Street Fighter Alpha stream & chat – Zuvi

I found a new Twitch idea for Erin.  

This woman, Zuvi, who is a Japanese woman with limited English, streams on Youtube but doesn’t even play the game.  She’ll have footage of a game playing but it’s not her playing it.  I don’t know who’s playing but it’s not her.  She’s either on her phone or has her arms folded the whole time.

She lives in the US and is married to a white American guy.  She sells really weird nude pictures of herself on some site.    

5:00 – So she’s sitting there in her little outfit and she’s just on her phone and complaining that there are only two people in the chat.  “There are usually about ten.”  


Then she says that she only played this game once and she doesn’t like it.

This isn’t a one-off, by the way.  This is what she does.  She has a number of videos where she’s showing some kind of footage of a fighting game and she just talks to the horntards.  She doesn’t play the game.  I don’t know what this is.  It’s just shameful.  

9:00 – She’s talking about a cute animation that appears in this game.  This is right up Erin’s alley.

Oh, KidShoryuken is here.  He’s that American creep who lives in Japan and paid Madam Fomo to have sex with him.  He has a few videos about this.  He also talks semi-regularly about his fondness for massage parlours.  Let me check the archives.

He’s fucking pathetic.  This is obviously his thing.  He likes Asian women and prostitutes.  This woman ticks both boxes.

10:45 – She says that she doesn’t work on Fridays or Saturdays and that her job is based in Europe.  “I start work at 6 am”.  What the fuck is her job?  Do cam girls have set schedules like this?

15:00 – “My husband is playing the game and I’m just watching for now.”

Oh.  That’s what this is.  This is the most pathetic shit I’ve ever seen in my life.  The guy is off-camera playing the game for his prostitute wife that he got from a catalogue.    

17:00 – A horntard asks, “Is there a channel where you and your husband play cooperatively?”  She says, “No.  I don’t know what game we could play cooperatively because…I don’t know.”

Because you don’t play games, you dumb whore.  

I was in the local Asian grocery store recently to get some rice and Choco Pies.  There’s a woman working there, presumably an immigrant from China.  Limited English.  

I respect immigrants.  Indeed, I prefer to be around immigrants.  I try to frequent immigrant-owned stores and restaurants, shit like this.  Not just Asian but I go to Polish shops, restaurants owned by Middle Easterners, whatever.  I’ve also gone out with loads of immigrants.  They understand the hardships of immigrating and these are people who actually had the courage to move.

No respect for prostitutes or people who just married some guy, even if the marriage is legitimate, which it isn’t in this case.  These people took the easy way.  

Anyway, very low views for Zuvi.  This is not working.  The concept doesn’t even make sense.  Her husband/pimp is off-screen, naked, masturbating, playing this video game, while his prostitute/wife is in a little outfit talking to horny retards.  And she has no interest AT ALL in any of this.  She said earlier in the stream that she only played the game once and she doesn’t like it.  Why is this happening?  Why is ANYONE watching this?  

Are these people not aware that there is plenty of Japanese pornography available on the internet for free?  

I can barely even understand what this woman is saying.  It’s just noise.  And there’s this tiny picture in the corner of an average-looking Japanese woman in a little outfit.  What’s the appeal to any of this?  

She has no charisma, is largely indecipherable, limited English abilities, and she’s not even playing the fucking game.  This is a total zero across the board.  This woman makes Erin look like a consummate professional.

Why isn’t the husband/pimp at least on camera?  Well, I suppose that given the illegal nature of pimping, he might not want to do that.

In any event, it’s an idea for Erin what with her fake carpal tunnel syndrome.  Have Mike, off-camera, playing a game, while Erin sits there in a little outfit and talks to the horntards about colours or 1990s boy bands or whatever.  People are apparently okay with this.  Not many people.  This video has 1200 views after two weeks and she only has 12,000 subscribers, but some people are watching this.  If people will watch this, they’ll watch absolutely anything.  

I have to turn this off now.  But she also does porn.  Let’s see if I can find that.

Well, they’re all in her Link Tree thing.  Do I even want to link to that, though?  No, just go to her channel and it’s there in the “About” section.  Here’s her Twitter, though.

You get a good idea of what kind of “content” she produces.  

She’s been doing this for about as long as Erin and it’s not been even remotely successful.  Simply taking your clothes off for money is not a guarantee of success.  This is not working.  Why not just get a job?  She could get a job as a cleaner or something.  With her level of English, the options are limited.  Or just go back to Japan.  What’s the problem?  

She would make more money with an honest job than with this bullshit.  Think of how ridiculous this is.  She’s been putting embarrassing nude pictures of herself on the internet for years and getting very little money from this.  And is she even getting the pittance that these pictures are earning or is her pimp/husband taking all of it?  

And doing these god awful Youtube videos in front of an audience of ten horny retards?  Why?  

At what point does she realise that this is not ever going to be a successful enterprise?  She’s wasting her life with this.  Now she has this huge gap in her resume that she has to try to explain.  “Oh, I was doing erotic Dragon Ball Z cosplay for those years.”  And she’s developed no marketable skills during all of these years.  She’s made no connections in the business world.  She hasn’t learned what sort of jobs she’d like to do and what sort of jobs she doesn’t want to do.  

Shockingly bad videos.  What the fuck.  Who would possibly think that this is going to work?

6 thoughts on “Street Fighter Alpha stream & chat – Zuvi

  1. On her Gumroad she has a video of her giving her boyfriend a blowjob and she's selling it for ONE HUNDRED BUCKS. From the thumbnail it looks like he has a laughably small cock. I wonder if anyone is paying for this.

  2. i know it's highly unlikely to happen, but i want to see a collab of this woman and erinplays. the hilarity and inane dialogues to ensue would alone be worth watching it

  3. I don't know how you can tell penis size from that edited picture but surprisingly, it does seem that people are buying this. Some of these photo sets have user ratings. Usually just one or two people give a rating, most of her stuff has no rating, but it seems that somebody is buying this stuff. At least one person. Sometimes. And that blowjob video was marked as “sold out”, which is highly unusual for a digital product. I suppose at these prices, you only need one person to buy this shit. Fifty bucks for a few photos of this woman dressed as an anime character? If you have absolutely no self-respect, I suppose that's worthwhile? I guess? How long does it take to do these pictures? An hour or two? So that's $25 to $50 an hour. Although, it's not like you're doing this eight hours a day. So still it would be more profitable to just get a regular job like a normal person. These ladies just don't seem to get it. Women typically have difficulty with arithmetic so I guess it makes sense.

  4. It would be good. I don't know where this woman lives but for some reason I don't think it's on “The East Coast”. She has “Espanol” in her Twitter bio so I'm thinking that she lives on the West Coast or the Southwest. This is where speaking Spanish is more of a thing.Do you suppose her Spanish is better than her English? Maybe she should do these videos in Spanish instead. Her English is tough to listen to.

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