
  • Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining has Hot Takes

    Let’s check out what old Jasayla (underscore) has to say. This miserable bitch.

    God, what an autist. She posted that on 13 December. Are you expecting any great releases in the last two weeks of December? And who cares about video game awards anyway? I’ve never bought a game because it won PC Gamer magazine’s Game of the Year or whatever. I’m certainly not interested in whatever the main award-giving body is nowadays.

    Oh, The Game Awards. Yeah. I reviewed some video where Pam watched this shit last year or the year before. All she did was condescendingly comment on the people’s clothes using the word “bold”. “That’s a bold skirt.” “That’s a bold colour combination.” “That’s bold of The Rock to come out shirtless.” Get a thesaurus, you dumb bitch.

    Quest for Glory. I’m sure that I’ve written about this before. About how my mother made me give my copy of Quest for Glory II to my friend and I never got it back. I think that guy is some kind of crooked cop now. I read an article about him beating an elderly couple in a parking lot.

    Oh, yeah. I wrote about him borrowing and then breaking the game here:

    So now what am I going to do? Just check out the news, I guess.

    British girl, 8, crowned best female player at European chess tournament


    Wow, that’s some headline. Eight year old British girl wins the all-Europe women’s chess tournament. It goes to show you what the calibre is of women’s chess.

    But then you click the thing and it’s an Indian girl with a dot on her forehead. Yeah. British, you say.

    Her father claims that she “accidentally” got into chess. Uh huh.

    It’s like how Indian kids seem to dominate the spelling bee competitions. It’s because they have insanely pushy parents. These aren’t accidents.

    If there’s any game that should be co-ed, surely it’s chess. Physical advantages obviously aren’t an issue in the game. So why have a separate women’s division?

    Because women would get crushed in an open chess tournament. Ask yourself why.

    I was listening to Bobby Fischer’s final interview last night. I’ve heard it several times before. It’s with that Filipino radio station.

    People try to paint him as some kind of lunatic because he makes comments like, “The Jew-controlled United States” being behind his persecution. It’s at 6:15 in the video above.

    People will attack his character, say that he’s crazy, say that one or both of his parents were Jewish, whatever. But what they don’t attack is the validity of his statements. It’s all ad hominem distractions.

    This is somebody who’s a master at analysing positions. Cause and effect. Looking at the big picture. He’s not throwing these comments around on a whim or to be controversial or offensive. These are his genuine assertions. I think that it’s worth looking at. Is there any merit in what he has to say? Who cares about whether or not his parents were Jewish? It’s irrelevant.

    I never had any problems with Jews. I thought that the stereotypes were ridiculous. Then I met some Jewish people and I said, “Hold on a minute. Maybe I was mistaken.” That’s what makes life so interesting. You learn stuff.

    Hitler himself describes a similar situation in Mein Kampf. He said that he knew Jewish people and they seemed perfectly fine, like anyone else and he found the anti-semitism so prevelent at the time to be disgraceful. But the more he got to know them, the more he started to say, “Maybe there’s something to this.”

    It’s the opposite of the notion that racism is borne out of ignorance. “If you just to get to know people, you’ll see that they’re regular folk like anyone else.” No. The more you get to know people, the more you realise that the stereotypes are true. Stereotypes don’t come from nowhere.

    Why is it old people who are the most racist? Because they have the experience. They’ve met people and have drawn the obvious conclusions. It’s young people, who haven’t met many people, who are the least racist. The least racist people you’ll find are young people in all-white communities.

    Why is the American South so racist? Because there’s a large population of black people there. They see what they’re like.

    I don’t take pleasure in saying any of this. There are plenty of good black people (genuinely) and Jewish people (theoretically) but you can’t ignore reality.

    Americans have a reputation for being loud assholes. The stereotype is true. Whenever I see somebody being loud and an asshole, it tends to be an American. I’m not a loud asshole but I recognise the validity of the stereotype. You’d be a blind fool not to.

  • The Stupidest Bid on The Price is Right

    This is a classic. I must have watched it fifty times over the years.

    0:00 – “Our top winner in the showcase is Gay!”

    It’s always hilarious. It’s a woman with the unfortunate name of Gay.

    Maybe it’s short for something. Gayle? But why shorten a name that’s already one sylable?


    There’s an interesting graph there showing the popularity of the name. It wasn’t very popular until the 1930s when the name really took off. I’m thinking that the word really gained traction in the 1930s. Wasn’t the decade called “The Gay 30s” or…something? Somehow the word “gay” is associated with the 1930s.

    It maintained its popularity until the 1960s when it really fell off of a cliff. This coincides with homosexuals co-opting the word, of course. By 1973, NOBODY was naming their baby “Gay”. And it remains that way until today.

    This all checks out. This episode of The Price is Right was probably from the mid 1990s. Gay appears to be in her late 30s at least. That gives her a birth year of about 1960.

    Gay’s opponent on the Showcase Showdown is Jose. He’s in the navy. The Price is Right had a history of having military personnel on the show. They tended to be…how to be tactful…not the best and the brightest. And not to spoilt anything but Jose is no exception.

    At the 10 second mark, Jose does a little Arsenio Hall “woo woo woo” rotating fist motion. I don’t know what it’s called but it was popular in the 1990s.

    By the way, Gay is a dental hygenist, according to her t-shirt. She does have nice teeth.

    Ew. I just read the rest of her shirt. “Dental Hygenists ‘Dig’…” something. I can’t see the rest of it. It’s either “Bob Barker” or “The Price is Right”, presumably. It’s probably not “anal”. But “dig” is in quotation marks to emphasise the joke. Do dental hygenists dig at teeth though? Scraping plaque, sure. But digging? What are they digging? I don’t want to think about it.

    Oh, this episode is actually from 2006-2007. I wondered because one of the prizes is an LCD tv. But there’s an appearance of the 35th anniversary logo so that would make this 2006-2007. This must have been a contemporary episode when it was uploaded. It was uploaded in March 2007.

    1:00 – A couple of Kawasaki motorcycles. There was also a living room set in this showcase. Gay, wisely, passes. Fuck this furniture. You know that one of the showcases is going to have a car in it.

    So Jose has to bid. He looks to the audience for guidance, as is common on the show. So he’s obviously familiar with how the show operates. At least to this limited degree.

    1:15 – “When I bid on the showcase, you mean for everything?” Bob, annoyed, says, “Everything.” So…maybe Jose isn’t familiar with the show. Then Bob immediately pressures Jose for his bid, as Bob was wont to do. He wasn’t there to mess around. It’s not one of these Who Wants to be Millionarire things where the contestant hems and haws for five minutes before giving an answer. Bob kept things moving.

    1:45 – Jose bids $250,000. For two shitty motorcyles, a living room set, and a television. Who possibly told him to bid that? Was somebody saying $25,000 and he misinterpreted it?

    Bob, incredulous, mishears him and says, “Two hundred and fifty dollars?” Jose corrects him and says “thousand.”

    There’s immediate silence. The audience cannot believe what is happening.

