The one game that Erin owned as a child. Apparently. I’m not even sure if she owned this one.

    5:00 – Alien v Predator. Is this almost over? Another two and a half minutes. Well, at least she knows not to overstay her welcome with this tedious shit.

    6:00 – World Heroes.

    7:15 – “Do you remember renting any games that year and, if so, were any from this list?”

    How about you fuck off, Erin? My video game rentals in 1993 are my own business.

    Absolute shit video. As one expects from Erin. She’s incapable of producing anything worth watching.

    There are 159 comments for this dogshit. I see.

    • “My local Blockbuster became half Dentist and half FroYo after closing. And the Pizza Hut from back in the day became a Dentist also. :(“

    What’s this guy’s beef with dentists?

    • “Cool idea for a video. Hope this format continues.”

    Erin replies saying that it’s part of a series and links to a playlist of other videos in this “series”.

    How is it possible that Erin is at all proud of these videos? She must know that they’re awful. I know that everybody in the comments says that they’re great but…can she really believe that? It’s dogshit. She has no charisma and knows nothing about video games. How can she ever expect to create a good video about video games?

    • “0:00 Erinplaysgames, I did that EXACT thing with my family in 1993. Bigfoot pizza, blockbuster games, and Jurassic Park on VHS. 🎉 BUT your LOGIC IS FLAWED AND ATTROCIOUS!!! Why would you pick up the pizza FIRST???? IT WOULD GET COLD WHILE AT BLOCKBUSTER!!! Please revoice, re-edit, and reupload the video without this BLUNDER!!!”

    That was a comment from Justin Silverman. This guy’s a real comedian. Joe from Gamesack is reading this comment and saying, “Hey, wait a minute, Justin. I’m the beta orbiter comedian here. Get in line, you fat fuck.”

    But Erin replies, “I didn’t realize I’d cause such a stir with accidentally implying you pick up the pizza first. Contemplating deleting my channel tbh.”

    Oh, she is just so witty. The jokes come fast and quick with Erin here.

    • “I could have sworn that the Bigfoot pizza was Little Caesars. Lol”

    No. I’ve explained this. It was a rip off of Little Caesar’s. Little Caesar’s was making great inroads into the chain pizzaria market in the 1990s.

    Let’s check out her Twitter.

    In the comments, Erin says, “I rented a lot of bad games too :p”.

    Uh huh. Like what, Erin? In 1993 you were five, so presumably you weren’t renting games then. But when were you renting video games? What were the games? Tell us. Give us the details. Were there even places renting games in 2000 or so, when you would have been old enough to do this? And this all assumes that you played video games as a child, which you didn’t.

    Oh, happy birthday to Erin Plays aka ErinPlays87 aka Cykill1986. She’s 36. Or 37, depending on which screen name you choose to believe.

    Thirty-six years old. Teenage Erin would have been…HAPPY with how she turned out? Teenage Erin must have had tragically low expectations for her life. “I hope that I’m getting fucked in the ass by a man I don’t love for $6,000/year.”

    She’s wasted her life. Completely. And she’s continuing the lie that she played video games as a kid. Why? Nobody cares.

    Oh, Justin Silverman makes a joke about ice cream cakes. Joe from Gamesack must be seething.

    Horny Goriya also leaves a birthday message. She’s another beta orbiter.

    Retail Archaelogy leaves a message. He’s another one.

    Oh, Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen leaves a message. How interesting.

    • “I’m 42 homie. My tastes have stayed the same. But evolved as those interests led me down the rabbit hole. And helped me find other weirdos like myself”

    It’s all about himself. Keep being that narcissistic son of a bitch who we all know and love, Newt. This is why you’re single, though.

    ShiShi leaves a message. Great.

    Wow. Nothing from Joe from Gamesack. He really dropped the ball on this one.

    She’s a big The Voidz fan. What the fuck. Do I even care to look this up? Let’s do it quickly.

    Well, they’re relatively contemporary. That’s surprising. From the past ten years.

    Mike must hate going to this shit. Plus paying for everything. But this is the price you pay for unlimited butt sex with this…”sexy” and…”witty” 36 year old woman.

    Oh baby. She’s not working at Little Caesar’s any more. She recently got a job at a different fast food place. But…well, she does a variety of videos. She actually seems pretty funny and has some charisma. And…she does…contortion videos. This…top heavy young lady. Yeah, I think she’s earned a subscriber.

  • Never Say I Give Up! Do This Instead To Keep Winning – Zap Cristal

    This is the “season finale” of the podcast. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN VIEWS AFTER A WEEK!

    Let me first discuss what on earth comprises a “season” on Youtube. Fucking retard James Rolfe seems to do this as well. And Chris BORES. And I think Pat “The NES Fag”. It’s probably a normal thing.

    What on earth does it mean? When does a season start and end? In television terms, at least historically, in the US, a season begins in the fall and ends at the start of summer. Right? Network tv would take the summers off. They’d show reruns.

    But…Youtubers don’t take the summers off. And summer isn’t beginning now anyway. So when does Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal’s “season” end? The second week of November? Why? Why was that date chosen? And when is “season two” going to begin?

    It makes no fucking sense. Just release the videos whenever you want. There aren’t any “seasons”. You’re releasing videos continuously throughout the year. It’s preposterous to set an arbitrary cut off from one season to the next. What’s going to change in season two? Is this “season finale” going to wrap up all of the cliffhangers from the previous podcasts in this “season”? It’s fucking stupid. The concept does not apply to Youtube, at least not on any channel that I’ve ever seen.

    So she’s going to tell us how to keep reaching your dreams in this video that got 100 views. This woman who totally destroyed her life, her son’s life, and her channel by letting Mr Wright Way II into her life. This woman who marries every black man who pays her the slightest bit of attention. This woman who seems to have a preference for controlling, aggressive men.

    Not that I think that Mr Wright Way I or II are controlling and aggressive. I have no way of knowing either way but nothing I’ve seen particularly indicates that. But Zap Cristal herself has talked about how aggressive and controlling Mr Wright Way was and the same with a previous boyfriend/husband, who was probably black, who was so controlling and aggressive that she alleges that he almost killed her, and possibly her son.

    You’re picking these men, Zap Cristal. It’s all on you. You obviously like that type. Sort yourself out.

    So prepare to be inspired by this woman who’s achieved nothing in her life.

    0:45 – Zap Cristal gives herself a round of applause for reaching episode 12 of this dire podcast that has totally killed her channel.

    The description to this video is, “When you hit rock bottom…what do you do?”

    Well, you’re there, Zap. You’re at rock bottom. So where do you go from here? Tell us.

    1:30 – “This started not too long ago and we’re already closing our very first season.”

