0:00 – Starts with a commercial for some company called Numbskull. He’s hawking their Star Wars sweaters. Uh huh.
I believe that Erin recently did a commercial for Numbskull. Let me check this out. Yeah, here we are:
“If you’re a fan of 90s 3d platformers, check this out!”
And it’s a video promoting some game and an affiliate link to Numbskull’s website.
The horndogs reply like this is something that Erin was just interested in talking about. Fucking morons.
Why is Erin promoting this game? She’s not interested in 90s 3d platformers. Or games of any decade, of any genre.
And why is John Riggs promoting hideous sweaters? Has the man ever worn a sweater in his life? His entire wardrobe seems to be comprised of t-shirts and flannel shirts.
But these people really want the pennies that Numbskull is giving them to promote their shit. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if they promote just for the product. So John Riggs did this 30 second commercial in exchange for that shitty sweater.
That piece of shit is $30, by the way.
1:00 – So he says that he 16 channels that he claims are going to be “big in 2021.” Okay.
I’ve spoiled myself by looking at the links in the description. These appear to be almost entirely dudes. Can that be right?
John Riggs did a similar video about the top retro gamers on Youtube. They were all women. But he said that this wasn’t his intention. He didn’t set out to do a video about the top 10 women retro gamers. He just wanted to do a video on the top retro gamers on Youtube and it just so happens that they were all women.
But in this video…well, maybe I’m wrong. A lot of these names are gender neutral. So let’s check it out.
1:30 – “Every once in a while, I get called out by people saying, ‘Oh, you’re just giving shoutouts to your friends.”
He then goes on to, effectively, admit to this. I won’t give his long, rambling answer. But effectively, he’s saying, “Yeah, that’s what this is.” So…we can all stop the video here if you’re interested in learning about 16 channels that John Riggs genuinely likes. But of course nobody gives a fuck about John Riggs’ opinions anyway.
3:15 – He was talking about some guy who he used to do videos on Twitch with and then he suddenly devours a candy cigarette in one bite. Is that even what he’s eating? Surely, they don’t sell candy cigarettes anymore. That shit was banned when I was a kid.
8:30 – SuperVideoGameGal. Finally. It’s been a sausage fest thus far of John Riggs’ close personal friends.
He just says that she likes Disney and she worked at Disney and she also plays video games. It’s true, I guess.
9:30 – The clip he chose to promote is her in her car saying, “So I just try to stay away from as many humans as possible.” This is the clip that John Riggs thinks is going to get people interested in her content? It’s completely insane.
12:45 – He’s using a bottle cap opener that says “Cannot Be Tamed” on it. And he’s doing so in such a manner that everyone can see that it says “Cannot Be Tamed”.
Is this something that he made himself? It’s clearly referring to Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining because it has her logo as well.
Just another example of horny John Riggs trying to get something going with the ladies through the awkward medium of homemade video game-related items. He’s done this with custom homebrew games in the past.
Has this ever worked? Not just with John Riggs but with anyone. Has anyone ever made a video game-related item for a woman that they’re interested in and this then lead to, say, a dinner in a modestly-priced restaurant? It’s impossible.
“Here’s this bottle opener with your Youtube logo on it. I really like you. Want to be my girlfriend?” It’s not happening.
And right after he opens this bottle of beer, he tells us a story about his daughter. This is just creepy. It’s a fucking married man with a daughter trying to get something going with a lesbian completely out of his league who is in a long-term beard relationship.
16:45 – He spends the entire “review” of this one guy just talking about how old he is. What an asshole.
So that’s the video. All dudes except for SuperVideoGameGal. What gives? There aren’t any good gamer grrl channels out there? I refuse to believe that.
if this john riggs individual ever gets enough money, the first thing he'll do is start a porn company. and we know exactly who he'll rush to for its premier
John Riggs porn…I'm oddly intrigued.