    So then Bob, even more confused, says “Two hundred and fifty thousand?” Jose goes back to the audience for advice.

    Bob says, “Think about that for a moment now.”

    For reference, there’s only space on the display in front of each contestant for five digits. So his bid wouldn’t even fit on the display.

    Gay is completely giddy. She’s already imagining herself driving her new car.

    2:00 – Then, out of nowhere, Jose says “sixty thousand.” Where is he getting these figures? He thought that the price of those motorcycles and the furniture was $250,000 and then suddenly he dropped down to $60,000? That’s a huge drop. It’s still way too high, of course, but he’s just picking numbers randomly. He doesn’t even know what he’s bidding on.

    He’s probably, I don’t know, in his early to mid 20s. It’s possible that he’s never bought a car or furniture or a tv or any of this. I basically only know the prices of these things from the Price is Right. He’s clearly never watched the show. And he presumably joined the navy when he was 18. He doesn’t have to buy anything. He doesn’t know what things cost.

    Bob accepts the bid of $60,000 because he wants to move things along. He shows Gay what she’ll be winning.

    Unfortunately, the guy who recorded this cut her showcase out.

    2:15 – Gay bids a dollar, of course.

    Then we’re back from commercial. According to the label, Gay’s showcase was a ski boat. That sucks. No car. And who the fuck wants a ski boat? You’re just giving somebody a job to do, trying to sell that shit.

    2:30 – Bob starts with Gay. Jose actually looks hopeful, like he has a shot at this.

    Jose was over by nearly $40,000. Gay starts screaming, as you’re required to do on these shows.

    The comments are hilarious.

    • “Jose must have thought the models were being included..”
    • “actually what happened is that he added up all the prices the audience was yelling which came to 250K.”
    • “It would have been funnier if he bid higher for his 2nd bid. ‘Ok, Bob. You’re right. That was a ridiculous bid. What was I thinking? My REAL bid is gonna be….$488,600!’”
    • “I think Jose just didn’t want to pay the taxes on the prizes. Good strategy”
    • “Jose walked away thinking, ‘Dammit! I KNEW I should’ve stuck with 250,000!’”

    But yeah, people in the military tend to be dopes. The military of course preys on the poorest and least educated members of society.

  • WONKA Review – Newt Wallen

    Well, let’s try to get through this. Obviously, I’m not going to watch the entire 45 minute video. Nobody is doing that. But I’ll shoot for five.

    0:00 – It starts with Scumbag holding his cane while PVC Bondage Guy plays with Scumbag’s stringy, disgusting, foul-smelling hair.

    Scumbag introduces himself and you can’t even hear it. Like…at all.

    It reminds me of a much more wholesome story. Anything to get away from this shit. I went to a local AM radio station during a Cub Scouts trip and they showed us around the station. Then we got to introduce ourselves on air. I was shy so didn’t speak loudly and the DJ had to repeat my name and said, “In case you didn’t hear him.”

    How boring must that show have been, though? Here’s a random Cub Scout troop coming to the studio? It was all grandmothers listening to that station but still.

    1:45 – Oh, I just noticed that PVC Bondage Guy is wearing a Cactus Jack t-shirt. She’s a big wrestling fan, guys. She’s been watching since way back in June 2023. Old school.

    4:30 – PVC Bondage Guy just gets up and leaves. I know the feeling.

    Oh, she was getting her juice or flavoured water or something. I enjoy the flavoured water. You don’t often see it. At least I don’t. In the unlikely event that I’m looking for a bottle of something to drink, I’ll get a juice but in the even more unlikely event that I’m looking for bottled water, I look for the flavoured ones.

    Can’t understand ANYTHING that Scumbag is saying, by the way.

    10:30 – Newt says that Roald Dahl’s daughter was a terrible person. What? This girl?


    She died at 7 of measles. What a bitch, I guess.

    Oh, he had three other daughters. But I’m not seeing anything controversial on their Wikipedia pages.

    15:00 – Newt says that he wants to write and direct a musical. Uh huh. He goes on to say that he has no musical talent. Well, you can’t write or direct either. A lack of talent doesn’t seem to stop you from doing this fucking trash that nobody watches.

    Then he gives his inspiration: Moulin Rouge and the cabaret scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It’s constant tits and gore with this fucking asshole. Change the record. IT’S BORING, NEWT!

    I’m stopping the video. I made it to 17:00. Newt is just talking about what inspired him to reboot his Youtube channel. Something about his passion for movies. Uh huh. More like your passion for Horseface and wanting to woo her back with these awful, awful videos.

  • Godzilla Minus One First Impressions – Castzilla vs. The Pod Monster – Tony from Hack the Movies

    I’ve basically eliminated Tony from my rotation of people who I talk about. But I was watching this recently for “fun”. I used to listen to the Godzilla podcast that he has. He rebooted it a few months ago into a “live” format, which is disasterous.

    This shit is unwatchable. I know that I say this regularly but Johanna is completely insufferable. She has no charisma at all and when she does say something, it’s annoying as fuck. Let me just try to get through a few minutes of this to illustrate my point.

    Oh, this is 90 minutes, by the way. I want to see the statistics of how many people, if any, watch the entire video.

    0:30 – Before it even begins, Tony begs the chat for “super chats”. This is where you give money in order to have your question read. And it’s not even guaranteed that it will be read. I remember somebody having a “super chat” about Newt and they weren’t even going to acknowledge it and then when they did, they just told the guy to fuck off and go to Newt’s channel. This guy who just gave them money.

    1:00- Johanna is wearing headphones that have cat ears on them. Annoying.

    2:00 – Some lunatic just gave Tony $20. For what? He’s advertising his shit “merch” store now.

    3:45 – They were talking about some lesbian scene in some Godzilla movie. Johanna starts her bullshit, “As you know, I hate the gays. If I was gay, I would just kill myself.”

    She’s pretending to be gay again. You know, this woman who’s engaged to be married to a man.

    This is sexy, right? Women who pretend to be gay? Horseface certainly shares this opinion.

    Let’s look at an actual gay woman: Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining. Has she once said that she’s gay? No. She doesn’t advertise. She doesn’t have to. It’s blindingly obvious that she’s gay. She’s doing her thing and doesn’t give a shit what people on Youtube know about her private life. It’s irrelevant.

    Real homosexual just go about their lives. Fake homosexuals have to constantly remind you that they’re gay.

    4:00 – Tony puts a picture of the women up on screen who had a kissing scene or something. Tony says, “Who would want to watch these women making out?” Johanna, with her usual energy vampirism, says, “I sure wouldn’t. They’re not attractive at all.”

    What does it even matter what they look like? I understand Tony focusing on their appearance because he’s approaching it as a heterosexual man who fetishises lesbians and just wants to view it as pornography. But would an actual lesbian take that same sexist, meatheaded view? I don’t think so.

    5:00 – “Tony, you have to get rid of this picture. I’m just staring.”

    It’s a picture of these two women. Get it? Because Johanna is so fucking horny right now. She’s horny for these ladies.

