
  • Crystal Quin aka Horseface is Showing Off Her New Boyfriend

    What the fuck? I don’t even know what I’m looking at. Is he fat or muscular? Is he a giant nerd or a total badass? Is he bald or does he have long, flowing locks? This guy is a total contradiction.

    He’s wearing a bandana because he’s bald and self-conscious. Absolutely 100% that’s the reason.

    He looks like a giant fucking nerd who’s cosplaying as a badass. He has the bad rub on tattoos and everything.

    And…I can’t figure out if that’s fat or muscle.

    Of course, we’ve got Horseface in half a top. Nothing interesting there.

    But…it’s interesting who she managed to get. I mean, Horseface isn’t a looker. But she thinks that she is. So this is the guy. A nerd who’s PRETENDING to be a badass. It’s as much as she can hope for.

    I’m all for it, though. This is what I’ve been telling these fucking nerds for years now. You can be a nerd but if you want to get the chicks, you have to put some effort in. PRETEND to be a badass. This guy is walking proof that with a little bit of effort, even a fat nerd can get a “hot” chick like Horseface.

    This guy probably works in IT. He has a large collection of anime figurines. He has the Doctor Who DVD box set Collector’s Edition. But he puts all of that aside when he’s out trying to woo the ladies.

    Somebody in the comments asks who’s paying. That raises an interesting point. This guy looks a fair bit younger than Horseface. Is this some Sugar Momma situation? Horseface is paying for this guy with all of that “modeling” and “events” money that she’s raking in?

    Oh, the guy actually asked who was “playing”. Not paying. Well, I don’t give a fuck about that. They went to a concert.

    From the comments, it’s clear that this guy knows about Horseface’s Twitter. Did she tell him about it? Because that’s a terrible move. She probably told him about her Twitter so she can boast about…whatever it is that she’s trying to boast about. Being on Tony from Hack the Movies’ channel six times a year, a handful of mentally challenged weirdos like Kris Glavin fawning over her, and of course her awful Fansly.

    It’s an unbelievably bad decision. Keep this shit to yourself. People in your private life don’t have to know about your nerdish, pathetic internet life.

    What kind of a man would be okay with this? Being a sex object for the mentally challenged? It’s disgusting. And we can see the pictures. They’re not flattering.

    Well, we see the kind of man who’s okay with all of this. A giant fucking nerd cosplaying as a badass. Horseface is cosplaying as a hot chick so it’s two delusional buffoons who found each other. It’s magical. I anticipate this being a long, rewarding relationship.

    Newt must be fuming. How does Newt stack up to this guy? Let me rate the superhunks. I’d say that they’re about even.

    According to IMDB, Horseface is 5’8″. I dont’ know the veracity of that but this guy is only slightly taller. Maybe 5’9 or 5’10. That’s probably the average height of an American man, isn’t it? Yeah. And Newt is like 5’4″ or something. So this guy has Newt beat there.

    The guy is probably in better shape than Newt. I mean, almost certainly. Even if this is fat, Newt is also pretty big, as we saw in that revolting kimono video where he flashed the camera. And I don’t mean “big” in the way that Joe from Game Sack appreciates Newt. I mean Newt had a significant gut.

    The tattoos are fucking shit. As far as I’m aware, Newt doesn’t have any tattoos so Newt gets this point.

    The nerd beard on this guy is a big negative as well. Newt at least bothers to shave.

    They’re both balding but Newt is significantly older than this guy. And at least Newt isn’t hiding it with a bandana.

    So I’d say that they’re pretty even. A couple of 3’s, I guess. Horseface herself is probably a 4. But she’s a 1 if you factor in her personality so this checks out that women tend to date up and men date down.

    But yeah, Horseface showing off her hunky new boyfriend. It’s kind of quaint, really. It will be over in a couple of weeks and she’ll delete this tweet.


    Newt is in his bathroom/office again. What if it the bathroom of this place is genuinely also his office? He has his files and whatnot laying on the cistern.

    And he’s wearing his sweater again but a blue shirt. Not the red shirt that he wore last time. It’s the same style of shirt, the type that people who work in retail might wear as a uniform, but…why would it be a different colour? We need to get Erin on the case. She likes colours.

    0:00 – “We are making a feature film: Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls because somebody beat me to the title OnlyFangs.”

    Well, that would suck dick and just be more plagiarism from your fucking zero idea ass. It would also immediately date the “film”. I mean, it’s going to be a piece of shit anyway, assuming that anything even gets released (which is highly improbable) but at least TRY to come up with a good title. Something original. Something that isn’t piggybacking on an existing IP. He can’t do it. He’s seemingly hard-wired to plagiarise. He doesn’t even realise that he’s doing it.

    0:15 – “A couple of months ago, an investor came about from one of the livestreams.”

    Oh my god no. Newt is taking money from the horntards to make his shitty fucking movies. And not even crowdfunding. He found a whale of a horntard with deep pockets. Well, I don’t know how deep. How much money can this “investor” possibly be giving? If it’s as much as $5,000, I’d be astonished.

    But who would give Newt ANY money to make some shitty tits and gore, plagiarised movie? Can’t you just do it yourself? What skills and experience does Newt Wallen bring to the table? “Oh, I want the movie to be plagiarised and full of unfunny puns and it should revolve around a red-haired woman and star old prostitues.”

    It’s ridiculous. Just go to the red light district, pick out some live ones, and make your own shitty movie. Why would you PAY Newt Wallen to do this?

    And think about this in terms of an investment. There’s no godly way that you’re going to see a penny of this money returned to you. What’s the business plan here? Put it on DailyMotion and hope for the best?

    1:15 – “You don’t think that people are going to come out of the blue and say, ‘Here you go. Try this.’”

    Yeah. You don’t think that because no person of normal intelligence would ever do that. You’re dealing with LITERAL retards, Newt. Did you do any checks on this person before accepting their money?

    “The original plan was to do a shark movie.”

    It’s shit, Newt. Everything you do is shit. We don’t need Shark Vampire, Shark Exorcist, Shark District Attorney. Fuck all of this idiotic, unfunny, worthless bullshit.

    Then he says that his shitty shark movies are big in Japan.

    1:30 – “I had written maybe a year or two ago Kung Fu Bikini Shark Planet.”

    It’s shit, Newt. It’s all shit. You’re plagiarising your own plagiarised bullshit at this point.

    After describing the various things that he ripped off for the movie, he describes it as a “Very satirical take on toxic masculinity.”

    Oh, I’m sure that that piece of shit was multi-layered. Lots of subtle, insightful, witty jabs at the subject matter. Lots of high brow comedy in Kung Fu Bikini Shark Planet, something that Newt shat out in a day. Entirely plagiarised.

    2:15 – Newt sent the “investor” a bunch of scripts and let him choose which one to do.

    I’m sorry but none of this makes any sense whatsoever. Why would you pay somebody to make their own fucking movie? This “investor” can’t possibly expect a return on the investment.

    MAYBE if the guy had his own script and he wanted it turned into a movie, I could see him asking somebody semi-competent to do it. Not Newt Wallen but somebody semi-competent. But this guy is giving money to Newt so that Newt can make Newt’s shitty movie. It’s clear retard shit.

