
  • Should you buy the Nintendo Gameboy or the Analogue Pocket? – Lydgendary

    Interesting question, Lydia. Do I want a system from 40 years ago that plays only Game Boy games and requires the actual cartridges (which cost money) or a brand new system that plays everything, for every system, for free? Umm…I think that I’m going to go with the latter.

    0:00 – Oh baby. Get those milkers out, baby. I just like having an excuse to say “milkers”. I think that’s the main appeal of Lydia’s videos for me.

    Why is she talking about *nostalgia* with the Game Boy? She wasn’t even born during the thing’s lifespan, surely.

    Oh, and here’s another reason not to get a Game Boy: green screen. Is that what you want? Or do you want the full colour of the Analogue Pocket? Also, more buttons on the Analogue Pocket. Not that you need more buttons on the Game Boy because the fucking thing only plays Game Boy games. Assuming you can get this ancient hardware even working.

    She says that she doesn’t have an original Game Boy because they’re really expensive. Really? Let me look this up.

    Fifty pounds on Ebay all day long. Lydia, you send me a video of you doing jumping jacks (or “star jumps”, if you prefer), topless, and I’ll send you a Game Boy. I think that I can swing the £50.

    1:15 – No backlight. Oh yeah. That’s another thing. Reason number ten billion not to get a Game Boy over an Analogue Pocket.

    5:00 – “I don’t think there are many pros to having the Game Boy consoles.”

    Well, no shit. Nor do I. So what was the point of this video?

    7:00 – “I hope I didn’t come across as too negative because, like I said, I still think it’s a really great console.”

    This was YOUR stupid idea. You don’t have to make me feel better. I never claimed that buying a Game Boy is better than buying an Analogue Pocket. NOBODY is saying that.

    She should make this a whole series. The possibilities are endless.

    “Which should you buy: an Atari 2600 or a Playstation 5?” And then she just says, “Well, duh. Obviously, the Playstation 5. What’s wrong with you? Why would you even think of purchasing the Atari 2600? It’s old.”

    “Which should you buy: a 1993 Ford Fiesta or a 2024 BMW 1 Series?” “What are you fucking retarded? If you have the money, you go with the BMW. This isn’t a choice. The 1994 Ford Fiesta offers no advantages over the 2024 BMW 1 Series.”

    Oh, and here’s another advantage of that Analogue Pocket has over the Game Boy, according to Lydia: IT’S CHEAPER.

    So it’s cheaper, the games are all free, it’s in colour, more buttons, it’s new, it doesn’t require batteries, and you can play every game ever made for every console.

    7:30 – “I can’t see why you wouldn’t want to be playing the games on this.” Yeah. No shit. Who was the retard saying that Game Boy is better? The strawman is really getting a pounding today.

    8:00 – Oh, it actually is more expensive than the Game Boy. Way more. She says £350 and that’s for a USED one. Can this be right?

    I’m seeing it for £220, new, on what I assume is the official website. Why did she say that it’s sold out?

    11:45 – Now she’s doing a side by side comparison of how the games look. Can we just assume that they look better on the Analogue Pocket? For one thing, I think that it has a backlit screen.

    17:30 – “That’s the video. Please let me know down in the comments which you prefer.”

    WHO’S THE MORON WHO’S GOING TO SAY ‘GAME BOY’? The video made no sense. I’m sorry, Lydia. I’ll still give you some loving but this video was complete nonsense.

    I think that it could have been easily fixed if you just framed it differently. Instead of making it a question, “Which one is better?” just state the obvious “Here’s why you should buy an Analogue Pocket instead of a Game Boy.”

    Apparently, this Analogue Pocket doesn’t use emulation. It’s replicating the actual hardware. And I think that you have to buy adapters if you want to play games from other consoles.

    That’s a big negative for me. Why are uber nerds so opposed to emulation? It works. As far as I’m concerned, it works 100%. At least as far as 16 bit and previous consoles are concerned. And my experience is from 20 years ago. It was perfect. No problems. It’s surely only improved since then.

    “Oh, but there’s one frame of lag per hour with emulation.” I dont’ give a shit. It seems to work perfectly fine to me. Take your missing frame and shove it up your ass.

    It’s denigrating the work of these hard working nerds who devoted their lives to making these emulators so that we could play these games for free. And with scandalous exception, they released these emulators for free. You’re going to spit in their faces over ridiculously imperceptible lag?

    What do you think the guy who made ZSNES is doing today? Probably getting fucked in the ass.


    There’s an interview of “zsKnight_”, one of the creators of ZSNES. It’s undated but judging by the website design, it was probably from at least 20 years ago.

    He says, “

    Currently, I’m single, 20 years of age (going 21 within a couple months), and currently studying at Simon Fraser University in BC, Canada.”

    Guarantee that that guy is still single. Single or gay or both.

    I, for one, value the contributions that these sexless nerds gave to the world. I’m not going to hold that phantom lag over their heads and insist that their work is shit and that we should all buy hardware that replicates the original hardware. There’s no fucking need. Thanks to these social retards we have software that does it for us. Totally free software. Totally free software that will turn ANY computer made in the past 20 years into, for all intents and purposes, the original hardware in question.

    Somebody should build a memorial to these people. Untold millions of hours spent on this and they did it not expecting a penny and not receiving a penny. While their fellow students were out getting drunk and having sex, these guys were sitting at home, hunched over a computer, trying to get Super Punch-Out to run on their computer. Other people might dismiss their work and sacrifice but not me.

  • The Crow is A Tragic Tale On And Off Screen – Tony from Hack the Movies

    I’m not watching this. Not for one fucking second. “Joey C” is on here. That guy who’s so desperate for attention that he dresses like a woman.

    But I’m reminded of some guy, at the end of my martial arts experience, talking about Brandon Lee. It was some guy in his 30s or 40s. There were some real weirdos doing martial arts in their 30s and 40s when I was a kid. And this guy…mistakenly called some kid Bruce and somebody corrected him and said that his name is Brandon and then this guy said something like, “Well, Bruce had Brandon”.

    Brandon Lee had died a year or two previously.

    Anyway, I started taking tae kwon do in probably…the fifth grade? Maybe fourth grade. I was inspired by The Karate Kid, a movie that I don’t even think that I had seen.

    I went to some place near my home. I’d walk there, in my uniform, which even at the time I found embarrassing.

