
  • The Goonies 1 & 2 – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) – Cinemassacre

    Mike was recently streaming this. It’s so fucking lazy from everyone’s perspective. It’s lazy for James, lazy for Screenwave, lazy for Mike. Does anybody want to put any effort at all into any of this?

    0:15 – But first, a word from our sponsor: that same fucking VPN. I can’t believe that they’re still paying him. The Cinemassacre market awareness of this VPN is 100%. Everybody who is interested in this VPN and watches the channel has already signed up. Showing the ad another 100 times is not going to help any.

    1:30 – James, please for the love of god do something with that hair. It looks AWFUL. Come on. He has a strip of hair across the middle of his scalp and that’s it. He’s really working that strip of hair. It’s ridiculous. Get some clippers, put a number two guard on, and trim all of that shit down. It’s gone. Your hair is gone, James. You’re not balding. You’re bald. This is late-stage male pattern baldness. Get over it.

    2:15 – “The Goonies is one of those quintisential 80s movies.”

    Probably one of my most hated films. I never saw it as a kid. I probably first saw it when I was in my 30s. It was on tv. Every character is unlikeable. Everything they do is disgusting and abhornent. I especially hate the fat kid, I hate the older kid played by Corey something, and I hate that fucking disgusting retarded character. I also hate the Fratellis or whoever they are. The mother is particularly awful. I hate the premise of the movie. I hate movies about rich California assholes. Fuck everything about that movie.

    Why it’s beloved, I have no fucking idea. Mass delusion.

    I feel the same way about Monster Squad. Fuck that piece of shit. People watch something as a kid and think that it’s good. No. It sucks giant penis.

    4:45 – “What’s happening? Did it send me back to the beginning?”

    Yeah. Mike had this same exact problem when he was streaming the game. He couldn’t figure out why the game took him back to the beginning. So now we have James talking about this but this is clearly all written by Mike. The gameplay is probably all Mike’s. Mike is doing all of this. Mike is wiping James’ ass. Get it? Ass? It’s a funny word.

    7:30 – James is complaining about the yo yo weapon. Mike also complained about this during the stream. He said that he wanted to make a video about video games that have yo yos as weapons.

    9:30 – Long sequence about the “Diarrhea Dimension”. I won’t even dignify it by discussing it other than to say it’s more scat fetish nonsense from this mentally challenged retard.

    10:00 – The game is compared to the Friday the 13th game. Mike made the same comparison on stream. He also complained about how confusing this section is, as James is doing.

    14:45 – “Two different dog turds being run through the lawn mower.”

    Uh huh. It’s like that, Jimmy. Poo poo.

    16:15 – “You want to know what fucking hole I’m thinking of?”

    Umm…the suggestion is that Jimmy is thinking about…anuses. But why? Why is he thinking about anuses? Keep your sodomy fantasies to yourself.

    16:45 – Jimmy climbing down a ladder head-first in front of a green screen. This is entertainment.

    18:30 – “Piss-stained diarrhea machine.”

    Uh huh. Just like that, Jimmy.

    And interspersered throughout the video are obnoxious as fuck clips of that asshole fat kid who I want to punch in the fucking face. He’s constantly screaming. Fuck that piece of shit. What is that faggot doing nowadays?

    Jeff Cohen. Well, he lost weight and he’s working as a lawyer. Good for him, I guess. The chosen people do tend to gravitate to acting and law. At least his acting career was mercifully short.

    19:45 – Jimmy trips over a Santa dummy and Mike provides a voiceover. He couldn’t even appear in person. Then Jimmy starts kicking this dummy for some unknown reason.

    Then they splice in footage from the previous episode where Mike actually appeared as Santa.

    This is lazy as fuck. It doesn’t even make sense. And if you are going to have this completely nonsensical thing, couldn’t Mike make the fucking journey to film this?

    By the way, James is complaining about the map system now. If you’re wondering if Mike also complained about this during his stream of the game, he absolutely did.

    25:00 – “It’s kind of like a rhinoceros comes over to piss on you and then he turns around and shits on your fucking face.”

    James, fuck off. None of this is even remotely funny. Bodily function-obsessed fucking retard.

    Then the video ends with like a minute of poop stuff. Who is this for? Who, other than James, finds any of this even remotely entertaining?

    “Directed and written by James Rolfe.” Uh huh. Sure it was. It just so happened that, once again, this was a game that Mike recently streamed. And everything that was complained about was also covered in Mike’s streams of the game.

    Mike streamed the games several times recently, by the way. It wasn’t just once. He was obviously doing this to prepare for this video.

    Edited by Sean O’Rourke. I’m not sure if I would want credit for that.

    Gameplay by James, Mike, and Sean. No more “help by”, I guess. But no, James did not do shit.

    Another terrible, lazy, unfunny, scat-obsessed episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd. Let’s see what the fags on Reddit had to say.

    Surprisingly few messages, maybe I’m on the wrong thread, but they seem to think that it’s okay but not great. No. Respectfully disagree with you homos. It’s shit.

  • SupaCozyGaming’s “LiveJournal” aka SupaPixelGirl aka SupaNintendoGirl aka Supa_XO aka SupaPixelWeaver aka SupaNostalgic aka SupaCrazyCatLady


    I got this from her Discord. I don’t know if this link will work:


    Bear in mind that she changes names immediately so will shut everything down shortly after she reads this. I don’t think that there’s anything worth looking at in the Discord, though, other than, perhaps, this insane “Live Journal” of hers.

    I don’t even think that there’s a need to comment on anything. It’s manifestly insane. But I’ll include a short commentary after most every entry in parentheses..

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 13/02/2023 11:58

    Feeling hopful today. Sometimes I feel I’m not where others are at my age (married, having kids). It can be really painful and scary to feel behind… but at the same time I don’t want kids right now! Last night I was watching a random video I made years ago now on my YouTube channel (secret of evermore trading guide). I liked the girl in the video, which funnily enough was me. The girl in the video was just doing her thing- being creative and not caring about numbers. I want to get back to her vibe. I hope I can find a balance between making videos people like and not getting to many viewers and followers. Even though I stopped posting regularly on my YouTube long ago, I achieved other amazing personal goals and now I’m ready to make space for creativity again. I’m manifesting health and happiness. Current music: wicked game – Chris Isaak Mood: 😌

    (“Oh, I’m so sad and lonely. Where are the chocolate men at? Here’s a picture of my fat tits, guys.”

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 15/02/2023 04:22

    Today was Valentine’s Day. I was able to stave off any negative feelings about being alone until now. The fear I’ll never find my person is always there but I’m trying to minimize the space that fear takes up in my soul. One way is to get back to being creative – meaning YouTube and streaming. I’m also going to do something different than before– include friends in my lets plays!! I think it will help me enjoy the process more. I have a new streaming set up too. Distraction is always a good thing when you’re hurting. Beast isn’t doing so well with his health… not sure how to live without my furry companion. I’ve had him since I was 14 years old. Well, right now I’ll focus on cherishing our moments together. Current music: Innocence and sadness – Dermot Kennedy Mood: πŸ™

    (“I’m still so lonely, guys. Which one of you horntards is going to give me money to cheer me up?”)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 22/02/2023 04:26

    I’m currently in a tubby with a bunch of epsom salts. Ahhhhh~ my most favorite thing is being in the tubby while it fills with water.
    I’ll be honest it’s like the third tubby I took today. TEEHEE! I’m feeling proud of myself with many different facets of my life. For one, I am officially down several lbs since my heaviest! I’m excited to continue to work toward my health goals. I feel more confident which is helping in my dating life for sure. I am also getting back to being creative and cultivating personal friendships and my little community of retro gamers. On Sunday I streamed Kings Quest 6 after not streaming for over a year! I was afraid no one would want to watch but 32 people showed up at one point and it made me feel so gratful. It really does touch my heart when I get messages from people who were fans of my YouTube channel back in the day. I’m proud of what I’ve built and it makes me feel good that so many viewers stayed even when I left and was inconsistent for years. Current music: So Emotional – Whitney Houston Mood: 🀩

    (She took three baths in ONE DAY. It screams mental illness. She’s still trying to lose weight. This has been going on for many years. She’s apparently bounced back from her single life. That was a rough few days. “Tubby.”)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 24/02/2023 13:44

    β€œHow lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” A. A. Milne / Winnie the Pooh

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 26/02/2023 15:35

    ᛖᛁᛖᛋ α›’αš±α›αš·αš»α›, αš³α›šαšͺαšΉα›‹ α›‹αš»αšͺαš±α›ˆ, ᛏαšͺα›α›š αš»α›–α›šα›ž αš»α›αš·αš». ᚷᚩ αš³α›–α›–αšΎα›šα› α›αšΎα›αš© αš¦α›– α›˜α›α›‹α›, αš©α›šα›ž ᚹαšͺαš±αš±α›‘αš±. ᚠαšͺα›šαš»αšͺα›šα›šαšͺ ᚹαšͺᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ α›αš©αš’. Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you. In loving memory of Beast 2005-2023

    (Her fucking cat died. Now, is she had the cat since she was 14…she’s got to be in her mid-30s at least, right? How old was that fucking cat? Do cats even live that long? Life expectancy of a cat is 13 to 14 years. So that cat was positively ancient when it died. By the way, note the date. February 26th. Oddly, she doesn’t use the American date format. But she’ll be talking about this dead cat A LOT from here on.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 27/02/2023 12:02

    My first night and morning without you. This is so hard. I miss you Beast. Are you with me? I kept thinking about you yesterday. Are you lonely where you are now? I worry you’re lonely. I’m sorry I couldn’t go with you to your next adventure. Wherever you please know I love you forever, I hope we can meet again.