    2:45 – Newt says that there’s a lot of down-time in his job so he uses this time to shit out awful, plagiarised scripts. “A couple of Saturdays ago, I had all of these ideas kicking around in my head.”

    Oh, do tell. There was Busty Cyborg Ninjas from Uranus, there was Shark Crack Whore, there was Red-Headed Vixen Band Camp. He was just bursting with the same fucking plagiarised tits and gore trash that he always comes up with.

    3:00 – “So I wrote an entire screenplay in one night.”

    Of course. This is what he does. And I can assure you that it’s complete, unadulterated shit on every single page. People who have actually seen excerpts of his scripts, which he never shows in their entirety, interestlingly enough, have commented that they’re full of spelling and grammar errors. Not to mention the fucking god awful basic premise. We don’t even have to get into character development or story arc or any of this because I assure you that there’s none of this. It’s just shit. He might as well pull his pants down right now in that bathroom/office of his, get Joe from Game Sack all excited, and take a dump on a sheet of paper. It would be just as worthwhile as his actual scripts.

    This whole thing is preposterous. Newt is working three jobs, he has serious health problems, he himself says that he has no time to make a movie, and yet he’s taking money from a legitimately mentally-challenged viewer of his channel to make some shitty movie, using a script that he shat out in a day, for a movie that that will never get released.

    3:15 – “In eight hours, I knocked out an entire first draft.”

    That’s an enormous amount of “down time” at this job of yours. What are they paying you for? Where can I get this job where you do absolutely nothing all day?

    3:30 – “The ladies really liked it so that’s what I went with was Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls.”

    Oh sure. It sounds like a real chick flick. Something for the ladies about feelings and emotions. With tits and gore.

    3:45 – Newt says that he’s looking for the “haunted attraction” that he needs for the set piece for this shitty movie that’s never going to be released. So he’s plagiarising from James Rolfe’s idea of the haunted…god…I don’t even know…whatever that shit was. The haunted amusement park ride. And of course this is an idea that’s been done a billion times already.

    4:00 – Then Newt openly admits that he stole the idea from an episode of the Monkees and from every single episode of Scooby-Doo. Including, presumably, the episode where Scooby Doo meets the Harlem Globetrotters. Well, maybe it will be an excuse for Newt to finally spend some time with his people: black folk.

    He continues with other things that he plagiarised for this script: Ed Wood’s Orgy of the Dead, Frankenhooker. “There’s a million different ideas floating into what created this.”


    Somebody is PAYING for this. They’re PAYING to have Newt plagiarise yet another god awful tits and gore script that he shit out in a day.

    If this “investor” wants to recreate an episode of the Monkees, why doesn’t he just find a script on some Monkees fan site and make his own verison of it? What does Newt bring to any of this? It’s complete madness.

    4:30 – Then Newt goes into some detail about what this script that he shat out in a day is all about. Spoiler: it’s shit.

    5:30 – Frankenstein’s distant relative decides to build “sexy versions of the monsters” for an OnlyFans type site.

    Somebody is paying actual money for this. This is disgusting. He’s taking advantage of literal retards.

    Then he says some more things that he plagiarised from to “create” this “script”.

    All of the monsters have unfunny “sexy” pun names, which he delights in telling us about.

    7:00 – “Everybody who’s read the script so far has really enjoyed it.”

    Oh, let me remind you that he showed this script to several people who he knows and “the ladies seemed to like it.” They liked this script that he shat out in a day about a woman who creates “sexy” classic monsters with “sexy” pun names. This is what the women are interested in today.

    And the women he showed this to were all prostitutes. They couldn’t even possibly have enjoyed this. They might have said that they liked it because they’re trying to milk money out of him. He’s the biggest retard of them all.

    Then he talks about the various camera tricks that he wants to use in this “movie”. No. Newt. The script is fucking dog shit. It doesn’t matter what the cinematography is like when it’s based on a foundation of excrement. Newt Wallen: The Man Who Built his House on Shit.

    7:30 – This script is also plagiarising from something called Monster Girl and Bikini Car Wash Company.

    8:00 – “It’s full of bad puns.”

    Yeah. Bad and unfunny. If you know this yourself, why do it? Don’t listen to these literal whores who are telling you that this thing is better than The Godfather. They’re lying to you. Don’t you get it? Who can possibly be this stupid?

    “It’s a satire about exploiting the last drops of an IP, about toxic masculinity, about sex workers controlling their own bodies and autonomy and all that kind of stuff.”

    So we’ve got another deep satire about toxic masculinity from The Ideas Man. This is the level of satire that he was talking about with his previous script that satirised toxic masulinity: sexy monsters. Oh, it’s so satirical. This is real biting wit, Newt.

    And it’s also a satire of prostitutes, another obsession of his. Or “sex workers” as he always calls them. Everybody he knows is a prostitute. These are the only people who will spend any time with him. He has to pay these women to hang out with him.

    8:30 – “Obviously, I’m a terrible writer.”

    Oh, it’s beyond obvious, Newt. But it begs the question, why the fuck are you doing it then? You can’t on the one hand big this shit up about how all the ladies love your “sexy monsters” satirical script and then on the other hand say, “Oh, by the way, I can’t write.” No. Newt thinks that he can write. Why else would he persist with this complete and utter trash?

    “So far, all the ladies who have read it have really liked it.”

    Second time that he said this. They’re whores, Newt. They know that you’ll pay them to be in this shitty movie that will never get released and doing that beats what they usually do for money.

    8:45 – “In my exhaustion, I didn’t plan anything out and I thought, ‘This is actually pretty funny’”.

    Hysterical, Newt. This script that you shat out in a day, and put no planning into, is fucking hilarious. This script from somebody who you yourself said can’t write. Mummy Big Tits. Get it? Because it’s a mummy who has big tits. Isn’t that some awesome satire?

    “I can definitely see my friends coming and doing this.”

    It’s so fucking sad. Newt took money from a retard so that he can pay his prostitute “friends” to be in this shitty tits and gore “movie” that will never get released. And he shit the script out in a day.

    9:00 – “Fallon’s attached right now” and he mentions some other whores who he pays to hang out with him.

    “Now it’s like, if you still put up with me, do you want to come and be in a movie?”

    It’s just depressing that he thinks that any of this is in any way positve or good or beneficial. He’s wasting his fucking time with this complete trash. He’s wasting his money, he’s wasting this retard’s money, and he’s just blowing it on prostitutes. And what’s the reason for all of this? He wants to get back with Horseface: The World’s Most Detestable Woman.

    9:15 – Newt says that this “film” is just going to be the first one. The “producer” is planning on at least two.

    BASED ON WHAT? THIS SCRIPT THAT NEWT SHAT OUT IN A DAY? This “producer”, who I assume is the “investor” apparently gave the money BEFORE there was a script. So…what was this “investment” based on? “I want TWO plagiarised tits and gore movies with scripts that you shat out in a day and are full of unfunny puns and prostitutes.” It makes no fucking sense. None of this does.

    9:30 – “He has a great idea for a second one and I have 26 fucking screenplays”

    That all suck dick and you shit them out in a day. It’s all worthless trash, Newt. Why can’t you understand this?

    9:45 – Newt is talking about having to reshoot scenes for Midnight Show to replace scenes that had Horseface in them. This is a “movie” that he’s been “making” for over TEN YEARS. And believe me, it will not look like ten years worth of effort. It won’t look like ten hours worth of effort.

