
  • Various Shit Jobs that I had in England

    I don’t know where any of these jobs slot in time-wise. I don’t even know what my first paying job was. A lot of these “jobs” were for one day so they’re not memorable. But I’m going to try to only talk about jobs that I had during this period when I was in Wembley with these Sri Lankan guys.

    After I got the reference from this volunteer job, I was able to get paying jobs through these parasitic job agencies that dominated the employment market. I’m thinking that the first job was a teaching assistant job.

    I had a few sporadic days as a teaching assistant. A teaching assistant is something that they seem to have in England for like…I don’t even know the terms. But for children in grades lower than secondary school. So like middle school. Or elementary school. Whatever term you want to use. Children who are like 12 years old and younger.

    Every class, seemingly, for this age bracket would have a teaching assistant. It was just somebody to help the teacher maintain order in the class. You’d stand in the back. So when the teacher’s back was turned to write something on the board, you could see if anybody is causing problems. And if somebody needed help with their work, you could help them? I guess? I don’t even know. This was part of the problem. I have no fucking idea what the job entails. This job does not exist in the US. I don’t know what the role is.

    So I’d get there and just try to figure things out. Take it all in.

    They didn’t like that. I was never invited to return for another day. I’ll have more to say about this teaching assistant bullshit later because I did this job, very sporadically, up until the time I got a proper job, which is like two years down the line.

    I also did exam invigilation. Again, this is not a job that exists in the US. You just have to watch the students take some kind of exam. What’s the exam? I don’t fucking know. I think that it’s some kind of standardised test. They were like high school kids. You were just supposed to check for cheating and give people erasers (“rubbers” as they’re called) and shit like this. Sometimes you’d be there with a teacher, sometimes just by yourself. It was easy as fuck. I never saw anybody cheating.

    This job went better but it’s tough to fuck it up. Nevertheless, I think that even with this job, schools were telling the agencies not to send me back there. So I’d do one of these exam invigilating jobs at a school for a day or two and then maybe a month later, I’ll get another day or two from a different agency, at a different school.

    I also did a day of construction work. This was, of course, through an agency. I had no construction experience.

    So I’m told that there’s a job on a building site and they need people to clean. They tell me that I need protective shoes to do the job. Fine. So I go to some shop that sells gear for construction workers (they’re called “builders” in the UK) and I get some shoes. They were like fifty pounds.

    I go to the job. There are like twenty people who are also there for the same job. They needed twenty people for the job, apparently. It was a good mix of immigrants and just desperately impoverished English people. Maybe a 50/50 split.

    So they send us out to different parts of this building and a manager comes and gives us all a vacuum cleaner (or “hoover” as it’s called in the UK, based on the Hoover brand of vacuum cleaners). He tells us to vacuum the various rooms.

    I do my section. Then I do it again. Then I do it again. I’m looking around. How long should we keep doing this?

    I don’t know what the building was, by the way. It was just a big, I assume recently built building.

    I meet some African immigrant. He’s confused about this whole situation too. We’ve already cleaned everything three times. Should we look for the manager?

    The manager comes over. “Are your hoovers not working?” Oh. So we cleaned everything again. And again.

    This African guy starts telling me about Africa. How people don’t see Africa as a tourist destination. He asks if I would want to travel to Africa. I tell him that I don’t have any money now so I’m not thinking about travel. It was a shit answer but this is how I was. I didn’t want to have small talk especially while I’m always in this desperate financial situation.

    Some guy comes up to me, he was from the Caribbean. A black guy. And he says, “Don’t you have protective shoes?” And I say, “Yeah, these” and I point to my shoes. He says that I need steel toed shoes.

    So he got some other manager. Some Polish woman. And he said that I shouldn’t be working here. I need steel toed shoes. The Polish woman looks at the shoes and she says, no, it’s fine. This Caribbean guy looks really annoyed.

    Then after I cleaned everything ten times, this Polish woman comes and gets us. She assembles everybody in a room. The twenty of us who were there at the start. And she’s talking about how there was some kind of delay with the work. That’s why we were cleaning the same area all day. But we’re going to need everybody to come back tomorrow.

    Well, almost everybody. She takes me to a room and says that I don’t need to come in any more.

    It was because of the shoes. I’m trying to remember what shoe-buying guidance I was given. I remember that there was a phone call from some guy at the employment agency. He may have specifically said that I don’t need steel-toed boots. And he must have given me the address of this construction shop because where else would I have found out about it? It was a shop that only sold gear for construction workers. And they only had one type of shoes. They were chunky, construction type shoes.

    But I remember that they were £50 because that’s what I got paid for the job. So I made nothing from this job. It all went to those shoes.

    There was a plastic keychain on the shoes. I still have this keychain on my keys today to remind myself of the absolute shit jobs that I’ve done. It helps to appreciate what I’m doing now.

    Groundwork is the brand name of these shoes.


    These were the shoes. They’re £40 on Amazon. And they apparently do have a steel toe. So I don’t know what the problem was. The guy just didn’t like the shoes. Maybe it was a fashion thing.

    I never heard from the agency again, of course. That’s the way with these things. But there are so many agencies that it doesn’t matter. You just go to all of them. You can even go to a different branch in the same company.

    The problem that I kept having with jobs, and interviews, is that I was, “Too quiet and won’t fit in.” So I started looking for jobs that don’t require any interaction with anyone. I was perfectly capable of having work-related conversations with people. I was capable of working in schools. I did all of this in the US and there was absolutely no problem. But in the UK, they’re looking for somebody “fun” to work with.

    So I started looking for data entry jobs. You sit in front of a computer, you input the data, you go home. Don’t have to talk to anyone.

    Even with these jobs, I had difficulty at interviews. I’m apparently too quiet and won’t fit in for a job that requires no social interaction at all.

    But I did get a data entry job through an agency. They needed like forty people. The agent said that if I knew anybody who needs a job, let him know. He’ll take anybody. They were really desperate for people.

    I quickly figured out why. The job was from midnight to 8.00 am. It was in some warehouse. It was a one hour bus journey from my home.

    Almost everybody was an immigrant. I remember one South Asian British guy but everyone else was an immigrant. The boss was an immigrant. He was from Pakistan or something. A lot of the people there were South Asian immigrants. There were also some European immigrants.

    The boss was a total asshole. He ran the place like a sweatshop. He would regularly yell at people. If you stopped typing for a short while, he’d tell you to get back to work. You had to keep working right up until 8.00. If you stopped even one minute before, he’d give you shit for it.

    I don’t remember what data was being inputted. A lot of it was numbers. Some of it was words. It was filling in some forms.

    One day, I was speaking to a German guy before work. And I said that this is the worst job I’ve ever had. Which may be true. I don’t know which was worse, here or the asylum. Anyway, this German guy just said that he’s had worse jobs. He just said it in a matter of fact, Teutonic way.

    A lot of the people there didn’t speak English or their English was poor. So obviously they’re going to have difficulty with the job.

    Also, I think that I was the only person there who knew how to type.

    So this guy was a giant asshole to me, as he was to everyone, right up until he saw my work. A few days into the job, he was walking around and checking on everyone and saw that I was doing phenomenally. Then I became his favourite. He moved me to the back of the room where the best workers went. That South Asian British guy was there and some other people who used a computer before.

    I was clearly the best worker there. Clearly. No question. I mean, the competition wasn’t good but it was overwhelmingly immigrants and I typed 80 words a minute. I was doing the work of ten of those people.

    There was a guy there who was really bad at the job. Because he didn’t speak English. This was a problem with a lot of the people there. They didn’t speak English.

    So this boss is going over this guy’s work and berating him. “How could you write that? That doesn’t even make sense.” Then he turns to this British Asian guy, reads what this other guy wrote, and says, “Does that make sense to you?” This British guy didn’t reply. This manager’s behaviour was absolutely abhorent and everybody knew it.

    That guy didn’t come back. A few people probably got fired. I didn’t really notice. People probably quit as well.

    I worked there for a month maybe. Maybe not that long. Then I had a job interview for another data entry job. I needed to take a day off to go to the interview. The interview was at 10.00 or something and because it took so long to get back from that job, I wouldn’t be able to get there in time.

    So I called the agency.

    Me: I can’t come in tomorrow.

    Agent: Why not?

    Me: I’m sick.

    Agent: You’re sick.

    Me: Yeah.

    Agent: How are you sick?

    Me: I don’t know. I have the flu or something.

    Agent: You have the flu or something.

    Me: Yeah.

    Agent: I have to say that I have a hard time believing that.

    Me: I don’t know what to tell you. Do you want a list of symptoms?

    Agent: Okay, okay. Fine. You’re sick. I’ll let them know.

    Then I go to the job interview, I’ll cover the details in another article, and I got the job. That day. The day of the interview.

    So I called the agent up.

    Me: I won’t be coming in.

    Agent: What? You mean ever?

    Me: That’s right.

    Agent: Well…okay.

    Absolutely deplorable agency. Deplorable job. Deplorable manager. And the job paid like £7/hour.

  • Crystal Quin was at MagFest

    What did she do there? I don’t know. This is the only insight we got. A single picture of Horseface and Johanna. And…eugh. I have to describe Horseface for the blind viewers out there.

    It’s…eww. She’s wearing skin tight PVC pants. I don’t want to see that. She’s wearing three-quarters of a shirt, which is an improvement over the half-shirt that she usually wears. It is winter, after all. She’s dressing warm. She’s showing off her sexy arm fat. And she’s wearing a whole lot of makeup. It is not helping, Horseface.

    What do you suppose causes that arm fat? Did she used to have buff arms and then she lost it? Let me look this up.

    “What Causes Fat In Arms? Arm fat is often a result of excess fat in the body”

    Oh. Maybe it’s as simple as that. I was thinking how like when fat people lose weight, there’s a lot of loose skin and it can only be removed through surgery.

