Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) – Cinemassacre

Mike recently streamed this game. What a coincidence.

It’s one thing for James to be too lazy to write the episodes or play the games. But even Mike is too lazy to create new “content”. He just rehashes his streams, throws James out there to do his god awful “acting”, and then calls it a day.

This is as lazy as it possibly gets. They don’t put any effort into this whatsoever. And it’s not like this is some side project. Something that’s being done as a hobby. This is his JOB. James is making money from this. A considerable amount of money. And it’s just rehashed Mike Matei Twitch streams.

You’d think that James’ wife would say, “Hey, sweetheart, you have to put some effort into this job of yours or we’re going to be out on the streets soon.” If people are saying this to James, nobody seems to be getting through.

0:15 – But first, a word from our sponsors. “Happy holidays.” Which holiday, Jimmy? I don’t even think that he knows any more.

Oh, but then he says, “Ho. Ho. Ho. It’s the Christmas season and that means I’m watching all of the holiday classics.”

So Christmas. Right? That’s what we’re talking about. Not Eid. Not Hanukkah. Not Zarathosht Diso. Christmas. Although, I’d love to watch some Zarathosht Diso classic films using my VPN.

1:45 – James’ script that an intern wrote refers to a “flannel couch”. What? These were popular in the 1990s? Where was I? I’ve never heard of this. Flannel like the shirts? No. Never seen that.

3:45 – Santa hat for old Baldy here. He’s pretending that he used to play this game as a kid. Uh huh. Sure you did, Jimmy.

5:15 – He’s telling some “epic” story about how when he was a kid, he was getting to some big battle in the game and the game glitched out and his saves got deleted.

Oh. Well, I’m sorry to hear that, faggot from Movie Dumpster who wrote all of this. But who really cares?

6:00 – Jimmy says that this was traumatic because as a kid he had, “No real life responsibilities, no family to support.”

Jimmy…you have absolutely no interest in supporting your family. You put no effort at all into your job.

6:30 – “Now that so much time has passed, it’s time to give it a shot again.”

Well, helpfully Mike already did a full playthrough of the game on Twitch just recently. So you don’t have to do a thing, Jimmy. Just kick back, let Screenwave edit the footage together, and collect your money.

Then there’s a montage of Mike playing the game, presumably from his Twitch stream.

9:15 – Another montage of Mike playing the game.

12:30 – There’s a character who’s animal like and walks on all fours. Jimmy says, “Like when your pet leaves those shit (something).”

Get it? Poop. Jimmy can’t get enough of poop. And I listened to this ten times and I still can’t figure out what the fuck he said. Great enunciating, Jimmy.

15:30 – Jimmy doesn’t understand why your party is represented by just one character. Because that’s the artistic choice that was made, Jimmy. Instead of having one character and three characters following that character, it’s all represented by one character. You’ve never seen this before? It’s in loads of stuff.

Take the board game Risk, for example. The artillery piece represents ten armies. Yes, I know that it doesn’t look like ten armies but ten armies would be a lot, right? So instead of having to place 100,000 little plastic infantry men on the board to represent ten armies, the genius who created Risk said, “Let’s just make it a cannon instead.” You have to use your imagination, Jimmy. Very often stuff represents other stuff because it would be impractical to represent it accurately.

Fucking autistic retard can’t understand this concept.

“It is cool that the game shows you how much TIME you put in.”

Why is that cool? It’s just Jimmy’s obsession with losing time. And yet he’s doing nothing with his time. He has all the time in the world but he’s doing nothing with it. Look at these zero effort videos. What on earth is he doing with his time?

20:00 – Weird pronunciation of “outage”. “Autage”.

He’s still talking about time, by the way. A theoretical power “autage” causing you to lose your progress in the game.

24:30 – He says that the game is like…covid? What? I don’t give a shit. It’s just autistic Jimmy’s covid obsession coming out again.

25:00 – Yet another montage of Mike Matei’s Twitch stream while Jimmy pretends that he’s the one playing this. Mashing buttons and pumping his fist and whatnot. As you do with an RPG. RPGs require copious amounts of button mashing. And fist pumping.

26:45 – Jimmy pretends that he’s beating the game.

27:00 – Reference to a monster encounter in a bathroom. Scat obsession for autistic Jimmy.

