'No kissing': Amsterdam's red light district reopens after coronavirus shutdown

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/02/no-kissing-amsterdams-red-light-district-reopens-after-coronavirus-shutdown It’s an interesting article about how prostitutes in Amsterdam were hit hard by coronavirus.  Since a lot of them are immigrants, they went back to their native countries but now that they’re re-opening the Red Light District in Amsterdam,… Read more'No kissing': Amsterdam's red light district reopens after coronavirus shutdown

So many NES pick-ups, playing all the games and June Updates | Cannot be Tamed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1tjP9KGenA You know things are rough out there when I’m reviewing a Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining video.  Especially a 31 minute one. 0:00 – “Personally and channel-wise, June was a very uneventful month”. Oh god.  Over half an hour of boring… Read moreSo many NES pick-ups, playing all the games and June Updates | Cannot be Tamed