Halloween Haul 2023: A plethora of tchotchke items | Marshalls, Homegoods & TJMaxx – Super Retro Gal

Oh, Super Awkward Gal is back. Or at least she was, two months ago. I should probably subscribe to these people so that I know when they upload a new video. I’m not subscribed to anyone who I talk about…. Read moreHalloween Haul 2023: A plethora of tchotchke items | Marshalls, Homegoods & TJMaxx – Super Retro Gal

Rarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era | Full Movie (Part 3 of 3)

35:00 – “I’m glad that there are people grading video games because they’re doing history a favour.” This is shameful. I don’t know who this guy is, by the way. He appeared earlier in the video but I don’t know… Read moreRarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era | Full Movie (Part 3 of 3)

Rarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era | Full Movie (Part 2)

Let’s resume the “fun”. 10:15 – This is Heidi. She’s a big “gamer” from Sweden. She has a blog here: https://retro-video-gaming.com/about/ Hasn’t been updated since 2018. She’s also on Youtube. That ended in 2017. Her Twitter must still be active… Read moreRarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era | Full Movie (Part 2)

Rarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era | Full Movie (Part 1)

The “movie” starts and some giant nerd is talking to a guy in a video game store in California. The guy owns the store? I guess? He’s hard to understand. He’s a Mexican guy. Part of it is the accent… Read moreRarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era | Full Movie (Part 1)

RetroMagic event + EPCOT shenanigans – Super Retro Gal

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiYfpBZlqQk The triumphant return of Super Awkward Gal.  You know, that weird woman who killed her husband’s grandfather. She’s doing some Disney shit.  That’s never interesting.  But she has several of these videos that she posted recently.  Let’s…well, let’s hope… Read moreRetroMagic event + EPCOT shenanigans – Super Retro Gal