    (The cat is in Valhalla, of course. God, what a fucking lunatic.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 28/02/2023 05:15

    Another night without you. How do l do this?

    (Posting about it to horntards is one way to keep this geriactric cat’s memory alive.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 04/03/2023 05:51

    I’m cuddled in my blanket in bed and a certain part of the blanket smells like you. I know as time goes on your scent will no longer be here. I can’t believe you aren’t here with me. I hate that you are somewhere where I can’t be with you. Where I can’t see you. I can’t protect you if I don’t know where you are. I love you Beast. I’m so manic trying to build my channel. I’m distracting myself from missing you. I feel so much guilt, like I cut your precious life short. But I know you were telling me it’s time. The feeling of watching some stranger carry you out of my apartment, away from me forever, was an unexpected pain. Your ashes were dropped off at the vet office a few days ago. Will I ever have the strength to pick them up? How is this possible. How is this my new reality? I’d give anything to take a Time Machine back to 2005. Back to Minnesota. I’d walk outside barefoot and call your name. You’d come running up to me. I would hold you.

    (The cat is dead, you lunatic. It was an extremely old cat. It was in poor health. Move on.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 07/03/2023 04:10

    No amount of distraction can save me from feeling sad. I miss you Beast. I watched an old YouTube video of mine and at the end I was randomly holding you and my heart stopped. I should have savored every moment. I’m exhausted now. I need sleep.

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 08/03/2023 18:21

    The question “do you have any pets?” – my heart stopped

    Miss you Beast

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 13/03/2023 00:20

    Can’t believe you aren’t here. I’m really lonely right now. I finally didn’t do any “project” to fill my time and now I’m crying. I know this might be weird to say but I miss your smell. I really want to be cuddling you right now and burying my face into your soft fur. I loved how you smelled and I will never be able to smell it again. I’ll never be able to feel the soft fur on your belly. I’ll never be able to give you a million kisses on your head. I hope you are happy and content wherever you are. It’s so hard I can’t be where you are. I can’t watch over you. I can’t be sure your safe. Please say we meet again Beast.

    (The cat is gone. It’s not anywhere. There’s no religion that believes in an afterlife for animals. Get over it.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 19/03/2023 17:34

    I’ve been trying to do more healthy coping these past few days- taking long walks while the sun is out, dancing to happy songs in my apartment, focusing on creative projects, and fostering friendships. I’ve been all over the place emotionally and taking things that don’t matter at all so fucking personal (haha). I’m very sensitive lately. But there are many things in my life to be so incredibly thankful for. I need to practice gratitude and working toward better versions of myself versus focusing on what I don’t have. Current music: Test Drive – Joji Mood: πŸ«₯

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 21/03/2023 17:54

    My apartment feels empty today. I miss you. I’ve been in total denial.

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 02/04/2023 12:29

    I had a reoccurring stress dream last night where it’s opening night of a play and I don’t know the lines or anything. This dream was more drawn out this time than my previous dreams. Overall I feel sad and exhausted. I should try and sleep more.

    (It’s now been over a month. SHE’S STILL TALKING ABOUT HER DEAD FUCKING CAT!)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 10/04/2023 13:01

    On the shuttle to work 🚎 I got my period this morning. For whatever reason it’s been painful this time around. It feels like someone is scraping out my insides!! Actually I know why- I was so stressed and sad last month I didn’t get my period. Being a woman honestly is awful sometimes haha. My body is punishing me for being sad and stressed. It’s always on early mornings I miss Beast. It’s weird I’ve been grieving without my family and close friends nearby. I miss my sister and mom. It’s been kinda tough since my sister has a baby now. She has always been busy but now she (rightfully so) is super busy. And since my mom lives with my sister I naturally feel left out. But I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m glad mommy is being taken care of and not alone. I used to cry when I left home for college worried she would be lonely. It only hurts this much right now. Current Music: Labyrinth – Taylor Swift Mood: 😣

    (Lunacy. But people are jerking off to this and she knows it. They’re jerking off to her disgusting descriptions of her period. Fuck off. And fuck your dead cat.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 10/04/2023 22:22

    OK !!! πŸ’ͺ I decided to make myself feel better !!!! I cleaned my apartment and I’m going to go for a walk outside. All I need to do is get caught up with work stuff and I’ll be in a better place πŸ’“

    (IT WAS A CAT!)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 15/04/2023 16:56

    I just opened up reminders on my phone and saw a ton of reminders for Beast and my heart stopped. I miss you Beast. I’m going to meet Appa (my new kitty) in June… but I’m not sure I’m ready to love a new furry friend.

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 24/04/2023 11:58

    Once again on the shuttle to work 🚎 I probably went to bed around 1:30am… and I woke up at 6am. I woke up somewhat nauseated. I know I say this all the time but I need to take better care of myself!! If not for me, for my patients! They deserve my best! Here are some of my goals: -drink more water!! (Brought my water bottle to work) -get better sleep – strive for atleast 7 hours, 8 would be even better!! -eat more than protein shakes and cashews πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ more greens !!!! -make sure to get outside for walks everyday -stay busy with creative projects to get out of your head I’m so excited because I have Wednesday-Friday off from work. I am going to the coast Wednesday πŸ₯° I can’t wait!!! Current Music: Wish You The Best – Lewis Capaldi Mood: πŸ₯±

    (She mentions this “shuttle” again. She can’t be working as a psychiatrist, right? A psychiatrist isn’t taking a “shuttle” to work. She’s working in a factory or some big place, I assume. I took a “shuttle” when I worked in a big casino. Actually, would a hospital have a “shuttle”? Maybe. But I refuse to believe that this lunatic is working as a psychiatrist.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 02/05/2023 04:04

    No one can comfort me like Beast.

    Crying by myself now. I was looking for a picture on my google photos app and came across these photos. Beast would always crawl into my lap whenever I cried.

    (It’s now over two months and she’s STILL TALKING ABOUT IT!)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 16/05/2023 01:34

    It’s so lonely here without you

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 26/06/2023 03:07

    I got Appa yesterday. It was an emotional day πŸ₯Ή I caught myself saying “Bubby” to him a few times (Beast’s nickname). I also realized it would take some time to build a bond with Appa and I can’t expect to feel an intense amount of love and attachment like I did with Beast within the first day of us meeting eachother. One of my friends put it perfectly in a text “It will be a different love. Doesn’t make it less or more. They hold different places in our hearts.” The cute fact of the matter is on Appa’s first night he slept right by my side the whole entire night. πŸ’“ it was really special. I forgot how much I missed having a companion like that. I’ve spent all day with Appa, and we have definitely bonded πŸ₯° He wants to be near me constantly and is starting to follow me around already!! He is still wary of loud noises and the other rooms in my apartment but he finally ate some wet food and used the litter box!! He is yet to know his name but we are working on it. He really is so precious. I’m trying to teach him he can bite toys but not hands. So whenever he gets hyper or playful I redirect to a toy. If he bites me I just say no in a neutral/calm tone and ignore him and find a multitude of moments to praise him for positive behaviors. I guess my psychology training has come in handy hehe Another special thing happened yesterday but I won’t get into it here. Hey google play redacted corny ass song because I don’t wanna be embarrassed Mood: ☺️

