PREY Review – Newt Wallen

2:45 – “Set in the 1700s about a Commanche tribe.  I saw a lot of people who were upset because it’s a girl as the lead and they were just like, ‘Oh, it’s just because she’s a Mary Sue” and (makes weird noises).  This is not sisters-get-things-done movie.  First off, native American culture is very gender-neutral or gender-fluid anyway so there were female warriors.”

Oh, do tell.  People nowadays seem to trot out the “Indians were the OG ladyboys” shit.  Haven’t these people suffered enough?  Now we’re expected to believe that American Indians didn’t believe in gender? 

First of all, there were hundreds if not thousands of tribes.  Scholars estimate that there were up to 100 million American Indians before the Europeans arrived.  They spanned from Northern Canada to the southernmost tip of South America.  Do you think that different tribes might have had different views on gender?  

No, they were just all too busy putting dresses on and fucking each other in the ass.  That’s what the Chosen People want us to believe.  

The genocide of the American Indians is the greatest atrocity in the history of mankind.  And now these fucking degenerates in the media want to push the narrative that American Indians were all about being gender-fluid.  They were transgender.  All of them.  Every American Indian was transgender.  

It’s disgusting.

Two-spirit (also two spirit, 2S or, occasionally, twospirited) is a modern, pan-Indian, umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people in their communities who fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) ceremonial and social role in their cultures.  The term Two Spirit (original form chosen) was created in 1990 at the Indigenous lesbian and gay international gathering in Winnipeg.

It’s something that a handful of gay Indians invented in 1990.  So now this false narrative gets pushed by the usual media moguls and fucking dullards like Newt Wallen lap it up.

3:45 – Newt again says, “Not in a Mary Sue” way.  What does this even mean?  I have to look this up too.

A Mary Sue is a type of fictional character, usually a young woman, who is portrayed as unrealistically free of weaknesses. Originating in fan fiction, a Mary Sue is often an author’s idealized self-insertion. Mary Sue stories are often written by adolescent authors.

The term Mary Sue was coined by Paula Smith in the 1973 parody short story “A Trekkie’s Tale”, as the name of a character standing in for idealized female characters widespread in Star Trek fan fiction. A male character with similar traits may be labelled a Gary Stu or Marty Stu.

Oh.  How silly of me not to know about Star Trek fan fiction terminology.

Then you continue reading the article and…this is about pornographic Star Trek fanfiction.  Why would we be expected to know this?  Who’s the audience for this shit?  Is it just me who doesn’t read pornographic Star Trek fanfiction?  Newt is using this term like everybody knows it.  Maybe he’s right.  Maybe for his audience, they know this shit.

5:45 – “They’re showing the savagery of the white man and we all know how that goes.”

Newt really hates white people.  

When I mentioned the genocide of the American Indians as the worst atrocity ever committed, I was right.  But I don’t blame white people.  The blame lies specifically on English people.  English people are the league leaders in atrocities.  Nobody else is even close.  

Do we need to get into it?  They brutally subjugated their neighbours in Wales, Ireland, and Scotland.  The subjugation of India.  The subjugation of much of Africa.  The slave trade.  The genocide of the American Indians.  

And if you’d like a list of British war crimes, Wikipedia has you covered:

Additionally, every atrocity committed by the US can be attributed to the English.  The US has been ruled by Anglo-Saxons from the founding of the country until today.  Look at the names of the politicians, the leaders of industry, et cetera.  Overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon.  

HL Mencken wrote extensively about this. 

The average American of the Anglo-Saxon majority, in truth, is simply a second-rate Englishman, and so it is no wonder that he is spontaneously servile, despite all his democratic denial of superiorities, to what he conceives to be first-rate Englishmen. He corresponds, roughly, to an English Nonconformist of the better-fed variety, 

As true today as when it was written nearly 100 years ago.

But Newt Wallen (Anglo-Saxon name, by the way) wants us to blame the entirety of the Caucasian population for the atrocities committed by the English and the so-called Anglo-Saxons of the US.  I’m not buying it, Newt.  I’m not going to blame Poles for the slave trade.  Swedish people didn’t kill the American Indians.  Hungarians didn’t supply the Chinese with opium.  It wasn’t the Dutch who firebombed the civilian population of Dresden.  Czechs didn’t drop two atomic bombs on Japan.  

But Newt Wallen and his ilk like to blame the entirety of the white population for the crimes of the Anglo-Saxons.  Because it serves them.  Their people did something bad so they try to blame everybody to deflect blame.  No.  You’re to blame.  Not me.  Your ancestors did this stuff.  Not mine.  Your people continue to do this stuff.  Not mine.

If you’d like to learn more about the atrocities of the Anglo-Saxons as distinct from the rest of the Caucasian population, you can check out HL Mencken’s fine piece entitled The Anglo-Saxon.

It starts slightly below the halfway point of the page.

9:00 – “Are we creating anything of value now?  Everything is just a copy of a copy of a copy.”

The irony.

13:00 – Newt gives his idiotic, plagiarised movie idea which is basically The Most Dangerous Game but with hot chicks.  Tits and gore.

13:45 – Newt talks about his “meds”.  He got his prescription re-filled so he’s not as emotional.  Good for you, Newt.  

You know what might also help?  Getting a fucking job.  And he had a job.  Why did he quit?  For these idiotic tits and gore movie ideas that are entirely plagiarised?  

14:15 – He mentions Mary Sue for the third fucking time.


– “I loved it! She wasn’t a Mary Sue at all, she almost died at least 10 times, lol..”

So I guess these people do know about pornographic Star Trek fanfiction.

– “Did I miss an announcement for a Discord? O.o Or is it private for Patreons or such?”

Oh yeah.  I happened to check out the Discord yesterday.  Newt didn’t write anything there in months.  He wrote some shit when the Discord started and then never again.  And there were just a few weird ladyboys posting weird off-topic shit there.  

4 thoughts on “PREY Review – Newt Wallen

  1. His terrible ability to stay focused and not use buzzwords only the most cliche idiots would use is like a time capsule to how youtube movie reviews were done like 12 years ago.Can you even imagine how Mint's review of this will go? You know she will do it. She can't help but leech onto mostly things being currently “talked” about. If you know, you want a special ed student giving you their take.

  2. Mary Sue is a widespread term now, one of the reasons for this being that Mary Sues are widespread in every fucking movie that comes out. Also, the slave trade existed in Africa and the middle east long before the Brits showed up. The slaves were slaves in Africa and then bought, legally, and shipped to America. If forced vaccination is moral because it's legal then so is slavery, right? But no, instead these spineless moral indignant types instead rewrite history to fit their skewed ideas and then pretend it's objective Truth. Same shit with the 1990s invention of fag featherheads. The whole thing is a perverse construct. History is fiction.

  3. Surprised you've never heard of the term Mary-Sue, it's been around for a very long time and people have used it to criticise shitty fan fiction for ages. Not many people know it originally came from dunking on Star Trek nerds, though.

  4. You're fully right, but the problem is not endemic to reviewers. It's part of the attention-sucking braineating parasite that comes from tiktok/snapchat/instagram addicts not giving anything more than 5 seconds of thought.Everything has evolved to adapt to instantaneous transmission without regard to depth or fidelity. Buzzwords, memes and platitudes have fastest transmission rate therefore win over real thought. Newt is a vector of 4th-gen warfare meme virus, not a person. I need scissors 61

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