
  • A Movie Making Nerd by James Rolfe – Review

    After twenty years, we finally get to read James Rolfe’s autobiography. He’s been hyping this thing for ages. He just couldn’t find a publisher. So in the end, he published it himself.

    It quickly becomes obvious why nobody wanted to publish this thing. It’s boring, it’s poorly-structured, and it’s clearly written by somebody who’s mentally challenged.

    The first 55% of the book is about James’ childhood through to graduating college. That’s a lot of pages to devote to your youth.

    He talks about going to special education. He would throw fits and literally urinate on himself. He says that he doesn’t remember this. So he saw a psychiatrist or something who diagnosed him with attention deficit disorder. Well, people don’t go to special education just for that. So he also says that he basically failed the third grade.

    So it’s not merely that he had ADD, like so many people like to claim. He was academically…not good. Like…to the point where he had to go to special education.

    There are maybe seven pages on his time in special education. This was the only interesting part of the book. I would have liked to hear more about this.

    But he just moves on. He transferred to a normal high school in the 10th grade. It’s not explained why. He’s afraid that he might get bullied because people knew that he went to special education but it’s never explored whether or not he was bullied.

    He graduates and he goes to college. He spends FORTY PAGES on freshman year. The book is 300 pages. So a huge chunk is devoted to his freshman year of college.

    What happened in freshman year that was so interesting? Nothing. James had some roommates who liked to party but James is at pains to tell you that he didn’t do shit. He just observed all of this youthful craziness. Drug and alcohol abuse, throwing stuff out the window, trashing their dorm room. All of this stuff happened. But James wasn’t involved. He just watched it and filmed it.

    Then his “film” found its way to some dean at the school. James was in the film but he was just “in character” during his interview segment. He was just pretending that he was involved in this hedonistic behaviour. Because in actuality, he didn’t do shit. And I believe him. This man is afraid of his own shadow. He doesn’t like doing things. He doesn’t take risks. And he’s absolutely petrified of authority figures.

    So the dean finds the video and expels everyone who appeared in the video. James appeals the decision and it’s reduced to a one year suspension.

    But all of the other people who appeared in the video, except for James and one other person, all got expelled. And James shows absolutely no remorse for this, in spite of the fact that it was his video that got them expelled.

    He says that he later met one of the people who got expelled who said something like, “Well, I didn’t want to go to that college anyway” and this a big relief to James. Even though the guy was clearly just saying that to try to make himself feel better about what happened.

    Forty pages of this.

    James did some student films. Also, during his childhood he names some “films” that he made with the neighbourhood kids. None of this is interesting.

    There were brief references to James meeting Kyle, Bootsy, and Mike while in college. No stories about them hanging out or doing anything crazy because James didn’t fucking do anything. Ever.

    Then he graduated. Then he briefly worked in a liquor store before getting a job as an editor. He did that for a short while and then did another editing job. Then he got married.

    These jobs don’t seem that bad. They’re directly related to what he was studying. How many people can say that? Most people go to college, they study sociology or whatever, and then they get a job at Jiffy Lube. But James was in the fortunate position to get jobs that were directly related to his degree. But he didn’t like the jobs.

    So while he’s working, he’s also continuing to make “films” in his spare time. And one day, when he was bored, he dressed up like a nerd and made a video about Castlevania. He shared the video with Mike and Kyle or somebody and…that’s it. There’s no real explanation of how things progressed. Mike isn’t credited for encouraging James to continue with this series. It’s just nothing.

    Then we should be talking about the Angry Video Game Nerd series of Youtube videos, right? This is what James is most well-known for. By far. But we don’t get that. He completely glosses over the thing that he’s most well-known for.

    This could have been its own fucking book. He could have done like an episode guide. Talk about each episode of AVGN. What the creative process was like, what it was like to film it, who was in the video, how did he like the video, whatever. He can even give a star rating to each video. James enjoys giving ratings to his own “films”.

    No. There was none of this. It was just, “I was working, then I did some AVGN stuff, and now here are 30 pages about The AVGN Movie.” It’s a completely bizarre decision.

    So then he talks about the movie. Things are really dragging at this point.

    Then he had children. This is the last part of the book and another absolutely baffling decision. He goes into nauseating detail about all of the medical procedures that took place during this difficult pregnancy. He talks about all of the injuries and blood and various bodily fluids that he witnessed. What will particularly haunt me is he talks about his daughter defecating in his wife during labour. This is something that could have been fatal, as he points out, but knowing that James Rolfe has a scat fetish, it’s completely disgusting. He’s getting off on this. Why is any of this in the book anyway? It goes on for like eight pages, all of the horrible, disgusting stuff surrounding the birth of his two children.

    He talked more about his wife’s difficulty pregnancies than he did AVGN.

    Then the book ends with three glorious pages about Rex Viper.

    Now let’s talk about what he didn’t mention. First, The Angry Video Game series of videos. I’ve mentioned that already.

    There was no mention of Bootsy or Kyle or Kevin Finn departing. In fact, none of these people were mentioned hardly at all. There was just confirmation that they existed.

    Mike gets no credit for his role in AVGN. Of course, AVGN is barely mentioned so I suppose that’s a factor. But all James says is that Mike appeared in some AVGN videos, he did the title cards, and he was hired to edit the videos. That’s it.

    But we know that Mike wrote a lot of the episodes. I suspect that Mike had a huge role in the success of AVGN. None of this is discussed. James takes 100% of the credit for the success of AVGN.

    There’s almost no mention of Screenwave. Tony, Justin, and Kieran don’t even get acknowledged by name. James just says that he hired Screenwave to “help”. And James is at pains to say that he’s the boss. He’s in charge. It’s all James.

    No discussion about the obvious decline in quality of the videos after Screenwave got involved.

    The book is only interesting in the sense that it confirms James’ massive narcissism as well as his mental disabilities.

    Throughout the book, he expresses irrational fears of authority figures, in particular the police. He talks about not wanting to drink alcohol while in college because he was under 21, for example, and it’s illegal. He talks about how his boss smoked and he didn’t like this because it’s illegal to smoke indoors. He was terrified when a police helicopter shone a light on his filming location for the AVGN movie. Shit like this. I suspect that his fear of authority figures is connected to him being mentally challenged.

    He talks about his “films” in glowing terms. He’ll show them at a college film exhibition and just absolutely everybody loves them. He literally uses terms like people were “pumping their fist” and “standing on their chairs”. And he’s talking about “films” like, It Came from the Toilet, which is about “a shit monster who shits on people”.

    An amusing anecdote is that he played Lenny in Of Mice and Men for some college production. Lenny, of course, is the retarded man in the book. But again, everybody loved James’ performance.

    He’d show his “films” to women who he was trying to woo and it would cause them to sit on his lap and engage in amorous behaviour.

    Everybody loved the AVGN Movie. This is what he saw at the screenings. It was a “crowd pleaser”. He completely discounts the overriding consensus of the internet that the film was a piece of shit. He basically says that these are just a just a handful of “haters” who are jealous of him.

    There’s an interesting book somewhere in James Rolfe’s life. As dull as his life is. But this isn’t it.

    This is a man who is mentally retarded and with the great assistance of other people (his parents, Mike Matei, Screenwave) he was able to achieve something rather impressive. There’s a large element of luck in his videos becoming popular on Youtube but he was still putting the work in. If he wasn’t making the videos, none of this would have happened.

    With the possible exception of the actor Chris Burke, James Rolfe might just be the most successful retarded person of modern times. I’m not taking anything away from him by saying this. I’m not trying to be insulting. It’s just reality.

    But James Rolfe seems to lack the insight to understand his limitations and how much help he’s received from other people. So he attributes all of his success solely to himself. And anyone who doesn’t like any of his work, for any reason, is a “hater”. Everything that he has done is a masterpiece.

    I’m reminded of the playground brainteaser that we would sometimes explore, “Do retarded people know that they’re retarded?” If James Rolfe is any guide, the answer is “no.”

    The book is poorly written. Poorly edited. How did this thing take 20 years to write? It’s like a school project from junior high.

    But like everything else, I’m sure that James Rolfe thinks that the book is excellent and anyone who disagrees is a hater. It’s just a window into the mind of somebody who’s mentally challenged. I don’t wish bad things on James but he has people around him now who don’t seem to have his best interests at heart or they’re just incompetent.

    Mike Matei was, apparently, excellent in concealing James Rolfe’s mental retardation and his extreme narcissism. I don’t think that Mike was doing this because he wanted to help his friend. I think that that Mike’s motivation was entirely financial. Mike was making a lot of money off of this retarded man.

    But when Screenwave took over ass-wiping duties, we see what happens. They’re incompetent. So we get stuff like the podcast and his boring as fuck Youtube videos and now this autobiography that totally expose James. Mike would not let this stuff happen. Mike kept a tight leash on James. Only scripted stuff.

    Now that James has no competent help, we see what a narcissistic retard James really is.

    So in summary, if you’re a fan of James Rolfe, you can safely skip this one. But if you’re interested in a psychological study of what happens when a mentally challenged man receives constant praise throughout his life and effectively wins the lottery, maybe check it out.

  • James Rolfe: A Movie Making Nerd Omnibus

    I did a running commentary on the book over on Reddit for the past four days. I’m just going to compile all of the comments here. I’ll do a review of the book tomorrow, giving my overall impressions and whatnot.

    So April says of her husband, shortly after meeting him, “Everyone who knew him seemed accutely aware that he was bound for greatness and exuded pride in him and his craft.”

    Holy fucking shit. How some humility? This is James Rolfe, not the second coming of Jesus Christ.

    How could they put something like this in the forward? This is who James Rolfe is. He thinks that he’s the most important guy in the world. Just look at the AVGN Movie. It was two hours of James sucking his own dick. Everybody loves James Rolfe. At least in the movie. And this is how he thinks of himself.

    “He eats breathes and diarhrea dumps filmmaking.”

    What the fuck? So…his wife also has a scat fetish? Why would they put this in the forward? It’s insane.

    And why is his wife even writing the forward? It’s like getting a job reference from your mother. Find another “Youtuber” who’s willing to write a little something about you. This is fucking embarassing and I’m still on the forward.

    There are a lot of weird grammatical errors in this forward. At first, I thought I was the problem but…no. Who proofread this? It’s weird stuff like this:

    “He is unapologetically authentic and has worked relentlessly, belief unfaltering in his passion and deserves every ounce of his success.”

    More prose about how James is bigger than Jesus but it’s the “belief unfaltering.” What? Did somebody use the wrong words or something? And this happens a few times. Just in the forward. I’m still at the forward.

    So I’m finally at the first chapter. It says, “I’m flattered that anyone would want to read this.”

    Why the sudden humility? Your wife was just talking about how you’re the best thing since sliced bread. Why did you agree to include that ridiculously self-aggrandasing forward? Why didn’t you tell her to tone it down a little? “Hey, come on, April. I’m just a man. I’m not god’s gift to poop videos.”

    He thanks his wife, his parents, his “Mom and Dad #2″ (what he calls his in-laws…hehe…”number two…like poop”.

    Then he says, “Thanks to everyone who has worked with me on videos and whether your name is mentioned in this book or not, I greatly value your contribution to my life.”

    But not enough to mention them in the book. So Bootsy, Kyle, whoever else, go fuck yourselves.

    Oh….and he thanks his kids…

    I….what? This is fucked up. The first chapter…it’s all fucked up. There are missing words at the beginning of a lot of these paragraphs. I think that the missing word is “I” but it’s not there.


    The book literally starts with his birth. He theorises what it was like to be in his baby carriage. What the fuck?

    Oh my fucking…what? This is…he was describing a dream that he had AS A BABY. And it’s that fucking “dragon in my dream shit.” He had this dream AS A BABY. That’s the word that he uses. “Baby.”

    He remembers dreams that he had as a BABY? FUCK OFF!

    Page 12 starts with half of the paragraph missing. What the fuck? I’m not doing anything wrong. I know how Kindle works. Page 12 has half of the first fucking paragraph missing.


