Hunting For The Priciest Games At Game On Expo ’24 – John Riggs

He’s at one of the 200 nerd conventions that he goes to every year while his long-suffering wife stays with their deeply troubled children.

If he doesn’t eat in this video, I’ll be very disappointed. Lately, he’s not been including what he eats at these nerd conventions. That’s the only reason that I watch them.

0:00 – He’s in Arizona. He has a booth or something. He’s going to be there for all three days of the convention.

He’s looking for the most expensive item. In the previous video that I watched, the gimmick was that he looking for the strangest item. Or something. We don’t need the gimmicks, John Riggs. We just want to see you stuffing your fat face. At least that’s what I want.

3:15 – Some giant nerd with a video recording setup…or something…that he has attached to himself. Ever hear of a smart phone?

I was watching a documentary year ago with my roommate about some guy who collected vintage pornography. And he’s showing like some stereoscopic pornography reels. And my roommate said, “Has he never heard of DVDs?”

5:00 – He’s watching some nerd novelty band. God, it’s so embarassing. Who goes to these things?

5:45 – Footage of Patricia Summerset’s birthday. You guys all know Patricia Summerset, right?

Canadian actress known for voicing Princess Zelda. Oh, of course. How silly of me.

Wait a minute. Wikipedia says that she’s Canadian but she was born in Michigan. It says that she grew up in Michigan. Surely, she’s an American.

I was looking at a map of countries that give citizenship based on birth. They’re almost all in North and South America. Like if you’re born in the US, you’re entitled to American citizenship but if you’re born in France, you’re not entitled to French citizenship.

It all goes back to colonial days when the new countries needed new citizens and didn’t want people born there to be citizens of, whatever, Portugal, for example.

Anyway, then John Riggs sings Happy Birthday to this ZZZ-list celebrity along with the other nerds and it’s embarassing.

14:00 – Some nerd is cosplaying as a gay biker.

14:15 – Nice perm from the nerd behind the counter.

Then John Riggs says some weird shit to like a 13 year old girl who I guess is the daughter of this gay biker.

So that’s the video. John Riggs didn’t eat a single thing. It’s really disappointing.

People in the comments are all talking about how this shit was overpriced. They question why anybody would buy games anyway due to emulation.

I mean, that’s been the case for like 25 years. People are obviously still buying them. And I don’t think that they’re buying them to play. Why would they? You can download every game. But it’s, I don’t know, just decorative at this point. You can impress nerds and repel women with your shelves of video games.

I suppose it’s similar to collecting commemorative plates or something. You don’t use the plate to eat off of, it’s purely decorative. Although, I’m pretty sure that commemorative plates aren’t worth anything. So it’s a poor investment if you were sending all of your money to the Franklin Mint. I suspect that video game collecting will see a similar fate.

The price of commemorative plates dropped off because the people who bought that shit all died. Who today is interested in commemorative plates?

It will be the same with video game shit. Who under 30 is remotely interested in paying $500 for some fucking Nintendo game?

3 thoughts on “Hunting For The Priciest Games At Game On Expo ’24 – John Riggs

  1. None of this shit. Games, played, baseball cards, comic books have any real value. It’s just bought to make the person feel content. That’s fine. I’m sure lots of grammas 50 years ago loved those Apollo 11 plate sets but yeah, it’s all a waste of money. I inherited a set of antique plates from 100+ years ago and some diamond rings but I can’t sell them. It’s weird to do that since it belonged to family. That you knew. Why just give me money in an envelope before they die? Fuck the tax man! So they will get passed on to someone else until they can be sold for $50 decades from now. Which by then will be enough to buy a Big Mac probably.

    1. At least the plates and rings don’t take up much space. Imagine inheriting shelves of plastic.

      I inherited an antique gun that isn’t even legal in the US. What the fuck am I going to do with this? How am I going to get it to the UK? So basically, I inherited nothing.

      It was just one day, I was looking for some German WWII plaque that my grandfather somehow acquired and couldn’t find it. It was cool. It was some kind of metal plaque depicting a German soldier and there was a flag and it had a wooden frame. So my mother told me that she gave it my sister, my other sister got some big old silver tea…thing, and I got this fucking gun that isn’t even legal in the US. Gee, thanks.

      You think that I could have been fucking consulted? And what does my sister want with this fucking Nazi plaque? Give her this highly dubious gun.

      1. The diamonds and gold could make it worth something. I always say if society collapses I can sell it then without much guilt but then if that happens what is money even going to be worth? The great grandkids will enjoy the money it’s worth.

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