What 4Chan Thinks of the GamerGrrls Blog and TheCinemassacreTruth Subreddit


Feel free to do your own searches.


Somebody posted the above. It’s a quote from one of my articles. So somebody else replies with, “based jocorobo.” JocoRobo was a name I used on Reddit.

Here’s another one:


Same comment. “based jocorobo”. Based, if you’re unaware with the youth vernacular of today, means somebody who isn’t afraid to tell the truth even if said truth is unpopular.

  • “Anyone have a link to Jocorobo’s blog where he writes daily essays on Erin Plays videos?”

Somebody provides the link. Somebody else replies with “Jocorobo is based.”

There’s a pattern here. But it’s at least two people writing this because this second guy is using capitalisation.

Somebody posts a comment that ISN’T mine and says, “is that based jocorobo?”

  • “ERIN CHADS…. /our girl/ hasn’t uploaded in quite a while…. i’m WORRIED bros…”

Somebody replies with, “JOCOROBO BROS… we won!”

Somebody posts the following quote from an article I wrote:


Somebody else replies, “based jocorobo”

Somebody posts my banner art from the blog. Somebody else says “kino”. “Kino” is a term that means “epic” or “grand”. They’re praising the high calibre of the art.

Then somebody says, “the truther trannies took over his subreddit and wiped it clean”

This is a reference to some obsessed gay man registering my GamerGrrls sub-reddit, which was long abandoned, and didn’t have any content on it because Madam Fomo filed false copyright strikes on everything. So I didn’t even care.

But somebody replies, “i love jocorobo for causing so much seethe”

Somebody links to the GamerGrrls sub, before this gay man took it over, and all the articles were just removed because of Madam Fomo, as explained above. He says, “Talking shit about e-girls is forbidden”. All of the articles had “removed by Reddit” on them.

So somebody replies, “GamerGrrls blog is based He’s a 40 year old man that bangs cute black girls and he gets mad if you comment ‘sneed'”

Somebody says of Erin, “she’s already given up” in reference to her making very few Youtube videos nowadays.

Somebody replies, “I love reading the gamergrrls blogs about her videos but I’ve never actually watched one.”

Somebody links to my posts about The OverAnalyzers and excrement. These articles:



Somebody replies, “BASED.”

These comments all span 2020 to 2022. Here’s a thread from a few weeks ago when people were concerned that the blog got shut down:

  • “shame”
  • “NOOOOOO. I only have a few screenshots. god I fucking hate reddit”
  • “Wait, this is vaguely familiar. Wtf happened”

Somebody posts another screenshot of an article I wrote:


People theorise why the blog was shut down.

  • truther trannies got so upset they got his blog removed
  • hate those faggots

So somebody says, “Wrong. He closed it himself and moved it to wordpress.”

  • “Do you know why?”
  • “Something about not liking the comment section on his old blog or something.”

It’s true. The comment system on WordPress is leagues better. There’s an obsessed, homosexual, retarded, mentally ill, hillbilly from Reddit who has sent me thousands of death and rape threats on the blog. This is why I moved the blog. But now it’s bliss. All of his shit goes straight to the trash. I don’t even see it. I know that he’s still posting this shit because I see the trash count go up but I never even have to look at it. The filter system is great.

So I got all of this from search terms like “jocorobo” and “gamergrrls” and “gamergrrlsofficial”. Overwhelmingly positive. Yeah, there were a couple of minor rebukes saying that I have too much time on my hands and I’m autistic but those were outliers. And even those comments aren’t really insulting. “Hey, this guy is putting too much effort into this.” Who cares? It’s kind of a compliment.

The vast, vast majority of the comments were positive. People love the blog.

So now let’s search for “cinemassacretruth”.

Ummm…I’m not sure that I should post these comments.

A lot of references to the people there being homosexuals.

Very hostile comments to the people who post there.

Oh, here’s one that I can post.

  • “I love watching confused mentally ill wrecks post their problems for the public to see. That said, you CinemassacreTruth guys are pathetic. I cannot imagine basing a significant amount of your personality on sperging because someone is too busy to make videos for you to consoom. Amazing combination of entitlement and autism.”

By the way, when they’re talking about “CinemassacreTruth” they’re actually talking about TheCinemassacreTruth. Not my sub which is called “CinemassacreTruth”.

  • “oh boy its r/cinemassacretruth again”

He’s being sarcastic. He doesn’t like the sub. And again, he’s talking about THECinemassacreTruth.

  • “All the most melodramatic negativity is literally cinemassacretruth tourists. Back when James threads started picking up after TGWTG imploded it was good-natured mockery of the channel with lots of OC. Then around like 2019 when the that community picked up in popularity the threads here started to get less funny and original and more just low-energy and bitchy and using the same crappy memes from there like “bimmy” over and over again.”

Yeah. This is what normal people think of the sub.

Somebody left a Youtube comment recently suggesting that TheCinemassacreTruth is like QAnon. It’s true. That place welcomes clearly insane people and it fosters an increasingly unhealthy, dangerous environment. See for example that guy who stalked Kieran with messages about his deceased father, that guy who left angry, aggressive voice mails on Screenwave’s answering machines, and this lunatic who sends me rape and death threats every day for over a year. This behaviour is all welcomed and encouraged there.

