
  • Window Shopping for CHEAP Games at Storm City Retro – John Riggs

    It’s fourteen minutes of John Riggs looking at video games on some website. He has completely run out of ideas.

    0:30 – He starts with this website’s Ebay account.

    0:45 – He didn’t like that so he moved on to the store’s website.

    He’s clicking on games and singing, “I don’t know what I’m looking for but I will find it soon enough.”

    He found a Mario 3. Reasonably priced, according to him.


    Let me look at the fucking comments. They must be roasting him.

    Wait…what. People are leaving comments like, “Loving these new window shopping videos.” Is this a series?

    Oh yeah. He’s done it at least once before. Fucking unbelievably lazy content.

    • “I like these videos. It’s like going on an adventure.”

    Going on an adventure with a corpulent man, in his home, looking at a website? Isn’t that just your every day life?

    I can’t with this. I’m three minutes in. He’s looking at a Sea Quest game. It’s $27.99.

    Who the fuck would possibly want to watch this? Even when he’s actually in a physical store, it’s boring as fuck but at least you can see…whatever…how the store lays out the merchandise and the prices and whatever.

    But a fat man browsing a website, at home, in his underpants? No. This has to be the laziest content possible.

    Let me check out his fucking Twitter.

    Oh, he was at an “ale festival”. Great. Just like his alcoholic friend Kinsey or whoever. That chubby blonde woman in Japan.

    Here’s John Riggs’ wedding photo from 20 years ago. He has blue and platinum blonde hair. This was for his fucking wedding. What a scumbag.

  • Going to an AWESOME Cosplay Barcade in Tokyo – Kid Shoryuken

    This is the guy who had sex for money with Destiny Fomo while she was in Japan. Well, probably one of many guys. I talked about this here:


    I don’t know how many people watch the videos and follow along but if you are going to watch this video, I must warn you: this guy…this is a guy who needs to pay money to have sex with anyone. He’s no Brad Pitt, I’ll say that. He’s not even Brad Garrett, the brother from Everybody Loves Raymond.

    And he’s with some other prostitute in this video. It’s creepy as fuck. So leave your morals at the door and let’s watch some fat fuck American going to a “cosplay barcade” with a prostitute in Tokyo.

    0:00 – “Hey everybody. Jim here.”

    More like John.

    And this is the sort of video that he normally does, where he’s just walking around town and you can see what he’s seeing but you can’t see him. But this video is special. He’s going to turn the camera around and show himself.

    0:30 – He says that he’s going to meet up with a “friend” of his. Uh huh. “Friend.” He used this same term for Madam Fomo. And if you read that article and watch the video you know immediately that this guy 100% had sex for money with Madam Fomo.

    I’ve also heard him talking about massage parlours in some video of his. He was annoyed that the massage parlours were closed during covid.

    He’s fucking disgusting. He’s the typical creepy American who can’t get a date so they move to Asia where the women have lower standards. But I don’t think that even the Asian women are going for this. I think that he has to pay.

    Absolutely everybody is wearing a mask in this thing, by the way. I suppose that they were doing this before covid too, though. The Japanese love wearing masks. I guess. They love conformity, anyway.

    2:30 – Here we go. Holy crap. Look at this guy. He’s in his 40s and a big fat guy. I’m thinking that he has a toupee or something as well.

    2:45 – So now here’s his “friend”: a hot Japanese chick. Well, I don’t know how hot she is. She’s wearing a mask. And she’s not particularly dressed like a prostitute. This could be a guy for all I know. No discernible breasts. But let’s wait. From what I can tell, this woman is about half this guy’s age.

    Oh, she gives her Instagram. Her name is Apollo. I suspect that this isn’t her given name.


    Mmm…I don’t have an Instagram account so I can only see the thumbnails but…I don’t know. It very well may be a guy. It’s either a man trying to look like a woman or a woman trying to look like a man.

    3:00 – There’s a brief picture of this creep with his arm around this man/woman.

    3:45 – “Kid” Shoryuken says that he was promised “cosplay girls” in this bar. Oh god. I really don’t want to see any more of this.

    Then he does a patronising “up top” and offers a high-five. He talks to this person like a child. He did the same thing with Madam Fomo. It’s gross.

    4:30 – We see some “cosplay girl”. It’s just a waitress or something. In a mask, like everybody else. And she’s wearing…I don’t know…is this cosplay? I’m not familiar with the character, certainly, but that’s to be expected. And she’s doing the “V” sign thing.

    Then he starts filming and talking into the camera and there’s two fucking weirdos that are looking right into the camera. I don’t think that they’re in this group. I think that they’re both guys but…it’s hard to tell. The one on the left might be an unattractive woman.

    5:00 – Then he zooms the camera right in this man/woman’s face. The man/woman who he’s on a “date” with. I still can’t tell what the gender is. But in any event, he’s paying for this. He’s either fucking a woman with no breasts or a man who’s dressed as a woman.

    Now the mask is off. No, I’m pretty sure that this is a woman. And he is absolutely paying this woman for sex. There’s no question of this. That woman would not spend two fucking seconds with this fat old man if he wasn’t paying her.

    6:00 – Now they’re playing a “battle game” against two members of staff and “the losers drink tequila”. I don’t understand any of this.

    7:00 – Yeah. He doesn’t get it either. He suggests that the winners should drink the alcohol. None of this makes sense.

    And they’re playing some Samurai Shodown game against the staff. They paid for all of this. You have to pay for this ridiculous bullshit. Why would anybody want this? This is some weirdo Japanese shit for losers who can’t get dates so they pay women to play video games with them.

    7:30 – Then there’s a weird montage of them playing the game and he intersplices some movie footage or something into this. I have no idea why.

    He wins and then they both drink the tequila. So…what was the point of any of this? Just order two shots of tequila.

    And they didn’t play against the staff. He got that wrong.

    So I think the idea is that the loser of this fucking game is supposed to drink two shots of tequila. I don’t know. Getting drunk is kind of a punishment when you’re going to a tavern. Even though that’s the whole point of going to a tavern. Some loser drunk shit. I don’t know.

    And I guess the idea is also to get your date so drunk that she’ll have sex with you.

    9:45 – Now a graphic saying “7 or 8 beers later appears. This guy seems to be heavily intoxicated, or he’s pretending.

    11:15 – Oh. What? “Kid” Shoryuken refers to Apollo saying that, “He’s a good guy. You’re going to love his art.”