    Originally, I went with some hillbilly neighbour but he quickly lost interest. He only stuck with it for a month or two. But I kept going.

    I was one of the older people in the class but…I couldn’t have been older than in the fifth grade because I know by the sixth grade, I was already a pro. How old are you in the fifth grade? Ten? I find it hard to believe that I was one of the older students at 10 but I was.

    Anyway, I’d go there. The instructor was a Mexican guy. Oddly, one of the first Mexican guys I knew. Now, you’d go to that town and it’s mostly Mexicans but at the time, the town was overwhelmingly white.

    He actually knew about tae kwon do and I would come to learn, from later going to other schools, that this is rare.

    It wasn’t some McDojo where they push belts and belt tests and fees for belt tests. He rarely had belt tests. Two years went by and nobody had a belt test. In these McDojos, you can go all the way to black belt in two years. And he didn’t charge for any tests or the belts. This might explain why the tests were so infrequent. He didn’t have money. He wasn’t making money from this place and he worked full time in an industrial job.

    But it wasn’t about belts. It was about learning how to do tae kwon do. And he knew the correct form. He knew the movements. And we would go in and practice this. He taught the class. It wasn’t some bullshit like I’d see elsewhere where he would just open the class and then some weird middle aged “student” would take over. This guy gave the lessons.

    I was never good at any sport or any physical activity but tae kwon do was where I was at. I was limber, I was tall, I was quick. It was not long before I was kicking the shit out of everyone.

    There was only one time when I had to put my skills to use on the streets. I’m sure that I told this story here before. It was the sixth grade. I was in the playground and somebody threw a football at some kid’s face. I was then blamed for it. Anyone with a brain would know that I didn’t do it. I literally never threw a football in my life at that point. I didn’t fucking play football during recess. I never did any of that shit. But I got blamed for it, almost certainly by the guy who actually threw the football.

    So this kid who got hit is looking at his glasses and indicating that they might be broken. This kid is the biggest nerd in the school. I tell him that I did not throw the fucking football but he doesn’t believe me. So a crowd forms as this kid starts lightly punching my arm. And I’m saying “ow, ow, ow” sarcastically as he’s doing this. The mob of people are all cheering for this kid, sarcastically. The only person cheering for me is my friend.

    As this kid continues to punch my arm, I realise that he’s not going to stop. So as he goes to punch me again, I shift back, grabs him by the wrist, twist his arm, and with my other hand, I punch him in the stomach. All in one swift movement. I didn’t hit him particularly hard but he acted like I broke his ribs. Then everybody scattered and the fight was over.

    Looking back, I don’t think that I’ve ever seen a good playground fight. They happened sem-regularly but I can only remember one and it sucked. It was between two pretty fat guys. One of the guys got into a lot of fights because people would pick on him. I guess that this guy got sick of it so he started swinging at this other kid. Really full force haymaker punches. And he missed every fucking time. This other fat kid just danced around and after every missed punch, he would slap the kid around a little. Literally just open hand little slaps. It was comical. But he was able to win the fight like that and nobody got hurt. So that’s good.

    So tae kwon do. I did it for years at this Mexican guy’s place. Then in the eighth or ninth grade, he closed. Just one day, it wasn’t open. I still kept going for a while to check and then one day I saw him in there so I went in. He told me that he couldn’t afford to keep the place open any more. I was a little tearful, which makes me think I was younger than I think I was. Could I really have been in high school and tearing up over this? Maybe. And then he suggested that I join some other tae kwon do place that had opened a couple of years earlier and was the driving force for this school shutting down.

    So I went there and it was fucking dogshit. Total conman running the place. McDojo all the way. Belts adorned the walls of all colours of the rainbow. It was me and some six year old in some free “trial class”. And I remember this guy saying, “Okay, who has the magnet in their pocket?” It was some stupid “joke” about how we were standing too close to each other.

    He also had a questionaire that we had to fill out. Some bullshit. “What do you want to be when you grow up” and shit like this. Hey. Guy. I’m here for tae kwon do, not the bullshit. Can you just teach some tae kwon do?

    He also charged ridiculous amount of money.

    He didn’t know shit and he was a total fraud so I told my mother that I didn’t want to go.

    But later, I’m thinking in the 10th grade, I did end up taking classes from that guy, briefly. By this time, he had moved to a small McDojo, in a little…what do you call it…the word “mall” is in the term but it’s just like three or four stores.

    His students were shit. He was shit. And I ran roughshod over everyone. He hated it. He hated it because it exposed how little this guy knew about tae kwon do and consequently how ill-prepared his students were.

    Everything I did was better than everyone else. Those people couldn’t do forms, they didn’t know how to throw a proper kick, they couldn’t do shit. To give a small but important example, when doing forms (which are a series of block and punches, mostly…I think it’s called “kata” in karate, I don’t know the Korean term) they would just lumber along. But I was taught to slide your feet together and then out. So you move your feet together and then out in a graceful motion as you walk. But these clowns just stomped around. And when this joke of an instructor saw me doing that, he said, “Oh yeah. Slide your feet together when you take a step.”

    I had to fucking show him this. He didn’t know it.

    I also beat the fuck out of him. We would spar. He was shit. He’s getting his ass kicked by a 10th grader.

    I was there for maybe six months. Maybe not even that long. I fucking hated it. I hated that guy. Fuck that conman.

    I also went to the guy who taught this guy, and now that I think of it, maybe I went to this guy’s instructor before I went to this guy. I can’t quite remember the order now.

    But the guy who taught this conman was a total conman himself. But at least this guy knew tae kwon do. It was an old Korean guy. This conman instructor was a white guy.

    So anyway, this Korean guy was really good. On the rare ocassions when he would demonstrate a kick or something, it was clear that he knew the technique. The problem is, this lazy piece of shit didn’t teach anything. He’d open the class and then sit in his office and jack off while some 17 year old brown belt “teaches” us.

    I went there originally with some little kid who my sister used to babysit for and his mother. His mother took tae kwon do as a kid and now she was one of those weirdos doing it as an adult. They didn’t last long, though. Maybe two or three months. And that instructor basically let her run the class. This woman who just started. I mean, she took tae kwon do as a kid and got a black belt but this was years ago. And in the class, she was a white belt because this guy didn’t recognise belts attained elsewhere, not even black belts. So you had this white belt woman, who only started recently, teaching this class of like 8th to 12th graders, with a few weird adults mixed in.