    (Now here’s she’s saying that her “pscyhology training has come in handy”. It kind of suggests that she’s NOT a psychiatrist or pscyhologist or whatever. Like she’s saying, “I studied psychology all of those and finally the training has paid off…I can train a cat. So…yeah, I really hope that she’s not in any way working with people with mental health problems. She is a total fucking nut and should not be anywhere near vulnerable people.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 10/07/2023 12:04

    On the shuttle to work 🚎 I didn’t get much sleep last night. I went to bed around 1:30am and woke up at 6am 😭 it’s okay though, I’ll make up some sleep tomorrow. I am so totally attached to Appa. We really have bonded. He follows me around everywhere. He’s so smart too! He plays fetch! I am not even kidding!! I’ve made the big decision to … wait for it … get another kitten! I realized the importance of Appa having a playmate and bonded friend. It will also help me feel less guilty leaving Appa at home for work or for a trip. The new kitty will be here in about 1 month. I’ve been feeling very fulfilled lately – between taking care of Appa, cultivating friendships, and romance πŸ₯° I’m happy. I would like to get back into some creative projects like editing my ocarina of time let’s play and a new ASMR. I wish I had more time in the day!!! Current music: I feel it coming – The Weeknd Mood: 😈

    (Oh yeah, and in the previous post she hinted that she has a boyfriend or something. Here she confirms it. Boy, all it took was getting a cat and gaining confidence. And she’s getting more cats.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 19/07/2023 10:17

    I didn’t get much sleep tonight. I miss Beast. The waves of grief have been coming on stronger lately. Grief and guilt. I feel guilty for choosing to end his life (I wanted him to chose) but I try to remind myself that he was very sick and his quality of life was diminishing rapidly. I keep thinking about how a few days before his health took a turn for the worse he came into the tubby with me, and just laid on my chest…his paws in the water. He had never done that before. I think he was telling me it was time. I’m trying to give myself grace here. I’ve had Beast since I was 14 years old and the loss of him is staggering. I also feel fustrated at myself as I’ve actually lost a parent to cancer as a kid and remember thinking fuck people who are sad about their pets they have no idea what real grief and loss is. I think the difference is there is some pain you don’t even really speak about and that’s the loss of my parent. But I can also hold space that I’m grieving Beast and it’s a speakable grief. They are different but both valid. Anyways, I have a busy day at work this morning. I’m going to attempt some breakfast and get ready soon.

    (The cat died FIVE MONTHS AGO. She won’t shut the fuck up about it. And how fucking creepy is it that she’s bathing with this cat? What the fuck is she doing? Well, at least she’s so sad over this long-dead cat that she’s not eating. Maybe she’ll lose some fucking weight.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 06/08/2023 22:43

    I’ve been sad the past few weeks. I find myself feeling your absence, mostly at night. While cleaning today I randomly came upon your collars and it just made me so sad. I miss you so much. You were my companion. We’ve traveled across the country together. I grew up with you. Beast I miss you so much. Please say we meet again.

    (The cat had to be at least 20 years old when it died. Get the fuck over it.)

    SupaPixelWeaver β€” 16/12/2023 14:59

    I’m struggling. I’ve been so anxious, and I can’t pin point it. I have a nervous tick where I start pulling strands of my hair out, and this behavior started back up this month. My jaw has been hurting and I’m getting headaches from clenching. I think the Botox for TMJ has worn off. My brain is just attacking me. I was thinking about Beast and how toward the end of his life he couldn’t get out of his bed. I had to leave him to go to work Friday and leave him alone in his bed until I got back. Why did I do that? He was probably so alone and scared. I also struggle with the fact I cut his life short by scheduling his euthanasia. He could have been with me longer. I still feel unsure that was the right decision. I could has had him get a surgery for the tumor but the vet told me to do respite care instead. I tried to do right by him while also working full time and was far away from friends and family. I was alone when I let Beast go. And now life goes on, and no one asks me about him. I know it’s not their job, I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just really sad and anxious and it’s all coming ahead this week and I can’t really even pin point what’s wrong or why. I’m just sitting here crying alone. I am going to try to get out and walk. My mom just texted me I love you, just now. She doesn’t even know I’m crying. I promise I’m thankful for everything I have but today I feel very sad.

    (TEN MONTHS later, she’s still talking about this fucking dead cat. And apparently, she’s sucking so much chocolate dick that she had to get botox injections to relieve the soreness in her jaw. And nobody is asking this woman about her cat because they assume that she’s fucking over it. Who’s still mourning a cat after ten months?)

    So that’s the last update from Supa…whatever the fuck her name is now. This is somebody who needs a whole team of psychiatrists working round the clock on her.

    I got that expression about needing a whole team of psychiatrists from a teacher of mine. Oh, it was an art teacher, actually. That ties in nicely with a recent article I did about Erin where she and Mike shared stories about art teachers.

    This was in the 10th grade. Some kid at school died. I didn’t know him or how he died. Looking back, I assume it was a suicide, given his age.

    All I heard about it was an announcement over the public address system while I was in art class. The principal or a student or somebody would give the morning announcements. There’s a dance coming up or whatever.

    But on this particular day, it was about this student who died. And the principal or whoever said, “Anyone who needs help with coping with this should go to the counselor’s office.” After the announcement, one of the kids in class said, “Oh, I need help.” He was obviously joking but the teacher didn’t realise it. So the teacher asked him, in total sincerity, if he would like to go. The kid continued the joke saying, “Yeah, I need a psychiatrist.” Then the teacher finally understood that he was joking and said, “You need a whole team of psychiatrists.”

    Seriously, though, fuck that art teacher. I had three art teachers in high school and they all taught me to hate art and that I was shit at it. Kids like drawing and whatnot. I wasn’t particularly gifted but I was okay. Everybody can’t be the star pupil. But they all just insisted that I was shit and shouldn’t take the class. So fine. I didn’t.

    The whole concept of nurturing talent and being empathetic and realising that high school art class isn’t the most important thing in the world was totally lost on these teachers.

  • Soul Man Is A REAL Movie That Exists! – Tony from Hack the Movies

    Oh, we’ve got a black guy as the guest for a movie about a white man who pretends to be a black man. Or something. Some of that delightful racism that Tony so clearly enjoys.

    You know what I’d do if I was Mushmouth over here? Mushmouth is the guest on Tony’s show today. He doesn’t speak very clearly, much like the beloved character Mushmouth of Fat Albert fame. I’d say, “Well, Tony, I’d love to appear on your Talking About Tapes Youtube show but not to talk about this movie that deal with racial issues in a comedic sense. I will, however, appear on the show to discuss any number of other movies. Sure, I’m a black man but I enjoy a wide variety of movies. Don’t let your racist views influence what kind of movies you think I would enjoy.”

    Here’s his Youtube channel:


    He has a handful of videos. He’s a “local comedian”. He also has some podcast that nobody listens to. He would kill to get Zap Cristal numbers.

    Here’s one of his stand up comedy videos. It starts with the 400 pound MC saying “Let’s give it up for the comedy stylings of Manny Muskets!”

    Well, let’s see. The video is entitled “Is Manny funny?”

    Okay, I’m calling a halt to the proceedings at 2:00. The answer is a resounding “no”. I only understood a few words. “Pussy” and “Nigger”. Those words kept cropping up a lot.

    Well, comedy isn’t easy. Or enunciating.

    Oh, this guy was talking about wanting to be on Kill Tony. John of Cinemassacre fame was apparently on there. I have no idea what “Kill Tony” is but let’s check it out.

    It starts at 1:01:00.

    Okay, I’m just going to move on. It’s not even worth discussing.

    Back to…oh god. Tony from Hack the Movies? I thought that I retired this bullshit.

    2:00 – Tony says, “I introduced him and then afterwards he said the ‘N’ word about 20 times.”

    Yeah, that seems to be his routine. I…hmm. You don’t want to kill anyone’s dreams but…is there a career in this? It’s not exactly breaking new ground, is it? We get that you’re a black man. What else have you got? Any hobbies? Interests? What’s the deal with airline food?

    2:30 – Tony wishes us a happy Black History Month.

    That’s right. I forgot all about it. Where was Pelvic Gamer promoting all of these businesses of women who may not be black? Without this, the entire month passed me by. This whole time, I was just thinking that it’s February. It didn’t dawn on me that it’s also Black History Month.

    Okay, I’m stopping the video at 6:00. Six minutes of this trash is six minutes too long.

