Super Retro Gal Twitter Extravaganza

 Ok I had a friend recently go to the park last week and on all their stories they weren’t wearing a mask on any attraction. They didn’t care. So people don’t listen anyways and CMs have been going thru it. Hoping all my Florida friends are ok today

She’s responding to a story about how Disney World no longer requires wearing masks.  Super Awkward Gal is REALLY concerned about masks.  And she’s one of these weird freaks who makes it some kind of a moral issue.  If you don’t wear a mask, you’re a bad person and you voted for Trump and you kick puppies in your spare time.

I still can not believe that people think that masks do anything.  That’s the first issue.  If I believed that there was some deadly virus out there, NO FUCKING WAY would I wear a homemade mask.  What the fuck is putting a pair of repurposed old underpants around your face going to do?  Do doctors wear repurposed old underpants around their face when performing surgery?  No.  They wear surgical masks.  

I don’t know the full science behind it, but I’m comfortable in saying that surgical masks probably do something to prevent infection, both infecting other people, and getting infected by others.  They’re made from some kind of plastic material.  It probably doesn’t do a lot but does it something.  

A homemade mask does absolutely nothing.  There’s absolutely no standard.  You can just get a thin piece of porous cotton, be it a scarf or bandana or whatever, and you’re protected.  Apparently.  It’s ridiculous.  Who the fuck would believe that?  

I went to the doctor during this “global pandemic” and the doctor was required to get pretty close to me.  So she asked that I put on a surgical mask.  I had my homemade mask on.  It’s just made of cotton.  It’s not actually homemade, it’s some piece of shit that I bought for £5 or something.

The doctor knew full well that homemade masks do absolutely nothing.  But this is what we’re told to do.  And people actually believe that this is effective.  People actually make an issue of this.  People actually get into fights over this stupid shit and make it a political issue.  

The second issue is that coronavirus isn’t exactly the Bubonic Plague.  If we were talking about something that caused painful swelling of the skin, blood-filled boubles, the loss of your extremities through gangrene, and killed 25 to 60 per cent of the population, I’d be shitting my fucking pants and wouldn’t leave my home unless I was wearing a hazmat suit.

But we’re talking about flu-like symptoms.  We’re talking about a flu-like death rate.  We’re talking about the fucking flu.  Influenza.  It’s been around for at least 10,000 years.  Your cavemen ancestors weren’t worried about it.  Nobody from the dawn of time has been worried about the flu.  But now we’re all supposed to be worried about it.

I’ve been reading about this “double mutant” variety in India and how the world is going to have to get shut down again.  Why?  I only start to get afraid at quintuple mutants.  Double mutant?  Nothing to worry about.

It’s all complete horseshit.  Let’s just move on.  We have a lot of obnoxious, self-righteous tweets to get through.

Anyone know of any places/shelters in the LA area that will take unworn or gently used women’s clothing along with body/hair products? I’d like to see if anyone else has done this and has a place they favor. It’s a lot of professional clothing for older ladies, too.

Then somebody says:

The LGBT Center provides clothing for job interviews so you may want to try them.

To which SuperAwkwardGal replies:

Omg I didn’t even think of that. I will call them.

Shame on me for not immediately thinking of the LGBT Center.  I’m going to send my dead grandmother’s old clothes to them straight away.  Those lesbians LOVE wearing moth-ridden clothes from the 1960s to job interviews.

It’s fucking pathetic.  Too bad she couldn’t find a charity that helps transgendered black Jews who might be interested in her grandmother’s old clothes and makeup.  

And who would take used…body and hair products?  I’m not even 100% sure what “body products” are.  Like soap?  Who’s going to take your half-empty bottle of soap?

Just give it to those “LGBT” folk.  They’ll take anything.  There’s still a little bit of stuff in your can of AquaNet?  We’ll take it.  Used lipstick?  Bring it here.  A bunch of Praise soap slivers that were mushed together to make one bar?  We want it.  I have a fucking job interview tomorrow.  I hope that this polyester jumpsuit doesn’t make me too sweaty.

She retweets a picture of Creedence Clearwater Revival at a Taco Bell in 1968.

Hey guys!  Remember Creedence Clearwater Revival?  

What?  You mean that band from the 60s?  I’m familiar with their hits Fortunate Son and Have You Ever Seen the Rain but no.  They’re before my time.  WAY before my time.  And Super Awkward Gal is at least five years younger than me.  

But yeah, she’s all about those Vietnam protest songs.  Even though she was born like ten years after the war ended.

I remember working as a young man and some older co-workers would be Vietnam veterans.  They wouldn’t sit there and talk about it but sometimes something would come up in conversation.  They’d just mention that they were in Vietnam.

Like there was a security guard who was in charge of a small team of other security guards.  He said that he doesn’t run a really regimented programme.  It was something like, “I didn’t like that authoritative nonsense in Vietnam so I don’t do it here.”

So you’d hear about this stuff.  But you probably don’t hear about it any more.  These people are retired now.  Old timers at work these days are talking about the 1980s.  Hey guys!  Remember The Falkland Invasion?  The stories aren’t as interesting.  

But yeah, Taco Bell.  I remember Taco Bell, Super Awkward Gal.  I never went to one, though.  There weren’t any in any place that I ever lived.  Thanks for asking.

She retweets some stupid shit about wanting to live like The Golden Girls.

Hey guys!  Remember The Golden Girls.

Yes, I watched the show as a child when it was on and then never again.  What about it?  Are we just going to keep mentioning old tv shows?  Do something with your life, Super Awkward Gal.  

What a sad existence.  Going to Disneyland on a regular basis.  No job.  Buying “tiki” shit.  Taking weird videos of herself bathing her husband’s elderly grandfather.  

She chose to do all of this.  She could have made different choices.  But no.  This is what she wanted.  She wanted to be a vapid loser who just tweets sanctimonious California “progressive” bullshit all day.  

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