Two AWESOME Arcades in Tokyo! – Mad Panic Gaming aka Kid Shoryuken

1:30 – He talks about the massage parlours in this…mall, or whatever this is. He shows footage of prostitutes somewhat aggressively approaching him in the mall. He makes a joke that if you come to this arcade you might have to, “Turn down the massages, or accept the massages, that’s totally up to you.”

You know this guy went for a massage. He’s not exactly subtle about the fact that he consorts with prostitutes. Not just Destiny Fomo but generally.

I left a comment during covid something about if the brothels are still open. And he responded jokingly saying that he wouldn’t know anything about that because he’s a good boy. But he was obviously being sarcastic.

This is what he does. He goes to prostitutes. It’s obvious.

Then there was that creepy as fuck video where he was with some like 21 year old Japanese guy who looked very feminine and didn’t seem to speak English. And “Kid” Shoryuken was extremely chummy with this guy. This really feminine Japanese guy.

Then there’s footage of this giant loser in an arcade playing old games. Why is this even a business? You can play all of this shit for free at home. And these are old games.

5:15 – He talks about mahjong games where you strip the clothes off of a woman after you win. It’s always perversion with this guy.

And he shows footage of some other no doubt perverted American guy who he presumably goes whore mongering with.

I don’t expect him to hang out with Japanese people. Because that’s not really what happens. Not in my experience, anyway. You don’t really hang out with the locals when you move abroad. You tend to hang out with other immigrants. Your mileage may vary but this is my experience in the UK and there’s not even a language barrier.

Nevertheless, I never hung out with any Americans. Well, I met a couple, I guess, but it wasn’t a usual thing. If an American enclave exists in London, I was kept out of it. Same in Scotland.

But “Kid” Shoryuken seems to be hanging out with Americans, when he’s not hanging out with prostitutes. Oh, but he also hangs out with American prostitutes like Madam Fomo.

I think that it’s normal to find a group of Americans when you’re living abroad. You hear about this sort of thing. But I don’t know. I just never sought them out in the UK. And there’s no real need to because there’s no language barrier. I don’t need somebody to help me find a low-paying cleaning job or translate a lease or anything like this. So there’s no need to rely on the immigrant community.

This isn’t exclusive to Americans of course. Polish people will find other Polish immigrants. Chinese people will find other Chinese immigrants. Jamaican immigrants will find other Jamaican immigrants. But I don’t know. I eschewed the American immigrant community, if indeed it even exists in the UK.

5:45 – Now he’s at a different arcade and expresing his disappointment that there weren’t massage parlors here. He says that typically in the basement, you would expect to see massage parlors. He’s really speaking from experience.

He should do videos on whore mongering. Why not? He seems like a real expert and I know that there would be a huge market for this. Tell us where the good brothels are, massage parlours, soap…whatever it is. People want to know this shit. Even if they’re not going to Japan, you could still make interesting videos about it.

8:15 – “Lot’s of cigarrette smoke, lots of massage women.”

He can’t get over this. This is all that he does. He spends every penny that he earns in these shitty teaching jobs on whores.

  • “Is prostitution legal or tolerated in Japan?”

Mad Panic Gaming responds. Of course he does. This is his area of expertise. “To a certain extent. As I understand it, the services offered at these massage parlors is legal if somewhat frowned upon, but sex in exchange for money is illegal.”

  • “Another great one!!! Was really surprised at the massage parlors, those girls almost dragged you in by the neck I was under the impression that those “services” were only offered to Japanese men”

Mad Panic Gaming replies, “Pretty sure they’re offered to whoever looks like they’ve got a few bucks in their pocket loi”

So that’s you? You look like a fucking hobo in this video. They’re approaching you because you look like the kind of fat, lonely loser who goes to prostitutes. And they’re right.

Many years ago, I was waiting outside of an underground train station for my girlfriend. There were a bunch of brothers out there. I reluctantly stood by one of them. I had to wait because my girlfriend, a black woman, was perpetually late, as black people tend to be. But woe betide if you mention to her that her chronic lateness might be an example of a racial stereotype that’s true. “My mother was never late in her life.” I should be dating your mother then.

So anyway, this urban gentleman approaches me and says, “Do you party?” I was looking at my phone and didn’t even hear what he said so I just “yeah” and waved him off. He says, “You do?” So I look up and see that there’s a bunch of fucking drug dealers around me and I walk away.

Like five police officers were just standing and watching these guys about 30 feet away. Doing nothing. The police knew what these guys were doing. Nobody cares.

So I’m wandering the streets, I can’t wait at this train station to meet my girlfriend because there’s no fucking place to stand that isn’t crawling with drug dealers. I call my girlfriend and I give her the business about her being fucking chronically late and that this train station is full of drug dealers and that I’m going to fucking leave if she doesn’t get here in two minutes.

Just then, another guy approaches me and asks if I want to buy drugs. A white guy this time. I decline.

She finally arrives and I’m going on about how she needs to fucking show up on time and I’m sick of this shit, it’s insulting, you’re wasting my time, and on this occasion, I had to deal with all of these fucking drug dealers as a result. She gave her usual excuse, promised to be more prompt next time, and never followed through.

Then she says, “Nobody has ever approached me and offered to sell me drugs.” I said, “Yeah, because you look like a fucking square.” She thought about it for a second and then said, “I take that as a compliment. It means that I don’t look like a druggie.” Yeah, whatever. “Druggie”.

3 thoughts on “Two AWESOME Arcades in Tokyo! – Mad Panic Gaming aka Kid Shoryuken

  1. His lack of Japanese friends displays his lack of Japanese language ability. But when you are in the fake English teacher bubble this is what you get. Low pay shit jobs and the expectation that you’ll leave and be replaced the next day. Forgotten. So why even bother? Except this asshole never left and never tried to escape that bubble. That would involve work. So he will blow his minimum wage earnings on games and handjobs from obasans and live in a one room for $900 a month for all eternity. And fuck Destiny Matos for money every now and then. Fuck him!

    1. Do you seriously have Japanese associates? Almost everybody who I’ve had any social dealings with have been foreigners and there’s no language barrier for me. I think that it’s just naturally how things work. You identify more with other foreigners and the natives don’t particularly want to hang out with foreigners.

      1. I have 2 Japanese friends who can’t speak any English. I used to work with a mix of people and some did not speak English and some did not speak Japanese. Now it’s mostly work from home thanks to the insane irrational fear of a flu strain that only 99.7% of people over age 70 survive.

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