    Who the fuck would guess that this…so no. This is a guy who’s trying to look like a woman. Still…eww…the ramifications just dawned on me. There was a picture earlier of “Kid” Shoryuken with his arm around this guy in a sexual fashion. And this guy is still like half of “Kid” Shoryuken’s age. There is no doubt that “Kid” Shoryuken is fucking this guy for money. Because why else would he hang out with this old fat white guy? He wouldn’t.

    And when “Kid” Shoryuken talked to this guy like he was a child…eww. And this guy didn’t say ANYTHING this whole video. He’s just there for the ass pounding.

    This is fucking disgusting.

    11:15 – Then he says “up top” again for the high five. It’s so demeaning. But he’s paying so…he gets what he wants, I guess. This is what he’s into. Demeaning Japanese ladyboys.

    That’s the video. God…this was nauseating. Surely people in the comments can see what this is. I almost never watch this guy’s videos and I immediately figured out what a creep he is. Surely, his regulars know.

    No. It’s just “glad you had fun” kind of comments. No references to this fat fuck sodomising this little Japanese guy afterwards. For money. Because that’s CLEARLY what this is.

    And Madam Fomo fucked this guy. This guy who has sex with male prostitutes. It’s a sick world.

  • Erin is Optimistic about the Mario Trailer

    “Actually pleasantly surprised with the Mario teaser trailer. I’m optimistic.”

    Okay…well, do you actually have anything to say about it? No. It’s just the usual banal bullshit. “I like it”. “That’s cool”. Can you flesh this out at all?

    She doesn’t give a fuck about this. So she just gives this generic as fuck tweet.

    Mike did a couple of videos on this:

    That’s the only reason that she knows that this even exists. He must have made her watch this or she noticed him making a video about it.

    But look at this shit. “I’m optimistic”. What…this tells us NOTHING. She knows nothing about anything.

    Well, Shishi is the top comment. He managed to think of something to say to this shit. “Wow haven’t seen English voiceover BTFO like this since Death Note”.

    What does any of this mean? BTFO? Death Note? What the fuck are you talking about, you giant fucking nerd? And Erin certainly has no idea what he’s talking about.

    Oh, Death Note is an anime. Of course. How did I not know that? And BTFO is “back the fuck off”? I guess? How does that even fit in the context? Whatever. He’s a fucking retard. Legitimately.

    Lateral Leftism leaves three LONG replies complaining about the trailer. He cites various nerd references. Erin has NO IDEA what he’s talking about. Why would he even write this? He must know that Erin doesn’t know anything about this shit and doesn’t give a fuck. It can’t just be me who figured this out. I figured it out after watching one video from this fraud.

    Jeff Jackson says, “When I watched this trailer it gave me a little nostalgia spark of playing the game when I was 8. I love that there are mushrooms that will kill you. I love the Koopa Troopas in the bg. My only problem will be finding a showing without 300 kids in the theater.”

    Then don’t go to a children’s film. He wants an adults-only Mario screening. Man babies only.

    Let me watch the trailer.

    Oh. Whatever. It looks fine. I don’t care about the voice. I’m not going to watch this shit, though. I’m an adult..

    “High school me, and 34 year old me, is so fucking excited for this.”

    And she links to some Meet Me in the Bathroom documentary. What’s Meet Me in the Bathroom? A really terrible song by the really terrible The Strokes. She’s a big Strokes fan, that Erin. Or maybe a big bathroom fan. Well, that is where she seems to do a lot of her crying. Crying in the bathtub.

    Anyway, nobody replied to that shit. Maybe this is an insight into why she talks about video games instead of something that she might actually be interested in, like shitty pop music from the 2000s. Video game shit gets some sort of engagement. Shitty pop music stuff gets nothing.

    Also, Erin might have been at her twice-monthly trip to Disneyland recently. Or is this Disney World? I think it’s Disney World.

    She doesn’t like Epcot because they don’t have the old stuff in it any more. They have new stuff in there now. So…why does she go every two weeks then? Just stop going. Take your custom elsewhere. Go on a normal, adult trip somewhere.

    Why not Niagara Falls? Or the Poconos? They’re right fucking there. Let me check Google Maps.

    The Poconos are 90 minutes away from Chalfont, Pennsylvania and Niagara Falls is six hours away. I know that Erin doesn’t live in Chalfont, they live in New Jersey, but they’re near enough to Chalfont.

    They’re only 90 minutes away from the romantic Poconos. And think of the fucking nostalgia. That place probably hasn’t changed since the 1950s.

    Ooh. Poconos Palace Resort. It has a heart-shaped pool. $300/night but Mike can afford it. It’s certainly cheaper than fucking Dinseyland or Disney World.

    Erin and Mike can just slip into that heart-shaped pool and rekindle their romance. I can’t figure out if this pool is public or in your room. A suite, presumably. I think it’s public. How fucking embarrassing would this be? Sharing a heart-shaped pool with random middle aged Poconos enthusiasts. You get an STD going down the slide.

    Oh, but they also seem to have hearth-shaped bathtubs. Now, these are definitely private. They’re surrounded by candles and rose pedals. Very romantic. Erin can just relax there and let the tears flow.

    Some of the beds seem to be heart-shaped too. Perfect for those who enjoy sleeping with one leg on the floor.

    Oh, and here’s something that might interest Mike. I went to the Poconos as a kid. There was an arcade in the hotel that I stayed at and I played the TMNT arcade game there. I don’t know the name of the hotel but it’s probably still there and the arcade machine is probably still there. So just do some research.

    What is there to actually do in the Poconos, though? I was only there briefly.

    Oh. There’s just like scenic shit. Mountains and quaint towns and whatnot. Well, that would be nice. Take a walk. You have to walk a lot at Disney parks so they must be capable of doing this. But instead of looking at some corporate bullshit, you’d be taking in God’s own country.

    Ooh, they also have a big indoor waterpark. That would be fun. Kind of like Disney…but you get STDs on the slide.

    There’s a brewery. That’s great. Take in some craft beer. Maybe Erin really cuts loose after a few beers. Starts being semi-interesting.

    Hold everything. This seals it. A tree-based obstacle course. This is perfect. Imagine Mike scrambling his fat ass up a tree. And they provide all of the safety equipment so you don’t have to worry.

    There’s a shitty casino there as well. God. The Poconos has everything.

    There’s also skiing. An American Indian museum. And a scenic railway.

    Seems like a good time to me. And you’re taking in some local culture. But Erin would rather go to Disneyland and Disney World every two weeks. Even though she hates both places because they don’t have the same rides and attractions that they had forty fucking years ago. You want a place that hasn’t upgraded in forty years? The Poconos is right there. Go check it out.