    According to the comments, people are saying this is the funniest Hack the Movies ever. I’m not sure what number two would be but…in spite of that endorsement, I still can’t bring myself to watch this.

    I just don’t find “White men walk like this but black men walk like this” to be funny. It’s been done a billion times by a billion funnier people. What is this guy going to bring to the table?

  • Bozo the Clown – Joey D’Auria Bozo the Clown

    We all know what a fan Mike Matei is of Bob Bell. Bob Bell played Bozo in the Chicago version of the show from 1960 to 1984. Mike was four years old when Bob Bell retired but he remembers him fondly.

    I’m two years older than Mike and have no memory AT ALL of Bob Bell. So he’ll have to regale you with stories of Bob Bell. For my part, I’m going to compile a non-exhaustive list of memories I have of the show in the Joey D’Auria era.

    I watched it every day before school. Just for a few minutes. Ten or fifteen minutes maybe. I’m thinking that I had to leave for school shortly after the show started. But I remember always being disappointed that I couldn’t watch more of it.

    Cooky was the main other clown on the show, played by Roy Brown. There was also Wizzo, played by Marshall Brodien. He was only part-time, it seemed. Cooky was a cook and Wizzo was a wizard. In real life, Marshall Brodien was a magician. I don’t know what Roy Brown’s real-life culinary skills were like.

    Cooky and Wizzo were already pretty old by the time Joey D’Auria took over the role as Bozo. Roy Brown would have been 52 and Marshall Brodien 50. Joey D’Auria was a sprightly 32.

    Roy Brown also played Cuddly Dudley on the show. This was a dog puppet who would read jokes that the kids would send in. Bozo would be there to help out. They’d be knock knock jokes and whatnot. But Cuddly Dudley often had to prompt Bozo to turn the page or put a new letter down because it was keeping in character that the dog was reading the jokes.

    I had a stuffed animal that vaguely looked like Cuddly Dudley so I named it in honor of the character. Then I had to sell it for 25 cents at a garage sale. My mother was out there hawking my wares. “Hey, all of my son’s prized possessions: only 25 cents each! Everything must go! I am assuring that he won’t speak to me as an adult!”

    There would be games on the show. Usually with kids. And Bozo would call the team who lost, “The second place team.”

    Sometimes the parents would play the games. A popular one was putting a pillowcase onto a pillow, taking it off, and then handing it to the next person to do the same. It was always men against women and the men almost always won.

    Cooky would sometimes hype the men up. Remind them of the history of men dominating the game.

    So there was one time when the men lost. And Cooky really made a big deal out of it. Cooky was the one who would bring the prizes out. So when Bozo said, “And what do we have for our second place team, Cooky?” Cooky said, “You mean the losers?” Bozo sheephisly said, “I mean our second place team, Cooky.” Cooky loudly said, “For the losers we have this deck of Uno playing cards” or whatever the prize was.

    Grand Prize Game. This was a game where you had to throw a ping pong ball, sequentially, one at a time, into six buckets of increasing distance from the player. The prizes increased in value the more buckets you got. In buckets one to three you might get an Etch & Sketch or a gift certificate to a hair salon, or some frozen pizza. Nothing amazing. But in bucket four, you’d get a Radio Flyer wagon. And Cooky would put all of the prizes you won so far into the wagon so that you could cart them home with ease. I don’t remember what you’d get in bucket five but it must have been something great.

    It all paled in comparison to bucket number six. You got a Schwinn bicycle and fifty bucks. And Cooky would always happily ride out on this little children’s bicycle. Later, they upped the prize to $100 and the bicycle.

    The Grand Prize Game wasn’t without it’s fair share of controversy, though. There was one time when a suspiciously old-looking 12 year old was playing the game. Cooky made jokes about him shaving and whatnot.

    But the main issue was when kids too young to understand the rules of the game would play. They knew that you had to get the ball in the bucket but couldn’t seem to remember that they had to keep their toes behind the line. So they’d just walk up to the bucket and put the ball in.

    They would always allow it but Bozo would get increasingly adamant as this went on, explaining the rules.

    There was one particularly egregious offender who was being actively encouraged by his father to break the rules. And Bozo would say, “No, don’t listen to him. Keep your toes behind the line and THROW the ball.” But the kid wouldn’t listen. So after bucket four, Bozo had to essentially restrain the kid while he threw the ball at bucket five and obviously missed.

    At the end of the show was The Grand March. This is where Bozo would lead the audience out of the studio while carrying a marching baton. But very often Cooky wanted to lead The Grand March. So Bozo would propose a “fair and square”, which was some kind of bar trick, with the premise that if Bozo lost, Cooky could lead the march.

    I always rooted for Cooky. Cooky was the main draw of the show for me. Bozo was fine for little kids and simpletons but Cooky had an edge to him. Cooky appealed to, dare I say, the more cerebral members of the Bozo Show audience. He didn’t talk down to you like Bozo did.

    Every once in a great while, something would go wrong with this “fair and square.” Bozo would just fuck something up or the prop broke or it just didn’t work for whatever reason. Cooky would relish this and eagerly take the baton and lead The Grand March.

    It was a great show. I watched it regularly, even as it constantly continued its downward spiral, until it was finally cancelled. I was in my last year of college by this point.

    It’s all gone now. They didn’t save the tapes. There’s some lost media that Bobdunga should uncover. Fuck this anime shit.

  • A chat with Schlock And Awe Films! – The Mummy and the Monkey

    So we’ve got Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen being “interviewed” by some skank while he was at that nerd convention in Ohio. She has a small Youtube channel with her boyfriend or husband. The premise here is that the guy dresses up as an ape and the woman dresses up as a mummy prostitute. And they travel around the greater Cleveland area filming…the horror scene of Cleveland.

    Before we get into the video, I’d like to peruse some of her other content.

    This is her showing off some shit that she sold on Ebay. It all seems to be stuff that goes for about $20. Not worth it. But she mentions in this video that she used to have a store. Presumably some kind of antique shop.

    It doesn’t even seem worth doing. Selling shit on Ebay for $20? Then Ebay takes their cut. And how much did this stuff cost her? Plus the hassle of posting all of this shit. Keeping records. For what? She might be making two bucks each off of this stuff.

    So this is more of the same. She’s selling low-value items on Ebay.

    But this one includes her fat husband. And this guy looks at least 20 years older than her. That really adds to the whole creep show vibes of all of this. He’s dressing as a gorilla, completely covered, including his face, and he’s making his wife go out there dressed as a whore mummy. Trying desperately to get some views. Make a few pennies. And none of it is working. Nobody is watching these videos.

    7:45 – We see this guy. He’s talking about how he has covid. It’s the second time he got it. I suppose at his age, he should be concerned.

    Are there no men in Cleveland? Why did she pick this guy? Maybe he has a 12 inch penis or something.

    Speaking of which, let’s get to the giant dick that is Newt Wallen.

    0:00 – “Hey groovy ghoulies.”

    Eugh. Wait, this woman likes antiques. Maybe that’s the attraction to this guy. She’s going for retro men. Men who were popular in the 1970s.

    And her name is Janet Decay. Probably a nom de plume.

    Janet: I ran into B-movie extraordinaire…

    Newt: Jack of all trades, king of none is what I like to say.

    “Master of none”, Ideas Man.

    Newt says, “I saw you guys walk by and I said, ‘I know them from the internet.’”

    Oh, do tell, Newt. 4,700 subscribers to this creep show of a channel.

    0:30 – Eugh. Then we get to see Madilynn aka Miss Crack Whore.

    Janet: Ooh, the beautiful B-movie actress Madilynn.

    Crack Whore: B-movies? Alright.

    Newt: “B” for “boobs”.

    Okay. First of all, Miss Crack Whore has been in ONE movie, as far as I’m aware. Some piece of shit that Newt had some involvement in. That nobody watched. And it would be a compliment to describe that utter dreck, made with a budget of zero, as a “B movie.”

    But Miss Crack Whore took offence to that comment. She’s utterly repellent, not just physically but personality-wise.

    And then Newt immediately with the stupid fucking, retarded, desperate, horny, unfunny comment about breasts. When am I supposed to be jerking off to any of this? Can we get some sort of prompt?

    0:45 – Miss Crack Whore says, “XXX-Mas was actually my first feature film that I had a lead role in.”