    He talks about going to special education but only for about five pages. Says that he had ADD but also his academic progress was slow so he failed the third grade. Then he went into special education. It’s kind of interesting. I would have liked to hear more about it. But instead, he moves on to his movie making “career”.

    There’s more missing text between pages 23 and 24. What the fuck. How did this happen? Is it going to be fixed? Can I just get a refund?

    He describes Jimmy Rolfe Versus The Punching Bag as, “below amateurish and embarrassing”. I found this hilarious.

    So I’ve finished chapter one. He just talks about his childhood “movies”. He admits that they were all really bad.

    Then the chapter ends with him deciding that he wants to go to a normal high school. But on the day before he’s supposed to leave special ed, he gets mad at a bus driver. The previous day, he forgot to tell the bus driver that he got a ride home from somebody else. So the bus driver says, “Nobody tells us anything. We’re the bottom of the totem pole. The balls on the dick.”

    James gets really upset by this and kicks a window in school. Then the teacher and principal ask him what happened and he tells them what the bus driver said.

    ADULT James Rolfe seems happy that these people probably lost their jobs. I can see as a kid not appreciating being spoken to like that, and even as an adult recognising that it was inappropriate, but to revel in people losing their jobs over this? It’s distasteful.

    So I’m moving on to chapter 2 now. I’ll start a new thread for this.

    He’s in high school now. The book still omits every “I” and I think “A” from the start of every paragraph. I have no idea why. Some formatting problem, I guess. Nobody proofread this.

    It’s also very common that a word or even half a fucking paragraph will be missing between pages. It’s another formatting problem, I guess, but why was this not caught?

    He talks about his moustache. He had it in high school. As a 16 year old, I guess. And everybody told him to shave it but he didn’t want to. He admits now that he should have shaved it because it looked ridiculous.

    Draw your own parallels to his current hair situation.

    He also is talking about his grandmother who died. If you expect a heartfelt sendoff, remember that James Rolfe has a scat fetish. The first thing he says about this woman is, “One time she farted so loud, the room went pitch black.” It set off The Clapper.

    RIP DeeDee. You deserved better than this shit.

    Oh, it doesn’t end there. He also tells a story about going to a farm with DeeDee and watching the pigs eat their own excrement. DeeDee called it “shit” and James was fascinated by this word.

    Who the fuck edited this? All of this shit should have been taken out. We don’t want to read this. Nobody wants to read this. Pigs eating shit? FUCK YOU.

    He’s talking about his seminal masterpiece Droppings wherein a neighbourhood kid gets bird shit dropped on him. He calls it “comic gold” and he’s not joking.

    What’s also weird (other than his scat fetish) is that he doesn’t use the neighbour kids’ last names. He’ll just use the first letter of their last name. So “Joe M” in this case, is the star of Droppings.

    But their full names are on IMDB. I don’t know. Maybe James doesn’t want to get sued by putting their full names in this book. Maybe he’s trying to spare people some embarassment.

    On page 67, he talks about a neigbourhood actor wanting to “take a dump”, whicch resulted in a pause in filming. More scat fetish bullshit.

    He got a car. It was his grandfather’s car. He drove a girl home one day and couldn’t understand what she meant when she said “turn left”. I…don’t quite get it. It has something to do with his autism. He takes things literally and couldn’t understand something. So they almost died.

    Oh, it also took him three times to pass the driving test.

    His first job was at “Shit Mart”. More scat fetish nonsense. He did it for a few months. He was bad at the job. He didn’t like it because it took away from his “filmmaking”.

    Then he went back ten years later and saw the same people working there. So he thought about how lucky he is.

    Yeah. I don’t know. The same people working at a retail store ten years later? People his age? Doing the same job that they did in high school? I don’t think so.

    He started listening to music but didn’t like the contemporary 1990s stuff. He got into 1980s heavy metal instead.

    His first concert was Metalica. He went with a friend. James was 18 at the time. The friend scored some beer and weed but James wasn’t interested. “The only drug I needed was music.”

    Fuck off, you square.

    A girl asked James to go to the junior prom. This was his first date. He didn’t kiss her. Then he also went to the senior prom with her.

    What the fuck happened in the intervening year? He says that he never told her that she looked pretty or anything like this. So…were they dating? I guess not. But they just went to the prom together. Twice.

    Then he tells a story about another girl he went out with. She was a co-worker as “Shit Mart”. She gave him a note saying that she likes him and wants to go out.

    What follows is a story so preposterous that it was clearly inspired by some 1980s television sitcom. She said, “Have you ever kissed a girl before?” Jimmy said, “No” so she kissed him. Yeah, I think that I saw that episode of Saved by the Bell.

    Then it ends with this girl wrapping her legs around Jimmy, unbuttoning his pants, and then a fucking police chase ensues. FUCK OFF. This didn’t happen.

    He talks about meeting Kevin Finn. This is another sitcom-esque story. He was in school. Just fucking pay the eight bucks and read the book if you’re interested in what happened. It’s not an interesting story, though. Just sounds kind of fake to me.

    Chapter two ends with him filming The Head Incident. This was his last “movie” of high school. He thinks that if you take out the comedy, it could have been a serious horror film. Yeah. No. It sucks.

    You know what I would have liked to hear? More about his fucking school days. This “movie” stuff bores the shit out of me.

    He briefly said that he was worried about being bullied in high school because people knew that he went to special education. But…we don’t hear anything about any bullying. He’s just making movies and almost losing his virginity while being chased by cops like he’s in some fucking Porky’s movie.

    What wacky adventures are in store for James in college? Is the crusty old dean going to going to foil his plan for a bra bomb? Let’s find out together.

    Oh, Kevin Finn, his BFF from high school, just happened to be his next door neighbour at the dorm. What a wacky sitcom coincidence that was.

    “The chance of him attending the same college, living in the same dorm, and assigned the room next to mine was incredibly slim.”

    I’m inclined to agree, James.

    But Kevin didn’t want to hang out with James because James was a boring fellow. Kevin wanted to hang out with a faster crowd.

    So James started hanging out with some random dudes who were friends with his roommate. He went to a bar and almost vomited a white Russian. That was the drink he decided to get. “I’ll have what he’s having” is what he said. When James Met Some Random Dude.

    He had an assignment in some film class. They were allowed to make a two minute “film” in class. You had to make the video in one day, in class. It was just a little throw away thing to teach you how the camera works.

    So James wanted to recreate one of his childhood movies. It was obviously way too elaborate for this fucking two minute video.

    The professor told him this. Too elaborate. So James told the professor, “I already made 70 films at home.”

    Unbelievable. This is something that he still believes to this day.

    James started a “film festival”. With the help of his friend, who did all of the work, they managed to get some submissions from other students. James screened The Head Incident.

    He says, “I continued the film festival annually until junior year.”

    So…twice. You did it twice.

    The first time he smoked weed, the very first fucking puff, the Dean of Students saw him and threatened to expel him.

    Fuck your 1980s anti-drug PSA bullshit. These are fucking hackneyed stories. There’s no way they’re real. He’s getting this shit from 1980s television sitcoms.

    Okay, I’m at page 116 and I’m starting to doze off. It’s just James telling endless stories about stuff that his wacky roommates did and he observed them doing. None of these stories involve James. It’s his roommates who were living it up. James was just watching this shit.

    So I’m going to stop here for now. This chapter goes on and on. There’s at leaset another 20 pages. Twenty pages of James talking about stuff that OTHER PEOPLE did. This is his college experience.

    I mean…it’s mine too but I wouldn’t write a fucking book about it.

    I’m 36% done with the book, by the way. Hopefully, it picks up.

    He keeps calling his roommates his “roomgoers”. He explained why earlier in the book but I didn’t get it. It’s just weird.

    At the end of freshman year, one of James’ “roomgoers” got expelled for smoking marijuana.

    Then before the year’s end, James interviewed some of the people in the dorm. They seemed to give stupid, uninteresting comments. “Fuck this school” and whatnot.

    James also decided to take part in this “movie” that he was making. But because James didn’t do any crazy shit, he just made it up. He told stories about doing crazy shit. He was playing a character. He ends this part of the story by saying that this will later come back to haunt him.

    But yeah, James didn’t do jack fucking shit. He’s telling all of these stories about the drug and alcohol use going on and he’s just a passive observer of this. He keeps talking about how he doesn’t want to do anything illegal. He also says that he didn’t want to turn these people in and be a “tattletale”. “Tattletale” is an actual word used. Fucking Cindy from the Brady Bunch is rolling over in her grave.

    The next part of this chapter is entitled. “The Summer of Nothing.” So a sequel to the “Freshman Year of Nothing”.

    I mean…what the fuck? HE DID NOTHING IN COLLEGE! Not the first year, anyway.

    This is a fucking deeply autistic, withdrawn man talking about his wasted life. He never did anything.

    What James did over the summer was edit these interviews into a 40 minute “documentary”, using two VCRs. He claims that the end result was “Just as entertaining as Jackass”. And he’s not joking.

    How about a little humility, James? Are you capable of that? If these interviews of your stoner friends from college are so epic, why don’t you release the video? Sell it for $15 on Amazon. Or sell it to Netflix if it’s so great.

    He says that he mailed these videos, in VHS format, to the “principal players”.

    Nice proofreading, Kieran. I’m going to put the “PAL” back in “PRINCIPAL”!

    James needed an apartment for sophmore year. But he also needed a roommate because he couldn’t afford his own place.

    So…because he did absolutely nothing freshman year and didn’t make any friends, he had to put an ad in the paper asking for a roommate. This is how he met Kyle. Kyle responded to the ad saying that he needs a roommate and he plays the guitar.

    James also worked in a movie theatre for a month and he talks about how awful it was and how lucky he is that he doesn’t have to work a normal job like a normal person. Working is beneath James Rolfe. He’s a fucking superstar.

    Jimmy got expelled from the school because the crusty old dean got a hold of this tape where everyone is talking about all of the hijinks they got up to (and James lying about the hijinks).

    So then Jimmy went to his room, tore down the poster that had his university logo or something on it, kicked his video camera, and started screaming like a mental patient.

    Seven and a half years. This explains the behaviour.

    Then James talks about the world’s worst suicide attempt. He went to the beach with his parents, went to the ocean, and decided that maybe he should just drown himself. But then a wave hit him and he decided, “No, I’m going to live and fight this expulsion.”

    Jimmy’s parents wrote a letter to the school asking the expulsion to be repealed. The school responded by saying that they would only suspend Jimmy for a year and he can re-apply next year. They also said that Jimmy has to see a psychologist.

    This last part really outraged Jimmy. “Do they think I’m a psycho? I’m already seeing a psychologist because this.”

    Ummm…moving on.

    Everyone else in the video, bar one, was expelled. James takes no responsibility for this. He shows no remorse. It’s was his video that got them all expelled. He doesn’t give a fuck. He only cares about himself.

    He’s at community college. He has an assignment to make a little video with some other classmates. James is just the cameraman, not the director. But James keeps giving the director advice on what he should do. The director doesn’t like this and makes his feeling plain to Jimmy.

    Jimmy doesn’t understand this. Even today. As an adult. He says, “My peers probably weren’t even pursuing film” and “I had made about 90 films by now.”

    No, James. You had made ZERO films at this point. Kung Fu Werewolf is not a fucking film. It’s a piece of shit.

    This is…just delusional.

    Oh my god. James Rolfe played Lenny in Of Mice and Men at this community college. If you’re not a big John Steinbeck fan, Lenny is the MENTALLY CHALLENGED man in the book. It’s the role that James was born to play.

    Anyway, James was great as Lenny. All of his classmates and teachers loved his performance. “They stood on their chairs.” That’s an actual quote.

    Everybody loves everything that James does. Even that classmate who was the director of their project ended up apologising to Jimmy after the professor told him that Jimmy was right.

    What a cunt.

    Then…what? After the year at community college, James goes back to talk to the crusty old dean. With his parents. James goes on a rant against this dean, telling him what an injustice this suspension was. Then the dean says, “You know what, James? You’re right! I’m a total dope and you’re a fucking filmmaking genius. You’ve made 120 films. Please come back to our humble university.”

