"That time I told Fox29 Philly I was 'dead inside'" PLUS Newt rips off ANOTHER idea – Newt Wallen


Thank god for Newt Wallen spamming videos.  I was getting desperate for stuff to talk about.  Sorry for that Mint Salad article.

0:00 – Is this the best quality that he could get?  This is a local news report, from years ago, that featured Newt.  He’s just filming the…wait…he’s filming his computer.  Because you can see the progress bar at the bottom like it’s a Youtube video or something.

Why didn’t he just download the video?  Maybe he’s just doing this to try to avoid getting a copyright strike.  Maybe.  But I suspect that this is the only copy that he has.  This thing where he’s filming the computer.  And he doesn’t even keep the camera steady.  And the sound quality is awful.

Oh yeah.  This is from Facebook.  So there’s no excuse.  He should have just downloaded the video.

You can also see Newt’s ceiling light in the reflection of this recording.  And his curtains.  This is terrible.

He also didn’t bother hiding the “quality” and “playback speed” options.  I assume that these can be hidden but I don’t know.

Then he jiggles the camera around.  Couldn’t bother using a tripod or even just holding still for two minutes.

0:45 – They’re talking about some shitty Avengers movie.  So the “reporter” says, “How good was it, ask the guy who runs the theatre, who’s already seen it three times.  Newt then says, “This is the biggest movie I’ve ever seen and I’m dead inside.  Nothing moves me anymore.”  As he says all of this, a child skips past in the background.

Newt has told this story before.  What he says doesn’t even make sense.  He said “biggest” right?  I’ve listened to this three times already because the audio is so bad but I’ll try again.  

Yeah.  “Biggest.”  I’m almost positive.  It’s a complete non-sequitur.  

Let’s assume that Newt is not responding to the question, “How good was it?”.  That’s how this little “news” piece is presenting it, but it’s very possible that this question was never asked of Newt and that Newt is responding to some totally different question.  Maybe they just said, “Would you like to make a comment on the movie?” and this is what Newt came up with.

The problem is that Newt said that the movie was “big” and then says, “I’m dead inside.  Nothing moves me anymore.”

It doesn’t make sense.  If he said that the movie was “really good” or something along these lines, it would make sense.  But simply being “big” is enough to…move Newt.  I mean, “big” does not mean “good”.  There have been plenty of movies with a big budget and/or had a lot of special effect (which is effectively what “big” means in this sense) and they’ve been terrible movies.  I suspect that Avengers is one such big and terrible movie.  

So why would this move him?  

He just wanted to say something wacky so shoehorned this “dead inside” comment.  

1:30 – Some girl says, “I was kind of hoping that it would be bad so that I could write a review about it in the school paper but it was amazing.  It definitely lived up to the hype.”

I don’t know.  I feel like there’s something here but…the more I think about it, maybe there isn’t.  

She wants to write a review in the school paper about how bad the movie was.  I can appreciate that.  It’s fun to shit on things in print form.

But she thinks that the movie is good.  But in reality, it isn’t good.  So…she’s no Gene Siskel.  But…it’s a movie for teenagers.  And she’s in the target demographic.  So I can’t be too critical of her taste in film.  

Then there’s some mindless and awkward banter between the “reporter” and the “anchorwoman” about the movie and Newt just cuts the video mid-sentence.

I’m looking at the Wikipedia article.  It does seem to have good reviews.  But I refuse to believe that a superhero movie is genuinely good.  What’s the best superhero movie that I’ve seen?  Batman from 1989 or whatever, I guess.  I haven’t seen many superhero movies.  But no fucking way would I want to watch that Batman movie again.  I saw it as a kid.  That’s it.  I have no interest in that shit as an adult.

Anyway, the comments are all kissing Newt’s ass.  “We love you Newt!”  Actually, there’s one that says that almost verbatim.

– “This is why we love you Newt”

Some guy in a dress wrote that.  This is Newt’s main audience.

When Newt told this story, he mentioned that a reporter, presumably during this banter section, said something like, “Wait, did that guy say that he was dead inside?”  But that never happened.  Not from this clip that Newt is showing here, anyway.  And I don’t know why he would cut that out.  