    How fucking delusional is this woman? Who would possibly describe a Newt Wallen production as a “feature film” and her role as “lead role”? This is absurd. These are on par with student films. Worse than that. At least with a student film, you might be working with somebody who has potential. This is pure trash with noted talentless nobody Newt Wallen. This isn’t some undiscovered genius. This is a guy who comes up with the world’s dumbest fucking ideas, stuff that a fifth grader would reject as too stupid, and inexplicably thinks that they’re good.

    Shark Vampire. Sucks 2 Suck. Slut Cheerleaders from Space. Amityville Whores. It’s the same fucking shit over and over and over again. And none of it is good. None of it is clever. None of it is funny.

    He recently posted on Twitter about shitting out a Popeye script now that Popeye is in the public domain. He’s entirely incapable of coming up with anything original. He can only plagiarise.

    And it’s never even anything remotely interesting. This Popeye script is just Popeye chasing a naked Olive Oyl for 60 pages. It’s shit. Every page is just a stage direction detailing where the camera should be in relation to Olive Oyl’s exposed tits.

    1:00 – The name of some “film” that they’re apparently doing gets censored out. I don’t know why. It was either vulgar or they’re really concerned that somebody is going to steal their idiotic title and/or premise.

    1:15 – Newt says, “Vanpire is happening. Jawsferatsu is happening. Basically what it is if you show up to something or you’re in my vicinity, you wind up in my movie.”

    This is what happens when you get two total narcissists together. Miss Crack Whore wants to present herself as some great, famous actress. But Newt, who wants to present himself as a Hollywood bigshot, downplays her role in any of this and bigs himself up. “She’s nothing. Anybody can be in one of my movies. All you have to do is pretend to be my friend. What about you, Whore Mummy? You want to drop that 50 year old and get some fresh 40 year old meat?”

    1:45 – After Whore Mummy gets creeped out, she references the Shark Vampire puppet. Newt says that this is his next big project.

    Newt says that Shark Vampire is basically some other film crossed with some other film. That’s what he always says. No original ideas from this buffoon. 100% plagiarism. And then says that movie is “Dracula with a shark head.” Whore Mummy is clearly unimpressed, as every human being on the planet would be.

    2:30 – Newt actually advertises the live streams that he does on his channel. You know…those creepy five hour livestreams with PVC Bondage Guy and whatever homeless drifter she manages to pick up off the street.

    Newt also shows Florida Man Saves Christmas. This has been delayed by many years. He says it will be out “June/July” Just list all of the months, Newt. Cover all of your bases. It’s not going to be released at all.

    Then he says that he made 250 “ashcans”. I descibed these comics as “ashcans” recently as a joke. I’ve never heard Newt say this. But now he’s using this term.

    Whore Mummy says, “Everybody loves to make fun of Florida Man. It’s like a thing.”

    Yeah. Exactly. It’s an existing thing. Newt refuses to even try to come up with anything original.

    I’ve been thinking. Newt got fired from Screenwave for gross unprofessionalism. He was too unprofessional for SCREENWAVE MEDIA. The place where the owner dresses like a lady, their biggest client is a mentally retarded scat fetishist, the co-host on Talking About Games is showing his cock, and their three most well-known employees are constantly in a competition to see who can be the most incompetent, offensive, and off-putting. Ryan Schott, while wearing a miniskirt and too much makeup, said to Newt Wallen, “I don’t think that this is going to work out. We have a certain image to maintain.”

    3:00 – So then Newt describes Florida as “America’s wang” which is not only a joke that’s he’s stolen (of course) but it’s a stolen joke that he’s repeated probably HUNDREDS of times.

    3:15 – “I call it ‘God’s Waiting Room’ because everybody just moves there waiting to die.”

    Oh. Do you, Newt? You came up with that one all by yourself, didn’t you? No, of course not. I’ve heard this many times.

    Let’s actually look this up.


    Family Guy. He stole it from Family Guy. I was thinking The Simpsons. But yeah. Family Guy.

    Did you think we wouldn’t know, Newt? It’s not exactly an obscure show.

    Every single thing that this guy says is plagiarised.

    And wait a minute. Isn’t that “America’s wang” thing from The Simpsons? Yeah. God. Newt, fuck off.

    3:15 – Then Miss Crack Whore, in response to Newt saying that people in Florida are waiting to die, says, “By alligator, by meth.”

    No, Miss Crack Whore. That’s not the joke. The joke is that Florida has a large population of elderly people. She didn’t get it. She’s an idiot. But she did mention meth so…shout out to Miss Crack Whore’s second favourite illicit drug.

    Then the video ends with Newt creeping on Whore Mummy some more, Whore Mummy continuing to find Newt to be talentless and creepy, and it cuts off with Miss Crack Whore in mid-sentence. Great stuff. Just don’t even bother to include whatever self-obsessed comment that drug-addled moron wanted to spew.

  • Radcon Feels like a 1998 Convention – John Riggs

    John Riggs attending one of the 120 nerd conventions that he goes to annually. Is he going to creep on the ladies? Is he going to eat? Let’s find out.

    0:00 – So it starts with some weird…thing. A couple of women in rainbow tops looking at a wall that has pictures of people on it. I don’t know. Nothing is explained.

    0:45 – Now we’re in some kind of control room and it’s manned by a couple of guys who each weigh…oh…I’d say at least 500 pounds. It looks like a hotel room. I don’t know what any of this is. No explanation is given.

    I think what this is is a nerd convention that takes place in a hotel. But not in a lobby or some kind of conference hall. This takes place in the rooms of the hotel. So people will set up shops in each individual hotel room. This isn’t creepy at all.

    1:45 – He’s in a room that sells hats. Any type of hat you want, as long as it’s a fedora.

    2:15 – John Riggs picks up a flogger and says, “I don’t know about that so much.”

    I really don’t want to think about John Riggs’ BDSM exploits.

    2:30 – There’s some lunatic outside a hotel room with one of those like plague doctor masks on. You know, with like a beak. He’s walking around in public like this.

    It seems that John Riggs is there with his son/daughter. Not the son/daughter who actually looks like a guy and had her name changed and possibly had some surgery but the other son/daughter.

    3:00 – This hotel room sells “caffeinated marshmallows.”

    By the way, this nerd convention is taking place in Washington. John Riggs lives in Washington. I don’t know how far he travelled for this but it wasn’t across state lines at least.

    You can buy these small bags of marshmallows here: https://shop.indiprogames.com/products/caffeinated-marshmallows

    Only $9.00 each. Nine dollars for a bag containing six marshamallows. Now, I know that prices have gone up since I was last in the US, but are marshmallows going for $1.50 each now? In my day, you could get a bag of about 100 marshmallows for $1.50.

    You can also buy like card games and board games from that site. And you can filter your search by weight. That’s a first for me. For those of you out there who make your purchasing decisions based on the weight of a game.

    Personally, I won’t play anything over two pounds. It’s just not worth the effort.

    5:00 – Now John Riggs is in a hotel room selling like…penis armour. Well, for the man who has everything, I guess.

    Then a 400 pound woman wearing a top hat and a fur coat enters from the balcony. What the fuck is any of this? Would you want to spend one fucking second with these people?

    And apparently, they’re doing this at night. A few seconds earlier, John Riggs said that a lot of these “stores” (hotel rooms) are closed for the night. How late is it? How fucking creepy is it go through a hotel and deal with these fat sexual deviants selling weird bullshit? And he’s there with his son/daughter.

    6:00 – They’re at some Star Trek-themed…I don’t even know. But they seem to be selling beverages.

    Oh. I think it’s…a hotel room that’s been transformed into a bar. Is he still there with his son/daughter?

    But you can get Romulan Ale and whatnot. You know…because it’s Star Trek-themed.

    God. Who goes to these places? Speaking of filtering by weight, who under the weight of 300 pounds is going to these places?

    6:45 – John Riggs is showing the Star Trek beverage that he got and there’s a 300 pound goth woman in the back eagerly wanting to order her own Star Trek beverage. This is fucking pathetic in the extreme. It’s like a parody of a nerd convention. Where’s the Doctor Who-themed bar?

    Where did his fucking son/daughter go? She doesn’t seem to be there. Did he just make her wait outside like a dog?

    8:30 – John Riggs expresses surprise that these vendor booths have closed for the day but the merchandise is still out on display and can easily be stolen. But here’s the thing: nobody wants this shit. So it’s safe to leave it out.

    8:45 – “The lobby is still hopping at like 1.00 am”

    And there’s footage of a fat chick with a tail. What the fuck? These are the bottom feeders even at nerd conventions.