    Why am I going into this embarrassing detail about Horseface’s appearance? Because she’s convinced that she’s a hot chick. But fucking look at her. It’s total delusion.

    Oh, and I neglected to mention that Horseface is wearing some kind of bondage gear. In public.

    I wouldn’t jerk off to this shit in a million years. But this is what she thinks people are doing. Everybody wants to have sex with fucking Horseface over here. In her mind.

    How long can this narcissistic delusion even hold out? At some point, she’s going to have to realise that she’s not a hot chick. Right? Is she still going to be thinking this when she’s 60? And what is going to happen to her when the day of enlightenment comes? Because her entire personality, her entire sense of self-worth, is based on her gross misconception that she’s a hot chick. You take that away from her, what’s left?

    And ironically, this whole delusion of hers makes her way less attractive. If she just presented herself as an average looking woman, dressed normally, behaved normally, had some humility, she’d be…whatever…a 5/10. But her unbelievably horrid personality requires a two point deduction. She’s a 3/10. And I’m being generous with my scores.

    • “You both look NUCLEAR Hot!!!”

    That was from Collector Chris.

    That guy is…no nuclear hot. He’s in his 50s, I’d guess. Giant nerd. Has a Mystery Science Theater 3000 banner. And all of his tweets are about 1980s nostalgia, video games, and “hot” “nerd” women who he jerks to.

    Oh, Kris Glavin also replied. FOUR TIMES.

    • “Stunningly beautiful young ladies”
    • “Have a great time”
    • “Crystal queen looking badass”
    • “So unbelievably gorgeous”

    Here’s one from Frederick Tarsatana

    • “Looking great like the outfit”

    He has no tweets but in his grainy, low-resolution picture, it’s some fucking fat guy in a wrestling t-shirt.

    Where are the hot guys at? I never see any buff guys showing the guns on these gamer grrls’ Twitters or Youtube comments or whatever. It’s always the same type of people. Guys in their mid-30s to mid-50s who are giant fucking nerds and are hard to look at. Many of them are obese as well.

    If we reverse the genders, it would be like an average-looking guy making videos and tweeting about knitting, and everybody who comments is a total dog of a woman.

    Actually, maybe that wouldn’t be far off from reality. Let me look for a Youtube channel of an average-looking man who knits.


    This right here. This is the guy. He’s a 5/10 and all of his videos are about knitting. I chose knitting because it’s a stereotypically female hobby just like video games or horror movies are stereotypical male hobbies.

    Unfortunately, this guy is gay but I’m not sure if that will matter.

    All of the comments are going to be from women. Right? Let’s check.

    Yeah. TheHermitChick. Eva Harr. Trish Kimble.

    I may have stumbled onto something brilliant here. If you want the adoration of women on the internet, just start talking about a topic that women enjoy. Doesn’t matter what you look like. They’ll watch the fucking videos. Same fucking strategy that these basic gamer grrls employ.

    Is this guy on Twitter? Yeah.

    He’s not having as much success there. But he doesn’t actually talk about knitting. It’s just random bullshit.

    I think that if he focused on knitting talk, he’d have all kinds of bitches replying to his posts. And I’m betting that they’d all be the equivalent of Kris Glavin or that enormous black guy or any of these other omega males who post on Horseface’s Twitter. And they’d all be talking about how hot this guy is. Even though he plainly is not.

    This is what people should be doing. If you’re looking for a date or just the adoration of random women on the internet, start doing some shit that women enjoy doing. Knitting, cooking, pop music, horticulture, theatre, jewellery making, flower arranging, dancing, yoga. This sort of thing.

    It’s exactly what fugly bitches like Horseface are doing. Exact same strategy. Be a fugly bitch but do it in a sub-culture that’s overwhelmingly male. This is how you get male attention. This is how you get guys talking about how hot you are.

  • WTF Wednesday Review: Big Trouble in little China – Newt Wallen

    0:00 – “It’s Melissa. She’s on camera.”

    I…think that this is somebody who Newt used to do videos with at some movie theatre. She would film the creep show videos with Newt and PVC Bondage Girl. She was also at some convention with Newt and she was dressed as…some kind of masked prostitute. I don’t remember.

    But here she’s dressed normally. From what I can tell. She’s barely in frame. She obviously doesn’t want to appear on camera.

    “She promised that if we got to 10,000 subscribers, she’d appear on camera.”

    Newt, nobody gives a fuck about your subscriber numbers.

    Then Newt complains that the original plan was to have PVC Bondage Girl also appear in this video.

    2:30 – Shout out to Bolo Yeung.

    I’ve never seen this movie, by the way. I have no interest. But I saw Enter the Dragon many times. Also Kickboxer.

    Anyway, years ago, I remember seeing a video of Bolo Yeung’s son. He was in some body building competition. Totally roided out. And somebody in the comments, apparently seriously, said, “Is he natural?”

    I think that this was the video:

    4:30 – Newt tells a creepy sex story. And, as anyone with a brain could have predicted, this woman is not digging it. At all.

    5:00 – Then Newt tells a story about how Justin Silverman’s father owned a gay bar. And Newt was dating Justin Silverman’s sister. I don’t like saying this, especially since I don’t even know my memory is correct, but I think that I heard that his sister was a prostitute. But…this would fit with Newt’s lifestyle.

    10:15 – Newt is drinking a beverage right from the large bottle. One of the benefits of living alone. Not something you want to advertise, though.

    Newt keeps talking about how awesome Asian people are and white people suck.

    Well…I mean…all the white people who Newt seems to know do suck. So I can understand where he’s coming from. But…maybe find some people white people who aren’t scumbags. They’re out there. There are plenty of them.

    And not all Asian people are great. They’re all not all kung fu masters either. Plenty of scumbag Asians.

    I read an article that said that Chinese people were the most dishonest people on earth. They did a scientific study. They made people from various countries flip a coin and then report how many times they got “heads”. And the more times that they got “heads” the more money they would get. Something like that.

    The results were all self-reported. Nobody checked that they actually were getting heads or tails and how often. But obviously, the average percent of “heads” should be 50%.

    Chinese people reported the highest percentage of “heads”, suggesting either that Chinese people are really lucky, or they’re liars.

    I sent this article to some Chinese woman I was talking to. She said, “What’s the margin of error?” She completely discounted the accuracy of this study.

    But it’s true. Chinese people have some real fucking problems. They’re rude. They don’t wait their turn in lines. Their table manner are non-existent. And they think that China is the best in all facets of human achievement.

    I’m not saying that China is wholly without merit. They’ve done some good stuff. Paper, for example. We all like paper. Lao-Tzu had a lot of good stuff to say. I read loads of books on Taoism as a young man. And sweet and sour chicken balls.

    But the best country in the world? Fuck no. Not even close. They’re not in the top 20. In terms of where I would want to live, not in the top 100.

    12:00 – Newt starts complaining that this woman isn’t talking enough. It’s a sure fire way to ensure that she never appears again.

    12:45 – Newt starts talking about how hot she is.

    14:30 – Newt is outraged about the outrage over The Little Mermaid being black in the latest Disney movie. “Mermaids aren’t real. They can be anything.”

    Yes, but we’re talking about a specific mermaid. Arial. She’s white. She’s a Caucasian mermaid.

    Just another example of Newt hating on white people. It’s adolescent white suburban kid behaviour. You think that white people aren’t cool. You want to hang out with the homeys. The vatos.

    I hung out with Mexican kids when I was in like the 9th and 10th grade. No Mexican person has ever given me any problem in my life. And who doesn’t like the big titties that so many Mexican women have? You know what I’m saying, Newt? I get it.

    But still…you shouldn’t shit on your own race. You can like Hispanic people and black people and Asian people and whatever but also like white people. Just an idea.

    15:15 – Newt says that he was drinking and smoking with this woman before the movie. Smoking those jazz cigarettes.

    Didn’t Newt say not long ago that he hasn’t done any drugs? Now he’s smoking la cucaracha and doing edibles and whatever. What’s going on? All part of his descent, I guess.

    Anyway, I’m not watching this any more.

  • Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed is WAY better than Velma – Tony from Hack the Movies

    It’s Tony from Hack the Movies with two random guys. I looked them up. It’s just…I don’t know. Friends of Tony, I guess.

    They both have Youtube channels but nobody is watching the videos. One of the guy’s latest video is of his trip to an aquarium in Atlanta. Just some vacation video.

    Well, who doesn’t enjoy aquariums? I went to one…where was this…I think it was in Amsterdam. And they had a conveyor belt around like the shark tank. Is conveyor belt the right word? It was a moving…platform. Like at the airport. You stand on it and…it moves you around.

    This was genius. It went slow enough that you could take in all of the sights and it eliminated the worst thing about aquariums: assholes who hog the window. You’re standing there, waiting patiently to see the seahorses or whatever, then the people who were looking at the seahorses leave, then some kids immediately jump in front of you and start looking at the fucking seahorses. And their immigrant parents don’t give a fuck that their feral children are running around. It’s awful. So you just have to fucking move on and look at the zebrafish or something instead.

    There’s a similar setup to see the crown jewels at Buckingham Palace or where ever the crown jewels are. You just go on the conveyor belt and it takes you around the crown and whatever else comprises the crown jewels. It’s great because otherwise, you’d get some fat fuck Americans standing in front of them for ages. Blocking your view.

    Anyway, Scooby Doo. Do I really want to watch this? No. No, I don’t. But let’s give it a chance. You have ten minutes, Tony.

    0:45 – Tony is making a joke about how these guys were on a previous episode, also about Scooby Doo, and the views were 10% lower.

    Who gives a shit? The numbers are negligible. This is exactly why his views aren’t as high as they could be. He’s constantly trying to work the algorithm. “How can we get slightly more views? Oh, I know. Let’s review horror movies for every episode with a horsefaced woman.”