    Once again, I beat the fuck out of everyone. These people were never taught anything. And it was all the more embarassing because I was a white belt and I was kicking the shit out of their black belts.

    The instructor even told me, “You’re better than the others.” He said this in private to me and this wasn’t something that he was saying to everyone to boost their self-esteem or anything. He was genuine. I was genuinely better than everyone. I had been doing this for like seven years at this point. And I was taught by a guy who actually knew what the fuck he was doing. That Mexican guy.

    Looking back, there were a lot of things I didn’t like about that Mexican guy. He could be a dick. And he was teaching us aikido or something on some days because he was taking aikido classes. So it’s like rolls and shit. Tumbling bullshit. I don’t want to do this. This isn’t what I signed up for. And this guy isn’t even qualified to teach this. I don’t think that he was a black belt or whatever the ranking system is.

    One guy actually complained. He said that he comes here to learn tae kwon do, not anything else. And this guy was encouraged by his parents to complain about it.

    So the next day, the instructor comes out and compares his school to college. “When you go to college, you don’t just take classes in your major. You also have to take classes in foreign language, and history, and art, and…” Yeah. And that sucks dick too. Why copy the bullshit parts of college?

    For a month, in like the 10th grade, I also went to some other place but they shut down shortly after they opened because the instructor got injured or something.

    Anyway, then there was the final place that I went to. By this point, I had exhausted all of the tae kwon do schools in like a 20 mile radius. So I went to a karate school. Another conman who didn’t know shit. It was some creepy old white guy. I was probably in the 11th grade.

    He was dismissive of tae kwon do. He didn’t like that I had long hair. And he didn’t like that I was better than everyone. The only saving grace is that he never had any sparring in class so that it would become demonstrably clear how much better I was than everybody else.

    There was some like 8th or 9th grade girls in the class who he would make creepy comments to. There was a girl handing out birthday invitations to the other girls and this guy asked if he was invited and she said, “You can come if you want” and he declined. Then there was a mark on her wrist one day, or something, and he asked if it was from handcuffs. I don’t remember the exact context but it was definitely a sexual comment and she was offended by it and stopped coming to lessons not long after.

    This is also the guy who kept punching my balls over and over just to confirm that I wasn’t wearing a cup. I told that story before. He was clearly getting off on it.

    There was another time where we had to take our shirts off. This instructor wasn’t even there, it was some middle aged guy who always taught the class anyway. But he tells us to take our shirts off since there weren’t any girls there. He even commented how uncomfortable I looked.

    Guy…I am not there to take my fucking shirt off and do your fucking nonsense. It was some complete bullshit about seeing how your muscles move when you do particular moves. And I had absolutely no musculature and didn’t want to fucking be there, as a 16 year old, with my shirt off, with a bunch of a fucking creeps. Just teach us the fucking moves. These people are shit. Do you want me to take over? They don’t know anything.

    I quit that place after three or six months too. It was over that “osu” shit where I failed my impromtu yellow belt test because I didn’t give a shit about belts. I told this story before too, presumably in the same post as the other one.

    So I was taking martial from…the 4th or 5th grade to…maybe the 9th grade with that Mexican guy and then sporadically until the 11th grade. And then I quit. I ran out of places to go to. I still wanted to do it but these places all sucked dick and I knew it. Only that Mexican guy knew what he was doing.

    It was a good experience, though. It was the one sport-type thing that I did that I was good at. So it was good for self-esteem and balance and maybe even some discipline.

    This was basically me at every one of these McDojos that I went to, except I kept my gi on:

  • What Is the Best Castlevania? – 20th Anniversary of Angry Video Game Nerd – Cinemassacre

    James Rolfe, who has autism and is obsessed with numbers, chooses THIS to “celebrate” the 20th anniversary of “the nerd”? Some boring as fuck, “What’s the best Castlevania?”

    0:15 – “But first, a word from our sponsor.”

    That’s all that this is about. Getting these fucking sponsorships out.

    James is dressed as a bald vampire, by the way.

    2:15 – “I became somebody who you now know as the fucking Nerd.”

    I HATE when he refers to himself as “the Nerd”. It’s the second time in this fucking video that he’s said this. Does anybody actually call him that? Not “AVGN”?

    He says that’s not going to appear in this video because he didn’t appear in his first video. Or, much more likely, he’s doing this because he’s lazy as fuck and just threw this video together last minute.

    3:15 – “Spiteful fart cloud of frustration”. And a disgusting CGI graphic of a fart cloud appears along with the accompanying sound effect.

    Even after 20 years, this guy has NO IDEA why people watch his videos. I’ll give you a hint, Jimmy: it’s not the disgusting scat fetish references.

    4:15 – He says that he’s already said what the best Castlevania game is in his Castlevania IV video. So what, pray tell, is the fucking point of this?

    7:30 – James says that he beat some Playstation Castlevania game in three hours on “easy” mode. God. This guy is all about not spending time on anything and playing games on “easy” mode. Erin, a complete fraud, does the same exact shit.

    Why even pretend that you’re interested in this shit? Why do it at all? Why force to play video games? Just get that faggot Sean to play the games, you read the script, and that’s that.

    And he keeps just saying that Castlevania IV is the best game. Because you can whip in eight directions. That’s his only criteria.

    Mike Matei recently made a tweet or something where he said that Castlevania IV is the easiest Castlevania game because you can whip in eight directions. That’s clearly where this video came from. Mike was already writing the script for this episode when he tweeted that.

    Oh god. I’m only halfway throught this shit. It’s 25 minutes long. I’m bored as fuck. We get it, James. You just want a game where you can whip in all directions. And can be beat in under three hours on easy mode.

    14:00 – For the 100th time in this video, he says that whatever game he’s playing (Rondo of Blood, I think) isn’t better than Castlevania IV BECAUSE YOU CAN’T WHIP IN EVERY DIRECTION.

    Can somebody just sit this moron down and explain to him that it was a gameplay choice because otherwise the game becomes too easy? I’m sick of fucking hearing this. Twenty five fucking minutes of James Rolfe complaining that you can’t whip in all directions?

    18:00 – “It still bugs me that they never brought back the eight directional whipping.”

