WTF Wednesday Review: HEBEGB TV – Newt Wallen

I wonder why this video got so many views. It’s at nearly 5,000 views and most of his recent WTF Wednesday videos are only at about 2,000. And they had whores in them. Whores bring in the views, or so you would think.

But this one is just The Ideas Man. What even is this that he’s talking about? Some “movie” I guess that’s so non-noteworthy that there’s almost no information about it on the whole of the internet.

0:00 – “It is November 1 so you fuckers better have paid your rent.”

Is rent due on the first of the month in the US? I only rented one place in the US and I don’t remember how it worked. But certainly in the UK, from all of my experience, rent is due on whatever the day is that you moved in.

Why is Newt still renting anyway? He’s lived in the Pennsylvania, rural or otherwise, for many years. And he’s from there. Is he planning on moving any time soon?

I regret not buying a place. I kept thinking, “I’m going to leave the country any day now” but it’s been 20 years.

And even if I did move, it’s not like the money you spent on the property just disappears. You can sell it. And chances are the the price of the property has gone up since you bought it.

I was going to buy a place shortly after covid. You need a lawyer but the lawyer doesn’t get paid unless the sale goes through.

There was a particular housing development that I liked. I lived in a couple of properties in this development and I noticed that they went on sale every few months and it was within my budget.

This law firm pawns me off to a paralegal, by the way. I didn’t have a lot of questions but I had a couple. I never bought a property before.

So I view the property and it looked fine. But I told the paralegal that I don’t really know what I was supposed to be looking for. Should I have brought a handman with me or what? And she said, “It’s a matter for you. What do you want to do?” Oh.

So I did some research online. I looked at recent sale prices of properties in this development. And I gave her a figure in line with these recent sales and asked if that would be a reasonable first offer. She said, “It’s a matter for you. What do you want to do?” Oh.

Every single question came back with “It’s a matter for you. What do you want to do?” YOU’RE THERE TO GIVE ADVICE, YOU DUMB BITCH. YOU DON’T GET PAID UNLESS THE SALE GOES THROUGH.

She uses some legal term that I’ve never seen before so I asked her to clarify what she meant. No response. So I just DuckDuckGo’d it and had to guess what she was talking about.

I make an offer and the offer was rejected. The seller said that they’re going to set a deadline for final offers in a week.

I said fuck it. I’m done with this. You have this completely incompetent paralegal who refuses to do ANYTHING. Just give some advice from your years of experience of purchasing property, you fucking cretin.

The day before the deadline, she contacts me. “Do you want to make an offer?” I responded with one word: “No.”

There were only two people interested in the property. Me and somebody else. The winning “bid” was like £1,000 more than what I offered.

Completely useless. And then the price of properties skyrocketed right after that. I had the perfect property at a price that I could afford and this incompetent buffoon ruined it.

0:15 – “Last weekend, I was in Delaware filming”…some fucking tits and gore piece of shit that nobody is ever going to watch.

He’s describing who the big time “actors” are in this thing. “Fallon from Fallon”.

What are you talking about, Newt? Fallon from Sucks 2 Suck. Whatever happened with that movie?

Thirty-seven people donated a total of $3,100. In January 2023, they started filming. Where’s the movie?

According to my favourite actress, the fat chick who appeared in a video with Fallon and Newt, the movie is “in production”.

Well, where are the updates? Where’s the official website? Can you at least say something about this on Twitter?

We were promised Fallon’s tits and a groundbreaking new take on the vampire genre. They’ve failed to deliver.

Speaking of failed projects, where’s fucking Florida Man Saves Christmas? Last I heard, he was saying it was going to be available for this Christmas. Newt…it’s November. I’m doing my Christmas shopping. Show me Florida Man Saves Christmas.

He promised it for last Christmas. And before that, he had various promised dates that came and went. This is worse than Image Comics in the 1990s.

Last I heard, he said that he wants six issues completed. What? Why? Just release one and see how it sells.

And people don’t want to buy six comics at once. The typical release schedule is once a month. For a small time operation like this, people would be content with bi-monthly or even quarterly. But it makes no fucking sense to sell six issues at all once.

Also, consider that a lot of people who buy comics are children. I’m sure that Florida Man Saves Christmas is the talk of playgrounds all over the country. They’re all eagerly awaiting for the comic to be released. But they can’t afford to buy six comics all at once. They’re saving their allowance. Five bucks a week or whatever. It’s a big investment for them.

0:45 – So Newt describes this movie, which he has no involvement with, as “A horror version of UHF with a Pee Wee Herman vibe as well.”

This is how he describes everything. “It’s this existing propertly combined with this existing property.”

His mind is hard-wired for plagiarism. He’s INCAPABLE of coming up with anything new. The so-called “Ideas Man”. Yeah, other people’s ideas.

Then he describes the movie as a billion other movies. Newt…GET ON WITH IT. Can you describe what the movie is about WITHOUT referring to other movies?

Newt went on to talk about the movie, mostly by referencing other movies. Then the video ended. I was playing a game while all of this was going on so only halfway listening. But yeah, I won’t be tracking down this piece of shit.

4 thoughts on “WTF Wednesday Review: HEBEGB TV – Newt Wallen

  1. The only place I rented from 20 years ago didn’t care when you paid your rent as long it was in the box by the 1st when they opened up, you basically just put it in a mailbox. it wasn’t secure and kind of retarded. Owning is much better anyway. Maybe you pay more upfront but you aren’t funding some lazy asshole’s lifestyle with rent money. For what? because the landlord has extra space. so he can just collect and do nothing. Fuck that.

  2. Newt claims he’s having a mental breakdown again so he’s not streaming with PVC Bondage guy tonight. He’s having money problems and the trolls are back on him. He says that he let’s people back in and it goes back to his old ways or whatever the F that means. Newt needs to stop playing the victim and go to a new therapist, stop going online, and start to get his life together. Save up money to actually buy a theater instead of making these horrible projects that go no where. Work out a plan to get a loan and buy the current theater or become a partner. He’s 42 and needs to move on from this garbage. Do it for fun or go nuclear and talk/make fun of your old job with parody etc. No one is going to sue you! they would lose. Man the ideas man is so frustrating

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