    No. You get more views by putting out consistently engaging content.

    I’m three minutes in. It’s fine. I guess. But I’m taking a nap. Tony has this effect on me. I’ll get back to this later.

    How long was I out? I think about an hour. Maybe 90 minutes. Anyway, I’m going to go eat something now.

    I put a pizza in the oven. I’m kind of doing that OMAD diet. You guys all know about the OMAD diet, right? One meal a day? It’s slightly quicker to say “OMAD” and there’s the added bonus that you sound like homosexual asshole.

    I’ve been doing it since about November. I’ve lost about ten pounds. That was already my target so I’m kind of trying to find the right balance to maintain the weight. Adding Pringles to the diet. Have to determine the right number of Pringles.

    Maybe Tony should try the OMAD diet. He’s a big fat guy. And personally, I don’t get hungry during the day. Not ravenously, at least. If I do get a bit hungry, I just eat some gummi bears or something. Not a lot. Just a few.

    I’m still waiting for the pizza to cook. What’s the weather like in Chalfont these days? Let me check.

    It’s 52 degrees. That’s 11 Celcius. That’s not too bad. What’s the weather for me today? It recently got pretty cold.

    Yeah. 36 degrees or 2 degrees Celcius. Way colder than in Chalfont. That’s surprising. It’s usually pretty mild year-round in the UK.

    Still not ready. I’ll give it another three minutes or so.

    Has the grocery store pizza situation improved at all in the US? Twenty years ago, it was only frozen pizza. And to their credit, the frozen pizza in the US is much better than the frozen pizza in the UK. Tombstone, Jack’s pizza, these were way better than the UK equivalents of Chicago Town or Dr Oeteker. Dr Oeteker is a fucking German brand. When you think of pizza, of course you think of Germany. I had it once. It was so fucking bad that I had to throw it away. This is memorable to me because it’s the only time that I’ve had to throw pizza away for being inedible.

    But I don’t buy frozen pizza in the UK. I get fresh pizza. They sell them in the grocery store in the refrigerated section. Totally normal. They have brand name stuff and some stores that have an in-store kitchen even sell the pizzas that they make there. Way better than any frozen pizza that I’ve had.

    I’ve never seen this product in the US, though. Only frozen pizzas. I wonder why. It’s clearly a superior product. And Americans like pizza. They can’t stop eating the stuff. Maybe there’s some logistical problem. Or maybe General Mills or whoever owns Tombstone has a lock on the market and won’t allow it.

    That was delicious. So back to the video? I guess. Briefly.

    7:45 – They start summarising the movie.

    11:15 – Tony badly mispronounced “canon” twice. So it wasn’t an accident. What the fuck is this? I don’t even want…that’s your ten minutes up, Tony. Let’s look at the comments.

    Nothing interesting. Oh, great. There’s a theme here. Twitter?

    It’s all just promoting his boring videos.

    Great job as always, Tony.

  • Erin Plays and Mike Matei play Kickle Cubicle on NES

    She played this game once, on stream, for money. Let me check the archives.


    Yeah. It was a two hour stream. So she played this game two hours in her entire life. She just commented on all of the cute fruit and vegetable enemies.

    So now she’s playing with Mike. She loves this game. It’s where her heart is. She played it once in her life.

    0:00 – “It’s been a while but we’re back home.”

    Oh yeah. She was visiting her parents yet again. I would say that she’s with her parents about 1/3 of the year. It really suggests that she’s not happy with this sugarbaby thing.

    “I have streamed this before. I’ve played it before. Obviously.”

    Yeah. That one time when you streamed it. And that was the only time that you played it. But Erin loves creating the illusion that she plays video games in her spare time. She never comes out and says that but she implies it constantly.

    “But it’s been a while so I might be a little rusty.”

    No…Erin…listen. You only played this game one time in your life. So “rusty” is a clearly misleading term. “Rusty” suggests that you used to be able to play the game at a high level and now, given the time that’s elapsed since you’ve last played it, your skills might have diminished.

    But that’s not what happened here. You’ve only played this game one time in your entire miserable life. And it was briefly. On stream. For money. You were NEVER good at the game. You never put enough time into the game to get good. So it’s not rust. It’s shit. You’re shit at the game. You’re shit at the game because you’re a complete novice at the game. You have almost no experience with the game.

    Why can’t she just be honest? For once in her fucking life? People read the blog. Does she think that the horntards don’t know about the blog? Those retards can read. Some of them. Probably. Or they can have somebody read it to them. We all know about this fucking con. We all know that you don’t play video games in your spare time. It’s fine. NOBODY FUCKING CARES. The issue is the blatant dishonesty.

    0:15 – “So we’re probably going to suck at first but then we’ll get better. At least that’s the ideal goal.”

    Then the game starts and Erin says, “Okay. How do I do this?”

    This is what I’m talking about. She doesn’t know ANYTHING about the game. She only played it that one fucking time.

    Here’s how the stream should have began. “I’m Erin. This is my sugardaddy Mike. We’re going to play this game. I’ve only played it once. It was on stream. So I don’t know much about the game. Bear with me.”

    Fine. It’s fine, Erin. We don’t care. But don’t insult our fucking intelligence with this bullshit about how you’re actually a pro gamer but you just “forget” everything. Because that’s not how it works. I can pick up a game that I played 20 years ago and still be able to do a respectable job at it. Because I put the hours in. Like a normal person. I don’t “forget” everything. I don’t have to be “reminded” of the controls or the central premise of the game.

    Mike: You shoot the blue guys and then you make the ice cubes.

    Erin: Oh, that’s right.

    This is rust? She didn’t know the fundamental aspect of the game. It’s like picking up Super Mario Bros and saying, “What do I do here? Jump on the enemies? Oh right. I forgot.”

    “I was thinking that you move these.” and she’s referring to what seem to be immobile rocks. Why doesn’t she know this stuff? Because she played the game one time in her life. Briefly. On stream, for money.

    You’re playing Pac-Man. “What do I do here? Eat all of the pellets? Oh, that’s right. I forgot.”

    Space Invaders. “What do I do here? Shoot all of the aliens? Oh, that’s right. I forgot.”

    Fuck you, you fucking retarded, lying bitch. Even if she didn’t know this, why didn’t she just play the game for two seconds with her fucking mouth shut and figure it out? It’s not hard. There are two buttons. Press them. See what they do.

    0:30 –

    Mike: It’s like Gauntlet. There are like spawners.

    Erin: Oh, yeah. That’s right.

    Gauntlet is a game that Mike and Erin played recently, on stream, for money. That’s why he made this reference. Because he knows that the only things she “remembers” about video games are things that she recently played on stream, for money.

    In case anybody needs this pointed out, she’s terrible at the game. She has no fucking idea what she’s doing. She doesn’t know the objective. She obviously therefore doesn’t have any strategy. She’s just doing random shit, not knowing what’s going on.

    1:15 –

    Mike: We don’t really know.

    Erin: Yeah. We don’t remember anything.

    You see the difference here? Mike came out and said, “We don’t know anything about this game.” Because that’s the correct word to use when you’ve barely played a game. You don’t “know” anything about it. This is information that you’ve never possessed. This is all new to you.

    Erin, on the other hand, insisted that they don’t “remember” anything. This implies that they used to have the knowledge but now they don’t.

    No. Erin is a fucking fraud. She’s a compulsive liar. I don’t know how Mike stands it. Kick that bitch out. Let her go back home to mama permanently. If you get lonely, call up Tony from Hack the Movies. He’s single. You guys can play video games together and whatever else you want to do. We’re living in modern times.

    How much better was Mike and Tony Tuesdays than Erin and Mike Mendacity? Massively better.

    1:30 – Erin says, “Anyway, this game is delightful but it gets kind of tricky.”

    How does she know? She expressed a total lack of knowledge about this game. Zero. But somehow she knows what the later levels are like?

    I mean, obviously the later levels are going to get more difficult. That’s the general nature of video games. The early levels are easy and as you continue playing, it becomes increasingly difficult.

    But she doesn’t know this for a fact because knows nothing about the game. And there’s no reason to just say, in general terms, that games tend to get more difficult as the levels progress. We all know this.

    “I like this little corn man. Isn’t he cute?”

    Go. Fuck. Yourself.

    “I’m the lord of the fantasy kingdom and I am wizard corn.”

    Mike is not digging this. He gives her a look part-way through this awful, totally ignorant attempt to pretend that she knows something about video games or nerd shit or whatever, like he’s willing her to shut the fuck up. He knows that this all comes off as totally disingenuous. He knows that she comes off as a total fraud. Because she is a total fraud. And a terrible one at that. She’s a horrible liar. It’s blindingly obvious that this is all a scam.

    1:45 – Mike changes the subject.

    Mike: The guy that we’re playing as, I don’t think that I ever thought of this before, I think that he’s a snowman.

    Erin: I don’t think that he’s a snowman. I think that he’s just a cute little guy who’s all bundled up. Maybe he’s a snowman but he doesn’t have a carrot nose.

    It’s just…aside from the lies, which is basically everything that Erin says, she’s just horrible at conversation.

    2:00 –

    Mike: Look at that box art. What’s going on there?

    Erin: (long pause) There’s lots going on.

    See? IT’S AWFUL! She can’t contribute AT ALL to ANYTHING. She’s never done anything. She has absolutely no life experience. And she’s a total fucking moron. So this is what you get. Idiotic lies that are clearly lies and generic comments.

    “What’s going on there? Oh, lots of stuff is going on.”

    Uh huh. Like what, Erin? Do you want to say anything remotely witty or interesting? No? Just generic bullshit. Okay. That’s all that you’re capable of. That’s fine. But then don’t make fucking Youtube videos. Because the idea here is to entertain the audience. This shit is not entertaining.