    That’s only a slight exaggeration of what James actually wrote.

    But here’s the really weird thing. Jimmy writes, “I was redeemded! And I’d go on to graduate! So this concludes a suspensful chapter of my life.”

    Then that’s the chapter over.

    What the fuck happened in the next three years of his crazy college days? NOTHING, presumably. But nothing happened in his freshman year either and he wrote fucking forty pages on this nothingness.

    God, this is fucking bad.

    Oh, and this “movie”, the one where he interviews his classmates, the one that was better than Jackass, it no longer exists.

    And what did James learn from any of this? That he shouldn’t have associated with these “troublemakers”.

    What the fuck? So he wanted to do EVEN LESS than he already did.

    No, James. You squandered your youth. You should have been out drinking and smoking and fucking bitches. Having a good time. The people were there. You were invited to these crazy parties. You kept declining the invitations because you’re a pussy.

    I get it. I was the same way. But I regret not doing anything. I don’t say, “Boy, I wish I would have been even more awkward and withdrawn.” Fucking mental.

    Oh. He actually is going to talk about his second year of university. So why did the previous chapter end with him saying that he graduated?

    Kyle and James moved to different apartments. The previous year, when James was suspended, they shared an apartment but James was barely there because he was suspended. He was living with his parents. But he still paid the rent because he didn’t want to put Kyle in a bad situation.

    I don’t know if this is noble or idiotic. Maybe pay the rent but try to find a replacement roommate. Whatever.

    Oh my god. James’ parents were helping him move because he’s incompetent. But the day they moved was September 11, 2001. A September 11 reference! Just like in that Monster Madness video that Newt Wallen plagiarised. Hilarious.

    He describes being in traffic when the attack happened and “the most terrified I’ve ever been”.

    What? He thought that they were going to attack a fucking bridge in Philadelphia.

    Seven and a half years.

    James got a job as the assistant to the crusty old dean. His former nemesis who got a newfound respect for the Rolfeman after Jimmy stood up to him.

    Fuck off.

    James says of his social life, “Sitting in my apartment by myself got boring and lonely. My only social interaction came from telemarketers who would call periodically.”

    This is what the the book is going to be about? Or at least the next several chapters? James’ not doing anything in college?

    Yeah. Then he’s just telling more stories that people told him that they did. And James says stuff like, “I’m glad I wasn’t there.”

    It’s unbelievable.

    Then he was walking with a very drunk friend. James, of course, hadn’t been drinking. This friend ran into a pillar, broke it, and was hurt. James feared the police being called so he ran away.

    WHAT THE FUCK? And even today, as an adult, James thinks that he did the right thing. “Based on past experience, I now avoided trouble whenever I could.”

    Yeah. And you left your friend to die. James even suggested that he wasn’t sure if this guy could make it home.

    This is an autobiography of a man who never took a single risk in his entire life. He’s never done anything. He’s a total pussy. Why would I want to read an autobiography from somebody who’s NEVER DONE ANYTHING?

    This next section is headed “The Vodka Night”. James turned 21 and decided that he can drink alcohol now because it’s legal.

    This is a theme throughout the book. James is terrified of authority figures, and the police in particular. When he’s driving, he’s careful to obey all of the traffic laws. He doesn’t jay walk. He’s careful to never loiter. He just sits in his empty studio apartment all day and talks to telemarketers about what a great filmmaker he is. He’s made 150 films so far.

    He talks about meeting Bootsy. He showed Bootsy a picture that he took the same or previous day with Ozzy Osbourne. It was similar to those like wrestling events where you pay $100 or whatever to take a very awkward picture with the “superstar”.

    “Bootsy introduced me to his roommate, who asked, “Aren’t you the guy who made 90 films?” “93”, I said.

    Oh my god. James has absolutely no self-awareness of how awful this makes him sound. At best, he’s a total mental patient. At worst, this is extremely narcissistic.

    These are the two strongest elements that you get from James through reading this book. He’s a mental patient and he’s a narcist. Is this the image that he wants to portray? Because obviously, none of this is flattering.

    WHY DID NOBODY READ THIS AND TRY TO CONVINCE JAMES TO TONE THIS SHIT DOWN? Or if it can’t be toned down, if this is just how James is, DON’T RELEASE THE BOOK. Because this is damaging.

    The more we know about James Rolfe, the more we realise that this guy is a total asshole. And he’s never done anything with his life. So this feeling of superiority that he has is totally groundless.

    He also met Mike Matei. Mike was Bootsy’s roommate. He was impressed with Mike’s video game collection. No mention of the size of his penis. Sorry, boys.

    James is talking about his sophomore film. It Came from Beyond the Toilet. “It’s about a shit monster who comes out of a toilet and shits on people.”

    That’s another horrible personality trait that we get from this book. His raging scat fetish.

    James showed his junior year film at some school convention and everybody loved it. Of course. They were screaming. Fists were being pumped. It was the greatest thing they’ve ever seen.

    Fuck off.

    In Jimmy’s last year of college, he still never had a girlfriend so he decided that chicks dig guys who play music. Well, it’s true, I guess. But sitting in your studio apartment all day talking to telemarketers isn’t going to get you a girlfriend. Maybe just go out more.

    Anyway, the band sucked because there was no time to practice. Literally, this is his excuse. No time to practice. He played drums, by the way. Poorly.

    So…I don’t know…somehow Jimmy got a date. It’s not explained. And he showed this woman one of his shitty movies. Guess what? She loved it! She jumped into his lap and they started making out.

    Fuck off.

    This woman broke up with him after a few months and it destroyed Jimmy for some weird, seven and a half years reason.

    But he still made his senior year movie. And even though his heart wasn’t into it…guess what….EVERYONE LOVED IT!

    “It screened to an ecstatic crowd.”

    “It was praised by my classmates and professors alike.”

    “It even had an encore screening.”

    “Everyone loved it.”

    Those are all actual quotes.

    Fuck off.

    So then Jimmy graduated. But he was still depressed about this girlfriend who dumped him.

    Then he moved back in with his parents. Then he got a job at a liquor store.

    I’m going to stop here for now. The next section is called Prelude to the Nerd.

    I’m 56% done with the book. So more than half of the book is just about his fucking student life. The shitty “films” that he made as a child and in college.

    In any normal autobiography, childhood and college life is maybe 10% of the book. Maybe 5%. But because James has never fucking done anything with his life, other than stumble into this AVGN shit, he had to devote more half of the book to his shitty childhood “movies”.

    And none of these stories are interesting. The kids didn’t want to be in the movies. He edited with two VCRs. His movies in college were awesome, but we’re not told why.

    And if these college movies were so great, where are they? Where can I see these alleged “films” that had audiences roaring in approval? Fucking ridiculous.

    He made the first AVGN video because he was bored. He sent it to Mike and Bootsy who then sent it to a few other people.

    Great story, James. I’m glad that I paid £8 for this shit.

    He also “made peace” with his ex-girlfriend. He called her up, crying, and she told him to move on.

    So he says, “I truly thank her for that. All those hard feelings are ancient history. And if I saw her today, I’d give her a hug and tell her everything worked out just fine.”

    Well…for you maybe. You’re not interested in what happened to her?

    No. He’s not. James Rolfe only cares about James Rolfe.

    This next part is about meeting “Mrs Nerd”. How fucking cringe is this? The woman has a name. We all know her name. Her name was in the fucking foreward.

    He met her on some dating site. He doesn’t specify which one. She was an art student in Philadelphia, so same as he was. I guess.

    “From the moment I first looked at her, I was dazzled. My head was knocked into the clouds. I was all hers!”

    The cringe isn’t stopping with this guy.

    He says that he wanted to marry her on this first date.

    Then he skips ahead and lists all of the places that he went with her on vacation. He says that she planned them all. “She’s the planner”. Well, yeah. Seven and a half years.

    He got a job as a video editor. He moved out of his parents’ house. Doesn’t say where he moved to but he moved somewhere.

    He got into a car accident on the way to his new apartment.

    James didn’t like his new boss, who was a former police officer, because he was angry. Then Jimmy makes comparisons to Donald Trump, which seems bizarre to me. There’s a clear political message that he’s inserting into this. Not a cogent political message but a political message nonetheless. Jimmy doesn’t care much for Donald Trump. Well then don’t vote for the man. Who gives a shit?

    “This was long before I ever imagined such a horrible man could become the president…anyway.”

    James didn’t like the computers at this job SO HE BROUGHT HIS OWN FROM HOME! He would lug his own fucking computer from home every day. Back and forth. And I don’t mean a laptop. I mean a full-sized computer. Did he also bring the monitor? We don’t know.

    Seven and a half years.

    He spent a year making some shitty movie with volunteer “professional” actors who he “hired” from an ad he put on Cinemassacre dot com. The Deader the Better. I’m sure that that’s a classic.

    Then his parents got divorced. He offers no explanation as to why.

    James would send his “movies” to film festivals, and you also had to pay a fee whether or not your film was selected to be shown. He never got a response to any of this.

    So then Mike told him about Youtube. Youtube will take anything, no matter how bad the quality may be. This changed everything.

    With standards in place, James’ shitty “movies” had no hope of ever seeing the light of day. But now with Youtube, it doesn’t matter. Cat videos, graduation videos, vlogs. They’ll take anything.

    He repeatedly refers to Mike Matei as just “Matei”. So not “Mike”, for example. Kind of weird.

    So Jimmy made some other Angry Nintendo Nerd video and this one was more cinematic. Most dumb skits. This was a turning point. Jimmy LOVES dumb skits.

    And he says that “Matei” made the Youtube channel and also made the MySpace page. James was too inept to register on these sites. You know why.

    ScrewAttack contacted Jimmy and/or “Matei”. So Jimmy agreed to release videos on ScrewAttack. For no pay.

    “As if I were the voice of a generation.”

    Jimmy bigging himself up again.

    Yes, Jimmy. You’re a hero. You took a fake dump on your college friend. Finally, somebody isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.

    Jimmy credits “Matei” with the title cards and appearing in some of the videos but NO mention of the fact that “Matei” wrote loads of episodes. Jimmy files this unimportant bit of trivia under “help”.

    Mtv had a news item on AVGN. “They used a scene from my Back to the Future (NES) review, in which I stated that if I shat in a bag and wrote “Back to the Future” on it…”

    “I would never have imagined that one day I’d be on Mtv talking about shitting in a bag.”

    More scat fetish nonsense.

    With the success (but still no money) from AVGN, and with the encouragement of his saintly wife, Jimmy decides that he’s going to quit his job. But there’s NO TIME to find another job while he’s still working. So he has to quit first and find a job later.

    Not sure how everybody else manages to find a job while still working but okay.

    But Jimmy only had enough money saved up for one month. Despite the fact that his video editing job had a free fucking apartment and he lived like three minutes away from the job.

    What was he spending all of his money on? Poop? How expensive can poop possibly be?

    Oh my god. Then he starts listing his reasons for wanting to quit. He says that the place was full of cigarette smoke. The boss smoked. James says that this is probably illegal.

    James is absolutely petrified of the police. It’s bizarre. Throughout the book, he’s talking about his fear of doing stuff because it’s illegal. Drinking while under the age of 21, for example. Dude. Fucking relax. The police aren’t going to kick the doors in because somebody is smoking in there.

    So James says that April could smell the smoke on him and that his health was at risk.

    He’s also a hypochondriac. You saw the way that he reacted to covid. Everything had to stop. Everybody had to work remotely. Everybody had to wear a mask. He was terrified of covid.

    This is somebody who’s terrified of absolutely everything. He quit his job because he thought that he was going to die from his boss smoking cigarettes.

    So James quit his job and then went home and smashed a ceiling light. He apologises to April for having witnessed this.

    He has a lot of weird stories like this where he gets upset and destroys something. It’s toddler behaviour.

    Oh my god.

    So then James went back into work and told his boss that he’s quitting. The boss, who Jimmy has repeatedly told us was an angry and scary man, “Almost began to cry and begged me to stay. ‘I love you James. I love the work you do’”.

