Metal Jesus in JAPAN – Game Hunting in KYOTO! (Part 1) – Metal Jesus Rocks

I haven’t watched this guy’s videos since he started shilling for Patreon. That must have been ten years ago. Was it really that long ago? It can’t have been. Maybe it was.

But he’s visiting Kelsey or whoever that chubby blonde woman is so let’s check it out.

0:00 – It starts with his wife’s annoying accent. I wonder why I find it annoying. Presumably, it’s a Seatle or thereabouts accent. Presumably, Metal Jesus has a similar accent. But I find hers annoying.

0:45 – They’re spending ten days in Japan split between Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. It seems like too much to me. But they’re just doing this for a video, not for leisure.

1:15 – There are going to be four videos. Yeah, I’ll just be watching this one, thanks.

5:15 – He’s talking about the hotel. “Normally, my wife and I would try to get a king’s size bed.”

Umm…we don’t need to know this. What about a love hotel? They should have gone to a love hotel. And then describe every filthy detail.

So they got two singles and pushed them together. What? Why? Can’t you go one night without sleeping directly next to your wife? Well, Metal Jesus is an animal. He wants you to know this. He’s a passionate guy.

5:30 – High tech toilets.

I went to a toilet in a cafe in Paris and it was just a hole in the ground. And there was a woman in there…doing something. A bathroom attendant. But a woman? In the men’s toilets? And the toilet is just a hole in the ground? The people in Paris are pigs. Worst people I’ve ever encountered.

7:00 – He’s walking around at 6:00 am and says “It’s pretty difficult to get some espresso at this time of the morning.”

No shit, dumbass. Are cafes open at 6:00 in the US? I would think that 8:00 is the earliest that any cafe would open.

So he found a Starbucks and admitted that it’s lame to go to Japan to go to a Starbucks. At least he’s aware. And then he looked at the differences between Starbucks in Japan versus in the US. It’s true. It’s mildly interesting, I guess.

8:00 – He’s going to convience stores. I mean…it’s true that these things are interesting when you go on a trip but…do you want to admit that? Do you want to put that in a video? “I travelled all the way to Japan and the grocery stores are really cool. The trip cost $5,000.”

9:15 – His wife wanted to see his latte that he bought from 7-11 and she says “Show me. Show me, baby” in a seductive way. And earlier in the video, she was doing a pole dance on a train.

Maybe this is why he’s so keen to push those beds together. She’s as insatiable as he is. But I don’t want to think about this. They’re a couple of fat, middle-aged people. Well, good for them, I guess. She’s confident enough in herself to be pole dancing in public and it’s just like some middle-aged, chubby school teacher doing this.

The food they’re showing all looks absolutely disgusting, by the way. This is food that they claimed were examples of the high-quality stuff that you can get in Japanese convience stores.

10:15 – Kinsey. That’s it. I think I said Kelsey before. I always get her names confused with that woman who looks Asian but isn’t Asian. Metal Jesus hugs Kinsey while Kinsey’s househusband looks on, uncomfortable.

12:00 – People (I think only women) are carrying umbrellas and Metal Jesus thinks that it’s because they want to be in the shade and be slightly cooler. I really don’t think so. I think it’s because they don’t want to get dark. This is some obsession that Asian people, perhaps exclusively women, have.

12:30 – So now they’re looking at game. Eugh. This is going to be death.

15:00 – And now a word from our sponsor. Ken and Roberta Williams, the founders of Sierra. He’s shilling for a game that he himself gave a negative review to. And he’s saying that the reviews for the this game were largely negative. So they’ve been working on improving the game.

This is not encouraging. They released a game which even Metal Jesus, who’s apparently close personal friends with Ken and Roberta Williams, gave a bad review to. And they said suddenly decided to say, “Uh oh, we better turn this pile of shit into something good.”

I’m not buying it. In every sense of the word.

16:45 – Metal Jesus’ wife and some guy are standing in front of a bathroom holding their crotches. This is some kind of wierd fetish. We don’t need all of these sex references. Okay. Your wife is a freak. Good for you. Keep it to yourself.

17:30 – He thinks that $40 per person to drink unlimited (I guess) beer in a tiny karaoke room is a good deal.

