I Don’t Know James Rolfe – Folding Ideas

I watched the first 30 minutes and then fell asleep. So I’ll resume from there. It’s a guy talking about how he doesn’t care much for James Rolfe. He mentioned the same stupid bullshit about hanging lights from the ceiling and whatnot that the fags on Reddit constantly talk about.

WHO CARES ABOUT THE FUCKING LIGHTS? He can mount them up his ass for all I care. It’s irrelevant. If you’re some video nerd I can maybe see caring about this, but are the faggots on Reddit all video nerds?

Speaking of Reddit, on TheCinemassacreTruth, the moderators will always pin new videos about Cinemassacre. They didn’t pin this one. And they’re doing their usual heavy censorship against anyone who dares to say, “Maybe this guy has a point.” Because apparently, later in the video, this guy starts talking about what a bunch of fucking no-life losers the boys on TheCinemsassacreTruth are.

Oh, I just remembered something. This guy talks about how James wasn’t the first person to come up with angry reviews. He cites some GameSpot (or something, I don’t remember the name of that site) print review and also Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade is to show that foul-mouthed video game content already existed when James Rolfe started with AVGN. I found it kind of interesting and true.

So I’m starting at 29:00. He’s talking about the book. He doesn’t much care for it.

42:00 – He starts building a mount for the camera like James has on his ceiling or whatever. It’s just beyond me why anybody cares about this.

His talking about the book raised some good points, though, about James’ complete lack of accountability, lack of insight, and treating his childhood “movies” the same as he treats The AVGN Movie. There was also a good point about how James took over his class for some assignment in college instead of just following the instructions and even today sees this as the right decision.

49:45 – He starts talking about the homos on TheCinemassacreTruth.

51:00 – Mike’s penis.

He’s calling the fags on TheCinemassacreTruth “fatphobic and mysonistic.” Yeah. And gay. I think it needs to be pointed out because it explains the bizarre behaviour from these people. They’re catty, gay men.

57:45 – This guy is focusing largely on the idea that the fags on TheCinemassacreTruth attack James’ wife. They do this but I don’t think it’s the main thing. The main thing is attacking Screenwave (who haven’t been on the channel for years) for being fat, their fondness for Mike’s penis, and just the appearance of men in general. James’ hair, the way he walks, Photoshopping him to look “sexy” and so on. IT’S GAY. It’s all gay. That’s the motivation behind all of this. These are gay men.

I’ve had a lot of people from there OPENLY tell me that they’re gay. Or you can spend two seconds looking at their profile and see that they’re gay. This is not me being insulting. This is reality. This is the reason why this all happens. Catty, gay men. That’s what the sub is about and it’s what it’s always been about.

But you can’t say this, I guess. You can’t attack a group of gay for behaving poorly. So just ignore that they’re gay.

No. It’s critical to understanding what goes on there.

Many years ago, I read a book called The Pink Swastika. It was written by a couple of right-wing Jesus nuts and the book is not well-received in academic circles but they still made some good points.

People talk about how the Nazis persecuted homosexuals. It’s a certain type of homosexuality that they were opposed to. Because many of the high-ranking Nazis were gay. The Brownshirts were an openly homosexual organisation. It’s not a secret. The ideology is gay. It’s about men imposing their will on other men.

You look at all the shit they did in the Hitler Youth. There was a big emphasis on sports. Sports are extremely gay. Again, it’s men imposing their will on other men. While wearing little shorts and tackling each other.

The Nazis and fascists in general LIKE that stuff. They like “masculine” homosexuals. What they don’t like are effeminite homosexuals. The limp-wristed types flouncing about. Those were the people who the Nazis persecuted.

I don’t want to get into a whole thing here but by contrast, communism holds no appeal for homosexuals. And how many homosexuals were there in Soviet times? Zero. Not because there was any persecution but because homosexuality is a symptom of a diseased society. If people have everything that they need, they won’t want to fuck other dudes in the ass and impose their will on them.

Gay pride parades and all of that shit only began in these former Soviet countries after the fall of communism. The countries with the greatest inequality have the highest proportion of homosexuals. Inequality breeds deviancy.

