Fucking Crystal Quin Went to Fucking WrestleMania, Fuck Yeah, Fuckers!

God, is she fucking unbearable. And what an equine face.

Professional Wrestling in 2024. Horseface is all about it. As a woman knocking on 40.

Women in the nerd-o-sphere of the internet pretend to be interested in this sort of shit to pull in horntards. That’s it. That’s the only reason. The same women pretend to be interested in video games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, whatever. Actually, I’ve yet to find any women feigning interest in Battlestar Galactica. Too niche, I suppose.

But when did wrestling become something that nerds were interested in? I’m thinking maybe in the 2000s. Probably around the time that women’s wrestling started to be treated as something other than softcore porn. The indies were getting popular. With the advent of the internet, Japanese stuff was becoming popular. So you would get a nerd fanbase who would say, “I only like the obscure stuff.” When asked who their favourite wrestler is, they’d say Ray Gunkel. “But there’s very little footage of him.” Doesn’t matter. He’s the best.

And when the nerds came, the women on the internet who prey on nerds followed. “Hey, I’m just like you. I like the same nerd shit that you like. Subscribe to my OnlyFans.”

You don’t have to be a genius to figure this shit out. It’s exactly what’s happening.

So we’ve got Horseface screaming profanities like an idiot so that she can show her horny nerd followers that she’s just like them. Kris Glavin is changing his underpants.

There are some pictures. I commend Horseface for wearing an entire top for a change.

Here she’s trying to sing along to some wrestler’s entrance music but she doesn’t know the words. Not sure why she uploaded this one. I suppose that nobody cares.

Here’s Horseface just being obnoxious.

“I’m just here to make sound effects like wooooah oooooh ahhhh nooooo yeaaaaaa”

That seems to be about what she’s doing, yes. It’s annoying. People are paying to be there. They don’t want to hear your stupid shit.

Here’s a video of Horseface saying “fuck” a bunch of times. She’s really invested in this Cody Rhodes storyline. This 40 year old woman is invested in a professional wrestling storyline.

I watched this shit as a kid. As an adult? Fuck no.

Not many women were watching this shit in the 1980s and 1990s. Nobody who I knew, certainly. Some friends’ fathers might have watched this shit but never the mothers. Most of the boys in my 6th grade class watched this shit but not a single girl.

Here’s Horseface saying “fuck” five times in a 17 second video. She’s really pumped about this play fighting that most people outgrow around the time that they find out that Santa Claus isn’t real. She also refers to herself as a “Philly girl”. Maybe she meant “Filly girl”.

Fuck you. Fuck your bad acting. Fuck your horse face.

Here’s Horseface screaming “Fuck you” twice in four seconds. She’s just so angry at this wrestler that she doesn’t like.

Nobody can hear her other than the unfortunate people sitting around her. And they know that it’s 100% fake. She’s always filming herself when she does this and the acting is TERRIBLE. She doesn’t even know any of these wrestlers. She’s not watching this shit. Why would she?

And aren’t there children at this thing? She’s screaming “fuck” constantly.

Here she is with one of the horntards who apparently held up some stupid sign with her name at a previous wrestling show. That’s what this is all about. She wants to get pennies from horny retards.

She just outed her own mother as a retard. Hey, Mrs Horseface, it’s a work. This is all make believe.

“Be nice to everyone. You never know what they are going through.”

And the very next day she say screaming “fuck you” at half the roster at WrestleMania. Not that Logan Paul cares or heard her. But the people around her must have wanted to cave her fucking skull in. How much did they pay for tickets and they have to deal with this dumb bitch making fake “reaction” videos for horny retards on Twitter.

“Oh, be nice to me. I’m a nice person. You don’t know what I’m going through.”

You’re a dumb, horrible, sub-human bitch. That’s the reality. You only care about yourself. Go fuck yourself.

When I first started writing about Horseface, she left some comments about how people made fun of her in school and she’s really a cool person if you get to know her and shit like this.

Once she saw that I wasn’t buying any of that shit and I continued to challenge her narcissistic behaviour, she stopped posting.

She thought that just by coming here, I was going to fall in love and say, “Oh, I’m so sorry, Horseface. What was I thinking with all of that vitriol? You must be pretty cool if you like the blog!”

It’s like on Reddit, those fucking faggots hurled abuse at the fat guy whose name I can’t remember FOR YEARS. Oh, Justin Silverman. But then as soon as Justin posts there, they start kissing his 500 pound ass. It was disgusting.

If you feel the need to apologise or change your behaviour when the object of your ridicule calls you out, you shouldn’t have been saying those things in the first place. Saying, “Fatty, fat, fat, fat” for years and when the guy shows up and says, “Come on, that’s not cool” and you apologise like a bitch, it’s because you realise that you were wrong to make those stupid, childish, homosexual insults.

But that’s not the case with me. What I say about is Horseface is all true. She’s a horrible person. I’ll say that whether she reads it or not. I’ll say it straight to her horse face.

Childish insults? No. That’s why I never got into “slobs” and talking about how fat the Screenwave guys are. Okay. They’re fat. So what? I’m not gay. What do I care if they’re fat? Let’s talk about stuff that matters. The quality of their work is low.