    WE KNOW!!! This is unfuckingbelievable. He’s talking about yet some other Castlevania game and he can not stop fucking talking about this. It’s his complaint in every fucking game. If a game has eight directional attacking: good. If it doesn’t: bad.

    This was the big 20th anniversary video. James Rolfe’s autistic fixation on eight directional attacking.

    21:15 – He’s talking about why Castlevania IV is his favourite. “Why is the eight directional whipping so important?”


    22:15 – “If it wasn’t for Simon’s Quest, you might not have known about me and I might not have known about you.”

    What the fuck does he know about his audience? He doesn’t engage AT ALL with the people who go to his channel. He doesn’t respond to a single comment. His Twitter is run by Justin Silverman. He’s certainly not interacting with those homos on Reddit.

    Is he reading the blog? I dare say that he is. Like half of the hits that I get are from Pennsylvania. And a blog is James Rolfe’s idea of the internet. Every time a new Cinemassacre video comes out, he’s eagerly checking the blog. “What did he think of THIS episode? Aww…dang.”

    23:00 – Then it ends with a montage of James Rolfe’s receding hairline. It’s in black and white with maudlin copyright-free music playing throughout.

    Let’s see what the homos on Reddit had to say.

    They seem to mostly be complaining that he doesn’t appear on screen (making it more difficult to jerk off) and that this is recycling Mike’s work. Does nobody mention his obsession with the eight directional attack? That was the whole fucking video. Maybe they haven’t watched it yet. I’m writing this shortly after the video was released.

    Anyway, another awful video from Screenwave, Inc. If anyone at Screenwave knew how to make an interesting video, why wouldn’t they be doing it themselves? It’s not like it’s difficult to get on Youtube. So you get these guys have absolutely no talent for this shit.

  • Ghost Doctor LIVE Q&A Podcast – Irate Gamer

    So we’ve got Chris BORES doing his ghost hunting scam.

    God. How stupid does anyone have to be to fall for a GHOST HUNTING scam? What is the level of education and mental health care in the US like that people are falling for GHOST HUNTING scams?

    I was doing some looking at business that are open in my hometown. There’s some sort of a psychic. She took over a shop that had recently closed. People are leaving Google reviews of this psychic.

    What fucking year is this? How fucking stupid do you have to be to give your money to a psychic? It’s sub-retard.

    1:00 – So speaking of sub-retards, Chris BORES thinks that ghosts haunt his computer and didn’t want him to do this livestream. He shows his laptop with the blue screen of death.

    Just take the fucking thing to a computer shop. Tell them that ghosts haunt your computer and you’d like to get it working again. They’ll do a clean install of Windows and you’ll be off to the races. Nothing to do with ghosts.

    Also, he has a fucking Hewlett Packard. What a piece of shit. How much did he pay for that? A hundred bucks?

    1:45 – “I had to really bless my house last night to make sure I got a good night sleep.”

    This guy is married. Apparently. From what I can piece together, he married a woman who has at least one child. This guy really needs a professional to come and see him and make sure that he’s not a danger to himself or anyone else.

    I mean, it’s a delicate issue, I guess. People believe in all kinds of crazy shit. Are you going to lock up every religious person? Every UFO nut? Everyone who believes in Bigfoot? Fucking retard James Rolfe and his Loch Ness Monster obsession?

    I went to that Loch Ness not long ago. Maybe a year or two ago. I went with my girlfriend. There’s just some ruined castle near to the water that you can wander around in. It was rainy as fuck when we went. I think there’s a boat tour that you can also take.

    Everybody there was an American. It’s a tourist thing, obviously, but fucking embarrassing. They’re doing the old, “We can’t understand what you’re saying because you’re Scottish!” thing. Nobody finds that cute. You think that they’d be used to it, frankly, but no, Scottish people find it offensive. And rightly. It’s true that they can be difficult to understand but if you just shut the fuck up and listen to what they’re saying, you’ll quickly figure out what they’re saying. It’s not that challenging. They’re speaking English.

    We had to take a taxi to this castle from the nearest town. It was a 30 or 45 minute drive. And the driver is talking about the Loch Ness Monster, how it’s theorised that it was just a pod of dolphins or something. And my girlfriend, who must not have been listening very carefully, excitedly said, “So there’s really something in there?” He had to repeat that it was a pod of dolphins. I mean…come on. Can she honestly believe that the Loch Ness Monster is real? Maybe I should get her that book that James was reading from in that podcast.

    Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. People who believe crazy shit like Chris BORES and his ghost mental illness.

    2:00 – “When you are tuned into something, like the secrets of the afterlife…like I am, the resistance man, it’s just like…uggggh.”

    People with schizophrenia believe that they have superpowers. This is what Chris BORES is suggesting.

    And he has a bunch of Buddhist shit in the background. I’m not sure how the Buddhism jives with his staunch Christianity. I don’t think that it does.

    2:30 – He advertises his onling ghost hunting service. He can also cure sleep paralysis over the internet because he says that it’s a “dark attack”.

    This has to be illegal. Can he advertise that he can cure medical conditions with this fucking blatent quackery?

    He’s also describing himself as a “ghost doctor”. This can not possibly be legal. Shut this fucking nutjob down.


    There’s his website. He says that his online ghost hunting methods are 100% effective and then goes on to say that they can be performed as often as needed. If they’re 100% effective, why would you need it done more than once? Just get the shit done in the first attempt.

    So he has three different packages. For $50 you can get rid of “stage 2” ghosts, which apparently are responsible for things like “shadows” and “touching. I could go for some ghost touching. Find me a sexy lady ghost who isn’t afraid to touch me down there.

    For $75, you can get rid of “stage 3” ghosts who are responsible for “voices”, “sleep paralysis” and “bed shaking.” Again, give me some of that big titted, bed shaking ghost action. But yeah, hearing voices is a serious sign of mental illness but retard Chris BORES is pretending that he’s a “doctor” and can “cure” people of this by doing an online ghost hunt.

    For $100, you can get rid of “stage 5” ghosts. What if you only have stage 4 ghosts? You’re just fucked. Stage 5 ghosts are responsible for “physical harm”, “thoughts of suicide”, and “objects shattering.” Again, suicidal ideation and self-harm are signs of mental illness but this asshole Chris BORES is preying on the mentally ill with his idiotic online ghost hunting idea.

