Erin Plays and Mike Matei check out Pac-Man Museum + on Switch! (part 3 of 6)

Parts 1 and 2:

26:15 – Mike chose Pac-Man Arrangement?  I’m not sure what he said.  Then Erin says, “Ooh.  Indiana Jones-looking Pac-Man.”

Why is she surprised by this?  She said that they played each game, off-stream, briefly, to unlock everything.  There is absolutely no way that Erin participated in that at all.  It was Mike unlocking the games.  She couldn’t even be bothered to play these games for two minutes off-stream.  Or even watch Mike do it.  She was too busy crying in the bathtub or whatever.

27:15 – “Look at the pineapple.  These sprites are really cute.”

No prizes for guessing who said that.

Somebody in the chat asks if they can do two-player mode.  Erin says, “I think today we’re just going to hand off the controller.”

It’s a fine question.  Why aren’t they doing two players?  There are two players in the room.  Wouldn’t that be a natural thing to do?  Wouldn’t it be more fun to play two player mode?  Wouldn’t it be more entertaining for the audience?

No.  Erin doesn’t want to do it.  She’s only going to play games where she can give an excuse as to why she’s so bad at the game.  “I never played this before”, “I always forget how to play this”, “Oh, look at the cute sprites” whatever.  She’s not going to play anything competitive because it will expose how bad she is at the games.  Not that the single player modes don’t also expose her, but in her mind she’s trying to mitigate the damage.

“Because I’m having some hand pain.”

Oh, is that why.  I see.  It’s her carpal tunnel lie.  That’s the excuse that she’s using.  

Mike also has been going on about his own carpal tunnel lies of late.  He doesn’t seem have any trouble playing. You don’t see him doing weird stretches during the stream.  He doesn’t get his wrist brace.  

What are they going to do when they both fall victim to the scourge of carpal tunnel syndrome and can no longer stream?  Wawa?  MyFreeCams?  Do record stores still exist?

29:15 – Somebody in the chat says, “I think Erin is a faster typist than Mike.”  Erin says, “I might be.  I spent a lot of time on the internet growing up.”

Doesn’t the carpal tunnel affect your typing?  Maybe it doesn’t.  I don’t know.  

30:00 – Mike gets a game over and says, “So that’s that one.”

No.  Mike.  What are you doing?  It’s Erin’s turn now.  Weren’t you taught any manners?  You should be taking turns.  Both of you should be having fun.  This is fun stuff, right?  Erin is loving every minute of this.  She’s a big gamer.  Loves Pac-Man.

Erin is totally checked out and starts talking about how she was talking about Nine Inch Nails with Mike recently.  You know, because Erin is such a big fan of “the 90s” and music.  She says, “What was that song called?”  Mike doesn’t know because he’s said many times that he doesn’t give a shit about music.

“The one that’s like really played out.”

Oh.  That one.  If it’s so played out, why wouldn’t she know the name?  It should be one of their hits, right?  Mike suggested Head Like a Hole but it’s not that one.  So what is it?  Closer?  Why am I giving music suggestions to Erin?  This is her era.  This is what she’s interested in.  I didn’t work in a fucking record store.  Erin did.  

As a reminder, Erin was born in 1986 or 1987.  Closer was released in 1994.  Was she listening to “Fuck you like an animal” as a seven year old?  And seven years later, when most people start listening to music, it was 2001.  The alternative genre was well on its way out.  Pop shit like Britney Spears was in vogue.  Wasn’t Erin listening to that instead?  She certainly seemed to be.  She talks about Britney Spears every chance she gets.  This was her era.  The 2000s.  Young people like to listen to contemporary music.  But she pretends to be all about “the 90s” because she wants to attract older horntards.  Horntards her age aren’t interested, I guess.

Oh, it was Closer.  A horntard in the chat prompted her.  She says that she saw the music video as a child and it “terrified” her.  