    Go. Fuck. Yourself.

    EVERYBODY loves James. According to James.

    Nobody loves James Rolfe more than James Rolfe. This is fucking bullshit. He is completely incapable of ANY humility. He genuinely believes that he’s the greatest person who ever lived. You see it in everything he does. You saw it big time in The AVGN Movie.

    I’ll stop here for today. I’m 65% done. I should finish it tomorrow. There’s a bunch of AVGN shit coming up. There’s his wedding to his beautiful bride. There’s his cat. There’s The AVGN Movie. There’s his children. There’s Jimmy cowering over covid. There’s three glorious pages on Rex Viper. And then I never have to read this shit again.

    This is sub-titled “Self Employed Nerd (Part 1)”. There are three or four such parts. I don’t know why he didn’t just make this a new chapter. Because this chapter seems to go on forever.

    “I sacrificed my job, my free apartment, and health insurance. All gone.”

    Well, that was your fucking idiotic idea. He quit the job. He quit the job without having another job lined up. Because the boss smoked and James thought that he was going to get lung cancer from secondhand smoke. Also, James had NO TIME to look for another job while still working.

    Anyway, he got a job editing wedding videos. He got the job through some “friend” from college.

    Jimmy also got married.

    “I felt that we were already married since we had been living together.”

    Weird comment.

    They took some pictures for his wedding, including at a gazebo which he describes as, “The same spot where we sat down during our first date. Where the magic first happened.”

    Does he know that this is a euphamism for intercourse? He had sex with Mrs Nerd on their first date? And in public? Pretty freaky, James. Who could have guessed? I would have liked to hear more about this.

    He talks about some interview he did with Mtv where he was “in character”. He was with Kyle. And he says that it didn’t work. He needs to be scripted.

    I think that I’ve seen this video. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, yeah, it’s awkward as fuck. At least Jimmy admits it. For once, he’s not saying that everybody loved it.

    Jimmy complains about fans who tap his car window when he’s trying to park or bother him at dinner or follow him to the bathroom. I think it might be the boys from TheCinemassacreTruth who are following him into the bathroom.

    Then he talks about mobs of fans tracking him down, following his car, shit like this. He compares himself to The Beatles in this respect.

    Fuck off.

    He’s talking about how he never made much money from this. “When it comes to money, I’m not very smart.”

    Ummm…just when it comes to money?

    In 2008, he got a new contract with ScrewAttack or GameTrailers or somebody. For actual pay this time. So he was able to quit his job editing wedding videos. He also hired “Matei” to edit the videos. Still no mention of the fact that “Matei” WROTE the videos. At least some of them. I’m thinking most of them.

    They also hired Ryan at this time. And they started selling DVDs. He describes Ryan as the “business mastermind” behind Cinemassacre.

    No mention of firing Bootsy and Kyle and whoever the third guy is. Kevin Finn, I think. Did it not happen yet or is he just not going to mention it?

    Then he starts talking about the tax implications of being self-employed. You have to set money aside because you pay the taxes at the end of the year. Well, yeah. No shit.

    But he says, “The good side is that with my particular job, I’m able to deduct video games as a business expense. Pretty wild.”

    Ummm…I think that the IRS might be interested in this statement. MAYBE if the video game is actually used in a video it can be deducted. MAYBE. But it can’t just be in the background. It has to the subject of the video. And even then, I’m not sure if that’s a legitimate business expense.

    “Time management is the toughest thing of all”.

    We know, Jimmy. It’s a real problem for you.

    Then he says that the best episodes are the ones that took the longest to make. No, James. We all hate the fucking dumb skits. Get rid of that shit.

    He says that he was chronically ill and had immune system problems. This was around the time that he bought a house. I don’t know what he’s referring to. Some more hypochondria, maybe.

    He talks about getting another cat to make him less lonely. “At the time of final proof-reading this text, she’s still going, as of 2020.”

    You probably should have kept proof-reading a little longer.

    On the subject of “haters”:

    “Most of the things I’ve seen people write me are super nice! But of course, on the internet some people write nasty shit. The good outwighs it, but obviously it’s the internet, and if you’re putting yourself out there, you’re goign to attract people who act negatively. Some of them just want to hate you for no reason. Complete strangers you never met, let alone harmed. It boggles my brain to wonder why some people, with so much free time on their hands, would rather start shit on the internet than use that time to do something creative like I did. I’ve been told jealousy plays a strong part. Jealousy is an emotion I’ve unesterimated. When you get successful, you become a target for that. But my wish is for them not to feel jealous, but to feel inspired!”

    Maybe your videos just suck cock, Jimmy. Have you considered that possibility?

    Or maybe it’s just a matter of people having different tastes. Let’s assume that your videos are all awesome. Not EVERYBODY is going to like them. Not everybody likes MASH. Not everybody likes Citizen Kane. Not everybody likes the Sistine Chapel. People like different shit.

    But no. Jimmy puts all criticism down to jealousy. How could anybody not like watching a grown man taking a fake dump on Bugs Bunny? Or sticking a BFG up his ass and pretending to take a shit on a daemon? Or doing a faux defecation in a dolphin’s blowhole?

    Jealousy. You’re all jealous. You’re jealous of all of the fame and success that a man who spent seven and a half years in special education has achieved.

    He ends the chapter by briefly talking about Board James. He liked it because he could do his stupid “lore”. He gives a particular shoutout to the AWFUL finale that was just a convoluted mess.

    He also mentions that there are people who don’t like the dumb skits. But he says that they’re necessary because otherwise, he’d get bored making the videos.

    He also can’t understand people who say that his anger is “forced” now.

    Well, watch the fucking videos, Jimmy. Your acting is atrocious now. What happened? I suspect that it’s because “Matei” isn’t directing shit any more.

    He ends the chapter by going to this park that had the concrete dragon in it. Says that he made over 300 movies by this point and he was turning 30 so it was time to say goodbye to his childhood.

    Well, you were 30 years old, Jimmy.

    Eugh. I don’t even want to do this. I’m feeling the same way now that I did when I tried to watch The AVGN Movie. I tried to watch that thing THREE TIMES. I’d stop, wait a few weeks, and then try to watch from where I left off. I couldn’t fucking do it. I don’t even think that I made it halfway through. It’s a giant piece of shit. Sorry to be a jealous hater.

    So…Jimmy says that The AVGN Movie was intended to be like the ET video game or Plan Nine from Outer Space. Kind of a so bad that it’s good kind of thing. He was setting out to make a cult movie.

    But obviously that doesn’t work. You don’t TRY to make a shitty movie. ET and Plan Nine from Outerspace were attempts to make something good.

    This is just Jimmy’s excuse. “Oh, no. I was TRYING to make something bad.” Well, if that’s the case, mission accomplished. That fucking movie is rotten on every level.

    You should have tried to make a GOOD movie, Jimmy. That would have been a better idea, right?

    He did try to make a good movie. This is the shit that he makes. He just throws every idea he can think of into a project as a substitute for writing something good. He did the same thing with The Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes to Hell and the Board James finale and you see this in just about everything that he does. Just a bunch of wacky, unrelated ideas, throw them into a blender, and the result is…comedy?

    No. The result is shit. WRITE A GOOD SCRIPT. That’s how you make a good movie. But he obviously can’t. The man spent seven and a half years in special education. I get it. But…then don’t make movies. Know your limitations. Focus on what you’re good at.

    On page 225, he says that the “subliminal message” of the movie is “love your neighbor”. And he says that the film has an anti-xenophobia message. He says that immigrants aren’t to blame for the problems in the US.

    What? Where is any of this in the film? Maybe I didn’t get to that part yet.

    Jimmy and Kevin Finn spoke to studios to try to get them to finance the film but, wisely, nobody was interested. So they went to IndieGoGo to shake down the fans for pennies.

    He gives a very cursory breakdown of where the money went. 30% went to taxes and $8000 went to headshots for him to autograph as one of the perks of donating. That’s it. That’s the breakdown.

    Then he addresses allegations that he kept some of the money for himself. He denies this. He says that he didn’t spend the money on cocaine or hookers. I’ve never heard those allegations. A house is what I’ve always heard.

    Did Jimmy use this money to buy a house? I don’t know and I don’t give a shit. If people were stupid enough to donate, that’s their problem.

    There’s a brief shoutout to “Matei” running the channel when Jimmy was in California making the movie. No reference whatsoever to the videos that “Matei” made.

    Jimmy was stressed about the film, so he decided to, “Get as close to the Hollywood sign as I legally could.”

    Again, Jimmy is expressing his abject fear of law enforcement. He thinks that if he gets too close to the sign, a SWAT team is going to descend and haul him off to jail.

    They decided to film one of the scenes in a water treatment plant. This really gets Jimmy excited.

    “There was a looming smell. A horrid stank that permeated the air all throughout the facility. It was none other than feces. Yes, we were in a shit factory. There was a pipe which read ‘waste activated’” — and then it cuts off. This was not the end of the sentence. Just Jimmy was too busy jacking off at this part to proofread anything. It’s fucking gross.

    Then in the next paragraph, he’s getting excited talking about bird shit that he saw there. I’m not making any of this up.

    “My wife’s dream was always to have children but she had to postpone her dreams because of mine.”

    What? Why? Usually, women delay having children because they’re interested in their career. But Mrs Nerd doesn’t work. So…I don’t know. James was too busy to work and take care of children. And Mrs Nerd was too lazy to take care of children. She needed James to assist. And James had NO TIME because he was working on this god awful movie.

    But when Jimmy was at an amusement park for some film location, he suddenly became broody and decided that he wants children. Umm…good for you, Jimmy. I guess. I didn’t need to know this.

    Fuck. I think I’m done for the day. This is awful. I’ve only got about 60 pages to go but it’s soooooooooooooooooo boring. The next part is about the actual filming.

    He also talked about the casting. He just said, “Well, we got Cooper and Sarah and whoever and they were great.”

    No mention of their previous credits. No mention of WHY he hired them. No mention of other people who auditioned. It was just, “We got Cooper and Sarah and they were great. I’d hire them again.”

    Well, that might be difficult Jimmy because they’re no longer in the business. And you’re not making movies.

    There’s so much stuff in this book that he could have expanded on but didn’t. And there’s a lot of complete dreck. Did we need 40 pages on his freshman year of college?

    The only parts of this book that I found interesting was the special education. As far as I’m concerned, that should have been the whole book. He never fucking did anything after special education. He peaked at special education.

    It’s a book about a man who did nothing. I know that he’s talking about making a movie now but…the movie sucks dick. I don’t care how it was made.

    So…I have to stop here for today. I just don’t give a shit.

    Jimmy is talking about the possibility of having children. He says, “I was afraid that something could go wrong. Some possible medical issue.”

    It’s true. The mentally challenged are discouraged from having children because…you know…the children might be mentally challenged. That’s what he’s talking about, right? What else could it be? Why would he think that there would be some other medical issue?

    But April “talked him into” having children. It’s just weird. April isn’t mentally challenged, is she? Maybe she is. I don’t know. You kind of have to assume that she is. The mentally challenged sometimes have “girlfriends” or whatever but the girlfriends tend to also be mentally challenged.

    I don’t want to dwell on this but…why would a woman of normal intelligence be interested in a man who’s mentally challenged? It’s just weird. I don’t know. We aren’t going to get an answer to this from the book.

    Oh god. Jimmy. What? We don’t need the disgusting details of your wife giving birth. I won’t even repeat them. I don’t want to think about it. But he says some pretty gross stuff. Stuff that surely his wife doesn’t want shared.

    Oh my god. Then his scat fetish…I…oh, I’m getting dizzy. This is nauseating. *Trigger* warning for the following:

    “They said the baby passed meconium meaning she took her first shit inside the womb.”

    James…what in the name of fuck are you thinking? He’s getting sexually excited over his baby taking a shit in his wife. What…this might be the single most disgusting thing I’ve ever read.

    And does his wife want this information to be shared? Why the fuck would he put this in an autobiography?