    The point I’m making here is a subtle one and I don’t really know how to describe it. But I’m suggesting that lesbians view sexuality differently than heterosexual men. Because they’re women. Women don’t suddenly start thinking like men just because they’re gay. They’re still women.

    So a heterosexual man might look at a picture of sexy lady and think, “Oh, yeah. I’d like to do all kinds of sexual stuff to that woman.” And they might even voice that opinion.

    But would a woman think that? Even a homosexual woman? I don’t think so. I don’t think that women immediately start thinking about fucking. I think that they’re more nuanced than that.

    I think that a lesbian looking at a picture of a sexy lady would think, “Oh, I like the outfit. I like the makeup. She’s obviously put some work into this. Maybe I can use some of this for updating my own wardrobe and makeup regime.”

    A lesbian is not looking at a sexy lady and saying, “Oh, yeah. I’d love to put a strap on dildo on and really fuck that bitch up the ass.” Am I wrong?

    But Johanna is so far removed from lesbianism that she thinks that it’s just co-opting how heterosexual men behave with women. “Oh, I’m getting really horny looking at this picture of two completely clothed ladies.” Really? Are you? You’re an adolescent boy? Is that how lesbians think?

    Look at gay men. Does a gay man behave like a woman? Is a gay man quiet and demure and submissive? No. They’re just as aggressive and obnoxious as heterosexual men, if not moreso, but they’re fucking dudes instead of women.

    7:00 – Johanna says that she’s married so can’t always see movies with Tony. So…she’s married, to a man, and…yet she’s gay. Isn’t there something in the marriage vows about forsaking all others? Including sexy ladies, presumably.

    Why get married to a man if you’re a lesbian? Isn’t this just common sense? She’s not doing this as part of some visa scam or to help her movie career or anything. Try to squash rumours that she’s gay. It seems to be a legitimate marriage. So…why? If you like women, why marry a man?

    Especially when you like women as much as Johanna apparently does. She can’t even look at a non-pornographic photo of two not particularly attractive women without becoming a raging sex maniac.

    It’s completely fucking retarded.

    8:15 – Some Youtuber nobody has heard of called Adam Olinger is brought in.

    9:15 – Tony shills for the “super chats” again, despite the fact that he hasn’t read any of the “super chats” so far.

    You know what? I’m done. This is shit. It’s totally unwatchable. Newt sitting on his sofa with prostitutes and drug addicts and losers off the street is more entertaining than this shit. I don’t want to watch the totally charisma-free Johanna pretending to be a lesbian while Tony shills for “super chats”. That’s not interesting to me. It’s not interesting to anyone.

  • The Problem with Cloud Surfing in TaleSpin – Mike Matei

    0:00 – “Recently, I’ve been streaming some Turbo Grafx 16 games.”

    See? This is how it’s done, Erin. Erin would have said, “Recently, I’ve been PLAYING some Turbo Grafx 16 games” which is intentionally misleading. But Mike is saying, “Hey, I’ve been playing these games on stream, for money.” Okay. No problem. It’s not the streaming that’s the problem, it’s the lies.

    During the stream, Mike said that he watched the show but wasn’t that into it. But he seems pretty acquainted with the show in this video.

    I don’t think that I’ve ever seen it. I think that I was too old. Let me look this up.

    Yeah, I would have been like 12 or 13. But interestingly, Mike has obviously seen this. He would have been 10 or 11. Mike usually says that he stopped watching cartoons when he was like 8 and that the only cartoons he remembers are things like Mr T and the Dungeons & Dragons cartoons: cartoons that were on when he was like 3 years old. It’s ridiculous.

    But here’s one that actually makes sense. Appropriate age and the dates line up.

    0:15 – So he presents the problem. This character has like a hoverboard and he jumps out of an airplane, holds on to a rope, and “cloud surfs”.

    He, rightly, points out the absurdity of this board not immediately falling to the ground when he jumps out of the plane. It just magically stays on his feet.

    1:30 – He says that if he falls while doing this “cloud surfing”, it means instant death. It’s true. I’ve never heard of any of this, but it looks extremely stupid.

    2:00 – “I asked Erin about all of this and she said, ‘Well, maybe there’s honey on his feet.’”

    It’s death. Any conversation with her is death. How does he do it? She seems to be just as boring, brainless, awkward, and unfunny in real life as she is in her videos.

    “Oh, it’s honey, Mike. Hehe. Isn’t that funny? Like how bears eat honey? Get it?”

    Terrible and painfully unfunny, Erin.

    But Mike goes on about this. He dissects it. Why even spend a second on that dumb, unfunny bullshit? Just move on. Don’t mention it.

    So he continues with the various problems that “cloud surfing” presents in terms of physics and whatnot.

    I thought that the video was interesting, the god awful mention of Erin’s brainless bullshit notwithstanding.

    The boys on Reddit didn’t seem to care for it much.

    • “Imagine being this autistic.”

    This was the top comment. From “nanners” who usually has good takes. The video is raising an interesting discussion about the absurdity of “cloud surfing.” I don’t see it as unusual.

    • “Mike’s back with another unfunny installment of “I Have Too Much Time On My Hands””

    Well, what are you doing? You’re spending all of your time copying and pasting the same three “memes” with other homosexuals. Mike came up with something original.

    • “I don’t care how wealthy Matei is, even though I suspect he isn’t nearly as well off as some people on this sub make it seem, doing this for a living is embarrassing. This dude is in his mid fucking 40s, obsessing over baby cartoons from 40 years ago. Being a porn fluffer is less humiliating than this.”

    There a number of comments along this “man baby” line. It’s done light-heartedly, you fucking retards. What do you want him to talk about? Pension advice? Adult diaper reviews? I don’t think he’s staying up at night wondering about this. It’s a video he made based on streaming this game recently.

    Let’s check out the heavily-scrubbed Youtube comments.

    • “I love that this video now exists. The content we needed, thank you.”

    That was from Erin. See how pointless and unfunny it is? This is Erin. Erin is pointless and unfunny. Negative charisma. No personality. Couldn’t say an interesting thing to save her life.

  • Community Celebrating ZapCristal BEST Moments! – Zap Cristal

    0:00 – It’s your girl Zap Cristal wearing a wig. She’s celebrating seven years on Youtube. Seven years and she’s only achieved half as many views as some weird blog that you have to go out of your way to search for. What a cause for celebration. Maybe in another seven years, she’ll pass me.

    0:15 – She shows her “community” who are going to praise her. Six middle-aged guys. Most of them have beards. Half of them are black. One is Hispanic. Two are white.

    Even the black guys have beards. Is it weird that I find that strange? Am I crazy or do black guys tend not have beards? I’m trying to think of black guys who I’ve known with beards. There must be somebody but nobody springs to mind. I’m just thinking that the hair doesn’t lend itself very well to beards. Maybe this is a completely insane comment.

    “I’m going to reveal some of the amazing and astounding people who are part of the Zap Squad.”

