Schlock And Awe Films hotel room stream – Newt Wallen

It’s Newt, this crack addict, and later PVC Bondage Guy joins them. They’re in Ohio for some nerd convention.

What’s the job situation like in the US now? Because no fucking way would I be able to take days off from work to attend nerd conventions when I was working there. I was sick so stayed home for one day and when I went back, I got some kind of demerits because I took a “sick day” instead of a “personal day”. Because I was working there for less than six months, I didn’t have any “sick days”. But I had like three “personal days”. So I said, “Can you just make it a personal day then?” No. Because I called in and said that I was sick, it was down as a sick day and couldn’t be changed and I got some fucking demerit for it.

I’m not sure if the concept of “sick days” exists in the UK. I don’t think it does. If you’re sick, you just stay home. There’s no limit to how many you can use. I’ve worked in some real shitholes in the UK but I never worked anywhere that gave you “demerits”. I never worked anywhere that threatened to fire you if you were sick or were wearing the wrong colour socks or any of this shit that I did experience, on a regular basis, in the US.

But now I don’t know. Because the crack addict is just a prostitute. She can take whatever days off. She’s her own boss, I guess. Well, maybe she has a pimp. And MAYBE Newt can get some leeway on days off because he’s in middle management.

But PVC Bondage Guy? Working in a bowling alley? How can she take days off to go to a nerd convention? And on a weekend? Saturday is surely the busiest day down at the bowling alley.

Wow. The bowling alley I went to as a kid still exists. I’m astonished. Good reviews on Google. Still seems to be a happening place for young and old. They have a bar there. You can get pizza. Parties. League nights. Pro shop. They had a little arcade when I was a kid. I don’t know if they still do. Probably not.

Prices vary depending on the day and time but the average is about $5 a game. That seems eminently reasonable to me.

0:30 – Crack addict yells at Newt to fix the phone orientation. VERY off-putting, Miss Crack Addict. This is not a personality that people want to listen to.

That’s her name now. I just solved my dilemma with what to call this woman. Miss Crack Addict it is.

The chat isn’t available for this video. Newt didn’t put it up for some reason. Maybe people were leaving negative comments about Miss Crack Addict. From what they’re reading so far, a lot of people don’t seem to be digging her.

5:30 – Newt tells a story about how he needs a room with a double bed. For…I guess PVC Bondage Guy and Miss Crack Addict? The three of them? And they seem to be staying in a really cheap hotel.

Newt is just droning on about Ohio and…whatever…robots or some shit. In this sleazy hotel.

You know, I’m reminded that I will never go back to the US again. I was planning on trying to get a job there but that fell through so now I have no reason to ever go there. It’s a refreshing feeling.

11:00 – Newt makes a comment about being in a shady hotel and what could be better. Something. I don’t know. And Miss Crack Addict says, “I’ll play the part but you have to pay me.”

That’s exactly what this is. It’s a prostitute hanging out with Newt for money.

11:15 – Horseface reference. Newt says that Miss Crack Addict isn’t as famous as Horseface but “We’re getting there.” Everything that Newt does is to get back at Horseface. And Horseface is famous? In what universe?

12:30 – Newt starts listing his “friends” who do porn. Nadia White and some guy. Miss Crack Addict also claims to have friends in porn. This is so fucking desperate and pathetic. Miss Crack Addict also keeps suggesting that she does porn. Like we’re supposed to be turned on by this. I’m revolted by it.

15:30 – Miss Crack Addict says that she goes on dating sites to market her porn or…something. THIS IS TRASH. SHE’S TRASH. I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANY OF THIS. TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. THIS IS GROSS. SHE’S DISGUSTING AND STUPID. WHAT AREN’T YOU GETTING, NEWT?

This is absolutely insufferable. I’m skipping ahead to when PVC Bondage Guy joins. Maybe PVC Bondage Guy will put this obnoxious bitch in her place.

36:00 – PVC Bondage Guy is angry and says, “I kind of expected you guys to wake me up for this.” News cowers and says, “We tried but you were out.”

What substances must PVC Bondage Guy be on that she can’t be woken up?

She sits down and she’s wearing…what the fuck…some prostitute outfit. It’s just some straps of clothing. Miss Crack Addict says “beware the nips” and suggests that her tits are almost out.

PVC Bondage Guy is definitely on something. She sounds like she’s dying. I’ve never been anywhere near this tired. She’s also really angry at everyone.

They’re talking about wrestling. Fuck this. Skipping ahead.

1:50:00 – Newt says that he’s going to get “pegged” by PVC Bondage Guy and Miss Crack Addict and he’s going to put this on OnlyFans.

I’m done. This is boring. This all boring as fuck. Newt. We get it. You fuck drug addicted prostitutes. Good for you. I don’t give a shit.

I had a roommate from Poland. He was in his mid 20s. This was years ago. I was in my late 20s. And he showed me a picture of his ex-girlfriend. Real smokeshow, to quote Kris Glavin. I said, “Why did you stop seeing each other?” He said, “It’s in the past.” He wasn’t a good looking guy, by the way.

