【DEBUT STREAM】 i’m a 2D catgirl now – Retro Ali

I’m not going to rehearse the complete history of Retro Ali. But she used to make Youtube videos and stream on Twitch, then she gained 50 pounds, then she became a “V-tuber”. This is where when you’re too ashamed to appear on camera, you have an anime character represent you.

I fully understand how a normal person would be embarrassed to appear on Youtube videos or Twitch or whatever. Especially when you’re doing something as embarrassing as Retro Ali does. She was known for “reaction” videos where she made a total ass of herself “reacting” to completely mundane stuff. It’s not the kind of thing you want your employer seeing, for example. Or family or friends or potential suitors.

But Ali chose to do this simply because she gained 50 pounds and was embarrassed by the weight gain. And rather than losing the weight or saying, “Fuck it, I don’t care what I look like”, she did this ridiculous thing where she got an anime avatar for the videos.

At least be honest and use a fat anime avatar. No. She’s using a slim anime avatar.


She is so fucking annoying. She screams constantly. OVER NOTHING.

1:15 – “‘Where are the legs?’ You’ll see them soon.”

Are people actually excited for the “debut” of this anime character? Who gives a shit?

2:15 – She’s slowly doing her “leg debut”. Like we’re supposed to be jacking off to this. Maybe they are. I don’t know. But she’s slowly bringing the “model” onto the screen. “Here are my feet.” This is fucking pathetic.

3:45 – “I feel like I’m baiting you guys. I feel like I should show it all. That sounds so wrong. This is new content.”

This is fucking awful. She’s the worst. She’s the absolute rock bottom, worst person who I’ve ever wrote about. I don’t mean morally wrong, I mean just unbelievably boring, mindless, stupid, and uninteresting. She’s never said a single thing that was even remotely worth listening to.

5:00 – “IS THAT A TAIL?”

She’s screaming again. Her anime avatar has a tail. Because this is what the horny retards are apparently into.

5:15 – “Oh my god, there’s a hole in my jeans. This is so scandalous.”

It’s a fat chick talking about her anime avatar. It’s fucking pathetic.


She’s said that about 15 times so far. FUCK. OFF.

8:00 – She says, “We have a Powerpoint” again, at least five times. She’s fucking stupid. She repeats herself CONSTANTLY.

8:45 – “I just showed my body online for views. That sounds wrong.”

Ali, you’re like 180 pounds in real life and nobody is interested. So you’re doing this anime thing. It’s pathetic.

9:30 – She says that there are 69 viewers. I think that this anime shits cost a fair amount of money. You have to hire somebody to draw and animate this. And she’s doing this for 69 viewers at the absolute maximum.

11:45 – “We’re not going to scream this stream for once.”


13:00 – Now she’s doing what she’s described as the “Powerpoint.”

13:45 – This slide gives the sad history of Retro Ali. Started streaming in 2015. And then everything else is just lumped into 2017-2022. I think that in about 2022, she gained 50 pounds. Maybe it was 2021. But she stopped making Youtube videos at that point. And this is when she started with the “V-tubing”.

Her weight gain is not listed here.

15:30 – Next slide. She says, “Why V-tubing, you may ask.”

I know why. You gained 50 pounds. And in case anybody thinks that I’m joking, no. She gained a lot of weight and then started this shit.

When was the first time I mentioned Ali gaining weight? Let’s see if we can pinpoint this.

Possibly here. This was November 2022. But in that article, I kind of mention the weight in passing, like it was already common knowledge. So maybe it’s earlier than that.

16:45 – “The real reason is that I don’t have to bother with the webcam.”

That’s it right here.

She also writes on this slide, “Secretly drives away the creepos that were only interested in my ‘looks’. LUL thank the Lord (hopefully).”

She was perfectly happy courting the horntard market and making her stupid “O” face in every video but then she gained 50 pounds and suddenly she doesn’t like that stuff. No. It’s because the horntards don’t like that stuff from fat chicks. Those are the breaks, Ali. If you can’t keep yourself fit, fuck off. Shaking down retards for pennies is a harsh mistress.

18:15 – “When I started, there was a very small, vocal minority of people who were like, ‘Oh my god. Why don’t you show your face?'”

Why don’t you just tell them the truth, Ali. Fifty pounds. Instead, she tries to shame these guys as perverts. Which I guess they are but they always were. Ali liked it when they were interested in her. Now that they’re not interested, she calls them perverts.

SupaWhatever had a comment in her Discord stating that she wants to be a V-tuber. She asked people if they would still watch.

Same deal. SupaWhatever is a fat chick and she’s self-conscious about it. So instead of losing weight or dealing with your self-esteem issues, just put a fucking anime character there.

It’s the same thing. People are, apparently, jerking off to this anime character. So you’re targetting the exact same market as they always have been: horny retards. But they’re doing it with this pathetic, dishonest anime character now.

18:30 – “Honestly, if you don’t like watching anime girls then why are you watching my stream.”

She knows that they’re there to jerk off. There are guys out there who jerk off to anime girls. Apparently. That’s the only reason why anybody would watch the stream, according to her.