  • Let’s dive into a Woolworth Halloween circular from 1988! – Dinosaur Dracula

    Erin re-tweets this guy’s stuff a lot. Actually, let me compare dates. Did this guy post this before or after Erin’s incredibly pointless Woolworth tweet?


    Erin was about two weeks before. But let’s see if this guy posted anything about Woolworth on his Twitter before then.

    Oh fuck. He literally has like 100 tweets and re-tweets a day. I’m not going through this shit.

    But some background. This guy used to have a blog called X-Entertainment. I’d read it. It was all about that delicious nostalgia. “Here’s some children’s shit that we had in the 1980s”.

    Then he changed the name of the blog to Dinosaur Dracula. I kind of lost interest around this point. This was…fuck…I don’t know. Fifteen years ago? Longer?

    He also has a Youtube channel. He’s had it for ten years but I’ve only recently found it. He seems to only post around Halloween.

    And like most guys who are into Halloween, this guy is gay. REALLY gay. You can’t really tell in the blog. He doesn’t write gay. However that might look. But in the videos…no. There’s no question. This guy is packing all the fudge he can handle.

    1:45 – So he’s reading this advertisement and then after he’s done talking, it lingers on him for a few more seconds. Get used to this. He does this every fucking time. “Oh, look at how cute I am.” No. With respect, I’m not interested. Can you just tighten the editing up a little? This is annoying.

    2:00 – “Ninjas were super popular in the 1980”.

    I’m not sure if ninjas were any more or less popular in the 1980s than in any other decade but who cares?

    4:15 – He’s talking about these Sir Laugh A Lot toys that laugh when you hit them. He says that they were all over the place but nobody talks about them any more.

    I’ve never seen one in my life. Maybe it’s before my time. But I think according to this guy’s blog, this guy is younger than me. Maybe he just hasn’t updated his blog because this guy doesn’t look to be in his 30s to me.

    The video goes on for another five minutes or so.

    But at some point, he was talking about horror video tapes that were popular at the time, especially around Halloween.

    Yeah. Video cassettes. They were popular.

    I remember going to my neighbour’s house around Halloween and his mother came home with Ghost Story. She thought that it was the Mickey Mouse cartoon. But no. It was the 1981 horror film.

    She was right. There is some Mickey Mouse thing called Ghost Story or something. Isn’t there? I’m not seeing anything with a DuckDuckGo search. Maybe I’m thinking of Mickey’s Christmas Carol with Scrooge and all of the ghosts.

    Anyway, this wasn’t it. This was a horror film that featured male frontal nudity. No thanks. I checked out early on when that naked guy fell out of a window.

    Oh, I should have mentioned that even when this guy’s mother knew that she got a horror film, she still let us watch it. We were…I don’t know…ten years old? Something like that.

    How to (further) pad this out? Halloween…candy…I like candy.

    I never really went all out for Halloween in terms of trick or treating. I usually just went with my family. As I got a bit older, my sister was forced to take me and she hated it. She was a bit older than me.

    Then it started to get embarrassing because you think that you should be trick or treating with your friends instead. You’re too mature to trick or treat with your family but not mature enough to stop trick or treating all together. But I didn’t have many friends.

    One year, I went with those feral neighbour kids and their mother. That was…something, at least.

    Then in the eighth grade, I went with my friend. But we didn’t take it seriously. Well, I didn’t. So we didn’t get much candy. He was annoyed by that. He was kind of a fat kid. He liked candy.

    Actually, I guess that I could have gone with a different neighbour kid. Or my friend who lived about a 15 minute walk from me. But I just didn’t. They went with their families instead, I guess. As I did.

    But yeah, eighth grade was the last time I went.

    Then in high school, you think there’s going to be crazy Halloween parties with beer and shit but no. Well, maybe there were but I wasn’t going to any.

  • More Disingenuous Horseface Tweets – Crystal Quin

    Just finished watching Dahmer. Can someone with money and/or power PLEASE get a park built in memorial of the victims at the Oxford apartment site already???? Someone with influence had to have watched the series.

    She talked about her excitement for this movie before. I discuss it here:


    So now, having watched the movie, she wants some wealthy industrialist to build a park in memory of the people who were killed by Jeffrey Dahmer. Why? This is such a bizarre comment. What is a park going to accomplish?

    She doesn’t give the slightest of fucks about any of these people. She doesn’t even know how to empathise. She can’t even fake it. The emotion is totally foreign to her. So this is her attempt at trying to approximate empathy. Building a park. It doesn’t even make sense.

    Did she not already know about Jeffrey Dahmer? Why does it take a dramatised movie for her to try to feign empathy? Couldn’t she just have done a little research? Check the Wikipedia page for Jeffrey Dahmer?

    And she’s said before that she’s read books on serial killers. She’s one of these losers who takes an interest in this shit. She hasn’t read a book about Jeffrey Dahmer before? She didn’t know the story? Really? Is this what we’re expected to believe?

    I was was wondering about a guy who I went to school with recently so I looked him up. He had an account on GoodReads or something, so I thought, “That’s cool. I’ll check out some of his book reviews.”

    All serial killer books. He’s worked a variety of low-paying jobs all of his life. The last job that I’m aware of is in a pizzeria. And he regularly talks about wanting to kill himself.

    These are the people who read books on serial killers. With respect to this guy, and with no respect to Horseface: total losers.

    Let’s build a park to the victims. This is just Horseface trying to justify her love of serial killers. “Oh, no. I’m only interested in the VICTIMS. I want to honour the VICTIMS.”

    Okay, so let’s look at how the family of the victims felt about that movie. Or maybe it’s a series. I don’t know.

    When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself — when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said.

    If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought it was me. Her hair was like mine, she had on the same clothes. That’s why it felt like reliving it all over again. It brought back all the emotions I was feeling back then.

    I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should’ve asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn’t ask me anything. They just did it.

    But I’m not money hungry, and that’s what this show is about, Netflix trying to get paid.

    I could even understand it if they gave some of the money to the victims’ children. Not necessarily their families. I mean, I’m old. I’m very, very comfortable. But the victims have children and grandchildren. If the show benefited them in some way, it wouldn’t feel so harsh and careless.

    It’s sad that they’re just making money off of this tragedy. That’s just greed.

    That was from Rita Isabell, the woman who screamed at Jeffrey Dahmer during the trial. Her brother was killed.

    It’s just a cash grab. It’s the usual people cashing in on tragedy. And dumb goyim like Horseface are supporting this.

    Where’s our park? We want a park to the victims.

