
  • Full Length Movies Playing on the 2600? It is Now Possible! – John Hancock

    Look at that gay fucking thumbnail. Does this guy have no shame?

    I know of John Hancock but I’ve never watched his videos. I know that there’s some alleged scam museum that he has in his house and he solicits “donations” for. That guy DariusTruxton used to talk about John Hancock a lot. And 8 Bit Eric. That’s another guy whose videos I don’t watch.

    DariusTruxton was amusing, I watched his videos, but he kept getting banned for calling people gay or making anti-“trans” comments or…something. His channel was similar to the blog. He had a handful of “Youtubers” who he didn’t like and he would talk about their videos and whatnot. Unfortunately, you can’t do that on these corporate platforms.

    So he went to BitChute or something and of course nobody followed. It never works. Screenwave tried to make the Cinemassacre website popular again by releasing Monster Madness videos exclusively there for one year. That failed. Or you look at Joe Rogan moving to Spotify or whatever. I stopped watching after that and I don’t think I’m alone in this. He surely lost millions of viewers/listeners.

    He’s apparently still on there but rarely posts. I laughed the whole way through this one. He’s talking about 8BitEric being gay. The phrase “touching tips” keeps coming up. I don’t know who 8Bit Eric is but this is one of the guys who Newt showed his penis to (the other being Joe from Game Sack) so yeah, he’s almost certainly gay.

    I’ve seen it loads of times. Somebody gets upset with Youtube for whatever reason and moves to DailyMotion or something. It’s the end of the channel. If people aren’t moving to listen to Joe Rogan, what chance do you have?

    Let’s look at my CinemassacreTruth sub-reddit statistics.

    I get about 400 views a day on average. Actually, that’s not far from what I get on the blog. But the sub-reddit definitely gets more views. And for what? All I do is post there once every couple of days suggesting that the people on TheCinemassacreTruth are gay. It’s not particularly interesting “content”. But it gets more views than the blog because it’s backed by Reddit and people just want to stay on Reddit and there’s also the built-in audience already. You have to seek the blog out.

    Anyway, we have to watch this fucking video. It just appeared in my “recommended” list because I recently watched a video about this “watching movies on your Atari 2600” thing. So now I’m doomed to be “recommended” this shit every time some buffoon makes a video about this.

    0:00 – “I am fascinated by the capabilities of the original Atari 2600 hardware.”

    Oh, do tell. What exactly makes it fascinating?

    Then he shows you how to install this product into an Atari 2600 cartridge. You don’t get an assembled cartridge. You only get the board. You have to supply your own cartridge.

    By the way, there’s no particular need for this assembly portion of the video but he’s doing this because he desperately wants to make the video 10 minutes long. It’s 10 minutes and 1 second.

    4:15 – He puts the cart into the system and the video plays in really, really, really low resolution. I can appreciate the novelty value of this but obviously nobody in their right mind would ever watch a movie like this.

    9:45 – He fillibusters trying to get to the ten minute mark and then ends with, “You people are wonderful and beautiful. Let’s keep it positive.”

    Go fuck yourself. I hate this hippie bullshit. “Let’s keep it real.” That’s something that I can get behind. The homeys get it. Call out shit for being shit and praise good stuff for being good. But don’t praise shit just for the sake of it.

    Thinking back to when the Atari 2600 was current…would this thing be possible? I’m thinking no. Because they talk about how you have to encode the videos. This encoding software surely wasn’t available then and would be technologically super-advanced.

    But let’s say that it was possible to get a movie on a cartridge and watch it on your Atari 2600. Would anyone want this? Look at the quality of it. You’re going to watch fucking ET like this?

    VCRs existed. They were probably like $1000 but the Atari was what? $200? Even if the prices of the cartridges were, say, $50 instead of the $100 that VHS movies might have cost at the time, look at the difference in quality. You can watch a clear version of the movie with your VCR or this pixelated mess on your Atari.

    I can’t see the appeal. Maybe for porn? You want something really cheap and you can’t afford a VCR so you get this. But you’re going to look at pixelated tits? Well, plenty of people watched scrambled porn on the Spice channel, I guess. This would possibly be an improvement over scrambled porn. And also, scrambled porn came later. I’m thinking like 1980 is when the hypothetical consumer would be able to watch movies on their Atari. No Spice Channel in those days.

    If you wanted to watch porn you had to, I don’t know, go to a seedy porn theatre that was probably full of gay men. That’s how porn theatre became later, anyway. Were they also like that in 1980? I don’t know. I mean, I think that they played porn movies in normal theatres in the mid to late 70s, maybe.

    Or you could get a projector and film strips. I don’t know how readily available these were or how expensive they were. I don’t know anybody who had these things. Then there’s still the issue of having to acquire the movies.

    So maybe pornographic movies played on your Atari could have been a niche that people would have taken up, basically just because of the expense of the alternatives and the ability to watch in your own home. But would anybody be satisfied with the quality of the image, even at a relatively low price?

    I don’t know. It’s an interesting question. Because it’s basically a movie of shitty quality or a Playboy magazine. The movie might well be an improvement.

    And also, the audio didn’t seem to be compromised. So there’s that. You’re looking at the heavily pixelated tits or Kay Parker or whoever but you can still hear her moaning clear as day. So it’s something.

    But would somebody want to watch mainstream movies on their Atari? I don’t think so. With all of the free movies available on tv, in decent quality? And if there’s something new that you want to see, you can go to the cinema. You’re not going to watch a mainstream movie for 90 minutes on that thing. Porn for ten minutes, squinting, imagining what the woman looks like, yeah, I can see that.

    So if this product existed in 1980, which I don’t think it could have, I’m saying it would have been a footnote in pornographic history for that brief period when VCRs were still too expensive for the average consumer but a lot of homes had an Atari 2600. I’m thinking that VCRs become affordable in about 1986, at which point this whole Atari porn fad would have died.

  • Air Fortress on NES! – Erin Plays

    You guys all like Air Fortress, right? Erin is a big fan. She’s dumped hundreds of hours into this thing over the years. So let’s check it out.

    0:00 – “I am excited. This is a random one.”

    What? I’ve been mislead. Isn’t Erin a retro gamer?

    0:15 – “A few streams ago, when Mike and I did an NES variety stream, someone kept suggesting Air Fortress.”

    Everything had to be on stream, for money, with this fraud.

    0:45 – She says that she’s using a turbo controller and says that she has to or else “My hands will be destroyed.”

    Shout out to her fake carpal tunnel syndrome. Whatever happened with that. YEARS ago, she promised on Twitter that she would reveal the results of her latest carpal tunnel test. We never got them. She was wearing wrist braces. She was regularly doing hand stretches during the stream. She always ended the stream pretty quickly and cited hand pain as the reason.

    Now she’s back to doing streams for hours at a time. And it’s been like this for at least a year. What happened? Did she get some miracle cure?