    9:00 – Then is just cuts to the next day. So did John Riggs fuck that fat chick with the tail or what? Or maybe it was that purple-haired woman in the…egg costume or something?

    But now it’s just the next day and we see John Riggs with his son/daughter. Where was she when he was doing all of this weirdo shit? In a hotel room? He just leaves her in a hotel room? I don’t know how old he/she is. 14? 15? I mean…there are so many poor parenting choices that John Riggs has made that this is perhaps lower on the list but it’s still noteworthy.

    9:45 – Now John Riggs is getting breakfast. The buffet is $8.00. So less than the cost of six marshmallows.

    Sadly, we don’t get to see what John Riggs got.

    Also, John Riggs made a weird comment. He was talking about something called “Baca-Con”…or something…and suggested that they had to change the name because Japanese people would be offended. What is he talking about? I didn’t get it.

    10:00 – A relatively svelte 200 pound woman is showing John Riggs some NES games. You know the old saying, in the land of the 400 pounders, the 200 pound woman is hot.

    11:30 – John Riggs seems offended at a vendor selling fur. He’s about to get the red paint out.

    And this is somebody who eats like three whole chickens a day. Yeah, you’re a real friend of the animals, John Riggs.

    11:45 – Some vendor is offering hair braiding. Unfortunately, John Riggs doesn’t go for it.

    11:58 – You’ll have to pause this one. There’s a guy in the background sitting down and wearing a mask who’s got to be easily 500 pounds. You only see him for a second.

    12:00 – Just a room of giant fucking nerds playing Dungeons & Dragons or something.

    I’m seeing a lot of people wearing masks.

    15:21 – Another 500 pound man selling shit to nerds. I’m noticing a trend.

    16:15 – John Riggs sees a small “treasure box” and his idea of what to put in there is “snacks, like some chocolate coins or something.”

    It’s always got to be the food with this guy. Are you not seeing these people, John Riggs? These 500 pound men? I mean, you’re 400 pounds. That should be enough cause for concern. But don’t these 500 pound men alarm you? This should be a wake up call. Start dieting and exercising.

    Then we see John Riggs in a Dr Robotnik or whatever costume. This is the most pathetic thing in the universe.

    16:45 – “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a convention more dog-friendly.”

    That’s no way to talk about these women, John Riggs.

    17:27 – Another 500 pounder.

    17:30 – Medieval jousting. But this takes place in an alternate universe where medieval knights were at least 300 pounds. I don’t envy the steed who has to carry these fatasses around.

    19:30 – 500 pound men in their 50s watching anime in a Star Trek-themed “bar”. This just about sums it up.

    • “That Link from the thumbnail makes me seriously uncomfortable. Don’t they do background checks on their attendees? I wouldn’t want to run into that guy in the restroom. You might find him drilling holes in the walls of the cubicles.”

    John Riggs must have changed the thumbnail since that was posted.

    • “Nice to see Lily again.”

    John Riggs says, “They still pop up sometimes. They changed their name to Jay since high school but always love it and can tell when someone’s been watching a LONG time. I kinda miss doing those old unboxing videos. Maybe I’ll bring’em back.”

    John Riggs, you are a total failure as a father. TWO of your daughters became sons/daughters? Some weirdo bullshit going on at the Riggs household. I don’t want to speculate beyond that.

  • Erin Plays and Mike Matei stream random NES games!

    Oh yes. The old “variety” stream. Erin really loves her “variety” for the past…at least two years. It affords her the built-in “I’ve never played this before” excuse.

    0:00 – It stars with the video looking normal but then Erin quickly changes it so we get the fucking tv screen border that fucks everything up. All to be “cute”.

    “I was out of town for a bit so sorry for no streams.”

    “Out of town” is her euphamism for visiting her parents. Why can’t she just say “I was visiting my parents”? Everything has to be bizarre obfuscation with her.

    Then there’s an edit. Who knows or cares what she didn’t want us to see?

    0:15 – “We’re going to start with Palamedes. I think Palamedes is another game that I hate…the artwork for…if I remember correctly.”

    She’s a real “gamer”, guys. Doesn’t know any of the games. Her knowledge comes 100% from streaming these games, briefly, during “variety streams.”

    And Mike is playing the game, by the way. Erin could not fucking care less. It’s her stream but Mike is playing the games.

    1:45 – Mike is talking about an art teacher that he had and the weird stuff that he said and Erin, as usual, is on another planet. She has no idea what he’s talking about but she awkwardly pretends to.

    2:00 – Then, from out of nowhere, Erin gives her high school art story. Hold on to your seats. It’s some riveting stuff. “My high school art teacher, she would just give us an assignment and it was very loose? And then she’d just let us do whatever we wanted? And it was good times? And then we’d talk about Conan O’Brien?”


    Mike told a semi-interesting story about some weird shit that an art teacher did. The teacher would tell them to “use each colour more than once” to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb. I’m not entirely sure what it means but it’s an example of some weird shit that a teacher did.

    Erin told a story about NOTHING that went NOWHERE.

    2:15 – “She’s be like, ‘Oh, did you see so and so on Conan?’ Because she knew what music I liked. And I’d be like, ‘Yeah.’ And she’d be like, ‘Oh, that was good’. And that was about it and she gave me an A.”

    IT GOES NOWHERE! What a fucking terrible story-teller. She can’t even give an example of one of the performers. Because this is all made up. Erin’s teachers were not talking to her. Who would? Who would talk to this complete charisma blackhole? Even in her made up story, all that she contributed to the conversation was “Yeah”. I think more likely, Erin would have said, “That’s cool”.

    Is a teacher going to go out of their way to engage with a dullard like this?

    Teacher: So, I heard you like music.

    Erin: Yeah.

    Teacher: Did you see Conan O’Brien last night? Weezer on there.

    Erin: That’s cool.

    Teacher: Umm…yeah. So…here’s your “loose” assignment.

    Fuck off. That didn’t happen. And if it did, what a terrible, awful, boring job that poor woman must have had. Trying to drag a conversation out of this idiot.

    3:00 – Erin is playing now. Worst Palamedes gameplay ever recorded.

    3:15 –

    Erin: You know that portrait that I made of Jack White that my mom has framed in our house?

    Mike: (totally disinterested) Uh huh.

    Erin: People used to laugh in high school when they’d come over. They’d go, “Yeah, I like Erin’s house because there’s a framed photo of Jack White in her family’s living room.”


    This is fucking unbelievable. How does Mike do it? It’s like she got a fucking lobotomy.

    I’ll tell you what this is like. This is like talking to James “Seven and a Half Years in Special Education” Rolfe. So Mike has the experience. He has experience dealing with retards. So to him, this is just another day at the office. His life is dealing with retards. He’s made a living out of doing it.

    Erin drew a picture of Jack White in high school. Her friends enjoyed going to Erin’s house because of this picture.

    Tell me that any of this rings at all true. “Boy, we all love going to Erin’s house because of that picture that she drew.” It’s insanity. This is retard talk.

    3:30 – “My mom’s like, ‘I just like the colours. You did a good job.’”

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the retarded tree. It seems that Erin’s mother is also a colour-obsessed, mentally-challenged imbecile. And again, the story goes NOWHERE.

    How long is this video? THREE HOURS? I’m only three minutes in. Okay, I can’t keep commenting on every braindead thing that Erin says or we’ll never get through this.

    “I should put that on Instagram and see if he’ll like it.”

    Only if you include that absolutely fascinating story, Erin.

    “Now I’m in that era of trying to get attention from celebrities I like on Instagram.”

    And how is that going for you, Erin? Any interesting stories to share? OF COURSE NOT!

    4:30 – Mike tells a story, obviously joking, about crying for nine months when Rue McClanahan. Erin clearly has NO IDEA who this is. She gives weird, generic questions like “When did that happen?” And then she awkwardly says, “Wow. I’m sorry that that happened.”

    This is fucking horrible. She’s a moron. She has no idea what’s going on. She’s retarded. Go get her tested, Mike. This is not normal.

    7:00 – “Want to hear something fucked up about my thoughts on Burger Time?”

    No, Erin. I don’t give the slightest of fucks. Nor does Mike. He gave an exasperated response. He knows it’s not going to be funny. He knows it’s not going to make sense.

    “I used to think that the NES port of Burger Time was worse than the Intellivision port.”


    7:45 –

    Erin: For the home port, I guess this the best one out there?

    Mike: For the home port?

    Erin: I mean, I guess. What other ones are there?