    10:00 – “I’m trying to get back into a creative headspace again.”

    Get BACK into it? When have you EVER been in a “creative headspace”? The creative headspace is a totally foreign place for you. You don’t speak the language and you don’t understand the customs.

    Newt has been listening to the Quentin Tarantino podcast and it’s inspired him to want to start making longer Youtube videos. Oh great. So like the six hour livestreams where PVC Bondage Guy eats an entire ham? That’s some riveting shit.

    10:30 – Newt says that he watched a bunch of Frankenstein movies to put himself in the “right headspace” to plagiarise this script that he shat out in a day.

    10:45 – “Hopefully it’s good. Hopefully it happens. Hopefully it pans out.”

    None of that will be true. I don’t know why he doesn’t seem to get it. This is completely fucking idiotic. All of it. There’s not a single good idea in any of this.

    11:00 – “I did some great AI artwork.”

    What the hell is he talking about now? The script is probably AI too. But making AI artwork is hardly an accomplishment. You type what you want and it gives you a picture. “Big titty cyborg.” You get a cyborg with large breasts. There’s no talent involved.

    “I’ve worked on a lot of other people’s stuff but I haven’t had a chance to work on my own stuff.”

    This IS somebody else’s stuff. They’re PAYING you. Although…they do seem to be paying you to make your own shitty movie. God. There is no way that this is going to happen. It doesn’t make any sense. This is total retard shit.

    It would be like somebody paying me to write blog articles and they say, “I’ll give you $500 for an article but can you make it about Newt Wallen?” It was going to be about Newt Wallen anyway. You’d be a total retard to do this.

    11:30 – Newt says that he wants to “continue” to write “weird, unique shit.”

    Well, it’s all shit. We’ve established that. But when does the “unique” stuff start? This is all plagiarised tits and gore bullshit full of unfunny puns, starring whores, and backed by a literal retard. This is not how movies get made.

    13:00 – He says that he wants to make movies that aren’t “preachy” and yet he says that he has at least two movies that “satirise” “toxic masculinity”…by being about “sexy” monsters.

    “I’m not out here sucking my own dick.”

    Joe from Game Sack just turned the video off, his disappointment evident.

    13:15 – “If you’re into sexy Frankenstein and sexy wolf…girl and all that kind of stuff…”

    I’ll be honest, Newt. I’m not. I’m into good movies, with a smart, carefully-crafted script, starring professional actors and actresses, and created by people who actually know how to make a movie. Can you do that? If not, do something else with your time. This is preposterous.

    “And some biting satire.” Where’s the biting satire? How are “sexy” monsters satirising “toxic masculinity”?

    14:00 – “It was always the goal just to make art with my friends.”

    No. You’re making SHIT with WHORES. God, it’s fucking infuriating. How clueless can this guy possibly be about his own fucking life?

    14:15 – “The goal is for people to get paid, get seen, and do work that they’re proud of.”

    Hey, you, the prostitute dressed as a sexy vampire, Count Whoreula, are you feeling proud of yourself right now?

    Fuck you, asshole. Don’t turn your whore Make-A-Wish fetish into something more than it is. You’re a lonely john who’s wasted his fucking life and you surround yourself with prostitutes. You’ve found a literal retard to give you money for this. I would be astounded if any money is actually transferred. Who would possibly fucking do this? As soon as that “investor’s” nurse finds out about this, she’s putting a stop to it.

    15:45 – “It all came from friends of mine who do OnlyFans and Fansly.”

    They’re not friends, Newt. They’re whores. You’re paying them.

    You know what I’m reminded of? You get those old men who get a hot Russian or Asian bride and then they’re shocked when the woman runs off with their money. What the fuck did you expect? This impoverished woman half your age was just interested in your sweet personality? You deserve to have all of your money taken from you, you fucking moron.

    That’s the video. Somebody leaves a thoughtful comment.

    • “Have you ever tried making something serious rather than cheesy, derivative, non-sensical poorly acted trash with awful dialogue, costumes, effects and cinematography that serve no purpose other than to showcase bad puns for character names and movie titles? That you wrote a script overnight is evident and not the flex you think it is. You seem to be somewhat intelligent and definitely versed in cinema so I just wonder if you would ever actually apply yourself to try and make something original and worthwhile rather than Asylum level trash. There is a big difference between classic B movies and this and if you don’t get it then you just don’t get it.”

    One of the horntards says, “Let the man make what he wants. Success is in the eye of the beholder.”

    Obviously, that horntard effectively agrees with the original poster but wants to perpetuate Newt’s delusions. That seems to be a common thing with the horntards. For whatever reason, they feel the need to feed the delusions of Newt or whoever the “Youtuber” is.

    Newt replies. “I grew up on Roger corman. Fred olen ray. B movie elements are window dressing. No one wants to see an amateur try to be an autuer. I don’t want awards. I want to make people laugh. Or let them disconnect for an hour. You can get a lot of interesting ideas in and interesting cinematography in when people are distracted”

    So….he addressed NONE of that guy’s issues. Okay, Newt. Continue your delusional bullshit. Continue spending money on your prositute “friends” so that they appear in “movies” of yours that will never get released. Continue to take money from literal retards. This is all a good use of your limited time on earth.

    By the way, Newt “hearted” every single comment except for that guy’s. The one guy speaking the fucking truth.

  • NES Panesian Adult Video Games pt. 1 (Censored Version) – Irate Gamer

    If you want the uncensored version, you have to subscribe to his Patreon. You know…for people who really want to see uncensored Nintendo games from 35 years ago.

    First of all, the roms are readily available. You can play the games yourself. Secondly, let’s find out just how difficult it is to find uncensored footage from this game.

    I searched for “bubble bath babes nes uncensored” on Google Images. First result is exactly that on Giant Bomb.

    So what am I paying Chris BORES for? He clearly wants us to jerk off to his video. It’s gay. Well, I mean, he is a gay man so I guess it’s to be expected.

    0:15 – He says that it’s after midnight so he can finally play some NES porn games. What? Why does he have to wait until midnight. I know that he has at least one young step-daughter (unfortunately for her) but is she going to sleep at midnight? Why is midnight the time?

    0:30 – “The Irate Gamer is turning up the heat so lube up because things are about to get super sexy up in here.”

    I swear that I did not make this up. Chris BORES, a known homosexual, is inviting his viewers to lube their anuses up in preparation for some sexy Chris BORES action.

    What else could “lube up” refer to? Do circumcised men actually use lube? Maybe they do. I don’t know. Let me…eugh…tentatively look this up.


    Answer: no? Not really? At least those guys don’t seem to.

    And I don’t think that circumcision is nearly as popular now as it was, whenever, 40 years ago. So this lube reference isn’t hitting the mark for the younger 30 and under crowd. If such a crowd watches Chris BORES’ videos. Plus, international viewers.

    1:45 – “It took me a few years but I was able to track down every single one of these games.”

    It took me about two seconds to find a site that has the roms. You can play the game right on the site. Don’t even have to download anything. Cost me nothing.

    2:15 – “As the Irate Gamer, I don’t just like to play hard, I like to review hard too.”