    IT MEANS NOTHING! Typically, in television, at least historically, a season was 16 episodes. So why 12? Why did you pick 12? What does any of this mean? How did you determine what a “season” is? Why should any of us give a fuck about your arbitrary definitions? Just release the fucking videos. Or, better yet, don’t. Nobody is watching this shit.

    2:00 – She talks about the “birth” of the podcast. It’s more like an abortion.

    2:30 – “So we’ve talked about this off-camera but now we get to open up, we get to talk to the world about it.”

    Well…if by “world” you mean the 100 people who have watched this, okay.

    2:45 – “What do you do when you feel like quitting?”

    If we’re talking about Youtube, and you, I say go for it.

    I’m going to go get a sandwich. I’m going to need my energy to stay awake for this shit.

    3:15 – “I’m sending you a challenge. Find one person you can share this episode to.”

    There’s nobody who I despise enough to be able to recommend this video.

    4:00 – Mr Wright Way II says, “I’ve always been a tough love kind of person.”

    Ummm…where are we going with this?

    Are they talking about suicide or giving up on, say, their job or…a relationship or something? He seems to be talking about suicide.

    6:15 – Mr Wright Way II says that he was in a “bad relationship” and felt suicidal. “I wasn’t getting what I want out of Youtube. I wasn’t growing organically.”

    WHAT? He’s all over the place. WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT? This was supposed to be a positive and uplifting video. That’s what Zap promised.

    He says that nobody was listening to his music or watching his Youtube videos so he considered killing himself. I mean…is that really what he said? I don’t want to misrepresent him. But that seems to me what he was saying. But he didn’t want to “give up” because he has a mother and siblings and whatever. I’m still not quite sure if he’s talking about suicide or giving up on Youtube.

    I mean…it makes a difference. I would recommend giving up on your music and Youtube but I wouldn’t recommend suicide. The two things should be treated entirely separately. You can quit Youtube but go on living. He doesn’t seem to understand this. He’s linked the two.

    No. Just go get a job like a normal person. Realise that nobody is going to buy your music or watch your videos. You can still have a perfectly happy life.

    I know that you had ideas that everybody was going to buy your music and watch your Youtube videos and you’d get all of the bitches but that’s not the way that life works for well over 99% of the people. I had dreams of what I wanted to do with my life. I had plans. Things happened. I wasn’t good enough. Outside forces prevented me from achieving what I wanted. It could be anything. This stuff happens to everyone. Get over it, and change your plans to something else. Simple. There’s your uplifting message.

    The message should not be, “Oh, no. Keep chasing your dream” because it’s not going to happen. This guy is never going to be Snoop Dog. Newt Wallen is never going to make a movie that anyone wants to watch. Erin is never going to make a dime off of these abysmal videos. Face reality, know your limitations, and go do something that you’re good at.

    7:15 – Mr Wright Way II says, “The only reason I am alive is because of you” referring to Zap Cristal. And she looks all lovey at this.

    WHAT? That’s PATHETIC. This woman who he barely knows, who he married instantly, is the only reason he hasn’t killed himself.

    What was he doing before? What was he doing nine months ago when he didn’t know Zap Cristal?

    It’s belittling the real problems of suicide and depression. “Oh, this woman who I barely know saved my life. All of my problems were solved”.

    No. It’s bullshit. He’s just saying this to sweet talk the always hot Zap. You don’t have to try so hard. You’re married. Come on. She made a lifetime committment to you. Just like she did with Mr Wright Way, her previous husband, and probably previous husbands.

    He’s depressed because he doesn’t like his job and his Youtube channel sucks dick and nobody is buying his music and he doesn’t like his girlfriend. So he’s going to kill himself? And the only thing that saved him was marrying Zap Cristal? Fuck off.

    Then he starts talking about how he was going to jump off of a dam. This guy is a loser. I’m sorry. I’ve heard nothing that justifies thinking about suicide. Maybe he’s just not expressing himself well. But nobody is buying your shit music?

    Then he got a message from Zap so he decided not to jump off of the dam. So he didn’t.

    People were telling him not to give up. He’s talking about his Youtube channel now, not his life. He switches back and forth a lot. But Zap gave more constructive advice and that caused him not to kill himself.

    Fuck off. Zap taught him how to do thumbnails and this saved his life. You are a piece of shit, sir. You are demeaning people with actual problems. If you were going to kill yourself over your failed Youtube channel, you’re the weakest faggot in the history of homosexuality.

    If the guy was even talking about something like debt or a friend who died or something, and this was the trigger for wanting to kill himself, fine. I’d by sympathetic. But this asshole says that his failed YOUTUBE channel was driving him to suicide. And only the “kind” words of Zap Cristal saved him. She told him to stay the course.

    That wasn’t even good advice. STOP the channel. Nobody will ever buy your music or watch your videos.

    13:00 – Zap is talking about Mr Wright Way and she questions why she married him so soon after she met him. She claims that she wasn’t safe. Her “kid” wasn’t safe. He was “toxic”.

    And then…she married Mr Wright Way II. Immediately after meeting him. She learned nothing.

    Fuck this shit. These two complete losers deserve each other. I’m stopping the video at 18:00. She’s talking about how her Youtube videos weren’t as good when she was with Mr Wright Way because she was all sad and depressed at how “toxic” he was and how “unsafe” she and her “kid” were around him.

    Even if it’s true, which I’m not saying it is, you picked him, you cretin. And then you immediately picked another black man you didn’t know anything about.

    At least when you were making videos with Mr Wright Way, people watched them. NOBODY is watching this shit with Mr Wright Way II.

    • “This is a very interesting episode! Yall came OUT heavy…but that’s to be expected with a season finale!”

    He’s buying into the idea that this is a season finale. It’s risible. How is the Reset and Zap podcast going to end this season? Will we find out who the murderer was? Oh, it was Mr Wright Way. That toxic piece of shit who put Zap and her “kid” in a state of deep fear every day. And then she immediately married another black man she didn’t know.

    • “Very honest episode between husband and wife. Know what all got through things in life.”

    Both of these guys who I’m quoting are black. This is her audience. Eager black men hoping to be Mr Wright Way III. But why? Why this woman? Are they that fucking desperate? Look at her.

    But they’re saying nice things to her because they hope to have sex with her. And marry her, apparently. That’s the craziest thing about all of this. She’s not just having promiscuous sex with random black men. She’s MARRYING them.

    I’m eagerly looking forward to the season two premiere. Maybe she’s going to introduce a new character. Or it’s going to be a different set. What exciting adventures will await us?

    Remember when These Friends of Mine was changed to Ellen in season two? That was a big change.

    Or what about the season where Ellen came out as gay? And then every single episode was about how gay Ellen is? That was another big change. Can we expect changes with season two of the podcast?

    Oh, that was would be epic. Mr Wright Way II is replaced by MRS Wright Way…III? Would it be three or would it be one or…because Zap is Mrs Wright Way, I guess. Well, we’ll figure out the details later. But Mr Wright II is out and he’s replaced by an aggressive and controlling black WOMAN who Zap married. What a twist. You didn’t see that coming. The rating will be through the roof. Maybe 200 views.

