Mike Matei’s Blog


He’s been advertising this a lot lately. In the past few streams, he’s been telling you to go to his blog. He’s really jumping on the blog bandwagon.

He’s posted twice in the past month. His next oldest post is from December 2020, talking about why he left Cinemassacre. Or allegedly left.

When did he start this? I guess in May 2017.

Anyway, he has 30 articles. For comparison, I have 1,265.

That’s what you need for a successful blog. Consistent content. Are you going to go to a blog that 30 articles over the span of six years? “Ohhhh, today’s the day that he’s going to tell us about another hidden gem…aww fuck.”

But for the past few days, he’s been tearing it up on that blog. An article every week. First, an article on why he removed channel poitns from his Twitch streams.

He didn’t know what to do with them, they’re annoying, and it created inequality in the streams. The channel point bourgeoisie were lording it over the channel point proletariat.

Okay, well…great. What else have you got, Mike?

Who really created Donald Duck?

As it turns out, it was a collaborative effort over several cartoons and comic books and whatever.

Good stuff, Mike.

“Thanks to David G for research help.”

Oh great. So he couldn’t even write the fucking article. He has to give “help” credit just like fucking Retard Rolfe. How much of this was written by David G? Frankly, if I was David G, I wouldn’t want credit for this. It wasn’t exactly engaging. It was all, “Here’s who made Donald Duck. Oh! But not really! Because here’s this other guy who contributed. Oh! But hang on! Here’s this OTHER guy.”

Just present the material. Stop with these teasers. Quit teasing me about who created Donald Duck. Because nobody gives a shit anyway. Not even you. You couldn’t even do the research for this thing. Fucking David G did all of the work. I bet that David G is Bitch Duo.

David G. What the fuck. It’s how people complain about AVGN not being written by James. This is Mike’s blog and he’s farming the work out to David G. Who the fuck is David G? We never even got a proper introduction. I demand to know who David G is. And why is he writing Mike’s articles for him? I go to the Mike Matei blog to read about Mike Matei’s views on Donald Duck. Not David G’s views on Donald Duck.

It’s lazy in the extreme. And how can they not know that people don’t want this? Monster Madness written by Newt Wallen (plagiarised by some other person)? Nobody wants that. It doesn’t even make sense. How can somebody else present James Rolfe’s opinion on a movie?

Fucking Newt does this as well. He’s too lazy to do his WTF Wednesday reviews so he farms them out to some guy from Venezuela or somewhere. We’re not there to hear that Venezuelean guy’s opinion on a tits and gore movie. We’re there to hear Newt’s opinions on a tits and gore movie.

Although, saying that, I’ve noticed that this Venezuelan guy sometimes gets a lot of views. More than Newt gets for his videos. I have no idea why. I think because it’s some really obscure movie and this is the only video about it on Youtube.

Back to the blog, Mike disabled comments. He used to allow comments but now they’re disabled. Well, what the fuck? How am I going to thank David G for all of his fine research on the Donald Duck article? Mike doesn’t want to deal with having to interact with people. He’s some ivory tower Donald Duck intellectual who doesn’t want to mingle with the hoi polloi.

Let’s see what else is here. “About Me”. He worked on AVGN and…that TMNT Mario Paint animation and…he has a degree in Animation. Well, he’s lived a full life.

It’s fucking hilarious that he includes that Mario Paint animation as one of his lifetime achievements. He spent most of 2016 on that thing. And then it got taken down almost immediately.

“Games I’ve beaten Onstream”. I don’t think that “onstream” is a word but whatever.

Anyway, there’s a list of games depicted as box art. Great. Good for you, Mike. These are real achievements. Right up there with that Mario Paint animation.

FAQ section. Well…never in a million years would I expect these to be the questions. There’s a question about his audio setup on Twitch, a question about his video setup on Twitch, and “How can I support your channel.”

Really? These are the questions that you’re regularly fielding? “You have the momentum of a runaway freight train. How can I give you money?”

So that’s the blog. That was…well, there’s room for improvement. I don’t want to discourage Mike from continuing the joys of blogging. But here’s some advice that I have in easy-to-read bullet point format:

  • Consistent content. At least one article a week.
  • Write your own articles. David G can start his own blog.
  • Enable comments. Engagement isn’t just about making things more fun for the handful of people who comment, it makes the blog more interesting for everybody because there’s more to read.

Actually, let me dissect that last point further. It’s like when you go to Youtube, you start the video, and then you immediately go to the comments. It adds tremendously to the content.

You see how much it adds to the content when you go to a video and the person turned comments off. Very often, I don’t even want to watch the video after that. The comments are an inducement to watch the video. They often talk about interesting parts of the video or they disagree about something or whatever. But when there’s just a blank space under the video you think, “Oh great. Now I just have to listen to this asshole drone on for however long. No thanks.”

Back to my suggestions.

  • More interesting topics. 1930s Disney and Twitch and “hidden gems” are great and all but how about something more personal? Give us an insight into your day to day life. What do you do all day? What did you eat for breakfast? How much buttsex are you having with Erin? Whatever. Give us something. It’s a blog about Mike Matei. Let’s hear about Mike Matei.
  • You should win stuff by reading. How about a giveaway? If somebody retweets your blog post or joins your mailing list or whatever, they’re entered into a random drawing to win some bullshit broken AVGN prop. You must have some of this shit just taking up space. Or go to your second home that’s full of Halloween shit and give some of that away. Or a picture of your penis. The boys at TheCinemassacreTruth would be all over that.

I think that Erin has a blog too. I mean, if Mike has one, it’s almost guaranteed that Erin does. She doesn’t have an original idea in her empty head. I can’t find anything but I know that she talked about keeping a list of games that she beat or “beat” on stream somewhere.