    2:30 – Somebody in the chat says that the character is George Costanza. Erin says, “Maybe but I don’t think so.”

    Why not? Why don’t you think so, Erin? Do you want flesh out your answer or just give us your usual generic bullshit.

    In case it needs to be pointed out, Erin never saw Seinfeld before. Not even a joke. Erin, who’s all about “the 90s” never saw the second most popular show of the decade. She also never saw Friends, which was the number one most popular show of the 1990s. I’m not making this up. She said this before. Let’s go to the Archives of Lies.


    Mike references the “Dingoes ate my baby” line from Seinfeld. Erin is totally unfamiliar with it.


    A horntard makes a reference to Jon Voight’s car. Erin has no idea what’s going on.

    Then there’s this video:

    Go to the 31 minute mark. A horntard asks, “Seinfeld or Friends?” Erin replies, “If I had to pick, I guess I’d say Seinfeld but I never really watched both. Friends makes me very…I hate that show.”

    Right there. She doesn’t know who George Costanza is. She doesn’t have a fucking clue. She’s never seen the show. That’s why she just gave this generic answer. “It might be George Costanza but it probably isn’t.” Brilliant, Erin.

    “That would be weird. Now I’m not going to think about anybody else but George…Costanza when I look at this guy.”

    She had to stop and think of the character’s last name. SHE DOESN’T KNOW THE CHARACTER. She doesn’t even know that he’s from Seinfeld.

    It’s like if somebody suddenly started talking about Malvolio. Trying to have a conversation with you about Malvolio. And instead of saying, “Who the fuck is Malvolio? Why are you talking about Malvolio?” you said, “Oh, yeah. Malvolio. I guess that the character does look a little like him. But it’s probably not him.”

    You’re just pretending that you know who Malvolio is. It’s obvious. This is what Erin does all the fucking time. Because not only does she not know anything about the works of Shakespeare, she doesn’t know anything about ANYTHING.

    3:00 – Mike says, “Have you guys played this game before?”

    No, Mike. I haven’t.

    See? See how easy that was, Erin? Honesty.

    And what do you think is going to happen as a result? “OH THAT GAMER GRRLS GUY! HE’S A FAKE GAMER!”

    No. Nobody cares. You’re not expected to play every fucking game. It’s okay. And we all know that you haven’t played ANY games. And that’s okay too. Just be fucking honest about it.

    Mike: What do the P’s on the bottom do?

    Erin: I don’t know.

    (she takes one)

    Erin: What did that do?

    (she takes the other one)

    Erin: Oh, that kills everything on screen.

    She didn’t know this. She “forgot”. She’s “rusty”.

    4:00 – Erin is reading from the chat. “You had a copy but you lost it? That sucks.”

    Great chat, Erin. It’s just generic bullshit. You want to fucking engage with the horntards? Or tell your own stories about games that you lost?

    She can’t. She can’t do either of those things. She’s incapable of having a conversation and she never had any games to lose.

    4:15 – Erin says, “I like the background how it’s like a checkered…ummm.”

    What? A grid? Like in so many other games of the era? Especially puzzle games? This is fucking…I’ll get to five minutes and then assess what I’m going to do.

    Mike: There’s an arcade game called Pengu and you’re pushing blocks and I think that this is a little bit like that.

    Erin: Yeah, maybe.

    At least she gave a noncommittal reply. Because she clearly doesn’t know what Pengu is. Or Kickcle Cubicle for that matter.

    5:30 – Then Mike reads the Wikipedia article about Kickle Cubicle. Not even joking. And he sees that it was originally an arcade game.

    Mike: I don’t remember it being in arcades. Is it Japan only?

    Erin: I’m sure.

    What the fuck is she basing this opinion on? She has no idea what any of this is. She didn’t even know that there was an arcade game. Why is she so confident that this game was only released in Japan?

    “Because this is, like, good.”

    Well…I think that we’ve reached a natural stopping point. Erin’s reason for why this game was probably a Japanese exclusive is because it’s “like good.” She seems to be under the impression that no good arcade games were ever released in the North American market.

    What can I even say to that? She doesn’t have a fucking clue. About anything.

    So what are we going to do about this? It’s a two hour video and I only got to 5:40. HA! 5.40! Like that thing that James Rolfe said five years ago! All of the retards from Reddit are trying to compose themselves now.

    Am I going to do a part two? I still haven’t finished the Crazy Castle video. I only got to part 3 out of 16. I just couldn’t watch that shit any more.

    Well, I’ll just leave it here for now. Maybe I’ll come back to this video, maybe I won’t. But we need closure on this arcade question. Was it only released in Japan? I’m guessing no.


    “The game was released in the US for both the Arcade and NES as “Kickle Cubele”.”

    So I guess it was released in the US?

    But the only playthroughs I can find are the Japanese game. Like here:

    Somebody at World of Longplays would probably play the North American version if there was such a version.

    So maybe Erin is right. Maybe it was a Japanese exclusive. Because the game is, like, good.

  • More Sucks2Suck information – Newt Wallen (allegedly)

    Now Newt released a “teaser” video on his channel.

    From the description: “I have joined my friend Fallon in production on this cool social media take on Vampires”.

    That’s not what she’ll have us believe. According to the IndieGoGo page, it’s all her. She’s doing everything.

    Let’s watch the video. Maybe all will be explained.

    0:00 – Starts with a bad CGI explosion. Then this prostitute comes out of a casket.

    Why would an explosion cause a casket to…or is the casket causing the explosion? Probably best not to devote too much brain power to this shit.

    “Well hey there boos and ghouls.”

    What? I have to listen to this for a fourth time. Is that what she’s saying?

    Boos and boils?


    Who was directing this video? Newt or the prostitute herself? If it’s Newt, he should have done a re-take. One where she’s speaking semi-coherently. If it was the prostitute herself, this illustrates one of the problems when you’re “directing” yourself.

    “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Fallon.”

    I only knew that she said “Fallon” because I knew her name already. If I didn’t know her name, this would be another head scratcher.

    And this is being filmed on a tripod, I think. Because her head goes out of frame for a split second. This is…this is not giving me hope that the movie, assuming it ever gets released, is going to be at all good.

    Let me crank the volume up. Maybe that will help.

    “And I have some really big…ahem…news.”

    And she adjusts her jacket. We thought she was going to say “boobs”, right? She has big boobies. You guys like big boobies out there in the blogosphere? All of you blog heads.

    What are the popular blogs nowadays? Is The Drudge Report still going?

    The Drudge Report does still exist. Very hard to read, though. I didn’t know what was going on. Confusing layout.

    Oh, TMZ is considered a blog. And Perez Hilton. Well, I’m in good company then. Wired is also on here.

    Anyway, back to this woman’s 40 year old breasts.

    “I have some big news that I’m thrilled to share with you about my new (film)”

    “Film” was the difficult word to hear this time.

    I’m not being an asshole. Look through my fucking 1000+ articles. How many times have I complained that somebody is difficult to understand? Only a handful of times.

    But this woman is hard to understand. Maybe there’s a technical explanation. The microphone is bad or something. I don’t know. But it’s a fact that I’m struggling to understand this fucking video.

    This is amateur hour over here. This is not the work of Youtube professionals. And I want to know where the blame lies. Is it with Newt or is it with this prostitute?

    She then calls the film “Sex to seck”. At least that’s what I heard. And I listened to this three times. This is what I’m having to do with this video. I’m constantly having to rewind and listen again because this is bad.

    And this time it can’t be blamed on an audio problem. An audio problem wouldn’t cause mispronunciation. This woman just can’t speak. This is a professional actress? Let’s look at her IMDB.


    A lot of uncredited roles. A lot of “Patient #1” type roles. A lot of these are short films. A lot of these appear to be student films.

    But a big picture of her with a lot of makeup and filters with her tits out.

    Can we get a date of birth here? No. That’s a secret. But it’s the 1970s. I can tell you that much.

    0:15 – “With your help, I’d like nothing more than a happy ending but that costs money.”

    This doesn’t even make sense. She made a “sexy” face after saying this so it’s a double entendre. But…oh my god. Maybe it does make sense.

    A “happy ending”, for anyone who requires an explanation, is when you go to a “massage parlour” (which is a euphemism for a house of prostitution) and the “masseuse” (prostitute) gives you a handjob. Rubs your dick. Masturbates you to climax.

    It’s strictly for men. If you don’t have a penis you’re not going to one of these “massage parlours” and you’re certainly not getting a “happy ending.” It’s not physically possible.

    So is this woman saying that she has a penis? I would not be remotely surprised. Newt seems to attract ladyboys. Half the people who comment on his Twitter are ladyboys.

    And if she’s not a ladyboy, which I’m not ruling out by any means, WHO THE FUCK WROTE THIS? It doesn’t make sense for a woman to get a “happy ending.” It’s a physical impossibility.

    Is there a woman somewhere in the universe who goes to “massage parlours” and expects to be masturbated after the massage? Maybe. There might be one such woman in the universe. And I guess for that one woman in the universe, you could say that she got a “happy ending”.

    But we’re talking about the 0.0000000000001% of the population who goes to “massage parlours”.

    “But not that kind of happy ending. See, this is a horror comedy.”

    WHEN DOES THE COMEDY START? Is this the level of comedy we can expect? Shit that doesn’t even make sense read by a prostitute who can’t even speak English?

    As for the horror, yes, I suppose that I’m pretty horrified by this. So well done there.

    0:30 – “Sex to seck is a huge deal to me personally.”

    I defy anybody to tell me that she’s saying “Sucks2Suck”. She can’t even pronounce the fucking title of the movie.

    “Not only am I acting and writing but I am taking a stab at directing a feature film for the first time.”

    And when she said “stab” an annoying sound effect played. I thought that something fell. No. That was intentionally inserted in post-production. And it made it difficult to figure out that she said “stab”. You’re taking somebody who already has difficulties with speaking clearly and adding shit on top of it to make it even more difficult to understand.