    And he pops his collar up like he’s a cool guy from a 1980s movie. This is his idea of sexy. Having a popped up collar. And we’re supposed to be jerking off to this. To the idea of Chris BORES being “hard”. I don’t want to think about this. Come on. What the fuck was he possibly thinking with this?

    I mean, even if you’re gay is Chris BORES your idea of sexy? It’s ridiculous.

    2:45 – Hot Slots.

    3:15 – “Any horned up guy ready to see some textiled tatas isn’t thinking clearly enough to figure out how to get past these looping screens.”

    He’s talking about the intro screen. But what does “textiled tatas” mean? Did mean “pixelated”? “Textiled” makes no fucking sense.

    4:45 – Fake “irate” bullshit from this…I mean…I know that he’s not a professional actor but stop this phony fucking bullshit. It looks awful and you’re just making an ass of yourself.

    5:00 – He’s showing a cutscene of a woman in a dress. “You think I’d be excited by this but…”

    No. I didn’t think that you’d be excited by a woman. By a “boner biting dog”? Yes. But a woman, no.

    6:15 – He encounters a spelling error. “Thank you (game developer). That took me right out of the fantasy. Now I’ve gone limp.”

    Does anybody want to think about Chris BORES’ limp penis? Maybe play some Shadow Dancer to get you back in the mood. That sexy dog. Probably biting Shinobi’s boner, right?

    6:45 – He shows the censored screens from this game. “I’m not sure who exactly is turned on by this stuff.”

    Heterosexual boys in 1990. You wouldn’t understand, Chris.

    7:00 – “It makes more sense to just save all that aggravation and just pop in a stupid porno tape.”

    The year was 1990. I have to imagine that it was at least as difficult for a young person to get these games as it would be to get a porn video. I don’t know where they even sold these games. Was it mail order only? Where would you get a catalogue that has these games in it?

    So let’s assume that the target market was heterosexual men over 18. Obviously, a pornographic video tape would give you more pleasure in terms of erotica. But I’m thinking that these games are sort of for the novelty. Seeing nudity on your NES. And Bubble Bath Babes is a decent game. I don’t think that people were really jerking off to the games.

    You look at something like Leisure Suit Larry. It was a very popular game series. My friend had a copy and played it openly in front of his family. Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining said that she had a copy of the third game, I think, that she played at her lesbian aunt’s house and it turned Pam gay. I can see those games having some erotic appeal, especially if you don’t have access to anything more explicit. But not really these NES games where there’s just a brief flash of nudity. You’d really have to time your boner and keep the dog away from it.

    7:00- Peekaboo Poker. What? He’s going to review another game? In the two minutes we have remaining? It’s so shit. He’s presumably going to fit TWO games in the two minutes left. So that’s 7 minutes that he dedicated to Hot Slots or Hot Slot (I think he called it Hot Slots but it’s actually Hot Slot) and one minute each for the other two games. Great time management, Chris BORES. He just got bored and rushed the last two “reviews”.

    8:00 – Chris BORES complains that you can’t bluff the computer by betting a lot and having them drop out, like in other games. He counts this as a flaw in the game. You can’t just bet loads of money and have the computer drop out. The computer will call.

    He’s complaining about not being able to do some stupid exploit to beat the game quickly. You have to actually play the game of poker in order to win.

    8:15 – Chris BORES can’t figure out why the character looks angry when they lose a hand and happy when they win a hand.

    I did not mis-type that. Chris BORES can’t figure out why the character behaves in the way you would expect. He’s a fucking moron.

    He’s basing this bizarre argument on the initial cutscene where the character is imploring you to have sex with her. And in order to have sex, you have to win the poker hands.

    But that doesn’t mean that she’s going to throw the fucking game, you retard. You still have to win the hands. If she smiled when she lost and was angry when she won it would make no fucking sense. God, he’s an idiot.

    Then it just abruptly ends. I assume that he edited stuff out. And he didn’t even review Bubble Bath Babes. That’s for a future shitty episode.


    • “Completely failed to copy your idols so now you larp as a ghost hunter”

    Chris BORES replies, “This statement makes no sense”. “LARP” is nerd-speak for “pretend”. Once you know that, it makes perfect sense and is accurate.

    • “Is Season 8 ongoing, or are we at season 9?”

    Somebody replies, “Youtubers claiming to have seasons, so pretentious”

    Nothing I can add to that.

    • “Hopefully the wife doesn’t wake up and catch you playing these”

    First of all, she would know that it’s for a shitty video. Secondly, would anybody possibly get upset over these extremely tame games from 35 years ago? Maybe an Amish wife but that’s just because of the electricity usage.

    What do you suppose the Amish jerk off to? I guess that they can get magazines. Maybe they genuinely don’t have time to masturbate. They’re waking up at dawn, they’re working all day, raising barns and whatnot. Then they get home and the wife has a seven course meal that she prepared all day using no electrical devices at all. Churned her own butter and everything. And they have big families so he’s probably fucking her every night or at least on the nights when he has the energy.

  • WTF Wednesday Review: THE LAST AMITYVILLE MOVIE – Newt Wallen

    0:00 – At first, I thought that he was in a bathroom. But I think he’s in an office at one of his jobs. I think his red shirt is part of the uniform. Some retail job. I don’t know what the Mr Rogers sweater is all about. Surely, that’s not part of the uniform. That’s just his own style choice.

    0:30 – “Working these overnights has allowed me to get some writing done.”

    We’re not paying you to write shitty tits and gore movies, Newt. We’re paying you to manage the store. Get to work, asshole.

    2:15 – Newt is talking about some shitty “director” (I think) of tits and gore movies. He says that he, “Keeps up with his blog.” Newt is a big blog fan.

    4:00 – Shout out to how shitty the AVGN Movie is. Newt. Get over it. You were fired for WHOLESALE plagiarism. It’s not retard James Rolfe’s fault. It’s yours.

    The sweater is really confusing me. He’s worn this before, I think. Can it POSSIBLY be part of the uniform? Why else would he wear it? But he also wears a bracelet so his fashion choices can’t all be easily explained.

    Maybe he’s wearing it to cover up the logo on his shirt because he doesn’t want people to know where he works. But…I don’t know. Why this? Why a sweater? I guess a jacket would be more awkward but…I don’t know. On one hand, the sweater does seem the best option but on the other hand…it’s hella gay. So maybe just don’t make the videos while you’re at work. Maybe do your fucking job instead.

    9:15 – “I’ve got somebody who wants to give me an investment to make a movie and I’m like, ‘What if I’m not any good.’”

    Newt. You’re not. This is an easy one. Don’t take the money. Don’t make the movie. You suck ass.

    He’s the worst. Aggressively bad.. Absolutely no talent AT ALL for this. It’s like he’s TRYING to suck penis. But, inexplicably, he thinks that he’s good. He thinks that he has talent for this. Show me. Show me ANYTHING that you made that was good. It doesn’t have to be a completed project (because there’s scandalously few of those) just show me ANYTHING that’s good. A scene, a few lines of dialogue, a page from a script, a Youtube video. ANYTHING. It all sucks cock, Newt. Face the reality and move on. You’re wasting your fucking life with this delusional shit.

    Then he theorizes that Screenwave was responsible for making his projects looks good. Oh. What? I mean, he’s probably right. But when SCREENWAVE is an improvement to your projects, you know that you have some massive fucking problems.