    Also, remember the reason why Erin says that she developed carpal tunnel. It’s from being on her phone too much. That’s what she said. What is anybody possibly doing on their phone that would give them carpal tunnel syndrome?

    It’s all lies. Everything that she says is a lie.

    Strokes t-shirt, by the way. You guys all like The Strokes, right? It’s one of Erin’s two bands that she mentions constantly, the other being Weezer.

    This is the worst Air Fortress footage ever recorded, by the way.

    3:00 – She’s reading from the chat. “‘I’ve played way too many NES games’. Me too! Isn’t it fun, though?”

    It is so beyond disingenuous. How do these retards not see this?

    3:30 – “See how it says ‘B’ in the upper left corner? I don’t know what that means exactly.

    My guess: “Bombs”. What a fucking dumb bitch.

    “I would say ‘bombs’ but they don’t really seem like bombs.”

    I wonder if ShiShi still goes to the streams. I haven’t seen any mention of him in a long time. Of course, I haven’t been watching Erin’s streams in a long time. Not since she started with the A-Z bullshit. There’s a limit to how much shit I’ll watch. That whole “A-Z” shit was it for me.

    6:45 – “He reminds me of the Cheesasurus Rex. He looks like that. He looks like the macaroni and cheese colour.”

    You guys all know the Cheeseasaurus Rex, right?

    Eugh. Let’s look this painfully unfunny “X looks like Y” “joke” up.

    “The Cheeseasaurus Rex’s theme song is ‘I’m stroking my dick rn, I got lotion on my dick rn.’”


    Umm. I’m thinking that the moderators of the Cartoon-Characters Fandom aren’t monitoring the site too closely. There are a lot of questionable claims on that site including that he ran for president in 2016 and engaged in numerous instances of sexual assault.

    It was obviously written by a kid but why the lotion reference to masturbation? I think that the days of Americans getting circumcised are long gone. Let me look this up…eugh…carefully.


    It says that 64.9% of boys born in 1981 in the US were circumcised and 55.4% in 2007. Could that possibly be right? I’d say 90% in 1981 and maybe 30% in 2007.

    They show a graph and it hasn’t really changed much. A 10% difference.

    Well, anyway, I’m sceptical of this Cheesasurus Rex biography. Back to the total bore that is Erin Plays.

    8:15 – Erin describes, what are clearly asteroids, as “Giant clusters of powdered cheese.”

    Classic “X looks like Y” comedy from this personality blackhole.

    At the risk of doing my own “X looks likeY” routine, the enemies remind me of the enemies from Thexder. That was a great game. The DOS version, anyway. Very challenging. I played it for years before I managed to beat it.

    10:15 – “Hey Sergio. I’m good, how are you?”

    Well, it seems that Sergio still goes to the streams. And he’s still asking that same god damned pointless question and getting the same pointless reply. SHE’S GOOD, SERGIO. ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?

    Fucking retard is probably still inviting Erin to come to Argentina or where ever it is that he lives. She’s not coming, Sergio. She’s not interested in the retards who go to her streams. Mike is paying her so she’s staying with Mike for the time being. Can you afford to pay her more than Mike is paying? If so, you might have a chance, but you have to say something more than “How are you?” Try, “Hey, I have a lot of money. Why don’t you move in with me?” That might work. That line apparently worked for Mike.

    13:15 – “You’re playing NES Blaster Master? That’s cool.”

    That’s BORING, Erin. YOU’RE BORING!

    Anyone else would have given their opinion on Blaster Master or an ancedote about the game. Erin didn’t but she can’t. She doesn’t know anything about the game. So everything is just, “That’s cool.”

    13:45 – “Hey Super Geoff. What’s up?”

    Here’s another retard who always goes to Erin’s streams. He posts a lot on Destiny Fomo’s Twitter too. Presumably goes to Whore Fomo’s streams.

    14:00 – “WolfMaster says great game. I finally beat it a couple of years ago. That’s cool.”

    I can’t understand why anybody watches this trash. She’s terrible at the games, she’s terrible at interacting with human beings, she can’t talk, she has nothing to say, she doesn’t know anything, and she’s not much to look at. What’s the appeal? Erin fails on every level.

    17:45 – Erin dies. She clearly had NO IDEA where her energy meter was. She doesn’t know how the game works.

    19:00 – Erin puts her blanket on. Hot.

    I’m going to take a nap. This is boring the shit out of me. I’ll see how I feel when I wake up, whether or not I want to continue with this torture.

    No, I’m done with this shit.

    • “Why do you stream? Maybe you should just leave it up to mike, not trying to be mean, I like you both, just doesnt seem like you enjoy it.”

    Then the same guy leaves another message.

    • “Do make up streams erin!!! You would be amazing You look amazing! playing video games is not your passion, find your passion!”

    Even the horny retards watching this shit can see that Erin has no interest in any of this.

  • NEWTrition Review : Pickle cotton candy – Newt Wallen

    This was posted five days ago? Time really flies.

    So Newt was promoting this video…nearly a week ago, apparently. PVC Bondage Guy was too. It was a big secret. They couldn’t talk about it. We just had to wait to watch the video. What do you think is going to happen? My guess: Newt won’t care much for the product. It’s called Pickle Cotton Candy, after all.

    0:00 – “Extra Newtrician. Metz is dressed like a 90s superhero.”

    Well…I was thinking prostitute but whatever.

    0:30 – Somebody left this product at PVC Bondage Guy’s workplace.

    2:00 – Newt mistakenly says “Bootsy Beats” and then says “That’s the dude who never got paid by Screenwave.”

    I believe that this pre-dates Screenwave. It was James Rolfe and/or Mike Matei who didn’t pay.

    By the way, I was right. Newt didn’t care much for the product. Nor does PVC Bondage Guy.

    2:15 – PVC Bondage Guy really struggles to eat this stuff and you have to wonder what other stuff has been in her mouth that has been far more revolting than this pickle-flavoured cotton candy. Why is this cotton candy the stuff that puts her over the edge? Blood? Ass? I’m going to guess urine. No problem. But cotton candy? That’s a step too far.

    Some horntard in the comments says that PVC Bondage Guy’s dress is “cool”. Newt replies, “I was distracted a lot while they wore it.”

    Uh huh. “They”. Newt will buy into anything if it means he might have sex.

    Oh no. I have to pad this out.

    Bad food…well, I can talk about my mother’s shit cooking when I was a child. She made a dish that I called “puke soup” but actually it was more of a stew. Beef stew, in fact. But because she was so…I don’t even think it’s a language problem. She spoke English fluently. She was just lazy and didn’t care about communicating with her children. So she never bothered to use the phrase “beef stew”. She just said “soup.” “We’re having soup”. When she said that, she was talking about beef stew.

    “Meat” was another common meal that we had in our home. “What are we having?” “Meat.” You want to specificy at all? No. Just “meat”. Sometimes she’d mix it up by saying, “Meat and potatoes.”