Way to go, Erin’s parents.  It’s your grossly negligent parenting that caused Erin to become a sociopath who makes $50/month and leeches off of the guy who runs the ManBabyGaming channel on Twitch.  Your complete lack of care created somebody who thought that “sugarbaby” was a good life choice.

30:45 – Mike suggests that Erin should try Pac-Man Arrangement.  Erin clearly doesn’t want to but she agrees to do it.

Let’s see if she immediately goes to the power pellets.  I’ll guess…yes.  That’s what she did with Pac-Man 99.

I was right!  There were no ghosts anywhere near her and she just immediately went to the power pellet.  There’s been no improvement in the past year because she hasn’t played Pac-Man since that Pac-Man 99 stream a year ago.

Erin can’t even navigate the fucking maze.  She has trouble making any of the turns so she just goes back and forth repeatedly, trying to make the turn.

32:15 – Game over.  She didn’t even clear half of the pellets on the first screen.  This might be the worst Pac-Man Arrangement footage ever recorded.

Then, because she doesn’t want to play any more, she starts looking at the settings.

33:00 – “It’s like I’m having trouble turning when I want to turn.”

I’ve noticed.

She blames it on using the analogue stick so asks Mike what he used.  Mike says that he used the d-pad.  She says, “Maybe I just suck at this.”

Well, that’s true, of course, but why not just switch to the d-pad?  

No, she just continues playing really poorly using the analogue stick.  It gives her an excuse to play poorly.

I liked Lock n Chase for the Atari 2600.  It was a Pac-Man clone.  I think it was also an arcade game but I never played that.  The game has an added element where you could place walls in certain spots to block off the enemies who were chasing you.  You could also trap the enemies for bonus points.  These walls added some extra strategy to the game.

35:30 – Somebody in the chat asks about point and click adventure games.  Erin says that she hasn’t played such games because she doesn’t like them.  She could say the same thing about every genre.

38:00 – Erin says, “I’m really upset that I didn’t bring that arcade stick.”  She’s blaming her poor performance on the controller.

39:15 – Somebody in the chat asks, “Do you like any RPGs?”  Erin says, “Ummm…”

I wouldn’t need to think about my answer.  “I wouldn’t say that I like them but I’ve played loads.  Wizardry Gold, all of the Ultimas, Dungeons and Dragons: Order of the Griffin, Chrono Trigger, Uncharted Waters, Final Fantasy Adventure, Wasteland, Fallout, Quest for Glory if you want to include that as an RPG.  So whatever.  There are some games.  Go fuck yourself.”

But Erin has to think about it because she doesn’t play video games.  Whatever she’s streamed or made Youtube videos of, that’s her entire experience with video games.  And I can’t recall her playing any RPGs.  So what is she going to say?  She could just say, “No, I don’t like RPGs” but she’s not going to do that.

After a five second pause, Mike interrupts with “No”.

That’s the answer.  Why doesn’t she just say it?  Why did Mike have to answer?  

Erin then says, “I’m not against them.”

What the fuck does that mean?  

“I just never played a tonne.”

She never played ANY RPG.  Not a single one.  So forget about tonnage.  She hasn’t played one.

“I don’t know.  I know that there’s some that I like.”

No.  You would know them.  You’d be able to give a list.  I gave a list.  It was no trouble.  I didn’t need Mike or the horntards to prompt me for an answer.  I know what games I’ve played and what games I like because I actually play games.  It’s extremely hard to lie your way through these sorts of questions but Erin continues to try.  This ridiculous charade that we can all see through must go on.  She’s committed.

Then she suggests Kirby and the Forgotten Land.  This is a game that she played recently, on stream, for money.  Is it even an RPG?  According to Wikipedia, it’s a platformer.  Good job, Erin.  All she can do is mention games that she streamed recently, regardless of whether or not it’s relevant to the topic.

My favourite RPG is Tetris.

Then she says, “I like Doom.”