    Because he’s getting off on this. This is his thing. His baby taking a shit in his wife. I know that it’s vile beyond all imagination but I’m not making this up. This is in the fucking book.

    Ohhh ohhh ohhh. I don’t want to read this. He’s going into excurtiating detail about all of the terrible, awful, painful medical procedures that had to be used during this difficult delivery. WHY IS THIS IN HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY? DOES APRIL WANT THIS INFORMATION TO BE SHARED?

    I’m fucking skipping the next few pages. Fuck this fucking degenerate. I don’t want to fucking read this.

    Oh fuck. More unbelievebly horrible scat fetish stuff.

    “They rushed the baby to a table, and all of a suddent she screamed out and vomited an Exorcist-0style projective of meconium. Never in my life was I so happy to see somebody puke shit.”

    I…I just want Jimmy to shut the fuck up. I want him to go away. I want this book to end. He should be deeply ashamed to write shit like this. The police, who he’s obviously terrified of, should be taking his children away. You can’t have a fucking mentally challenged guy like this raising children. WHO THOUGHT THAT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA TO INCLUDE THIS SHIT IN THE BOOK?

    hen…oh fuck. Jimmy. WHY? WHY IS THIS SHIT IN HERE?

    He’s going on and on about the horrible injuries that not only the baby but also his wife suffered during the pregnancy. He’s giving WAY too many details. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many. WE DON’T NEED TO KNOW THIS! WE DON’T NEED TO KNOW HOW MANY FEET OF BLOODIED TISSUE WERE COMING OUT OF YOUR WIFE’S PUSSY. YOU SICK FUCK.

    Now…thank the almighty fuck…Jimmy is no longer talking about horrible injuries and medical procedures. He’s talking about not having time to make a movie.

    “I became painfully aware of the amount of time this movie was stealing from my life.”

    “It was a crazy revelation for me, to suddenly feel like my lifelong dreams was my own personal trap within an eternal vacuum of time.”

    Then don’t make the movie, Jimmy. Nobody gives a shit. Go see if your job at Wawa is still available.

    A light got too close to the smoke detector, which caused the fire department to come over. He has some system where the fire department gets dispached if the smoke detector goes off, I guess.

    The fire marshall gets there and Jimmy is afraid that he’s going to get in trouble for having too many consoles hooked up to one power strip. Or something.

    Yet another example of Jimmy’s irrational fear of authority figures. The fire marshall is not going to haul you to the fire station jail for having too many consoles hooked up to one power strip.

    Jimmy talks about an army of unpaid workers who did a bunch of digital effects shots for the movie. Just random fans. He didn’t even pay them in exposure. They got no exposure. He just straight up took advantage of idiots who wanted to be involved with this horrible movie for whatever reason.

    It seems like half the movie is the result of these “volunteers”. They didn’t shoot much of anything when they were in California because they had NO TIME.

    I’m just glad that Jimmy isn’t talking about his baby taking a shit in his wife any more. Remember that? What the fuck was he thinking?

    James urinated on a piece of paper that…I don’t know…something to do with the movie. Then he flushed this paper down the toilet.

    Toilets don’t handle paper very well, Jimmy. Just toilet paper and human waste. Nothing else should be flushed.

    But Jimmy doesn’t know this. Seven and a half years.

    His mother and sister came to the premiere but no mention of his father.

    Guess what? Everybody loved the movie!

    Wait…are we still talking about The AVGN Movie?

    Yeah! That’s the one. Everybody loved it! According to James Rolfe, anyway.

    Fuck off. It’s a piece of shit and everybody knows it.

    “The film was a crowd pleases, as we clearly witnessed in all the theaters. But on the internet, it attracted some negativity. You gotta expect that, as a filmmaker. No matter how hard you work on something, no matter how hard you try to make it excellent, no movie is above criticisim.”

    Yeah. Especially the movies that suck dick. Like The AVGN Movie, for example.

    “We all critique movies. But some people go too far.”

    What are you talking about? Who went too far? The movie was HORRIBLE. I’m not saying that Jimmy didn’t try. I’m not saying that a lot of time wasn’t spent on this. I’m not saying that a lot of money wasn’t spent on this. I’m simply saying that the movie sucks cock.

    Jimmy seems to think that if you spend a lot of time on something, it has to be good.

    No. It’s not the number of hours spent that determine how good something is. This thing had a horrible script. You can’t write. You spent seven and a half years in special education. Come on. You should have hired a writer. A competent writer. And you should have scaled this way, way, way down.

    “My granpa died. He was the last of my grandparents to go. He may have been the original Nerd, having introduced me to video games. He told me the quote, ‘Pick fly shit out of pepper while wearing boxing gloves’”

    Jimmy loves this quote. More scat fetish nonsense.

    This is all that he has to say about his grandfather? This disgusting scat fetish thing? It’s deplorable. He did the same thing with his grandmother.

    He mentions Screenwave. Briefly. But only to announce that he’s still in charge.

    “His (Ryan’s) company Screenwave has helped me produce videos more efficienetly, including more help on the AVGN episodes in recent years. They handle a great multitude of things from fixing my equipment to editing the videos, under my direction. Though the process of makign episodes has never changed. I still always have full creative control.”

    Yeah. Jimmy is in full control. Jimmy is the boss.

    Then explain why the videos are fucking horrible now. Why the sudden drop in quality after Mike was no longer in charge?

    Because Mike was better at managing Mr Seven and Half Years.

    Oh fuck. Now Jimmy is talking about the horrible details surrounding the birth of his second daughter. This is unbelievable.

    He’s talking about blood splattering on the ground. It’s just…why? I get it. Seven and a half years. But why did nobody of normal intelligence tell him not to write this shit?

    Then he talks about scaling down the number of hours he works because he has two children now. Fuck off.

    He says that his older sister says to the younger one, “My beloved sister. You’re the best thing in my life.”

    Who talks like this? No offense, but you might want to start checking out some special education programs.

    “It didn’t take long for things to get stressful. The main issue was time.”

    “We couldn’t shoot for more than 12 hours a day. This was mostly due to union laws and overtime pay.”

    Then he complains that there’s a mandatory one hour lunchtime.

    Who would want to work for this guy? He think that you should work MORE THAN 12 HOURS A DAY. AND you only get 25 minutes for lunch or whatever.

    Fuck off.

    Who doesn’t know that 12 hour days are a lot? They didn’t work this much in Dickensian times. Complete asshole.

    He complains about the portable toilets. Not being able to shit. More scat fetish nonsense.

    He talks about people threatening to call the police if they stepped over the boundary of where they were supposed to be filming. Another example of Jimmy’s all-consuming fear of the police.

    Here’s a DIFFERENT example just two paragraphs later:

    “One time, we had a police helicopter come out of nowhere and shine a spotlight down on us! Nothing happened and they might have just been playing around, but it scared the hell out of me.”

    Relax, Jimmy. Nothing is going to happen.

    They hired some incompetent guy to supply the props. This guy basically just pocketed all of the money that Jimmy gave him to get the props. This guy was also prone to violence. Jimmy refused to fire him because he was afraid of him.

    Eventually, he was fired. Then after shooting, somebody said that this guy changed his ways because he saw what a gentle soul Jimmy was and that Jimmy just wanted to make a movie. Jimmy wasn’t interested in money, he was just doing it for the art. And this so inspired this thug that he became the world’s greatest prop master.

    Everybody loves James Rolfe. It’s just how it is. At least in Jimmy’s mind.

    The next section is entitled, “Time Runs Out.” Uh huh. We get it, Jimmy. You have a real problem with time management.

    Basically, Jimmy didn’t shoot a bunch of scenes because he’s incompetent. Then when he fucked up some scene, the guy who played the General said, “You know, I was Splinter in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”

    Jimmy found this inspiring. Like it was Splinter urging him to go on. But no. The guy was telling him that he was Splinter to illustrate the downward trajectory of his career. He went from being Splinter in a big Hollywood movie to this fucking piece of shit.

    At least that’s how I took it.

    Then that’s the chapter over.

    Jimmy was terrified of covid so stopped working on everything. But he decided that he wanted to make another movie. He had to do it all by himself because of covid. Everybody is diseased.

    So he made The Head Returns. I did a review of this on my BLOG. It’s fucking god awful.

    Then Jimmy says that he wants to make another feature length film one day but it would have to be scaled back because he has children. I’m not even joking. This is what he says.

    It’s apparently going to be that haunted amusement park thing that he talked about before. He just stole the plot from every third episode of The Scooby Doo Mysteries. But anyway, he won’t work on this until his children are in school. Again, I’m not making this up. This is what he says.

    Rex Viper. Hoo boy.

    “Finding bandmates was easy because I already had friends who were equally excited.”

    He goes on to say that these people were on different coasts and different countries. And that they all recorded separately.

    How is this a band? Just get some local people. Put some flyers up. “Looking to form a band. I’m 40 years old and don’t play any instruments. Anyone want to join my Youtube novelty band?”

    Then some high school kids would show up. It would be kind of like when he was making “movies” as an 18 year old with the 12 year old kids from the neighbourhood.

    But at least it would be an actual band. Kind of. Assuming that Jimmy actually took time away from his children to practice with the band. As a group. In person. In his garage. Covid be damned.

    No, I’ll just get my friends, who we never heard of before, who live THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY. And we’ll all record separately and then I’ll spend 100 hours editing the video. And that makes it good. At least in Jimmy’s mind. Time spent on something = quality.

    He doesn’t even give the names of the people in the band. Just their first names.

    Wait…maybe that’s because the other people in the band don’t want their full names to be known.

    So they had their first “gig” at Too Many Games. It was the first time that they even met. They practiced for three days.

    But guess what? EVERYBODY LOVED IT!

    Fuck the fuck off.

    Then he ends the book by talking about the concrete dragon in a park and the mysteries of time. What a cunt.

    I’ll have a full review of the book on my BLOG…probably in two days. But I’ve already got 950 articles on there that you can enjoy. Can you believe it? I’ve published 950 articles.

    Mark Twain only had 110 articles published. Think about it. I’ve got 950 of them. Mark Twain doesn’t have shit on me.


  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD | REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) – Pelvic Gaming

    Alright, Pelvic Gamer. Let’s see what snoozefest you’ve brought to the table this time.

    0:00 – “Back when I was a wee lass.”

    She’s saying, “lass” right? Because in a recent Bobdunga video, Bobdunga called her young self a “lad”. Is this what this is referencing?

    0:15 – I won’t say “jump scare” this time. She’s looking semi-normal. By Pelvic Gamer standards.

    2:00 – “I can gush about my daddy daemon lord all day.”

    She’s talking about how some video game character makes her horny. And this in turn is supposed to make us horny. Hold on. Let me check.

    No. Totally flacid.

    Okay. I’m calling a halt to the proceedings. I made it to ten minutes. BORING! You’re BORING me, Pelvic Gamer. You’re a BORING woman.

    Let’s check out her Twitter.

    Oh, she’s playing video games. Riveting stuff, Pelvic Gamer.

    So fuck this shit. Sorry for the shitty article. I’ve been reading that AVGN autobiography. Holy shit is it bad. I’m halfway through the book and the man never did ANYTHING. But he sure has a high opinion of himself.

    Fucking seven and a half years in special education. It shows. He clearly wrote this book. I don’t think that this is Newt’s plagiarised work. This is the work of somebody who spent seven and a half years in special education. This is the life of somebody who spent seven and a half years in special education.

  • Figuring Out How to Emigrate

    To recap, I had gone to a scam graduate school for a year, I owed $50,000 for that, and I had done a few shitty, low-paying jobs since then. I couldn’t foresee any way that I was ever going to pay this off. And looking back, I was right.

    We’re talking about 20 years ago that this all happened. I probably wasn’t going to work in a casino or as a substitute teacher or whatever for 20 years. I probably would have found another job. Something more suitable. Maybe a job that I enjoy. Maybe a job that pays reasonably well.

    But maybe I wouldn’t have. And even if I did, we’re talking about like $800/month that they were asking. That’s significantly more than what I was paying for rent. It’s not possible. There is no way that I could have paid this.

