My thoughts on Baldur’s Gate 3, Stasis: Bone Totem, Dead Island and more – Cannot be Tamed

This is Pam’s update video for the month of November. We’re dying to know what games she played in November. Lay it on us, Pam.

0:15 – Shout out to Point & Drink Adventure.

She says that she talked about the same stuff in the second Point & Drink Adventure this month as she did in the first one. Well, truth in advertising. It’s the same boring bullshit every time.

2:00 – She was in Massachusetts and played Maximum Force. Great.

By the way, she went as some video game vampire for Halloween.

Whoa! I’m…I’m hard over here. Erections, et cetera.

She’s talking about Baldur’s Gate 3, by the way. I just have it on as background noise. It’s boring as fuck.

7:30 – She says “CRPG” about about five times in three seconds. I don’t know what this is. I don’t care to look it up. Fuck off.

So that’s the video. I skimmed through the rest. God damn is she boring.

Let me look at the comments. She left angry comments to the horntards, surely. That’s her thing. She’s boring and she has a complete lack of manners.

  • “Also (and I hope this is okay to say), that is killer eyeshadow.”

There are a lot of messages about her makeup. This guy is afraid to say anything. “Hey, can I be a giant creepy loser?” Dude. You do you. You don’t need to ask permission.

  • “Have you looked at STRAY GODS? A Visual Novel as Musical with Greek Gods. Kinda Wolf Among us, Telltale-ish, looks pretty cool”

Visual novel. Uh huh. Sounds riveting.

What was that game where you were trying to help a couple get through their relationship difficulties and you could type whatever you wanted? They were in their apartment. Let me try to look this up. Façade. Yeah. Even the title is pretentious.

But I was all about that game for a few weeks. There are a lot of hilarious videos about the game on Youtube, or at least there were 15 years ago.

  • “Liking the cleavage situation”

Wait. Did I miss something?

Oh yeah. I didn’t even notice. It’s kind of a sheer sweater and you can see whatever she’s wearing underneath. A bra or something. I wasn’t even looking. I’m not interested in Pam’s breasts. Come on.

But yeah, it’s an attempt to pull in the horntards. Clearly. And then she has the nerve to call these people nerds and claim that it was all innocent.

So I got these Skittles Desserts recently. This guy gives a detailed review:

I don’t know if they’re available in the US. All of the videos I’m seeing are of weird middle aged British guys.

Oh, here’s an American one:

Yeah, they don’t really sell candy in that size in the UK. They’re in bigger bags as shown in the first video.

Anyway, they’re mild. Creamy. I enjoyed them.

I don’t really know how they taste individually. I always eat about four at a time. Tasting the rainbow.

7 thoughts on “My thoughts on Baldur’s Gate 3, Stasis: Bone Totem, Dead Island and more – Cannot be Tamed

  1. Yeah you kind of can see thru her shirt. But it’s just a black bra and it’s not that see through. It must be tiring to be a woman. Even an unattractive one must have a long list of omega orbiters bothering her all the time. I knew this girl in college once. I thought she was cute. Not hot. She’d be good girlfriend material for sure. She had no female friends I was aware of and a bunch of guy friends who, I don’t know, maybe she was just being polite. I wonder did she and by extension all women think, oh these guys just want to fuck me. Obviously it was not mutual or she’d have a boyfriend. It seems like she had no idea. Oh well now she’s 40. Never got married as far as I know. Probably because any decent guy probably didn’t waste his time wading through the rings of horntards circling her all the time.

    Now go on YouTube and it’s every comment on a female video. Hey baby. Shit like this. At least being a guy, very few people interact with you unless it’s necessary.

  2. I know you said you do not care, but I figured I’d say it anyway: CRPG = computer RPG, term to distinguish from tabletop RPGs and console RPGs, even though Baldur’s Gate is also on consoles.

    1. Yeah, I looked it up. But I would think “card role playing game”. Like Magic the Gathering. Isn’t that what it is? Or CCRPG? “Collectible card.” Yeah, I guess.

      I tend to eschew these nerd abbreviations.

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