My First Vintage Pokémon Card Opening! – Retro Ali

0:00 – Retro Ali is with some guy but…we don’t see anyone. All we see is their hands. Because Retro Ali is really self-conscious after gaining 50 pounds.

This is fucking pathetic. Who’s watching this? Who’s watching a fat chick and some random guy opening Pokemon cards? Does she honestly think that this is entertainment?

0:45 – Then we don’t even see them opening the cards but Retro Ali just starts screaming like a fucking chimp. What is going on?

These two buffoons are represented by static drawings in the corner of the screen, by the way.

1:30 – Then there’s vintage footage of a slim Retro Ali screaming for some reason. She just wants to remind you that she wasn’t always 50 pounds overweight. But she doesn’t want to actually eat right and exercise to get back down to that weight. That would require effort.

2:00 – She’s screaming at some more cards. I don’t know why.

3:15 – She starts screaming again.

Guess what, you dumb bitch? I’m done.

There’s a “good” card in every fucking pack. You don’t know this? Why is this so fucking exciting to you?

309 views after three days. No comments. The only comment is hers, “please turn down your volume to watch this video… sorry LMAO”.

No. Nobody wants to watch this utter trash. These fucking “reaction” videos that she tried to make a living off of. Fucking piece of shit JOHN RIGGS actually recommended Retro Ali as one of the best video game channels EVER. No qualifications. He didn’t say, “Best women-run channels.” He just made a video declaring the ten best channels about video games. They all just happened to be women.

What a disingenuous piece of shit. Did he have sex with ANY of those women after he made that video? Let me see if that article is on the blog. It was from years ago.

No. I see references to it in other articles but not the article itself. I don’t even see it in in my personal archive of my Reddit posts from years ago.

Well, it was dumb. And Retro Ali is the worst fucking channel I have ever seen. It’s not enjoyable on any level. And it’s only gotten worse. An anime avatar? Just fucking lose weight, you dumb bitch.

Nobody is watching this trash. Her channel is completely done. What’s with this quarter-assed attempt to revive her channel?

Let’s look at her Twitter. You want to guess what she’s writing about? I’ll guess Pokemon and advertising her Twitch streams.

Yeah. It was exactly that. She could not be interesting to save her miserable life.

“Here’s me with some guy!” Who’s the guy? We don’t know. We just see his hands. We’re supposed to know. We’re supposed to know who “d20zee” is. You guys all know d20zee, right?

He has 26 followers on Twitter. We’re supposed to know this guy. No introduction needed.

Is that him? The non-Asian guy, I mean. The giant fucking nerd next to fatass Retro Ali.

So I assume that this is her boyfriend. Why not just say that? “My boyfriend is here. He’s going to help me look at these Pokemon cards while I scream like a fucking jackass.”

Here’s a video where he’s with fatass Retro Ali. So it must be her boyfriend.

I don’t know. Could Retro Ali do better? She’s dumb as a sack of hammers. She’s annoying. She’s fat. She works at Disney World. She has no redeeming qualities.

So when you put it into perspective, I’m surprised that she managed to find ANYONE.

The question then becomes could that guy do any better? God. It has to be no. A giant fucking nerd talking about RPGs? And I think it’s tabletop RPGs.

No. These are two bottom feeders who are so far down the depths of the ocean that they’ve lost their sense of sight. They’re both lucky to have found ANYBODY.

This is from their joint channel. There’s only one video. This one. It was uploaded six months ago and has 99 views. They’re just reading…I don’t even know…questions submitted by giant nerds about RPGs.

Absolutely unwatchable video. But at least we finally get some insight into Retro Ali’s life. She’s fat and her boyfriend is a giant nerd. Like ENORMOUS. Not in stature but in…whatever.

2 thoughts on “My First Vintage Pokémon Card Opening! – Retro Ali

  1. I’d piss myself if this guy was in the friend zone and was just doing this shit to try and get a piece. Only to be repeatedly denied.

    1. Yeah, I hadn’t considered that. Does he work at Disney World too? He’s obviously known her for at least six months. He goes to her place, I assume, or she goes to his place. She’s never mentioned him before but she doesn’t ever say anything about her life either in her videos or on Twitter. I don’t know. Hopefully he’s slipping his Miraidon into her tedious ass every night.

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