    If he’s not mentally ill himself, he should be deeply ashamed of himself.

    Oh, a homo on Reddit helpfully time-stamped everything. Well, I dont’ want to watch this shit so I’ll just take a page from Newt Wallen and plagiarise this guy’s post:

    So Chris did a livestream Q&A for his Ghost Doctor channel and it was pretty funny through and through. Chris kept saying all kinds of crazy shit and generally gave off schizo vibes the whole time, he is very adamant through the whole stream that he’s better than every paranormal expert living today “I’ve evolved so much in this field that I can’t learn from anybody anymore”. If you enjoy listening to delusional schizo ramblings with a bunch of cope mixed in then I would recommend giving it a listen but the highlights are listed below.

    Highlights: He has his Irate Gamer logo on the screen for the whole stream for some reason

    0:47 Chris appears late to the stream and claims “Dark Forces” always try to prevent him from streaming and this was no exception. He believes there are spirits fucking with his computer giving it the “blue screen of death”. He also says he is feeling sick and gives the reasoning “when you are as attuned to something like the secrets of the afterlife as I am the resistance is exerted grunting

    2:35 Chris has opened a new Ghost Doctor website where you can hire the Doctor himself to cleanse your house of evil spirits, demons, and other “dark attacks” like sleep paralysis, remotely. He also once again claims that the “Dark Forces” try to stop the website from going up. He offers a few tiers for his “services”, the silver pack will get rid of shadow men and the gold pack will get rid of suicidal thoughts, because I know if I’m feeling suicidal I’m going to call the fucking Irate Gamer to save me and get charged $100. He also offers a book, a “Ghost Doctor Toolkit” and “Tar Water”. He says once you buy these you can protect yourself from Dark Forces forever https://ghostdoctorchris.com/

    8:52 Chris says he was attacked by a cloaked demon with chains in the middle of the night.

    21:50 Chris claims that he is so successful and amasses such huge crowds at paranormal conventions that he’s been banned from ever returning to them and that “household names” in the community have stolen his ideas to try to replicate that success. The example he gives is that he says he came up the term “parasitic ghosts” and he’s seen others use that term without crediting him. He refuses to name anyone specifically. He goes into this subject again at 37:07 and he desperately insists that he knows what he’s talking about and that these people are going to suffer in the afterlife.

    24:40 Chris claims he has a new groundbreaking device that he doesn’t even want to elude to because it’s so crazy and he can’t risk it getting out.

    25:25 Chris says he talks to schizophrenics and tells them the voices they hear in their heads actually are demons.

    26:43 Chris says that he’s been told by other big names in the paranormal community “we don’t want you here” (lol) He then goes on to explain that “once the genie is out of the bottle” that the “shit will hit the fan” and it will affect everyone, he references the situation he went through with AVGN and Youtube in the past and says this will be much bigger. And apparently according to Chris he’s been warned by spirits to watch his back because things are going to come for him.

    29:12 Chris tries to get viewers to send him money so he’ll answer their questions.

    31:00 Chris says that demons embed demonic incantations into chart topping pop songs and the most popular Youtube videos (probably the most sane thing in the stream to be honest)

    32:10 Chris claims he witnessed a satanic afterparty at E3 and once again claims that Youtube fucked his channel in 2012 because he didn’t fall in line (he doesn’t specify what he means by this, I guess he means YT wanted him to worship Satan or something?) and warns popular Youtubers to watch their backs. He says Microsoft is the worst offender for these practices.

    36:17 Chris gets distracted by his daughter wandering into his room and then goes on a rant about how spirits commonly try to attack his family and children and it pisses him off. He calls these ghosts low lives which I find hilarious.

    47:30 Chris says he is visited all the time by spirits through the night who killed themselves begging for his prayers.

    48:37 Chris says he doesn’t care he has haters because they are going to be coming to him for help when they die and he will still not turn them down. What a nice guy.

    51:58 Again, Chris desperately insists that he knows what he’s talking about.

    53:08 Chris says he can’t talk about astral spiders because he’s worried that other people will “steal his knowledge”. What a nice guy. He later goes on to talk about them anyway and later says he believes that the tv show Stranger Things was “divinely inspired” because their interpretation of astral spiders was spot on. So essentially Chris watched Stranger Things and learned about astral spiders and then claims that if anyone else talks about them anywhere then they are obviously stealing it from Chris. What a hack lmao

    1:00:18 Chris says the only other famous ghost hunter he likes is Zak Bagans (of course he is) but he is worried about him because he says Zak keeps getting darker and darker and he’s going to pay for that.

    Chris then ends the stream saying that he plans on doing these weekly from now on because “some crazy shit’s gonna go down” and he wants to be on stream to talk about it.

    There’s a lot of disturbing stuff here. He says that he speaks to people with schizophrenia (which he BADLY mispronounces) and tells them that voices they hear are ghosts.

    Then at 36:00 his “little girl” comes into this creepy as fuck room to ask him something. Chris BORES then says that ghosts are coming after his children and says “the trials and tribulations of being a father.” I’m pretty sure that this is his step-daughter. God. This guy should not be anywhere near children. He’s mentally ill. What is wrong with that girl’s mother that she find CHRIS BORES to be a suitable partner?

    And the retards in the chat are asking questions like they actually believe what he’s saying. Shit about ghosts and whatnot. “What do I do if a ghost kills me?” That’s an actual question.

    Hopefully this guy gets the help he needs before he impacts any other mentally ill person’s life.

  • The Story of The Oregon Trail – Gaming Historian

    Well, I watched it. I watched all 86 minutes and 21 seconds.

    It was mostly an interview of two (or three?) guys who wrote the original game. Not the game on the Apple II but the game that was on mainframe computers in the 1970s.

    It was interesting enough. I mean, I watched it. It took a couple of days but I watched it.

    But I couldn’t understand how these guys didn’t end up getting paid anything? Near the end, they explain that it was the 1970s, there wasn’t a market for video games, people didn’t have computers, it was just these mainframe computers. Fine. I get that. But at the point that this MECC company, which I believe that they worked for, was producing the game for the Apple II, why didn’t they get money then? How was MECC able to get the rights to the game?