    “I wanted to share the experience with my closest friends, who just happen to be exceptionally talented and creative and love horror as much as I do.”

    Really? Who? Can we get some names? Do you want to give credit to anyone?

    Newt Wallen is not going to mentioned anywhere in this thing, is he? But he’s putting the money up. He’s writing this. He’s directing this. It’s all Newt Wallen. And this whore is just taking the credit.

    It’s the same fucking thing that happened with James Rolfe. Why does The Ideas Man continue to allow himself to get used like this?

    Then she starts outlining the plot of this movie that Newt wrote. Or maybe he didn’t write it. I don’t fucking know. Who can tell? Everything is a fucking lie with these people. Maybe he just plagiarised it. Who the fuck knows?

    In any event, the plot sounds like total dogshit. It’s about a prostitute who has bad luck and then get involved in something sinister. Wow. Bad luck, you say? And they get involved in something sinister? This is something that I have to see. I’m totally intrigued. Does stuff happen in the film? And then it gets resolved by the end? Wow. You are a fucking writing genius.

    1:15 – “I am so stoked to be part of such a brilliant cast.”

    Radical. You’re really dating yourself here. People haven’t said “stoked” in over 30 years. You might want to watch that.

    Then she names some of the actors in this thing. It won’t shock you to learn that I never heard of any of them. There’s no fucking Brad Pitt or anyone like that. And that fat chick, who’s apparently a friend of this prostitute, will also be making her debut as a new “scream queen.” Eugh.

    1:30 – “We also are planning on having a C (???) with other celebrities, guests, and horror icons.”

    What in the name of fuck is she saying. She had a case of syphilis in her eye after she said the letter “C”. So…we’re supposed to be in on something. I guess. But I can’t understand what the fuck she’s saying. Come on. This is bad. REALLY bad.

    Was it “seat”? That wouldn’t even make sense, would it? Having a seat where? Was it “scene”? I don’t think it was. And that wouldn’t make much sense either.

    Send your answers on a postcard, please.

    “I wrote Sucks2Suck to honour everything we all love about horror.”

    Well, first of all, she finally pronounced the name right. So good stuff.

    But again she’s taking full credit. Newt describes himself as the “co-writer”. And I’m hazarding a guess that he’s the SOLE writer. He shits these scripts out in one day. Why would he need this woman’s help? This woman who, as far as I’m aware, never wrote anything in her life? And listen to her. She lacks the mental capacity to write anything.

    “Plus bring some new things to the…uhhh…chopping block.”

    It sounded like “shopping block”. I only figured out what she meant because there’s no such thing as a shopping block. Well, not one that would make sense in this context, anyway. And again, they put an annoying noise in post-production which made all of this even more difficult to understand.


    What in the fuck? I had to listen to this a bunch of times too. I don’t even know what a “final girl” is, which made it all the more difficult to try to decipher this shit.

    “And smashing stereotypes along the way.”

    I…this is exhausting. What fucking stereotypes? Stereotypes about “final girls”? Now I have to look this up.

    The last woman or girl alive in a horror film.

    So…what? What are the stereotypes about such a character?

    God, this is dogshit. She’s saying nothing. She’s saying nothing for three and a half minutes. Do they even have a script? This is just generic bullshit. Oh, we’re making a movie. It’s going to be a tribute to great horror movies. It’s going to smash stereotypes. There’s going to be boobies. You’re going to like it.

    Is it about vampires or something? I have no fucking idea. Give us something.

    “I’m really fortunate to have a killer crew and creative partner Newt Wallen.”

    Well, well, well. Looks like The Ideas Man started kicking some ass. Does the IndieGoGo page still not mention him?

    It does not. No mention of Newt Wallen anywhere on that page.

    Anyway, she just drops it. She doesn’t say anything about Newt. Maybe list his past achievements. You know…ummm…there’s the comic book. He made a comic book. It’s still not available for sale. But he says that he made a comic book. And…Swamp Zombies 2. He had some kind of nebulous role in that. And Screenwave Media. He wrote some scripts for Monster Madness. Oh. Maybe we shouldn’t mention that last one.

    2:15 – “I would like nothing more than to give these final girls the film justice that they actually deserve.”

    What does any of this mean? Fucking…I don’t give a shit. This woman is a total moron. And apparently her hands are really cold. They’ve been between her legs the entire video. Newt couldn’t afford the heating bill for this “studio”.

    “With your help, we can secure additional talent.”

    How about any talent? She should have said, “With your help, we can secure talent. You know, actual actors and directors and writers and whatnot. People who actually know what the fuck they’re doing.”

    2:30 – Really REALLY loud sound plays. So I couldn’t understand what this woman was saying. Yet again. But I’m not going to rewind because I don’t want to fucking hear that sound again. Why was it so fucking loud? Why are there all of these bad fucking CGI…effects being overlaid on the video? Confetti and whatnot? This is bad. REALLY bad.

    Then she noisily and awkwardly gets back into the coffin, thereby mercifully ending the video.

    Oh yeah, and she begged for money for the last minute or so of this video. I didn’t even mention that part.

    This is…this is so bad. Let’s just go to the comments.

    • “I was aroused, and now I’m broke! Business as usual!!!”

    That comment was from “HornDog”, by the way. His actual username. Newt replies, “Then my job here is done”.

    No, Newt. You’re not the pimp. You’re the trick. You’re paying this woman. You’re paying this woman unknown thousands of dollars. And for what? To hang out with you. To pretend to make shitty movies with you. It’s completely idiotic. Pay her to suck your dick. That would at least make sense. Don’t pay her to play pretend Spielberg with you.

    • “Newt is the man!! She’s way hotter than that crystal chick. Way to go man I’m happy for you”

    Newt replies, “Fallon is a great creative partner. And im excited to work with her. But Crystal was with me for 15 years and ill always love her. So dont wanna compare people”

    These people are “actors”, right? They’re not his girlfriend.

    The reason that these horntards blur the line is because they know that Newt is paying these women to hang out with him. To pretend to be his girlfriend. It’s Newt who’s blurring the line and the horntards are just recognising that.

    Newt is a pathetic, lonely man who pays women to hang out with him and pretend to make movies. He did this for 15 years with Horseface. Show us the movies. Show us 15 years of movies starring Horseface.

    None. Not one fucking movie in 15 years. She was just preying on this mentally challenged man. “He wants to pay me to pretend to be his girlfriend and make imaginary movies? Okay. I’ll do it.”

    All the while, she’s fucking her marine corps boyfriend.

    Now Newt found this other prostitute to take advantage of him. It’s pathetic in the extreme.

  • Sucks 2 Suck IndieGoGo Campaign – Newt Wallen (allegedly)

    Newt is promoting the IndieGoGo campaign for a movie that he says he co-wrote and will be co-directing along with the haggard old prostitute who he pays to hang out with him: Fallon.

    Okay. So let’s check it out. This must be one of Newt’s 11 or 13 projects that he says are coming out starting in 2023.


    “HI! My name is Fallon Maressa I am the director, writer, producer, lead actress, (insert additional credit here) chick at Sucks2Suck.  This is my first time directing a feature, and I really hope YOU don’t think it sucks!!!”

    You’re welcome to read the entire page. The word “Newt” doesn’t appear anywhere. This is clearly being presented as a project that this prostitute is doing entirely on her own.

    You can get signed photographs of this prostitute and that fat chick who appeared in a recent video of Newt’s. As here:


    All of the pictures are of this prostitute and this fat chick. Fallon and the Fat Chick.

    What about Newt? I want a signed photo of Newt. Isn’t Newt at all involved in this? On Twitter, he says that he’s the co-writer and co-director. That’s pretty important, right?

    Somebody’s lying. They have to be. Either Newt is lying about being the co-director and co-writer or this prostitute is lying about doing this project entirely on her own.

    “By contributing you will directly support not only female business, but the unveiling of a creative curtain.”

    This is a female-run thing. Just one woman. She’s doing it all. Director, writer, producer, lead actress, and anything else that she can think of to add. She’s going to be the caterer, the grip, the stuntwoman. Everything. Girl power.

    They’re looking to raise $13,000. So far, they’re at about $700. Eleven people have given money to this sham.

    And it’s a “flexible goal” so even if they don’t reach the $13,000 goal, they’ll still take all of the money.

    It’s a con. This is being presented as some woman empowerment thing. But this is Newt’s idea. Newt is behind all of this. He’s the fucking Ideas Man. He’s also a well known trick. Newt is financing this thing. Newt wrote it. Newt will direct it. Assuming that this fraud ever gets filmed to begin with, which I highly doubt.


    There’s this prostitute’s pornographic LinkTree. In case you want to buy her a $2,500 purse, for example.


    There’s her TikTok. I’ve never seen somebody so desperate for views, get so few views. She has her breasts out in every video and multiple filters to try to make her look younger. She also always seems to get something caught in her eye. Syphilis, maybe. The old syphilis in the eye.

    I found this video to give the most insight into her life.

    It seems that she lives with her mother and they live in a lower middle class area. You can see the house in the background. You can see some random scumbag in a backwards baseball cap walking past.

    So what does she need $2,500 bags for? Why would I give this woman money? She has at least one child, by the way. Where’s the father? Why isn’t the father giving her $2,500 bags? She probably has multiple children from multiple men.

    It’s just an old prostitute trying to take advantage of mentally-challenged nerds on the internet. And failing. That’s the part that always gets me the most.

    I can understand trying to con retards out of money if it’s working. It’s totally unethical, of course, but if you’re actually making money out of this, I understand why people would do it.

    None of these women are making money from the horntards. Erin is making something like $3,000/year from Twitch and Youtube combined. It’s ridiculous. Just go get a job at Burger King and you’ll make WAY more money.