How much beer is he drinking that $40 is a bargain? I can drink maybe four beers absolute maximum. That would be maybe $20, $25. I know that Metal Jesus is a big fat guy but…I don’t know. Is the average Japanese person able to consume $40 worth of beer?

I just looked it up. The average price of a beer in a bar in the US is $4.75. So assuming that prices are similar in Japan, he’d have to drink nine beers to get his money’s worth from this karaoke. Is he drinking nine fucking beers?

21:30 – Metal Jesus is going to Chubby Labs, which is where Kinsey works. Some complete fucking nerd with giant mutton chops greets them. Everybody who works there is white, by the way. And nobody speaks Japanese. Kinsey mentioned this in a previous video. The fact that nobody speaks Japanese, anyway.

22:00 – I want to kick this mutton chop asshole in the face.

That’s the video.

It was fine, I guess. There wasn’t much video game content, which I appreciate. And they seemed to do the sort of things I would expect you to do on vacation.

I could have done with fewer details about his freaky sex life. Whatever happened with that leaky basement/sex dungeon? They just moved house, didn’t they? After they collected money to repair the thing. Well, if you’re stupid enough to give money to a Youtuber to repair his sex dungeon, you perhaps deserve to get ripped off.

8 thoughts on “Metal Jesus in JAPAN – Game Hunting in KYOTO! (Part 1) – Metal Jesus Rocks

  1. The question is how much did this set back Roberta Williams? I’m going to ballpark $6000. 2 tix are about 1700 these days. The hotel is probably 150 a night so that 1500. Then she gave spending money because Metal Jesus doesn’t do fuckonh anything unless he’s getting paid for it. He’s too much of a cheap fucking grifter asshole! You’d think if someone gave you plane tickets and a hotel you’d say thanks that’s a lot I’ll buy my own food. Not this asshole.

    So how much “free advertising “ does that 6000 get compared to say a pop up ad? No idea. But you’d probably have to sell 3000 or more copies of this game to break even. No idea what it costs but I can’t imagine it’s much. Maybe 20 max. How many zombie ball lickers will get this game because Metal Jesus told them to?

    Chuhai are these like schnapps in a can things. Or I guess fruit soda water with alcohol in them. So it’s a funny name but I don’t get what the joke is. How the fuck does this company stay solvent? It must be a trust fun kid spending daddy’s money. Even “popular” indie games make no money. I’ve heard Hotline Miami on Wii made $0 because Nintendo doesn’t pay out until a game sells over 5,000 copies. Holy shit! Even if that’s not the rule anymore, you’d have to sell millions of a game to make any money because the price is too low. And then what is the game? Gay iPhone shit that’s fun for 10 minutes max. And they have one game! I’ve heard some European countries like Germany give out grants for things like game development so that’s another possibility. One guy is German got some money and went to Japan to waste it all. But there has to be labor law or visa violations going on. Nobody is a citizen! The company made one game and they have office space and employees?! How!

    I mix up Kelsey and Kinsey too. So I just think of one of them as the girl who looks like Mika Kim and the other one, well there’s no porno queen who looks like her. I wonder why.

  2. He said that the hotel was $80/night so he was either paying for it himself or he’s going to send Roberta Williams a bill afterwards.

    It does seem unlikely that any of these advertisements are paying off. Who’s getting those Japanese (Chinese) knives that James was shilling for, for example. Or any of that shit. VPNs. But these companies are apparently paying thousands of dollars for these ads. So it must be worthwhile for them. Some complete buffoons must be buying this shit.

  3. He should change his name to Fatso Jesus. Dude must be on the Justin Slob diet. He’s got a huge set of baloney tits and they are bouncing around all over in that video. Gross!

  4. I would not be surprised to see Kinsey, drink in hand, drunk in one of those parts. Being loud as shit and obnoxious to be around of course. But yeah, she doesn’t have a “problem” I’m sure. Remember when she was moving and made videos about her beer obsession? That was something lol.

    1. In the video, Metal Jesus says that he couldn’t spend time with Kinsey after the karaoke night because she was hungover. She must have got completely wasted.

  5. why are so many losers going to japan? this doesn’t bode well. I hope this country takes stock of this unfavourable reality and does something to correct it.

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