    Anyway, I enjoyed the game in my youth. I played it in, whatever, the sixth grade. There was a contest to see who could get the farthest. We played in groups of two or three, one at a time, and I think it was just for like 15 minutes or something. But we never even played the fucking game before. We didn’t know what to do. We didn’t know that you basically have to spend all of your money at the start.

    Then I played it again in probably the 11th grade. We still had fucking Apple IIs in 1995. There were more modern computers that they were getting, but for this “business typing” or whatever class that I was in, they put all of the old Apple IIs in there. These “business” classes were for morons, which is why I took them. They were easy as fuck.

    So I’d travel the trail. There wasn’t much else to do.

    Then I played it whenever I got the internet. 1999 or whatever. Pirate version. I played some of the sequels. I think Oregon Trail Deluxe is the one that I played the most. They got REALLY bad after that. Fucking full motion video. But I liked the different professions that you could be. It wasn’t just, “The banker has more money and the farmer has less money” like in the first game. The different professions gave different bonuses and disadvantages, if I recall correctly.

    I also played Organ Trail a few times. That’s a zombie thing.

    A lot of people liked the hunting, in the original game, of course, but that’s my least favourite part. I try to get enough food so that I don’t have to hunt. You always have to go with the 2000 pound limit but that only works if you’re a banker, or possibly the carpenter. The farmer can’t afford that much.

    According to Wikipedia, some American Indians complain about the game. Even though American Indians only feature as positive characters who help the settlers.

    In this Gaming Historian video, the guys who made the game say that Indians complained about their early version because it featured Indian attacks. So they took the Indian attacks out.

    I get that it was an invasion and a genocide but protesting Oregon Trail? I’d probably do the same thing. You’re living on a reservation. Half the people are drunk. There aren’t any jobs. Your ancestors have been brutalised for centuries. Stick it to the man, even if the man is Oregon Trail.

    You look at their protests against the names of sports teams. Burn all of that bullshit down. Fuck baseball. Fuck football. Fuck all of this homoerotic bullshit. Millionaire players and billionaire Jew owners.

    I saw that they changed the name of Eskimo Pies. Good for them. Fuck ice cream too.

    I used to enjoy Eskimo Pies, though. I haven’t had one in probably 25 years. I’ll probably never have one again. You never know when the last time you’re going to do something is.

  • Horseface’s Fansly is Back – Crystal Quin


    I didn’t even know that it was gone. But somebody in the comments says, “Lol, she’s single again”.

    Who would pay for this knowing that she takes the site down when she gets a boyfriend?

    And I’m looking at the posts….she’s posting shit consistently. When did she take a break? She couldn’t have taken it down for more than a few days.

    In February, she did a lot of videos called “Showering in my boyfriend’s when he’s not home.” What, are we fucking retarded? Oh. I suppose that that is her audience. But I’m not retarded. So don’t give me these porno bullshit stories.

    And she’s not even nude in any of this shit. Not that anybody would want that but…well, somebody in the comments sums this up. “Ain’t nobody paying for lewds in this economy dawg.”

    The guy who wrote that, “she’s single again” has some absolutely vile stuff on his Twitter. These are the people who are interested in Crystal Quin’s shitty porno? That guy has loads of pictures of women with hairy pussies. That’s the tame stuff that he has but he has LOADS of this shit.

    He has to be in his mid to late 50s at least. Who younger than that has a hairy pussy fetish? It’s only if you watched porn from the 1970s or earlier that you’d be interested in that.

    I have a million dollar idea. Did I ever mention this here before? I’m not seeing it.

    But the porn from the 1970s is great. It has high production values, big budgets, whatever. What puts people off is the hairy pussies.

    So I’d like to see digital re-masters where they get rid of the hair. It doesn’t have to be entirely. You can give them a landing strip or something. Maybe just clean it up a little. But make it more palatable to today’s audience.

    I even have a pun title for this procedure can be called ala Newt “No Ideas” Wallen. “Digital re-masturbation.”

    There’s money to be made in this. Just get the rights to the videos and then digitally alter all of that. Like Star Wars or whatever. But good.


    There’s another guy who left a message. “Nice Guy Andy”. He’s 34, from Kentucky, obese, bearded, and he likes sexy lady wrestlers and Star Wars.

    Here’s somebody else who replied:


    Ladyboy. He has a Pornhub page and a Fansly.


    Here’s another one. Absolutely obese black man who likes sexy wrestlers and Sponge Square Pants. Honestly, I saw three separate Sponge Bob posts just posted recently.


    And this guy is obsessed with UFOs and ghosts.

    It’s the absolute dregs of society who go to these women’s pages. This is who you want jerking off to your shitty pictures? These are the people who you want to interract with for pennies?

    Not that she puts much effort into her interactions. Everything is one word. Crazy UFO guy asks her if she likes UFOs. Horseface says, “Absolutely.” Good stuff, Horseface. Really interesting.

    Oh, and of course Newt. Newt is jerking off to Horseface’s awful pictures. Speaking of dregs of society.

  • Newt Still Talking About “The Redhead”

    1:15 – He shows a Funcopop that Crystal Quin aka Horseface McGee aka “The Redhead” gave him. He just had it nearby. Within arm’s reach. He probably rubs it on his penis while Joe from Gamesack watches.

    These people are humouring Newt’s delusions that he’s a film maker. Asking him to write scripts about various shit.

    11:30 – Katie Cook says, “it’s nice to hear people talk about fun things like halloween 5, and shark excorsists. I lost a special dog friend today. so thanks for coming on and comforting me guys!”

    Newt replies, “Oh, man. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that you lost somebody today, man. I know very much what that’s like so I commiserate with you.”

    Now, I’m not actually watching. I’m doing other things. So at first, I assumed that this person was talking about somebody they know who died. You know…a HUMAN BEING. So I thought, “What an asshole that Newt immediately brings this back to himself and all of the dead chicks that he fucked up the ass.”

    This ladyboy is talking about his fucking dog. Who the fuck cares? “Gee, guys! Thanks for cheering me up with your Shark Vampire talk! I had to put my doggie down today.”

    First of all, there’s no way that it’s a woman. Even Newt repeatedly refers to him as a man. Secondly, fuck you.

    12:30 – Newt says that he was offered two jobs this week so he’s going to leave some job that he’s doing now.

    15:30 – Newt says that people called his new job and blames Reddit. That’s almost certainly the case.