Then it’s Chris BORES levels of bad acting as Jimmy pretends to get increasingly engrossed in the game. Mashing the buttons more frantically. Making stupid faces. Hitting his sofa like a retard.

27:45 – Then there’s a power “autage”. Don’t worry, Jimmy. Mike has all of the footage saved on his hard drive. It will still be there.

28:00 – Mike Matei as Santa arrives. Now we’re getting into the delicious skits that we all enjoy. You guys like skits, right? We used to do them in my Cub Scout troop and then…I’ve never seen skits since. Other than in Jimmy’s videos.

Why do you suppose skits aren’t popular in the entertainment industry broadly? What even is a skit? Is “sketch ‘comedy'” a type of skit?

“A skit is a short performance in which the actors make fun of people, events, and types of literature by imitating them.”

Well now I’m even more confused. We weren’t doing any biting social commentary in Cub Scouts. They were just bad little somewhat impromptu plays.

Then Mike says, “There’s nothing I love more than filming skits.” This is particularly amusing because Mike has said several times that he thinks that the skits are stupid and that he only went along with them because Jimmy likes them.

Then Mike (as Santa) trips over the cord and the game shuts off. Again, James, don’t worry. The footage is all there on Mike’s hard drive. This thing that you’re “playing” on wasn’t even plugged in to begin with. You’re just holding a controller and mashing buttons. It wasn’t plugged into anything. You’ll be fine. Close your agape mouth.

28:45 – Then James pretends to beat up Mike Matei. I’m pretty sure that this is green screened. Something doesn’t look right. Why would they green screen this? This whole video was probably green screened. Everything is green screen with Jimmy. Jimmy’s hair is green screened.

29:15 – His saves allegedly got deleted so James pretends to beat this game, which takes months, in one sitting. Why? Jimmy, you’re not listening. All of the footage is on Mike Matei’s hard drive. You don’t have to put yourself through all of this.

30:45 – Extended footage of Mike’s gameplay footage while Jimmy mashes buttons with his mouth agape.

33:45 – There’s a stupid graphic of a game scale and on the top tier it says, “Fuck me through the fucking ceiling.” Ummm…no, thanks, Jimmy. I don’t think that we’re compatible.

The video ends with Jimmy pretending to have beaten the game, received some sort of closure, and he reiterates that it was one of his favourite childhood games. This game that he’s never mentioned before.

“Directed and written by James Rolfe.” Uh huh. Sure it was, Jimmy.

Edited by Sean O’Rourke.

Gameplay by James, Mike, and Sean. In what percentages? I’m thinking that it’s a 0/100/0 split.

So that video was…poop. It was doody. It was caca. Sorry get you all excited, Jimmy.

Do you suppose James reads the blog? I get a lot of hits from the great state of Pennsylvania. Newt obviously reads the blog. And PVC Bondage Guy. Tony from Hack the Movies. I’d imagine that Justin Silverman is an avid blog reader. He likes this kind of “trolling” stuff. Maybe Kieran reads it. Oh, Mike and Erin read the blog.

So it stands to reason that James checks it out from time to time. He has to know about it. Everyone around him knows about it. Screenwave knows about it. And a blog is right up James’ alley. 2000s internet. Old school. James hasn’t done anything since about 2007.

Let’s see what the boys on Reddit had to say.

  • “I’m only about 7 minutes in. He keeps saying how he was a kid playing FF6 and how when his save got erased that is how his childhood experience with that game ended. But he also mentioned it was 1995 when that happened which means he would have been 15 years old. Maybe I’m nitpicking but when I think of my childhood I don’t think of when I was 15. By the time you are 15 the magic of childhood is long over. Not to be mean but we know that James was in a special school and hung out with kids much younger than he was. So maybe for him he was still pretty much a child until his late teens.”

That’s a good point. That was by Calvera. He’s one of the few people worth reading over on that homosexual fest. MustardTiger1337 and Nanners are also good.

But yeah, 15 is too old to be *nostalgic* for this game. Assuming that even played it, which I’m not convinced that he did. I’ve never heard him talk about this game before.

By the way, Calvera got upset with me because I said that mac & cheese was for poor people. He said something like, “I like your posts but you went too far this time. I can’t agree with this.”

