Atari 7800 – 12 Must Play Games – John Riggs

Fucking nobody is uploading.  Pelvic Gamer recently uploaded after almost a month, only for it to be a re-upload of some other recent video.  What the fuck?  These people who play video games for a living (sort of…$100/month at the top end) can’t upload because of coronavirus.  It doesn’t make any sense.  They should be uploading MORE.  They have nothing else to do.  Not that they probably had any responsibilities before this quarantine either.

But you know who’s been consistently uploading throughout?  JOHN RIGGS!

He does a bunch of quick, competent, informative reviews of Atari 7800 games.

5:00 – He calls Grandpa from the Munsters “Gramps” a few times.  Is that right?

There are some Google hits for “munsters” “grandpa” and “gramps”.  Now that I think of it, maybe that’s what Eddie called him.

Shame on me for doubting John Riggs.  I haven’t seen The Munsters in probably…12 years.  Something like this.  Maybe longer.  It used to be on BBC2 at like 10:00 am.  They would just show random shit at this time.  It would be The Munsters and then an episode of Top Cat.  And then it would be some serious morning news program.  It was weird.

Then they replaced this Munsters/Top Cat hour with Cagney & Lacey.  Another odd choice.

Anyway, I wasn’t working or I wasn’t working every day so I enjoyed it.

So that’s the video.  There’s never much to say with John Riggs.  It’s not because he’s a guy, it’s because he makes competent, informative, interesting videos.

Let’s check out his Twitter.

He bought a TurboGrafx 16 recently and said, “Can’t wait to check this out.”  When he learns about emulation, it’s going to blow his mind.

Here’s one where he rages about spam:

Why do potential sponsors gotta lie about watching my channel? “we love your editing” -what editing?! “we watch your channel all the time, we offer a wide selection of music you can use.” I don’t use background music so you obviously don’t.

Well, I tried streaming for a bit on YouTube tonight. A few cool people and a ton of ‘hecklers’ talking shit about my friends. This is only on YouTube, I never get this when I stream on Twitch so there’s that.

Who do you suppose they were talking about John Hancock?  Metal Jesus?  There are a few mildly objectionable people who he associates with.

So somebody says, “That’s not right.  I hope you get mods” or something.  Your boy John Riggs agrees.  Fuck off.  People have a right to express their displeasure.  His solution is to ban them, which is the same solution that all of these nerds on the internet have.

A lot of Animal Crossing posts too.  Then he does a tweet attacking people who don’t like his Animal Crossing posts.

I enjoyed Animal Crossing.  I even bought a Gamecube just to play it.  But I don’t give a fuck about that shit any more.  Gamecube was the last console that I bought.  I’m an adult.  I still play games but just fucking PC games.  And I don’t care about the latest shit, I just play a handful of games for years on end.  Occasionally something new will enter the rotation.

I couldn’t imagine still buying consoles and shit at my age.  And John Riggs is a bit older than me.  I don’t know.  Maybe it’s a small distinction.  

4 thoughts on “

  1. I didn't mind that. James isn't an expert at the game but it seemed a tough area that kept dying on. And that noise that he made isn't overtly retarded. I was going to do a review of Mike Matei's recent TurboGrafx video because there were a bunch of games that he was really bad at because he didn't know what he was doing and he made some amusing comments both intentionally and unintentionally but…I'm not going to go back and watch that four hour video. And I actually did watch the whole video. It's perfectly possible when the person playing the game is competent and knowledgeable about games. With Erin, forget it.But yeah, there's probably some Cinemassacre stuff I could do. Or even just going back over “classic” stuff like OverAnalysers. The man talks about excrement in every single episode.

  2. “I didn't mind that. James isn't an expert at the game but it seemed a tough area that kept dying on. And that noise that he made isn't overtly retarded.”Interesting. Actually, I, as a lurker, couldn't help but think that “Calavera87” on CinemassacreTruth had a lot of common views with you, at least when it comes to James Rolfe. It seems that you aren't on the same page concerning this excerpt.”But yeah, there's probably some Cinemassacre stuff I could do. Or even just going back over “classic” stuff like OverAnalysers. The man talks about excrement in every single episode.”Last week I saw the latest Rental Reviews (thing that I haven't done in months): at 16:58. The good old James Rolfe absolutely fascinated by feces. It really deserves, as you know, its own topic.

  3. Yeah, I enjoyed Calavera's posts. Then he got angry at me because I dared to criticise his beloved “mac & cheese”. That Rental Reviews excerpt is disgusting. It's like that extended cat's anus monologue in the latest AVGN. Most everyone at CinemassacreTruth rages over Screenwave “making” James say this. No, this is 100% on point for James.

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