And for what? You don’t like the Youtube videos? So don’t fucking watch them. Yeah, they’re bad. The videos are bad. If you want to write about how bad they are, okay. But you don’t have to start stalking people over this. You don’t have to repeat the same three unfunny “memes” like a mental patient. You don’t have to keep making catty comments about people’s appearance.

  • “Cinemassacretruth losers back to their old autistic games but with RLM”
  • “It’s an ESL permavirgin from /r/Cinemassacretruth tries to be funny and fails miserably just like does in real life and then sits in his filth hating himself but acting like he doesn’t while being a friendless loser that deep down knows he is going to die unloved and alone thread”
  • “You’re a (mentally-challenged) (homosexual slur) and the only “drama behind the scenes” is made up by you and the other /r/Cinemassacretruth truth (mental health slur). You are as transparent as you are a fucking (mentally challenged) (racial slur). I suggest you (harm yourself).”

I had to censor that last one.

  • “It’s /r/Cinemassacretruth losers that are far bigger losers than him and even the lardgolems he works for. They are unironically the most pathetic people on the internet.”

I think that we get the picture. By the way, I wasn’t cherry picking. The comments were almost 100% negative in regards to TheCinemassacreTruth. Extremely negative.

Let me search for “TheCinemassacreTruth”.

Much the same. Oh, somebody posted something that I wrote:


And the guy says, “Reminder this is how r/TheCinemassacreTruth came to be”

It’s true. That’s the origin of TheCinemassacreTruth.

So let’s get into some specifics in regards to this homosexual stuff. The guy who took my GamerGrrls sub is called “icem6n”. This guy also aggressively advertised my CinemassacreTruth sub when I started it. He was complaining about it. He was always reporting comments and trying to get it taken down. He constantly tries to get me banned. He started a harassment forum where him and some other obsessed mentally ill people just talk about me (including that deranged hillbilly who sends me death and rape threats).

Here’s the thing. Icem6n is openly gay. It’s not a secret. He’ll tell you.

And there’s nothing wrong with this. I don’t care that he’s gay. I don’t care that anybody on TheCinemassacreTruth is gay or transgender or whatever.

My issue is the harassment. And a lot of the harassment is clearly gay. They’ll make Photoshopped pictures of James and Mike and the Screenwave crew to look like women, for example. This is a very common thing that happens there. Or they’ll make “memes” commenting on how people are overweight or bald or whatever. These are the sort of things that catty gay men do.

So when I say, “Hey, this harassment is…frankly…gay” these people get offended by this. Why? What I’m saying is accurate.

And some of the people doing this stuff are OPENLY gay. Why would they be offended?

It’s like if I went to a sub-reddit that had gay porn on it. And I said, “What the fuck? This shit is pretty gay.”

Nobody would be offended. They’d just be confused. “Of course it’s gay. We’re gay men. We like looking at naked men. What’s wrong with you?”

Why don’t I get the same reaction when I point out the obvious homosexual nature of TheCinemassacreTruth?

Look at these comments from 4Chan. These are normal people making normal observations about the sub-reddit and they’ve reached the exact same conclusion that I have: the people there are gay. They’re doing gay stuff.

Cool. They’re gay. That’s fine. Just admit it. Admit that what you’re doing is: a) gay and; b) harassment. That’s all I ask. And it’s blindingly obvious that this is what’s happening there.

There was a guy who posted there recently. He said something like, “Hey. Long time lurker. First time poster. I really like what you’re doing here” and then he posted some stupid “meme” bullshit about James not having time or whatnot.

So I clicked this guy’s posting history and there were pictures of him with his cock out and he had some deeply unpleasant man boobs. He was transgender.

I mean…okay. You do you. But can we just acknowledge that this is a sub-reddit for gay and/or transgender men to do harassing bullshit? This is how the subreddit was founded and this is how it’s been all through its history.

It was never about having an uncensored place to talk about Cinemassacre. First of all that place is MASSIVELY censored. But no, the sub was started because a handful of gay men wanted to talk about Mike Matei’s penis. That’s it. That’s the genesis of the sub. And it was started by a transgender high school boy.

There’s literally a picture of Mike’s penis on the sidebar of the sub.

There’s literally a picture of the Screenwave crew as The Village People on the sidebar.

Many of the people who post there are openly gay. Many of the people who post there post stuff that is clearly gay.

Can we not just state the obvious? TheCinemassacreTruth exists for homoerotic harassment. Everybody knows it. Any non-mentally ill person who stumbles upon that forum will reach the exact same conclusion. Look at the responses on 4Chan.

Again, I want to stress that I have absolutely no problem with people being gay. But come out of the closet, TheCinemassacreTruth. Be proud of what you are: a homoerotic harassment board.

1 thought on “What 4Chan Thinks of the GamerGrrls Blog and TheCinemassacreTruth Subreddit

  1. lmao I remember posting that post about cute black girls and sneed. That was ages ago though, pretty funny how you found it.

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