    There’s no such squad. It’s insane how delusional this woman is. She has unbelievably low view numbers on these videos. Show some humility. Show that you have some semblance of reality.

    0:30 – It starts with some Hispanic guy in his like 10 year old daughter’s bedroom. She’s sitting on her bed and he’s pretending to talk to somebody who called (his daughter, apparently) looking for Zap Cristal merchandise. And he’s all like, “Yo, yo, yo. You want da hottest Zap Cristal merch? Well, you came to the right place.”

    You mean your 10 year old daughter’s bedroom? This is creepy as fuck. Who on earth thought that this was a good idea.

    None of these people are introduced, by the way. There are no links in the description. It’s just…here are some black guys talking about me. And this one complete creep traumatising his daughter with this shit.

    Then he shows the various Zap Cristal “merch” that he’s apparently purchased. It’s all trash.

    1:00 – “And best of all, that Zap Cristal children’s sweater right there.” And he points to his daughter who’s been forced to wear this. She looks really uncomfortable.

    There’s something deeply, deeply concerning about all of this. I’m not saying this for comedy purposes. This is not something to joke about. This is fucking really weird and creepy. He should not be behaving like this around his daughter. He should not be involving her in this bizarre attempt to woo Zap Cristal. Where is this girl’s mother? If she’s around, she can not possible be okay with any of this.

    I know that there are cultural differences. There are socio-economical differences. But I don’t think that any of this is right.

    This girl has a Youtube channel, obviously set up by the father. I won’t link to it but you can figure it out if you watch the video. She’s like seven or eight when the videos started. Fortunately, they get Zap Cristal view numbers, so almost nobody is watching. But it’s clearly this creepy as fuck father setting this all up.

    He also has an Instagram for her. It’s all just pictures of her. And they’re not selfies. They’re pictures that were clearly taken by her father.

    Why would a 10 year old have an Instagram? I don’t even think that that’s allowed. I think 13 is the minimum age to be allowed on Instagram. But not only does she have an Instagram, it’s the father who set it up. It’s the father taking these pictures. To what end?

    He’s exploiting his daughter in the most disgusting way. And it’s not even working. Nobody is watching these videos or going to her Instagram. What on earth is he thinking with any of this?

    1:15 – “Yo. What up, Zap.” And his daughter awkwardly waves in the background, obviously embarrassed by all of this.

    This is a grown man filming a video in his daughter’s bedroom trying to woo some hideous woman with 1990s gangsta rap talk. Get your shit together, homey.

    1:45 – Then he goes to his daughter and forces her to say her favourite Zap Cristal video. Come on. Nobody has a favourite Zap Cristal video. This is insane. This is abuse. This man should expect a visit from whatever child protective services there are.

    So the girl barely stammers out “My top five favourite VHS”. Yeah. That’s what the young people want to watch today. They want to watch a middle aged woman giving a boring run down of her favourite VHS videos.

    Everything about this is wrong. But not only did this guy have no problem with any of this, Zap Cristal didn’t see any problem with this video. That’s not surprising because Zap Cristal has a disturbing relationship with her own son. She was making some “sexy” video where she was showing her tits and she was forcing him to film it.

    2:15 – He shows like baby pictures of this girl holding various NES controllers and talks about how she was a, “Retro gamer since coming out of the womb.”

    This is all kinds of rotten. He’s been trying to exploit this girl from when she was born. She’s not interested in retro video games. Why the fuck would she be? This was all forced on her by her creepy as fuck father who I think has gold teeth. He’s trying to exploit her for profit. Fortunately, it’s not working but it still has to have a detrimental effect on her. Maybe it’s even worse that it’s not working, in terms of her mental health.

    And you watch this girl sitting there, with her creepy father talking about, “Yo, yo, yo, I remember when you held an NES Zapper straight after coming out of yo mama’s pussy” and it’s just…you feel so terrible for her. She has this lunatic father. She’s powerless. What is she going to do? This is her life. With this fucking jackass as a father. Talking about private childhood moments like she’s a commodity. “Here are some baby pictures of my daughter, all of you creepy freaks on Youtube. Do you like them?”

    2:30 – He says that he plays with toys and video games with his daughter while listening to Youtube videos in the background. He gives shout out to Metal Jesus, James Rolfe, and then suddenly can’t think of a third example.

    Then he says that one day he saw a John Hancock video called, “Video Games, Kids, and Tips for Parenting”, which featured Zap Cristal. Well, now I’m intrigued. Let’s see what Mother of the Year Zap Cristal had to say. “When you’re making your son film sexy videos of you for Youtube make sure that he knows to zoom in on your tits.”

    Holy shit. This woman thought she was too hot to be an influencer?

    She’s filming with her son playing a video game in the background. None of this should happen.

    Just think about it. You’re ten years old or whatever and you have your creepy as fuck mother filming a video where she’s talking about you to some other creep for the consumption of yet more creeps. I couldn’t imagine it. There was no internet when I was a kid but never in a million years would my mother have done that. As horrible as she was, she wouldn’t have done that.

    I remember her telling me that she said something to my science teacher in the 9th grade at some parent/teacher meeting and I was livid. I don’t remember what it was that she said, it was just some personal thing, but I told her that it’s none of his business and she shouldn’t have told him.

    Take that and magnify it by ten thousand. That’s what Zap Cristal is doing to her son. She’s telling the world all about her son’s private moments from childhood and it’s nobody’s fucking business. She has no business saying any of this. But she’s doing this in a fruitless attempt to get Youtube views and therefore Youtube money. Views and money which are not even forthcoming. So she’s exploiting her son for NOTHING.

    There’s going to come a time, in the not-too-distant future when Zap Cristal and The Gaming Homey here are living alone. Their children have all moved out. And then Zap and Homey are going to start making videos talking about how ungrateful their children are and wondering why they don’t talk to them any more. “I can’t understand it. I tried to exploit them for personal profit and now they don’t want to talk to me. That’s gratitude for you.”

    I hope that Zap Cristal and The Gaming Homey enjoy the worst old folks home in town.

    3:00 – The Gaming Homey gives a shout out to the non-existent “Zap Squad”. Then he says that his daughter was six years old when he started making Youtube videos of her, inspired by Zap Cristal.

    “We wanted to thank you, Zap Cristal, for being a positive influence for female gamers out there.”

    Eugh. No. This is all types of wrong.

    Also, this guy’s son is apparently filming this.

    Then the video ends awkwardly as fuck. That girl did not want to be there. It could not be any more obvious.

    3:45 – So let’s put that unpleasantness behind us and focus on this next guy: a middle aged, overweight, white guy, with a beard, wearing a Star Wars shirt, with extremely hairy arms. I bet he gets all kinds of chicks. Oh, and the baseball cap. Always with the baseball cap. He’s obviously bald and self-conscious.

    Oh, this is 8-Bit Eric.

    4:30 – Some black guy with a beard. This is her “boy” 2Tall. You guys all know 2Tall, right? This is another guy trying to become Mr Wright Way III.

