Grungy Green Eye tutorial | Kaleidos Futurism 1 Sci-fi Greens and Cheekbone Beauty | Cosmetic DLC – Cannot Be Tamed

It was a choice between this makeup tutorial or a new series where Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining recommends XBox games.  Or something.  I think that I made the right choice.

0:30 – “I’m going to use some more newer makeup, all from Cheek Bone Beauty, which is a Canadian indigenous-owned brand.

At first I was going to make a joke about how makeup production isn’t a traditional American Indian craft.  But I suppose it is.  War paint and all that.

So here’s the “about” page.

It talks about the founder and there’s a picture of two white women and a black woman. 

So I’m thinking, “Wait a minute.   These aren’t American Indians.”

No, she’s hidden on a different page.

Ummm…I guess so.  And she’s wearing a jeans shirt.  That checks out.  Indigenous people do enjoy jean shirts.

But this doesn’t explain these two white women and a black woman.  They also appear in the “contact” page together with this founder.  So…I mean…are these other women also claiming to be American Indians?  I’d like to see some 23 and Me results.  

0:45 – Jump scare

By the way, this is really hard to watch.  Putting makeup on her eyelids and whatnot.  

I’m reminded of these buffoons I used to see doing their makeup on the train.  Do that shit at home, you fucking imbecile.  And the fucking nauseating smell of this makeup.  

Similarly, there used to be a website called Women Eating on the Underground or something.   It got shutdown for “sexism” but it’s true that it was usually women who eat on the train.  But there was one time when I saw a guy eating fucking corn on the cob on the train.  I mean, come on.

10:00 – Then she shows off that makeup again.  “As I mentioned, Cheekbone is a Canadian indigenous company.  They use part of their profits from every sale to go back into the community and supporting indigenous youth.  They also aim to be full sustainable fairly soon and a lot of their products right now are fully recyclable “

Oh.  Great.

I’m just not buying it.  This is a marketing gimmick.  Three of the four women who seem to own this company are clearly not American Indians.  

Let’s see some company records about how much money they’re actually giving to indigenous causes and what percent this is of their profits.  

“One thing I really loved is that when I got my product, it comes with a thank you card that has flower seeds so you can actually plant the thank you card and it will grow flowers.  I’ll try to put a shot of my little seedlings that are growing right now.”

It’s more marketing.  “Oh, I feel so good about my consumerism.”  

She goes on about recycling some more further in the video.  I’ve never recycled in my adult life.  Not once.  

Consumer recycling is a drop in the ocean.  It’s corporations who need to institute recycling programmes.  And countries.  Me pawing through my garbage to look for recyclable material isn’t going to do anything.  Even if everybody on earth did this, which isn’t going to happen, of course, it’s not going to do anything.  The biggest polluters, by far, are corporations.

But Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining likes to feel that she’s doing her part.  That’s what it’s all about.  Making people feel good about themselves.  “I’m doing my part!”  Meanwhile, Saudi Aramco just released another billion tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.

– “Great video, my wife loved it”

Uh huh.  So why didn’t she comment?

Oh my god.  Good taste prevents me from linking to it but check out that guy’s wedding video.  He’s wearing red suspenders and a red bow tie.  No jacket.  And it’s out the in the woods.  Some fat old Wiccan woman is conducting the ceremony.  His overweight wife is wearing some kind of red dress.  Oh, and he has those earlobe stretchers.

It’s always nice when a couple of douchebags find each other.

This will be my last post for a week or two, by the way.

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