18:45 – Next slide. She’s 28. Wow. Really? Twenty-eight and already ballooned like that.

19:15 – She’s talking about how she moved to Florida. She moved there to work in Disney World.

20:30 – She says that her chair broke on stream. Just insert your own joke here.

21:45 – Next slide. Games she likes. Pokemon. Who cares?

22:45 – Next slide. “Here’s a pie chart from my Discord.” Some stupid joke about how she screams all the time.

23:45 – Next slide. The name of her “community”. It’s the Retro Squad. That must have taken about four seconds to come up with that one.

Is there anybody who actually uses these stupid community names? “Oh, I’m a…member of Riggs Nation.” Nobody does this. It’s just the “Youtubers” themselves with their delusional visions of grandeur.

26:00 – Next slide. Goals. It’s all just about her stupid anime character and getting more followers on Twitch. What about eating right and exercising more?

28:00 – Last slide. The credits for this anime girl.

By the way, Retro Ali killed the merchandise on the blog and told the woman who made the anime characters for the banner that she should sue me. In spite of the fact that I asked the woman if I could use the characters for the merchandise (mugs) and that I’d split the money with her. This was a poor woman from the Philippines and this dumb bitch Retro Ali killed it.

29:30 – Now she showing the anime girl up close. Great to jerk off to. I guess.

31:00 – “I do have a little video that I would like to react to.”


So she’s going to “react” to footage of old streams that she’s done. She’s compiled this video. So she knows everything that’s in it. And yet, she’s still going to do this fake as fuck “reacting”.

32:30 – “I don’t even understand what I’m saying.”

Exactly. I’ve been saying this for years. That’s what made you Meth Mouth Ali. You can be extremely difficult to understand.


And you didn’t know this? She compiled this video…it’s not worth discussing.

Okay, I’m calling a halt to the action. I can’t take this fake “reaction” any longer.

Ali, all our metabolisms slow down as we age. I guess. I don’t know. From a quick search, scientists are questioning that traditional wisdom.

I think that I have a overactive thyroid. It seems to be an issue in my family.

I’m looking on Wikipedia.

“Some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism include nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, heart racing, hand tremors, anxiety, trouble sleeping, thinning of the skin, fine brittle hair, and muscular weakness”

I don’t really have any of that. Well, maybe irritability. Maybe muscular weakness.

“More frequent bowel movements may occur, and diarrhea is common.”

I don’t think so. My bowel movements are decidely less frequent that the average person. I’m taking a dump maybe once every 2.5 days.

“Weight loss, sometimes significant, may occur despite a good appetite (though 10% of people with a hyperactive thyroid experience weight gain)”

Being slim is the only thing that caused me to think that I might have this thyroid condition. But here they’re saying that it’s not even always the case with hyperthyroidism.

“Vomiting may occur.”

No, it’s been a good number of years and I’ve never had that problem.

So I don’t know. Maybe it’s nothing. So that’s good news.

Anyway, my point is that we all have different metabolic rates but that’s just life. Everybody has advantages and disadvantages. You just have to work with what you’ve got.

Don’t give up at the age of 29 and say, “Okay, I’m a fat chick now.” Put the effort in. And it’s not even that much effort. Cultivate some self-control. Eat less. You don’t even have to exercise. The weight will come off.

And she’s not fucking SupaWhatever levels of obese. She has a manageable level of weight that she can lose if she just puts the effort in.

Look at Erin, for example. There was a time when Erin was putting some weight on.

That was in November 2020. But she apparently started eating right and lost the weight. So good for her.

Mike gained a lot of weight around the same time. As here:

But he seems to have lost the weight too. And he talks about how he doesn’t drink much soda any more, he tries to drink more water, and so on.

So it’s a good thing. You can’t just let yourself go and stream as an anime girl. That’s not healthy.

5 thoughts on “【DEBUT STREAM】 i’m a 2D catgirl now – Retro Ali

  1. Atrocious video. Barely made it to the 3-minute mark. I then switched to the Fat Strawberry Erin video. Better but not by much.
    I noticed this fat Ali has a lot of views in some of her videos. I wonder how they achieved this notoriety. She never was hot, even before gaining weight. And I have that fat woman voice. It’s so characteristic. You don’t need to see them to tell they are fat.

    1. She made “reaction” videos where she would pucker her lips that she was sucking a penis and scream. People were apparently into this. Until they weren’t. Then she got depressed and started eating and now she’s an anime character.

  2. Thing about girls that gain weight then lose it, the tits are never the same. Speaking of tits, I recently discovered that Trista Bytes one of the UK nobody YouTubers, 5,000 subscribers and moved to Twitch, did porn over 20 years ago!! Now consider the math which places her at 40 minimum. I wonder if anyone has brought this to light and what she would say if asked about it. All I can say is can really spread that hole!!

      1. That’s how you can tell it was her! But you’re right. Tats are a turn off. And these day, Jesus God, why does a woman want to her hands tattooed? Anyway I looked it up. She’s 42. She used to look pretty hot, coloring her hair to hide her age. But recently she cut these bangs and wears this kind of like dress shirt and vest thing. Looks awful.

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