PVC Bondage Guy’s Wrestling Diet

2:23:00 – A two liter bottle of Coca-Cola, pasta that comes in a small-sized pizza box. and some giant deep fried chicken something the size of her fucking head.

You can see this mystery product at 2:58:30. So she’s been eating for 35 minutes now. And she’s not done. Not by a long shot.

This is from Dominos.

She finishes at about 3:11:00. She she’s been eating for about an hour.

Then she starts eating a pizza at about 4:30:00.

This is like 4000 calories that she’s consumed in one sitting. This is somebody who wants to make a living from her appearance?

I ate better than this when I was simply working out for my own enjoyment. How many different ways can you prepare chicken breast? It was boring as fuck but all it takes is a little self-discipline. How about trying some of that BDSM shit that you’re so into on your own perverse appetite? Who the fuck gorges like this? I’ve never eaten this much in my life.

Let me remind you that she’s training to be a WRESTLER. You know, those people who play fight in skimpy little outfits. She’s not concerned about her appearance?

She also does porn. It just boggles the mind. If you’re going to be naked for every horny loser on earth to see, don’t you want to look your best?

4:31:00 – She talks about how when she’s in a “relationship” with somebody, she always tells them that she’s going to fuck other dudes because that’s what she does.

With this body? If I was out there fucking everybody, I’d be in the gym every fucking day. I don’t want to embarrass myself. But PVC Bondage Guy goes to Taco Bell, gets the left side of the menu, and then has an orgy immediately after.

It’s completely insane. She’s not going to make a dime with this wrestling shit. She has absolutely no discipline. She’s not taking this remotely seriously. And let’s not forget that she only started watching wrestling NINE MONTHS AGO.

What about professional eating? Maybe she could do something with that. When she was eating that chicken thing the size of her head, I said, “No way is she going to finish that.” She not only finished it, she washed it down with a liter of Coke and then ate an entire pizza.

Maybe she’s in the bulking stage of her weight training.

5:27:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says that Luna Vachon and Sheri Martel are her “wives” and she “loves them so much.” These two women who wrestled BEFORE PVC BONDAGE GUY WAS BORN. And once again, she only started watching wrestling NINE MONTHS AGO.

But Luna Vachon and Sheri Martel WERE ATHLETES. They were interested in maintaining their physiques. They didn’t have 4000 calorie meals.

It’s so fucking stupid. She is completely wasting her life with this utter nonsense that’s doomed to fail. Just like the Ideas Man over here. Newt is another one who really should hit the gym before he shows his penis to any more homosexual Youtubers like Joe from Game Sack.

I’m reminded of 300 pound Johanna doing porn. Come on. It’s insulting to pornography. These people are bringing pornography into disrepute.

And then you have Horseface and that pimped out orphan whose name I can’t remember. None of these people have any business doing porn. LOOK AT THEM. What are they possibly thinking? They think that this looks good? What does the average person in Pennsylvania look like that THESE women think that they’re hot enough to do porn?

You have to put the work in, ladies. Watch what you eat. Start doing some situps. I mean, come on. Do I need to tell you this? You should be embarrassed.

I was watching some interview with a MILF porn star and she was talking about she’s always going to the gym and eating right and whatever. Yeah. Of course. Who wouldn’t? If you’re going out there and showing your body off, don’t you want to look presentable? Forget about the fact that you’re competing with all of these other women and there’s not much of a market for fat porn stars. Just for your own sense of dignity and self-worth, don’t you want to look your best? If you’re going to debase yourself with this shitty porn for pennies, at least look good doing it.

6 thoughts on “PVC Bondage Guy’s Wrestling Diet

  1. If she’s going to fuck a bunch of guys for “work” or for fun, and is a man herself, shouldn’t she be fasting?

  2. I decided to go back to Bimmy’s stupid book. What a fucking moron! I noticed that he has this weird fixation with time. Not 5:40. There have been at least 30 mentions in the first 150 pages about things that have happened in the past. He considers all past events as ancient history. Weird.
    And someone gave him a piece of pizza after his movie was shown and he acts like the world loves him because of that. to quote the book itself at this exact moment, “wow.”

      1. This part with the pizza was one of his school movies. Not THE movie. It probably sucked just as much dick but had less expectations I’m sure. It’s really boring as shit and I can see why these parts aren’t reposted. Hopefully the rest I can just skim through.

  3. i’d love to watch gamerrgirls the movie, featuring erinplays, pam cannot be tamed, pushing up daisies, the woman who is into pokemon (i don’t recall her name, but she is in the banner) and maybe crystal quinn. all of them played by themselves. the problem is who would be the most suitable choice for a director. i thought of tony, but that would be too weak sauce. maybe newt, john riggs or mike??!

  4. I honestly quit watching Newts channel and their livestreams last October, nothing against them I just lost interest and moved on.

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