    Why does she attract so many black men? I don’t get it. Maybe just because they know that she’s already married at least two black men in the past so she’s obviously interested in black men.

    5:00 – He says that he enjoyed playing or maybe just watching the stream with Zap and Mr Wright Way II recently but he can’t do it any more because he’s not paying for Game Pass any more. Whatever that is. Some console’s online…thing, I guess. So go get a job. That’s what you should be concerned about.

    It’s these fucking bums constantly trying to get into Zap’s pants and her house. This is the caliber of men that she attracts: unemployed black men who just want a warm place to sleep at night.

    5:30 – Here’s another black man. He’s just called “Geek”. It’s another middle aged, fat guy with a beard but this guy is different. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Oh right. HE’S A FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL.

    8:00 – The VGMobster. This is a white guy literally wearing a fedora.

    He made a music video if you want to torture yourself.

    All of these people are saying that their favourite Zap Cristal video is something that she made recently with Mr Wright Way II. She obviously told them all to say what their favourite video is but it’s impossible that they all chose a recent video. The stuff with Mr Wright Way II is unwatchable.

    9:00 – He suddenly starts speaking Ebonics. He’s trying to trick Zap into thinking that he’s a black guy.

    Then it’s some other guy’s video. He has a Japanese name or something, I couldn’t understand it, but it’s a black guy.

    9:30 – There’s a clip of Zap dancing and you get a good profile shot of her body. God damn. Look at the size of her. SHE’S HUGE! She must be 250 pounds. She completely ballooned after the original Mr Wright Way dropped her.

    “You have to agree, her videos will never age because they have such a relevancy that’s beyond anyone else’s that I’ve seen right now.”

    This guy is just saying words. No, Zap Cristal’s horrendous videos do not have a timeless appeal. They’re not even appealing now, never mind 50 years from now.

    11:00 – Some white guy. I can’t understand what he’s saying. Oh. Mr Toon. His name appears on screen because Zap knows that he’s hard to understand.

    Actually, I don’t know if he is white. He might be Hispanic. I’m not sure if he has an accent or if he’s mentally retarded. I’m not even saying that as a joke. Genuinely, I’m not sure which it is.

    He says that he listens to Zap’s videos in his truck. So I guess he’s a truck driver, so probably not retarded. I don’t know what this accent is then. You would think that he’s from Central or or South America but…I don’t know.

    11:45 – Another bearded black guy. Something…Star Master Music, I think. He speaks with a lisp? I don’t know.

    12:00 – Mr Wright Way II.

    12:15 – “Even before you and me was a thing, I was a fan of what you do.”

    Yeah. You were creeping on her even when she was married to Mr Wright Way. Just like all of these other predominatly black guys are doing right here in this video. Are you so blind?

    So that was the Zap Squad: a bunch of black nerds who don’t have a single job among them.

  • Tuesday Night Late Night Live – Newt Wallen

    0:00 – Good Lord. Look at this guy. I’m going to guess that he’s in his early 30s but he looks much older. He’s bald but has stringy hair down to the middle of his back. And he’s using a cane.

    That last guy who was there used crutches. Do they know anyone who can walk under their own power?

    This guy is a total scumbag. It’s like a parody of a scumbag. Draw a scumbag, you draw this guy.

    So PVC Bondage Guy introduces this guy. She says that it’s her “friend” He’s “ConstantlyStonedAI or HiAi in the chat”.

    She’s talking about the Discord, presumably. Newt has some Discord. So…is this just a guy who she knows from Discord? Some random horntard? I assume that it is. That last guy was too.

    Then this guy leans in for a kiss. Insistently. And PVC Bondage Guy clearly doesn’t want to. But he’s so inept at social cues that he continues so she reluctantly offers her cheek.

    Then PVC Bondage Guy immediately starts violently coughing. She’s so repelled by this guy that she had an immediate urge to retch after he kissed her. Newt blames this on this scumbag smoking but I really don’t think so. Anybody would feel violently ill after being kissed by this guy.

    Yeah, he’s definitely just some weird horntard because Newt then says, “You better go check on your friend to make sure that he’s not trapped outside in Philadelphia.” So this isn’t a guy who she knows. It’s a horntard. He travelled for this.

    0:45 – Holy shit. Who would let their hair get to that state? You’re bald. You’re clearly bald. This isn’t a small patch in the back that you can’t see. It’s massive. Classic horseshoe pattern. Late-stage balding. Come on.

    I mean…this guy’s hair is the least of his concerns but…it’s shocking. These are the people who go to Newt’s Discord. These are the people who go to his channel.

    It’s the same sort of scumbags and retards who go to Erin’s channel or any of these people. I give Newt credit for actually showing these people. Actually spending time with these people.

    Imagine Erin spending time with ShiShi. She wouldn’t do it in a million years. She’s completely repulsed by him. Rightly, of course. But she still happily takes his money and lets him make his creepy comments to her.

    Newt is putting these people on display. It’s valuable. Whenever I look up a horntard on Twitter or whatever it’s always shocking. God damn, look at the state of this guy. He’s a genuine retard or he’s 500 pounds or he’s a giant creep. Whatever. These are the people. They’re desperately looking for friends.

    Everyone else has enough sense not to engage with them. They take their money but they’re certainly not hanging out with them. Not Newt. Newt says, “Sure, come hang out. You can rub on my crazy friend PVC Bondage Guy. We’re all friends here.” Because Newt is desperate as fuck himself and mentally ill.

    1:00 – This scumbag starts teasing Newt’s cat with his cane. And he hasnt’ said ANYTHING yet. He’s just a creepy guy doing creepy shit.

    1:15 – “We had about 50 people to the premiere of XXX-Mas. I think people liked the movie.”

    Fifty, you say. Well, that is a result. Even if we assume that half of them were friends or “friends” of Newt, that’s still 25 people who paid money to see this piece of shit. It’s 25 more than I would have guessed. Newt must have advertised the movie in every massage parlour and gay sauna in town.

    1:45 – Newt is clearly creeped out by this guy, who is still teasing Newt’s cat and still hasn’t said a word. Newt describes the scenario as PVC Bondage Guy “picking up strays and bringing them to my apartment.”

    2:15 – As PVC Bondage Guy continues to gag at the mere presence of this guy, he starts creepily brushing his stringy hair. What the fuck? Get this lunatic out of there. Who knows what he’s capable of?

    2:45 – He finally says something. It’s barely audible. Like he’s struggling to speak. “The last time I got my hair cut was 2018”.

    Dude. Who would possibly let this guy into their home? I know that Newt is mentally ill. I know that PVC Bondage Guy is mentally ill. But come on. There’s a limit.

    Then PVC Bondage Guy starts talking about the last time she got her hair cut and this guy immediately cuts her off and says, “Oh wait. Obama was president. So it was like 2006 or 2007 then.” Newt says, “Oh”. Newt is clearly uncomfortable around this guy, as anybody on earth would be.

    We don’t care when you last got your hair cut. Nobody does.