    What are some other big changes that were made between seasons? Well, Facts of Life dropped half the cast after the first season. Molly Ringwald and so on.

    Weren’t there big changes in Star Trek: The Next Generation after the first season? Did Riker grow a beard after the first season? Yeah. Season two was the debut of bearded Riker. Maybe Zap will grow a beard for season two.

    Get a Life changed formats after the first season but this might be too obscure a reference. That’s probably my favourite sitcom of all time, though. Nevertheless, maybe the Reset and Zap podcast will become a surreal, avant garde comedy in season two. I’d watch every fucking episode if she did that.

    Doug Porter himself.

  • The Dark, Sad Life of Boogie2988 | Official Documentary

    I don’t really know who this guy is. I know of him but I’ve never watched a video of his. I know that he was in that boxing match recently where he performed really, really poorly. I know that he’s a big fat guy. I know that there was some incident where he was shooting at some weird stalker. But what else? What kind of videos does he make? Stuff about video games? I have no idea.

    1:00 – It starts with him taking a bath…while wearing swim trunks. What? Why would he allow himself to be filmed in the bath? Why is he wearing trunks in the bath? Is this what he does? What a puzzling way to start.

    I know that it’s to show what a big fat guy he is and isn’t that hilarious but…no. It’s not hilarious. None of this makes sense.

    If you’re going to film him taking a bath because it’s somehow integral to the documentary, do it properly. He’s not wearing a swimsuit when he’s taking a bath, is he? This was obviously staged. But…to what end? Who wants to see a big fat guy taking a bath in trunks?

    And he’s telling a story about a woman who he knew who liked to pretend to be a little girl…or something…and he took a bath with her with rubber duckies and then had sex with her afterwards.

    Did he have his trunks on at the time?

    And he’s taking a bubble bath. I mean…I’m focusing on something that may be trivial but it’s a documentary. It’s supposed to be documenting somebody’s actual life. It’s supposed to be factual.

    Are you telling me that this 500 pound man takes bubble baths while wearing a swimsuit? This is a normal, every day activity for him?

    No. This is bullshit. This was done just to add some weird bullshit for the “film”. There’s no integrity here. There’s no honesty. So it taints the whole fucking thing. And to what end? We get to hear this creepy story from him. We didn’t need to know this. I don’t think that it’s going to add anything to the story.

    2:00 – He’s talking about all of the money that he lost in cryptocurrency.

    I was going to buy $15,000 worth of Bitcoin back when it was $35. I was so close to doing it. This was around the time that the US was requiring foreign banks to report the accounts of American customers to the IRS.

    Had I done that, I’d be a fucking millionaire today. Although, I probably would have sold it when it hit, I don’t know, $1,000 if not much earlier.

    Anyway, Boogie lost all of his money in cryptocurrency, apparently.

    3:00 – He’s showing off how fat he is in disgusting detail. I don’t need to see this.

    6:30 – Between 2018 and 2021, it’s claimed that Boogie spent $200,000 on prostitutes (or “sex workers” as it’s described).

    There’s no way. Well, I guess that he could have spent the money but it’s not physically possible for this guy to have intercourse. He can’t get an erection. He was in his late 40s, he’s 500 pounds, there’s absolutely no way.

    They’re interviewing one of the alleged prostitutes. They’ve distorted the voice but…it sounds like a man. Why would they distort the voice to sound like a man? Maybe it is a man.

    Boogie talks about his sexual…what’s the word…prowess. This is just revolting and full of lies. I’m losing my train of thought. But yeah, this 500 pound guy in his late 40s is a real sexual dynamo.

    8:00 – The prostitute says, “There were rolls upon rolls upon rolls and it took me a long time to find his dick.”

    Yeah. I mean…also, I’m pretty sure that this is a guy. Ladyboy. It has to be. Why would they use a man’s voice for this? They can disguise a woman’s voice and still make it sound feminine.

    She/he says that she quit “sex work” because of Boogie. Uh huh. What fucking bullshit. I know that he’s 500 pounds but I don’t think that this would be a reason to quit.

    10:15 – He’s selling his Magic: The Gathering cards because he doesn’t have any money because nobody is watching his Youtube videos apparently.

    12:00 – He’s selling cards to some guy who owns a shop and Boogie starts by saying that he needs the money to pay his mortgage.

    This is all fake. It’s all set up. If you’re going to sell something, are you going to tell the guy that you’re desperate for money and you’ll take anything? And you have a fucking camera crew following you around?

    This is fake “documentary” bullshit. Like “reality tv” that everybody knows is fake and set up.

    13:30 – He’s at home playing Magic: The Gathering with a bunch of guys and almost all of them are like 400+ pounds. How is it possible?

    17:45 – He’s talking about some Reddit thread that collected every controversial thing he ever said. Whoever did this overlay graphic can’t spell “Holocaust”. How about proofreading before you put it out? I mean, “Halocuast”? Really? TWO mistakes?

    19:15 – He sprained his ankle while walking because he’s 500 pounds.

    20:15 – They list his medical problems. First thing mentioned is low testosterone. This is fucking stupid. The second thing is something to do with his balls. It’s just insulting. This is not legitimate. I’m not saying that he doesn’t have these “problems”, maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t, but this isn’t something that you put in a legitimate documentary. This is done for comedy.

    But anyway, it was a short list and nothing seemed serious. There wasn’t “diabetes” or some kind of life-long condition.

    Nevertheless, in the next scene he’s holding a giant bag of medication that he takes. For what? They just gave an exhaustive list of all of his medical problems. “Obesity” wasn’t on there, by the way. What is he taking all of this medication for? For the eczema? This makes no fucking sense.

    21:00 – Oh. Now, they’re continuing the list. You know what would have made a lot more sense? Giving the full list and then showing him with the bag of medication.

    If he wasn’t 500 pounds, half of these things wouldn’t exist. At least half of them.

    22:00 – Then the faggot who’s making this joke of a “documentary” says that he had to stop filming because it was making him sad. What? Fuck you. What a professional this guy is. Go find another fat guy you can film in the bathtub. Get all your perversions out of the way.

    And why is this even in here? I don’t give a shit that Mike Clum is feeling sad so doesn’t want to film a fat guy in the bathtub. That’s his problem. He just wanted to insert himself into this woefully unprofessional “documentary”.

    23:15 – So…oh. This is awful. So this Mike Clum faggot, who’s the gay “director” of this sham, “invited a mental health counselor, a comedian, and a Youtube consultant” to “analyze Boogie’s downfall.”