    Maybe if you want to do something productive for the people who were killed, you can stop actively supporting the glorification of serial killers. This only happens in the US. The US is the only culture on earth that glorifies serial killers. That’s why all of the well-known serial killers are Americans. The degenerate culture glorifies this. And morons like Horseface gleefully take part.

    So Safe Space Kaiju replies. “I have been saying this since they demolished the building do something to remember them the fact we remember him more and not the victims is heartbreaking”

    Who’s Safe Space Kaiju? Well, according to his Twitter description he’s, “on the spectrum and by government definition trans so tread lightly”.

    Uh huh. Sounds like a model of good mental health. These are the people going to Horseface’s Twitter. And probably paying to see her shit cosplay Fansly.

    Speaking of which:

    “Go support my Fansly so I can buy these masks and take sexy photos in them (and wear them all the time)”

    “The masks have been pruchased!!!! I bought them online since so many places have sold out. I get them on Tuesday. I’ll stream next Wednesday opening the box!!!”

    There are three masks. A pumpkin, a skull, and, I don’t know, something else. Some kind of monster. Two are $60 and one is $50. They’re just shitty, rubber masks. They seem expensive for what they are but maybe these are the prices for shitty rubber masks these days.

    Why would she want these? She’s like 40 years old.

    And she’s going to wear this for “sexy” photos on her Fansly? What? Why would anybody want that?

    Look, Horseface is not an attractive woman but I don’t want to see her in a mask. It’s weird. Nothing sexy about that.

    It’s completely insane.

    Kris Glavin replied but it looks like he was just being polite. “I love Halloween 3 season of the witch”. Yeah. He doesn’t want to see this weird shit either. A smokeshow wearing a children’s Halloween mask is just a lunatic.

    The downvoted comments are somebody who posted a picture of Bugs Bunny saying “no” and Kiwi Chris who said, “Why, can’t you afford them ? Lol”.

    A fine question. You know what I do when I want something? I go fucking purchase it like a normal person. I don’t go on Twitter and beg literal retards to send me money in exchange for “sexy” pictures.

    Kiwi Chris has a pretty insane Twitter, by the way.

    Jewish conspiracy stuff, his love for large-breasted Jewish women, the inherent superiority of men over women, and his passion for pocket radios. This guy REALLY likes pocket radios. He also really likes Mint Salad. He sends her messages asking if she’s Jewish. He also does an impression of her here:


    Hopefully this guy gets the help that he needs.

    Here’s a picture of Horseface with a bunch of roses covering her face. She’s made comments about roses recently. Somebody is giving her roses. She doesn’t say who. So what’s the point of any of this? Why tease the horntards?

    She doesn’t want to say that she’s in some kind of relationship with somebody because she wants the horntards to think that they have a chance.

    Here’s a “sexy” picture of Horseface and she promotes her Fansly. Again, she’s hiding her face. What is this? Why would I want to PAY MONEY to see pictures of this blurry shit of a Horsefaced woman, fully clothed, with a towel over half of her face?

    Somebody says, “Try autofocus dear”.

    Horseface replies, “It’s blurred on prupose. The Fansly post has the non-blurred photo”

    To be honest, I think I prefer to stick with the blurred version.

    • “Smokeshow stunningly beautiful young lady”

    You’re the best, Kris Glavin.

    • “makes me wanna do some wrestling moves”

    What a bizarre comment. When this guy gets aroused he wants to…put somebody in a full nelson? Even if we’re talking about moves that could potentially be sexual, like the piledriver or a head scissors takedown or something, why is this the response to so-called erotica? Most people just want to jerk off. But no, this guy is leaving his basement and powerbombing his mother through the coffee table every time he gets horny. He needs immediate help.

    • “So not to be rude but do you sell Nude content on your Fansly?”

    Somebody replies, “I just checked and sadly no”

    Yeah, so what’s the point? What’s the point of any of this? She posts this shit for free on Instagram right now. And I don’t even want it for free.

    Well, if she makes enough money from these mentally challenged horny losers, maybe she’ll be able to create that park.

  • Hocus Pocus 2 Review – Newt Wallen

    Isn’t this a children’s movie?

    Oh. Yeah. I looked it up. I never saw it but I remember the commercials. The always awful Bette Midler. Why would they remake this fucking thing? Thirty years later? Bette Midler must be 100 years old now.

    Wow. She’s “only” 76. She seemed old as fuck in 1993 but she was about my age.

    Anyway, let’s see what the Ideas Man has to say.

    He’s in some movie theatre. Presumably one that he worked or works in because why else would they allow him to film this?

    Newt says that he only saw the first movie last year. Why was he watching it? It’s a children’s movie. And a bad one, from all accounts.

    1:15 – “I’ve never been to Salem. I’ve always wanted to go to Salem. I’ve never been to Roswell. I want to go to the Mothman(???) Like, I want to do shit. That’s what happens when you ran movie theatres all those years and didn’t have any money or free time.”

    I’ve been to Salem. I had a job interview there. You’re not missing anything.

    1:45 – “Up until the mid 1990s, kids’ movies still had teeth. The first movie has a lot of jokes about virginity and boobs and stuff like that. I was like, ‘Oh, you can still get away with characters talking about stuff like eating children back then.’ Now, like in this one, it’s toned down.”

    Newt is actually complaining that a CHILDREN’S MOVIE doesn’t have tits and gore. Does he want to see Bette Midler’s geriatric tits? This is disgusting. We don’t need tits and gore in every fucking movie.

    4:15 – “Sarah Jessica Parker, who I think is hot, and you’re all crazy to make fun of how she looks.”

    Sarah Jessica Parker is probably the most well-known horse-faced woman of our time. Clear reference to Crystal Quin aka Horseface McGee.

    5:30 – Newt says “dodgy CGI”. “Dodgy” is a British term. Maybe it’s been adopted. Like “queue”. Although, I think that “queue” is misused by Americans.

    6:00 – “Disney’s been a terrible company for years and years and years who only just recently is accepting of people. But they go, ‘Oh, that’s the first gay character’ but they’re in the background and out of focus. Or, ‘That’s the first trans character. Which one? Oh, they’re over there.’”

    Newt really likes the ladyboys. He wants more ladyboys in Disney children’s movies. And they should be topless and covered in blood.

    What a sick fuck. Who would possibly want to see this?

    Maybe they could do yet another remake of Freaky Friday but the son switches bodies with the mother. So then you have the mother (who has the brain of a boy) struggling in a woman’s body and he tries to dress masculine and shit. And the boy (who has the brain of a woman) struggles in a boy’s body and tries to dress feminine.