This is what we see on TheCinemassacreTruth. They’re gay men attacking the idea of effeminite homosexuality. Gay Nazis, if you’ll forgive the almost redundancy of the term. This is why they’re obsessed with Photoshopping James Rolfe and the Screenwave crew to look like women and they hate the idea that James Rolfe is married. They’re mocking him and his heterosexual behaviour. They want James Rolfe to join them in their fucking faggot ass bullshit. They want to impose their will on James Rolfe’s ass. You see it in everything they do. These are gay men taking their frustrations out on James Rolfe.

59:00 – The “5:40” “meme” that gets beaten into the ground.

1:01:15 – This guy says that he doesn’t even think that AVGN has declined. This is where he totally lost me. I’m not saying that AVGN were amazing works of art but it clearly hit the toilet when Screenwave got involved.

Then the video ends with an unspired AVGN parody.

Anyway, the boys at TheCinemassacreTruth are really crying over this video. Well, go to the leather bar and talk to your friends about it. Maybe they’ll piss on you in a public park if you ask them nicely.

23 thoughts on “I Don’t Know James Rolfe – Folding Ideas

      1. It’s all about that delicious free speech here. If you can refute anything that I’ve said, I welcome it. If it’s as preposterous as you’re suggesting, it should be easy to refute.

        Ad hominin attacks don’t advance the discussion.

          1. The guy who copy and pasted this Wikipedia link is the same guy who wrote ““Gamer Girls” is clearly a self hating closeted homosexual with antisemitic beliefs.”

            You have to do a lot better than Wikipedia. And I don’t even think that you read that article because it backs up the claims as much as it tries to refute them.

            If you’ve got nothing, just say that you’ve got nothing. I don’t give a fuck. If you’re incapable of any intellectual discourse, it’s fine. You’re not going to win arguments with Wikipedia links and calling people names. That’s not this works.

            And it’s not even about winning arguments. I’m looking for the truth here. I strongly suspect that fascism is a homosexual ideology. Maybe I’m wrong. Who gives a shit, frankly? Do you care? How often are you sitting at home thinking about political theory as it pertains to sexuality?

            If you’re not equiped to have a semi-intelligent discussion, it’s fine. Do something else. Take your Wikipedia links and shove them up your ass.

          2. Whatever dude you constantly say homohobic and antisemitic bullshit, spout your rubbish on quota if you want someone to break down your logical fallicies

    1. James Rolfe isn’t going to fuck you dude. I don’t know what you were attempting here besides immediately eating shit publicly. You’re implying being homophobic is a bad thing. As in, you’re admitting how gay you yourself must be. Well done?….

  1. thank goodness that review video didn’t broach the band (whose name I forgot) at all . it seems to have died away some time ago, maybe because that was an extremely unfortunate decision and hopefully it’s over now. at least the autobiography and the movie are amusing enough to poke fun at. heck, I also enjoyed the reviews and critique about the “podcast” and the overnalysers stint. if there is anything left to go over from those days, I’d be glad to read about it.

    1. He did discuss Rex Viper in passing. He said something like the only person who’s interested in the band is James.

      Those were a glorious seven episodes of the podcast or whatever it was. I didn’t even review them all. It became unwatchable. But I thought those days would last forever.

    1. Gamer Girls is a cosmopolitan, erudite, world weary traveler and a shining example of a totally masculine, shining example of macho heterosexuality that is superior to any homosexual

      1. I edited your name. Isn’t it sufficient that I unbanned you a while ago? You still post this brainless shit.

        This isn’t GarbageStabber, by the way, it’s some other idiot from Reddit.

  2. Look, I don’t know you but contextually I will presume that you’re a over 30 yo male. As another over 30 yo male I can’t tell you what it is that’s made you this bitter (butthurt we’d call it back in the day).
    But as someone who spent their 20’s as a loveless edgelord, and is trying to better himself even in my senior days, I can tell you that I am much happier now. I have friends, I have community, and I love myself for the first time in my whole life.
    This video isn’t about AVGN. It’s about giving up on your dreams of yore, it’s about accepting mediocrity, and being ok with not making it.
    Sorry you can’t see it now, but I hope one day you will.

    1. Oh, yeah. Wow. You sound very grounded and like a normal human being with lots of productive things to do with their time.

      Get off your shine box, dude.

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