17 thoughts on “Mike Matei’s Blog

  1. To be fair, it makes sense for Mike Matei to disable comments, precisely because of the existence of “TheCinemassacreTruth”. Otherwise he would have to deal (as you know too well) with Garbage Stabber & co sending him death threats or repeating the same 3 memes ad nauseam. Hence, I assume that it’s easier for him not to allow comments instead of filtering them, given that he isn’t willing to put the time and effort into this blogging endeavour.

    1. Comments were allowed at least until December 2021. His last post that allowed comments was from December 2020 and he wasn’t getting inundated with comments. There are 25 comments after a year. TheCinemassacreTruth was around during all of this time.

      He can just have comments go through pre-moderation if he runs into problems.

      1. In my opinion since 2021 those 3 years have seen a sharp increase in the deranged behavior of that sub. So besides scumbags like Garbage I would imagine Mike has spared himself even needing to bother with moderating on his blog or caring about comments. He’s not like you where he wants to engage with his readers much. He barely writes any articles. He’s more into interacting with his live chat on his streams and sometimes youtube comments. So his care level is very low with that blog. These days he would get nothing but homosexual comments on his blog if he allowed comments again. 3 years make a big difference. It’s not nothing. You know that sub has gotten a lot more insane in that time frame.

        1. Maybe? But there were nuts back then too. JeffreySweeney. SlipperyPete, that scumbag moderator. That other moderator who would leave psychotic anti-semitic messages about Justin Silverman on the official sub-reddit. And people didn’t like Mike then. If anything, they were even more obsessed with his penis back then. It’s a joke now but back then, they were making it a moral crusade. Pretending to be outraged by this.

    2. What makes that garbage stabber dude send death threats? How do you piss someone off that bad talking about YouTubers?? Is he just a lunatic? And to the editor: please unban me from your sub dude! I know you miss me. You just want me to have to drive all the way out here to your hideout to say hi. Well hi. Seriously though, how is garbage stabber not banned from the other sub?

      1. You are unbanned. I unbanned you when you sent that groveling message.

        And for the 100th fucking time, I didn’t do anything to cause this lunatic to behave like this. I don’t talk to him. I have absolutely nothing to do with him and never have. He’s mentally ill. What are you not understanding? He’s not banned because the moderators are assholes and the whole subreddit exists to harass..

  2. The results of no passion plus no payment.

    David G wrote that because he was paid in exposure. He thinks this will skyrocket him to Pat the punk levels. Why? Because he’s a cinemassacre ball licker like a literal million other people. The other two posts are related to business. I didn’t go past number three. Who gives that much of a fuck?

    1. He actually has a degree? Why did he not pursue a career in animation then? Has he ever held down a real job at all? Seems all he’s done is screw around with Cinemassacre before “retiring”. To much effort? Or because real employers would fire him for the immature behavior that passive James endlessly tolerated?

      And yeah him putting that Mario Paint TMNT animation on his resume is hilarious. Guess he had to fill that sparse section with something since he has no real “work history” to speak of. He’s just as delusional as James who lists old home movies he made with the neighborhood kids as real films.

      1. There must be a thousand people in the US who get degrees in animation every year. At least a thousand. How many new animation jobs are there every year? Nowhere near the number of graduates.

        You’d think he would have tried to get a job after college, though. Something in animation, perhaps. Has he done anything?

        Mike probably graduated in 2002 or so. The first AVGN was in 2004. But it didn’t start to become a thing until 2006 . That’s four years where Mike should have been working or at least looking for work. I don’t know. Maybe he was. But then figured he could leech off his autistic friend instead.

    2. But what’s the payoff? Nobody knows who David G is. I strongly suspect that it’s Duo. Because Duo seems to be Mike’s one “friend”. Nobody knows who Duo is either. Duo never promotes anything. He’s just there to do Mike’s bitch work in games that require more than one player.

  3. So, it seems that you, my friend, are single-handedly bringing blogs into the mainstream once more. Congrats on that.

    I myself started a couple of blogs (about unrelated topics), and I’ve seen others appear. To tell the truth, there are several benefits of having a blog:

    1) Freedom. You don’t need to worry about some moderator / social media site content approval.
    2) Independence: No need to worry about the dreaded shadowban for arbitrary reasons.
    3) No ads. (or if any, ads revenue is for you).

    Mike might be wondering what else he can do to milk whatever little personal brand he might have. Similar to the latest AVGN videos where Bimmy only reads a script, just occupy as much space as possible.

    But, as usual, consistency is key. An audience is key. Content is key. Mike might think he’s got a reach and an audience, but without the other two elements, it’s worthless.

  4. I don’t know if you noticed but he posted again (I think right after you released this) and it’s entirely about how he wants people to behave in his twitch chat. What’s humorous about this is I looked at the truther reddit for the first time in months earlier and saw somewhere that his chat had been spamming him saying ‘piss comes from your balls’ and it was really getting under his skin. I had remembered reading this post the other day but never actually looked at the blog, and did and a paragraph in I assumed (correctly) this entire essay he wrote was going to boil down to stop saying ‘piss is stored in the balls’ on my fucking streams you faggot retards. that’s exactly what it was. He was so fucking pissed off his audience of dumbasses were spamming him with something he thought was unfunny, that he gave Erin’s asshole a break for the night and sat down and wrote an essay about how he doesn’t want his paypigs to try to be funny in his chat because they’re not.

      1. I can’t actually blame him for getting fed up with retarded repeated “jokes” like that, but I do find it funny he was so frustrated with it he wrote a long thing that was actually really just about that one specific comment. I’m assuming he’s been complaining about it and they don’t care and just keep it up, unfortunately I doubt his blog post will change that.

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