    Everything she did was a really basic recipe. There wasn’t much food from the old country like so many immigrant parents like to prepare. This was food from those spice packets that you get at the grocery store. And TV Dinners. She was big on TV Dinners. “Why are we always eating these TV Dinners? Are we poor?” “No. Rich people eat TV Dinners. These are expensive.”

    She was lazy. She didn’t want to do anything. She didn’t want to eat into the 10 hours a day that she would watch trash talk shows. So this is what we would get.

    So puke soup. It was beef, potatoes, and carrots in a tan sauce. And it would be served on plates. Not bowls like stews or soups tend to be served in. So this disgusting mess would just run all over.

    When I was really young, she would mash it up for me because that was the only way that I would eat this shit. So it’s just this mashed up pile of mystery food.

    And however it was eaten, mashed or unmashed, the main ingredient was salt and pepper. This is how everybody ate it. You loaded that shit up with salt and pepper. It was the only way to make it palatable.

    I complained every single time that that meal was served. Rightly. What the fuck is this? What kind of meal requires loading it up with salt and pepper? If the dish requires more salt and/or pepper, put the salt and pepper into the dish WHILE YOU’RE COOKING IT.

    But there is no dish that should require the vast amounts of salt and pepper that were used here. People knew the links between salt intake and heart disease in the 1980s and 1990s. There’s no excuse for this.

    And just as a culinary fact, if the dish was any good it wouldn’t require vast amounts of salt and pepper. Make something good and then you won’t need to pile salt and pepper on it.

    Look up any beef stew recipe and show me where it says, “Serve with copious amounts of salt and pepper.” It’s ridiculous. Why did my father not say anything? He just sat there and ate it. But he must have known that this was insane. This is not how food is prepared.

  • Get Ready for a Trivia Adventure with Reset n’ Zap! – Zap Cristal

    Mike Matei will sometimes play a hack or homebrew or whatever and talk about how he’s probably the only person on earth who ever got this far into the game. He’s said this numerous times. He obviously finds it interesting. And it is interesting. Somebody made a game, they obviously spent a long time making the game, and then you’re the only person who has ever taken the time to play the game for this length of time.

    I feel the same way about the Zap Cristal n’ (sic) Mr Wright Way II podcast. I’m the only one watching this shit. I’m like the explorers of old but the territory that I’m charting is the deepest depths of unwatchable shit. Maybe I’m going to discover something interesting. That would be a welcome change. Or maybe it’s just all shit. But it’s shit that nobody is watching but me. I’m the only person on earth to ever experience this podcast.

    1:00 – Zap says that they’re going to inter-VIEW each other. Weird pronunciation of “interview”. Emphasis on the “view”.

    1:15 – “I came up with the idea that is detrimental to you keeping your job as co-host.”

    I…don’t think that Zap used the right word here. I think she meant more like…I don’t know…”essential”? “Mandatory”? It definitely wasn’t “detrimental” in any event.

    They’re going to ask each other ten questions each. Eugh. This is death.

    2:45 – Zap’s first question to Mr Wright Way II is, “Did you always want to become an independent artist?”

    Eugh…let’s hear him out. Maybe he can make something of this shit question.

    Oh fuck. He’s not. He’s just talking about music. I thought that maybe he would have talked about other jobs that he wanted to do. Like as a kid. Maybe, I don’t know, a fireman? Garbageman? Something? Anything?

    No. It was always music with this guy.

    I’m losing the will to live. He’s still talking. He says that he wrote poetry. He took a poetry class. He considered himself a poet. And this turned into rap, of course. He’s a poet of the streets as they say. Go fuck yourself.

    6:00 – He gives a sample of a song that he wrote in middle school. The lyrics are “I will always love you from the bottom of my heart” repeated indefinetly. Oh my fucking god. Come on. Just end the answer, please.

    7:30 – Now it’s Mr Wright Way II’s turn to ask a question. “You’ve talked a lot about moving from Puerto Rico to the US but what I’ve never actually axed (sic) you and what I’m interested in getting to know is what was the biggest adjustment you had to make living in Puerto Rico to living in the US?”

    “Change of customs and traditions” is Zap’s answer. OH COME ON. I’m trying really hard to get through this. Can ANYONE provide an interesting question OR answer?

    Zap gives the example of people hugging people and giving a kiss on the cheek in Puerto Rico. She says that it’s similar in Europe.

    Let me tell you that it absolutely is not. I don’t know how those homos operate in France but in the UK, definitely not. Northern Europe, same deal. They give handshakes to family in Northern Europe.

    It’s just how it is. There’s a wide range of customs throughout Europe. Try to kiss a stranger on the cheek in Scotland and see how many teeth you walk away with. It’s the same as in the US. They’d think that you’re fucking gay. Probably rightly.

    10:45 – She mentions needing to call people “sir” and “ma’am”. That’s true. There’s a lot of that false civility in the US. But not much of the real civility.

    They have false civility in the UK as well but they don’t call anyone “sir” or “ma’am”. It’s manifested differently.

    12:00 – Now it’s Zap’s turn to ask a question. You better bring the goods Zap because if this sucks dick, I’m stopping the video.

    “What are the challenges you face within your niche?”

    This could not have been a bigger fail of a question. Totally done.

    (In case the reference isn’t clear, Bret Hart says, “Booker T, let me axe you a question.” He used this line a number of times with Booker T. I was looking for the particular clip where it’s the two of them and Bret says, “Let me axe you a question” and Booker T just nods and says, “Alright” but I couldn’t find it.)

  • WORST TurboGrafx-16 Game of All time (China Warrior) – John Riggs

    I spoiled his clickbait title for you.

    0:00 – He says that he had a TurboGrafx 16 when it came out. He says that he had China Warrior. And yet wait for this completely ignornant “review”.

    I also had a TurboGrafx 16 and China Warrior. The game isn’t good but I played it extensively because, like most people, I didn’t have many games.

    Worst TurboGrafx game ever? Umm…maybe? Let me look at the list of games.

    Oh, Somer Assault. I had that game. You play as a slinky that shoots and your enemies are based on the Zodiac symbols. That might be worse. Awkward controls. Stupid theme.

    I think that Andre Panza Kick Boxing is bad.

    Champions Forever Boxing sucked dick. But worse than China Warrior? I think that one can argue but I’d say no.

    I bet a lot of these Japanese games are shit. I mean, a lot of the American releases are shit. But worse than China Warrior is what we’re looking for.

    I don’t know. So maybe it’s the worst but there are plenty of other bad games for the system. And even if it is the worst, it’s eminently playable.

    1:15 – The gameplay begins. He’s awful at the game. Clearly has…I mean…I’m going to say that he’s barely played this. You can’t be this bad at the game if you’ve played it before. He doesn’t even know the controls. And there are only two buttons.

    1:45 – “You’re constantly moving forward.”

    Yeah. That’s the game. If you moved right to move forward, it would have changed how the game works.