    This guy is intentionally being as creepy as he can be. It has to be. Nobody is like this normally. I mean, part of this is real, I believe that he’s socially inept (to say the least) but part of this is him putting on an act. He’s trying to be as repellant as possible because he knows that he’s socially inept (and then some) so he cranks it up as like a defence mechanism. “Oh, you people don’t like talking to me? Well, then I’ll reject you by being as creepy as any human being possibly can be.”

    3:45 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she knew this scumbag in 2016 or 2017. The scumbag says, “For a lot of people, this is the grand reveal of my face.”

    Pause the video at 4:02. Newt is creeped the fuck out.

    Then this guy suggests that he should wear one of the masks that Newt has on his wall. Well…it’s not a bad idea.

    By the way, Newt I think always has the chat available to read. The chat from the livestream. But he doesn’t have it for this video. I wonder why. Maybe even the horntards were repulsed by this guy and leaving comments expressing their discomfort.

    Also, this stream is “only” two hours long. Usually, they’re like five hours. Newt clearly cut this one short. You can see him struggling even this early in the video. He doesn’t want to be here. Or, more accurately, he doesn’t want that scumbag to be there.

    6:00 – This guy says that he has a roommate. I just…I don’t even have anything to say. I’m just building the picture of this lunatic. A man in his late 30s having a roommate.

    7:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she can’t look at this scumbag and breathe. She’s blaming it on his apparently overpowering stench of cigarette (or something) smoke but…I think she’s just repulsed. Who wouldn’t be?

    Even if it is “merely” this guy’s stench that’s the problem…fucking bathe. He says that the last time he got his hair cut was 2008. I think that was the last time that he bathed too.

    10:00 – Scumbag is talking about his rating system for celebrities. It’s based on how fun it would be to do prank phone calls with them. Newt wants to anywhere but here. Meanwhile, PVC Bondage Guy is choking on her own bile, not being able to stand the the stench of this guy.

    14:15 – Newt talks about a guy in a bar saying “nice tits” to PVC Bondage Guy. So of course this is an opportunity for PVC Bondage Guy to talk about how everybody wants to have sex with her. You know, this common point of discussion that men typically have.

    16:15 – PVC Bondage Guy is choking on Scumbag’s stench some more and he suggests that he can spray some cologne. The old Dundee Shower. I think it has other names depending on which town or city you want to denigrate the inhabitants of. I wonder why Dundee gets that treatment in Scotland. The people aren’t any more unwashed than anywhere else that I’ve seen.

    16:45 – Scumbag tells a story about how he saw PVC Bondage Guy on a bed and “blew a raspberry” on her stomach, which caused her to jump up in fear. PVC Bondage Guy says that she didn’t enjoy it but Scumbag says that she did enjoy it.

    This guy sure enjoys sexual assault. I mean…how else is this guy going to have sex? Even the prostitutes who Newt pays for would say, “Sorry, I don’t care how much this guy is paying, I’m not doing it.”

    18:45 – Scumbag says that he’s going to squeeze Newt’s ass.

    20:00 – PVC Bondage Guy starts talking about her deep passion for wrestling again. This thing that she started watching six months ago and now she’s all about it.

    How did she know about wrestling until six months ago? And then suddenly she can’t get enough of it?

    21:00 – Newt describes Scumbag as a “man” and Scumbag doesn’t like that. So Newt describes Scumbag as a “carbon based lifeform” instead.

    22:30 – Scumbag creepily asks Newt for some “fist” and Newt then reluctantly bumps fists with him.

    23:15 – Scumbag says that he wants to beat up Steven Segal and seriously suggests that he can do so. This guy who uses a CANE to walk, is a chain smoker, and considers himself to be something other than a man.

    Alright, I can’t listen to this any more. Let’s skip to the end.

    2:05:30 – Scumbag says that he’s leaving to smoke and says he’s also going to stand out there for an extra five minutes to “air off.” Try bathing, asshole.

    2:06:45 – PVC Bondage Guy said that she wanted to look nice for the “premiere” of XXX-Mas. You know, for the fifty people. When Newt saw her, he said, “Yeah, you’ve got your tits out.” Great.

    2:11:45 – Newt is talking about all of his big Hollywood productions. He’s shooting some “blitz porn thing”. Whatever that means. And a “Barbie horror thing” for Donald Farmer. That big shot producer. Then he says that he was contacted today for a “mainstream, network tv thing.”

    Really. Do tell, Newt. Where can we see this tits and gore “movie” starring local prostitutes? I want to set my Tivo. Will it be on NBC? ABC? CBS? This will be prime time, presumably. Maybe the CBS Movie of the Week?

    2:14:45 – Newt says that he wants to end the stream. PVC Bondage says that it’s only been two hours. Newt says that he has to go to sleep soon.

    Newt CLEARLY does not want to continue this with Scumbag. Scumbag is too be a scumbag even for scumbag Newt. It’s unbelievable.

    The guy’s stench is so overpowering that it causes PVC Bondage Guy, who you have to imagine has smelled all manner of unpleasant things, to physically retch just from being in his presense.

    2:15:45 – PVC Bondage Guy suggests that she’s going to train to be a wrestler.

    Look. I don’t want to be offensive. But scroll this video back to 2:15:15 when PVC Bondage Guy was sitting down. She has a considerable gut. She hasn’t had any exercise in her life. She’s a drug addict. She mentally ill. She’s in her mid 20s. I don’t think that she’s going to be a professional athlete. Alright?

    And once again, she’s completely obsessed with this thing that she only got into SIX MONTHS AGO.

    Where has she been that she just learned about wrestling six months ago? How has it passed her by all this time?

    So anyway, PVC Bondage Guy says that she’s going to go Monster Factory in New Jersey for her wrestling training. Do not waste one fucking minute of your time on this, not to mention the money.

    She’s doped up to the gills on a cocktail of anti-depressant medication. Presumably. This might account for her weight. She’s also taking every illicit drug known to man. Earlier in the video, she talked about doing mushrooms that only grow on the backs of caterpillars in China. How on earth does she think that she’s going to be a professional wrestler?

    Presumably, she doesn’t think that she’s going to be WWE or something. I hope that her goal is something more modest like doing a local indy show for no pay. But even that’s a pipe dream. Look at her. She physically can’t do it.

    2:17:15 – PVC Bondage Guy, who hasn’t even taken a single wrestling lesson, says that already has a number of people who want to be her “manager”.

    First of all, wrestlers haven’t really had managers in many decades. Secondly…eugh. It’s just so fucking stupid. The whole thing. She suddenly watches wrestling, six months ago, having not watched it her entire life, and now she’s so into it that she’s going to all of the conventions and is going to “train” at a wrestling school. For thousands of dollars, of course. Presumably, these “school” will take anyone who has the money for their “tuition”.

    PVC Bondage Guy, take the money that you plan on spending for this wrestling “school” and use it to enroll in a nursing course at your local community college. That’s something that you can actually make money from.

    You are not the second coming of June Byers. Stop this right now. You are completely wasting your time and money with this ridiculous, probably drug-fueled fantasy.