    11:15 – Newt says “taking the piss” and it comes off as so awkward and put on. It’s a British phrase. Why did he say this?

    I worked in a place that had an Australian woman working there. And one of the English women there said, “No worries”. And one of the English guys took her to task for saying “no worries”, which is obviously an Australian term. He theorized that she only said it to impress this Australian woman. The English woman denied it, saying that “no worries” isn’t an Australian term, which, of course, it is.

    So I’m saying that Newt is trying to impress the British ladyboys who watch his videos.

    11:45 – “If you’re a fan of those micro-budget, in a box style movies…”

    Nobody is. Nobody is a fan of these fucking shit, zero budget tits and gore “movies”.

    13:15 – Newt begs this complete nobody to review Swamp Zombie 2 and says that he deserves it because he just gave his movie a good review and he comments on his channel. What a shameless piece of shit.

    “This is why I don’t watch these videos back because I just assume that I sound like a fucking dickhole.”

    Yeah. That’s the video.

    So the channel that Newt was talking about is Movie Timelines.


    59,000 subscribers. They’re hardly setting the world on fire.

    I was going to write more about this guy’s channel but I tried to watch two videos, quickly got bored, and closed the window.

  • Destiny Fomo’s Recent Youtube Shorts

    Shaking her tits.

    Showing her ass and tits.

    Showing her tits while lipsyncing to something stupid.

    Showing her tits while lip syncing to “Some people have a boyfriend, some people have a girlfriend, and some people have video games.”

    Some people have pimps.

    So that’s it. We’re done. Nobody’s watching this shit. How could they? It’s totally without merit. None of this is REMOTELY interesting. Madam Fomo has done the impossible: she’s made tits and ass boring. I don’t want to see it. Do something interesting, you complete fucking buffoon.

    Her Twitter is entirely pictures of her cleavage. It’s fucking boring.

    I saw some topless pictures of her years ago. I don’t know what I did with them. That’s how bad they were. You don’t want to see them.

    She has a 70% off “sale” on her OnlyFans. It’s perpetual sales for Destiny Fomo’s OnlyFans. Nobody wants this shit. “I do lewds only”. Then fuck off.

    It’s a legitimate prostitute and she won’t get naked. TuanX is the world’s worst pimp. He has NO IDEA what people want. It’s not these shitty fucking “shorts” and “lewds” on OnlyFans, I’ll tell you that much.

    He hasn’t posted in a year, by the way. Thank fuck. It was creepy as shit. He had little kids commenting on his videos and he was actively soliciting for girls to work for him. “Give me your name, your phone number, your address, your age, your social media.” Dude. Come on. This is completely deplorable. Do better with fucking Whore Fomo and then you won’t have to actively target 13 year olds for your prostitution empire.

    I’m looking at his Instagram and he has pictures from November 2023 of him with a heavily pregnant woman. Then a few months later, there’s pictures of him with a baby. In 2021, there’s pictures of him with this same woman in a wedding dress.

    I don’t know. It’s definitely Destiny Fomo’s pimp. What kind of pimp gets married? That’s weird.

    His Instagram describes him as “Aria’s daddy”. He’s Whore Fomo’s “daddy” too.


    His Twitter describes himself as “husband/father/entertainer…” You left an important one off: pimp. I’m not saying that this revelation that he’s married and has a child with somebody other than Whore Fomo doesn’t make things more confusing but I’m still convinced that this man is Whore Fomo’s pimp. Where was that article where I broke this all down?

    That’s from 2020. I could swear that I did one more recently than that. That article might not break everything down including that creepy as fuck website that he had/has that had a scam phone number to call (same scam that Whore Fomo ran at the time) but it has some information in it.

    Here are her prostitute reviews. I kind of hid them in an unrelated article. I got these reviews from some New York prostitute website. After I said that I had them, Madam Fomo contacted those people and got the reviews taken down but fortunately, I saved them all and still have them.

    Biggest takeaway: her pussy has a foul smell.

    On his Twitter, he’s extremely angry about everything. Wrestling, corporate mergers, people overestimating the price of housing, a video of somebody jumping over a bunch of chairs. EVERYTHING sets this guy off. He also has the same exact interests as Whore Fomo: wrestling, video games, and comics. It’s not a coincidence. He’s behind Whore Fomo’s fucking Twitter and Youtube and TikTok and Twitch and OnlyFans and everything else.

    Anyway, now his website is just a TeeSpring page. You want a bootleg Toys R Us logo on a pillow? Well, now you can have one. But who the fuck would want that?

    He’s the world’s worst businessman. And as a result, you get the world’s worst whore in Destiny Fomo. There’s got to be a better pimp out there who can start making some money with Whore Fomo.

    Here’s what I’d do, if I can do some armchair pimping. Day 1: the OnlyFans is nude. All nude. Her tits aren’t looking great? Who gives a shit? People are going to pay. Put it out there.

    These shitty Youtube shorts and TikTok videos where she just shakes her tits? Gone. Not wasting time on that shit. We’re putting out decent videos about video games. She used to do it, briefly, many years ago. Her videos weren’t complete shit. So it can be done.

    She seems to “travel” a lot, not just to Japan but throughout the US. I assume that this is lucrative. This is all obviously for prostitution. But I’d have to see some figures before I can critique whether or not this should be changed.

    Here’s another idea: have free sex with the horntards in exchange for having them sign a release for the sex videos to be posted on OnlyFans. Now we’re making some money. People are going to talk. You can fuck Whore Fomo for FREE? That’s the hook. Obviously, very few people will take the offer, not wanting to appear on the website, but some complete low-lifes will do it. And then you have the videos. Then you have people coming to watch the videos. They’re subscribing. You don’t even need to have the perpetual sales any more. You can charge the full ten bucks a month.

    Have a fucking horntard gang bang if you want to really crank up some sales. You can have Super Geoff and Games & Movies and…I don’t think that ShiShi follows Whore Fomo but I’m sure that he can be tempted.

    You can have the world’s biggest horntard gangbang. Get all of these mentally-challenged reprobates on the scene. And it would cost you NOTHING. You’re not paying for their flights or hotels or anything. They have to pay for all of their costs. And they would do it because they’re going to get to fuck Whore Fomo. Then you put the video on OnlyFans and everything you make is profit. There were no costs involved.

    This is all just off the top of my head. All it takes is a man with a vision. TuanX has NO vision, which is why Whore Fomo is languishing doing the absolute trash that she is, that nobody is fucking interested in.

  • Erin is Taking a Break from Youtube and Twitch

    “Hi, I’m really sorry I haven’t been streaming & putting out as much video content lately. I’ve been dealing with some very serious family health issues and care taking. I hope to return to more consistent content production eventually when things get more under control”

    She’ll be back next February along with James & Mike Mondays.

    But I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe one or both of her parents got carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Voultar, one of the horntards who has a Youtube channel that Erin appeared on, says, “I hope everything is getting better.” Erin says, “Thanks, hope things get better with you too”. What’s wrong with Voultar? Possibly nothing but Erin didn’t know what to say. Erin never knows what to say.