    Erin…if you don’t know what other ports there are, how could you possibly proffer an opinion on which one is best? Think. Before. You. Say. Every. Word. Don’t just try to lie your way through everything because it NEVER works. You’re an idiot. It takes some degree of intelligence to lie convincingly. You don’t have any intelligence.

    8:30 –

    Erin: Do you think McDonalds got their inspiration for the Big Mac from this? Because doesn’t it look like one?

    Mike (blank stare, can’t believe the depths of this woman’s stupidty)

    Erin: Which came first? I don’t know.

    I’m going to say that the Big Mac was created in 1975. And Burger Time…1983.

    Let’s look it up.

    Big Mac: 1967

    Burger Time: 1982

    I’m going to try to get to 10 minutes and then turn this off.

    9:15 – Then a horntard says that the Big Mac was from 1975. That was my guess as well. Is Wikipedia wrong?

    I don’t think so. I’m not seeing 1975 anywhere.

    9:45 – Mike asks Erin what she wants to play. Erin says Rampart. This is because a few minutes earlier, Mike suggested that they play Rampart.

    She doesn’t have a single original thought in her empty head. She knows nothing about video games. She’s completely incapable of having a conversation. She’s awkward. She’s boring. She’s retarded. I’m done with this shit.

    • “Been following both of you and James forever. Mike and I have the same demented brain/take on things. Just wanted to say I LOVE scatterbrained Erin! πŸ˜‚The energy of this stream was great. One of you and Mike’s best streams imo.”

    Here’s a guy who thinks it’s “cute” that Erin is dumb as a box of hammers and couldn’t have a conversation to save her life.

    • “Guys. Why the flip are you not playing 2 player games? With each other. At the same time. Using two controllers.”

    Here’s a guy asking the obvious questions. Because it would expose Erin as being unbelievably shit at video games. Not that single player games don’t also do that, but putting her head to head against somebody does know something about video games would really drive the point home.

  • Building Your Community: Essential Tips for Success – Zap Cristal

    EIGHTY-FIVE VIEWS after a WEEK! And this video is called, “Building Your Community: Essential Tips for Success”? Oh, the irony!

    It’s a new low for her channel. She can’t even reach triple digits any more. Instead of “Viewers vs Community”, the thumbnail should say “Zap Cristal vs Viewers”. She’s gone to war with the people who go to her channel. “I don’t care how much you people hate the podcast and my new husband, I’m going to continue to cram this shit down your throat.”

    Eighty-five views. Her channel has completely imploded.

    Well, this woman did say that she was too hot to be an influencer. Maybe that’s the problem. She’s too damned hot and it’s turning off viewers.

    Let’s see what this lazy soccer mom is wearing today.

    Sweatpants and a Sailor Moon t-shirt. Yeah. I’m totally erect right now.

    1:15 – This is the “Under the Spotlight” segment and some pointless graphic appears of curtains opening.

    I think the spotlight is on Zap’s fat cunt. I don’t want to see this. Come on. I’m begging you to sit behind a desk or something. Or lose weight.

    1:45 – “How to build a community. Now, it may sound simple.”

    Zap, you have 85 views after a week. It is clearly not a simple task to build a community.

    She should be doing a video about how to destroy a community. Because she’s definitely done that. Her videos from a year ago averaged about 3,000 views, I would say. They ranged from about 20,000 views to 1,000 views. Now she’s getting EIGHTY-FIVE.

    2:00 – “It is a pretty meaty segment.”

    It’s the second time she’s said this and I just keep focusing on her crotch fat. It’s gross. Come on.

    2:15 – Mr Wright Way II kisses Zap’s giant ass and then poses the RIVETING question, “How would you define a community?”

    “Webster’s dictionary defines it as….” NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. This shit is unwatchable.

    3:15 – “‘Community’ for me was like building a tribe of sorts where this tribe offered me some kind of emotional support.”

    This is brutal. Nobody gives a shit about your emotional support. And this was her inspiration for starting the channel? She’s admitting that it’s entirely for her own egotistical wishes.

    4:15 – She talks about how she moved to Texas in 2018, from Puerto Rico, and not having family so she needed emotional support from random horny retards on Youtube. She says that she was learning new customs. She says that she was “Adapting to a new country.”

    Moron…Puerto Rico is part of the US. You did not move to a new country.

    I’m not saying that Puerto Rico is the same as Texas but what she’s saying is dangerous and perpetuating misinformation. You would think that somebody FROM Puerto Rico would realise that it’s a part of the US. That’s why she was able to move to Texas. She didn’t need a visa or anything. People from Puerto Rico are perfectly entitled to move to anywhere in the US, just like people from the US are perfectly entitled to move to Puerto Rico.

    “Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917.”

    Right there on Wikipedia.

    5:00 – “As an influencer…”

    Who are you influencing? The 85 horny, retarded black men who are watching this?

    “If you really do care about your people…and it’s not just the number.”

    The number, in case anybody missed it, is EIGHTY-FIVE!

    6:00 – Mr Wright Way II says, “For me, as a musician, a community just means a group of people who enjoy the music.”

    Who? Who are these people enjoying Mr Wright Way II’s music? Zap doesn’t even link to this guy’s channel.

    I have to search my own archives to find this guy’s channel.

    Here’s his latest video:

    In the official music video, it’s Zap “Too Hot to be an Influencer” Cristal in her Strawberry Shortcake sweatpants and sweatshirt, pretending to scroll through pictures of each other.

    She couldn’t even…I mean, she’s so corpulent now that the only thing she CAN wear are sweatpants.

    That video got 61 views after three days. He’s doing about as well as Zap is doing now. And it’s not that he’s gone up to her level, it’s that he brought her down to his level.

    6:15 – Mr Wright Way II talks about the importance of giving your community a name. “Like for you, it’s the Zap Squad. For me, I created the term Master Sword Music Family or my Master Sword Music Peeps.”

    Uh huh. Catchy. But again, there is no fucking “community”. This is all in their minds. This is all for their own ego.

    I remember when Metal Jesus was releasing some coins that said “Metal Jesus Militia” as part of some Patreon bonus and people were really pissed off. “I’m not in a the Metal Jesus Militia. I just watch your videos.”

    Like we’re supposed to devote our lives to Metal Jesus just because we’re subscribed to the channel. I don’t even like the fucking videos. Relax. I’m not going to take a bullet for you, you unemployed dope.

    And this was somebody who had hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Zap Cristal has 6,000. And of those 6,000, EIGHTY FIVE are watching her current videos.

    7:45 – Zap says, “In order to build a community, you have to be somebody in that space.”

    Yeah. EIGHTY-FIVE VIEWS, Zap. Aren’t you getting it? You’re a total nobody in terms of Youtube.

    9:00 – Mr Wright Way II says, “How did you go about building your community, once you’ve established yourself?”

    Zap gives a blank stare and then says, “Ummm…well, at the beginning, when I was still a smaller content creator…”


    She says “closiveness.” Eugh. She also pronounces “other” as “udder.” And I believe that she had a unique way of pronouncing “et cetera”. “Shamously” for “shamelessly”. God. This is one remarkably stupid woman.

    10:30 – Shout out to 8-Bit Eric.

    I have to turn this off. It’s unwatchable. She’s saying nothing. And whatever she is saying is delusional and full of grade school level pronunciation problems.

    Complete insanity. It’s a fat, crazy woman sitting on a couch with her latest black unemployed husband while wearing sweatpants. Too hot to be an influencer? There is no influencing being done. She should be doing a video on how to destroy a community.

    She had a tiny following, people watched her videos where she reviewed cheap Switch games or whatever, and she totally destroyed it by gaining 75 pounds, marrying a different black man than the black man they were used to, and creating the world’s worst podcast. That’s what happened here.

  • Pelvic Gaming Has Been Studying Japanese for a Year

    Good for her. You’re a real weeb.

    She’s using Duolingo. I’ve been using Duolingo as well, for about two years, to learn German. I’m not saying that I’m fluent or anything but I can try a little something.

    Wie geht’s, PVC Bondage Guy? Du bist eine nette und klug Frau (Mann? Nein.) aber dein Kopf ist kaputt. Gehen Sie in ein Krankenhouse. Schnell. Und fick Newt Wallen und seine kleine Wurst.

    But yeah, Japanese. Pretty lame. “Wow, now I can read all of that manga and video games and understand that anime.”

    Why this? Pelvic Gamer is all about her African heritage. Why not the Swahili course on Duo Lingo? Or Zulu?