So he would go to prostitutes. Regularly. And he thought that this made him some kind of a lady’s man. No. Dude. You’re paying for this. This doesn’t make you a lady’s man. It makes you pathetic. The girl from Poland that he showed was probably a prostitute too.

Anyway, that’s Newt and his complete and utter lack of ideas. We’ve heard about tits. We’ve heard about gore. What else have you got, Newt? Anything? No. Nothing. Newt “Completely Bereft of Ideas” Wallen.

Oh, and interestingly, PVC Bondage Guy and Miss Crack Addict never appeared on screen together during this video that was over two hours. When PVC Bondage Guy came in, Miss Crack Addict left. And PVC Bondage Guy, from the short amount that I’ve watched, seemed annoyed, rightly, with Miss Crack Addict.

7 thoughts on “Schlock And Awe Films hotel room stream – Newt Wallen

  1. If she wasn’t a crack addict I’d say she was a man! Because men who pretend to be women have harder faces, stronger jaws and larger faces because, you know, they are men! They aren’t women no matter how many times you get your dick cut off and play make believe. But no she has this skeletor type face because she’s done so much crack it’s wasted her body away. I have worked jobs with sick days and stuff. It I never used any of them. I worked every day sucking up overtime and then took extra pay for sick days later. Who cares if I’m sick? Maybe I’ll get someone else sick and then I won’t have to deal with some co-workers the next day! I also never took health insurance. Why? I’m I’m in my 20s! However I did get appendicitis while uninsured. I told the doctor as I’m going under I can’t pay for it. I just skipped out on the bill. Never paid. Some agency called me a few times. I politely said I’ll never pay it back so stop calling and eventually they did.

    1. I’ve never taken days off either. I think that was the only time in my life that I’ve taken a day off.

      I don’t think that I ever had health insurance as an adult either. I can’t recall any job that I had that offered health insurance. Maybe some did, I don’t know. But it’s a completely disgusting way to run a country.

      I was looking into moving to Germany but you’re required to get health insurance. It’s like €200/month minimum. I don’t want to deal with that shit. Just build it in the taxes.

      Also, it’s apparently difficult to find a place to rent. And the rented properties are completely stripped out. No lightbulbs, toilet seat, kitchen cupboards, kitchen sink, refrigerator. Fuck that. I’m not getting all of that shit. It doesn’t even make sense. Who would strip out the kitchen cupboards? They’re unique to each fucking kitchen.

      So I think I’ll move somewhere that doesn’t have these problems.

      1. I hear ya. In Japan I have to pay about $600 a month for the “right” to health insurance. Except it’s not insurance, it just grants you access to a hospital. You still have to pay afterwards. If you don’t pay the hospital will refuse you even if you’re about to die. If you’re behind on payments long enough the government will seize your bank accounts or show up at your house. It’s not like the pipe dream American college kids have where doctors are free and unlimited. You have to see a doctor to get any medicine above an aspirin too. You can’t just buy something cheap and ride it out. So it’s a major rip off. It’s written into the law that full time employees get it covered by the employer so guess what? Almost nobody is full time, they fuck with the numbers so you are part time or freelance. If you are somehow full time they will work you like a slave to get the money out of you anyway. It’s all fucking shit! And for what? Nothing. Just a big scam.

      2. I got so mad at health insurance I didn’t read the rest. Same here but not the cabinets fuck! The apartments here are stripped bare too. Until about 10 years ago they had something called key money which is just a bonus to the landlord. It’s not a deposit it’s just like a “thank you” for the privilege of renting from some asshole. It’s illegal in the US don’t know about EU. The first apartment I looked at was literally a one room deal with a kitchen sink built in and a door to a bathroom. The key money was $3000! I asked what the fuck for, he said it’s just the key money, what the fuck is that? Money for him. Just because. I said fuck it. Stayed in a guest house which is like a shared apartment. Deposit was a months rent. When I left I just used it to pay the final month. Then I found a job in the middle of nowhere that gave a free house.

        1. $600/month is crazy. It’s probably similar costs in the US, though.

          There’s no key money in the UK but there are a bunch of insane fees that you have to pay, at least in England and Wales. You have to pay for the “check in inventory” you have to pay some contract signing fee, you have to pay to have your references checked, just whatever these scumbag letting agents can think of. It totalled about £300 from my experience, for doing nothing.

          Scotland outlawed all of that shit over ten years ago. You can’t charge any move-in fees any more. So guess what? Suddenly these really important things like “check in inventories” and reference checks just weren’t performed any more.

          I think that this shit still goes on in England and Wales, though, despite repeated promises of stopping this practice.

  2. It’s crazy that Horseface lives rent-free in Newt’s damaged brain. Like, she is just as delusional and scummy as he is! He doesn’t need to get back at her, she is doing pretty well living her own sad sack life, haha!

    Her claim to fame is… being on Hack the Movies, a low-tier movie review YouTube channel for dummies?
    She also has a fansly that no supports.
    And she is on Twitter talking about thinking about making a career change? How about just an ACTUAL career, one which you do not have now!

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