More Craziness from Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen

This has to be a joke at this point. Because just look at these comments:

Horntard: 0:05 the lovely crystal Quinn

Newt: yea she was my muse.

Horntard: and I still talk to her to this very day

Newt: k. She hates me haha but we talked everyday for 15 years

Horntard: wow btw you’re in my memoirs

He calls her his “muse” in spite of the fact that everybody finds that creepy as fuck and I’ve made a joke of it for years now.

But yeah, another terrible, terrible, awful video of Horseface McGee.

Horseface has made it known that she thinks that all of these stupid little projects that she did with Newt were a waste of time. And clearly she’s right. How many of these creepy projects turned into anything?

Let’s just look at this “muse” first of all. She’s a terrible actress, she has the face of a horse, and she’s totally unlikeable. You’d have to be a real creative visionary to overcome all of this.

We don’t have a creative visionary. We have Newt “All of My Ideas are Awful” Wallen. Shark Vampire. Big Titty TV Head Woman. Amityville Cheerleaders.

These are the world’s worst fucking ideas. If he was doing this “ironically”, I would get it. It wouldn’t be funny but least I’d understand what he’s doing.

He genuinely thinks that his HORRENDOUS ideas are good and that people want to see this. We’re just dying to see Sucks 2 Suck and his Florida Man rip off and whatever other prostitute-laden feature films he has in mind.

I’ve never seen somebody so passionate about ideas that are so obviously and aggressively awful. The man has no talent whatsoever for any of this. None. It’s not a matter of, “If he would just tweak this one thing it might sort of be okay.” No. Everything he produces is 100% pure, unadulterated shit. It has no redeeming value whatsoever.

Horseface must have known all of this. How can you not? All of these prostitutes who he surrounds himself with are just humouring him because he’s paying them. They all know that everything he says and does are absolute fucking garbage.

Horseface spent YEARS taking advantage of this fucking lunatic. So in a sense, she deserves what she’s getting now. You took advantage of a mentally ill guy, who you knew had absolutely no talent, for many years (during which time you had a boyfriend, by the way), so it’s time to pay the piper. Newt, please resume your crazy stalking. She shouldn’t have led you on.

You know, I’m just thinking. They used to be on Hack the Movies, old Horseface and Newt. And Newt was always insufferable when she was on there because he would come on to her constantly. Let me find an example.

Newt and Crystal are doing some Batman video. Newt is dressed as Batman. At the 14 minute mark, Newt, who has been flirting with her the whole time, says, “You look amazing as Poison Ivy, by the way.” Horseface says, “Aw, thank you.”

Reminder: Horseface was in a long-term relationship with her marine corps boyfriend at this time. They were living together. They were contemplating marriage. They had been together for nearly a decade.

And Horseface just sits there in her “sexy” costume and let’s the compliments roll in. She doesn’t say, for example, “Newt, you know that I have a long-term boyfriend. These comments are inappropriate.” Instead, she encourages it.

You know what Galacians says, Horseface. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” You thought that you could toy with The Idea Man’s affections? You thought that you could string him along for 15 years or whatever it’s been? You thought that you could bleed him dry with these fucking shit projects that you knew full well were shit?

We see what happens. Nutjob bullshit.

4 thoughts on “More Craziness from Newt “The Ideas Man” Wallen

  1. Horseface is going to take compliments from even a creep like him because first and foremost her primary concern is being a self-absorbed attention whore. A loud one too. Like you I remember the now ancient starting year of those videos and how wildly awkward the two of them made them. Even a chode like Tony seemed like a spectator to the bizarre interactions the two of them got into in front of him. It became so obvious his disdain and worry over Newt as he would get drunk for the videos and go on his long insane stories of his past (whether lies or not). So it’s just kind of funny looking back at all that content knowing all the shit about them we do now. Awful people. Both of them.

  2. Horseface whores herself online on Fansly now. She just needs constant attention. And she is always sticking her tongue out in every. single. picture. She’s disgusting. Won’t be long before she is either escorting or doing full-blown porn.

    Newt just continues to be a pathological liar. And now that the holidays are here, you can bet you’ll see more woe is me / B-O-O H-O-O type videos. With a month left in the year, there’s still time for his yearly car crash…

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