    This is genius. I guarantee that this film will be made within the next five years. Possibly by Newt. He’s all about plagiarism, ladyboys, and tits and gore.

    I’d also like to see another remake of The Shaggy Dog but with scenes of bestiality. The dog fucking his wife, for example. Why not? The dog has the brain of a human. It’s the guy’s real life wife.

    Anyway, enough of this filth. Back to The Ideas Man.

    6:45 – “Granted, I’m a straight, 40 year old, white dude who’s had nothing but white characters my entire life. So I don’t know. Everybody’s been like, Oh, that character is like me’”.

    Newt was making some comments about how there should be more representation of ladyboys and whatnot in motion pictures. And then he condemns himself, yet again, for being a white man. Newt HATES being a white man.

    But where is this representation in cinema of 40 year old men who work in movie theatres? Where’s the movie about a heroic plagiarist who’s in love with Sarah Jessica Parker?

    There’s none of this. There are very few films about working class white people. Plenty of films about rich white people. And there are films about impoverished racial minorities. But not many about working class white people.

    And it’s this sort of thing that gives dimwits like Newton R Wallen the idea that white people are rich and non-white people are poor. No. He must know that he’s not rich. He said as much earlier in this very video. But for whatever reason, he still thinks that he’s somehow advantaged over other people. What has this advantage given him?

    The advantages come from class, not race. Your race is irrelevant. Rich black people behave just as poorly as rich white people.

    7:15 – “I looooove Bette Midler. I’ve always been such a huge Bette Midler fan.”

    What? Really? Impossible.

    “Her cover of Martha. Tom Waits’ song, is one of those songs that will make me cry my eyes out every fucking time I hear it.”

    Somehow this one passed me by. And I never even heard of Tom Waits. Let me check it out.

    Oh, right. From her 1979 appearance on Saturday Night Live. That’s the only time this was recorded. How silly of me not to have heard this.

    How often is he fucking hearing this? It’s surely never played on the radio. This was never released. The only place he can hear this is on Youtube and their bad slideshow version. He must be seeking this out.

    Anyway, it’s just a fat Jew crying for three minutes about a phone call or something.

    7:45 – Newt is excited about a new Sister Act. Oh, maybe we’ll get some tits and gore out of Whoopi Goldberg. Newt would love that. A gay, black, Jewish woman getting her tits out. At the age of 75 or whatever she is now.

    8:00 – “Are there no new ideas? Yes.”

    The irony.

    10:45 – Newt gives his IDIOTIC plagiarised movie idea for a film called Hocus Smokus. I won’t dignify this by describing it.

    11:00 – Newt calls himself The Idea Man.

    What? Have I got this wrong the whole time? I thought that he was The Ideas Man. Plural. Maybe he got it wrong. But why would he get his own name wrong? I’ll have to go back and look for previous mentions of this.

    That’s the video. But something that’s never explained is…Newt said that this film was just released via streaming. So…why is he sitting in a movie theatre? It wasn’t released in theatres, right? Maybe he just happened to be in the last surviving porno theatre and decided to record this video about a children’s movie.

  • Rob Zombie’s The Munsters (2022) Review – Cinemassacre

    Newt already beat you to the punch, Jimmy.


    But was Newt wearing a baseball cap and in front of a greenscreen? No. He was hatless and in his kitchen. So let’s check it out.

    Oh, this is Monster Madness. It’s not labelled anywhere but in the intro, they say that it’s Monster Madness.

    By the way, the boys from TheCinemassacreTruth are doing their own version of Monster Madness this year. So far, they’ve all been really, really bad. It’s just bad AI James Rolfe voice and meme after meme after meme. I’m reviewing each one over on my subreddit. It makes a nice change from just calling them gay every day. Check it out if you’re so inclined.


    Yeah, it’s James in a baseball cap in front of a greenscreen. Just like his previous video.

    And what’s crazy is that he’s greenscreening his own fucking video rental store set. Why wouldn’t he just film on the set? It’s insane. The set is in his fucking house, I think. He doesn’t want to walk to the basement or where ever this is thing is? Is the greenscreen closer? In his bedroom, perhaps?

    I don’t get it. Greenscreen always looks awful. Always. Especially when Jimmy does it. It looks like shit. Why does he continue to do it? In EVERYTHING.

    Maybe Newt should start greenscreening his own kitchen.

    0:15 – “Every October, I like to do something a little different.”

    Well, either you or the interns. It’s just so crazy. Did Jimmy write any of this? Who knows? There’s no transparency. There’s no professional code of ethics.

    0:45 – Jimmy says that he wants to review new stuff that’s available on streaming services. He doesn’t want to get out of bed for anything. Just put Netflix on and wonder where it all went wrong in your life.

    1:15 – Jimmy says that Rob Zombie is one of his favourite “entertainers”. Uh huh. Well, this is the man who gives Family Matters as his favourite tv show. So his opinions are worth shit.

    1:30 – Jimmy says that he relates to Rob Zombie and…although it’s not expressly stated, the suggestion is that it’s because both James Rolfe and Rob Zombie are film makers and musicians. Completely deluded.

    3:00 – Now Jimmy is talking about his passion for the 1960s Munsters tv show. Then he starts talking about The Addams Family.

    I don’t get it. I’ve probably seen every episode of The Munsters many times. It was on television when I was a kid. I also watched it as an adult because, inexplicably, it was on British tv Monday to Friday at like 10:30 am for a couple of years.

    But I’ve never seen The Addams Family. Not once. Maybe it’s just a syndication issue. My local tv stations didn’t show The Addams Family.

    6:00 – Jimmy is going through the various Munsters reboots and doesn’t even mention the 1980s Munsters Today, which was a television show. Newt mentioned it. So another point for The Ideas Man.

    What happened? Was this information not on Wikipedia? Let me check.


    No, it’s there. Kieran just must not have been paying careful attention.

    12:00 – “It could be perfect to put on as background during a Halloween party.”

    Newt said the exact same thing in his review. So the question becomes did Kieran (or whoever wrote this) rip of Newt or did both Kieran and Newt rip somebody else off? Because this is a pretty specific comment. They’re talking about the visuals and the bright colours, they say that the movie itself isn’t very good, and that this would be a good movie to show at a Halloween party.

    I don’t know. But if Kieran or whoever ripped off Newt, it’s fair game. Nothing Newt does is protected because he doesn’t care about anybody else’s intellectual property.

    12:45 – Jimmy ends the video by making a bizarre, awkward comment about ice cream and beer.