    2:00 – “You have a punch button, you have a kick button, but why do you need both?”

    Some enemies can only be reached by the punch. And I think you get more points by punching. Next question, John Riggs.

    “You can duck and and punch but you can’t duck and kick.”

    He just got done complaining about having both a punch and a kick button (which is an absurd complaint) and then he makes the complete opposite that you CAN’T both punch and kick when you’re crouching.

    “And you can jump and kick but you can’t jump and punch.”

    The vast majority of games only have kicking as an option when you’re jumping. Do people jump and punch in real life? In karate or taekwondo or, I would assume, kungfu (which this game is based on) there’s jumping and kicking. There is NO jumping and punching. Human physiology prevents the effectiveness of jumping and punching whereas jumping and kicking can be effective.

    2:30 – He runs into a boulder that bounces along the ground and then says “Oh, that’s right. I can’t just stop the boulder. I can’t just step to the side.”

    Well, no shit. You’re supposed to jump over it. Obviously. Why would ducking get you past a boulder that’s coming at you at waist-level and clearly small enough to jump over?

    2:45 – He describes an item that gives you health back as “breakfast cereal”. It’s tea, you fucking imbecile. How do I know that it’s tea? Because I played the fucking game. I read the manual. It’s tea. I haven’t played the game in over 20 years and I still know this.

    He doesn’t know what it does either. And he missed it so he’ll never know. If he played the game before, he would know what it does.

    3:15 – He keeps trying to jump kick the first boss. You can’t jump kick any of the bosses. The boss fights have weird controls, as all of the game has, and you just have to figure out what to do with each boss. I think on the first one, it’s just stand in front of him and keep kicking.

    3:45 – “Now that the sun has set on this industrial setting.”

    After you beat each boss, the background changes so that it looks later in the day. So the sun sets. This obviously surprised John Riggs because he never played this before. He clearly knows nothing about the game.

    But how on earth is this an “industrial setting”? Those are mountains in the background. You’re out in some nature area. What about this is industrial?

    Indeed, the game takes place in pre-industrial China. There is nothing remotely industrial about any of this.

    4:00 – Then he dies because he sucks dick and the video ends. “Of all the great games on the TurboGrafx 16, this was one of them.”

    So it was a great game? Couldn’t be bothered to edit that attempt at comedy out.

    Oh wow. According to Wikipedia, there was Japan-only remake on the PS2 with different graphics and gameplay. Let me see if there’s footage of that.

    Not that I’m seeing. Maybe some lost media that Bobdunga can uncover.

    About 30 people in the comments mention Darkwing Duck as worse. I really doubt it. Let me look at gameplay.

    Oh, I think they’re just mentioning it because it was an AVGN episode. Fucking pathetic.

    It looks bad but not on the level of China Warrior.

    So that’s John Riggs talking out of his ass, trying to get another low-effort video out there to make a few pennies.

    What’s the monetisation situation with video length? There was some reason why people used to try to make videos at least ten minutes long. You couldn’t monetise them if they were shorter than that or you were paid at a lower rate or something.

  • Erin’s Extremely Short List of *Nostalgia*

    She re-tweeted this recently. She tweeted this same fucking commercial within the last six months. We get it. You remember this commercial. Good for you.

    Is she just seeking this stuff out? She’s looking for the same commercial over and over and over again?

    Then you scan through her other recent tweets. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Castlevania, Disney shit, Weezer, I have to imagine that Britney Spears is somewhere.

    It’s the same handful of shit every fucking time. Can you come up with some new *nostalgia*? Let’s hear about a DIFFERENT local commercial that you enjoyed.

    I’m not saying that I don’t repeat stuff. I’m not saying that I didn’t tell the story about my friend breaking Quest for Glory II half a dozen times on this blog. But I try to keep it fresh.

    Obviously, there’s a limit to how much stuff you can talk about from childhood. Especially when you haven’t done much, as I haven’t, and as Erin hasn’t. But if you really search your memory banks, I’m sure that you can come up with something new.

    Here’s a new one from me. In about the fifth grade, a kid of Middle Eastern descent moved to our town and went to our school. He was pretty dumb. Didn’t do well in school. Actually, I don’t know if he was dumb but he didn’t do well in school. This was the only Middle Eastern person I’ve ever seen in that town, before or since.

    His mother was a lawyer. I don’t know where his dad was. But the fact that his mother was a lawyer suggests to me that he wasn’t stupid. And he didn’t seem stupid. I talked to him. He was a pleasant guy. But his mother seemed to be…absent. I suspect that neglect was the reason for his poor performance in school.

    She came in to do a talk one day. She was a really arrogant woman, talking about how she never lost a case and whatnot. Enjoyed listening to the sound of her own voice. And she didn’t have a headscarf or anything like that. And she seemed to be an American. So I don’t know where these people came from. They were definitely of Middle Eastern descent and they all had Middle Eastern names, first and last names. So that suggests recent immigrants but…I think that they were both born in the US. I don’t know. Maybe the mother wasn’t but she sounded American to me. Could just be that she’s lived in the US for a considerable amount of time. But then she became a lawyer? I don’t know.

    Anyway, this guy hung out with the dummies and the dummies tended to be bullies. And they would even bully him on a semi-regular basis. But that was the group that he was in. Probably a racial element to this too. Almost everyone in my school was white.

    He claimed that his cousin would give him steroids. So this became the source of much merriment for the remaining three years of grade school. He was given the imaginative nickname of “Steroids”.

    Was his cousin actually giving him steroids? I don’t know. Maybe? It seemed like a troubled family. But he mentioned this steroids thing as a way to try to intimate people and it absolutely did not have the desired effect.

    We were also in the 8th grade school play together. Everybody was required to be in the play. We were both winged monkeys. He rarely came to rehearsals so the teacher eventually told him not to come any more. It was just another example of his neglect from his mother. Somebody asked why he was cut from the play and the teacher said, “Because he didn’t do jack.” That kind of almost-profanity was scandalous to our ears. Also, it was a woman so particularly unusual.

    But I wish somebody would have told me that that was an option. Because as far as I was aware, we were all required to be in this embarassing play. I didn’t want to fucking do this. But whatever.

    I remember another school play, this must have been in the second or third grade, where we had to sing Beatles songs. “She Loves You” and whatnot. Totally inappropriate songs for our age, but the music teacher (some hippie lady) obviously liked the Beatles and this is how it work. Whatever “popular” music you’re playing in band, for example, is the music that your band teacher enjoyed as a teenager. So fucking Beach Boys and shit, in my case.

    So anyway, NOBODY wanted to sing this shit. The guys, anyway. So our normal teacher came in to speak to us. Actually, now that I think of it, this must have been the fourth grade. She came in and said, “I know that you’re embarassed to sing and you’re afraid that you’re going to look foolish, but if you don’t sing, you’re going to look even more foolish.”