    I don’t know how things are done now. Maybe now they only take a reasonable percentage of your salary. Maybe now the loans are automatically forgiven after 20 years or whatever. I have no idea. But at the time, they would send you this bill for $800, every month, and you were expected to pay it. If you don’t pay it, they would eventually file a claim against you in court. Have your wages garnished. For the rest of your life.

    If I borrowed $50,000 to start a business and the business failed, I can just declare bankruptcy. I’d have a tough time getting loans for the next seven years or so, but the debt would be eliminated. Don’t have to pay anything back.

    Or if I got $50,000 worth of credit cards and spent it all on lottery tickets, I can declare bankruptcy and the credit card debt is wiped off. Same deal. It would be tough to get loans for a while. Who cares?

    But because I spent $50,000 on graduate school, a place that I assumed to be legitimate, and it wasn’t, I’m just fucked. Can’t discharge the debt. Can’t declare bankruptcy. That zombie Ronald Reagan changed the law so that student loan debt can’t be discharged in bankruptcy. It’s the one debt, perhaps other than tax debt, that can’t be discharged. It’s ridiculous. Whether through accident or design, this has now enslaved several generations of Americans.

    I didn’t want to be a part of this bullshit. So I was looking for ways to leave the country. The more I looked into teaching English in Asia, the less attractive it looked. And it never looked attractive to begin with.

    I was watching videos from Ryan Boundless. He was some somewhat weird guy teaching English in Japan. And he would talk about what it’s like. He regularly used the phrase “dancing monkey” to describe the job. I don’t want to do that shit.

    So I started looking into getting a visa based on my heritage. If you have a parent or two grandparents (or even sometimes just one grandparent) who is or was a citizen of another country, you might be eligible to get a work visa for that country. And this applied to me so I looked into it.

    As it turned out, I was not only eligible for a visa, I was eligible for citizenship. The laws are always changing. You have to look into it.

    So I said great. I’ll do that.

    I had to fill out a bunch of forms. The forms weren’t in English and I didn’t speak the language that the forms were in so it was something of an ordeal. I had to get a bunch of documents. I had to get a bunch of shit notarised. I had to talk to a bunch of people in embassies and whatnot. Then I had to pay whatever the fee was. It was a whole ordeal. Took over a year, probably.

    But in the end, I got citizenship. Then I applied for a passport and I got a passport.

    So now I’m free to do do whatever I want. I have $2000 saved up. I can leave today. It was a liberating experience.

    I was able to go anywhere in the European Union. So I looked at the options. There are some cool possibilities but better stick with the English-speaking countries.

    There was a message board that I used to go to. It was overwhelmingly English people. I knew some of these people for five years. They knew everything that was going on with me. I talked to these people regularly. So I said, “Hey. I’m thinking of moving to England. Can anybody help me out? Let me stay with you while I look for work.”

    Fuck no. Not one taker.

    So I said fuck these completely inhospitable assholes. I’ll go to Ireland instead. Dublin. It’s the only Irish city I knew and there’s a reason why immigrants go the major cities. This is where the jobs are.

    I went to Borders or something to get some guide books on Dublin. I got a Rick Steves’ book on Ireland. That was surprisingly helpful and useful.

    Then I just left. There wasn’t much planning. I got a one-way ticket. I said goodbye to my family. I got in a taxi. Went to the airport. There was some guy there with his family. Going to Dublin for vacation. He asked why I was going to Dublin. I said I’m going to look for work. He said that was cool.

    That was that. That was the last time that I lived in the US. And I didn’t give a fuck what happened in Dublin. If I end up living on the streets and a hobo stabs me, it’s fine. I would have killed myself if I stayed in the US much longer anyway. This is at least an opportunity to do something and get away from that fucking debt.

    There was no conceivable future in the US. These shit jobs. Living in my childhood home. This massive student loan debt. I made the only sensible choice.

    I left because of gross dissatisfaction with my own life and ultimately with the US. These scam schools should not exist but they’re all over the US. And it’s allowed to continue. Tuition should not cost $50,000/year anywhere. You should not have to pay college tuition debt off for the rest of your life.

    There are the inevitable bootlickers who will say, “You should pay your debt.” And I had to deal with a few of these people. Americans who I met abroad particularly held this view. I quickly learned just not to mention it. If somebody asks why I moved to the UK, just make something up.

    But I think that things have really changed in the past five years or so. There’s a growing awareness that this shit isn’t right. There’s something seriously wrong with the higher education system in the US and the student loan industry.

    It’s become mainstream to talk about forgiving student loan debt. I don’t know if it will happen or not. I’m doubtful. Too many people are making money off of this. But at least there’s a growing awareness that there are fundamental problems with the system. If you owe tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in non-dischargeable student loan debt, it’s not because you failed. The system failed.

  • Random Glitch in Vampire Survivors! #shorts – Erin Plays

    I…what? I don’t even know what to say about this. NOTHING HAPPENS!

    Let’s look at her Twitter.

    She’s proud of this video. We can expect more delicious shorts from Erin Plays. Not the kind of shorts that she wore in the Power Pad video but the kind of pointless bullshit shorts that she uploads to Youtube.

    She doesn’t have a clue. She doesn’t know what an entertaining video is supposed to look like. Or even a coherent video.

    ShiShi leaves a message complaining about the video. He doesn’t like shorts. Not these kind of shorts anyway. And I don’t blame him one bit. Shorts suck dick. Especially Erin’s shorts. The Youtube shorts. But I fucking hate them. What’s the point of them? It’s just a regular Youtube video but less than 60 seconds long and you can’t rewind or fast forward. So…why would I want this? It’s a downgrade from a normal Youtube video.

    When even Shishi is complaining about the videos, you know that there’s a serious problem. And only like two other people replied to this video on Twitter and Youtube COMBINED. So people hate this shit. They don’t want to see it. And the video was unbelievably pointless.

    So what else is our retro gaming all-star talking about Twitter?

    Hey guys! Did you hear about Taylor Swift?

    No, Erin. I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and I don’t give a shit.

    This is a stealth ad. She’s 100% getting paid for this and not declaring this information anywhere, which is surely against Twitter’s policies if not also US federal law. She’s shilled for this Numskull company many, many times. CLEARLY an ad. Not mentioned anywhere.

    Only one person replied because even the horntards are wise to this shit.


    Erin is concerned that Twitter is going to shut down or something. So she gives her Linktree so people can still follow her completely banal musings.

    She’s on Tumblr. No messages there.

    She’s on Mastodon. No messages there either.

    Good stuff, Erin.

    God, her “merch” is so unbelievably bad. Do not get Bitch Duo to design your “merch”. I’ll just say that. I don’t care that he did it for free. It looks like shit. Why are these the designs that he came up with? Some weird VHS magnetic tape and a 3.5″ disc with no protective metal sleeve on it? What the fuck does this have to do with Erin Plays?

    I talk about Erin’s horrendous “merch” here:


    Anyway, fuck Erin and her boring ass shit.

  • I’m doing a running commentary of the AVGN autobiography on Reddit

    Spoiler: it’s a fucking disaster so far. And I’m only at the forward. The forward was written by his WIFE!

    Anyway, check it out if you’re interested:

    I’ll do a full review on the blog after I read the book.

  • This Beach Resort has a VIDEO GAME CONVENTION?! – John Riggs

    Let’s see how much John Riggs eats while his poor wife is left home with the deeply troubled kids.

    He’s in Florida. I don’t why he didn’t just put that in the title instead of this weak attempt at click bait. “Really Rad Weekend” is the name of this nerd convention.

    0:30 – John Riggs tries to get a squirrel to run up his leg. What? Why? They’re diseased. And has he never seen a squirrel before? They must have them in Washington.

    0:45 – Yeah. Before we even get to the nerd convention, they stopped to get something to eat. They’re at McGuire’s Irish Pub. It’s so sad that “Irish Pub” is used to name bars in the US. I’ve seen it myself. There’s nothing Irish about these places. The proprietor isn’t Irish. The staff aren’t Irish. None of the customers are Irish. And in this case, McGuire isn’t even an Irish name. So why not call the place something else? Anything else? Just take the words “Irish” and “pub” out of it. Call it “McGuire’s Tavern” You’re done. That was easy.

    Then John Riggs asks what the “green thing” on the end of his straw is. That’s how you know you’re in an Irish pub, you fucking retard. They put unnecessary green shit in your drinks. Just like how they do it in Ireland.

    1:00 – John Riggs eats this green thing, not knowing what it is. He doesn’t give a fuck. If it looks edible, he’ll eat it.

    1:15 – Then he shows the ceiling. It’s covered in dollar bills. Just like in Ireland.

    Oh, I should have mentioned what John Riggs is drinking. Root beer. Root beer is all the rage in Ireland.

    In all seriousness, root beer does not exist in any form in Ireland or the UK or anywhere outside of the US and Canada, as far as I’m aware.

    3:30 – There’s like a nine year old girl doing “caricatures” for donations. So John Riggs gets one done and…I mean…I know that she’s nine years old but…this looks like shit. She spent two seconds on this. It’s just a scribble. I never ask for my money back for anything but in this case, I’d make an exception.

    4:45 – John Riggs is talking to some fat chick in a stupid costume about a “potato restaurant”. So this is really combining a lot of John Riggs’ interests: perving on the ladies and food.

    11:00 – Some guy is showing John Riggs some salted snacks and John Riggs is getting really excited.

    13:00 – Now John Riggs is drinking something. Some “craft beer”.

    13:45 – So after drinking that beer, John Riggs does his panel. There are maybe ten people at this panel. The panel topic is so fucking stupid that I won’t even say what it is.

    And he devoted about 15 seconds of this video to the panel. Even though this was the whole reason for him going. Well, theoretically this was the reason. The real reason was to escape his wife and family, try to have sex with fat chicks with blue hair, and eat a lot of food.

    16:00 – John Riggs is cosplaying as…I don’t know. Some character from Mega Man. And he talks about how awesome it is to walk around in public like this. Any normal person would be highly embarrassed but not John Riggs.

    So he was the “MC” of some “cosplay contest” but he doesn’t even show any of the fucking costumes. He was too busy jerking off to fat chicks with blue hair dressed in slutty anime and video game costumes.

    16:45 – Now John Riggs is looking for food. This is what he does. If he’s not eating, he’s looking for things to eat.

    So they’re at some bar/restaurant thing and John Riggs orders a pink drink with a couple of other fellows who also ordered pink drinks. Uh huh. Will you boys be sharing a hotel room as well?

    19:00 – There’s footage of John Riggs selling his shitty cereal book that’s just full of copyrighted pictures. The customers are all great big fat guys who never had sex with a woman.

    20:00 – John Riggs is eating a chocolate bar.

    Now he’s looking at half a pizza.

    21:00 – John Riggs is talking to the world’s most obnoxious gay man.

    22:30 – John Riggs creeping on some skank nerd in a costume.

    YupKat. This woman brings shame to her family for a thousand generations. You have to REALLY try to be a fat Asian woman. And then she’s in this stupid fucking costume to try to get a date with these corpulent nerds.


    What the fuck? Is this even a woman? I think it’s a guy. Can we get some birth pronouns, please? Yeah. This has to be a guy. Well, John Riggs would still have sex with it.

    I don’t know. The voice sounds convincingly feminine. What the fuck.

    My policy is, if I can’t be sure if it’s a man or a woman, I play it safe and move on.

    23:15 – Some nerd is selling crocheted boobs. He working his way up to making an entire crocheted girlfriend.

    Oh, it’s actually a woman who made these. A real woman? Now I don’t know what to believe after that last man/woman. I’m questioning everything.

    John Riggs actually bought these crocheted boobs. They’re boobs on one side and some weird face on the other side. So…like if you had boobs on the back of your head. And were some kind of flower-person. Is this a reference to something or just this woman’s insane crocheted fantasy?

