The Complete Bullshit of Corona Virus aka Covid

I was reading the above blog article recently from October 2020. In it, Super Retro Gal aka Super Video Game Gal aka Super Awkward Gal talked about losing her job at Disney (due to covid layoffs) and she wears a mask throughout the entire video, even when she’s in the car with nobody else inside other than her dog.

When was the first lockdown? March 2020. So this was seven months into this completely despicable more or less global “lockdown” over a fucking cold.

March 2020 to July 2021. And then for months after that, they continued with the fearmongering. Oh, there’s a new strain of covid that’s deadlier than all the other ones put together. Now there’s another one that’s even more deadly. Now monkey pox is back. Not even joking. Remember when monkey pox was back in the news?

What happened to all of this? What happened to all of the people who said that people who don’t get the vaccine should be put in prison? What happened to the media for hyping this bullshit? What happened to the politicians for implementing this insane bullshit? Why did virtually every government in the world march in lockstep on this? For a cold?

It was all just forgotten. All of those people who lost their jobs. All of those small and medium businesses who went out of business. All of those students who are now years behind in their education. Oopsie. It was nothing. Hehe. That’s why pencils have erasers.

Massive profits for Amazon and big business and politicians and their cronies, though. That’s what this was about. And if they could still get away with it, we’d still be in lockdown. But we’re sick of this fucking bullshit. Enough people were seeing through the lies. Omicron. Delta. Omega. I don’t give a fuck. Go through the entire Greek alphabet. This doesn’t impress me.

If you really search the news, you’ll see that covid is still around and as deadly as ever. If this is true, why is nobody talking about it? Why have the vaccines stopped? Why has all research seemingly ended? Why aren’t we all wearing masks? Why aren’t we still social distancing?

How come nobody as the grocery store is saying that I can’t get three cans of Pringles any more? “I’ll let you slide this time but remember, there’s a limit of two items per customer.” “Oh, thank you so much, Mr Cashier Man. You’re really doing your part to save us all.”

Or what about the cashier who chastised me for being three feet away from the person in front of me instead of the requisite six? She really saved the planet that day.

I intentionally wore a ridiculous, useless “mask”. Because there were no requirements for what you had to wear. You just had to wear SOMETHING over your face. It could be made of anything. So I got some kind of…neck gaiter, I guess it’s called? One of these things:

Cost £3. Did nothing. None of these masks that anyone wore did anything. But it got people to shut the fuck up with their bullshit rules that made no fucking sense.

I was at work, towards the end of these ridiculous restrictions, “Oh, can everybody put their masks on?” Really? You think this £3 “neck gaiter” is going to save you from this deadly virus that’s killing everyone? You have a lot of confidence in this thin piece of porous cotton.

Then it just ended and we don’t hear anything about it.

Is anybody going to admit that they were wrong? Because clearly people were wrong. If covid is this deadly thing that required shutting the world down and it’s still with us, as deadly as ever, why is nothing being done any more?

These lunatics who were saying that people who don’t the vaccine should be round up and shot, where are they now? Have any of them reflected on that and realised that they were swept up in hysteria? Do they want to apologise for their behaviour now?

People now recognise the hysteria that surrounded 9/11 and the destructive legislation that was pushed through and the immoral war that resulted. When are we going to get apologies over the insane reaction to covid?

Not that it matters. None of this was an accident. The people at the top orchestrated all of this, whether we’re talking about the erosion of human rights and the war for oil with 9/11 or the profiteering and class warfare against the 99% with covid.

But I’m talking about the average person. The person who bought this insane bullshit that was hyped by the Jewish media. How could anybody be stupid enough to believe any of that utter nonsense? We’re supposed to be afraid an illness that has flu-like symptoms and a flu-like death rate? And staying six feet away from everyone and wearing a flimsy piece of cloth is going to protect you from that? You didn’t finish the biology chapter in your fourth grade science class?

You couldn’t travel anywhere. You couldn’t work. For fucking this. And these cretins bought it and turned against people who didn’t buy it. And wished death on them. And made it a political issue.