    Which part of this is remotely legitimate? This is clearly some stupid fucking comedy set up. What the fuck is a comedian going to have to say that’s at all relevant to ANYTHING? Or any of these people, for that matter. “Mental health counselor”? That sounds like an entry level job. “Youtube consultant”? Fuck you. This is insulting my intelligence.

    I wasn’t expecting The World at War. I know that it’s a documentary about a Youtuber. But…can there be ANY professionalism in this?

    23:45 – Some maudlin music plays while Dr Todd Grande, who probably gave himself his doctorate, is talking about Boogie. And they say how many subscribers this fucking quack has on Youtube.

    Let me look this up. This guy can not possible be legitimate. I want to see some credentials. What legitimate doctor would agree to this?


    Once again, Quora to the rescue. Thank you, the Indian subcontinent.

    • Does Dr. Todd Grande have any legitimate credentials in psychology?”

    His PhD is in EDUCATION. He doesn’t profess to be a psychologist or psychiatrist. He claims to be a COUNSELOR, which doesn’t require specific educational standards unless the person specializes in a particular field of counseling.

    The issue that other professionals have with him is that they claim he is practicing psychology when what he is doing is applying psychological PRINCIPLES to his counseling methods. Hell, your bartender and barber do that, so what’s the issue?

    (This is, in no means, and endorsement of the services provided by Todd Grande)

    Fucking horseshit. This whole thing is a fraud. This whole documentary. This is all a setup. Nothing said is real. It’s all just “reality tv” bullshit. People (or at least Americans) no longer know what a documentary is supposed to look like because they’ve been fed this “reality tv” shit.

    I didn’t see the “comedian” by the way. Maybe I missed it. These people were all jokes but not in a funny way.

    25:45 – This “doctor” is talking again. Fuck off. We don’t care. You’re a conman. You’re an actor. A bad actor. Go fuck yourself.

    26:45 – Now this “doctor”, who has no psychological qualifications AT ALL, is “diagnosing” Boogie, somebody who he has never even met. Fuck you and fuck the faggot who made this piece of shit fraudulent “documentary”.

    This guy thinks that because he grows a beard, he can pretend to be Sigmund Freud. No. You need fucking qualifications. You need experience in the profession.

    29:15 – So now this fucking faggot Mike Clum or whatever his name is set Boogie up with an employment agency of some description to help him get a job at Game Stop. Yeah. Because that’s how it works. You don’t just apply online or maybe go in person and ask the manager if he’s hiring. You go to an EMPLOYMENT AGENCY to get a job at Game Stop.

    And this is unlike any employment agency I’ve ever seen. You have this woman in an extremely swank office giving a lot of attention to Boogie. She’s going to do everything she can get Boogie his dream job.

    This is not how employment works. This is not how employment agencies work. This is more set up, fake, “reality tv” bullshit from the biggest faggot and fraud in the universe: Mike Clum.

    They’re in Arkansas, by the way. I guess. This is how employment agencies operate in Arkansas? My view of Arkansas has been WOEFULLY misguided if this is at all typical.

    Boogie starts talking about his depression and how he’s disabled. The woman gives a totally disingenous eye roll.

    All of this is fake. This woman is mic’d up, by the way. Presumably Boogie is too. But NOBODY would start talking about this when looking for a job. And in the impossible scenario where somebody would talk about this stuff at an actual interview, the person doing the interview would not be such an insensitive bitch that she’d roll her eyes and let out a big sigh.

    This is all fake. I’m reading the fucking comments and everybody is talking about what a visionary this Mike Clum guy is. Are they out of their minds? Do people not know what reality looks like any more? It’s not this. It’s not one set up scenario after another with fucking fake “experts”.

    Watch Hoop Dreams. The director went around filming what ACTUALLY HAPPENED. He didn’t set up fake scenarios. He didn’t say, “Let me get a fake psychologist and a shit comedian to add their two cents”. Fuck this shit.

    This is what American tv is like now and has been like for the past 20 or 30 years. It’s unwatchable. Everything has to be fake. Everything has to be over the top. Nothing can be real.

    And people growing up with this, this is what they think is normal. And this is the end result. You get this fake as fuck bullshit “documentary”.

    30:45 – He talks about his porn experience. And this woman says, “Be real with me, do you really think it would be a good idea to go to a job interview and reference porn?”

    She was reading that. This was not organic. This was a line given to her. This is all set up. But it’s a bizarre glimpse of reality in this totally ficticious “documentary”. This is what a normal person would say. This is a normal person’s reaction to this totally fake setup where Boogie comes into this fake employment agency and starts saying obviously ridiculous shit.

    31:15 – Then Mike Clum, who’s a fraud, is “interviewing” Dawn, the staffing professional. No last name for Dawn. No place of employment. This is all fake. She’s just some fat chick who they found locally doing community theatre. This is all a complete con. “Reality tv”.

    31:45 – Then we get footage of Mike Clum, who just got done checking out the local boys on Grindr, on his phone listening to a voice message that Boogie allegedly sent him saying that he doesn’t want to get a job. Oopsie. Sorry about that whole fake setup where I went to the “employment agency”. Actually, I don’t want to do that.

    If he wanted a job, all he had to do was go to Gamestop and speak to the manager. Done. He has a job. Famous Youtuber Boogie is working at the local Gamestop.

    But no. They had to set up this fake employment agency, hire a local actress, and go through this whole bullshit. Because the goal was not to find a job for Boogie. The goal was create another comedy setup for this fake as fuck “documentary”.

    32:45 – Three months later, allegedly, faggot ass Mike Clum is back and there’s another fake, set up scenario where Boogie introduces his 20 year old girlfriend.

    Now, I’ve already seen the rest of this “documentary” so I’m going to stop here. Because I can’t watch this again. But he has this 20 year old girlfriend, and it’s creepy, but she’s not a looker and she’s obviously mentally ill so I can maybe understand why she’s with Boogie.

    They show her taking a bath with him. That’s some more fake, setup, bullshit, of course.

    Then the video ends. The point of this thing is to show that Boogie doesn’t have any money. Great.

    But we also learned that Mike Clum has no idea what a documentary is. He’s watching too much Real Housewives of Atlanta or whatever fucking womanly bullshit that this faggot enjoys.

    I know that documentaries have a certain degree of set up situations. Even nature documentaries. They’re not just stumbling upon perfect scenarios. They’ll set the preying mantis on the leaf next to the caterpillar and hope to capture that “spontaneous” moment, for example.

    But this was nothing but setups. And they had fake fucking “experts” like it’s Pawn Stars.

    I’m not saying that this guy had to follow Boogie around all day, every day, for months, hoping to capture a momentous occasion. He could have sat him down and had an HONEST discussion with him. He could have shown him filming a Youtube video. He could have shown him going on a date with this woman. He could have interviewed the woman. This is a documentary. Not, “Hey, let’s interview the actress playing the recruiter for that fake job interview bit that we did.”