No. The fags on Reddit just want to talk about their weight. That’s why they apologised when Justin went there. They knew that their comments were petty, needlessly insulting, and had no substance.

My comments all have substance. That’s why Newt and probably everyone who I write about don’t like the blog. Reality can be hurtful. I’m holding a mirror up to their ugly personalities. That’s more important than talking about appearance.

Sure, I call her Horseface. And that’s petty and childish, of course. But if she was a good person, I wouldn’t mention it. And her resemblance to a horse is the least important thing that I talk about.

Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Professional wrestling and homosexuality.

6 thoughts on “Fucking Crystal Quin Went to Fucking WrestleMania, Fuck Yeah, Fuckers!

  1. Billy Gunn when he was Mr. Ass had that ass man song. Sounded like a Sammy Hagar knockoff but sometimes you’d hear the second verse and it goes like “so many asses so little time. Little tight one will get you from behind.” It doesn’t make a lot of sense really but I’ll never forget it because it was so fucking gay!! Then he had the whole gay wedding angle for a while and it even got him on the Today Show or something accepting a gravy boat or some shit as a wedding present from some activist group that pushes the homo agenda. Normalizing homosexuality was listed as one of 45 communist goals to ensure a collapse of the United States, as read into the congressional record in the 1960s.
    But what’s funny is that smackdown was taped ahead of time so the fake wedding which didn’t happen on the show because it was ambush or something was already recorded! I forget when he stopped using the name Mr. Ass but he eventually had to because, well, his name was Mr. Ass!
    Women naturally do not like wrestling. It’s a soap opera for men. They might like muscle men but throughout my life the consensus is unanimous. It’s boring as shit. They can’t follow the stories enough to get interested and they go into it knowing it’s fake. It’s not like us where we watched as kids and realized it wasn’t real but it was still a performance and suspended reality to enjoy it. Women just don’t care. Much like how men don’t care about all kinds of shit women like.
    The other thing I’ve found in every woman I’ve ever met is they all say they wish they could just go one day without having to deal with asshole men. They all want to go through daily normal lives without encountering men that fall in love with them after five minutes but don’t get the hint.
    I thought about this recently because why do all these grrrrls want attention and affection from complete and utter retards? Yeah there’s money but it’s pennies like you said. And they are retards. Literally retarded and definitely unwashed and unkempt. Not the same as normal guys at bar trying to make a score. Even though shit like YouTube and onlyfans didn’t exist when I was gathering such data, it’s obvious if you said to a girl at a college or part time job, do you want a Kris Glavin type following you around all day everyday the answer would be fuck no! Yet here’s a microscopic sample of the internet and there’s more than enough grrrls willing to do this that the value of they pussy be almost zero. I seriously doubt I’ll ever understand it. If Crystal Quin is reading this please leave a thoughtful response. I’d really like to know.

  2. Fortunately, I wasn’t watching during the blatantly homoerotic years of WWE.

    You hear about, at least historically, women going to wrestling shows and all the wrestlers having sex with the ladies and whatnot. And you do see hints of this when you watch stuff from the 70s and 80s. There are young women in the crowd. But I’ve never witnessed this personally.

    In high school and college, in the 1990s, I didn’t know a single woman who went to wrestling shows or was remotely interested in wrestling. Girls who are interested in music and are going to the shows hoping to have sex with the band, that’s totally plausible. But wrestling? No, I never saw anything like that.

    I went to a lucha libre show in the 2000s with a girlfriend. It was more of a hipster art show than a wrestling event. But even so, the only women in attendance were there with their boyfriends or husbands. There were no single, hony women trying to fuck the wrestlers, as far as I saw, anyway.

    So I’m not adverse to the possibility that in the 1970s and 1980s and possibly earlier, there were single women going to these shows and taking an interest, possibly an interest in fucking the wrestlers. It wasn’t on my radar. I was too young. But by the 1990s and certainly by the 2000s, there were no women interested in these shows. Just these predators preying on nerds to boost their social media standing.

    Even before OnlyFans and money was involved, women were really interested in gaining subscribers for their…whatever it was…Flickr or the like. They just wanted the numbers. That was important to them for some reason. So they’d pretend to be interested in this nerd shit to attract horny retards.

    1. But that’s the question that can’t be answered, why hirny retards? Why not just regular men who are just as horny and probably with a better standing in life and with more wealth, wherein a woman can stay with one man and be kept. But no! Guys with an IQ in the 70-90 range are the target. It makes no sense!

  3. Newt meets a powerful “Tiny Hat” power-broker elite in the “Tiny Hat” village of Hollywood. He enjoys Newt’s laugh and shared hatred of white people and so they hit it off. Newt’s newfound friend arranges meetings with top studios and contract negotiations begin. Newt’s given a virtually unlimited budget to launch his own movie production company, TitsNgore Unlimited. He uses this leverage to endlessly berate his enemies, namely Tony from Hack the Movies as he shoves his newfound power and wealth in his face. Crystal Quin suddenly finds Newt bare able again and throws herself at his feet, bare naked, begging his forgiveness. They have several children together and she spends her days worshipping Newt and his wallet while feeding him grapes. Newt, still isn’t happy…

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