Erin told us to check in our elderly neighbours to see if they need anything at the shop. Why? They can go to the shops, Erin. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

James Rolfe ceased all production and lived like Howard Hughes in his later years.

Pam aka CannotBeTamed boasted on Twitter every time she got a vaccine and encouraged you, the reader, to be responsible and do likewise.

When are these people going to admit that they were wrong and apologise?

20 thoughts on “The Complete Bullshit of Corona Virus aka Covid

  1. I don’t know man. I get what you are saying about that it seems to have disappeared overnight. But my father is a doctor (physician) and he got to see a lot of people die over this. I can witness that two very close friends died over this. And I mean close friends that I frequented every week at least. And also an uncle died. All of them with the same symptoms.

    Would they have died anyway and all of us who made it through would’ve survived anyway? Perhaps. Maybe the vaccines were just a hoax. But, were we willingly bet our lives on it?

    But, as you say, what happened to the postmortem? Any conclusions or lessons learned?


      148,606 deaths from covid in England and Wales between March 2020 and April 2022.

      35,007 deaths from the flu in England and Wales between the same period.

      It continues:

      “In contrast, there were 170,600 deaths, where COVID-19 was mentioned anywhere on the death certificate as cause or contributory factor, compared to 219,207 deaths involving flu and pneumonia. ”

      So it’s basically the same death rate as the flu. The world was shut down over the flu.

  2. The entire thing was orchestrated to make Trump look foolish and stupid, and get him out of office. It was a bio-weapon developed in China and funded by the US government under Obama. China let this thing out, possibly too early and the deep state ran wild with it. As much as some people hate Trump he was kicking as as president. He destroyed ISIS, had Iran on the verge of collapse, had peace deals with middle eastern countries and Israel. You know, where the jews that everyone seems to hate live. China was held at bay. There were no more wars and the ones under the Clinton/Bush/Obama war machine were ended. Jobs that required no college were often going for $40,000. These effects spread around the world too. Gas was cheap and plentiful and a lot of this stemmed from this. Simply the fact that the US was producing and exporting oil. But the old guard hated him. The hate that an outsider walked into the white house and was doing a good job while in there. It reduced dependency on government and ensured his re-election this could not stand. So the corona came along and the deep state and the media went berserk over it. Trump unfortunately fell for the bullshit in the effort of “coming together.” Trump did the right thing by not seizing power and letting states and cities make the right choices, while staying within the limits of the executive branch, but nothing was going to turn out right regardless. Masks were complete horseshit, but wearing one made it look like you were forced to because of Trump. Like you’re wearing slave shackles. Just like how all the feminazis stand outside of the Supreme Court everyday wearing red veils like int he handmaidens tale. The image that Trump is forcing you do this shit, much like how evil republican men want women to be forced to give birth every 9 months and nothing else. A lie, but if you see on TV enough it becomes real. Fauci, who hold be on death row for what he did, engineered the whole thing and then took center stage while stabbing Trump in the back. To be fair Trump fell for the bullshit. He said at the beginning in Feb. 2020 that masks were not needed and do nothing, but then turned on a dime and also invented the 6 foot rule, which he only recently admitted was made up. It had no basis in anything and was just invented for no reason. All while taking money from China the whole time. Then you get to the election where out of fear of violating “civil rights” mail in ballots were passed out like candy. It’s funny how Trump was winning with 87% of the vote counted and then suddenly the voting stopped. Something that never happened before in history. are the election in 2000 took a long time to sort but the votes were in, there was no adding of new votes, just how those already cast would be counted. And then like magic mail in votes appeared exactly where Trump was winning until the lead disappeared and Biden “won.” Go back and look at the day the news media celebrated/coronated that senile old asshole. Suddenly thousands of people who cowered in their homes were out singing and dancing with NO MASK!! NO SOCIAL DISTANCING!! because the ruse did what it was supposed to. Also funny that the next day the “vaccine” was introduced and Biden took credit for it. Go back to October and Trump is mentioning that a “vaccine” is on the way, he doesn’t know exactly when but it will come soon and this will all be over. Yet Biden and everyone on his team said the vaccine was shit, it was poison it wouldn’t work and wouldn’t take it, until the “won” and now everyone was forced at gunpoint to take it. The thing they refused outright was now a miracle and you were forced to take it. It should not have been a political issue but some people can’t control themselves. You don’t seem to like Trump but because you have a working brain can see this is all a hoax and a fraud. So now you’re all miter conservative for standing up to it. All by design to sow discord and division over what would have been common sense 20 years ago.