  • My First “Job” in England

    After these Hasidic Jews kicked everybody out of that dump, I moved to a place in Wembley, which is in North London. The place with the Jews was also in North London but Wembley is quite a bit further north. It possibly isn’t even in London. I never really figured it out. Anyway, it was way out there. It was either in some place called Middlesex or it was on the absolute outer fringes of London.

    I’d say that 90% of the people living there were South Asian. At least in the nighbourhood I was in.

    I get to the new place. The flat was above a luggage shop. It was on a busy street. You had to enter through the alley. It wasn’t pleasant.

    The room was pretty big, though. If a family lived in this place, it would have been the living room. I shared this place with a guy from Sri Lanka who worked as an accountant. Then there were two other Sri Lankan guys who shared a small room. There was also an empty room, again, a small room, that they were looking to let out.

    I think that the main guy owned the property. Or possibly he was just the head tenant and overcharged everybody, like in previous places. But this guy also lived in the property. He had his own room. It was a small room. It was like a box room. So at least he didn’t take the big room for himself. He was also an accountant. I don’t know what the other two guys did but they weren’t accountants.

    The shower didn’t work. So rather than fix the shower, they just put a small plastic bucket in the shower. The idea here is that you’re supposed to fill the bucket with water and then wash yourself with it. Okay. Well, maybe this is how they do things in Sri Lanka. I don’t want to be offensive by complaining about this. And maybe it’s just temporary.

    No. I lived there for at least six months. They never fixed the shower. I bathed with a bucket of water for the entire time.

    The place was infested with cockroaches. I only discovered this when I put a bag of crisps in a lower cabinet. The next day, it was FULL of holes. It was disgusting. It had like 100 holes in it. There were probably cockroaches in there when I was holding it.

    I don’t recall ever seeing any cockroaches, though. I didn’t really walk around at night, though. And the mice probably kept the cockroach population down anyway. The place was also infested with mice.

    The roommate was fine. I didn’t talk to him. And looking back, I know that I should have talked to him, I know that I come off like an asshole, but it’s just how I was. I was in a difficult situation in terms of employment and money and even at the best of times, I would have hated having a roommate. It was nothing against this guy. He was a pleasant person. Whatever.

    They were all Buddhists. Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country. So there was a picture of the parents (or some relatives) of this guy who owned the property. The picture was high up near the entrance of the flat. And every morning, this guy would do a little silent prayer in front of this picture. It’s fine, of course, just an observation. I found it interesting.

    When I would leave for my volunteer job, I’d say “see you later” to this roommate. This was basically the only time that we would talk. And he would say the same.

    Then one day, after maybe three months of me living there, he said “goodbye” instead of “see you later.” I thought that that was a little weird.

    I never saw him again. He moved back to Sri Lanka. He didn’t tell me and he apparently didn’t tell anyone. The guy who owned the place was really surprised. “He wouldn’t just move without telling me.” Because they would talk. The other people in the flat all talked to each other. They were friends. But I don’t know. He just moved and he didn’t tell anyone.

    He left his computer. I used it for a few days, looking for work and whatnot, so I didn’t have to go to the internet cafe, but then one of the roommates came to collect it. He said that he could have it. So whatever. It was an old computer and he probably did tell him that.

    I got a new roommate after this but I’ll discuss that in a future article.

    So let’s try to figure out the chronology. I started a volunteer job right before I left the place with the Brazilian guys and I had this job all through the time that I was living in that Hasidic Jew place. So all of the craziness that I had to endure there was going on while I was working. The four months or whatever when I wasn’t getting any benefits so had no money coming in was all happening while I was working here. And then when I moved to Wembley, I was still working there. Nevertheless, I think that I only missed one day of work. And I called in and told them ahead of time. I think that it was around the time that I was moving to this new place, having been illegally evicted with no notice given.

    I think that I was living in that Jew place for…between four and six months. But I was definitely starting the job right before I moved into the Jew place and I still was doing the job when I moved into this place in Wembley.

    I don’t know at what point I stopped working there. It was maybe a month after I moved to Wembley? Something like this. So I left the job within the timeframe of the events that I described in the first half of the article.

    Anyway, the job was in the national headquarters of a political party. And on the first day, a guy who I would be working with was giving me a tour of the building.

    The receptionist was a gay man. SUPER gay. And he was making some kind of joke about forcible sodomy. I wish I could remember the setup or the punchline but it was some completely insane and obviously inappropriate comment. It wasn’t directed at me but joking about fucking people in the ass isn’t really what you expect to hear in a workplace. So this guy who was showing me around quickly ushered me away from him and just ignored it.

    It was a data entry job. You just had to input data. The name of the person who donated, their address, and how much money they donated.

    There was another American who was also volunteering. So of course, this guy introduced me to her because this is what people think. “Oh, you’re an American. You must want to talk to another American.” No, frankly I don’t give a shit. If I wanted to speak to Americans, I’d still be in America.

    She was in a different department. She was 300 pounds. She was a university student. I gave an awkward “Hello” and never saw her again.

    Very occasionally, I got to do something other than input data. So one time, we were setting up for some meeting and it was taking place…fuck, I don’t know. I want to say in Buckingham Palace but could that be right? It might be. It was some big regal place, in any event.

    I was doing the same job as this guy who showed me around the first day as well as a few other people there. But they were getting paid. I was doing it for nothing.

    No, that’s not true. I got my travel costs reimbursed. So every Friday, I’d go to the guy who controls the petty cash tin, give him my travel receipts, and he’d give me £45 or whatever.

    Oh, and I was working there five days a week, eight hours a day.

    One of the people working there was a middle aged black guy. He was doing the same job I was doing, but he was getting paid. And he said, “You don’t have to sit there all day like you’re chained to the desk. You can get up whenever you want and walk around.”

    But I don’t do that. When I go to work, I’m there to work. I’m not there to socialise, I’m not there to have a good time, I’m not there to take in the sights. I’m working straight out from 9.00 to 5.00, with the only break being for lunch. I don’t work during lunch.

    They don’t like this in the UK. That’s one of the reasons why I had such a problem finding work. They’re looking for somebody fun to have around the office.

    Compare this with the relative ease that I had finding work in the US. Employers in the US love drones like me who just sit there and do the work all day. They’re interested in productivity in the US. Not having a good time at work.

    Let’s talk about the other volunteers.

    There was an old man. He’d come in once or twice a week. Then he stopped coming in. He had a health problem or maybe he died.

    There was a university student. He had autism or something. I don’t say this as an insult or speculating in any way. He very clearly had a neurological condition. He behaved in an odd fashion. He was really interested in the work and the politics. But then one day they told him not to come in any more because he said something to a girl that he knew. She was a member of this party and he saw her information on the database that we worked on. So he said, “Oh, I know where you live now” or something. It wasn’t as sinister as that, but it was some weird shit. So she was afraid and she filed a complaint and they had to fire this guy.

    Then towards the end of my run, there was a guy about my age who started volunteering. And he was obviously looking for a paid job there. Always kissing everybody’s ass. Trying to get in with everyone. And it visibly annoyed the other people.

    But this is what volunteering, at least for many people, in many sectors, is all about. It’s desperate people who are hoping to get a paying job out of this volunteer work. And these organisations prey on this.

    Then one day, I was told that there’s an opening in the call centre. It was a paying job. And I was asked if I want to speak to the managers there. I said that I would.

    Call centre is not a job that I wanted to do. I’m not good on phones. I’m not good with speaking to people. But it’s a job, I needed money, let’s try it out.

    So I went down and spoke to these two guys. They were about my age. They were the managers of this department. And they’re just talking to me. It wasn’t really an interview. I didn’t take it that way, at least.

    Then they asked if I wanted to do a practice call. I said okay.

    They gave me a script. In the other room was one of the managers. The phone rang. It was the manager. He said whatever. I read from the script. The call ended.

    So that’s it. They said that they’d let me know tomorrow.

    Next day, this guy who showed me around on the first day asked how the interview went. I said that they said that they’d let me know tomorrow. He said that that didn’t sound good. Indeed.

    So he went to speak to these guys. Presumably, he went there to put a good word in for me. Because I was excellent. I was the best worker that they had there. I was fanatical about working. I did more work than anyone there. Everybody knew it.

    And I didn’t ask about this call centre job. They came to me. And they didn’t go to that fucking kiss ass who was doing his best at trying to get a job there. They referred me for the job because they knew that I was the world’s greatest worker.

    The guy comes back and says that they said I did a good job on the practice phone call but they’re still not sure.

    Later on, these two managers come by. They ask to speak to me. I got out in the hallway and they say, “We just don’t feel like we got to know you.” I said, “What are you talking about? I’m right here. You can ask whatever you want.” They said no, we’re just not going to give you the job.

    Too quiet and won’t fit in. The same shit that I heard at every job interview that I had both in Dublin and London. In spite of the fact that I had been working at this place for three months already and yes I’m quiet but I fit in just fine. It’s not a fucking problem. We’re here to work. Not to make friends. This isn’t fucking high school.

    So I go back to this guy who showed me around on the first day, tell him what happened, and he was disappointed. I told him that I’m leaving and I’m not coming back any more but would he be willing to give me a reference. He said that he would.

    He was true to his word and this closed the chapter on this whole reference bullshit. No longer would I be unable to find a job because I don’t have a reference. Now I just had to find a job where being “too quiet” and “not fitting in” wouldn’t be an obstacle.

    I was in the country for about two years at this point. I don’t know if that checks out with the times I’ve given for how long I’ve stayed in various places. But I know that it was two years before I found a paying job in the UK. And I got a paying job, of sorts, shortly after this because I had the reference now.

  • Jason X – Tony from Hack the Movies versus Newt Wallen

    Two videos on the same fucking topic, released within two days of each other. This happens a lot with these two. Why? If they’re reviewing a new movie, I get it. But why did they both happen to review Jason X on basically the same day?

