Kari: The Female JOHN RIGGS

I got recommended a new gamer girl by the Youtube algorithm. They’re dead on with this one. It’s a 21 year old Australian woman who was shown one of John Riggs’ videos and said, “Well, hell, I can do that.”

I tried to watch the above video. It’s only eight minutes but I literally fell asleep. One minute she’s talking about going through a bunch of Sega games to try to find the right shaped motherboard (or something) and then next minute, I’m out like a light.

She plays the games on a pink Disney princess tv from 2005. So before she was born. I’m pretty sure that Erin said that she wants this tv. Erin wants a lot of things that she never ends up getting. What she should want is a job.

How come you never see any guys who are really into the colour blue, like so many women are really into pink? “Oh, look at how girly I am. I really like pink.” You never see a guy saying, “Oh, look how masculine I am. I really like blue.” Why not? Guys like colours. Hues aren’t strictly the domain of women.

Anyway, the comments are FULL of horny dudes. And in her icon for her channel, I think that she’s wearing a Hooters tank top.


Is she a hot chick? No. She’s the usual 5/10 that we see so often with these retro gaming channels. But a 5/10 is automatically a hot chick in this community that’s full of desperate, horny retards.

And she’s a 5/10 as a 21 year old. It’s only going down from here.

She has really weird pronunciations for everything. I know that she’s Australian but this can’t be normal.

She’s only been doing this for a month and she already gets…I don’t know…she has one video that has 250,000 views but the rest are an average of about 40,000 views. That’s about what Erin gets on a typical video and Erin has been cranking this dull as fuck “content” out for…I don’t even know…has it been eight years? Seven years.

Why would this 21 year old woman be so interested in stuff from the 1980s? Four of her five videos are about 1980s console and PC shit.

It would be like me, who’s in my 40s, being interested in…I don’t know…Dansette record players. Or banana seat bikes. “Let me show you how to get this old Schwinn up and running again.” Then at the end of the video, I’m tooling around on this bicycle, streamers on the handlebars, a baseball card in the spokes, and Bike by Pink Floyd is playing.

And everyone watching my videos would be people in their 60s and 70s. “Hey, this young man really has his pulse on what people are into. Keep up the good work, you groovy cat.”

People would think I’m insane. Why is this guy interested in children’s toys from 20 years before he was born?

Is there somebody putting this woman up to this? Or is this just her idiotic idea? She heard that you could milk horny retards in their 40s by pretending to be interested in shit from the 1980s without even taking your clothes off. You just have to pretend to be interested in ancient video games and show a little cleavage.

I don’t think that it’s lucrative. Show me the people making money from this. People complain about fake women gamers stealing attention (and thereby money) from men who are actually interested in video games. Where are they? Where are these women who are getting wealthy from this shit?

Horny retards tend not to have money. And the market is completely saturated. This is a segment of the population completely overexposed to desperate, average-looking women, trying to titilate them. These women are getting pennies for this shit. It’s not worth doing.

How could this woman just appear overnight like this? She has a website, Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram. And looking at some of these pictures, I was being kind with my 5/10 assessment. But she has loads of horny retards responding to every banal self-promotional thing that she posts.

“Hey guys! Remember dot matrix printers?”

Yeah. Do you? No. So what are you doing? Am I supposed to be jacking off to a dot matrix printer just because a 3/10 Australian woman is sitting next to it?

Why is she on Youtube anyway? If this was geniune, she’d be on TikTok. She only has one video on TikTok. Are the young people going to Youtube? But she knows that this is where the old, horny retards are.

Anyway, she’s ripping off John Riggs’ “can I fix it” idea. Doesn’t he even call it “Can I Fix It”? No, Open Cart Surgery. Well, maybe she’ll start “reviewing” bicycles that she gets for free in return for a video. She gets two to three times as many views as John Riggs does.

Maybe she can start going to nerd conventions and creeping on all the dudes. And eating stuff. I want to see her eating a lot. I think it could work.

Just have her go to a nerd convention and aggressively creep on the dudes there. You’d see their awkward reactions. But maybe some of them would take her up on her offer. Put those videos on OnlyFans.

3 thoughts on “Kari: The Female JOHN RIGGS

  1. There’s something about a new channel
    Pumped full of views. Reeks of AstroTurf. Someone’s paying to promote or paying to not or set the channel up for her. No way in fucking he’ll she got 20,000 views on her very first video. There’s not one YouTube channel that starts out hot. Unless it’s being propped up somehow. There are millions of channels that get fuck all, 10 views on the first video. Nobody gets 20,000 nobody. So it feels like there’s a White Aussie Tuan X somewhere.
    Speaking of swapping out races I found a White Bobdungaraymona. Sakura Stardust. Annoying as shit. I literally can’t watch more than 30 seconds without tapping out. It’s all about lost media that’s not lost but because she says it’s lost it’s therefore “lost.” Overly obsessed with anime. The weird kind of obsession that’s more than just liking it. Smug as fuck. It might be worth a review but your eyes will bleed.

    1. It does seem suspicious. And why was I recommended this video? Is somebody bankrolling the advertising of this channel to cause it to appear in people’s feeds?

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