    2:18:30 – Scumbag intentionally cuts his finger and then presents it to PVC Bondage Girl who begins sucking the blood from his finger.

    What is there to even say to that?

    Then Newt ends the video, saying that PVC Bondage Guy is “crashing” with him.

    Let us never speak of any of this again.

  • Whore Gets Called a Whore and Caves Immediately – Destiny Fomo

    This is fucking hilarious. There’s Whore Fomo doing a striptease at Disney World, little kids are running past, there are kids in strollers, whatever. Adults are looking at her like, “What on earth is this whore doing?” But she’s totally oblivious to how a normal person reacts upon seeing a whore behaving like a whore.

    So some woman approaches her and and asks her when she’s going to finish this video. This woman, rightly, descibes Destiny Fomo as “nasty”. It’s the epitome of nasty. Behaving like a whore in Disney World? She’s advertising some “bikini stream” in this video.

    This woman tells Whore Fomo off and Whore Fomo just takes it. She takes it all like it’s some john fucking her up the ass. She doesn’t like it but that’s all that she’s good for.

    Then Whore Fomo just say “okay” and quickly puts her stuff in her bag and scurries away. She was PETRIFIED of this woman. Clearly.

    Only later did she upload this video and call this woman a “Karen”. Because Whore Fomo is a total coward.

    Why didn’t she say anything when this woman was speaking to her? Why didn’t she stand up for herself? “Hey, lady, I’m just doing a striptease in Disney World for some horny retards. Relax.” Nothing like that. Because that would have required an ounce of confidence, self-respect, righteousness, dignity, and/or courage — all things that Madam Fomo lacks.

    Instead, Madam Whoremo pissed her fucking pants and scurried away like the rat she is. Hilarious. And she uploaded this herself. She uploaded this video where she comes off as a total spineless coward herself.

    “Hey, look at me, guys. I’m showing off my big titties at Disney World! Aren’t I hot and adventurous and…oh. Sorry, ma’am. Please don’t hurt me.”

    Top comment is from ToastyMarshamallow.

    • “??? HELLO ??? the way i would’ve had to collect her real fast you handled it way better than me”

    I have no idea what this person is saying. But Madam Fomo seems to. Madam Fomo speaks Ebonics. So she replies, “This is Disney here in Florida… me and you would’ve been kicked out of Disney and she would’ve gotten an apology from them”

    I don’t know what that means either but it’s at least approaching English. That first person…what?

    I’m pretty sure it’s a man in a dress.

    Oh wait. Maybe not. No, I think it’s just a really unattractive woman. What’s the opposite of a “fly girl”? That’s what this woman is.

    • “grabbing your sweater is nasty? idk why you always deal with so much harassment you’re literally just hot and mind your business all the time”

    We can see the video, you dumb bitch. She was acting like a whore so got called out for acting like a whore. When you go to Disney World, don’t act like a whore. That’s my advice if you want to avoid angry confrontations.

    So Whoremo says, “I was just showing chat the fit and the sneakers.”

    She’s a remarkably dumb woman but she’s not this dumb. She knows that she was behaving like a whore. We all know.

    • “You just encounter a real Florida Trailer Park Pancake Redneck”

    Whoremo says, “Seemingly it seems lol”

    God, what a brain trust this is. Stick a few more “seem”s in there, Whoremo.

    • “Should’ve beat her ass”

    Whoremo says, “They would’ve banned me from Disney”

    Whoremo…you were NOWHERE NEAR beating anybody’s ass. You meekly said “okay” and ran away. You were close to tears.

    • “I’m confused? Nasty? How? What exactly did she look like?”

    You didn’t watch the video, retard? It’s a known prostitute in Disney World doing a cheesecake striptease for horny retards on the internet. Does that sound okay to you?

    • “How I understand there’s kids around the Disney Parks but you weren’t causing any trouble or being nasty”

    That was from Super Geoff, a man who also regularly gives money to Mike Matei, Erin Plays, and probably any number of female “gamers”. He’s also, legitimately, mentally retarded and I feel bad saying this but these are the people who patron these women. Actual, no-fooling retards. The man works in a grocery store and lives in a group home.

    • “You have freedom of speech and expression in this country. You should’ve called a Disney staff member and called her out. You’re an influencer, getting paid to do your job. her calling you “Nasty” is pure Jealousy”

    Here’s another retard. He’s talking about free speech and then complaining that the woman called Madam Whoremo “nasty” for behaving like a whore in Disney World. What happened to that free speech? That woman was exercising it. Big helpings of delicious free speech.

    • “L Karen / W DestinyFomo, you handled that like a champ”

    Champs meekly say “okay” and then quickly pack their shit and run away? What championship are they winning with that behaviour? The Heavyweight Cowardly Whore championship.

    • “IM SORRY????????????????????? WHAT WAS THE ISSUE????????? IM CONFUSED IS THAT LADY SERIOUS??????”

    Are you some of a re — oh right.

    • “You handle that extremely well. Any other day that woulda been a NY 5”

    No. She had her chance. She didn’t do shit. Where was that tough New York attitude that you’re speaking of? It wasn’t there on that day. Why not? She couldn’t even stand up to a middle aged woman. A woman described in the comments as a “redneck”. What gives?

    Whoremo is a street tough New York prostitute. She’s forever talking about “bodegas” and how her parents had nine children and she grew up in poverty. She’s clearly uneducated. And she’s clearly a prostitute.

    What happened to all the bravado? This was Whoremo’s chance. “Hey, bitch. You can’t talk to me like that. I’m from the mean streets of New York. If you’re looking for trouble, you found it.”

    No. Instead she said, “Oh” and ran away like a bitch. Like the bitch she is. Getting pimped out by TuanX.

    • “You better than me. Cause I would’ve been like…”

    And he posts a video of The Rock saying, “Shut your bitch ass up.”

    Oh, really. That would have been you, James? Well let’s see your videos then, tough guy. Let’s see your videos of you doing a strip tease in Disney World and then getting called out and then you laying the smackdown on middle aged redneck women.

    There are no such videos because you’re at least as much of a pussy as Madam Whoremo is. And that’s saying something.

    • “You should’ve asked her, “What exactly was “Nasty” about it?” I’m confused here. You weren’t gesturing in any way. Smh”

    Doing a strip tease in Disney World with children all over the place, you fucking retard.

    • “Unfortunately I’m sure KAREN was white…DestinyFomo has color, I’m sure she was targeted way before she even did anything”

    And there’s the weirdo trying to string a sentence together suggesting that racism was at issue. No. Your comment is racist. There are plenty of black women or Puerto Rican women or whatever Madam Whoremo is who don’t behave like whores when they’re at Disney World. Let’s not give no-class whores a pass just because they “have color”.