    Is there a new Friday the 13th movie coming out? Not that I’m seeing. The last one was in 2009. And it wasn’t Jason X.

    I know that the thirteenth day of the month fell on a Friday recently but why would they both happen to choose Jason X as the movie to review? Does Newt have a spy in Screenwave? Or Tony have a spy in Schlock and Awe?

    Tony released the video first by two days. So…I don’t know what this suggests.

    So let’s look at the videos. Tony has his sister-in-law or…somebody on the show. I think that she’s some relative of his. Oh, it’s in the description. It’s his cousin. I remember her from a previous video. She seemed to be refreshingly normal. I’m sure that I’m wrong but that’s how she seemed.

    And Johanna is also in this one.

    As for The Ideas Man, he brought that fucking dude bro who was in a previous video. Dollar Tree Kevin Smith. He’s wearing his baseball cap in the backwards position and has a bunch of skateboards on his wall. Radical.

    He’s like 40 years old, by the way.

    And Newt is also wearing a baseball cap, oddly. Maybe this is to make Dude Bro feel more comfortable about his decision to wear a baseball cap indoors. Or maybe it’s because Newt is doing the old James Rolfe trick to disguise the fact that he’s losing his hair.

    The Oakland Athletics is, apparently, Newt’s team. That’s an odd choice. Has the team moved? No, they’re still in Oakland. What connection does Newt have to Oakland, California?

    The team used to be based in Philadelphia but that was way back in the day. They moved in 1954.

    Tony’s review is 80 minutes and Newt’s review is 66 minutes.

    So how much of this am I going to watch? None. Zero. I have no fucking interest in these shitty fucking horror movies that both of these clowns insist on doing summaries on for over an hour.

    The first person to change the format wins. Fuck these fucking horror movies. It’s been done. It’s grossly oversaturated.

    Who’s even looking for a Jason X review in 2023? The movie was released twenty years ago.

    What about reviewing NEW movies? Here’s a wild idea. Is anyone doing that? What’s playing now?

    Avatar: The Way of Water. M3GAN. Oh, Newt did do a video on that but fuck this horror shit up the ass. I’m talking about…it doesn’t even have to be semi-intelligent films. Just do ANYTHING other than horror films. I don’t give a fuck. I’ll fucking watch it.

    Empire of Light. A Man Called Otto. These look interesting. I’d like to hear what Newt and/or Tony and/or the skanks and/or dude bros have to say about these movies. What did they like about the movies? What didn’t they like about the movies? You know…a movie review. A movie review about a normal movie that normal, well-adjusted human beings might like to see.

    Tar. Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody. Till. Strange World. I don’t give a fuck. I will watch a review on ANY of those movies. Give me something. Give me something that isn’t your deranged horror bullshit.

    It’s not like they don’t have access to these movies. Newt works in movie theatres. He can see all of this shit for free. Probably. Right? At the very least, he’s getting an employee discount.

    And I’m sure that Tony knows somebody. Even if he doesn’t, just pay for the fucking tickets. Or sneak in like you’re 12 years old. “Oh, I forgot my baseball cap in the theatre. Can I go look for it?”

    Even if you like horror movies, are you going to watch TWO 60+ minute reviews on the same fucking movie? They’re cannibalising their own audience. You have to make a choice. “I’m going to watch Tony’s 80 minute summary of the movie or I’m going to watch Newt’s 70 minute summary of the movie.” Nobody is going to watch both. And how many people are even watching one?

    Short reviews. Twenty minutes. No more than that. Siskel and Ebert reviewed three movies in 25 minutes every week. I think that that was too rushed, though. I preferred their PBS format where they had an hour to review the movies. You got longer clips and more detailed analysis.

    But no more than 20 minutes. Come on. Have respect for the audience.

    So Tony versus Newt. Who’s the winner? Nobody. They’re both losers. Everybody involved with both shows is a giant fucking loser. There’s your real horror. The horror of people totally wasting their lives.

  • Splatterhouse Practice Stream! TurboGrafx-16 – Erin Plays

    Eugh. This is one of like five streams where Erin is “practicing” Splatterhouse. The description reads:

    “I’ve been practicing Splatterhouse on TG-16 because I’d like to beat it eventually! Lot’s of progress was made this stream and it was a lot of fun. Enjoy! Playing on the MiSTER.”

    Why not play it in your spare time like a normal person? Why does every single time that she plays a game have to be on stream, for money?

    And she mentions that she’s playing on the “MiSTER”. Whatever that is. Some Raspberry Pi thing. Mike talked about this before. He bought the parts over the course of years and eventually put it together. It cost hundreds of dollars. Seems a good use of your time and money. Why not just use an emulator like a normal person?

    So yeah. Erin is all about the “MiSTER”. She’s a real gamer.

    Also in this description is a promo code for 15% off some t-shirt website. But here’s a spoiler for you, you can just go to the website, not click her link, and the site will immediately prompt you to enter your email address in order to get 15% off your order. So this promo code doesn’t do shit. It solely exists so that Erin can get a few pennies from people who click the link.

    And the link isn’t even clickable. Zero Effort Erin couldn’t be bothered to make the link clickable.

    0:00 – “Hello. I was going to say ‘Happy (whatever day it is)’ but I don’t know what day it is.”

    This is another thing that she rips off from Mike. Mike regularly says that he doesn’t know what day it is. Because he doesn’t have a fucking job. That’s what happens when you’re long-term unemployed.

    Then she edits some stuff out. All it was her doing her Romper Room routine where she says hello to all of the horntards. And she thanked the horntards for complimenting her on her start up screen. Why would this have to be edited out? It was like 15 seconds. And she didn’t say anything too stupid.

    0:15 – “I did a video on this four or five years ago. And I played the MAME version.”

    Oh. You mean the arcade version? MAME is an emulator. She has no idea what any of this is.

    She’s drinking some disgusting beverage, by the way. Can’t you finish your drink before you stream?

    “When it comes to the TurboGrafx-16 version, I don’t think that I’ve ever beaten it.”

    That’s a fair bet. Show us the stream. She said a few seconds earlier that she played the game for a Youtube video. Did you beat it there? Then no, you never beat it.

    Then she edits some more stuff out. A horntard asks her what she’s drinking. It’s coffee. Then she says that it’s half regular coffee, half decaf. Then something about creamer. Then CoffeeMate. Then brown cookie butter. It’s not super sweet. WHO FUCKING CARES?

    She says that the arcade version is the one that she played the most. So…for that one Youtube video. Why not just admit it? Why the constant obfuscation?

    A horntard asks her to do a compilation of her best videos this year. Erin says that that’s a good idea. She continues, “Unfortunately I didn’t do as many videos this year as I would have liked to, due to carpal tunnel and stuff.”

    Nine videos. She made nine Youtube videos this year. A real step down from the 52 that she’s made in years past. She’s done with Youtube. And carpal tunnel is a complete lie, of course.

    A horntard asks if she has a Discord. She says that she doesn’t but she plans to start one this year. She’s going to need Wolfmaster’s help. Wolfmaster is one of the horntards.

    Somebody says, “Why does Rick suck bad in the demo? He can’t hit anything.”

    Erin replies, “I don’t know. It’s funny because usually in demos the person playing it is flawless and then you feel like shit when you try to play it.”

    WHAT? No it isn’t. It’s extremely common for the demo play to be unbelievably bad. I can’t think of ANY game that had amazing gameplay in the demo.

    She doesn’t have a fucking clue what she’s talking about. She doesn’t know anything about video games. So this is yet another example of Erin pretending to know what she’s talking about and failing hard.

    This has all been edited out of the Youtube video, by the way.

    Erin’s favourite Christmas movie is Just Friends. I’ll just link to the Wikipedia article if you want to see for yourself just how fucking retarded of an answer this was.


    1:00 – So then we’re back to the Youtube video. She demonstrates the slide kick. She apparently “remembered” how to do it.

    2:00 – The worst Splatterhouse gameplay ever recorded. She’s at the end “boss” of the first level. It’s snakes that jump out. All you have to do is crouch and kick them. You stand in one spot. But instead of staying crouched, she keeps standing back up again after kicking. Why? Why not just stay crouched? If you stay crouched, you won’t get hit.

    Then she dies. Terrible, terrible gameplay. And this is her THIRD stream of this game. She’s played this game for four hours already. On stream, for money.

    Now, four hours of playing a game isn’t a long time for a normal person but for Erin it is. And Erin said that she fully expects to beat this game.

    How is she possibly going to do it? Many games require hours and hours and hours of practice. But she’s so unfamiliar with video games that she thinks that all video games can be beaten just within the first couple of hours of playing them. And somebody with fucking Erin’s skill level.

    It’s ridiculous. She knows nothing about video games.

    Why doesn’t she just play with save states? Nobody would care. Nobody expects pro gaming from fucking Erin Plays. And this way, she’d be able to get through the game. Just save after every successful hit. Reload any time you get hit. It would be fucking terrible but nobody would care. Are her current streams not already terrible?

    But no, Erin has to pretend to be a pro gamer.

    4:15 – “My eye itches. Why does it have to itch now?”

    Have you considered pausing the game? Erin “always” “forgets” that games can be paused.

    5:00 – Now she’s at the poltergeist “boss” of level 2. She dies. “I still haven’t figured out a fool-proof way of getting them when both of those knives are coming at you at the same time.”

    Really? Even after four whole hours of playing the game, on stream, for money? Maybe you should try practicing in your spare time.

    It’s a fairly easy boss, by the way. I haven’t played the game in 20 years and I didn’t even play much of this game but I bet that I could beat it on my first attempt.

    Then she dies again. Terrible gameplay.

    I’m supposed to watch this for two hours? No. That’s not happening.

    7:15 – “Oh no. Where’s my little board.”