    Let me look these up.

    “Swahili is the most widely spoken African Language in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the national language of Tanzania and Kenya, and is also spoken widely in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and the Comoros.”

    Neat. You learn stuff.

    What about Zulu? I wasn’t even aware that this was a language. I mostly know about Zulu from Civilization.

    “It is the language of the Zulu people, with about 12 million native speakers, who primarily inhabit the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Zulu is the most widely spoken home language in South Africa (24% of the population), and it is understood by over 50% of its population.”

    Oh. I imagined the Zulu people of the 19th century or whenever Shaka was around to live in central Africa. My mind is like a sponge soaking up all of this knowledge today.

    What was that movie about that war between the British and the Zulu that was basically just one long war scene?

    Oh, Zulu. That makes sense. 1964. Did it take place in South Africa? Oh. It did. I think that I got the DVD from some newspaper. In the mid to late 2000s, newspapers in the UK were so desperate to get people to buy the product that they put DVDs in them. Maybe it was Zulu Dawn that I got. In any event, it was just one long battle scene.

    What about learning Spanish? Wouldn’t that be more useful for Pelvic Gamer? She lives in Florida. Large Hispanic population. Also, Spanish is presumably much easier to learn than Japanese. Same alphabet, for one thing.

    I took Spanish classes for two years in college. I had no fucking idea what was going on. I never read the textbook. I just expected things to magically work out.

    So the professor was constantly talking about the “yo” form or the “tu” form or the “nosostros” form or whatever and I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. I didn’t know what these words were. And this was something that was covered on like the first page of the book.

    German has that same bullshit. All of the Romance languages do. Different verb forms or whatever based on whether you’re talking about “I” or “You” or “They”. Fuck all that shit.

    I also don’t like when the words are re-arranged. The verb has to go at the end of the sentence. Except when it doesn’t.

    Also “masculine” and “feminine” words. You have to know when to use “El” or “La”, for example. And German has three of them: “Die”, “Das”, and “Der”. Three “genders”, effectively. Some weirdo PVC Bondage Guy shit. Maybe that’s what attracted her to the language.

    Anyway, I found a professor who passed everybody, regardless of how little they knew about the language. Some gay guy. If it weren’t for that guy, I’d still be in college.

    I still remember that guy’s name. I looked him up before. Right before he started teaching at my college, he was fired from a school for some bullshit. He showed a movie that had brief nudity, it was a children’s film, I think from Cuba where views on nudity are apparently different, he fast-forwarded through the parts that had nudity, but some little shit still complained about him.

    I remember watching Romeo and Juliet in like the 10th grade and the fucking teacher fast-forwarded through that two seconds of boob. I nearly raised a complaint that she fast-forwarded past that part. I could not imagine going home and saying, “Oh, I’m so traumatized by this boob that I saw at school. Please get this teacher fired and alert the local media about this.”

    Anyway, this guy must be dead by now. Let’s see…yeah, he’d be nearly 80 now. He apparently spoke numerous languages and was an intelligent guy. Imagine this being your legacy. Showing a film with a hint of a boob and getting fired for it.

  • Mike Matei Talking About Star Trek While Streaming for Seven Hours

    3:23:00 – Mike talks about his fondness for Bozo, as performed by Bob Bell. I’ve talked about this before. It’s bullshit. There is NO WAY that Mike remembers this. Bob Bell retired in 1984. Mike was born in 1980. I talked about this extensively here:

    Now the Star Trek talk.

    4:15:00 – Somebody in the chat makes the observation that the characters on Star Trek tend to be unmarried. Mike takes great offense to this and starts talking about anciliary characters who are married and single episodes where characters almost get married.

    Hey…dumbass. You want to relax and think about this for two seconds?

    Star Trek. Focusing only on the 79 episodes of the original series.

    • Kirk (unmarried)
    • Spock (unmarried)
    • McCoy (unmarried)
    • Scotty (unmarried)
    • Uhura (unmarried)
    • Sulu (unmarried)
    • Chekov (unmarried)

    Done. Entire cast unmarried. We’re not talking about the later seasons of Voyager or whatever where Worf married Dax or something. We’re not looking at the episode where Spock almost got married. We’re looking at the original fucking series. Every character unmarried. Can you not accept that?

    It was a show about military men in space. So it makes sense that they were unmarried but it’s still a little weird when you think about it. The guy made a perfectly valid observation, it was interesting, and yet Mike felt the need to nerd it up totally unnecessarily. “What are you talking about? Picard used to be married!” We’re not talking about Picard’s past. We’re talking about the characters as they appeared on the show, at the time.

    Let’s look at Next Generation. Again, just the series. Just up until season five or whenever I stopped watching.

    • Picard (unmarried)
    • Riker (unmarried)
    • Geordi (unmarried)
    • Tasha Yar (unmarried)
    • Worf (unmarried)
    • Dr Crusher (unmarried)
    • Troi (unmarried)
    • Data (unmarried)
    • Wesley Crusher (unmarried)

    Am I wrong? These are the main characters according to Wikipedia. Is there some minor character who’s marrried? Did O’Brien and Keiko get married at some point? I think so. But minor characters and I don’t think that they were married when the show started. I don’t think that the characters were even introduced until at least season two. O’Brien was just the fucking transporter guy. I don’t think that he any lines for years. And I think Keiko came later solely to play his wife.

    So once again, the entire major cast of the show is unmarried. It’s weird. That’s all anyone was saying. Why did Mike find this personally offensive?

    4:28:30 – Mike starts talking about Star Trek porn. He knows that Next Generation porn exists but is unaware of porn for the original series.

    “I don’t know if they ever did original Star Trek, if like Kirk and Spock…like I never saw if that exists. I’m sure it does but I know that Star Trek: The Next Generation porn exists.”

    This guy considers himself an expert on Star Trek and doesn’t even know about the trilogy of adult videos series called Sex Trek, which is based on the original series? Randy Spears as Captain Quirk? Mike Horner as Mr Sperm? Joey Silvera as Doctor Boner?

    I have to say that the original was disappointing but much of the original cast returned (at least the male cast) for Star Trek II: The Search for Sperm. I didn’t much care for this one either. Mimi Miyagi is in it but this was way before she got her boob job.

    The planets were aligned when they made Sex Trek III: The Wrath of Bob, though. Same excellent male cast but gone were the terrible actresses who played Lt Uwhore in their non-sex roles. They got Dominique Simone for this one. What brilliant casting. And she’s there getting fucked in two scenes, if memory serves, which was the style at the time.

    The first Sex Trek was released in 1990, with the sequel in 1991 and the finale in 1992. I distinctly remember watching the Wrath of Bob on the Spice Channel. It was inspired. And I sought it out on the internet once streaming porn became a thing. Indeed, I have a copy of it on my computer so I must have got it back in Kazaa days.

    Dominique Simone was also in a great bukkake movie. No, wait. That wasn’t her. Who am I thinking of? Oh, Sierra.

    But back to Sex Trek, the movies are well done, by early 1990s porn standards. They had special effects. The Enterprise looks like a breast. There’s a story of sorts. And it kind of follows the movies. Search for Sperm/Search for Spock. Wrath of Bob/Wrath of Khan. Although, I think the order is reversed. Randy Spears is particularly good as Kirk, adopting Shatner’s stilted speech.

    They could have done a lot better, though. Hiring better looking women, for example. Dominique Simone is the only thing that saves the third movie. The rest of the women are just random flat-chested aliens. I mean, come on. You couldn’t do something better than that?

    Uwhore getting fucked, that’s obvious and I’m shocked that it wasn’t until the third movie that they figured this out. But what about, I don’t know, having Christine Chapel as a character? I know it’s a pretty obscure character but it’s better than random aliens with a flimsy backstory just getting beamed in for some reason.

    I know it’s difficult to make a porn when most of the characters from the source material are men but…the aliens sucked dick and not in a good way . They could have done something interesting. These were just women with glitter makeup. That’s not an alien. What about a sexy gorn? Or Klingons? There were no fucking Klingons, as far as I recall. And since this is based on the original series, you woudn’t even have to do much in terms of makeup. Just get an Asian woman.

    Anyway, Mike, the ultimate Star Trek aficionado, never heard of any of this. Apparently, he’s familiar with Star Trek The Next Generation: A XXX Parody (2011). I never saw that. Never even heard of it until I looked it up just now. But Mike was apparently jerking off to Star Trek porn as recently as 2011.