Beetlejuice on Game Boy – Erin Plays

What is this costume? She looks like a damned fool. Let me look this up.

Lydia from Beetlejuice. I’ve never seen the movie. I’ve hated everything about it. The commercials, the cartoon. Fuck that stupid gross out shit. That shit never appealed to me as a kid and it certainly doesn’t appeal to me as an adult.

Anyway, I’m having a hard time finding pictures of actual Lydia. All I’m finding are cosplay losers. But from what I can tell, Erin isn’t it. Erin is just some buffoon in a bouffant wig.

Let’s just get on with this shit.

0:00 – “This is based on the cartoon??? I used to really like the cartoon when I was little. I don’t really remember much of it.”

Uh huh. But you liked it. You liked it but don’t remember it.

Well, let’s see, I was probably 12 when it was on which would mean that Erin was 2. Let’s check the actual dates.

1989 to 1991. I was dead on. Erin aka Cykill1986 says that she was born in 1987. So she watched the cartoon from the ages of 2 to 4? And she liked it? But she remembers nothing about it?

I can understand remembering nothing about it, given she was no older than four. What I can’t understand is her claiming that she watched it and she liked it.

What was I doing as a four year old? I have no fucking idea. None. But Erin remember liking the Beetlejuice cartoon from the ages of two to four.

She has clearly never played this game before. It’s the worst Beetlejuice for the Gameboy footage ever recorded.

1:00 – “I like this. I think that this is really cute.”

It’s the second time in 60 seconds that she said that the game is cute. And she’s surprised by everything, having never played the game before. Doesn’t know what she’s doing. And yet, she’s presenting herself as somebody who has experience with this game.

1:15 – “Oh no, I’m in the bubble. How do I get out of the bubble?”

You don’t know how to navigate the first level of the game, Erin?

3:00 – “So this part I remember.”

She’s on a different part of the level. She didn’t remember the very first room in the game but she remembers this room. Okay. That makes sense.

5:30 – “You got to jump just right and I’m not entirely sure how to jump just right.”

No shit, Erin. You’ve never played the game. That’s why you keep failing.

By the way, what’s CLEARLY happening here is that some of the stairs are trapped and cause the stairs to turn into a slide. So you have to jump over those particular steps. Erin doesn’t get it because she’s a fucking idiot and has no experience with video games.

8:00 – She’s playing a mini-game based on Pipe Mania and clearly has absolutely no experience with it. She’s never seen Pipe Mania before.

9:45 – “Oh, I just realised that there’s a picture of Lydia back there. That’s cute.”

Fuck off.

10:00 – She dies repeatedly on the stairs because she still hasn’t figured out what triggers the stairs to turn into a slide. So she just keep jumping on the booby trapped stair because she’s a fucking moron.

11:15 – She dies and then gives up. She’s probably been playing the game for about 30 minutes. That’s too much for her. It’s only her JOB, after all. Her JOB is to play video games while dressed like a fucking jackass.

I haven’t heard “jackass” in years. Is it still popular in the US?

  • “Erin I love you, you are a woman’s dream”

I don’t think that it’s a woman who wrote that comment. It’s just a guy with difficulties with English.

  • “You have to be Elvira for Halloween!”

She’s missing a couple of things.

She’s a big 80s fan, guys. Even though she “wasn’t really alive” then. Let’s bring Erin on the show anyway. She can talk about how she “forgot” everything about the 80s.

Jared Genesis leaves a comment.

There’s his Twitter. Be quick, I think his accounts get deleted often.

There’s his Youtube channel. Again, it will be deleted soon.

I wrote about this guy before. As here:

He’s some mentally ill guy, probably reads the blog. He talked about my sub-reddit in the article that I link to above. He seems to go to these Cinemassacre/gamer girl channels.

4 thoughts on “Beetlejuice on Game Boy – Erin Plays

  1. A lot of these cartoons were rerun for years afterwards so it is possible she did see it at the right age. But she is still a walking memory hole.

    1. Maybe, although I don’t remember Beetlejuice being popular in syndication. Although, I think it did run concurrently on Fox in the afternoon and on Saturday mornings on NBC or whatever.

  2. is it me or does Jared Genesis bear more than a passing resemblance to zelensky?

    someone also tell this man to wear a shirt. that’s not how you should look when making a video

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