    Oh, look at this. Joe from Game Sack left a reply. He’s crushed. Joe is a big Erin Plays fan. “Please, take your time. Real life is more important.” Words of wisdom from that fucking desperate pervert who’s trying to steal the love of Mike Matei’s life. Go back to ogling Newt Wallen’s penis, you fucking faggot. But Erin replies, “I try to remind myself of that”. Oh sure. Erin is usually so totally dedicated to her Twitch and Youtube “career”. She works a good five hours a week on this shit.

    Horny Goriya, Erin’s lesbian Youtube love interest leaves reply too. We’re getting all of the big time perverts coming out for this tweet. “Sorry to hear. Wishing you and your family the best. It’s good that you’re able to help out and support your loved ones, but don’t forget to take some time to take care of yourself too.” God. She’s even boring in text form. Erin replies, “Thanks so much. I’m trying to find a balance but it’s not easy!”. Oh yeah. Erin is just so self-less. Always thinking of others. Like that time when she said you should ask your elderly neighbours if they need anything from the store during covid.

    There are 40 other replies but they’re from people who DON’T have Youtube channels so Erin didn’t deem any of them worthy of a reply. Fuck these peasants who may or may not have jobs. I only deal with Youtubers.

    Galactic Chat Wave Radio leaves a Star Trek gif to express his feelings. Uh huh.

    BMK Retro Gaming says, “Take what time you need. Those who enjoy your content, (myself included), will still be around when you’re ready to go again”. He’ll be ready with his dick in his hand for your return, Erin. Don’t you worry.

    Jamie A Rose leaves a picture of two anime school girls hugging each other to express his feelings.

    And finally, Edwina says that her nudes are in her profile. Probably the most interesting post on here.

    Oh, and Jared Genesis replied to that spam post. He’s…he’s an odd fellow.

    So that explains the lack of hot new “content” from Erin. How will I cope? I need to know what colours she likes. I need to know what things she thinks look like other things. I need confirmation that everything that somebody in the chat says is “cool”. I need to see the worst fucking video game footage ever recorded for every game complete with totally ignorant commentary that betrays her complete lack of interest and lack of knowledge about video games. I need a total personality blackhole in my life.

    Oddly, ShiShi didn’t reply to that message. Somebody should do a wellness check on him. Maybe he decided that life wasn’t worth living in a world with no god awful Erin videos.

  • Cleaning/Testing NES/SNES/GameBoy games – John Riggs

    About four months ago, JOHN RIGGS started streaming on Youtube. Sometimes he plays a game, sometimes he does…whatever this is. Cleaning and testing games. This is absolute rock bottom. What’s next? Cleaning your toilet?

    0:00 – So it starts with a few minutes of John Riggs looking absolutely bamboozled that nobody is in the chat yet. Maybe offer them something more interesting to look at than you cleaning and testing old video games.

    3:00 – So the first game works.

    Oh my god. This is riveting. I can’t wait to find out if the next game works.

    4:15 – The next game works too. And he revealed that he’s using a clone console to test this shit. So not even the original hardware. This sucks dick.

    5:15 – Even John Riggs seems to be falling asleep.

    He barely responds to anything the chat says. He’s totally checked out. Can’t even pretend to give a shit.

    7:45 – He starts singing a weak rendition of The Sign. He’s a big Ace of Base fan.

    8:00 – Third game works. Oh, this is great. This is complete anti-entertainment.

    There’s TWO HOURS of this. It’s like some shit modern art.

    10:00 – Fourth game works.

    11:15 – He’s testing these games so that he can sell them on something called WhatNot. This is a scam company that he shilled for in some recent video where he bought a pile of games from some nerd convention. I don’t think that he actually bought them, it was some weird bullshit in relation to this scam company.

    The company is not noteworthy enough for Wikipedia.


    From what I can gather, it’s a scam where “Youtubers” livestream shit that they want to sell. Like The Home Shopping Channel or QVC, business models that went out of business with the advent of the internet.

    I remember watching QVC and a guy was selling some cleaning product. And there was a big list of stains that appeared on screen: Dirt, grass, ink, whatever. One of the stains was “urine” but he skipped over that one. I found it hilarious as a ten year old.

    11:30 – Fifth games works. This is Mario Kart. These are all going on John Riggs’ scam livestream. Check it out. Coming soon. Only on What Not!

    John Riggs is talking about how he still has a landline because it’s only $20 a month. He goes on to say, “I’m not going to tell a doctor…I’m not going to give anyone who can collect a bill my cell phone number.”

    First of all, this suggests that John Riggs is skipping out on hospital bills. But secondly, I find it weird that he finds a landline to be MORE anonymous than a cell phone number. A landline that’s connected to your home address. And that you can’t easily turn off.

    Can’t you get cheap SIM cards in the US that are basically disposable? Pay as you go? You pay $10 or whatever, you put the SIM card in your phone, and you have $10 of credit? Use that number for people you don’t want to have your actual number.

    And how said is it that people have to live like this? Dodging creditors. And John Riggs says that it’s the hospitals that he’s mainly concerned about. He has a son with severe problems who presumably needs a lot of medical care.

    It’s complete bullshit. The fatcat Jews lock you into debt bondage in the US at every turn. From student loans to credit cards to medical bills. None of this shit is a problem, at least for me, in the UK. University is free (in Scotland, anyway). Medical care is free. And credit cards exist but it’s not the massive industry that it is in the US where it’s constantly promoted. I don’t owe anything.

    12:30 – Next game works.

    One of the horntards says, “Had trouble sleeping and i get to watch some Riggs live. Coolest night ever.” What a sad life this guy must lead that this unbelievably pointless stream is one of the highlights of his life.

    15:30 – Next game works.

    16:15 – He bumped his microphone or something and the audio went out.

    17:30 – Now it’s back. Oh, this is a real adventure.

    18:30 – Next game works.

    21:00 – “I’ve been out of town these past few months.”

    Yeah. We know. Trolling for purple-haired booty at nerd conventions. Who wants to have sex with 300 pound, father of of three, married, 45 year old, bald John Riggs over here? Form an orderly queue.

    22:00 – Next game works. Sort of. But not really. So he’s setting this one aside to test on an actual console later.

    Oh this is riveting. I can’t stand any more. My heart can’t take it. I’m stopping the video here. This video really set a new bar for what Youtube can be. It can be a fat man sitting in his home testing video games that he’s going to then sell on a scam website. What a time to be alive.

  • Japanese Reaction on Shin Megami Tensei V getting removed from e-shop – Zuvi

    She does a lot of these “Japanese reaction to (whatever)” videos. How the fuck would she know? She hasn’t lived in Japan in many years.

    It would be like me doing a video about what America is like. “Well, they’re eagerly awaiting the Friends finale. And gas is $1/gallon. And George W Bush is doing a lot of wacky shit. And Terri Schiavo is all anyone is talking about.”

    My information is woefully dated. I don’t fucking know what’s going on in the US.

    Whatever happened to that Elian Gonzalez guy? Last I heard, he was an adult and happily living in Cuba with no desire to move to the US.

    Yeah, that’s about right. He’s also involved in politics in Cuba.

    0:15 – She calls Twitter “X”. This is the first time I’ve ever heard somebody call it that. I suspect that she calls it that because it’s easier to pronounce.