    I suppose that it’s true. But here’s a third option: how about I just don’t show up? Because I don’t want to fucking be here singing love songs from the 1960s to an auditorium of bored parents. Why is this compulsory?

    Why should ritual humiliation be a required part of education? If somebody came to me as an adult and said, “We’d like you to get on stage and sing 1960s love songs to bored parents” I’d tell them to fuck off. There’s absolutely no chance that I’m doing that. But because you’re a student, you have to do it. Why? You don’t have rights as a student?

    And we were doing all of that for free. Who works for free? “We want you to appear in this play, put hundreds of hours into rehearsals, and do it all for no remuneration.” Umm…no, I’m not doing that. Get the fuck out of here.

    The day of the play arrives. It’s like a duet. The girls excitedly sing “She loves me, yeah, yeah, yeah”. Or maybe they changed it to “He” to make it not gay, I don’t remember. Then the boys really, really, REALLY reluctantly sing, “She loves me, yeah, yeah, yeah.” And the audience of bored parents all laugh.

    This was all a setup. We were set up to fail. Anyone with a brain knows that fourth grade boys do not want to sing 1960s love songs TO THEIR PARENTS. It’s emasculating bullshit.

    The music teacher knew it. Our normal teacher knew it. The principal must have known it. These songs were wholly inappropriate and humiliating. What was gained from any of that? Did we have a better appreciation for music or theatre? No. To the contrary. Music and theatre are things to be avoided at all costs. They’re painful and humiliating.

    Anyway, fast-forward to the summer after 8th grade. I’m going to summer school with this Middle Eastern guy. Summer school for high school. Before high school officially began. That whole steroids stuff is forgotten. It’s a new school. New beginning. Nobody knows about that steroids shit.

    He lived near to me so we’d walk home from the bus together. I went to his house once. There were a couple of small dogs in cages. It was pretty depressing.

    He tells me that his cousin can get me a pot plant. I tell him that I’m alright for pot plants.

    So I’m talking to another guy who I went to grade school with and is also going to this summer school. I tell him about this pot plant discussion and we all have a good laugh about it. Then the guy says, “Tell him that I want a pot plant.” So I said okay.

    Next day, I’m talking to this Middle Eastern guy and tell him about this mutual former classmate of ours who wants a pot plant. So he says, “Fuck him. You know what I’d do? I’d give him the plant and then kick his ass and take it back.”

    So I relayed the message back to this other guy and we laughed about it.

    Is this even how it works? You can get little individual pot plants? And do what? Just keep it as like a houseplant?

    So yeah. How do you guys like that Education Connection commercial? Pretty funny, right?

  • Steam demos, Quest for Glory 2, Sovereign Syndicate, Black Skylands and more – Cannot be Tamed

    Whoa. Pam’s got the melons out on full display for this one. Views must be absolutely tanking.

    That midlife crisis tattoo is horrible. Come on, Pam. Use your fucking head. Plenty of horntards told you not to do it and you blocked them all.

    0:45 – She talks about the revival of her podcast Media Mavens aka Harpie Mavens. We’re on tenterhooks here, Pam. We love your podcast with Pele so much and we want more. Thank fuck that she’s bringing Harpie Mavens back. You guys like podcasts about Pam’s idea of feminism, right? Then Harpie Mavens is for you. It’s going to set the internet on fire.

    Oh what. Then a voiceover says that she meant Point & Drink Adventure (her podcast with Pele), not Harpie Mavens. What a tease.

    Bring Harpie Mavens back. You can listen to them all here:


    I have all 65 episodes downloaded and I listen to them whenever I’m feeling too masculine. Pam and her ex-girlfriend Riley really know how to talk about how awful men are.

    1:15 – “I went on a rant against…cozy games. So if that sounds interesting to you…”

    It sounds interesting to NOBODY, Pam. NOBODY. What is she even talking about? “Cozy games”? Is that the name of a developer or…is she talking about…like some dumb genre of games? I don’t care either way. I don’t care at all. Talk about something important or interesting in some way. A rant about video games? Come on. I’m not 10 years old and neither are you. Let’s have a discussion about something that semi-intelligent adults can enjoy.

    1:30 – “I keep on creeping up closer and closer to 100,000 subscribers.”

    That’s why she has her tits on display. She really wants that 100,000. Maybe if she promises to actually get them out, she’ll reach that milestone sooner.

    1:45 – “If you know of anybody who might like my channel…”

    There’s no such person. It’s awful. It’s a terrible channel. She’s a personality blackhole.

    2:00 – The shoot oot is back. Holy shit. It’s called NoCaps. It’s just a woman talking over video game footage. She doesn’t appear on camera. What the hell? I can’t jerk off to this.

    Then Pam talks about some games that she played this month. Like…a lot of games. I’m only going to listen to her talking about Quest for Glory II because it’s an excuse to tell that story about my friend breaking the game.

    13:00 – Wait…what? She’s playing the fan-made remake, not the original game. Fuck this. She’s a part of the problem.

    I hated the switch from text parser input to just fucking clicking on everything. That’s brainless. Give me the fucking text parser.

    If anything, people should be taking Quest for Glory 3, 4, and 5 and turning them into text parser games. Maybe not 5. Who gives a shit about that rushed piece of crap? But 3 and 4 at least.

    It’s a company called AGD Interactive who made these games. They did it for the first three King’s Quest games and also for Quest for Glory II. Those games are free. Then they made a couple of original games and you had to pay for those. I don’t think that they sold ANY. So they gave up. They haven’t updated their website since 2019.

    13:15 – Pam says that she didn’t play much Quest for Glory II because of the text parser. YOU’RE A DUMMY, PAM! WHY BOAST ABOUT IT?

    14:00 – She complains about navigating the streets being annoying. That was copy protection, you dumb bitch. You needed the printed map that came with the game. And the remake, from what I recall, did something to eliminate this.

    So how much have I written so far? That’s a fair amount. Do I need to get into this story? My mother made me loan a game to my friend despite my vociferous protests. It was my favourite game. I had just gotten it. I was huge into the original Quest for Glory and to a lesser extent King’s Quest. Then one day, he returns the game and it doesn’t fucking work. He must have tried to copy it or something and it got fucked up. And he denied that he did it. “It was working when I had it.” So what are you suggesting? That it broke between the time you handed it to me and two minutes later when I put it into my computer?

    He was in a really big hurry to leave too. Usually, when he would stop by, he would stay and we’d play computer games or something. This time, he just handed the game off and left immediately.

    It’s bullshit. He knew that it was broken.

    Well, my mother must have gotten me a replacement. It was her who made me give it to him, after all.

    No. Didn’t give a shit.

    I didn’t play the game again until many years later when the Quest for Glory Anthology came out, containing Quest for Glory I to IV.

    What time frame are we talking about here? Quest for Glory II came out in 1990. I probably got it that year. This was like the only game that I’ve been excited about.