    16:15 – Newt says that he met up with a “friend” to give her her stuff back. Uh huh. More buttsex with prostitutes? Tell us all about it, Newt. We’re jerking off here.

    32:15 – Somebody is knocking on Newt’s door so he gets up to answer it. Who can it be? This is a real cliffhanger. Some faggot from Reddit? An angry prostitute?

    36:45 – Newt returns. He says that across the street from him is a tattoo shop and a “pot shop”. He must really live in an upscale neighbourhood.

    It was the police at the door asking for Newt’s door camera footage because somebody backed their car into the deli across the street.

    But yeah, I make it a hard rule never to live above a shop. Those places are cheaper but they’re shit. It’s noisy, they’re infested. They’re especially infestested if you’re above a restaurant but any type of shop seems to invite infestation.

    You can find a place as cheap if you just move further out or find a less desirable area.

    40:45 – Newt says that Dark Knight Rises is his least favourite Batman movie, it’s being re-released, and he won’t be seeing it. It’s a reference to Tony from Hack the Movies aka The Italian being in some crowd scene.

    Newt…YOU did the plagiarising. Nobody else. You’re also the one who said whatever heinous shit you said to get Tony and Horseface and Kieran and everybody at Screenwave to shun you. Take responsibility.

    I mean, what did Tony do? “Tony should have taken my plagiarism and insulting comments with grace.” Fuck you, Newt.

    I’m stopping this at 42:00. It’s boring.

  • Is Superheroic aka Gorgon a Woman?

    I was attempting to watch episode 27 of the Point & Drink podcast when I quickly gave up. So I was reading the comments.

    • “That “So many girls watching” comment got me wondering what is the demographic for this show. I like it but I also watch because I view both of your video game shows and streams.”

    Pam replies, “97% male based on youtube analytics”

    Then somebody called Superheroic aka Gorgon replies, “nice to be one of the 3 percenters!”

    I was sceptical. How many women advertise that they’re women? Very few, if any.

    So I went to this individual’s channel.


    The avatar is a mouth, possibly a woman’s mouth, with black teeth. Weird. Not something that a woman would tend to use for her avatar. More the sort of thing that a mentally disturbed man would have.

    He has a few videos. Oh, I already gave it away. It’s a dude. So this guy has a few videos and they’re all from 8 to 12 years ago.

    There’s some weird video game footage that I assume he captured.

    There’s some old footage of goths dancing that I really doubt he had involvement with. It’s just old jerk off material for him.

    Some KFC parody, I guess. I didn’t watch it. Women tend not to be interested in KFC parody videos.

    Drag queen. Now we’re getting somewhere. It’s a dude.

    Some weird “comedy” video of Tonya Harding. Again, not something that women are interested in. I don’t even need to explain why. We all know. We all know that these videos are the videos that a man would be interested. A mentally ill man but a man nonetheless. A mentally ill woman would not be interested in this shit.

    Some anime nerd shit with a Melt Banana song playing. At least it sounds like Melt Banana.

    Oh, it’s a band called Baby Metal.


    “Once you’ve heard it, you’ll never unhear it. BABYMETAL is a band that you’ll either love or hate.”

    No. It’s been done. It’s been done a billion times. There’s a whole genre. There’s nothing innovative that shit. They’re just jumping on the “ironic” Japanese noise scene that was popular 20 years ago.

    Then he has the entire debut album of Lisa Whelchel. You know, Blair from The Facts of Life. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, and there you have, a man in a dress.

    Judging from his interests, I’m thinking that this guy has to be in his 50s. He’s a ladyboy. He’s clearly mentally ill.

    It’s preposterous to claim that you’re a woman when you’re clearly a man in a dress. I don’t mean just physically you have male anatomy, mentally, these people think like dudes. Look at their fucking interests. Here’s a guy who’s interested in retro video games. By Pam’s own statistics, 97% of the people who go to her channel are guys.

    If this guy was a woman, he’d be going to…I don’t know…dance videos on Tiktok. Videos about fashion. Videos about makeup. Videos about how to attract a man. Cute animal videos.

    And the vast majority of these ladyboys are interested in women. They’re not putting a dress on and hoping to get fucked by a dude. They’re looking for women. They pretend that they’re “lesbians”.

    I was watching Big Brother years ago and they had some ladyboy on there. And he’s talking to the women and the women are talking about recipes and whatever. And then he gets up and says, “I can’t listen to this shit” and he goes over and talks to the guys, who were talking about politics.

    This is a woman? Women like talking about recipes.

    Just say that you’re a man in a dress. What’s so bad about that? I don’t think that anybody cares about that. The issue comes in when you try to claim something that’s plainly untrue.

    Superhetoric is not a woman. Women are not interested in superheroes. They’re not interested in comic books. Fuck off.

    “Oh, I know a woman who likes comic books.”

    I’m talking about the average woman. The average woman is not interested in male dominated bullshit comic books, video games, science fiction, whatever.

  • FALL GUY Review – Newt Wallen

    He starts by talking about what a big Fall Guy fan his uncle is.

    I can see that. I don’t remember Fall Guy AT ALL. Nobody was watching that shit. But I was only watching shitty kids shows in the 80s. There was nobody watching shows for adults.

    It was on from 1981 to 1986. Wasn’t Newt born in like 1982? Is he going to pull a Mike Matei and pretend to remember stuff when he was four years old?

    1:00 – Newt says that the director was a stuntman and the movie is a “love letter to stuntmen.”

    Newt should make a movie that’s a love letter to plagiarists. Who are some of the great plagiarists of all time? People always cite Martin Luther King Jr. But then you have people who say that it was just common to plagiarise stuff in those days. Could that be right? In the 1960s? Because by the 1980s this was certainly frowned upon.

    Hey, there’s actually a website for plagiarists.


    Top of the list, Martin Luther King Jr. Yeah.


    Here’s another good one. Oh yeah. Jayson Blair. At least as of 2016, he’s working as a life coach. I’d like more up-to-date information.

    Back to Newt.

    What the hell am I watching this for? Brian Gosling. What the fuck do I care?

    So I’ve been looking for work for like nine months. Nothing. Not a single interview. And I was looking for jobs in my field. I replied to probably 100 job ads. I sent another 10 people who I know my resume cold. Nothing.

    So I said fuck it. I’m going to broaden my search and look for jobs outside of my field.

