Crystal Quin and the Hack the Movies Gang Shilling for Sex Toys Here’s something that I never want to see again.  Horseface McGee, Johanna, and that “Italian” woman from Talking About Tapes aka Hack the Movies are doing a “sexy” ad for a sex toy company. First of all, let me… Read moreCrystal Quin and the Hack the Movies Gang Shilling for Sex Toys

Going through JCPenney Christmas Catalogs from 1988 and 1998 on Stream! – Erin Plays Hey guys!  Remember JC Penney? Ummm…I remember the name, of course.  I remember the commercials.  And I probably went to some of the stores but I don’t remember specifically.  These stores were all the same.  Sears, JC Penney, Kohl’s,… Read moreGoing through JCPenney Christmas Catalogs from 1988 and 1998 on Stream! – Erin Plays

ATARI Recharged! Asteroids, Black Widow and Centipede – Erin Plays Gee, Erin.  Where do you get your ideas? Mike streamed this game, for money, sponsored by a shady, off-shore, corporate conglomerate calling themselves Atari a day or two before this.  I talked about it here: Then he streamed… Read moreATARI Recharged! Asteroids, Black Widow and Centipede – Erin Plays

Atari Recharged – Centipede and Black Widow – Mike Matei Live – Erin Plays (edit: I wrote all of this before I saw Erin’s most recent video — the one about these Atari Recharged games) Here’s a surprise.  I decided to check out the latest Mike Matei video and Erin is there.  Erin… Read moreAtari Recharged – Centipede and Black Widow – Mike Matei Live – Erin Plays

Christmas Vacation is a Classic! – Talking About Tapes 0:00 – Tony starts by wishing the audience a “Happy Holidays” and then the always smoking hot Crystal Quin repeats the sentiment. Let me stop the video right here.  “Happy Holidays” doesn’t exist outside of the US.  It’s strictly… Read moreChristmas Vacation is a Classic! – Talking About Tapes