Hey, Calvera, the world a big place full of all kinds of people with different opinions and perspectives on life. I can respect your views on mac & cheese being the food of kings but you have to respect my view that there’s a reason that Kraft sells this shit three boxes for a dollar. It’s for poor people. Can’t we have a disagreement like gentlemen? Let’s not let this mac & cheese dispute continue to drive a wedge in our relationship.

  • “I just noticed that not only did Mike stream this (in six parts), but James directly ripped off the story about how he saved up and bought the game for 80 bucks from part one of Mike’s stream of this game. The only difference is that Mike said he bought it at Toys R Us and James claims he bought it at Kaybee Toys. This is unbelievable.”

That was from ArgentoFox. Now that he says that, I vaguely remember that from Mike’s stream too.

Eighty bucks for a game. That’s a lot of money. You can get 240 boxes of Kraft macaroni and cheese for that price. Let’s say you eat two a day, that’s a four months’ supply of food.

People talk about how to survive on $2 a day or whatever, this is how you do it. You stock up on Kraft mac & cheese. And hey, Calvera says that it’s good eating. He doesn’t have any problem with it. He’d love to eat mac & cheese every day. No shame in that. To the contrary. Mac & cheese is the nectar of the gods.

Remember when there was that marketing campaign to change the name to better reflect how amazing the product is?

And Katie grew up to be none other than Calvera.

13 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) – Cinemassacre

  1. This AVGN is better than the Gaming Historian ’s big year end video. You know why? He was too lazy to finish it!! Yes Bimmy is lazy and he has everyone do the work for him but he shows up! The video gets done! Gaming Historian, who really isn’t a historian, has a crew do all his work. He just reads a script. Supposedly he still writes videos but it seems like he gets ball lickers to write the script for him now and like it matters because there are no new videos. It’s a dead channel. He cried about it on his $3000+ a month patreon how he feels bad he couldn’t finish the video in time. How? It seems like he finished “writing” it in September he has no job no muh kids what the fuck does this asshole do all day? Nothing I guess. He collected at least $18,000 (3000/mo x6 mos since the last video which someone else wrote and gave him the games for) and delivered nothing. He is just as much a fraud as his good buddy the Completionist. He takes money and doesn’t keep his end of the deal. Nobody with reach will bust him cold on it either. Shame!

    You can shit on Bim and he deserves it but the video gets made! Gaming historian however is just a DEAD channel.

  2. Didn’t Mike or James say emulating a game is not authentic? But how is this any more authentic? James isn’t even playing the game himself! When you review something you are supposed to try out the product for yourself. James hasn’t tested it out, so his review means nothing.

    1. It doesn’t need to be “authentic” anyway. That’s just some hipster douche excuse to try making people care more about the thousands of dollars they spent on relic physical games and consoles. By 2023 it’s so beyond the point of even caring about having old physical game collections it’s mainly 35-55 year old balding neckbeards who are even doing these collections anymore or they already had one formed. While these idiots are busy spending their life savings on all this stuff actual gamers are busy playing the games, but I’m sure when they sit in their fag cave surrounded by plastic cartridges and old extremely shitty CRT tvs it must give them so much solace they aren’t still a total loser who could have saved all that money and just emulated thousands of games on a way better tv and actually been able to mod the games if needed. But again, other total fags give you props for what you’ve spent or collected. This is all you fake gamers actually cared about to begin with of course. Not actually gaming. Which is exactly why James is a poser as well. It’s also why when a video like this drops the absolute normies who have only played this Final Fantasy are still decades later “informing” people that this is “acktually FF6 in Japan”. Everyone knows that. Everyone has known that. Any real gamer has known that since the 90s, potentially before you were born. It’s not even worth mentioning at this point it’s so well known. Meanwhile most of these dips have never beaten DQ8 or DQ11 or much better RPGs like Chrono Trigger. Sure, you’ve played it for an hour on your crappy CRT, but have you 100% it? Highly doubtful. You’re too busy pretending you’re a gamer and caring about making sure your super old physical games can run on the shittiest monitor you can possibly find so you can “replicate” that nostalgic feel (you mean make sure it looks terrible like it did when we were kids and nobody actually thinks it looks better). LOL but right, you’re “gamers”.

