Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection – Cannot be Tamed

0:15 – Pam says that the power in her building went out for the sixth time this month. Uh huh. I’ve never experienced this. Maybe pay your bills, Pam.

Actually, saying that, I do remember power outages being somewhat common in the US. Not six times a month, certainly, but every so often the power would be out for everyone in the neighbourhood.

I think that I might have experienced this once in the UK. Once in twenty years. I wonder why the discrepancy. Better power grid, I guess.

1:00 – Pam says that she has about 300 to 350 games. Umm…yeah, that’s not much of a collection. I probably have…I don’t know…200? And that’s just stuff I’ve bought for personal use. PC and console games. Almost everything purchased before the age of 20. I never “collected” games.

2:30 – Now a word from our sponsor…really? You’re putting an ad in THIS fucking pointless video? In a vlog?

It’s a fucking “meal delivery service.” What? These retards don’t need more meals delivered to them.

4:45 – She says “adult” like “add-ult”. Emphasis on the first sylable. Like they do in the UK, but don’t do in the US. It’s interesting. Presumably, this is the Canadian pronunciation. I can’t even think of any words where there’s a distinctly different Canadian pronunciation, though. Maybe this is the only one.

5:00 – She wants to get a Mister.

Oh, by the way, the reason she wants to sell the games is because she wants to use the money on something more interesting like a shitty vacation. And she doesn’t plan to ever play the games that she has.

She’s probably adjusted her dress about 50 times so far. Maybe wear a dress that fits then, Pam. No, she wants to get those horntard pennies by showing some cleavage.

9:30 – She doesn’t want to sell the games on Ebay because it’s too time-consuming. And she doesn’t want to sell them to a store as a lot because they won’t pay enough. So her plan is to go to a local nerd convention, get a table, and sell them there.

What? Doesn’t it cost money to get a table? Plus the giant hassle of moving all of your shit, setting up your table, and removing all of your shit at the end of the nerd convention. Plus the time involved in sitting there all day. Plus having to interract with the nerds who go to these things. Plus, you have to have some degree of salesmanship. Pam has no salesmanship. Zero.

People are going to recognise immediately that contempt that she has for these nerds and they’re not going to want to buy from her.

I’ll tell you what she should be selling: her used underwear. Why is nobody doing this? Talk about leaving money on the table, this is it. She’s sitting on a goldmine with those filthy, skid-marked panties. Autograph them. Include a picture of her with the panties. Either wearing them or just holding them, whatever she’s comfortable with. Easily fifty bucks each.

She can go to the store and get a cheap package of panties. Like a package of six for ten bucks or whatever. Wear them once, just for authenticity sake. Take the picture, autograph them, and sell them to a horntard. Fifty bucks. Is that not worth it? A $1 pair of panties sold for $50.

She can sell used bras as well, of course.

You see these scumbags starting shitty OnlyFans. Even if the pictures are softcore (which nobody wants, by the way) it’s still degrading. This used underwear thing is much less degrading and I would think more lucrative.

I’m looking through the comments and somebody gave her $2.00 for NOTHING. He didn’t even leave a comment. He just gave her $2.00.

Are you telling me that he wouldn’t spend $50 for an autographed pair of Pam’s underpants?

Wasn’t Horseface doing something like this? Not used underpants but she was giving Valentine’s Day cards to the horntards. I don’t know if they paid or not. Presumably, they paid. Why else would she do that?

I bet that even male Youtubers could do this, to some degree. You’re telling me that there’s no market to get a pair of Tony from Hack the Movie’s giant underpants? Even if only as a joke, somebody is surely going to buy at least one pair.

Although, saying all of this, I don’t think that “merch” is at all popular. Nobody is buying Erin’s t-shirts, for example. But if it was something that she actually wore, and autographed, and especially if she included a picture of herself with them, and doubly especially if she was wearing the panties in the picture, I’m thinking that it would sell. The horntards want to feel a special connection with their favourite shitty Youtubers. This used underwear thing would be perfect.

I don’t know. Somebody should at least try it. If Newt ever opens his long-promised store up, he should stick some used underpants on there and let me know if they sell.

9 thoughts on “Why I Want to Sell My Video Game Collection – Cannot be Tamed

  1. She’ll sell all of it and use the money to fund something alcohol related. Seems like it’s more her real passion anyway.

      1. Oddly enough, vodka makes her slightly more tolerable… if you were the one to imbibe it. She looks like the assistant manager of a half price books store.

  2. The nerd convention people would give her a free table and a speaking slot because they’d be white knighting without actually saying it. But it would probably bring in a few people so the extra tickets would offset that cost. I’ve heard a table is like $300-400 for a day. I have no idea what someone would make. Guess it depends on what they have and what sells. That’s how these places make money! And some of the tickets are like $40! You’re going to pay big money to walk around with other fat retards and see zzzzzz level e celebs in person then spend more money on crap for your altar to never growing up. Worshipping a bunch of crap. Game especially that you can just play on emulators for free. Maybe game cartridges are the original NFT. They have a certain value decide by someone but are not unique. Like in the way that the first tweet or something was sold as an NFT. It’s just a photo. You don’t own anything and anyone can go look at the real thing anyway. Just like the cart and the rom. You aren’t paying for access to the game or to compensate the creators like you did if it was new. You’re just buying it because you think you can sell it again later. The games can be played on PCs from 20 years ago! It’s retarded!

    1. I remember as a kid seeing comic book convention table prices of at least $200 so $300 to $400 doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. But she has 300 games. She’s not going to sell them all, of course. A lot of them are surely in the $10 range. There’s no way that this is a money maker.

      Plus the time and humiliation of having to be there.

  3. The reason these guys’ merch is nos selling (Erin’s and all the others) is because their designs are beyond lazyness. All they do is stick an awful image, usually their own stupid logo, and call it a day.

    So I would be paying for the privilege of being a walking ad for their channel… Yeah, no thanks.

    Their audience have disposable income and like to buy things that somehow identify them as nerds. The market segment couldn’t be more clear…

    1. Nobody has a clue who these people are. Even if it was something like Cinemassacre, which has millions of subscribers and has been around for many years, people don’t know what that is. They wouldn’t recognise what the shirt is referencing.

      Somebody like Erin Plays or any of these other small channels, there is absolutely no way that anybody will ever understand what ths shirt is. Walking around town with a shirt that says “Erin Plays” in big bubble letters would only serve to make you look like a giant fool.

    2. its just to give the channel gravitas, make it feel more “real” so that when newcomers skim by they see it and think, oh hey that channel is serious. its all so stupid. better advertising would be to give the shirts away, but of course every YouTube is too selfish and cheap to part with their own money. understandable since they dont make much! I saw a video once where a guy in the 250,000 sub range said he never sold a single t-shirt, despite having them for available for years.

  4. “a horntard gives her money” has to be the best part of those reviews. it never gets old, despite being a trite trope typical of simps and creeps. and what’s up with that thumbnail? it looks like something made by someone who hates pam and wants to make her look like a failure and a loser. is this what she considers a good thumbnail?!

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