    Let’s check out what the boys on Reddit had to say. Something gay, no doubt.

    Nothing interesting. Same shit that I wrote, plus added memes. You like memes, right? 5:40! I don’t believe it! Hysterical!

    I liked the Munsters joke where Herman is being encouraged to take dance lessons, and he says, “I can’t take dance lessons. People will think that I’m a…communist or something.” “Communist” was obviously code for “homosexual”. Perfect for the boys on Reddit.

  • Briz & Diddles (feat. Petee Puff) – Pass Me Dat Herb – CannotBeTamed

    Pam was in a music video. I learned about it by skimming her latest video. As here:

    She talks about it at the two minute mark. She calls the song “Pass Me That Herb”. She makes a point of annunciating the word “that”. The actual title of this song is Pass Me Dat Herb. The “dat” really annoyed Pam. She doesn’t go in for that street lingo.

    I’m reminded of a news reporter who, when talking about the film Gridlock’d, would always refer to it as “Gridlock D”. He would pronounce the “D” separately. He was in his 60s, I’d guess, a white man, and he surely knew that it was pronounced “gridlocked” but he was making a point.

    Oh, that’s right. Tupac Shakur was in this. This must have been around the time that he was killed. I recall Rush Limbaugh sort of breaking the story by saying, “Tupac, or One Pac as he’s called now, or I guess No Pacs now.” This was a reference to Tupac having a lung removed shortly after the shooting and then dying shortly thereafter.

    Mainstream America in the 1990s wasn’t big on gangster rap. But haven’t we moved on from this? We still have Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining deriding black culture by refusing to call the song by its proper name. And yeah, all of the people in the video are white, with the exception of Pam’s lesbian girlfriend who’s Asian, but this is still black culture.

    Actually, this brings us to another problematic aspect of this video. It’s appropriating black culture.

    Oh, I should talk about the video. I haven’t actually seen it yet. I’ve skimmed it to make sure that Pam is in it but it was so fucking “cringe” that I couldn’t watch it in its entirety.

    It’s some kind of rap/hip hop shit. Yo yo yo. And it’s fucking…these two middle aged, white Canadian guys pretending to be black Americans from the inner city. I assume that it’s a parody but I don’t know. Their “songs” are about video games…I guess?

    It’s a similar thing to Rex Viper, I suppose. And everybody likes Rex Viper.

    There are surely loads of “bands” like this that do the nerd convention circuit. But are any of them even remotely successful? Is anybody making a living from this? I can’t see how.

    Let’s check out the video.

    0:30 – So we’re introduced to Briz. He’s some douchebag.

    He wants the herb. You homies know what’s up. He wants to hit it up. He needs it really bad because a zombie fucked him up…something.

    1:00 – Now we get Pam’s girlfriend here. She’s saying some stuff. I don’t know. I can’t understand much. I have the volume pretty low because this shit is embarrassing.

    1:30 – Now we’ve got Diddles over here. That’s his actual name. I mean, not his given name, presumably, but this is his stage name. He would also like some herb.

    2:15 – Now we have Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining in a red dress and she’s smoking something, presumably herb. She’s cosplaying as Ada Wong. What? Is this an Asian character? Let me look this up.

    Yeah. So more cultural appropriation from Pam. And why the fuck didn’t the Asian woman play this character? She was some police officer instead. It seems like she doesn’t have any breasts but who cares? It would be more authentic.

    You’d think that Pam would know better than this. Doing some fucking Charlie Chan bullshit.


    I guess that Pam just forgot to check her privilege before making this video.

    And yeah, Pam looks every bit of 40+ years old in this video. This is embarrassing.

    Then the titular herb gets passed along to each character.

    The herb in question is given as the cure-all for all types of biting injuries. Dog bite, spider bite, snake bite, shark bite, biting your own lip. Whatever bites you, herb is the solution.

    3:00 – We get a shot of Pam awkwardly pointing a gun. This is shameful. Now she’s glorifying gun violence.

    Oh, and did I mention that the whole video is glorifying drug use?

    So that’s the video. Embarrassing as fuck and offensive on so many levels. Pam can never get on her woke high horse ever again after this.

    Saying all of this, this was still way better than any Rex Viper video. And Jimmy spent A HUNDRED HOURS on one of those videos. What a colossal waste of time.

  • NYC GameRoom Tour 2022 – Destiny Fomo


    Let’s check out this pack of lies.

    She’s showing a foot of cleavage, as usual.

    0:00 – “Living in New York City is hard.  Collecting in New York City is even harder because of the space.”


    This is how she starts the fucking video.  If you don’t like it, move.  I know that it’s difficult because you don’t have any money, your pimp owns everything, but surely there are charities or something that deal with this sort of stuff.  Prostitutes trying to get legitimate jobs.  

    0:30 – She mentions having another apartment.  Her pimp TuanX’s other apartment.  Madam Fomo owns NOTHING.  It’s all TuanX’s.  That’s how this works.

    But she starts the video talking about how hard it is to live in New York.  Her situation is clearly not the situation of most people.  Most people in New York are not prostitutes living with their pimps who have two apartments.  So…how are we supposed to at all identify with this?

    Then she just starts showing TuanX’s game collection.  Who cares?  Why do I want to see this?  Show us the sex dungeon or something.

    She really struggles to pronounce “Famicom”, by the way.  Repeatedly.

    3:15 – “One of the most common questions I get asked.”

    She has problems with the English language a lot.  Earlier in the video, she said something like, “A prior question”.  She uses the wrong word a lot.  Like she’s not a native speaker.  But she is.  Unless you want to include Ebonics as her native language.  

    You don’t hear anything about Ebonics any more but it was a huge joke in “the 90s” at least among my vaguely racist peers.  

    Anyway, she’s talking about her favourite games.  WHO CARES?  We don’t want these boring as fuck questions.  Tell us about some of the wacky shit you’ve seen in your career as a prostitute.  You’ve done this for over ten years.  Easily.  You must have loads of stories.  

    She’s wearing some weird Chun Li buns in her hair, by the way.

    5:00 – She starts shaking her tits, in an obvious fashion, and she make some weird…I don’t even know.  Bad acting is how I’d describe it.  

    What’s the point of all of this anyway?  Why is there a prostitute showing off her pimp’s game collection?  Why would anybody want to watch this?  Why does this collection even exist?  TuanX is a fucking moron to spend all of his pimp money on video games.  Launder that shit into gold or something.

    5:45 – She’s talking about beating BattleToads now.  Who cares?  Even if it’s true, which I suspect it isn’t, why would I want to hear a prostitute talking about beating some 30 year old game?  This is pointless.

