The Addams Family on Super Nintendo – Erin Plays

She’s wearing a Mortia costume…I guess? A black wig and a black top. This can be any number of people. Maybe it’s Cher. I don’t know. Without the context of this being an Addams Family you would never in a million years guess that this is Morticia.

Speaking of Cher, I’ll tell you what would be a good costume: Florence Dennis. And Horseface can join Erin as Rocky Dennis.

Horseface is really great. Because I would never dream of saying such cruel things about a normal person even if I didn’t like them. But Horseface is so detestable, such an irredeemably awful person, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, that I can say whatever I want and not feel even slightly bad about it.

0:00 – “Today on Erin Plays, I have a game that you’ll just die for.”

Did Morticia even say puns like this? I’ve never seen the show. This seems like an Elvira thing. Maybe Morticia did it as well. I don’t know.

She’s never played the game before. Of course. But, as ever, she’s giving the impression that she has. This makes for a very uncomfortable viewing experience.

1:00 – She says that she’s watched playthroughs of this game. Well…I mean…it’s no substitue for playing the game yourself like a normal person but I guess it’s better than going through the game totally blind, which is what she normally does.

2:30 – “Look at these heads.”

What about them?

She says stuff like this all the time. Stuff that doesn’t go anywhere and nobody cares about. Absolute negative charisma.

5:45 – “There’s a worm and an apple down there? That’s so cute.”

I want to know who the person who’s watching these videos and genuinely enjoying them. I don’t mean Joe from Gamesack who’s jerking off over this stuff. I mean somebody watching this trash with their pants fully around their waist.

8:00 – It’s the worst Addams Family for the SNES footage ever recorded, by the way.

9:45 – She talks about a “cute” enemy.

God. There’s another TEN MINUTES of this shit.

12:00 – “I’m not entirely sure what the money signs do, to be honest. I should have looked that up, shouldn’t I?”

Well, that, or played the game in your spare time so you knew what they do.

14:15 – “The penguins are cute. What is that?”

This is basically the whole video. She’s pointing out cute things and saying that she doesn’t know what other things are.

16:15 – “So there’s the grandma and the kid.”

She’s a big Addams Family fan, guys. Even I know that his name is Pugsly and I’ve never seen the show.

17:30 – The worst of…anything ever recorded.

She couldn’t figure out that you’re presumably supposed to hold up as you jump to jump off of those cannon balls. Because she has no experience with video games. None. Even after doing these atrocious videos for like six years now.

18:15 – “I actually had a good time with this game.”

Oh sure. Sucking dick at a video game for 18 minutes sure looked like fun. And she had such a good time that she’ll never play it again.

Absolutely terrible video. As per usual. She’s the Cal Ripken Jr of terrible Youtube videos.

What is Cal Ripken Jr doing these days? Let me look this up.

He owns some minor league baseball teams and some “sports complexes”, whatever that is. A bunch of baseball fields.

  • “You look fuckin smoking hot as Morticia <3”

Most of the comments are along these lines. I don’t get it. She put not effort whatsoever into this costume and there’s nothing remotely hot about it.

Erin should wear one of those costumes where it’s a plastic mask and a plastic smock. What are those called? There’s a name for them.

Ben Cooper. I’ve never seen that name anywhere but apparently that’s what they were called.

I had a bunch of the masks. I remember just buying them from the grocery store or whatever. Loose masks. But I never wore them for Halloween or any other occassion. They were were just an impulse purchase while at the store.

I did have a Pink Panther full costume, though. I suspect that I wore it for one Halloween when I was very young. It had the mask and the plastic smock. And then later, I decided to try it on again just for fun, and started crying because I was getting really hot and couldn’t get it off. You had to tie a knot behind the neck and I couldn’t untie it. So I started panicking. My mother came up and untied it.

But yeah, they were shit. Uncomfortable as fuck, your face would get all cut up.

Nevertheless, imagine Erin rocking one of these costumes for a video. The horntards would still talk about how hot she looks in it. And they did make a Morticia costume. Have Mike spend the $200 to buy one.

4 thoughts on “The Addams Family on Super Nintendo – Erin Plays

  1. Have you seen the Ideas Man Halloween live stream yet? PVC Bondage guy dresses him up like her in full drag and makeup and then he starts acting like her. So now Newt is officially Bi-sexual?! or is just fully pandering to that crowd now so he can play the victim. There is a part of me that feels bad as he obviously has a lot of mental issues that aren’t yet resolved, but he constantly puts himself in these situations by trying to use this to his advantage. I’d love to hear your thoughts?

    1. These are indeed confusing times that we live in. You see, PVC Bondage Guy is a man. So Newt dressing up as PVC Bondage Guy isn’t Newt dressing up in drag. It’s just one man dressing up as another man. There’s nothing inherently gay about that.

      What is gay is that Newt had sex with PVC Bondage Guy, who’s a confirmed man. Also there’s the whole issue of Newt showing his penis to Joe from Gamesack and 8 Bit Eric, not something that heterosexual men tend to do.

  2. Lol man her glasses are terrible. They add a great deal of the stupidity you get when you even look at her. It’s like nobody that cares about her has told her they aren’t flattering and actually make her look idiotic. It’s really noticeable lately.

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