    You can’t believe anything that happened here. It started off fake. It started off with him taking a bath in his trunks. As you do. I’m always bathing in swimwear. I like a little modesty when I’m taking a bath.

    Fucking shit. Fuck this guy Mike Clum. He has no talent for this. You want to make 90 Day Fiance, go do that. Go do that effeminate reality tv bullshit that appeals to braindead American housewives. But to call this thing a documentary? Fuck you. You don’t know what a documentary is.

  • HEALTH UPDATE – Newt Wallen

    1:45 – He says that he’s had 13 concussions. This might explain what’s coming up.

    4:15 – “It doesn’t help that I let the internet troll people get back at me because I made a mistake of sending a birthday gift to somebody who does not want to ever hear from me again, I guess that they told people and it opened a door to trolls coming at me.”

    He’s talking about Horseface, presumably.


    It’s fucking unbelievable. She should be talking to the police, not Tony from Hack the Movies. When is he going to fucking figure this out? It’s been YEARS!

    He’s harassing this woman. Doesn’t he get it? She doesn’t want your gifts, you piece of shit. She wants nothing to do with you. Even a giant scumbag like Horseface can recognise fellow scumbags and she’s not interested. Move on. You have your scumbag prostitute “friends”.

    And Newt calls Justin or Tony or whoever told him to stop harassing Horseface “trolls”. No. Where’s the “trolling”? These are people who are rightly concerned about Horseface’s welfare.

    I knew a woman and really liked her and I thought that we had a lot in common but then one day she just stopped replying to me. So what did I do? I said, “Well, that sucks. She could have at least said something. What a bitch” and I moved on.

    Horseface at least had the courtesy to tell Newt to fuck off. She’s not interested. She’s told him this REPEATEDLY. I don’t think that she’s subtle about it. Newt. Fuck off. Leave Horseface alone.

    She needs to change her address and phone number and secure all of her social media because this guy is not going to stop. It’s disgusting. And all the more disgusting because he’s obsessed with HORSEFACE of all people.

    7:00 – “I had a nice long talk with Fallon the other day.”

    A prostitute who he’s paying. She probably charged him for the talk too. I’m not even joking. Newt probably had to pay to talk to this whore.

    “And long talk with Metz the other day.”

    A woman with serious mental problems who Newt may or may not be paying. He has to be paying. She’s there all the time.

    “Complete fucking strangers on the internet have reached out to me when my own fucking family hasn’t checked in on me to see how I am.”

    Well, I believe that you’re not talking to your father because he voted for Trump. That was a red line for you. “Sorry, dad, you voted for one rich white man instead of the other rich white man. That’s going too far. I’m going to have to go no contact.”

    And his mother knows that Newt is a piece of shit. How can you not? Even if you don’t watch the videos, this is a guy who sold his mother a copy of a tits and gore comic that he made. He made her PAY for it, which adds to the indignity. He made her say that she was proud of him. Proud of this tits and gore comic. And she was there with her like 10 year old grand daughter or something. I mean, come on. Can this be any more inappropriate?

    7:45 – “It’s been like the Sword of Damacles. Over the past two years, something good happens and then somebody drops a line to an advertiser and they take that thing away from you.” Apparently some boner pill company withdrew their offer upon learning of Newt’s problems in the past.

    The Sword of Plagiarcles. It is odd that a scam boner pill company won’t offer advertising because Newt plagiarised 31 Monster Madness scripts. Who really cares? Apparently, Blue Chew care. We only want reputable people to advertise our scam boner pills.

    8:15 – “Hims reached out to me. I’ll totally pretend that my dong don’t work it it means getting paid for it.”

    Now we have to think about Newt’s “dong”. Joe from Gamesack has to take a moment to pleasure himself.

    8:45 – “I’m constantly chasing ghosts.”

    Well, ghosts and Horseface. This guy probably has her whole routine mapped out. Watches her sleep.

    • “Newt glad to hear you’re addressing your issues whether it be mental or physical health, talking definitely helps”

    What is he addressing? John Hinckley Jr is watching these videos in prison and saying, “You know what? This Newt guy is going a little too far.”

    He hasn’t changed at all. He’s the same scumbag he’s always been. He fucked his long time “friend”, the mentally impaired PVC Bondage Guy just recently. Because he wanted to. Even though he’s not interested in her. Just used her. This mentally ill woman.

    Oh, but he’s really changed. He’s a great person. He’s going to talk about fucking a dead chick up the ass for another two hours. Then he’s going to continue his goal of plagiarising from every work in Western literature. Oh, and his prostitute “movies”. He’s a real swell guy.

  • GHOSTBUSTERS: Frozen Empire REACTION VIDEO – Newt Wallen

    0:00 – “Trailer review? I refuse.”

    Zing! Take that, James Rolfe!

    Newt is reviewing some trailer. I’m not really listening. I’m eating Haribo Jelly Babies. I’ve never seen these before. These are great. I think that I prefer them to the gummy bears. I prefer them to their Strawbs too. Big or normal. The normal Strawbs are better but I haven’t seen those in years. They’re squidgy but the big ones are…just flat. I demand squidgy Strawbs.

    Newt is talking about Gozer or something.

    Now he’s calling some theoretical person who didn’t like the trailer an “asshole”. Getting really angry about somebody who doesn’t even exist.

    7:00 – “Take your negative fucking reaction videos and shove them up your ass.”


    So that’s the video.

    Originally, I had a whole long fillibuster here talking about a project that I was working on, inspired by The Ideas Man himself. I wrote about it because I decided I wasn’t going to give up on it. But now I’m re-inspired so I am going to do it. But that necessitated deleting paragraphs of stuff where I talked about this.

    So now what am I going to do? I’d disappoint dozens of people if I don’t write something. Let me look at these statistics.

    I’ve been getting about 80 visitors a day. That’s up from 70 a few weeks ago. Organic growth.

    Maybe I should advertise. But has it worked for Newt? He apparently bought ads on Facebook or something and then wasn’t happy with the results. It’s true. You’re not going to go to some random lunatic’s Youtube channel because you saw an ad on Facebook. And even if you did, you’re not going to like what you see. Some guy talking about movies and fucking a dead chick in the ass? Why on earth would I want to watch this?

    Where would I even advertise? I think that my penetration of the Reddit Cinemassacre community is pretty saturated. What other audience would be interested? I can’t go on Erin’s channel and say, “Hey, come to my blog.” She’d delete it.

    Besides, I call the people on Reddit gay and the commentators on Youtube retarded. I’m not going to endear people to the blog like this. This is anti-advertising.

    Is John Riggs still shilling for bikes? No, it seems like he stopped after my article. It’s probably coincidental.

    When I was a kid, there was like a six month period where scooters were cool and then suddenly everyone outgrew them. They weren’t the small, slim scooters of today, they were comparable to bicycles.