What?  What is this?  Is she still talking about RPGs?  

And naturally, she only played Doom once.  It was on stream, for money.  It was the worst Doom footage ever recorded.  I reviewed those videos way back when.  They were the first articles I did for the blog, I think.

She last played Doom two years ago.  On stream, for money.  Watch those videos.  I know that I say that “It’s the worst (whatever game) footage ever recorded” joke a lot about Erin but in the case of Doom, it might literally be true.  She was constantly getting lost.  She got lost in a single room.  She got lost going around a pillar.  And I believe that this is the series of streams wherein Erin made the infamous admission, “I’ve never played a game with mouse and keyboard before.”

39:30 – Mike suggests Doom Eternal.  Erin says, “I do like Doom Eternal.  That’s true.”

Again, she played it once, on stream, for money, and she was horrible at it.  These old school Doom streams were meant as preparation for a Doom Eternal stream.  It didn’t work out.

Erin says, “I like Brutal Doom”.

Is it even a game?  Isn’t it just a mod that adds more gore?  

Yeah.  But I think that this was one of the mods that she used when she streamed.  Mike definitely used this mod on stream, for money and he talks about it semi-regularly for some reason.  So this is where Erin gets this from but she doesn’t even know what it is.  She doesn’t know what a mod is.  And again, I don’t think that Brutal Doom actually adds any game content like new maps or weapons or whatever.  It’s just more gore.  I could be wrong.

Erin then claims to like Doom 64.  Just stop this shit.  It’s all lies but who even cares?  Nobody was asking about Doom.  Why is she talking about Doom?

40:00 – Erin said that she got motion sick playing Doom 64.  Mike asks if that’s right.  Erin says, “Yeah, I got really motion sick.  I streamed it.”

Of course you streamed it.  Where else would you have played it?  

I can’t understand why anybody watches this shit.  It can’t be any more obvious that she’s a total fucking fraud.  She never plays a game in her spare time.  She’s never done this in her life.  It’s fucking obvious.  And I’m not exaggerating about this.  The only time that Erin has ever played a video game is when she’s making a Youtube video or she’s streaming.  That’s it.  Why can’t she just admit it?  

41:00 – A horntard compliments Erin on her shirt.  

This is what they’re there for.  Not video games.  They don’t care that you don’t know anything about video games.  Why not just go with it?  Why continue the farce?  People are there to jerk off.  That’s it.

Somebody complained about Mike’s shirt so Mike said that he’s going to wear that shirt regularly.

41:45 – So Erin says, “I’m like that.  If I feel attacked, like somebody says, ‘I don’t like Hello Kitty’, look at, I’m going to go buy a Hello Kitty mug or whatever at CVS just to prove a point.”

She’s a big Hello Kitty fan, guys.  And apparently if you don’t like Hello Kitty, she considers that a personal attack.  And apparently people are telling her that they don’t like Hello Kitty.  Hello Kitty is a regular topic of conversation for Erin.

It’s just another lie.  Erin doesn’t know anything about Hello Kitty.  She doesn’t give a fuck about Hello Kitty.  Erin doesn’t have a single interest or hobby.

42:30 – New level.  “I like this level.  What if there were escalators?  It looks like a mall.  It could be a mall.”

Great commentary, Erin.

We can stop here.  I’m at 44:00.  They’re moving on to a new game.  I think that this is going to be Erin Plays Month with this video.

1 thought on “Erin Plays and Mike Matei check out Pac-Man Museum + on Switch! (part 3 of 6)

  1. You see this thing a lot, the prompting, the helping them answer, the total bubble of delusion as everyone acts like they are on the same level. You see it a lot around little kids, actual retards, and women. Yet if you point it out you're demonized and called nonsense words like 'x-ist' and 'bigot'. I'm not sure whether this would fall under elephant in the room or emperor's new clothes. The elephant's new clothes, I guess. Or in the case of Hog the Movies, the elephant's no clothes.

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