    The anthology came out in 1996. It’s possible that I got it that year.

    That’s six years. And in that six years, computer capabilities had changed massively. For one thing, there was the shift from disks to CDs.

    Also, I changed. I was in like the sixth grade in 1990 and a senior in high school in 1996. So the game didn’t have the same appeal. I still played it. I played it a lot. I played all of the games. I beat all of the games many times. Even the shitty games (the third and fourth games). But how much more magical would it have been if I was playing the game in 1990 when it just came out, when it was fresh, when it was cutting edge, and I was the appropriate age to enjoy it?

    That fucking piece of shit took the game from me, despite me crying and begging my mother not to let him do it, then he returns it in a broken state. Doesn’t offer to pay for it. Claims that there’s nothing wrong with it. Who would do that?

    If I went to somebody’s house and he’s crying and begging his mother not to let me borrow something, I’d say, “Relax. I don’t want it. It’s okay. I’ve got plenty of other games at home. Don’t worry about it.” I wouldn’t say, “Oh, gee, thanks Mrs (Whoever)! I’ll be sure to break it and then deny responsibility.” Fucking asshole.

    Oh, his father died ten years ago. What an asshole that guy was. The asshole apple doesn’t fall far from the asshole tree. I called his house once when I was in like the fifth grade and he answered and said, “He’s not home. What do you want?” I said, “To speak to (whoever)”. He hung up on me.

    So I told my mother about it and she said it was a wrong number. No, you dumb “gaslighting” bitch. It was the right number. His father was an asshole. Stop denying reality.

  • Newt Talking About Jobs and His Health

    0:00 –

    Newt: Let me put this down so everyone can see your outfit.

    PVC Bondage Guy: Oh yeah, my glorious outfit.

    What the fuck is she wearing? Some kind of dress or top or bondage outfit that shows her underboob.

    1:30 – Newt is talking about doing some trivia…thing…in a gay bar? I guess? He’s saying “twinks”. But…Newt is gay. He has sex with PVC Bondage Guy (a man), he shows his penis to Joe from Gamesack (about as manly as PVC Bondage Guy). Anyway, I have no idea what this story is about.

    2:30 – They’re talking about the next Newtrician video. I noticed that Newt actually “premieres” these videos. It’s annoying. And these little shitty food review videos? Why? Just post them whenever.

    2:45 – PVC Bondage Guy is talking about her outfit. “I found this in the thrift store and I can’t figure out where to wear it.”

    The brothel.

    3:45 – “I’m in a long argument with my boss about some shit that happened last Sunday night.”

    It’s regarding a group who rented the cinema. There was some dispute with his boss. Newt calls him a “dick”.

    While all of this is going on, PVC Bondage Guy is eating a big sandwich.

    Shouldn’t PVC Bondage Guy be on a strict diet now that she’s doing her wrestling training? All chicken breast.

    Oh, Newt says that he’s been going to job interviews as a result of this dispute.

    I hear you, Ideas Man. My job is ending (it’s been slowly ending for the past 15 years but I think this is finally it) so I’ve been looking for work. Six months. Nothing. Not a single interview.

    So I’m starting to contact people who I know just looking for low-paid remote work. These are clients of mine. I’ve emailed six and one of them said that they might have something and asked when I’m free to come in for an interview. I don’t know why an interview is necessary since they already know me but whatever. They haven’t got back to me but it’s only been a couple of days.

    My plan now is to find some remote work, it doesn’t have to be much, and ideally I’d like to find it from more than one person so that I’m not beholden to anyone. Then I’m going to move to Northern Europe. I looked at prices of property and it’s within my budget. Seems a lot cheaper than the UK. I’m finding stuff for €20,000. It’s not the Hilton, they’re studio apartments, but €20,000 in a major city? You’re not finding a liveable property anywhere in the UK for €20,000. I’d be terrified to live anywhere even close to that price in the UK.

    So the idea is to find some remote work and then move and then hopefully I can continue doing the remote work. I know a lot of people. I’ve made a lot of connections, despite my complete lack of socialising. I’m a pillar of the community. So I’m hoping I can find something. I only need like two or three people to give me this kind of work and there must be 100 people who I can contact. Big wigs. Captains of industry. See how it goes then.

    5:00 – Newt says that he was diagnosed with cancer recently. He got a second opinion that disagreed with that. So he’s getting a third opinion.

    I wish the best for Newt but…I don’t know. Because he’s had cancer before. He’s had a lot of health problems. But he’s still a giant asshole. The health problems don’t seem to put things into perspective for him. He doesn’t become a better person when he realises how short life can be.

    If Newt died tomorrow, what would anybody say. “There goes that total piece of shit who was awful to everybody he’s ever known”? I’d like to see that obituary.

    He’s also talking about his narrow urethra, by the way. Hank Hill style.

    I don’t want to know this. Does Joe from Gamesack want to know this? “Let’s hear more intimate details about issues with your penis, Newt.” Is this even erotic to anyone?

    Newt doesn’t have insurance because his boss cut the insurance. The US is a real piece of shit country.

    Newt is talking about getting a rectal exam and having an extremely swollen prostate. And fucking PVC Bondage Guy is chowing down on her big sandwich like it’s nothing.

    Newt talks about some horntard who he met in Ohio, who he had previously talked out of killing himself. The horntard said that he’s making a movie and wants Newt to help. Newt agreed but then the guy stopped replying to Newt’s messages. So Newt is mad about this. He wants to know why this guy would lie about wanting to make a movie and then not following through.

    It does look like a good sandwich. Is it Italian beef? They don’t sell Italian beef sandwiches in the UK. I’ve discussed my Italian beef sandwich restaurant idea with my girlfriend. I think it would be hugely popular. And it doesn’t require much. Just buns, slices of beef, pepperoncinis, and gravy.

    I’d offer the sandwiches wet or dry. It would blow minds when people are served a sandwich dipped in gravy. The decadence of it. It’s a culinary experience that doesn’t exist in the UK.

    And it can all be done fairly cheap. You can rent the tiniest of spaces. In the US, it’s diners that have this sort of food. You don’t even need a seating area. Take out only. People would come in droves to experience this authentic slice of Americana.

    American food is never even approaching authentic in the UK. “American restaurants” are all owned by people from Pakistan, so that doesn’t help. I’d be serving the real deal. Wet Italian beef sandwiches. Italian sausage sandwiches too. Oh fuck. Sandwiches with Italian beef AND Italian sausage. It’s a license to print money.

    You can sell them for £15 each. This is a country where Five Guys sells £10 hamburgers. So a big sandwich for £15 dripping with gravy is eminently reasonable. And it can’t possibly cost much to make. The bun is 30p, the meat is £2, and the pepperoncini is 8p. Wages. Electricity. Rent. I think I can do it.

    Back to PVC Bondage Guy stuffing her face with my million dollar idea.

    9:15 – Newt says that he’ll keep everyone “abreast” of what’s going on and then points to PVC Bondage Guy’s breasts. What a total piece of shit.