    Maybe she does play video games.  She seems to have a lot of time on her hands.  She doesn’t work, in the traditional sense.  I think that she’s mostly out of the prostitution game but I’m not sure.  I suspect that she’s still doing it.  Why wouldn’t she?  TuanX needs money.

    But her main “job” seems to be her god awful OnlyFans.  That can’t take too much time.  Take some horrible cheesecake photos for horny retards.  That’s not eight hours a day.  That’s not eight hours a week.  

    So my point is that she she has time on her hands.  Maybe.  Maybe a lot.  So perhaps she is playing video games during some of this spare time.  She does seem to know something about video games.  Even back when she did live streams, she was able to answer questions about video games in a semi-intelligent, semi-informed fashion.

    But who cares?  Who cares if she plays games or not?  This is boring.  I don’t give a fuck about any of this.  Give us some prostitute stories.

    She keeps encouraging you to sign up to her Twitch.  No thanks.

    6:30 – Now she’s showing Stadium…something.  I already forgot the name.  But this is the game where she did a video where she was dressed like a prostitute in some PVC gear and she flashed $20,000 in cash and offered it to any horntard who wanted to sell her the game.  Later, she had Pat the NES Punk sign the game.

    7:00 – She says that she doesn’t want this game and offers to sell it.  Who’s going to buy it now that Pat ruined it with his signature?  And which one of these horny retards has $20,000 to spare?  But I guess that TuanX needs some more cash.

    By the way, she’s reading question.  She never explained where these questions came from.  But they’re all just…fucking…video game questions.  This is stupid.  I don’t give a fuck about any of this.  She’s done these type of videos a billion times already.  GET TO THE SEX DUNGEON!

    7:15 – Now she suddenly sat on the floor for some reason.  It was just an excuse to jiggle her tits.

    7:30 – She’s talking about the Virtual Boy.  “I didn’t have it growing up because I was too poor.”

    Ummm…let’s dome some rough estimates on when Madam Fomo was born.  She’s probably in her late 20s, I guess?  Let’s say 28.  So that would mean that she was born in about 1994.

    The Virtual Boy was released in 1995.

    One year olds aren’t playing video games.  You can start playing video games when you’re five?  Six?  But not in any meaningful way.  Certainly, you wouldn’t be playing the Virtual Boy at that age.  It’s too cumbersome and the games are no good.

    So maybe…eight years old would be the earliest that anyone would play the Virtual Boy.  The system had already been cancelled for seven years by that point.  Nobody was talking about it.  Nobody wanted it.  People had long moved on.  The GameCube was out.  Playstation 2.  Game Boy Advance.  Shit like this.  Not fucking Virtual Boy.

    8:15 – “How many games do you own” is the next question.  How many times have these questions been asked and answered already?  WE DON’T CARE!  

    The reason why she can’t talk about her actual life is obvious.  She’s a prostitute.  What’s she going to say?  She’d get demonitised.

    But this is boring as fuck.  Retro Ali and Pelvic Gamer do the same thing.  All they ever talk about is video games.  You get no insight whatsoever into their personal lives.  So they just come off as one dimensional video game playing robots.  I don’t a give a shit about that.  Nobody does.

    If you don’t want to talk about your personal life, fine.  I get it.  But then go get a job at Jiffy Lube.  When you’re making Youtube videos and trying to make money from this shit, you need to be engaging.  You need to somehow connect with the audience.  

    9:00 – She says that it’s taken her eight years to build her collection.  Where did the money come from Madam Fomo?  That’s the question that people are going to have.  She’s trying to downplay how much all of this shit cost but no.  This is hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of games.  Stadium Events was $20,000 by itself.  Where did the money come from, Fomo?  Tell us about your day job.  Or night job, more accurately.

    She can’t.  It’s all criminal.  

    How do the horntards who don’t realise that she’s a prostitute rationalise any of this?  Don’t they wonder where the money comes from?  She never talks about her job.  Is she a doctor?  A wealthy industrialist?  Did she win the lottery?  How can any of this be explained?


    10:45 – She says that she tried to put all of her games in her bedroom but it doesn’t fit.  Plus, it would be a little awkward with all of the sex for money activity that goes on there.  “Hey, I think there’s a Mario Paint in my ass.  Can you dig it out?”

    11:00 – She leans over to show her boobs some more.  She’s done this sort of thing throughout the video.  I haven’t mention nearly all of them.

    She invites the horntards to comment on her game room.  “Do you think it’s too much?  Do you think it’s too little?”

    WHO CARES?  What can anybody going to possibly say about this fucking collection of TuanX’s?  Do whatever the fuck you want, TuanX.  I don’t give a shit.  There are bigger issues at play here than a fucking video game collection.  Like human trafficking.

    Then she advertises her Twitch and her Twitter.  No OnlyFans.  Does she still have the OnlyFans?  Let me check.

    Yeah.  Only $3 for a month.  It’s a “limited” time sale.  The “spring special”.  Ummm…spring was six months ago.

    Maybe this hasn’t been updated in six months.  Her Amazon gift page is all current, at least.  She wants a lot of prostitute stuff and children’s toys.  This is the sort of stuff that she always has on here.  Her johns must be into some weird stuff.

    Oh, no.  She advertised her OnlyFans just recently. 


    “Be nice it’s #HispanicHeritageMonth 🥰 #puertorican link in my bio for more”

    Madam Fomo has said NUMEROUS times that she’s mixed race.  Black father and white mother, I assume.  The mother was the prostitute, the father was the pimp.  But now she’s Puerto Rican.  It’s just constant lies from her.

    She used to get really annoyed when people said that she was Hispanic.  But now she’s just going with it because it’s “Hispanic Heritage Month”.  She’s trying to cash in all of that Hispanic Heritage Month mania.  Then when February rolls around, she’ll be looking at some of that sweet Black History Month cash.

    Does anyone in the comments call her out?

    – “Your one hot Puerto Rican”

    Here’s this guy’s Twitter:


    Holy fucking shit.  It’s just sad.  I don’t even want to comment.

    – “Happy Hispanic Heritage month.”

    That was from this guy:


    Again, pity prevents me from saying anything further.

    Here’s another guy who replied:


    Fifty year old redneck from Texas who enjoys professional wrestling.

    There are also a bunch of fake accounts leaving spam comments.  She doesn’t even bother to delete them.

  • A Halloween Parody in 5 Minutes – Tony from Hack the Movies


    I’ve never seen the movie so you’ll have to forgive me if I’m not getting some important reference.