    I used to say all the time during this that if Hillary had won in 2016 we would have never even heard about this. The same virus would be floating around in the air, people would still be getting sick, the same number as the usual flu, but it would not be news. You can’t make the first female president, and a Democrat look bad. It would have been a blurb for 15 minutes “new kind of flu strain, be careful out there” and then, the end. There was multiple viral pandemics under Obama, they happen all the time, it can;t be stopped. But can anyone recall them? Thousands of people died in the US because of Swine Flu and half a million around the world, all in line with the usual amount from the regular flu. It was news for a day, we were told don’t be worried about it and live normally. Of course you can’t make the first black president and a democrat look bad. Obama is Jesus, Hilary is mother teresa. Bush was Hitler, Trump is Hitler, the next republican will be a Super Hitler. It’s just how things are presented. There was fucking EBOLA in the US and Americans died from it in 2014! Does anyone remember? Thankfully not many died, but if it happened under Trump’s watch, you’d be told about it every day until you died. For corona there wa a daily death meter that never seemed to end. Someone would get hit by a car and die and then someone with corona sneezes on the body, thats a corona case! add 1 to the score board!! It was very similar to the Iraq war soldier death scoreboard that ran night and day until the day Obama took over then it disappeared like magic. How must it have felt to be the family of the first soldier to die under his watch and not get a media eulogy like the guy who died 2 days before?

    The last thing, I used to talk to some pretty opened minded libertarians guys a lot about guns and the right to defense, and they would always point out how when 10 people die in a shooting, which I a tragedy, it gets wall to wall yet (in 2000 when these talks happened) ten of thousands die from the flu every year and nobody give a shit. It was the first time I had even heard of that. People die from the flu? yeah mostly over 80 and me being 20 never knew anyone who did. yet people 70+ would recover from this corona shit! To the day I have never known anyone who died from that or anyone I knew had known anyone who died from it. People are apparently dying from it! Apparently they still are! So what the fuck is up? You are right. There will never be an apology there will never be accountability. It was just be this weird 3 year part of history that made no sense, nobody wants to remember and nobody will talk about.

    1. I’m sorry that President Trump wasn’t reelected, but dude, wild conspiracy theories like these are the reason people are calling MAGA Republicans QAnon fascists. You realize if Joe Biden loses the election, he’s just going to leave, right?

      A smart election thief would steal seats in Congress and gain real power, maybe I know more than the deep state, or maybe Barack Obama is using HAARP to control my mind. All I know is that Republican hardliners control the House of Representatives and almost control the Senate. It seems to me that the deep state is pretty shitty at skulduggery.

      Also, to your last point. While I consider myself a Second Amendment fan as well as a Constitutionalist, in general, human beings aren’t pulling a trigger and willingly killing each other with the flu. To compare it to gun violence is disingenuous and as a lifelong gun owner, we don’t need people saying stupid shit like this. It helps nobody.

      1. I mean to say that thousands of people die from all kinds of things and it’s never news. But someone murders someone with a gun and you never hear the end of it. If people were compassionate about human lives these other things would also be news and efforts to stop or slow them would be considered. Which is to say they are disingenuous about those who died from guns. They just want them taken away. Biden wasn’t some mastermind behind the election scam but there were hundreds of people in places that helped put their thumb on the scale people
        Sending out mass amounts of ballots, news outlets calling elections over way too soon, mysterious water main breaks, they all helped push things one way.

