Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Guy’s Facebooks

I was checking out The Idea Man’s Twitter and found these hilarious pictures:

I think that I laughed for five full minutes at PVC Bondage Guy’s picture. Why the fuck would she use that as her photo? She must have thousands of softcore porn pictures that she could have used.

And Newt went with some sad sack picture of him sitting on a casket or something.

They could not have picked worse pictures.

But come see them in Ohio! They’re going to be at…what is this…MonsterFest Mania. What a terrible name. Presumably, “MonsterFest” was taken, as was “MonsterMania” so they just awkwardly combined them.

PVC Bondage Guy used her name on this thing. Or whatever her “trans” name is. So I looked it up. It’s not a secret or anything. She presumably agreed to this flyer. And I found her Facebook.

I assumed that Metz was her screen name. No. That’s her legal name. She changed it when she realised that she was a “they/he”. Whatever that means.

She says that she recently started with that wrestling school. It is such a giant waste of money. She’s being made a fool of. They accept ANYONE. They’re just there to collect money. What percent of “graduates” go on to make a single penny as professional wrestlers? I’ll say about 1 in 500. Even that’s probably too high.

And she posted a picture of two of the current people in this school’s little “promotion.”

With the greatest of respect to PVC Bondage Guy, she doesn’t look ANYTHING NEAR what this Notorious Mimi looks like.

Maybe this is just a really Photoshopped picture. Let me look for other pictures.

No, I think that’s pretty much her. Big tits. Fairly slim. Fairly muscular arms.

So what has this woman who looks fairly decent achieved in the wrestling world? Not a whole lot.

She’s 21 and apparently started training when she was 15. She went to this Monster Factory, same as PVC Bondage Guy is doing. She independent shows for years. Probably got paid little, if anything. It wasn’t until 2021 when she did some dark matches for AEW. She was jobbed out in NXT for less than a year, probably in untelevised matches. Two appearances in Ring of Honor, which I understand isn’t even a thing any more. And she made some appearance in Major League Wrestling.

Now, this is for a reasonably good looking 21 year old woman, who’s in shape, has big tits, and has six years of wrestling experience.

PVC Bondage Guy is at least 25 years old and…how to be tactful…well, she’s too slim to be a big fat chick like Awesome Kong and she’s too out of shape to be…any other female wrestler. There’s simply no market for a pudgy woman to be a wrestler. And she has no experience. She didn’t even grow up with wrestling. She only started watching it six months ago. So she even doesn’t know anything about it.

She is going to crash and burn at this. Hard. And that’s unfortunate. I’m sure that she has big ideas of what she’s going to do. No. It’s pure delusion.

Her profile used to say that she worked at Adult World. This is a strip club that also has like a shop that sells vibrators and whatever. I assume that she worked in the retail part of this operation but I don’t know.

She has pictures of herself on this thing. Some of the pictures are pretty old. She’s slimmed down fairly substantially from like five years ago which is another reason why I don’t want to comment on her weight. Maybe it’s an issue for her. I don’t want to give anybody a complex.

She also went to prom or something with some black guy, by the way. And some old Middle Eastern guy leaves a comment on a lot of her pictures from when she was really underage.

But the only reason I mention weight is because of this wrestling thing. Come on. If you’ve never exercised a day in your life, why would you choose to go to a wrestling school? Use your common sense.

Here’s something she posted in March 2022:

Getting real tired of people asking what my “””real name””” is. It’s Metz.

My brothers call me Metz. *Their* friends and partners call me Metz. My doctors call me Metz. My last four therapists called me Metz. Every friend and partner I’ve had in the past 6 years has called me Metz. My coworkers and manager call me Metz. Even my mom calls me Metz.

The only people who don’t are my dad and stepmom. I asked, but. Yeah. My legal name only exists to them and on legal documents.

It’s Metz.

You know why people are confused? It’s not about not being sensitive to her being “trans” or whatever. It’s the fact that Metz ISN’T A REAL NAME. People assume, sensibly, that it’s a fucking internet screen name.

At least her father isn’t going along with that nonsense.

And it seems like she didn’t even change her name. What’s the process to do this? It can’t be that expensive.

It’s $50 to $500, depending on what state you live in and…I don’t know…other shit. But none of that price range is unreasonable.

And how much is Monster Factory? If she money to piss away on that, she has money to change her name.

I don’t know. $1000 and then $260/year. I’d be really surprised if it’s that cheap. Or if it is, what good it can possibly be.

So anyway, that’s PVC Bondage Guy. Here’s Newt R Wallen:

“I need a Philly area actress next Sunday in Delaware to play the queen of a race of Amazon Warrior Women to wrap all green screen footage for a production with Red Cup Films. They will supply gas money. Anyone available”

He posted that just recently. Looking for an actress who’s available on a week’s notice and is willing to work for gas money.

Newt, this is not…this not anything. This is preposterous. You want the star of the movie to work for GAS MONEY?

Why didn’t he ask his prostitute “friends”? Because presumably, they’re not working for gas money.

Speaking of which, here’s that prostitute’s page. Not Fallon, but the other prostitute.

Tell me that is not the page of a prostitute. Her “location” is a series of states. This must be the area that she’ll travel to for her “jobs”. There’s an online booking link. Her price is described as “$$$”. The more dollar signs, the more expensive. I think three is the maximum.

There are posts about marijuana. There’s a post about sending “spicy snaps” to her public profile. And I’m not seeing it now but somewhere it said that she works in a strip club.

Eugh. So that’s…that’s Newt’s big discovery. He’s going to find his next “actress” fishing for needles in the dumpster behind the free clinic.

7 thoughts on “Newt Wallen and PVC Bondage Guy’s Facebooks

  1. He should be a course study in Psychology. Like if you get your P.H.D in that field, you should have to do a side-dissertation on Newt Wallen. The man never ceases to amaze me- he has definitely become the most entertaining blog-material that you do (in my opinion, they’re all really good) there’s just something so dark and neurotic about Newt and I’m fascinated.

    1. There was nothing interesting there anyway. A lot of pictures of cats and she looked normal when she was in high school. Like she does now, without the crazy person makeup.

      1. Yeah probably. I would like to see the pathetic creeper on her pictures and laugh at that. Just another clear sign she reads this, he does or someone does.

  2. They both read this and are very self absorbed mentally ill people. PVC has some serious issues and childhood trauma. While Newt is a narcissist who loves to play the victim and is clearly getting worse every year since his plagiarism scandal. Like it’s been said on here many times Newt has done much much worse than copying work, which he still does to this day. To understand how delusional he is recently he put up a review for Night Swim about how this was a script he wrote years ago and won’t see the movie. He said I’m not saying they stole the idea from me, but that’s exactly what he is implying. I feel really bad at times for both of them, but the truth is they choose to live and act this way.

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