Retard Tries to Enter Blog 104 Times in One Day

Retard has been banned since May 2023. He tried to enter 104 times three days ago. At what point do you say, “I’m probably not going to get through”?

Here are the logs. Date banned/reason/duration/number of times blocked/last time they were blocked

May 16, 2023 8:50 pmassholePermanent234January 25, 2024 6:51 pm
May 16, 2023 8:49 pmassholePermanent16January 2, 2024 2:46 pm
May 16, 2023 8:48 pmassholePermanent118December 5, 2023 5:45 pm
May 16, 2023 8:47 pmassholePermanent26January 19, 2024 6:46 pm
May 16, 2023 8:47 pmassholePermanent17January 23, 2024 11:57 pm
April 21, 2023 3:21 pmAssholePermanent244January 17, 2024 1:45 am

Why were they banned? Well, obsessively posting dozens of comments like this every day:

  • I’d kick your ass you dumb fucking loser.
  • I love dressing as a woman and going to a women’s bathroom to listen to them poop. It makes me so sexually aroused.
  • You’re a fucking scumbag. I wish I could fly out to the UK and beat the fucking crap out of you.
  • I sent you rape threats because you spammed messages about me attending special ed and publicly humiliated me and shamed me for it. Yeah I WAS in special ed, it’s why I behave like a retard, deal with it. What you did is proof of your discrimination. The rape threats were deserved because since you’re a homophobe, you deserve to be raped for it

And this is him toning it down. He used to send detailed death and rape threats but toned it down when I posted some of them and he realised that the messages get saved. So then he switched to, “I’m going to beat you up” messages instead and messages about wanting to eat various people’s excrement, including his imaginary children.

Anyway, he can’t even enter the site any more. I’m not saying that he can’t leave comments, I’m saying that he can’t even access the site. He gets some sort of error message if he tries. And yet he continues to try every few days, up to 104 times in a day. Why? Hopefully this fucking dangerous retard gets the help that he so desperately needs.

Speaking of people who got banned, there’s also a guy from Maine who it seems has fairly recently managed to bypass his ban. Maybe he got a new ISP or something. I banned this guy for aggressively boring messages. “You’re a doody head” level stuff.

It’s not that I don’t like “negative” comments. I do like them. But there has to be some basic level of intelligence behind them.

So anyway, he’s a regular visitor to the site now and he tried posting. Unfortunately for him, he’s still blocked by the comment filter so all of his shit automatically goes to the trash.

Now that I think about it, I wonder why he’s able to access the site but his comments still get filtered. Because I used the same criteria for banning people from the site that I did for filtering comments. Oh well.

So let’s see what gems were lost from this guy.

  • “Have you ever married?”

He posted that twice, having realized that he was banned and wanting to make sure. Yeah, you’re still banned.

It’s a reference to the blog. I have some stupid “he never married” “flair” that I use when cross-posting stuff from TheCinemassacreTruth. The original idea was that the stuff I was cross-posting was all gay. “He never married” is a euphamism for somebody who’s gay. Like “Prefers the company of men” or “Friend of Dorothy” or something.

  • “Who, Newt or the author of this article? Your statement could apply to both”

I don’t know what this is a reference to. Something about me being a doody head, no doubt.

  • “John Frigged is such a bitch. He deletes comments about his shitty midlife crisis tattoos.”

That was his last message. It was on 13 January. So I think he’s given up. Still comes to the site, though.

It’s harmless enough so I won’t ban him. I just don’t want this brainless posts polluting the site, though, so the filter will stay in place.

Speaking of banned users, there was this complete fucking lunatic from Reddit who would send me messages like, “How was your weekend?” and whatnot. I’m all for being friendly but…this was some weirdo shit.

He’d send me chat messages and I wouldn’t even see them so he’d send them day after day after day. And I’d see this months later and it’s like what the fuck? You’re telling me about your trip to the dentist? What?

If it was a normal guy who was lonely and looking to have a conversation, that would be one thing. But this guy was a dick and kept insinuating that I have autism. When clearly he had autism. But he would say this weirdo shit and then when I’d call him out on it, he’d frame it like he was just trying to be friendly. No. It’s fucking crazy man bullshit. Let’s assume that I have autism. Who cares? It’s none of your fucking business. It’s not friendly to point that out. You haven’t figured this out yet? You don’t know how social situations operate?

But I’ll never forget the guy who asked me to write a story about The Singularity. You know…because the blog is a haven for science fiction aficionados. I’m regularly debuting my short stories about mankind versus robots and whatnot.

So I filed that idea in my “maybe” pile and then he sent me something about Jesus. So I told him to fuck off. Then he left a message on TheCinemassacreTruth talking about what a jerk I was to him just for trying to “reach out” to me.

But who knows? Maybe tomorrow I’ll get to work on that Singularity story. First step: reading the Wikipedia article to find out what the fuck this even is.

4 thoughts on “Retard Tries to Enter Blog 104 Times in One Day

  1. Garbage Stabber does he have nothing better to do with his life than make retarded comments about genitals, talk about you, and make more alts? I have noticed a recent uptick in the amount of alts lately. Multiple accounts made in the past couple weeks talking exactly like Garbage Stabber with the same tired old lines.

  2. Concerning Garbage Stabber: how long did he spend in special education? Is there any details about his exact “condition”?

    1. I don’t know how long or the condition but he was definitely in special education. He mentioned it in a post on Reddit as a way to downplay James Rolfe’s 7.5 years. Like it’s normal to go to special education. No. It’s not normal. There has to be something really wrong with you to go to special education.

      And he went to special education in Alabama, judging from where he lives now. I assume that he hasn’t moved. Who moves to Alabama? So even by Alabama standards, he was mentally challenged.

      1. For what it’s worth I went to school with a kid with Down’s syndrome. He was very normal but not the smartest kid. He never talked about shit or piss and was a very normal kid with friends.

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