    It’s a two-by-four. Erin is so unfamiliar with video games that she doesn’t know what a two-by-four is. I know that it’s a construction material, of course, but isn’t it a staple in video games? I’m trying to think of other games that have two-by-fours. I don’t know. Maybe I only know the term from Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

    8:00 – “Yeah, I wish there were more Splatterhouse games.”

    Why? More games that you won’t play?

    She’s back at this level two boss again, by the way.

    By sheer luck, she managed to beat it. Barely.

    9:00 – “Hello, Sergio. I am good. How are you?”

    Why does he always ask that? Does Erin ever give a different answer?

    9:15 – “Ah. I forgot about the dog.”

    Uh huh. Erin “always” “forgets” about the dog.

    And this is a game that she just played fucking recently. Like three days earlier. On stream, for money.

    11:00 – Oh yeah. I think that this is pretty much as far as I got in the game. This hooded guy with the chainsaws for hands. I beat him a few times but, I don’t know, the game just isn’t fun after him. It gets too difficult.

    11:30 – “You beat Splatterhouse 2, Mike? That’s the one that I think is the hardest.”

    She has no fucking clue. She doesn’t know any of these games. She only played them briefly, on stream, for money. Once.

    14:00 – Yeah. The next level is auto-scrolling and has those disgusting foetus enemies. This is definitely where I stopped playing.

    15:00 – Somebody asks if Erin can think of any New Years Eve games.

    Don’t wrack your brain, Erin. The answer is “no”.

    “I don’t know. I can’t think of any.”

    You don’t say. What about Baby Upa or whatever that game is that Erin always mentions for every question? Oh, here it is.


    Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa. Definitely one of my favourite games. And Erin’s too. She mentions is constantly. She played it once, on stream, for money. So now it’s her favourite. She loves that game. It makes her happy. Played it once.

    “There must be some. It’s a good question, though.”

    And a bad answer. As usual. Why do these fucking retards ask her video game questions? Or ANY question? She NEVER gives a good answer. She always just says, “I don’t know”, “I never played that”, “I never saw that”, “I never ate that”, whatever.

    There are a few pathetic threads on Reddit about video games to play on New Years but the answers are always, “I just play whatever.” Great response, asshole.

    I remember playing Team Fortress 2 one New Years and at the stroke of midnight, some nerd started firing rockets into the air. Probably one of the most pathetic New Years that I ever had.

    15:30 – She’s at that hall of mirrors part. Yeah, I definitely got this far. I remember the doppelgangers coming out. You have to slide kick into them. But it’s just not fun. I never particularly liked the game to begin with. But I still played it.

    16:15 – “I forgot if I slid here or not.”

    Erin “always” “forgets” if she slides here or not.

    16:45 – “I did get Taylor Swift tickets. Very happy.”

    Surely, Mike is not going to go to this shit. It’s preposterous.

    If you’re in a relationship, MAYBE you have to subject yourself to such humiliation. Do things that the other person likes to do. MAYBE. Personally, I think that going to a Taylor Swift concert would be a step too far.

    But Mike is PAYING for this shit. He’s paying for Erin. This is a sugarbaby situation. Fucking sugardaddies don’t have to do anything that they don’t want to do. He doesn’t have to take Erin’s feelings into consideration. If she wants to go to a Taylor Swift concert, he can pay for the tickets (of course, that’s his job) but she can go by herself. Or she can make a fucking friend and go with the friend.

    What about going with another guy? I don’t think that Mike is into that kind of stuff but who knows? Maybe she can go with one of the horntards. Get Bitch Duo to go. At least that way you know that there won’t be any sex taking place. Bitch Duo is like a eunuch.

    Or Mike is going to go. He’s going to be there singing along to Taylor Swift’s greatest hits. Like…umm…let me check Youtube.

    Blank Space? Oh this is fucking cringe. Mike is going to commit suicide at this thing. Let’s just get back to Splatterhouse.

    “I was on TicketMaster for like six hours. It was so stressful.”

    Everything is stressful for Erin. Even buying tickets to a concert using another person’s money is stressful for her.

    Tickets are $300 to $500 each. Do the horntards feel good about themselves? Giving money to Erin so that she can spend it on shit like this? And it’s not her money, of course, Mike paid but it’s the same people giving Mike money. Don’t give him money because this is what he’s spending it on. This fucking braindead, fraud sugarbaby.

    17:15 – Yeah, and this boss head thing. This is definitely the last part of the game that I got to. I know I keep saying that but seriously this time. Or maybe not. I probably used save states and that’s how I was able to get past shit.

    Anyway, it’s also the part of the game that Erin can’t get past. But she’s only played the game for about four hours in her life. Maybe if she continues to “practice”, on stream, for money, eventually she’ll get past it. After like fifty streams.

    17:45 – “Yeah, it’s totally Mad Balls.”

    Erin was reading from the chat. Remember Mad Balls?

    I do remember Mad Balls, Erin. But…do you? They were released in like 1986. Erin was born in 1986 or 1987. Let me look this up.

    It was 1985. Erin remembers a toy that was released before she was born.

    Which ones did I have? I had the purple cyclops and the eyeball. The eyeball had to be the most popular one.

    I wonder which Mad Balls Erin had. You know, back before she was born. Back when she was a concept. Her parents were debating whether or not to have children. Perhaps Mrs Plays was lonely and then Mr Plays suggested getting a dog.

    Maybe Erin was a surprise. Because they only had the one child. And look at how little they did with Erin. They did no parenting whatsoever. Erin has never done anything in her entire fucking life. Those parents have a lot to answer for. Their gross neglect caused this monster to be created. A monster who releases nothing but tedium into the world.

    Anyway, Erin then complains about ticket prices from scalpers. She suggests that people on StubHub shouldn’t be allowed to sell tickets “over a certain threshold.” Uh huh. Good idea, Erin. Let’s make that a rule. “No selling tickets over a certain threshold.”

    You want to fucking think this through a little? Give us some figures. They shouldn’t be able to sell over…what? Ten percent of the purchase price? Twenty percent? Give us some fucking ideas.

    Then somebody suggests that it’s easier to get tickets than a PS5. Erin says, “Right? Isn’t that bullshit? The PS5 has been out for, what, almost three years? Right? And it’s like, you still don’t see it anywhere.”

    Well, Erin certainly doesn’t. But she’s not looking for it. They don’t sell too many PS5s at Forever 21 or The Lunch Box or whatever fucking stores Erin pretends to go to.

    The Lunch Box. She’s hanging out in the loose meat sandwich restaurant from Roseanne. And “loose meat”. I’ve never heard that term outside of the show. I’ve only heard “sloppy joe”. And I had a neighbour who said “Manwich” as a kid. What the fuck. Brainwashed by corporate propaganda. They only eat them if they use the official Manwich spice packet.

    Oh. What the fuck? It’s not even a spice packet. It’s canned…meat? Oh, no. It’s canned tomatoes and sauce. You add this to ground beef.

    My mother used some spice packet. But you don’t even need that shit. Here’s the recipe that I use.


    Beef, onion, pepper, ketchup, brown sugar, mustard, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. That’s it. And I omit the mustard. Ketchup is actually the main ingredient in all of the sloppy joe recipes that I’ve seen. You put like a cup of that shit on there. You don’t need a spice packet or a fucking can of shit. Just ketchup. That’s all that the dish is. Ketchup on meat. Enjoy.

    19:30 – Erin is still going on about Ticketmaster. “It’s been a problem forever. Like remember in the 90s when Pearl Jam tried to boycott them?”

    No, Erin. I don’t give a shit. Actually, I think that I do remember but I still don’t give a shit.

    20:30 – She died and then read a comment from the chat. “Does the cleaver help you much here? I don’t know.”

    Well, of course you don’t. But just common sense would tell anybody that of course it helps. I don’t know if it does any more damage than your fists but it clearly gives you more reach. Erin doesn’t even know this much. She knows NOTHING about video games.

    Then she died again. I don’t want to watch any more. But does she ever get past this? Let me check.

    1:35:15 – She does. I was supposed to watch that for over an hour?

    Erin is absolutely incapable of making any of these easy jumps. I have no idea why. But I’m turning this off now. It ends in 10 minutes anyway. She doesn’t get much further than this.


    • “Randomly wondering if you played any of the retro Metroid games.”

    Have you seen her stream the game before? Then no. Why don’t these retards get it?

    “Jan. 2nd was the 6th anniversary of my channel and I’m so grateful for everyone who watches my videos or streams. In 2022 I didn’t release as many videos as I would’ve liked, but so far I’m feeling more optimistic about 2023 and very inspired. It’s a nice feeling.”

    “And it blows my mind that some of you have been with me since 2017! Making YouTube videos can be quite an emotional, mental and sometimes even physical roller coaster, but I love what I do. Even when editing makes me want to slam my head on the desk. Thanks for watching!”

    Uh huh. She loves what she does. What would that be? Conning retards out of pennies? Pretending to enjoy video games?

    This is not a job, Erin. If you were relying on your Twitch and Youtube revenue and not leeching off of Mike, you’d be on the streets. You can’t live on $3,000/year or whatever you make.

    And people in the comments always ask, “Why don’t you get more views, Erin? I can’t understand it.”

    Because her content sucks dick. What’s not to understand? This is CLEARLY a fraud. A fraud with negative charisma. A middle aged, average-looking fraud with negative charisma. You should be asking how she gets as many views as she does. Is the mentally retarded community really that large?

    Hey guys! Remember when Tom Green and Drew Barrymore’s shared house burned down every three months.

    No. No I don’t, Erin. And you were like six years old when they were married. Let me get the exact year.

    It was 2001. That’s later than I thought. So Erin would have been about 15. Alright, whatever.

    But no, I don’t remember their house burning down. I don’t give a shit about washed up 1990s/2000s celebrities.