    1:30 – All she’s doing is reading like message board comments from Japanese people about this game. And she’s using Google translate to translate this shit. So ANYONE can do this. This is totally pointless. She can’t even be bothered to translate this shit herself. Presumably, she can’t.

    Totally pointless video. No wonder nobody watches this shit. And this is somebody who sells hardcore porn. Even selling hardcore porn isn’t enough to get people to watch these awful videos.

    This woman has had cosmetic surgery done. I think a lot of it. She’s talked about getting her eyes done. She had that surgery that makes your eyes bigger. It’s apparently popular in parts of East Asia.

    Why the fuck doesn’t she get her ears pinned back? That would be the first bit of cosmetic surgery I would get if I was her. Breast implants would really help too.

    And she sells these porn videos for like $100 each. For a hundred bucks, you get a twelve minute video of her allegedly having sex with her husband. Who cares? Who would pay that? Where is she getting these prices? NOBODY is paying for this. You’re going to pay to see a 35 year old woman with not tits and jug ears having sex within the confines of marriage?

    I’m not saying that it’s the worst channel out there. I think that Retro Ali takes that distinction. But it’s awful.

    Her main Twitter (or “X”) is almost entirely pictures of cats and stuffed animals.

    Her “cosplay” Twitter (or “X”) is what you’d expect. Well…I don’t know. More anuses than I expected. You guys like anuses, right? And there’s a heavily pixelated video of her masturbating with a dildo and even the heavily pixelated video made me nauseous. I don’t want to fucking see the clear version. It’s gross. Come on.

  • My School Basketball Career

    Nobody’s posting. So let’s do a deep dive into my basketball career.

    I think that the team started in the 5th grade. Possibly the 4th. So for reasons that escape me, I joined the team. It just seemed like the thing to do, I guess. Although, there were definitely people who didn’t join. And I also didn’t join any baseball team for Little League, which is something that probably everybody except me and two other boys didn’t do.

    Anyway, I joined the basketball team. I don’t know how other families really operated. Some fathers are more engaged than others, of course. But my father did NOTHING. So I didn’t know how to do any athletic stuff at all. Even if he had any interest in parenting, I doubt that he had any athletic aptitude anyway.

    So I joined the team and I was terrible. Far and away the worst. Like retard levels of bad. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t dribble. I couldn’t shoot. I couldn’t rebound. I couldn’t pass. I couldn’t receive a pass. And I was there playing with other kids who all knew how to play. They played in their spare time and shit. Probably had been doing it for years.

    I never even had the strength to get the ball to the backboard during free throws. Even up until the 8th grade. I think that I played until the 8th grade. I was still too weak to get the ball to even hit the backboard, never mind go in the basket. So when we’d practice free throws, the assholes on the team would always say “air ball”. Some kid asked me, “Do you even know what that means?” No. I didn’t. I have no fucking interest in any of this. Why was I on the team? Why did nobody say, “Hey, this is a terrible idea. You’re bad at this and you don’t like it”? My fucking shit parents should have said this.

    I never watched basketball. I didn’t know any of the professional players. I didn’t know the teams. Total disinterest in all of that.

    So I’d play in the games. The games were played in some shitty YMCA type thing. We’d play against other schools.

    The coach was required to play every kid on the team for at least…whatever it was…five minutes or whatever. Maybe there wasn’t a minimum time. So when I’d be out there, I wouldn’t do shit. It was basically four against five when I was playing. There was nothing I could have done. I was petrified of actually getting the ball because I couldn’t fucking move if I got it. I couldn’t dribble so I had to immediately pass it. And I was so weak that the person had to be fairly close to me to be able to pass it to them.

    So I’d run up and down the court for a while, hoping that ball doesn’t come my way.

    My school’s team was pretty good. Relative to the other schools. I think that we won the district-wide circuit that we did every year. But I was awful. I was a complete liability to the team.

    What strikes me as peculiar is that nobody ever hassled me. Nobody ever told me to get off the team. There was no hazing. There was no, “You suck penis.” They were pretty supportive, actually.

    The worst team, oddly, was from an all-black school. They were horrible. Far and away the worst. Presumably, it was a poor area, poor school, poor families, whatever but…these kids didn’t play basketball, I guess.

    And now that I think of it, there was a better team than ours. We won the private school league but this other team was in the all-school league. It was some big, rich school, in a rich area. They were much better.

    It makes a huge difference to have the infrastructure, the facilities, better coaches, switched on parents, whatever.

    I remember the coach of this school actually apologising to the parents of the kids from this school for having to come to this shitty YMCA for the game.

    In the 8th grade, we were allowed to enter two teams in these basketball leagues. Only our school was allowed to do it. Some kind of bullshit. Doesn’t seem fair to me.

    So there’s big anticipation about who’s going to be on what team. And as the coaches are reading the names, it becomes clear that all of the good players will be on one team and all of the shit players on the other. The people who were on the good team were all high fiving each other and shit and the people on the shit team were talking about what bullshit this is.

    It was obviously to give the school the best chance of winning. You stack one team with all of the best players and the other team…fuck them. Who cares?

    But miraculously, I was picked to go to the good team. The coach told me that he was impressed by my quickness, which is bullshit. It was just some sort of social experiment. “If we put this terrible player on a team full of good players, will he get any better?” Answer: no.

    I told my mother that they placed all of the good players on one team. She said, “So why are you on the team?” Talk about parenting. It’s true, of course, but if I’m so fucking lousy, which I was, why not direct my efforts to something more suitable for me?

    Our first game was against this other team from our school. And my team was hyping it up. We’re going to destroy these people. What a gross mis-match this is.

    I don’t know how it happened but the shit team won. Our team was over-confident or…I don’t know. But massive celebrations from that team after the game.

    That turned out to be a fluke. We completely destroyed them in the follow up game. And we were running through everybody, except for this rich school. We had a game against them where they were doing full court press, which wasn’t allowed in these grade school games. And we didn’t know about it, we didn’t know how to do that, so it was more corrupt nonsense.

    As the season is winding down, the coach gets the idea that he wants me to get some points. Because I never a single point in the, whatever, three or four years that I’d been playing. I never even shot the ball. I did nothing. I couldn’t do anything.

    But we’re playing this shitty team full of black kids. And the coach tells everybody to give the ball to me for every play. So my team mates are just circles around these guys and then passing the ball to me. The first time was a guy throwing the ball from halfway across the court. It was thrown with such force, and I was so weak, that it knocked me over when I tried to catch it. So that wasn’t going to work.

    So I got some more ginger passes, from up close, I aimed, and I shot. Because I couldn’t dribble. I just had to shoot instantly. And I got it in the basket. It happened three times. I hit every shot.

    The coach cheered, everyone in the audience cheered, my teammates cheered, the opposing team cheered. I didn’t particularly give a shit.

    That was the end of my basketball career. I didn’t join any sports in high school. Or clubs. Or anything.

  • Unveiling ZapCristal’s Newest Album: Our Love Journey

    Heavily-pregnant ZapCristal is livestreaming her new album. Her new album that she had ZERO interest in making before she met (and married) this random black man who’s desperately trying to make money as a musician.

    0:30 – “We’re going to do a little interview session. We’re going to axe a few questions.”

