Bobdunga's "Sexy" Boyfriend Who "Gaslighted" Her

For some considerable time, I’ve read Tweets from Bobdunga about this guy who “gaslighted” her.  I assumed it was some sexy dude who did the old pump and dump and she didn’t like that.

It’s so much worse than that.

She’s talking about it again.  Here are a couple of examples:

There was also one where she talks about discussing this issue with her therapist.  And in all of these, it’s just vague nonsense and the responses are all, “What are you talking about?”  One guy asked for proof and she banned him.

So what the fuck is she talking about?

Apparently she was in a relationship with a “Youtuber” by the name of RelaxAlax.  He’s from Canada, has about 500,000 subscribers, and makes videos about retro video games and his cat.  From the thumbnails, it appears that these videos are aimed squarely at the pre-pubescent set.

Bobdunga describes the problems in their relationship in an extremely verbose message here:

If you don’t want to read a 33,000 character Tweet, let me give you the short version: he was kind of nutty, she was kind of nutty, and he wasn’t that into her.

That’s it.  That’s what she’s been going on about for YEARS now.  That’s why she’s in therapy.  She’s continuing to besmirch this lunatic’s name over this.

Some things can stay private, Bobdunga.  You don’t have to put everything on the internet.  You were in a bad relationship.  Fine.  Don’t go out with him any more.  Problem solved.

And the stuff she’s talking about…holy shit.  He offered her a job editing his videos and then rescinded the offer and then offered her the job again.  She gives this as an example of “gaslighting”.

No, that’s him not knowing what he’s doing.  Or if you think this is some kind of deep, next level psychological trickery from this 23 year old who never went to university, STOP GOING OUT WITH HIM!

He would break up with her on Valentine’s day and her birthday and shit like this and then change his mind.  This is more “gaslighting” according to Bobdunga.  HE’S NOT INTERESTED, BOBDUNGA!  STOP GOING OUT WITH HIM!

And who is this Svengali like figure?  Who’s this hot young stud playing with Bobdunga’s emotions?  THIS GUY!

Unbelievable.  This is not what I had in mind.  

Bobdunga talks about how he criticised her “content”.  This is another example of “gaslighting” according to Bobdunga.  WHAT ISN’T “GASLIGHTING”?

That’s basically it.  He also wouldn’t give her some stuff back after the relationship.  Were they gifts?  Who knows or cares?  I don’t need to fucking know this.  Keep this shit to yourself, Bobdunga.  Or share it with your therapist.

Was the guy crazy?  Maybe?  I don’t know.  Bobdunga definitely is.  So you potentially have two crazy people in a relationship.  I wonder why that didn’t work.

So people were apparently reading this shit and scratching their head.  “What exactly was the abuse again?”

So at a later date, she accused him of raping her.  Sort of?  I guess?  She doesn’t even know.  She was drinking and blacked out and then he later talked about all of the depraved stuff they did that night and how uncomfortable it made him feel that they did that.

Bobdunga had to call a rape crisis hotline to find out if this is actually rape.  They suggested that there might have been something put in her drink.  Cosby style.

That would make sense, I guess.  I’ve never been so drunk that I don’t remember dudes fucking me in the ass.

But why would he do this?  They’re in a relationship at this point.  If he wants to have sex with her, all he has to do is say, “Hey.  Want to have sex?”  She’s obviously receptive.  She keeps getting back with him even though, according to her, he’s abusive and forever “gaslighting” her.

So if we take all of Bobdunga’s comments at face value, he does sound like a creep.  But just stop going out with him.  It’s a bad relationship.  Who cares?  Move on.  Apparently, Bobdunga just couldn’t get enough of THIS:

And in case it has to be stated, THE MAN IS OBVIOUSLY A HOMOSEXUAL!  Watch those videos.  Those sure are some nice floral shirts you have there, big guy.  And the horn-rimmed glasses?  So sexy.  And he’s such an animated, creative guy.  OMG he’s fabulous in these skits.  And look at these thumbnails!  He always makes the cutest faces.  He’s a real mama’s boy.  And aw…look at that cat.  So cute.
Come on.  This is a young gay man struggling with his sexuality and that’s why he was expressing disinterest in Bobdunga.  He doesn’t know how heterosexual relationships are supposed to work.  Or any relationships.  He’s a confused guy.  Probably never been with a woman before.  Give him a break.
But instead, Bobdunga goes all over the internet FOR YEARS and accuses him of some fucking nebulous abuse and rape allegations.  Maybe he’s crazy.  I don’t fucking know.  But why shame him for that?  She should be sympathetic, being crazy herself.  
And in all of these Tweets that she makes, she complains about people defending him and not supporting her and this is more “gaslighting”.  
Maybe it’s not “gaslighting”.  Maybe there’s not a global conspiracy to downplay Bobdunga’s actual abuse.  Maybe people read everything that was said and decided, “Wait…maybe this guy is a little weird but this just sounds like a bad relationship.  Who gives a fuck?”
What was a hot chick like Bobdunga doing with this colossal nerd anyway?  I know she’s crazy but come on.  That doesn’t reduce her value in the dating market to zero.
When I’d see these cryptic tweets from Bobdunga about being “gaslighted”, I imagined big, muscular, sexy black dudes.  Not that fucking uber nerd.  What the fuck?  The whole thing is insane.  
The guy gave a fairly lengthy response to these allegations but you don’t even have to read it.  Even by Bobdunga’s own account, this was just a bad relationship.  
Bobdunga, get a job, get your mental health shit together, and I assure you that you can do better than this guy.  As long as you promise not to make fake “abuse” and rape allegations afterwards, I guess.  And if you want to talk about this guy, do so with your therapist.  Not on Twitter.  
This is despicable behaviour.  The guy wasn’t interested.  That doesn’t give you the right to throw these bizarre allegations around FOR YEARS.  And being mentally ill is no excuse.  #CancelBobdunga
By the way, she took the “#BlackLivesMatter” off of her Twitter handle now.  No longer interested.  Now it’s back to crazy, self-obsessed Bobdunga stuff.  Even her Black Lives Matter material was always framed about how it affects her.

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