      1. I don’t really care if he recorded it himself. But it’s only authentic to me if you 1- played the game to the end when it was new or at least for your own enjoyment and 2- played it again for the video as a refresher. No view I refoose but I don’t need to watch it to know Bimmy was handed a script and he zzzzed through it.

  3. There’s at least two threads on the truth sub *full* of fucking idiots asking who Sean even is. Despite the fact he’s mentioned and cried about very often on that sub. Sean himself is an obnoxious douche, but the people on that sub couldn’t be more cancer and I think they’re going to ramp up crying about him because of this video and him being mentioned (for the first time apparently!) on their gay little sub. It’s like these retards forget who they only a week or two ago totally knew by name and were whining about. I saw one of them claiming they are on the sub every single day (every single “fucking day” verbatim) and asking who Sean was. Apparently you’re not on there that regularly you lying sack of shit?

      1. Because most of the population of that sub has the brain capacity, memory, and humor level of one of those simps that is always commenting on Horseface’s Twitter. Not only has Sean been credited for a bunch of videos in 2023, but he’s been brought up many times in relation to Hack the Movies and that whole group of sleazeballs because his channel and theirs interact. All of this is publicly talked about on that sub and anyone claiming they are on there daily and this guy is news to them is a painfully retarded motherfucker. It’s like there’s a new idiot asking who he is every week instead of using the search function on their sub. It’s like the seatch function doesn’t even exist to them. I just searched “Sean” on there and 11 days ago and JUST yesterday people made threads on that sub asking who he is. Anyone using that same search function at the top would also find these threads and more which would answer all their questions instead or even needing to ask publicly. These people are so unintelligent and lazy they can’t even use something as simple as a search on a website to find the answer to a question. REEEEEEEEEEEEE.

  4. There are a shit ton of people saying FF3 video plagerized pro Jared. Others are saying it isn’t written in “Jimmy’s voice” could it be true? They didn’t learn their lesson? I would LOVE to see this actually be true and see another apology video after he’s been busted hard. Pro Jared is a faggot by the way.

  5. ProJared is also 1000x the gamer James ever has been and probably 100x the gamer Mike has ever been regardless. So frankly, wouldn’t be surprised! The guy cares way more about games and game history than even Mike does. A man who has devoted his life to them seemingly. And yet the two of them are still jokes compared to Jared as far as purely being a gamer and streaming and making LPs. He’s honestly funnier than Mike usually too. He is a faggot though, yes. But if you look past that.

  6. James actually has brought up the losing his save file thing in videos a few times over the years. I don’t remember where but I saw the episode when it premiered because I was already on my computer doing something else and I remembered him saying it on a James and Mike episode or something like that years ago so he definitely did play it back in the day, and had mentioned he considered it one of his favorite games but he never went back to it because he was so defeated by losing his progress he said fuck it. Granted I doubt he played it now, and if it wasn’t the bandito’s footage and he did do it himself you know Mike just walked him through it because he just had played it and James is probably to retarded to use gamefaqs, or you know, just play the fucking game. I genuinely like James as a guy, but I really wish he would have retired the nerd years ago because he never gave a shit about video games after he was like 12 or something and is essentially trapped being a literal dancing retard in a job he hates. I genuinely like Mike too, I think he’s unintentionally hilarious and his antics crack me up. But I can’t be bothered to watch streams it bores the shit out of me but ill scrub through them to see if any games look interesting I might wanna try or to see if I might catch a moment of him spouting his typical braindead thoughts on things or possibly screaming and scaring his resident sex slave. it’s really funny now seeing how James has literally nothing to offer to make money besides do something he detests poorly, and Mike is doing just fine sitting on his ass with his personality deficient bitch eating McDonald’s and playing video games and rambling about cartoons like a 11 year olds’ dream life. James was definitely an influential and important part of early YouTube and the format of Angry reviews, however he just got insanely lucky and really has very little talent beyond his initial youthful drive and ambition. once that was gone he’s had absolutely nothing to offer.

      1. yes, it definitely did and he has always held the game in high regard. that probably doesn’t mean he personally played it again for this video though. the dumbest part of this video to me was he was mashing the buttons in his little montages, but it’s a JRPG, its essentially a game of menus. I’m not disparaging the game, it’s one I love myself. That being said it’s not a shooter or an action game or something why would you be pressing the buttons intensely?

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