    I started three days ago. I replied to five ads and I already have two interviews. The jobs pay more than the jobs I was looking at and they’re easier. What the fuck was I doing? I was wasting all of my fucking time with that shit sending resumes to scumbags who don’t appreciate my skills and experience.

    I can’t wait to tell these people that I’m fucking done with this shit. Fuck them. And fuck all the indignities that I’ve had to suffer with this job.

    And if I can get a job with this organisation that I have the interview with, it would be a proper job. No more self-employed bullshit where I have to constantly chase up payments and threaten people with lawsuits. I just go in, do the fucking work, and they pay me. There’s a company pension. There’s career progression. I can move elsewhere. And it’s more than I’m making now.

    So even if I don’t get these two jobs, I’m pretty confident that I’ll get something soon.

    You look at The Ideas Man and he always seems to be able to find work quickly. That’s how I remember the US being. If you’re willing to do anything, you’ll find a job.

    I remember applying to some security guard job and they told me to come in to fill in some paperwork. There was no interview, it was just, “You want the job? You’re hired.” But the place was like an hour away so I asked what the pay is. They said like $5.50. I said, “What? I can’t live on that.” I made $8.50/hour working as a security guard a few months earlier. So they just said, “Oh.” I let the expletives fly. Fuck you. Wasting my fucking time with this shit.

    There was another time when I was working as a substitute teacher. No interview there either. I don’t even think that there was a police background check. I just contacted them, they asked me to come in, I filled in some form, and they put me on the schedule. No training. No instructions whatsoever. Just tomorrow morning, go to the school and whatever happens, happens. $75/day.

    I also delivered pizzas. No interview there either. I just gave them my resume one day and a few months later, they called asking if I was still looking for work. I was. Great. You can start driving for us.

  • How Often Does Kris Glavin Say “Smokeshow”?


    Well, I’ve done the research. Not as often as you might think.

    April 25 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    April 24 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady keep up the great work on fear freaks des”

    April 15 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady hope you had a good weekend”

    April 13 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    April 11 – “Smokeshow”

    April 8 – “Absolute smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    March 30 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    March 28 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    March 25 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    March 14 – “Total smokeshow”

    March 7 – “”mokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    March 5 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    February 22 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    February 16 – “Smokeshow stunningly gorgeous young lady”

    February 8 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    January 21 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    January 20 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    January 19 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    January 16 – “Smokeshow”

    January 16 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady super model vibes baby”

    January 15 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    January 7 – “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    You get the idea. There are all of his “smokeshows” this year. He gets VERY repetitive sometimes with “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady” just spammed. But let’s go through his “smokeshows” for the past 12 months so we can get a full picture.

    • April – 6
    • March – 6
    • February – 3
    • January – 7
    • December – 21
    • November – 14
    • October – 0
    • September – 0
    • August – 0
    • July – 3
    • June – 18
    • May – 18

    What happened between August and October? Was he in a mental hospital so couldn’t tweet?

    And is he slowing down on the smokeshows? If we exclude that three month break and July (which seems to be a part of this break…his last “smokeshow” was July 4) he was averaging over 17 “smokeshows” a month. For this year, he’s only averaging 5.5 “smokeshows”.

    Does he not find these women to be smokeshows any more? And has he not found any new smokeshows?

    It’s not just Horseface who he does this to, it’s also Mint Salad and some sluts who have some vague connection to the horror genre. He really likes these twins who allegedly write horror books….or something…together.

    But interesting, he’s also calling local newscasters “smokeshows”. It’s quaint. People are still apparently attracted to local news broadcasters. I wasn’t even aware that people still watch local news.

    I can recall some smokeshow news broadcasters from my youth. I can’t find any information about them now, though. Maybe being a smokeshow wasn’t enough. Maybe you needed to have some journalistic ability to make it in this business.

    Oh, he also finds Katy Perry to be a smokeshow. Well, we can all agree with that.

    What the fuck? He also finds this random Gilf to be a smokeshow.


    She lives in Boston. Kris Glavin also lives in Boston or somewhere in Massachusetts, I think. He’s presumably trying to get a date with this woman. Who is she? Maybe it’s his mother. “Smokeshow, mom. Sex later?”

    This woman gets a fair number of replies. She must be doing something. She writes a lot about horror movies. “Former comedy press/press photog. Horror/Ska/The Clash junkie. Used to interview famous people.”

    That’s enough? That’s enough to get people to post on your banal messages? That’s enough for Kris Glavin to want to have sex with you?

    And come on. Kris Glavin called THAT woman “young lady”? I can let “smokeshow” go. People have different tastes. But that woman is objectively not young.

    Probably about a quarter of his “smokeshow” comments are directed to Crystal Quin aka Horseface.


    There’s the news woman who Kris Glavin says is a smokeshow. Yeah, I guess that she’s a smokeshow. is she a legitimate meteorologist? It says that she is. Massive tits.

    You know, there was a movement away from hot “weather girls” and toward legitimate meteorologists probably in the 1970s, maybe in the 1980s. People wanted to do away with the sexism. Let’s get qualified people to do the broadcasts.

    But now they’re just finding actual meteorologists with big tits. And there’s no secret what this woman’s function is. She knows what it is. She knows that she’s not there to give you the dew point. Every fucking video is her in a tight dress doing the same pose and shaking her giant tits in front a green screen.

    So nothing has been solved with this. It’s as sexist as it ever was. Can’t we get some grizzled old bag to tell us about the weather? Why does it have to be a young smokeshow of a lady with tits the size of her head?

    My girlfriend was telling me about a co-worker of hers who was talking about a news broadcaster who he finds sexy. So I said, “Was he talking about Carol Kirkwood?” And she said, “How did you know?”

    Because it’s well-known. She’s been the weather person on the BBC news for as long as I’ve been here. And the only reason she’s still doing it is because she has giant fucking tits. She must be in her 60s now and she’s still out there shaking her geriatric milkers.

    We all know what this is about. Just read the comments.

    • “Nothing better than a mature ride with a great top end. Classic cars are good too.”
    • “I love Carol, a real juggernaut of meteorology.”
    • “I can see 2 massive weather fronts coming in !!”
    • “I never knew there were mountains west of Ireland. I’ll have to check my geography map again.”
    • “I love being kept abreast of the latest weather in England.”