    Newt says, “It’s terrifying” and PVC Bondage Guy nods while having a huge chunk of sandwich in her mouth.

    “Tell me more about your cancer, Newt. This sandwich is delicious.”

    10:30 – Newt asks PVC Bondage Guy about her wrestling. Eugh. Can we get back to the anal cancer, please?

    Newt is eating…I don’t know…fries. Oh. Chicken. No, there’s an overabundance of chicken places in the UK. Italian beef is my idea.

    14:00 – Some horntard sent PVC Bondage Guy a Valentine’s Day card. She opened it and said that it’s cute. Newt says, “I like the ones that are like ‘butt stuff’”

    Uh huh. Scumbag, you say.

    18:00 – PVC Bondage Guy is talking about her wrestling shit and he she’s, “Not on the card yet.” Well, no shit. You’ve been “training” for like a month. If that. It’s a fucking joke.

    If she’s serious about this, which she obviously isn’t, she should be concentrating on the craft of wrestling. Chain wrestling. The pscyhology of professional wrestling. Building your physique. She just wants to be famous without putting any effort in. No. If you put the effort in, the fame may or may not come. But without the effort, there’s no chance of fame.

    23:00 – PVC Bondage Guy offers Newt an assistant manager job at the bowling alley she works at. Well, that’s sweet. PVC Bondage Guy is a nice man/woman. S/he shouldn’t be hanging out with Newt.

    33:00 – Newt tells a long Simpsons joke that he stole. The Kid Gorgeous/Kid Presentable thing from when Moe was a boxer.

    33:45 – Somebody asks who the worst female wrestler is and PVC Bondage Guy says that she doesn’t know. Because she doesn’t watch wrestling, as she openly admits. She only started watching this shit maybe nine months ago.

    38:30 – I’m turning this off. They’ve been talking about Godzilla being “trans” for the past few minutes and PVC Bondage Guy is talking about how “bi” and “trans” she is and it’s really putting me off PVC Bondage Guy. I try to ignore the unpleasant parts of PVC Bondage Guy, of which there are many.

  • Meeting the Hottest Retro Gamer (in Tokyo) @DestinyFomo – Destiny Fomo

    I don’t know how much of this I’ll be able to watch. I skimmed a bit of it and it’s painful as fuck. It’s some fat, loud, obnoxious American in Tokyo having sex with Madam Fomo for money. So she was there fucking “Kid” Shoryuken and this guy and however many other guys that TuanX had lined up for her.

    This guy is disgusting. Just look at the thumbnail.


    There’s his Twitter. His description is, “Your hot dad living in Japan. Make Youtube videos about my life here. Love 80’s stuff and motorcycles. Giant man child.”

    Complete embarassment. This is textbook guy who can’t get a girlfriend in the US so he goes to Asia. Brings shame to the entire country. This is why people abroad think that Americans are big, loud, fat, pieces of shit.

    0:00 – “I just want to give a quick introduction into who Destiny is and how I know her.”

    And there are videos of her “try on hauls”. She’s a prostitute and you know her because you’re paying her for sex.

    0:15 – “She’s basically a hot chick who loves retro video games.”

    Why is she hanging out with you? Explain that part.

    0:30 – “She’s also a good friend of MadPanicGaming.”

    Is that how he met her? “Kid” Shoryuken aka MadPanicGaming is promoting her to his fellow sexual deviants?

    He doesn’t explain how he’s hanging out with her. Obviously. Because he’d have to admit that he’s a john and that Destiny Fomo is a whore. But we all know it, right?

    Even if you knew nothing about Madam Fomo, isn’t it obviously just from the fact that she’s hanging out with this gross, fat, degenerate?

    1:45 – He’s talking to some other pathetic, loser Americans who are showing off their video game tattoos.

    2:45 – Then we see Madam Fomo. How the fuck does she do it? She’s earning this money. She has to fuck THIS guy.

    Actually, I don’t think that the fucking is even the worst of it. I think that this is the worst of it. Having to hang out with this obnoxious asshole. At least with the fucking, it’s in private. And with this guy, you know it’s not going to last long. When you’re this fat, you can’t even get an erection.

    3:00 – Now there are some obnoxious drunk Japanese guys. God, I can’t do this. This is awful.

    I’m stopping here. I’m sure that there are things in here that are interesting from the perspective of documenting the life of a scumbag but I can’t bring myself to watch this cringe bullshit.

    People in the comments call this guy “Dad”. He calls them “son”. It’s really creepy.

    10:30 – Look at this guy. He’s got to be 400 pounds. It’s absolutely embarrassing.

    There’s a video literally called, “Being a Fat Loud American in Aomori Japan” with this same asshole.

  • 【DEBUT STREAM】 i’m a 2D catgirl now – Retro Ali

    I’m not going to rehearse the complete history of Retro Ali. But she used to make Youtube videos and stream on Twitch, then she gained 50 pounds, then she became a “V-tuber”. This is where when you’re too ashamed to appear on camera, you have an anime character represent you.

    I fully understand how a normal person would be embarrassed to appear on Youtube videos or Twitch or whatever. Especially when you’re doing something as embarrassing as Retro Ali does. She was known for “reaction” videos where she made a total ass of herself “reacting” to completely mundane stuff. It’s not the kind of thing you want your employer seeing, for example. Or family or friends or potential suitors.

    But Ali chose to do this simply because she gained 50 pounds and was embarrassed by the weight gain. And rather than losing the weight or saying, “Fuck it, I don’t care what I look like”, she did this ridiculous thing where she got an anime avatar for the videos.

    At least be honest and use a fat anime avatar. No. She’s using a slim anime avatar.


    She is so fucking annoying. She screams constantly. OVER NOTHING.

    1:15 – “‘Where are the legs?’ You’ll see them soon.”

    Are people actually excited for the “debut” of this anime character? Who gives a shit?

    2:15 – She’s slowly doing her “leg debut”. Like we’re supposed to be jacking off to this. Maybe they are. I don’t know. But she’s slowly bringing the “model” onto the screen. “Here are my feet.” This is fucking pathetic.

    3:45 – “I feel like I’m baiting you guys. I feel like I should show it all. That sounds so wrong. This is new content.”

    This is fucking awful. She’s the worst. She’s the absolute rock bottom, worst person who I’ve ever wrote about. I don’t mean morally wrong, I mean just unbelievably boring, mindless, stupid, and uninteresting. She’s never said a single thing that was even remotely worth listening to.

    5:00 – “IS THAT A TAIL?”

    She’s screaming again. Her anime avatar has a tail. Because this is what the horny retards are apparently into.

    5:15 – “Oh my god, there’s a hole in my jeans. This is so scandalous.”

    It’s a fat chick talking about her anime avatar. It’s fucking pathetic.

    7:30 – OH MY GOD! SHE HAS A FACE!”