Anyway, this sucked.  It was just Newt making some weird, “random” comment to the local rural Pennsylvania news.  This took place in 2019, I guess.  

Let’s check out his Twitter.

I…oh my god.  Does this warrant a new post?  No, I don’t think there’s enough material so I’ll just post it here.


“Wrote this back in 2010. #Preproduction started in 2015. Then died out. But yesterday script and budget was approved. #digitalFX testing has begun. And we begin shooting #amityville #arcade at the end of May #MutantFam #indiehorror #amityville”

This is one of Newt’s four projects that he’s working on, I guess.  It’s called Amityville Arcade.  Like The Amityville Horror?  That film series.  I might have seen the first one.

Well, Newt is ripping off the idea.  He even has the word “Amityville” in the fucking title.  It’s unbelievable.  


How can this even be legal?  The first film was released in 1979.  It must still be under copyright.  


That guy says that the broad idea is public domain.  Oh yeah.  The movie was loosely based on actual murders, I think.  Very loosely based, presumably.  You can’t copyright a murder.  And Amityville is an actual town.  You can’t copyright that.  So…yeah.  This is what Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen does.  He just looks for horror shit in the public domain and says, “I’ll rip that idea off.”

Newt also has a drawing for this movie of a skeleton coming out of an arcade machine.  Top comment is, “Cool. Art has a Video Dead vibe.”  Newt’s reply is, “Yea I told the artist its most likely gonna get me called a copy cat. But its too cool. Ill take the jabs”

Then you look it up.  You know what, a comparison really needs to be shown.

IT’S IDENTICAL!  The first picture is the original, from some movie called Video Dead, and the second one is Newt’s “homage” to the first one.  Same.  Exact.  Fucking.  Thing.

Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen.

It’s just unbelievable.  He has absolutely zero credibility.  I thought that the plagiarism thing was a one off.  Well, everyone makes mistakes.  No big deal.  

No.  EVERYTHING he does is plagiarised.  It always has been this way and it always will be.  He CAN’T come up with anything original.  There’s something about him, I don’t know what it is, but he’s is entirely incapable of coming up with ANYTHING original.

8 Bit Eric says, “I want in”.  Newt replies with “your in”.  What a writer.  Hasn’t even mastered the proper use of contractions.

Newt has said before that he uses some speech to text program to write his tweets, and possibly to write everything.  So this accounts for the mistakes.  Allegedly.  Why not just type like a normal person to avoid these problems?  Because I suspect that he just can’t write.  I mean, we know that he’s totally bankrupt creatively but I mean that he can’t write just in terms of following the basic rules of spelling and grammar.  

Anyway, the comments are all kissing his ass.  And it’s men in dresses who are writing this shit.

Oh, and I notice that Newt changed the banner on his Twitter to use this skeleton through the arcade picture.  He really enjoys ripping off other people’s ideas.


Speaking of which, some man in a dress sent Newt a “duct tape doll” of Florida Man.  You know, that “meme” character in the public domain who Newt ripped off and made a comic and possibly an upcoming movie about.  

How creepy is this?  Why would anybody even take the time to do this?  Who’s trying to woo Newt Wallen with this shit?  And they’re sitting at home making a duct tape doll?  Just ask Newt if he’d like to get a coffee some time.  You don’t have to make weird folk art.  Newt will go out with men in dresses.  He doesn’t care.  He’s an open-minded kind of guy.

Anyway, I probably could have got two articles out of this but I already did something about Newt’s Twitter recently so…it’s fine.

2 thoughts on “"That time I told Fox29 Philly I was 'dead inside'" PLUS Newt rips off ANOTHER idea – Newt Wallen

  1. He'll “take the jabs”.I mean, of course you will. You always do. You don't care at all how many things you rip off. It even got you FIRED FROM A JOB you care so little about doing shit like this.

  2. everything that Newt does is plagiarised. everything about Erinplays evolves around lies. what is it with former cinemassacre members and their fixation for the same behaviour patterns?

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