    That was from Mr Wright Way II. You know what I’d do if I was a black man and I couldn’t pronounce “ask”? I’d say “inquire” a lot more. People would respect you. “That black man sure says ‘inquire’ a lot. I like it. It sounds sophisticated.”

    It might sound a little camp and put on but what’s the alternative? As soon as you say, “Axe”, people think, “What a fucking retard this guy is.”

    So what’s the first question going to be? Challenges that she faced in her niche?

    0:45 – Wait a minute. What? Is she drinking wine? While heavily pregnant?

    MAYBE there are doctors out there who say that a glass of wine a day is okay for developing fetuses. But when you’re dealing with a couple of total morons like Zap Cristal and Mr Wright Way II, this baby needs all the help it can get in terms of its developing brain. Don’t risk it by drinking alcohol. Every IQ point matters with this baby.

    Then Mr Wright Way II reveals that Zap Cristal released an album before when she was 17 or 18. There’s a “sexy” picture of the album cover. It appears to be Spanish language. Loque Somos en El. I believe that this translates to “Crazy Somas in Him”. Makes sense.

    Is this available on my favourite streaming platforms?


    Maybe? The first eight tracks seem to be interviews. In Spanish. Some songs mixed in. But if you scroll all the way down, you get into the good stuff. There’s one called Tu Eres Fiel. That translates to “You Are…I don’t know…let’s just say ‘gay’”.

    So it’s got that Latin American beat. Maracas and everything.

    Boy, this just keeps going, doesn’t it? I’m going to have to stop it at the 1:45 mark. That Macarana guy has nothing to worry about.

    1:00 – Footage of a young Zap “Too Hot To be an Influencer” Cristal at some Puerto Rican radio station.

    1:15 – “After becoming a part of the Master Sword 2.0 family.”

    Eugh. Gross. He has to promote his non-existent record label.

    1:30 – “My first question is, what made you want to come back?

    Boy. These people really know how to come up with interesting questions.

    1:45 – Vintage footage of Zap Cristal’s father on some Puerto Rican tv show playing the ukulele. I’m not even joking.

    Maybe it’s just a small guitar. I don’t know. Is this a ukelele or a small guitar?

    Zap Cristal says that you can never run away from your origins and for her, it’s music. Uh huh. So…how do you square that with the fact that NOBODY is going to buy this fucking “album” of yours?

    2:45 – “Our Love Journey. Why that title?”

    Great questions, Mr Wright Way II.

    This is a sequel to her previous “album”, also on the Master Sword 2.0 “label”. Both albums are about her love for Mr Wright Way II, a man who she married even though she barely knew the man.

    Is this what people want? It’s not exactly a universal theme, is it? I don’t love Mr Wright Way II. What the fuck am I going to get out of the album?

    I’ll go further than that. I don’t love ANY black man who I barely know. So how can I possibly identify with the songs?

    4:00 – “It’s like going to an amusement park and you have all these rides and all of these rides offer different experiences, different thrills.”

    She’s talking about black men, right? She’s comparing the cornucopia of random black men with the thrills you can experience at an amusement park..

    4:30 – Disturbing footage of Mr Wright Way II grinding on a very overweight Zap Cristal.

    5:00 – Running Away. This is the first track that we get treated to. But Mr Wright Way II immediately tells her to give her thoughts on the song. Before we even heard two notes.

    This is brutal. She’s talking out of her giant ass about feelings and whatnot.

    I think that she’s referencing the “trauma” that she “suffered” at the hands of the original Mr Wright Way. I am so fucking sick of these veiled, libelous comments against Mr Wright Way. Fuck off with this bullshit. You’re a nut. That was the problem with that relationship. That’s the problem with all of your relationships. Stop insinuating that he was smacking you around.

    And they’re showing black and white footage from this “music video” where it’s a very overweight Zap Cristal running in a park, seemingly petrified. Well, at least she’s getting some much needed exercise.

    7:00 – Mr Wright Way II talks about the “beat sessions” that he has. Zap Cristal wants us to believe that the original Mr Wright Way was also all about those “beat sessions.”

    You know, domestic violence is a serious thing. I’m not here to make light of it. But Zap Cristal is completely full of shit. I don’t believe that Mr Wright Way did anything to this fucking lunatic.

    And let’s say that he did. Let’s assume that Mr Wright Way was a complete monster. Why would she then go back to another black man? If we believe Zap Cristal, Mr Wright Way is at least the second black man who abused her. You can’t draw any conclusions from this? Stop marrying random black men. They seem to be prone to beating on you. YOU’RE picking these men.

    8:45 – Footage of a VERY overweight Zap Cristal in bed. Maybe she’s pregnant in these videos. But why take music video footage when you’re heavily pregnant? Come on. This can’t wait? Nobody’s going to buy this shit anyway.

    9:00 – Oh, and now we get the “waa waa waa…waa waa waa” song. I think that that’s my favourite Mr Wright Way II “beat”.

    9:15 – There’s footage of Mr Wright Way II sitting on a bridge and the words, “And you got me addicted girl I’m acting like a feind (sic)” appear. Good spell checking, Mr Wright Way II.

    “I’m whole. I’m a new person. You might not like this new person.”

    NOBODY likes this new person, Zap Cristal. It’s reflected in the view numbers.

    She also seems to have abandoned her absolutely dire podcast. Her last episode was over a month ago and before that, it was two months between uploads.

    9:30 – Zap Cristal with TWO black men. Is one of these guys the future Mr Wright Way III?

    This second black guy came down to help with the production of the album during a NERD CONVENTION.

    Mr Wright Way II says, “You can have this beat but I have to get off.”

    What the fuck? Is that really what he said? We don’t need to know this. Just take a ten minute break and go masturbate.

    9:45 – “We both pretty much had the same story of coming from hurtful situations.”

    So was Mr Wright Way being beat by a black man too? I’ve never laughed at domestic violence so much in my life. But what the fuck is this? This is bullshit.

    10:30 – Then we hear some of…some song. And it’s awful. Absolutely dreadful.

    “Trying to drag me in your lore” is one of the verses. What does that even mean? They just used that word because they wanted something to rhyme with “more”. But it’s completely shoehorned in. They might as well have used the word “whore”.

    11:00 – Mr Wright Way II shills for the album again. “If you like what you’ve heard so far…” Let me stop you right there, Mr Wright Way II. NOBODY likes what they’ve heard so far. I’m the one listening to this shit.

    12:00 – Water Temple Remix. This is actually one of Mr Wright Way II’s songs that’s, for some unknown reason, on Zap Cristal’s “album”. It’s there because this was all his idea. He put her up to all of this shit.

    The song is about Zelda. You guys like songs about Zelda, right? It’s a love song to Zelda. The video game character. Not Zelda Fitzgerald. Zelda Fitzgerald I could see. One of history’s hottest crazy chicks.

    Then they end the video by promoting Zap’s awful website that nobody will go to.

    Wow. That was some real crap.

    Who would win in a fight: F Scott Fitzgerald or Ernest Hemingway? Sure, Ernest Hemingway was an outdoorsman and a boxer and presented a macho attitude but I think that he was all talk. He was overcompensating. Possibly a closet homosexual.

    If F Scott Fitzgerald could just stay out of range with his wirey frame and greater agility and get a few well-timed shots in, I think that he has a chance.

    Gertrude Stein would outclass both of them, though.