    She’s said that about 15 times so far. FUCK. OFF.

    8:00 – She says, “We have a Powerpoint” again, at least five times. She’s fucking stupid. She repeats herself CONSTANTLY.

    8:45 – “I just showed my body online for views. That sounds wrong.”

    Ali, you’re like 180 pounds in real life and nobody is interested. So you’re doing this anime thing. It’s pathetic.

    9:30 – She says that there are 69 viewers. I think that this anime shits cost a fair amount of money. You have to hire somebody to draw and animate this. And she’s doing this for 69 viewers at the absolute maximum.

    11:45 – “We’re not going to scream this stream for once.”


    13:00 – Now she’s doing what she’s described as the “Powerpoint.”

    13:45 – This slide gives the sad history of Retro Ali. Started streaming in 2015. And then everything else is just lumped into 2017-2022. I think that in about 2022, she gained 50 pounds. Maybe it was 2021. But she stopped making Youtube videos at that point. And this is when she started with the “V-tubing”.

    Her weight gain is not listed here.

    15:30 – Next slide. She says, “Why V-tubing, you may ask.”

    I know why. You gained 50 pounds. And in case anybody thinks that I’m joking, no. She gained a lot of weight and then started this shit.

    When was the first time I mentioned Ali gaining weight? Let’s see if we can pinpoint this.

    Possibly here. This was November 2022. But in that article, I kind of mention the weight in passing, like it was already common knowledge. So maybe it’s earlier than that.

    16:45 – “The real reason is that I don’t have to bother with the webcam.”

    That’s it right here.

    She also writes on this slide, “Secretly drives away the creepos that were only interested in my ‘looks’. LUL thank the Lord (hopefully).”

    She was perfectly happy courting the horntard market and making her stupid “O” face in every video but then she gained 50 pounds and suddenly she doesn’t like that stuff. No. It’s because the horntards don’t like that stuff from fat chicks. Those are the breaks, Ali. If you can’t keep yourself fit, fuck off. Shaking down retards for pennies is a harsh mistress.

    18:15 – “When I started, there was a very small, vocal minority of people who were like, ‘Oh my god. Why don’t you show your face?’”

    Why don’t you just tell them the truth, Ali. Fifty pounds. Instead, she tries to shame these guys as perverts. Which I guess they are but they always were. Ali liked it when they were interested in her. Now that they’re not interested, she calls them perverts.

    SupaWhatever had a comment in her Discord stating that she wants to be a V-tuber. She asked people if they would still watch.

    Same deal. SupaWhatever is a fat chick and she’s self-conscious about it. So instead of losing weight or dealing with your self-esteem issues, just put a fucking anime character there.

    It’s the same thing. People are, apparently, jerking off to this anime character. So you’re targetting the exact same market as they always have been: horny retards. But they’re doing it with this pathetic, dishonest anime character now.

    18:30 – “Honestly, if you don’t like watching anime girls then why are you watching my stream.”

    She knows that they’re there to jerk off. There are guys out there who jerk off to anime girls. Apparently. That’s the only reason why anybody would watch the stream, according to her.

    18:45 – Next slide. She’s 28. Wow. Really? Twenty-eight and already ballooned like that.

    19:15 – She’s talking about how she moved to Florida. She moved there to work in Disney World.

    20:30 – She says that her chair broke on stream. Just insert your own joke here.

    21:45 – Next slide. Games she likes. Pokemon. Who cares?

    22:45 – Next slide. “Here’s a pie chart from my Discord.” Some stupid joke about how she screams all the time.

    23:45 – Next slide. The name of her “community”. It’s the Retro Squad. That must have taken about four seconds to come up with that one.

    Is there anybody who actually uses these stupid community names? “Oh, I’m a…member of Riggs Nation.” Nobody does this. It’s just the “Youtubers” themselves with their delusional visions of grandeur.

    26:00 – Next slide. Goals. It’s all just about her stupid anime character and getting more followers on Twitch. What about eating right and exercising more?

    28:00 – Last slide. The credits for this anime girl.

    By the way, Retro Ali killed the merchandise on the blog and told the woman who made the anime characters for the banner that she should sue me. In spite of the fact that I asked the woman if I could use the characters for the merchandise (mugs) and that I’d split the money with her. This was a poor woman from the Philippines and this dumb bitch Retro Ali killed it.

    29:30 – Now she showing the anime girl up close. Great to jerk off to. I guess.

    31:00 – “I do have a little video that I would like to react to.”


    So she’s going to “react” to footage of old streams that she’s done. She’s compiled this video. So she knows everything that’s in it. And yet, she’s still going to do this fake as fuck “reacting”.

    32:30 – “I don’t even understand what I’m saying.”

    Exactly. I’ve been saying this for years. That’s what made you Meth Mouth Ali. You can be extremely difficult to understand.


    And you didn’t know this? She compiled this video…it’s not worth discussing.

    Okay, I’m calling a halt to the action. I can’t take this fake “reaction” any longer.

    Ali, all our metabolisms slow down as we age. I guess. I don’t know. From a quick search, scientists are questioning that traditional wisdom.

    I think that I have a overactive thyroid. It seems to be an issue in my family.

    I’m looking on Wikipedia.

    “Some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism include nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, heart racing, hand tremors, anxiety, trouble sleeping, thinning of the skin, fine brittle hair, and muscular weakness”

    I don’t really have any of that. Well, maybe irritability. Maybe muscular weakness.

    “More frequent bowel movements may occur, and diarrhea is common.”

    I don’t think so. My bowel movements are decidely less frequent that the average person. I’m taking a dump maybe once every 2.5 days.

    “Weight loss, sometimes significant, may occur despite a good appetite (though 10% of people with a hyperactive thyroid experience weight gain)”

    Being slim is the only thing that caused me to think that I might have this thyroid condition. But here they’re saying that it’s not even always the case with hyperthyroidism.

    “Vomiting may occur.”

    No, it’s been a good number of years and I’ve never had that problem.

    So I don’t know. Maybe it’s nothing. So that’s good news.

    Anyway, my point is that we all have different metabolic rates but that’s just life. Everybody has advantages and disadvantages. You just have to work with what you’ve got.

    Don’t give up at the age of 29 and say, “Okay, I’m a fat chick now.” Put the effort in. And it’s not even that much effort. Cultivate some self-control. Eat less. You don’t even have to exercise. The weight will come off.

    And she’s not fucking SupaWhatever levels of obese. She has a manageable level of weight that she can lose if she just puts the effort in.

    Look at Erin, for example. There was a time when Erin was putting some weight on.

    That was in November 2020. But she apparently started eating right and lost the weight. So good for her.

    Mike gained a lot of weight around the same time. As here:

    But he seems to have lost the weight too. And he talks about how he doesn’t drink much soda any more, he tries to drink more water, and so on.

    So it’s a good thing. You can’t just let yourself go and stream as an anime girl. That’s not healthy.