    Destiny Fomo took the abuse because she knew that she was 100% in the wrong and she was rightly being called out. Even if it was a situation where the woman was wrong, which she wasn’t in this case, Whoremo wouldn’t do shit. When you get down to it, she’s just a cowardly prostitute. Getting taken advantage of is her entire life. If she was able to stand up for herself, would she be traveling to Japan and getting fucked in the ass by that creepy fat guy Kid Shorykun and all the other low-lifes she has to have intercourse and/or sodomy with? She’s doing all of this because TuanX tells her to do it and she doesn’t know what else she can do with her life. Selling her pussy and her ass and giving all of the cash to TuanX is the best plan that this genius has been able to come up with.

  • The Last 5 NES Games Ever Released – Erin Plays

    0:00 – “I always find it interesting to learn which games which were released at the end of a console’s lifespan.”

    Really? You “always” find that interesting?

    I don’t think that you find it interesting at all, and never have at any point of your life. But you just decided to rip off John Riggs. This is what he’s been doing of late, right? The last games released for a console? He has a lot of videos like this. Let me look this up.

    There’s an example. He has a lot of these. It’s the same premise as Erin is doing. This is where she got the idea. Totally ripped off John Riggs. She’s going to be doing cereal reviews next. And shilling for electric bicycles. And exploiting transgender young relatives of hers. And creeping on other women who make video game “content”. And gaining 300 pounds.

    “So I thought it would be a good idea to start with the NES.”

    Don’t turn this into a series. John Riggs already turned this into a series. Six months ago. And I didn’t even want to watch John Riggs talking about this shit. John Riggs, who actually knows about video games.

    Let’s see, he’s done one on N64, Game Boy Color, Atari 2600, Sega Master System, Game Boy Advance, Super Nintendo. You can see the playlist here:


    And he also did one on NES.

    So this has been done, Erin. You know it’s been done.

    Well, is Erin watching John Riggs’ channel? No. She’s not watching any video game “content”. But Mike must have told her about this. Or one of the horntards.

    I don’t know. Maybe Erin will deny any knowledge of this. Maybe she’ll blame it on Newt Wallen. Or an unnamed intern. But this is a clear fucking rip off.

    “The Super Nintendo came out in 1991 but they were still releasing games for the NES well into 1994.”


    There is no way that this is a coincidence.

    0:45 – Mario’s Time Machine.

    4:15 – Flintstones. So she spent nearly half of the video just talking about Mario’s Time Machine. And it was nothing remotely interesting, of course.

    5:45 – Crash Test Dummies.

    7:15 – Jungle Book. By the way, she’s talking about all of these games as though she’s only played them for the first time for the purposes of this video. Which is accurate but…who gives a fuck about her opinion then?

    9:00 – Wario’s Woods.

    11:45 – “If you were interested in this topic, I can do this for other consoles.”

    No need. John Riggs has already done it. He’s done a far better job of it. Not because he’s awesome but because anything anybody does is far better than anything that you do. You’re a total fucking fraud with no charisma whatsoever.

    John Riggs should start making videos about Britney Spears. And then he should start getting fucked up the ass by Mike Matei for $6,000/year.

  • Point and Drink Adventure Episode 21 – The Thinker – CannotBeTamed

    0:00 – Pele asks Pam how she is. Pam hesitates and then says, “I’m…okay. I’ve been very busy and kind of stressed out.”

    Pam…do you know how social interractions work? “Fine.” The answer that Pele was looking for was “fine”. She’s not genuinely asking how you are.

    I’m reminded of some mental health place that I worked at. Not the one that I wrote about before but a different one. And I overheard a pyschiatrist asking some nutjob how she is. Just as a greeting, in passing. And this lunatic said, “Ummm…well…” and was about to unload all of her problems when the psychiatrist said, “It’s perhaps a difficult question” and shut that nonsense down.

    1:00 – “I’m happy to have a glass of red wine in my hand.”

    Pam must be happy a surprising amount of time. She probably won’t be so happy when her doctor tells her about having cirrhosis of the liver but for now she’s happy with her alcoholism.

    Let’s skip ahead. I’m not watching this pretentious crap.

    6:15 – Canadland Podcast. Oh, I’m on tenterhooks here. Lay it on me, ladies.

    It’s about the LCBO. Uh huh. These women are LCBO alright.

    Oh. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario. How silly of me not to know that.

    10:00 – There’s some kind of corruption on this board and the CanadaLand podcast exposed it to all six people who listen to that. So Pele suggests that corruption is endemic in the wine industry. “Review this wine and I’ll take you out to dinner.”

    Is that all it takes? Dinner? I’d be expecting a lot more. A handjob at a minimum.

    “Some sort of BS, under the table thing can absolutely happen.”

    Oh. Maybe I can get that handjob after all.

    16:30 – Skipping ahead. They’re talking about movies that they’ve watched recently.

    Let me just scan the timestamps. I’ll give Pam this: her autistic timestamps keep these videos from being completely unwatchable. Because if I just had to stumble around blindly, no way would I watch any of these.

    Oh, they’re splicing in scenes from the movies now. Way to go, Pam. You’re putting some effort in.

    19:00 – Pele says that Mommie Dearest is beloved by drag queens. Uh huh. I mean, it probably is but who gives a shit? Why mention this?

    21:00 – Paris is Burning. This is one of Pam’s choices. It’s about gay ballroom dancing in New York.

    Hey, ladies, do you watch any heterosexual stuff? They love watching stuff of men dressed like women. They love emasculating men. This is their thing. This is why Pam behaves the way she does. She hates men. Pele as well, apparently.

    Pam goes on to say that only three of the young men who appeared in this film were still alive 30 years later. Yeah. Let’s talk about what actually goes on in the homosexual community. It’s demented, weird shit. We’re supposed to just accept this. “Oh, sure, fuck random men in a public toilet. Nothing wrong with that.”

    24:00 – Reservoir Dogs. Pam says, “Wasn’t Reservoir Dogs almost entirely men?” Pam, like Pele, hates it because it’s full of heterosexual men.

    Let’s move on.

    27:45 – Bone. Black man robs a white couple. Pam enjoys the race issues explored. Uh huh.

    31:00 – Napoleon. How are they going to turn this into something gay and/or woke? Let’s find out.

    Well, Pele keeps calling Joaquin Phoenix “Joaquin Penis”. I guess there’s that.

    Then they talk about a tv show. Then they talk about video games for a while. I’m not watching this. Come on.

    Then they end with their pick ups. No. I can’t do it.

    Comments. You have to be a real hardcore horntard to be watching this stuff.

    Eh. Nothing interesting. What about Pelee’s Twitter?


    It’s just promoting her Twitch.

    Oh, Pelee is also the face of…whatever this is. Great.

    Eugh. Where to even begin with this? It’s a butch lesbian pretending to get turned on by the butch Star Trek character Captain Janeway.

    I mean, I don’t care that Pelee looks like that. If you want to get all muscular, that’s your business. And if you want to be a butch lesbian, that’s your business too. But…it’s gross. You have a right to do what you do, I have a right to say that it’s all gross. That’s what makes America so great. Some of that free speech.

    Butch lesbians aren’t a new thing, of course. Not even butch Filipinas with butch white women. But at least the ladies in Fanny had talent.