    I had one but the tires had holes in them so just loads of caulk was put around the tires. I know that it’s “tyres” in British English, by the way, but I’m not doing that. But that’s really disappointing. You get a scooter and there’s fucking holes all over the tires. Why? Why didn’t they take it back to the store? Just fucking laziness.

    Another time, I got a basketball. I was terrible at basketball but I was on the team at school. This was like fourth to seventh grade. I was the worst player by far.

    So my father gets me a basketball and it’s a red, white, and blue Harlem Globetrotters type ball. I brought it to school once, the kids made fun of me, so never again.

    Why didn’t he just get me a regular basketball? I expect this shit from my mother because she’s an immigrant but my father was born and raised in the US. He should know how things are done. Just get a fucking regularly organge basketball. I’m not fucking Curly Neal.

    Another time, I brought my baseball glove to school. It was a toy. It was not a real baseball glove. It was plastic. But for some reason, I had to bring a glove to school. I think for gym. We were playing….something that required a glove, but it couldn’t have been baseball. Maybe I just brought it to play…whatever that game is where you bounce a tennis ball off the wall and it’s similar to baseball. We used to play this at recess. People used their gloves for this.

    But everyone else was in Little League. They had actual gloves.

    So I didn’t want to bring this toy. So I remember hiding it under my shirt on my way out of my home and my mother got furious. “DON’T MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE WITH HUNCHED BACKS.”

    What? Where was she living where hunchbacks were a real thing that she witnessed? The thought didn’t even occur to me. I wasn’t trying to make fun of Quasimodo. I just didn’t want to bring this toy glove to school.

    But I did and people made fun of me.

  • Point and Drink Adventure Episode 19 – Not Halloween – CannotBeTamed

    As much as I hate this podcast, I have to keep watching. I have an obligation. I’m the only one watching this thing. If I stop, it goes away.

    That said, Zap Cristal would kill for these numbers. This episode is at about 800 views after two weeks. Zap gets about a quarter or a third of that number.

    0:45 – Pele says that Pam has been watching a lot of Sex and the City recently. Pam is all about those sexy ladies. Well, I don’t know how sexy the ladies are on that show. But she’s all about lesbian film and tv shows. Not overtly lesbian stuff but the veiled stuff.

    You know what it’s like? Gay men who go after straight men. There’s a certain predatory appeal for these guys.

    Because Pam isn’t watching Rosie O’Donnell movies or shit like this. She’s watching Showgirls and stuff that’s ostensibly for heterosexual men. Pele, same thing.

    3:45 – Pele describes herself and Pam as a couple of single gals in their late 30s. Pam, who’s over 40, looks uncomfortable and says, “Well…”

    But they’re not single. They’re in a relationship with each other. This is just more weird pretending to be heterosexual shit. They’re playing some game.

    Umm…I’m about done with the podcast. Do I want to watch any more? Let me look at the time stamps.

    Fuck. No. No, I don’t. They’re just talking about movies that they watched recently. Movies that I don’t care about. I’ll just leave this on as background noise while I play a game. Maybe they’ll…I don’t know…say something interesting. But what are the odds? It’s a billion to one.

    8:45 – Pam is talking about Anne of Green Gables. Okay, I can work with this.

    I haven’t thought about this since I was a kid. My sisters would watch it so I’d watch it too. It was on all the time. Seemingly. It was on PBS. I assumed that it was a British show, but looking it up, it’s Canadian.

    And there were a bunch of sequels.

    Yeah, I remember this annoying girl. I can see the appeal for Pam. Reminds me of the uppity girl from True Grit. Although, it kind of works for True Grit. That’s the character. She’s a bitch. I don’t think you’re supposed to like her.

    Oh, The Railway Children. Similar thing there. You have that uppity bitch with that cut glass accent. I don’t want to watch this. Come on.

    Same thing with Anne of Green Gables.

    9:00 – Pele asks if there were a lot of “boobs” in the movie that Pam saw. Go fucking masturbate before you make the video. This is embarrassing.

    13:30 – Pam is talking about some anime she watched. God. Come on.

    17:00 – Pele keeps talking about how much sex she wants to have with some guy in some movie. Uh huh. Sure you do, Pele. You’re totally heterosexual.

    I’m turning this off. I made it to 24 minutes. Pam can not have a conversation to save her life.

  • Retro Ali is Working in Disney World

    This is surprising. I thought that she lived in…what’s that meth capital….oh, Baltimore. How far is Baltimore from Disney World? She must have relocated. You’re not doing that kind of commute.

    Wow. I had no idea that Maryland was so far north. I thought it was a Southern state. It’s 900 miles from Baltimore, Maryland to Orlando, Florida.

    She moved for this. To work in Disney World. A company infamous for their low pay and union-busting activities. Unbelieveable.

    I suppose that there’s always a steady stream of emotionally-stunted complete dopes who are willing to work for peanuts in order to be around people dressed as their childhood cartoon favourites. Who needs a fair wage when you can high five some immigrant in a Pluto costume?

    She’s in her early to mid 30s. She thought that this was a suitable career path. Poverty wage bullshit in the Happiest Place on Earth.

    Super Awkward Gal works in Disneyland and she’s complained in the past about the low wages. But more recently, she’s been singing the praises of the company and how “food and beverage” is her life’s goal realised. So maybe there’s some sort of indoctrination programme.

    I’ve been looking for work myself. It hasn’t been going well. I sent maybe 20 resumes out, which isn’t much, but I’m applying to every job that I’m qualified for in my field. Not just random bullshit. They’re all pretty much entry level jobs. No interviews.

    I did apply to a somewhat more senior position recently and they seemed to treat my resume with more respect. Maybe something will come of that. Maybe this is the problem. People don’t think that I would be interested in an entry level job. But of course, that’s not the reality. People need work and they’ll take whatever. You can’t wait for a CEO position to become available and there aren’t enough CEO positions available for everyone.

    I suspect that ageism is a factor as well.

    If worse comes to worse, I have a skill. I can do home-based work but it doesn’t pay very well and I wouldn’t want to work from home all the time. Although, if I go down this route, I’d be able to move where ever I want, which could lead to some exciting adventures.

    Retro Ali is excited about her job. She compares it to the first day of school.

    I don’t remember ever being excited for the first day of school. The last day, sure. But the first?

    I remember having thoughts like, “God, I was such an idiot last year. I didn’t even know how to do fractions or cursive writing or…” whatever. Reflecting back on what I was learning this year in school compared to where I was at last year.

    Every year, for a few years in middle school I would have this thought. Then it ended. There weren’t any big scholastic milestones, I guess. But imagine if that had kept up, every year you were learning something big and exciting to the point where you thought you were an idiot last year for not knowing it. I’d be building my own rocketship now.

    Ali thinks that the Venezuelan immigrant woman in that Mickey Mouse costume is her boss.