    26:15 – We’re in the home stretch now. John Riggs is eating. He’s in some bar/restaurant. He seems to really like bar/restaurants. He’s there with an Asian…man? I assume it’s a man. But maybe it isn’t. Who can tell any more? Is John Riggs a man? I don’t know.

    Oh, it’s a Japanese restaurant. It’s called McGuire’s Sushi and Steaks. Wasn’t that “Irish pub” also McGuire’s? Yeah. McGuire must be multi-racial. He’s Irish. He’s Japanese. He’s Scottish.

    John Riggs says that he’s never had a wagyu filet mignon. Wow. A food that John Riggs has never had before. This is a rare occurrence. So he says that he’s going to split this with his Japanese friend. Like a gay man.

    I mean, this is $50 so I understand that it’s expensive but…just don’t get it then. Order something else. Don’t split the meal like a fucking homosexual. Are you going to feed it to each other too? He actually did this earlier in the video.

    27:15 – Here’s footage of Nintendrew (whoever that is) in a FLAMING gay suit. Who would go out in public like this? Even John Riggs called him out on this earlier in the video.

    27:30 – So they ate the meal. Right. It was filet mignon. And then right after they ate the meal, John Riggs and his homosexual buddies went to that Irish pub and did Irish stuff. Like getting your fortune told by a mechanical leprechaun. And drinking some green alcoholic beverage.

    And John Riggs is there with that world’s most obnoxious faggot who we saw earlier in the video.

    John Riggs is eating an entire other meal. A “mushroom pie” and that Japanese guy gave him John Riggs some of his Irish sushi. HOW MUCH FOOD CAN JOHN RIGGS EAT? Two fucking meals back to back?

    The video ends with John Riggs at the beach, watching the tide come and go, while contemplating suicide. He’s slowly trying to eat himself to death. It’s just sad.

  • DAWN OF THE DEAD 3D. A new dimension of the GREATEST zombie movie EVER – Newt Wallen

    0:00 – What is he drinking? I’ll have to go frame by frame.

    Mike’s Hard Lemonade. Right? But it’s orange. Let me look this up.

    I think it’s the Hard Strawberry Lemonade.

    I never had one of these. I didn’t get it. In high school, people would talk about them like it’s some sort of alcoholic drink. And the website does ask you if you’re over 21. What exactly are these things?

    Oh, it couldn’t have been high school because these were released in 1999 and I was out of high school by then.

    Alcopop? These are for women. Women and children. I mean, come on. He’s drinking a pink beverage. There’s your first clue that this shit isn’t for men.

    The company is based in Levittown, Pennsylvania. That sounds familiar. Wasn’t it some town created by a company?


    Yeah. And it’s in Bucks County, homeplace of Screenwave Media. Who knew?

    Levittown was some kind of experiment, wasn’t it? Or it was always used as an example of an average American town. Let me fucking skim this article.

    Residents (who are sometimes called Levittowners) were first expected to comply with a lengthy list of rules and regulations regarding the upkeep of their homes and use of their property. Two of these “rules” included a prohibition on hanging laundry out to dry on Sunday and not allowing homeowners to fence off their yards. These proved unenforceable over time, particularly when backyard pools became financially accessible to the working class and privacy concerns drove many to fence off their yards

    You need a fence in order to have a pool? And how would have even give you any privacy?

    As a kid, there were rumours that neighbours way across street would swim naked. So I’d sometimes sneak over to a little window that looked out over their pool with a monocular. Never saw anything. Never even saw them swimming with swimsuits on. But you’d live in hope.

    “Levitt & Sons would not sell homes to African Americans.”

    Maybe this is what I was thinking of. I knew there was some controversy or something.

    Anyway, Newt is reviewing this movie in his kitchen. Do I want to watch this? Not really. Isn’t learning about Levittown more interesting than listening to Newt talk about some fucking shitty horror movie? And for 25 minutes? Come on. Have some respect for your audience.

    He recently reviewed Terrifier 2 for fucking 90 minutes. It was with PVC Bondage Girl. He split it into two parts. I didn’t watch any of the first video and I watched about 17 minutes of the second video. There was some cringe stuff in there, including Newt talking about hard his penis gets, but I’m going to do a whole fucking review on this? That means that I have to watch the video. Ninety minutes of two mentally ill people talking about a tits and gore movie? There’s no chance. I’m not doing that.

    So this video is 25 minutes. I’ll give you five minutes, Newt. Say something interesting in five minutes or I’m turning this shit off.

    0:15 – He saw the movie with Karl Bower. You guys all know Karl Bower, right? No? Well, according to Newt, he’s a big time film maker. Newt is besties with him on Facebook.

    0:45 – This guy called Newt “The Ed Wood of Youtube”.

    No, I’m sticking with The Ideas Man. There’s just something funny about Newt being called The Ideas Man. Because the man has no ideas whatsoever. It’s like calling a fat guy “slim” or something. There’s a certain cruelty to it but it’s also funny. I’m sorry.

    2:45 – “I’m from New Jersey. We love our fucking malls there.”

    Oh. This is something unique to New Jersey, you think? New Jersey is the mall capital of the world? I have no idea. You learn so much from watching these videos.

    Okay, that’s your five minutes up, Newt. I’m moving on. Tits and gore. We get it.

    Let’s check out his Twitter, I guess.


    Oh, he has a picture of him with Horseface. She’s not looking good. But she’s wearing half a top, of course. Trying to distract you from the face. You know what else can distract people from your face? Having a pleasant personality. Try it out, Horseface.

    The 9,613 Subscriber Spectacular! Thanks for the update, Newt.

    He talks about the death of Kevin Conroy. You guys all know Kevin Conroy, right? I sure as fuck don’t.

    What about fucking Gallagher? Why no shout out for the death of Gallagher? That man was a comedy genius.

    My mother used to watch his comedy special “Stuck in the 60s” at least four times every weekend when they’d endlessly show it on Comedy Central back in “the 90s”. So I know all about Gallagher. He wasn’t just about watermelons. He had a whole fucking act. That watermelon nonsense was just the grand finale.

    People compare Gallagher to Carrot Top or prop comedians like this. But no. He had some props, sure. But most of his act was a real think piece. He’d be doing George Carlin style social commentary.

    Kevin Conroy. Fuck you. Newt is over here boohooing over this guy who he never mentioned even one time in his entire fucking life.

    “Waaaaaaa! He was my favorite fictional character.”

    Fuck off. What are you? Seven years old?

    Who would my favorite fictional character be? Maybe Rerun from What’s Happening. How long has Fred Berry been dead. Wow. Since 2003. He had a tragic life in some respects, but he also accomplished a lot. And he brought a lot of joy into people’s lives. Hollywood will never improve on the What’s Happening episode where Rerun joined a cult.


  • Erin Plays and Mike Matei play a Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle NES Hack! (part 3 of 16)

    I don’t care how long it takes me to finish this. I’m going to watch every single second of this video. It’s a goldmine of awkward behaviour. And Erin doesn’t know ANYTHING about ANYTHING. It’s great.

    14:30 – Mike, as Bugs Bunny, says that he can’t take a bath because Ernie is always in there. Erin says, “Ernie’s in there all the time and I can’t get him out…Erin tries too.”

    You know…because this isn’t Erin. She remembered that she was in “costume”. She’s Lola Bunny. The world’s worst fucking costume.

    I just can’t understand why she puts so little effort into everything. I put more effort into my Halloween costumes as a child. If I was one of these freaks who dressed up as an adult on Halloween, I’d put the fucking effort in. I’d spend the money on quality shit. Not so for Zero Effort Erin. Just get some bunny ears and a basketball jersey. You’re done.

    The conversation ends awkwardly, of course, and then Erin says, “Oh my god. What’s that dog’s name?”

    Erin “always” “forgets” the name of this obscure cartoon character.

    Mike didn’t even know so maybe the character doesn’t even have a name. I think it’s the dog from some Foghorn Leghorn cartoons. Did he have a name? Let me look this up.

    Barnyard Dawg. Yeah, that was never mentioned in any cartoon. That’s just the name that was used by the writers and animators and whatnot. I only remember Foghorn Leghorn beating his ass with a two by four. It’s probably what Mike did to Erin after this stream. “Well, I carried your shitty stream as usual. Now it’s time to pay the piper.”

    16:30 – Erin stuffing an entire tissue up her nose. This is sexy. This is my fetish.

    18:15 – Mike says, “My ears are very sensitive” and then starts stroking his ears. Erin says, “They are. Like a Ferengi.”

    I’m surprised that she made a relevant reference. Mike must have recently made her watch some Deep Space Nine episodes.

    18:30 –

    Mike: What a maroon.

    Erin. Maroon is a song on the new Taylor Swift album.

    Two things. 1) She didn’t get the reference because she has no idea who Bugs Bunny is. 2) These are the only sort of references that she can make. Braindead 2000s pop music bullshit that nobody gives a shit about.

    Is Mike going to start talking about Taylor Swift now? He doesn’t know who this is.

    Erin: And I like it

    (nervous laughter as Mike doesn’t respond to any of this)

    Mike: Taylor Swift is great.

    Now Mike is just doing the same thing that Erin does to EVERYTHING that she doesn’t know about. He’s just giving a generic response because he doesn’t know or care about Taylor Swift.

    20:30 – Mike starts doing his annoying “nyaaaaaaa” thing that he did in the AVGN episode, I think. Then Erin says, “Yeah, and doctors can’t figure out why I have, like, crippling stress and anxiety.”

    It’s not that they can’t figure it out, it’s that they’re disputing that you have any such afflictions. Same with your fake carpal tunnel syndrome. It took her literally over ten years before she found some quack doctor who would go along with this farce. And even now, I’m not convinced that she found a doctor to sign off on these lies. Where are the nerve tests? Over a year ago, Erin said that she got nerve tests done and she would let us all know what the results are. She never showed the results.

    Stress and anxiety. Fuck you. Stress from what? Not working? Getting fucked in the ass for Youtube promotion? These were your decisions, Erin. You actively sought this out. This is exactly what you wanted to do with you life: NOTHING. If you don’t like it, try doing something. Mike isn’t keeping you in a cage, is he? Go back to mommy and daddy in California and see if your job at the record store is still available. Your Youtube scam is not working. It will NEVER work.

    20:45 – Erin bumps into this wall for the third fucking time. I get it. It looks like you should be able to pass by this wall. But you can’t. It didn’t work the first two times, did it? Why can’t she remember this?

    21:30 – Mike says, “Can you think of any other video games where characters go down pipes?”

    No time for brain teasers, Mike. Just let Erin concentrate on the game.

    24:15 – Mike is identifying an enemy in the game.

    Mike: I believe that that’s Sylvester the Cat’s child.

    Erin: Yes. Oh my god. Yeah. What was his name from Tiny Toons?

    Mike: No. Not from Tiny Toons. From the old Looney Tunes cartoons.

    Erin. Oh, I don’t know. I liked Tiny Toons a lot when I was little but I haven’t watched it since.

    Mike: I was a teacher at that school.

    (Erin is oblivious)

    Erin: Oh…at the Tiny Toons school?

    Yes, Erin. You remember? The intro to the cartoon showed Bugs Bunny teaching at the school. You don’t remember this? They showed this before every fucking episode. It was also the premise of the show. The old characters are teaching the new characters in some kind of school. Acme Looniversity, I believe it was called. It was in the fucking theme song.

    Erin “always” “forgets” that Bugs Bunny was a teacher at Acme Looniversity. She also “always” “forgets” about Sylvester Junior.

    25:15 – Some horntard is asking about Freakazoid. Whatever that is. I had to look it up. Some short-lived cartoon from the 1990s.

    Mike: I think that you should do a top ten Freakazoid episodes.

    Erin: I mean, I probably should. (awkward pause) I’ve never watched it too much.

    So why should you probably do a video on the top ten episodes of the show? She says that she should probably do a top ten video on a show that she’s never fucking seen before. Why? It’s preposterous.

    But this is what she does with video games. She knows absolutely nothing about video games but then she’ll do a top ten video about videos games. It’s idiotic.

    26:00 –

    Mike: Remember AOL?

    Erin: Yeah. I like AOL. I miss AOL.

