PVC Bondage Guy Uses a Chequebook

We’ve reached rock bottom. I’m talking about PVC Bondage Guy using a chequebook. By the way, I know it’s “checkbook” in the US. And “cheque” is one of the gayer British spellings. Nothing beats “tyre” for “tire”, though. So just bear with me while I use “cheque”. We all what I’m talking about.

19:00 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she carries her chequebook with her.

I’m trying to think of the last time that I’ve used a cheque. I used to get them in the UK for my first few yeras of living here, I guess. This would have been like 2005 to 2007. But it’s been a very long time since I’ve had one. I don’t even know if it’s an option to get them any more. I don’t remember ever using them but I had the actual book.

In the US, I remember they would show you a book of all the different pretty cheque designs you can order. Cheques with flowers on them or birds or rainbows or whatever. As a man, I just went with the regular blue cheques. But I don’t remember ever writing a cheque anywhere for anything.

Rent? Yeah, I must have used cheques for rent, I guess. I wasn’t giving cash. And there was no way to pay with credit cards. The landlord was just the woman who lived downstairs.

Oh, the taekwondo classes were paid for with cheque but that was my mother paying. She used cheques a lot. Even for buying groceries and whatnot.

Anyway, it’s been at least 20 years since I’ve used a cheque. What the fuck. Everybody has a debit card.

Although, saying all of this, some people do pay me by cheque for jobs that I do. It’s so fucking old-fashioned, though. They have my fucking bank details. They can easily transfer the money. No, let’s post a cheque like a caveman.

But I think that the US is considerably lagging the UK in terms of banking services. I mean, we can see an example right here. PVC Bondage Guy, a hip young man, is still using fucking cheques. If the facilities existed to do an online bank transfer or use a debit card, surely she would do that.

19:30 – Newt says that he had a landlord, I think fairly recently, who insisted on payment by cheque and wouldn’t even allow him to post it. And this landlord lived two and a half hours away. Who the fuck would do this?

Well, not scumbag Newt. He’d send his employees, who worked in a movie theatre, to go visit his landlord.

This all demonstrates the medieval landlord/tenant situation that still exists in the US, the employment situation, and the banking system. Absolutely none of this shit would go on in the UK. People have rights here. People have fairly easy access to justice. If some piece of shit employer told me to do his personal errands, they’d soon find themselves before an employment tribunal.

19:45 – PVC Bondage Guy says, “I write cheques because I frequently have to deal with bureaucracy.”

She gives the example of her passport expiring soon. Right…so you transfer the money via online banking, right? Apparently not in the US. Cheques.

She gets speeding tickets. Right…cheques again? It seems so. The fucking courts don’t accept debit or credit cards? It’s unbelievable.

22:15 – PVC Bondage Guy starts talking about his bra size. Something about DD being the same as E. Umm…how am I doing down there? Oh. Totally flaccid. Well, keep trying with this desperate shit, I guess. Can we get back to the cheque talk? Maybe that would get the blood flowing.

By the way, really unflattering outfit from PVC Bondage Guy today. She doesn’t seem to get it. Sure, you can dress like a whore but it’s only going to look flattering on…let’s just say certain body types. PVC Bondage Guy needs to class it up.

And what happened to the titular PVC bondage outfits? She just moved on, I guess. Those were not flattering either but at least she was more covered up.

23:45 – PVC Bondage Guy says that she wears clothing between a “small” and a “large”. Uh huh. I mean…maybe? Maybe she’s buying a small prostitute outfit and squeezing her large frame into it. But that doesn’t mean that she’s a “small”.

Anyway, I’m done with this shit.

5 thoughts on “PVC Bondage Guy Uses a Chequebook

  1. Outside of rent and utility bills I stopped using checks in 1997! I can understand a public works or a big apartment requiring checks if you had to process thousands of them. What’s weird is how you’d balance a checkbook and do it based on the balance that theoretically would be there after everything cleared. Which was weeks. I was a paperboy so I had a checkbook when I was 12! Holy fucking goddamn shit! I had one because you had to buy the newspapers you sold. What money you made from sales you kept and you bought the next week’s shipment with some of that. One time a customer (who was probably a paroled sex offender) paid with a check and the damn thing bounced. But that made hell on my bank account for some reason, because the balance was off and they charged me $25 for it. I can barely remember. So I had to go to this guys house and explain how he fucked everything up and get $25 for the fee and the $3.50 or whatever it was for the papers that week. Seriously how fucked does your life have to be to bounce a check for a newspaper? Anyway I remember a commercial for a visa bank card with Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny or something and then I got a card and said fuck checks. In fact fuck cash, as long as I have money in the account I’m good.
    It’s funny because I remember these were specifically called DEBT cards I saw them everywhere on tv for 6 months. But idiots would say DEBIT which I guess is a word, the opposite of credit. And I’d go back and forth hey it’s not a deb it card it’s a debt card the b is silent. But then I saw the pronunciation change in advertising. The assholes won in the end I guess.

    I wonder if Metz’s (met se zez?) checks ever get declined because her two forms of state ID have her “dead name” on them.

    1. Oh and after reading the details of PVC bondage guy’s money problems, it’s horseshit. Courts take cash. Criminals don’t have bank accounts and credit cards. I paid for speeding tickets with cash in the 90s. They took checks too. Passports are done at the US post office. They take cards.

      1. I could understand not wanting to pay cash at a court. There are plenty of upstanding members of the public, like PVC Bondage Guy, who are going to court. Civil cases, for example or, as in this case, speeding tickets. It astonishing that there’s apparently no facility to pay by credit or debit card at a court. I’m sure that it varies regionally but there should be nowhere in the US, in this day and age, where you can’t go to a court and pay with a credit or debit card.

        I could swear that passports used to be done by mail. No need to go anywhere. But I looked it up and now I’m expected to go to the embassy in London for this? Take a day off from work. Possibly have to travel the previous day and stay in a hotel. And it’s the same for my citizenship in a European country. I have to go to their embassy in person too. So that’s two trips I’d have to make in one day.

        And there’s always a fucking mile-long line to get into the US embassy. If you’re a citizen, you get fast-tracked past all of the unwashed masses but it’s still an unpleasant experience.

        Then you get in there and there are all of these darkened windows with people behind them. You can’t see them but they’re talking to you. Fucking weirdo shit. My grandfather used to talk about seeing shit like this when he went to the Soviet Union.

  2. So I watched the first 20 seconds of the video and I wanted to puke. Between the always growing Newt forehead and the awful lighting, they seem to have given up.

    This time, not even a decent thumbnail. YouTube has no standards.

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