    And she’s going to Disney University, one of the most prestigious universities in the country. Let me look this up.

    Apparently, it is a place where actual college students can go. Kind of? Something? But it’s not accredited. And employees have to go to this thing for their first day of orientation.

    Orientation. Fuck you. I’m not a “team member”. They use some similar derrogatory term in Disney World. “Cast member” or something. No. I’m working here. I’m a worker. Can you afford me that level of diginity? No, they want to con you into thinking that we’re all in this together. The CEO of Disney is making millions and you’re eating cat food but we’re all on the same team here. Don’t get any class struggle ideas in your little head.

    And her badge gives her home city. I was right that she’s from Maryland. She censored the city. But I had this same shit at some dogshit casino job that I worked at. We had to wear name badges and they put your home city on there. “It’s a way for the patrons to be able to connect with you. Oh, you’re from such and such city? I’ve been there!”

    I don’t want to “connect” with the “patrons”. They’re scumbags and you’re a scumbag. I’m just here to do a job. Not make the casino experience special for these degenerate gamblers and dementia patients who you bus in here.

    They try to cram a bunch of corporate propaganda down your throat. “People. Product. Profit.” Those were the three “P’s” that we were supposed to focus on. At this job that pays eight bucks an hour? What the fuck do I care about your profit? Share some of that profit with me and then maybe I’ll take an interest.

    But Retro Ali isn’t a switched on worker so she swallows this shit whole.

    And here’s Retro Ali with another exploited immigrant.

  • What if you Shilled for a Bike and Nobody Watched? – John Riggs

    JOHN RIGGS has been making A LOT of videos about electric bicycles and scooters of late. They’re 100% advertisements. “Use my promo code”. “Use my affiliate link” “They sent me a bike to review.”

    NOBODY is watching these videos.

    It all started with this video that I reviewed here:

    It was an ad, I knew it was an ad, but I appreciated that it was something different. Because I’m not really interested in listening to people talking about video games.

    In the video, John Riggs says that he’s never ridden a bicycle before and he basically says that his opinion is worthless. It’s true.

    So what did these bicycle companies do when they saw that video? Flooded him with bicycles for him to “review”. “Who better to review our bicycles than a fat, middle aged man who never rode a bicycle in his life? And his audience is all obese, middle aged, unmarried men with no children who live in their mothers’ basements and would have heart attacks if they ever attempted any form of exercise.”

    John Riggs accepted all of these free bicycles because he has no integrity whatsoever. He will shill for absolutely anything. He shilled for things that were CLEARLY scams, such as that company that offered you “shares” in somebody’s smelly old pair of sneakers, and openly admitted in the comments that they were scams and it’s for the viewer to do their own research.

    But the best thing is that nobody is watching these videos.

    Here’s the second one he did. It got 5,000 views. Not too bad for an advertisement.

    It’s basically a mobility scooter. Actually, this might be a suitable product for John Riggs to shill for. He’s a big fat guy who could probably use a mobility scooter as are most of his audience. He posted that on 28 September.

    20 October he posts another bicycle review. 2,500 views, 17 comments. Things aren’t looking good, John. People seem to be catching on that these are ads and they don’t like it. Not one bit.

    He leaves a comment:

    • “I’m still doing videos on video games, too, I promise, but I really got into these electric bikes and electric scooters recently.”

    Somebody calls him out on this, “Is that why you link to buy with a code? Because you’re super into them?”

    It’s bullshit. John Riggs is a lying fuck who will shill for ANYTHING.

    Here’s the next one. 30 October, so ten days after the last video. 2,300 views.

    The comments are full of vitriol.

    • “Your content is getting dull”
    • “Boring, your channel is becoming to heavy with promos….”
    • “Another sponsorship video that has nothing to do with games….channel is getting stale”
    • “Do you really need money this badly bro?”

    John Riggs replies, “Nope, I didn’t get paid for this.”

    The original poster comes back with, “you have an affiliate link if people buy it. ‘I didn’t get paid up front for it’* Fixed it for you”

    Somebody else says, “he likely got it for free”

    Of course that’s the case. He’s getting all of this shit for free in exchange for an “honest review”. An “honest review” as long as it’s positive or else that’s the last bike you’re getting.

    • “John, love you and love your content but, too many promo vids in such a short space of time? I’m not gonna be nasty like some people have been but, could these not be spaced out more? Also, please bring back open cart surgery!”

    John Riggs replies, “OCS tomorrow 🙂 And I love ebikes and escooters.”

    Which is obviously bullshit. He’s just doing this because they’re sending him this shit for free.

    So somebody else replies, “$1700 ebikes don’t pay for themselves!”

    Another person says, “To be fair, I think we’d all be less critical if it was a Ferrari. What do you think John? Maybe give them a call?”

    John Riggs, ever the shameless shill, says, “I know, I review one bike, then other companies reach out asking to send theirs. It happened when I reviews projectors and monitors and recently those mini pcs. I should review a rolex and see what happens.”

    Hey, if somebody sends me an expensive product, I have to make a video on it. It’s just common sense. What do you want me to say? “No”? Don’t be ridiculous.

    • “Only commenting out of respect for the channel — the e-bike content feels like just taking advantage of us, the passionate retro video game and nostalgia audience, to get some unrelated expensive stuff for free. You could always start a new e-bike channel but that wouldn’t have enough followers to get the free bike for review. It’s not that deep but, it does feel like we’re being used”

    Some lunatic replies, “what a weird take”

    How? That guy was dead on. That’s exactly what’s happening here. What the fuck do electric bicycles have to do with video games? He’s only doing this because, inexplicably, these companies are sending him the bicycles for free in return for an “honest” (positive) “review”. From a guy who’s never ridden a bicycle before.

    So John Riggs replies, “I plan on starting a new channel just for ebike and escooter stuff. But I’ve also done other non-gaming reviews on this channel in the past, too. A little for everyone. I appreciate the concern, though. Many share your sentiment.”

    He plans on creating a channel consisting of nothing but advertisements. Let’s see how that works out.

    Why can he not admit that these are advertisements? Everybody knows it. This is not a little side project passion of his. We can see the affiliate links. We can see the promo codes. We can see that you were given these bikes in exchange for an ad. Don’t try to portray it as some innocent hobby of yours that you want to share. It’s insulting to our intelligence.

    • “A few to many sponsored videoes off and on topic these days, just my two cents”
    • “Yeah but I get it. Imagine you could get your kids a free bike by just reviewing one for ten minutes”

    Do they need ten bicycles?

    So the guy comes back, “my worry would be that my subscribers grew tired and started to unsubcribe”

    John Riggs says, “Ialso do cereal reviews and travel videos. I don’t always do video game stuff (though it’s what I mostly do) I have a new passion for these electric bikes and scooters.”

    This fat fuck could not be honest if his life depended on it. Fortunately, he gets called out yet again.