    What do you miss about it Erin? What did you like about it? Tell us. We want to know. Can you expand on ANYTHING or do you just continue to give generic answers to everything because you don’t know anything about anything? I’m thinking it’s the latter.

    26:45 – A horntard asks, “Remember the 100 free hours CDs you got in the mail?” Erin says, “Yes.”

    Good contribution, Erin. Do you have any stories that you can tell about these CDs? The packaging used to be really plain, like a cardboard sleeve, but then started upping the production value by using little tins. See? I gave a little story to go along with that AOL CD question. This is what you should be doing in these streams. Not just “yes/no” or “I like it” or “I remember that”. That’s fucking boring. Nobody wants to hear that.

    She can’t do it because she doesn’t know anything about anything. She doesn’t remember these fucking CDs. She was locked in her empty room all day and fed gruel.

    27:15 – Then she gives a long, meanderingly, go-nowhere story about how much she liked Myspace and LiveJournal as a kid. Just that she liked these things. That’s it. Then she starts talking about how Justin Timberlake bought MySpace and was going to re-brand it.

    What? First of all, this is another example of Erin only being able to talk about shitty 2000s pop music.

    But did this even happen? Oh. It did happen. But yeah, this is all that Erin can talk about. Justin Timberlake. You guys like Justin Timberlake, right?

    No. I’m a heterosexual man. I didn’t listen to that shit. I’m certainly not listening to it now. It’s 2022. Get with the times, Erin.

    29:45 – A horntard asks, “Is there an AVGN poster?” Erin says, “Yes. Those exist.”

    Great commentary, Erin. Do you maybe want to take us through what the current AVGN posters look like? Where can I buy one? How much are they?

    She doesn’t know anything about this shit. So it’s just more generic bullshit.

    30:45 – “I’m going to ruin my costume. I’m going to put on a hoodie because I’m chilly.”

    How much more can that costume possibly be ruined?

    We can stop here. I’m at 31 minutes. It shouldn’t take 16 parts to do this. Because I watched seven minutes the first time, seven minutes the second time, but a whopping 17 minutes this time. So we’re making progress.

  • What 4Chan Thinks of the GamerGrrls Blog and TheCinemassacreTruth Subreddit


    Feel free to do your own searches.


    Somebody posted the above. It’s a quote from one of my articles. So somebody else replies with, “based jocorobo.” JocoRobo was a name I used on Reddit.

    Here’s another one:


    Same comment. “based jocorobo”. Based, if you’re unaware with the youth vernacular of today, means somebody who isn’t afraid to tell the truth even if said truth is unpopular.

    • “Anyone have a link to Jocorobo’s blog where he writes daily essays on Erin Plays videos?”

    Somebody provides the link. Somebody else replies with “Jocorobo is based.”

    There’s a pattern here. But it’s at least two people writing this because this second guy is using capitalisation.

    Somebody posts a comment that ISN’T mine and says, “is that based jocorobo?”

    • “ERIN CHADS…. /our girl/ hasn’t uploaded in quite a while…. i’m WORRIED bros…”

    Somebody replies with, “JOCOROBO BROS… we won!”

    Somebody posts the following quote from an article I wrote:


    Somebody else replies, “based jocorobo”

    Somebody posts my banner art from the blog. Somebody else says “kino”. “Kino” is a term that means “epic” or “grand”. They’re praising the high calibre of the art.

    Then somebody says, “the truther trannies took over his subreddit and wiped it clean”

    This is a reference to some obsessed gay man registering my GamerGrrls sub-reddit, which was long abandoned, and didn’t have any content on it because Madam Fomo filed false copyright strikes on everything. So I didn’t even care.

    But somebody replies, “i love jocorobo for causing so much seethe”

    Somebody links to the GamerGrrls sub, before this gay man took it over, and all the articles were just removed because of Madam Fomo, as explained above. He says, “Talking shit about e-girls is forbidden”. All of the articles had “removed by Reddit” on them.

    So somebody replies, “GamerGrrls blog is based He’s a 40 year old man that bangs cute black girls and he gets mad if you comment ‘sneed’”

    Somebody says of Erin, “she’s already given up” in reference to her making very few Youtube videos nowadays.

    Somebody replies, “I love reading the gamergrrls blogs about her videos but I’ve never actually watched one.”

    Somebody links to my posts about The OverAnalyzers and excrement. These articles:



    Somebody replies, “BASED.”

    These comments all span 2020 to 2022. Here’s a thread from a few weeks ago when people were concerned that the blog got shut down:

    • “shame”
    • “NOOOOOO. I only have a few screenshots. god I fucking hate reddit”
    • “Wait, this is vaguely familiar. Wtf happened”

    Somebody posts another screenshot of an article I wrote:


    People theorise why the blog was shut down.

    • truther trannies got so upset they got his blog removed
    • hate those faggots

    So somebody says, “Wrong. He closed it himself and moved it to wordpress.”

    • “Do you know why?”
    • “Something about not liking the comment section on his old blog or something.”

    It’s true. The comment system on WordPress is leagues better. There’s an obsessed, homosexual, retarded, mentally ill, hillbilly from Reddit who has sent me thousands of death and rape threats on the blog. This is why I moved the blog. But now it’s bliss. All of his shit goes straight to the trash. I don’t even see it. I know that he’s still posting this shit because I see the trash count go up but I never even have to look at it. The filter system is great.

    So I got all of this from search terms like “jocorobo” and “gamergrrls” and “gamergrrlsofficial”. Overwhelmingly positive. Yeah, there were a couple of minor rebukes saying that I have too much time on my hands and I’m autistic but those were outliers. And even those comments aren’t really insulting. “Hey, this guy is putting too much effort into this.” Who cares? It’s kind of a compliment.

    The vast, vast majority of the comments were positive. People love the blog.

    So now let’s search for “cinemassacretruth”.

    Ummm…I’m not sure that I should post these comments.

    A lot of references to the people there being homosexuals.

    Very hostile comments to the people who post there.

    Oh, here’s one that I can post.

    • “I love watching confused mentally ill wrecks post their problems for the public to see. That said, you CinemassacreTruth guys are pathetic. I cannot imagine basing a significant amount of your personality on sperging because someone is too busy to make videos for you to consoom. Amazing combination of entitlement and autism.”

    By the way, when they’re talking about “CinemassacreTruth” they’re actually talking about TheCinemassacreTruth. Not my sub which is called “CinemassacreTruth”.

    • “oh boy its r/cinemassacretruth again”

    He’s being sarcastic. He doesn’t like the sub. And again, he’s talking about THECinemassacreTruth.

    • “All the most melodramatic negativity is literally cinemassacretruth tourists. Back when James threads started picking up after TGWTG imploded it was good-natured mockery of the channel with lots of OC. Then around like 2019 when the that community picked up in popularity the threads here started to get less funny and original and more just low-energy and bitchy and using the same crappy memes from there like “bimmy” over and over again.”

    Yeah. This is what normal people think of the sub.

    Somebody left a Youtube comment recently suggesting that TheCinemassacreTruth is like QAnon. It’s true. That place welcomes clearly insane people and it fosters an increasingly unhealthy, dangerous environment. See for example that guy who stalked Kieran with messages about his deceased father, that guy who left angry, aggressive voice mails on Screenwave’s answering machines, and this lunatic who sends me rape and death threats every day for over a year. This behaviour is all welcomed and encouraged there.

    And for what? You don’t like the Youtube videos? So don’t fucking watch them. Yeah, they’re bad. The videos are bad. If you want to write about how bad they are, okay. But you don’t have to start stalking people over this. You don’t have to repeat the same three unfunny “memes” like a mental patient. You don’t have to keep making catty comments about people’s appearance.

    • “Cinemassacretruth losers back to their old autistic games but with RLM”
    • “It’s an ESL permavirgin from /r/Cinemassacretruth tries to be funny and fails miserably just like does in real life and then sits in his filth hating himself but acting like he doesn’t while being a friendless loser that deep down knows he is going to die unloved and alone thread”
    • “You’re a (mentally-challenged) (homosexual slur) and the only “drama behind the scenes” is made up by you and the other /r/Cinemassacretruth truth (mental health slur). You are as transparent as you are a fucking (mentally challenged) (racial slur). I suggest you (harm yourself).”

    I had to censor that last one.

    • “It’s /r/Cinemassacretruth losers that are far bigger losers than him and even the lardgolems he works for. They are unironically the most pathetic people on the internet.”

    I think that we get the picture. By the way, I wasn’t cherry picking. The comments were almost 100% negative in regards to TheCinemassacreTruth. Extremely negative.

    Let me search for “TheCinemassacreTruth”.

    Much the same. Oh, somebody posted something that I wrote:


    And the guy says, “Reminder this is how r/TheCinemassacreTruth came to be”

    It’s true. That’s the origin of TheCinemassacreTruth.

    So let’s get into some specifics in regards to this homosexual stuff. The guy who took my GamerGrrls sub is called “icem6n”. This guy also aggressively advertised my CinemassacreTruth sub when I started it. He was complaining about it. He was always reporting comments and trying to get it taken down. He constantly tries to get me banned. He started a harassment forum where him and some other obsessed mentally ill people just talk about me (including that deranged hillbilly who sends me death and rape threats).

    Here’s the thing. Icem6n is openly gay. It’s not a secret. He’ll tell you.

    And there’s nothing wrong with this. I don’t care that he’s gay. I don’t care that anybody on TheCinemassacreTruth is gay or transgender or whatever.

    My issue is the harassment. And a lot of the harassment is clearly gay. They’ll make Photoshopped pictures of James and Mike and the Screenwave crew to look like women, for example. This is a very common thing that happens there. Or they’ll make “memes” commenting on how people are overweight or bald or whatever. These are the sort of things that catty gay men do.

    So when I say, “Hey, this harassment is…frankly…gay” these people get offended by this. Why? What I’m saying is accurate.

    And some of the people doing this stuff are OPENLY gay. Why would they be offended?

    It’s like if I went to a sub-reddit that had gay porn on it. And I said, “What the fuck? This shit is pretty gay.”

    Nobody would be offended. They’d just be confused. “Of course it’s gay. We’re gay men. We like looking at naked men. What’s wrong with you?”

    Why don’t I get the same reaction when I point out the obvious homosexual nature of TheCinemassacreTruth?

    Look at these comments from 4Chan. These are normal people making normal observations about the sub-reddit and they’ve reached the exact same conclusion that I have: the people there are gay. They’re doing gay stuff.

    Cool. They’re gay. That’s fine. Just admit it. Admit that what you’re doing is: a) gay and; b) harassment. That’s all I ask. And it’s blindingly obvious that this is what’s happening there.

    There was a guy who posted there recently. He said something like, “Hey. Long time lurker. First time poster. I really like what you’re doing here” and then he posted some stupid “meme” bullshit about James not having time or whatnot.

    So I clicked this guy’s posting history and there were pictures of him with his cock out and he had some deeply unpleasant man boobs. He was transgender.

    I mean…okay. You do you. But can we just acknowledge that this is a sub-reddit for gay and/or transgender men to do harassing bullshit? This is how the subreddit was founded and this is how it’s been all through its history.

    It was never about having an uncensored place to talk about Cinemassacre. First of all that place is MASSIVELY censored. But no, the sub was started because a handful of gay men wanted to talk about Mike Matei’s penis. That’s it. That’s the genesis of the sub. And it was started by a transgender high school boy.

    There’s literally a picture of Mike’s penis on the sidebar of the sub.

    There’s literally a picture of the Screenwave crew as The Village People on the sidebar.

    Many of the people who post there are openly gay. Many of the people who post there post stuff that is clearly gay.

    Can we not just state the obvious? TheCinemassacreTruth exists for homoerotic harassment. Everybody knows it. Any non-mentally ill person who stumbles upon that forum will reach the exact same conclusion. Look at the responses on 4Chan.

    Again, I want to stress that I have absolutely no problem with people being gay. But come out of the closet, TheCinemassacreTruth. Be proud of what you are: a homoerotic harassment board.