        1. Dude, Trump was and is an absolute fucking retard of a human being and was a joke of a politician or “leader” of any kind. Who gives a shit what he did in the Middle East and with losers like Kim Jong? He “destroyed” ISIS? Yeah because *that* matters to the average non gun-nut American. Also he didn’t fully get rid of them. He should have cared about the United States and not ruined relationships with countries that *actually* matter on the world stage. No, he instead did nothing but essentially self-serving actions and things to only benefit his MAGA cult. Any kind of effort to diminish how awful he was or act like he was just the other side of the same coin only serves to make the person stating these things look like a just as much of a retard as him. Most basic college graduates would outdo his efforts at the job he was “elected” to do. We got exactly what a cowardly, trust fund faggot like him should be expected to do too. It was as predictable as it gets.

    2. Oh Jesus Christ. That stupid shit again….”Rona was a ploy to get rid of muh TRUMP” so did you follow his orders and recommendations to get the “Jab”? As well as the boosters? He is after all, the “father of the vaccine”….his words. Not mine.

      And the notion that the…”powers that be/deep state/CIA/militaryIndustrialComplex/MedicalIndustrialComplex FBI/NSA/DHS/BigPharm etc etc etc” you know. “The machine”….the entrenched power structure that is wielded by the people who get to control the worlds money supply. As close to godlike power as you can get to on this earthly realm…

      Couldn’t simply just, you know… KILL your “Orange Jesus”? No. They had to release a bio weapon, from China supposedly, infect the world, force world lockdowns, total tyranny. JUST…..JUST to get your orange Jesus out of the automatic puppet position of the so called Presidency….? Seems like alot of uneeded effort and potential blow-back when the super-elite. The people in the Capstone of the pyramid…have a million ways to kill you and make it look natural. They have cancer weapons for Orange Jesus’s sake.

      I’m sorry…but I’ve heard that preposterous notion, paraded about by dumb fucking hillbillies (in real life, not just the internet. At bars and shit) for years and now it’s infected my precious GamerGirls blog. A refuge of sorts from that retarded shit. I just want to read about Newt and his latest tits and gore breakthroughs. And his Psychosis.

      Anyway, late disclaimer- that’s just all “my opinion” and i could be wrong and you’re right so don’t reply back to me.

  3. The fact that they managed to enforce this bullshit in otherwise uncivil countries like in LATAM is mind blowing. The goverment can’t stop people from littering the streets but they somehow got everyone to wear face”masks” and keep social distancing and shit. Really makes you think.

        1. Uncivil is about right. I was personally amazed that they managed to provide the vaccines in an orderly manner. Efficient too, from the moment I got in the line to the moment I left vaccinated, it was 20 mins tops

    1. i noticed that the globalists didn’t try very hard to push the vax on africa, let alone sub-saharan african countries. sure, there was some noise about the possibility that the population of whole countries would be wiped out, but nonetheless the brunt of our overloards’ preaching was mostly directed elsewhere. africa and the muslim world were mostly left alone. i also heard that in India people were really lax regarding the vax, having a low vaxxed rate and such. some regions of the subcontinent didn’t receive any batch at all.

      and that’s what did it for me. they told me that the population of countries that had a shortage of vaccines or didn’t enforce the vax hard enough would take a severe blow and undergo a steep decline. it turns out that the opposite happened.

      and covid also disappeared from regions that didn’t get the vaccine.

      could it be possible that we have been lied to by our mainstream media?

  4. Why are most liberals seemingly so angry and hateful. I always presume it’s because they got picked on a lot in their youth and now they feel liberated being the bully. It seems to be that or they simply have too much and want to control those without, or it’s because they have too little, often of their own making, and don’t want to give up on the freebies.

  5. Yeah no conservatives have historically been awesome for humanity. The Nazi Party and the Confederacy worked out super well. No anger or hate there!

      1. It’s a response to the idiot above it. The “reply” button on your blog seems to not always actually properly put a response under the appropriate comment you responded to. Not sure what’s up there.

    1. “being awesome for humanity” is a terrible idea. it’s very detrimental to the planet to help the foolish, the unwise and the low-iq. you’re much better off being left alone and investing on yours and leaving the others to evolve on their own.

      1. Yeah that’s a little hard to do when Nazis invade your homeland and force a lot of your population into camps based on your religion. You can’t really be “left alone” by choice there. But yeah, good luck with that brain rotted libertarian mindset. Another dumbass way of going about life.

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