GET IN HERE, I WANNA TALK – Bobdunga aka Ray Mona

I’m three minutes in and losing the will to live. She’s just talking about how she’s Canadian. Okay, great. Your passport is different from my passport. We get it. Move on.

Nationalism: the last refuge for people who have absolutely nothing to talk about.

Oh fuck. This isn’t ending. Fuck Canada. Talk about something interesting.

Who was that person who guessed what state people were from. Oh. That was Horseface. Why doesn’t Horseface stream any more? Well, I suppose because she had absolutely nothing to talk about. But people would still watch.

I’d like to see somebody stream and actually have something to talk about. Something semi-intelligent. Not fucking cartoons or whatever. Let’s hear Saint Dungalous’ view on Jewish control of the media.

I’m 16 minutes in and she’s still talking about cartoons.

This is awful. This is the worst thing ever.

17:00 – A horntard asks her if she’s been playing any games. No. “I just haven’t had any time.” James Rolfe over here.

She was busy in May because she started “acting and voice acting on the side.” Uh huh.

She went to an audition for some video game shit and didn’t get it. She talks about her agent. She’s really going Hollywood here.

Dungalous, get a fucking job. This is ridiculous. You’re 35 years old and living with your mother. Still chasing these ridiculous pipe dreams.

Twenty minutes in. Fuck this shit. Come on. Why am I still watching this? It’s not going to get better.


Fucking cartoons. How old are these people? Sitting around with stool in their diapers typing this shit out?

Mike was talking about cartoons in a recent stream. He was talking about his favourite Goofy cartoons from the 1940s. The one where he goes golfing or some shit. I mean, come on. Update your references.

And those cartoons aren’t good. They’re all terrible. Those old fucking Disney shorts are all shit. Even as a kid, I didn’t get it. I’d watch them but they were never funny. Are they even supposed to be funny? I think that they are. There’s a lot of slapstick stuff, if I recall. Let me look this up. Goofy playing golf…

Have to go to Facebook for this shit. Youtube only had a clip.

Well, I’ve watched it. I don’t recall having seen that before. If that’s the best Goofy cartoon, my position stands. There’s maybe a charm to the old cartoons. The animation is good. But none of it is funny. None of it is clever. Why would I, as an adult, want to watch this? I didn’t even like it as a kid.

Mickey Mouse was the worst. That shit’s for three year olds. Donald Duck at least had something of an edge to him. Relatively-speaking. But Mickey Mouse was a pussy through and through. I don’t want to watch that.

Mike was talking about how those Car of Tomorrow/House of Tomorrow cartoons were good. The ones where, “And the mother-in-law” jokes were always used. Those were probably the best. I remember watching those many times. But they weren’t funny, certainly. They were just interesting. What do I care about mother-in-law jokes as a nine year old? I don’t think that I even understood the concept. And watching it now…where’s the comedy? Mother-in-law jokes are obviously old-fashioned but were they contemporary at the time or were they old-fashioned even then?

I liked the one with that little father and son car too.

Wow. Big tits on that nurse. Was in the version that they showed on tv? How did I miss that?

Pretty disturbing that this car has a human buttocks as well.

The hot rod races past some people waiting at a bus, taking their pants/skirts with him. One of the people is a hot chick. This is supposed to be sexy that we see her legs.

Anyway, where was I going with this. Oh yeah. Fuck Bobdunga.

4 thoughts on “GET IN HERE, I WANNA TALK – Bobdunga aka Ray Mona

  1. Finally reading the blog without the VPN pointing to Argentina. I am in Malaysia now.

    This video is actually a new low. She didn’t even bother about the noise or the god awful framing. I watched it for literally 5 seconds and I could not bear it anymore.

    “I’d like to see somebody stream and actually have something to talk about. Something semi-intelligent.”

    Yeah, well, all those YouTubers are gone. The platform itself is increasingly becoming more like Facebook, where all you see are click baits.

    Those semi-intelligent people moved on with their lives, as any semi-intelligent people would do. And all we have now are those producing this shit.

    During my travels I see that a lot of old couples take vacations to these places in the hopes of resting, seeing new locations and maybe even reconnect with each other. But all they do is sit in a restaurant (expensive of course) order drinks and stare at the infinite… Or at their phones. No interaction. They are paying huge amounts of money to do what they always do at home. There is nothing else to talk about. And you see those empty shells or people just trying to get by…
    That is the status of YouTube today.

    1. Yeah, I guess. It’s a skill to have a conversation. A skill that has to be exercised.

      These Youtubers don’t seem to have it. And these are professional “entertainers”. “I’m going to turn my webcam on and talk about cartoons for two hours?” That doesn’t cut it.

      I find Mike Matei engaging, though.

  2. Any and all videos that are titled “Guys we need to talk about …” or similar retarded variants are guaranteed to be idiotic wastes of time. In that fucking phrasing. We need to talk. What? Why? Who is we? Talk about what? I just want to watch some goddamn tv!

  3. Oh she wants to talk? Here I thought she was interested for once in doing something besides running her fucking mouth nonstop like she usually does.

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