    0:15 – It starts with a woman saying to…I think Clark Gable, who appears on Hack the Movies, “Want to go upstairs and mess around for like five seconds?”, to which Lou Ferrigno responds, “Sounds good to me.”  

    So they go upstairs, then a second later her runs back down and says, “I’ll call you.”  How hackneyed.

    Then a guy in a clown outfit takes a knife from a drawer and a clown mask and goes upstairs.

    1:00 – Jump scare.  That woman who was talking about having sex with James Dean was Tony’s mother.  What the fuck?  Who could have predicted this?

    Seriously, this woman is in her 50s.  At least.  And she’s playing a teenager?  

    You couldn’t tell the age of this woman in the establishing shots because it was being filmed far away, outside of the house, through a window.  But now we get a closeup.  What the fuck.

    Although, it does raise an interesting point regarding Desi Arnaz.  Now, I’ve given this guy a lot of shit for calling himself an “actor” when he’s only done stuff like “Security Guard #2” in some short student film.  

    I take all of that back.  If this guy can do a scene where he talks about wanting to have sex with THIS woman (Mrs Piluso) then he’s the world’s greatest actor.  

    Then this clown stabs this MILF.  Or…M, anyway.

    I shouldn’t talk about Tony’s mother like this.  It’s nice that she appeared in the movie.  Helping her son out.  Taking an interest in his dumb projects.  I just question the role that Tony gave her.

    1:15 –  Now we see Sheriff Lobo and some woman in a tan suit jacket.  They were the parents of this kid who stabbed Tony’s mom.

    1:30 – Then there’s a graphic saying “15 years later”.  

    Some guy in a trenchcoat is in a car.  He’s saying some stuff about wanting to capture Michael Myers. Then he’s dropped off and the car speeds away.  I don’t get any of that.

    1:45 – Now we have this anti-abortion nut talking to Jessica the Intern.  Jessica is playing a boy, because she looks like a boy, and the anti-abortion nut is playing…fuck.  I don’t know.  I might not be the best person to review this shit.

    Okay, I had to listen to this three times before I got the joke and understood what everyone was saying.  The anti-abortion nut says to Jessica the intern something like, “Let’s meet up under the palm tree.”  And Jessica the intern says, “Aren’t we in Illinois?”

    The joke being that there aren’t many palm trees in Illinois.  But it was hard to understand what anyone was saying and…the joke just wasn’t…funny.

    2:00 – Next scene.  Eugh.  I know that horror movies can sometimes make you feel queasy but this is going too far.  You got this anti-abortion nut, Johanna who looks 300 pounds, and Crystal Quin aka Horeseface McGee who…oh my god.  I don’t even want to say anything.  Just check it out for yourself.  If you’re jerking off to that shit, god bless you.

    So there’s some dialogue and Johanna just says “totally” a bunch of times.  I guess that the “joke” is that she’s a terrible actress.  Fuck.  This is awful.

    Then Horseface says, “Linda, feel free to come over and have sex whenever you want for some reason.”

    Eugh.  Come on.  Have some compassion for the viewer.  Nobody wants to see or hear this.

    Then…eugh…I don’t know if I can do this.  Horseface is so painfully unattractive.  I’m just going to try to ignore it.  I’ll have to close my eyes during her scenes.  It’s too gruesome.

    2:30 – Then there’s another scene with that guy who’s looking for Michael Myers.  And the joke is that he’s right behind him reading a newspaper.  

    3:00 – Now a scene with that anti-abortion nut and Jessica the intern.  I’m just glad that Horseface isn’t here.  In the scenes where she’s not there, you really get a sense of relief.  “Yeah, this is complete dogshit but at least I don’t have to look at that horse-faced woman for a little while”.  It lulls you into a false sense of security.

    I can’t even understand what this anti-abortion nut is saying.  She’s awful.  I’ve listened to this three times.  “And tonight the evil (something something) to get us”.  Good work.

    3:15 – Oh my god.  Then we’re back to Horseface.  I’m only halfway through this.  This is the longest six minutes of my life.  She’s really emoting.  It’s awful.

    She opens the front door, throws a dummy, and says, “Hey, watch this kid.  I got to go get laid.”

    Well…oh fuck…the bad news is that we have to think about Horseface in some kind of sexual situation.  But the good news is that this means that this is Horseface’s last scene.  Right?  Let’s hope so.

    Well, almost.  In the next scene she was briefly getting choked out by Michael Myers in the car.  But it was okay because her hair was covering her face.  

    Ahhhhh.  I feel so much better now.  Not because the Horseface character was violently killed.  I’m not a psychopath.  But I’m just glad that Horseface’s role is over.  We can just watch this thing in peace now.

    3:30 – Ew.  But then we have Johanna and some guy, possibly her real life boyfriend, talking about having sex.  And Johanna continues to just say “totally” because the joke is that she’s a bad actress.  Why not just get a good actress then?  Or a semi-competent one at least.

    Then Johanna and this guy get killed.  Then there are multiple scenes of this anti-abortion nut running and screaming.  

    4:45 – Now more mumbling bullshit with this anti-abortion nut and the intern.

    5:15 – Then that guy in the trench coat starts shooting Michael Myers.

    Then that’s the video.  Tony is there at the end to encourage you to subscribe to his Patreon if you want to see bonus footage of Horseface emoting.  No thanks, Tony.  

    – “This was awesome. I laughed so hard when Crystal threw that kid and said she was going to go get laid. Lol. Great short.”

    That reminds me.  This was supposed to be funny.  I didn’t find it funny, though.  That’s to be expected, I guess, but it was like…it wasn’t even supposed to be funny.  It’s only after I read this comment that I realised, “Oh, this was supposed to be a comedy.”

    Now that I think about it, there were jokes.  There were plenty of jokes.  But not…funny ones.

    Maybe I was just too traumatised by Horseface.  

    – “Oh baby I’m only here for the Crystal Quin foot shots at 4:33!! Looks like I’ll be needing a new jar of Vaseline tomorrow!”

    That was from somebody whose name is actually “Horn Dog”.  And indeed, if you go to the time stamp there’s a picture of a Horseface dead, barefoot, and in bed.  I didn’t even notice this.  This is so awful.

    So in summary, it’s no Hack the Living Dead.  Hack the Living Dead was almost watchable.  Almost.  

    This isn’t even Mummy Cop.  Mummy Cop was unwatchable but it didn’t cause me physical discomfort to watch it.

    This was really bad.  I’d give it two stars.  Out of a hundred.