NEWS | Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes (FOLLOW UP – SUIKODEN SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR!!) – Pelvic Gaming

Fucking trash.  There’s something offensive about this.  “I don’t know nuffin’ bout birthin’ no babies”.  It’s a mixed race woman doing black woman cosplay.  It’s blackface.

This isn’t how black women look.  This is how jackasses look.

So the video.  It’s almost ten minutes of weeaboo shit.  Who cares?

9:45 – The PR studio at (whoever the developers of the game are) actually reached out to me that if I do coverage of the video (sic) I could put one decorative item of my choosing in the game.  So something to decorate your fortress town, probably put in the spa.  I’m thinking a Pelvic Gaming banner or a pelvic statue.  You know, that would be really fun to see in the spa.  But I want this to be a community effort.  Something that represents me and you guys.”

But mostly you.  I mean, look at your suggestions: a banner promoting your channel or a statue promoting your channel.

And look at how sleazy this is.  “If you promote our game, we’ll let you design an in-game item.”

On the one hand, who gives a fuck?  But on the other hand, she obviously gives a fuck.  That’s why she’s making the video.

And…I mean…she got 2,000 views on this video.  Why is that worth anything to the developers?  Even something as trivial as letting her design an in-game item?

And look at what her integrity is worth.  She’s willing to sell out for being able to design an in-game item.

It’s just perplexing all around.

10:15 – “I got to say this.  I’m not getting paid.  I’m not getting a free copy of the game, as far as I know.  I backed the Kickstarter just like everybody else.”

Letting you design an in-game item IS the payment.  Why is this so hard to understand?

You lose any integrity when you agree to this shit.  She’s not going to give a negative review of a game that let her design an in-game item.  If she did that, the freebies would stop.  Not just from this company but from any company.

11:15 – “If you really really really love me, join the Patreon.  One dollar gets you into the Discord.  We have a Pelvic Gaming Steam account for our book club where we play games or watch anime and in a week or so, we talk about it.”

Wait.  That’s not a book club.  But it’s something.  Something for the nerds.  Something slightly innovative.

This is much more interactive than Erin’s pathetic idea of pinning a comment.  I could imagine a nerd enjoying this Pelvic Gaming “book club”.  Watching an anime with her (and a few other horny losers).  And then you can talk about it afterwards.  It’s just like having a girlfriend.  Kind of.

I mean, that’s what you do on dates, right?  You see a movie and then you talk about it afterwards.

I went to see some Star Wars piece of shit last year or so with my girlfriend.  She doesn’t give a fuck about Star Wars and I enjoyed the original trilogy but that’s the extent of my fandom.  But it was the only thing playing.  So we went.  Then afterwards we discussed it.

Girlfriend: What are those hairy guys called?

Me: Ummm….wookies?

Girlfriend: No, the little ones.

Me.  Oh.  Ewoks?

Girlfriend.  Yeah.

Then we had intercourse.  But seriously, what a piece of shit that movie was.  Instantly forgettable.  And look at the banal after movie discussion that it sparked.

I don’t know.  Maybe anime would lead to more interesting discussions.  Depends on the quality of the anime, I guess.

What are some good films that Pelvic Gaming’s “book club” could do?  Let me check out Stepin Fetchit’s filmography for some ideas.

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