    • “you’ve never one time mentioned it before the sponsorship.”
    • “of course you would ‘gain a passion’ if you are being given bikes for sponsorship”

    John Riggs says, “Sorry for the confusion. This was not a paid promo, I do love ebikes and scooters, just like I like old video games, just like I like breakfast cereal, just like I like to fix broken games, just like I like new indie titles on Switch and other modern consoles. If you happen to see a thumbnail or headline for one of my videos talking about something that doesn’t interest you, it’s okay to skip it as there are always more Open Cart Surgery videos coming up.”

    These are ads, you lying piece of shit. Stop claiming otherwise.

    He posted this THE NEXT DAY.

    • “Please quote reviewing scooters and bikes….you a game channel…. unsubscribe may be in order.”

    John Riggs says, “You have the luxury to unsubscribe anytime, and I’ll always be around if you get curious enough to check out my channel again when it pops up talking about cereal or travel or video games or indie games or VR or whatever else I do on my channel.”

    Doesn’t care that his subscribers are livid over this barrage of ads, he’s going to stay the course.

    Next day, another ad for bicycles. 442 views at this point.

    Only two comments. One is John Riggs giving an affiliate link. The other is, “This isnt appearing in anyones subscriptions for some reason”.

    Maybe Youtube flags ad videos and won’t put them in the subscription feed. That would be useful.

    Another day, another bike ad.

    • “How long have you been talking about PEVs? I have a few myself and let me tell you, I thought collecting video games would be my most expensive hobby”

    John Riggs replies, “only recently. I got into them. I’m doing a few on this channel but putting them all in an ebike/escooter channel soon.”

    He flat out refuses to admit that these are ads. He insists on pretending that this is his new hobby. It just happens to coincide with the sudden surge of free bikes that he’s been getting in exchange for doing these ads.

    Next day, we get yet another delightful ad for bicycles. Or scooters or whatever you want to send to John Riggs in exchange for an ad. Jes-Extender should get in touch.

    • “How many motorized scooters or bikes do you have now?”

    John Riggs replies, “haha, about 10, but plan on donating some for charity and Christmas coming up in December.”

    He’s not donating shit. Why would he? These are all going on Ebay.

    So that’s the latest ad. He posted it today. As long as companies keep sending him bikes, we can expect more of this “content” every day.

    Just admit that these are ads. Can you at least do that? The people who leave comments on his channel are typically not retarded. It’s a welcome change from the genuine retards who Erin and the like seem to attract. We all know that they’re ads. It’s preposterous to say otherwise. You look like a fucking idiot by denying it and it’s insulting that you think we’re going to believe such blatant lies.

  • I found my rare DREAM Sega Dreamcast game in this huge retro game store! – Lydgendary

    Oh baby. She’s spoiling us with another video. She usually puts out a video about once a month but this one is three weeks after her last one.

    0:00 – “Do you ever get that feeling that you just never have enough games to play?”

    No. No, I don’t. I’m an adult male. And by the abysmal standards of the retro video game community, a reasonably well-adjusted one. But please tell me more.

    She’s in Swindon “looking for new games to play.” Uh huh. Tell me that that wasn’t intentionally suggestive. I’m all for it, though.

    Where is Swindon anyway? Between Bristol and London. I knew a guy from Bristol. What a piece of shit he was. I just knew him from some band’s website. He was some greasy, fat fuck who had a fat girlfriend and he was always trying to get with some skank who would flirt with him, much to his girlfriend’s chagrin. And he read a lot of books about serial killers.

    Then he died, he was probably in his early 30s, I don’t know the cause of death, but everybody started talking about what a great guy he was. Everyone HATED him when he was alive. It wasn’t just me. He was a complete degnerate. But then he died and it was all, “Oh, I sure do miss that piece of shit who was constantly shitty to his girlfriend and talking about serial killers.”

    Back to the video. Some reggae music is playing while Lydia is filming some video game shop. Interesting choice of music.

    4:00 – It mercifully ends and she’s back home now. Showing off the goods.

    One day I’m going to figure out what that thing is in her ear. It has to be for fashion. Could it possible be a hearing aid? A lilac hearing aid? Maybe it’s a fashionable hearing aid.

    5:15 – Dune. She expresses her love of the franchise. I too enjoyed the books and to a much lesser extent the Sting movie, and to an even lesser extent, the game. She compares it to Civilization, which is inaccurate. It’s a real-time strategy game so more akin to Age of Empires as opposed to the turn-based strategy of Civilization, but we’re just here to looks her tits and listen to her lovely accent.

    5:30 – Crazy Taxi 2. I had this game too. It was okay, I guess. I had a burned copy for my Dreamcast. It just came with the system. I got it from Ebay.

    6:00 – Fatal Fury. I played this as well. I played all of the Neo Geo games using an emulator. I was really into it. I don’t even like fighting games but I was obsessed with getting all of the Neo Geo games. In rom form, obviously.

    6:15 – She compares it to Streets of Rage and Street Fighter. Umm…Streets of Rage being a side-scrolling beat em up. Umm…okay. I’ll overlook it. Both games involve kicking and punching. I get it.

    7:00 – Skies of Arcadia. She gave the price she paid for every other game, but not this one. She says that she’s excited to play it. Well, let me introduce you to the wild world of emulation, Lydia. The game seems to be about £100 on Ebay. Could have saved you some money.

    Then she shows the four games she got in more detail. Zoop was the fourth game, by the way.

    9:45 – On the Dune cover, it says that it’s from Command and Conquer so she corrects her earlier statement where she said that the game was like Civilization.

    11:00 – She describes the manual as “lovely and chunky”. She could be describing herself. I would eat that chunky ass all day.

    She ends the video by soliciting game suggestions from the horntards. She also suggests that you follow her on social media.

    Well…let’s prepare to be disappointed by checking out her Twitter.

    It’s mostly just her advertising her Youtube videos and holding up pictures of video games that she talks about in the videos. She also went to a “gig” so at least it wasn’t entirely promotional material.

    Oh, she’s also on Patreon. Five “patrons”. For £15/month you can play a game with her and the other “patrons” (of which I think there are none at this tier level) once a month. Probably Mario Kart, she says.

    I’ve suggested this sort of thing many times. Charge people $5 or whatever to play a game with you online on Twitch. That was my suggestion, anyway. It doesn’t have to be on Twitch. It can be private.

    But now that I see it being offered…it’s pretty sad. Pretty really sad. She doesn’t want to do this. That’s why you have to pay her £15/month. It’s just lonely nerds buying a friend for a short while, once a month.

    She hasn’t uploaded a new video on Patreon in nearly two years. So you won’t get any exclusive content.

    What if she was topless and playing the game with you? Would that be worth £15? Maybe. I still wouldn’t do it, though. It’s pathetic.